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==What are RPPs?==
==What are RPPs?==
RPPs (Role Play Points) are a way of rewarding your efforts to tell your own story. You gain them by roleplaying with others, and spending time ongrid. Once awarded, they may be spent on most anything you like.
RPPs (Role Play Points and Perks) are a way of rewarding your efforts to tell your own story. They are:
* Gained from roleplaying with others, and spending time ongrid in any non-PrP or non-DM'd scene (those have their own rewards)
* Spendable on a variety of things which enhance your story
* Awarded per player; as you earn them, you may spend them any way you wish among your alts
==How do I Get Them?==
RPPs are awarded per player. That is, as you earn them, you may spend them any way you wish among your alts.
===Step One: Join Roleplay===
Get out on the grid! Only non-PrP and non-DM'd scenes count; these sorts of activities have their own rewards. Other methods are:
* Run a [[Meetups|Meetup]]
* Run a Non-combat [[Standard_PRPs|PRP]]
* Earn a [[Flaws|Flaw]] over time
* Submit an article to the Alexandria Tribune! Include the article text in your +req.
* Log a scene for a staffer!
...the easiest though, is just getting out there and RPing with others!
==Earning RP Points==
===Step 1: RP===
You earn RPPs through just getting out on the grid. This is nothing different than what you'd normally do. The only caveat is, if you're going for a particular spend, include some RP about it from time to time. This doesn't have to happen every time you're ongrid...just sprinkle it here or there as you feel is appropriate.
The RP also doesn't have to be with just one PC--you can freely swap RP Points between alts.
===Step Two: Send Staff a Note===
RP in scenes or as part of a PrP cannot count towards RP Points. These types of roleplay have their own rewards, after all. RPPs tend to offer a different sort of reward, and are intended as bonuses for getting out there, and telling your story with other players.
'''What Should I Know?'''
* Upload the scene's log to the wiki. (All scenes uploaded to the wiki must abide by the Game Rating.)
* Use +request/rpp to submit your RPP submission.
* Include a link to the scene's log in your RPP submission.
* Only scenes outside of Meetups/PRP or staffer events are eligible for RPP submissions.
* What are staff looking for in an RPP submission? We are looking for the following:
:: 1) There has to have been a scene, meaning a moment in time where something significant happened.
:: 2) You have to have participated in the scene, meaning your character must have been part of the significant thing happening.
In other words, scenes must contain an extended and earnest attempt to deepen a character's relationship with the world, other characters, and/or both to be considered valid for RPP awards. No awards will also be awarded for logs where the submitter is not making a genuine effort to engage with the rest of the scene--in other words, just posing in a corner while the rest of the scene happens around them. If this seems fairly open and relaxed, it's because it is. We just ask for people to make a genuine and lengthy effort for RPP; we do not want quick three-pose scenes for a tiny chit-chat.
===Step 2: Log and Tell Us About It===
Toss a log together. Anyone in the roleplay can volunteer to do so, or you can each grab your own.
===Step 3: Send in a +request===
When you've got a collection of 3+ logs, send in a +request saying, "I'd like my RPPs!" Either do this by providing the URL of the log on the website, or emailing the log to the staffer who claims the +request. You get 1 RPP per log. Also, be sure to include your own summary of the log--this only needs to be a few sentences, and be sure to mention your PC and what they were doing. We're not looking for novels. As a rule of thumb, around 3 sentences is probably good.
: +request/rpp A Capering Duck=http://www.tenebraemush.net/This_is_My_Log_URL
===Step 4: Receive RP Points===
Once staff gets the requests, they'll award the RPPs.
===Step Three: Buy Things===
==Spending RP Points==
Select from several of the options listed later in this article.
===Step 1: Decide What You Want===
Check out the table below, and pick something you're interested in. Unless otherwise noted, phrases such as "earnable once" refer to "earnable once per character." When in doubt, ask, and staff will do their best to answer.
==What Can I Buy?==
You can spend a total number of RPPs on a PC of up to CLx15 (Example: a level 3 character could have spent up to 45 RPPs in their lifetime, though there's no limit to what they could earn).
===Step 2: Send in a +request===
====Know What You Want?====
Send in a +request letting us know what you're purchasing. From there, staff awards the spend.
Know what you want? Send in a +request to the SPEND bucket, letting us know what you're purchasing. Make sure you've moved enough RPPs to the correct alt, first, though.
==Things to Buy==
==The Big List==
|colspan="3"|General Spends
|RPP Spends
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Aspect Spends|Aspects]]'''
|'''Alt Advantage'''||+1/2 level, with wealth, to a new alt. This bonus does not apply to a "rollover alt" and may only be given to a new PC. ||20 RPP
|Magic in your blood.
| [[image:rpp_limited.gif]]
|'''Ancestral Item'''||Uncover the historical/ancestral properties of a weapon or armor. Or, have such an item benefited to you through some other means, often through membership in an organization. Hereafter, the market cost of all future enchantments is reduced by 10%. Wizards with membership in a Conclave may choose an arcane staff in this manner. A staff would be considered a masterwork staff that a wizard may enchant to a specific type at a later date. Earnable once. ||15 RPP
|Even Superman had kryptonite.
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Homelands Spends|Homelands]]'''
|'''Gain a Level'''||+1 level, with wealth. Purchasable 2x per PC. 85% of wealth must be spent. ||45 RPP
|Your ties to your homeland are stronger than most.
| [[image:rpp_limited.gif]]
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Prosthetics RPP Spend|Prosthetic Limbs]]'''
|'''Multiclass or PrC'''||The reflects some of the RP you've done towards your multiclass or PrC. This does not apply to multiclassing done during chargen. Note also that a spend for these does not show up in your RP Perks list on your +sheet. For coding purposes, be sure and let staff know 2 levels ahead of time about the intent to purchase a PrC. This is just so we can get our ducks in order.||3 RPP
|From animated clay to iron to artifice, prosthetics replace a range of body parts.
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Small Vehicle Spend|Small Vehicle]] (Retired)'''
|'''Navosian Sands'''||Earn a small number of Navosian Sand Grains (2). Attuned to you, they allow an immediate reroll of any d20 that you had made.||15 RPP
|That beerwagon you'd always wanted. Hauled by griffons. No longer available to purchase.
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Ancestral Weapon]]'''
|'''Reroll a HD'''||Reroll a hit die roll that came out as a 1 or 2. By spending the RPP, you may reroll twice, and take the better result. Two staff must be present for each roll, and one of the results must be taken.||10 RPP
|An intelligent weapon, tied to you.
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Blood Pact RPP Spend|Blood Pacts]]'''
| '''Skill Boon, Crafting'''||Earn 1 skill point in a Craft skill. It is 5RPP for the first point you purchase in a particular skill using this boon, and 3RPP for all points after. This is earnable as many times as you like, for any Craft skill, except Craft/Artifice.||5, 3 RPP
|You read the contract, right?
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Influence Spends]]'''
| '''Skill Boon, Performance'''||This spend is, unfortunately, not for bards! Earn 1 skill point in a Performance skill. It is 5RPP for the first point you purchase in a particular skill using this boon, and 3RPP for all points after. This is earnable as many times as you like, for any Performance skill.||5, 3 RPP
|Becoming well-known and influential in your social spheres.
|[[image:rpp_exclusive.gif]] [[image:rpp_limited.gif]] [[image:rpp_unlimited.gif]]
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Organization Spends]]'''
| '''Skill Boon, Profession'''||Earn 1 skill point in a Profession skill. It is 5RPP for the first point you purchase in a particular skill using this boon, and 3RPP for all points after. This is earnable as many times as you like, for any Profession skill.||5, 3 RPP
|Exclusive benefits and exceptional training; become a mentor and be recognized among your peers.
|[[image:rpp_exclusive.gif]] [[image:rpp_limited.gif]] [[image:rpp_unlimited.gif]]
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Public Space Spends|Public Spaces]] (Retired)'''
|'''Special Materials Discount'''||Through roleplay, you've secured access to unique materials. How you did so is part of your own story--your roleplay ongrid should reflect your efforts towards this particular task, though it need not include the quest, itself. For instance, you could include roleplay with friends planning your endeavor, or roleplay after the fact. Regardless, your efforts allow you to purchase these materials at 80% of the normal cost.
|Build an ongrid shop, tea house, or other small construction that may be shared with everyone. No longer available to purchase.
| 5 RPP
|[[image:rpp_exclusive.gif]] [[image:rpp_limited.gif]] [[image:rpp_unlimited.gif]]
|colspan="3"|Aspect Spends
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Mythic Paths|Mythic Paths]]'''
|'''Aspect Level I'''||Earn a level one Aspect. Earnable once. ||5 RPP
|Become myth and legend and bolster your allies into song and folklore.
|style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''[[Character Spends]]'''
|'''Aspect Level II'''||Earn the second and final level in your Aspect. Earnable once. ||5 RPP, Aspect Level I
|Reroll hit dice and other miscellaneous goodies.
| [[image:rpp_unlimited.gif]]
|colspan="3"|Influence Spends
|style="background:#ccc;"|'''Area Influence'''||Through reputation, cunning, or otherwise, you a +1 to Diplomacy rolls within an Area. Note that staff may reasonably choose how many areas you earn Influence in, as there are limits to any one person's abilities. You may take this multiple times. Most often, it applies to the Area you had previously chosen. So long as applied to the same area, its effects stack. See the full entry, below, for details.||15 RPP
|'''Abundant Pockets'''||Though you may not always be universally liked, you are able to get places. If ever you come under pressure from an organization or group, your may at staff's discretion receive aid from your area of influence. This aid is limited to a donation of 1 encounter's worth of treasure at your level, which must immediately be spent. One encounter's worth is that treasure award/4, as though you were a member of a standard, 4-party group (PF's amounts assume a 4-party group).
Typical spends include consumables before an adventure, or purchase of a somewhat significant good or service. As a general rule, items and services purchased in this way may generally not have permanent effects as they are funds to be spent towards a cause. For example, they could be spent to fund a mass teleport spell, or temporary use of weaponry. Unspent goods or funds are automatically returned to the donor at the end of the adventure. Each time this aid is called on, the cost increases by 5 RPP, to a max of 20.
|5+ RPP, Area Influence I
|'''Assistant'''||Earn an assistant (or helpful contact) in an area you have Influence in. This assistant is knowledgeable within their area, and may Aid Another for any 2 skills which are thematically appropriate for that area. For example, an assistant within the mage's guild might help with Knowledge/History research or by comparing notes, assist you in identifying an object by via Spellcraft. A knight's squire might assist with Knowledge/Religion. Be sure to check with staff before arranging the spend. These skills are chosen at time of purchase, and may not be changed. The assistant's AA is considered automatically successful, so long as you have the IC time to interact with them. Assistants may not accompany you during scenes, or be present during combat. ||10 RPP, Area Influence I
|'''Assistant, Independent'''||An existing assistant is trained in a craft or profession. Their total modifier to this skill is equal to your level. They are capable of running a shop on their own, or should you run a shop, they are likely your NPC business partner. This Independent Assistant may make craft or profession checks on your behalf, and even work with other assistants. Assistants may not accompany you during scenes, or be present during combat.||5 RPP, Area Influence I, Assistant
|'''Curry Favor'''||Through your efforts, you've obtained access to a crafter. You may request that 1 magic item be crafted for you at 75 percent market (this does not include material costs). Alternately, 1 magic rod or 1 scroll may be purchased at 85 percent. The benefit from this spend stacks with Ancestral Weapon, though it still takes time to craft the item. You may take this spend multiple times.
|5, Area Influence I
|colspan="3"|Organization Spends
|style="background:#ccc;"|'''Active Organization Membership'''
|Though PCs may be members in a variety of organizations, this represents an "active" membership. That is, they are recognized ("Hey, Bob!") within their local chapter. See the full entry below for details on what can be chosen, how it works, and how to develop your own.
|3 RPP
|'''Hunter of Necromancers '''
|When Taara struck the world and necromancy surged, you were part of an organization that did not stand idly by. Within the area you threaten, enemies are at +2 DC to cast defensively, so long as the spell is necromatic in nature. This stacks with other feats with a similar effect, such as Disruptive.
|10 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Knight's Oath '''
|You've likely had some training as a knight, and have undertaken a personal oath of some kind. Purchase of this ability requires active membership within some organization, though it may be any. Your oath is likely tied to this organization, though it might be tied to some greater belief that the organization is associated with. For examples of the type of oath staff might expect, check out the [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/cavalier.html Cavalier] orders. Your oath need not copy these orders at all; these are just examples.
When you purchase this ability, be sure and work out with staff what the tenets of your oath should be. So long as you follow this oath and are an active member of said organization, your belief in that oath protects you. Once a day for up to 1 round/hd, you may invoke Shield of Faith 1/day as a spell-like ability. This ability may only be used on yourself. Activating this ability is a swift action.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Adept'''
|Your training within your organization often focused on the repetition of a particular sort of task. Pick one spell representative of your role and training. Whenever you cast this spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level. If you are a specialist, this spell must be within the school of your area of specialty. If you are a cleric, this spell must be within one of your deity's domain lists. This may only be earned once.
|20 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Caster'''
|You've been honed, trained as a member of your organization. If you are a member of a faith of Light, and an active member of an organization that operates primarily within the Light, you may take advantage of special training.
When casting any spell that lists a number of allies (more than 1), you may choose to affect 2 additional allies in addition to your current maximum, so long as they are of your faith or organization.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Crafter'''
|Through your efforts, you've obtained access to an organizational crafter, or a crafter with whom your organization has ties with. You may request that 1 magic item be crafted for you at 75 percent market (this does not include material costs). Alternately, you may request 1 magic rod be crafted for you at 85 percent. The benefit from this spend stacks with Ancestral Weapon, though it still takes time to craft the item. You may take this multiple times.
|5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Knowledge '''
|You've studied extensively within your organization. As a bonus, you receive a +2 to any specific skill check related to their area of study. This may include any knowledge, craft, or profession skill. This may be taken multiple times, but applies to a different skill each time. The choice of skill should be thematic to the group. For example, knowledge/dungeoneering would likely not fit the Hearthguards, but knowledge/nature for the understanding of herbs might. In contrast, knowledge/nature might not fit the Progressive Arcanists, but profession/scribe might.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Scribe '''
|Through work within a magic-oriented organization, you've earned a perk or two when it comes to knowledge. Through negotiation, favors exchanged, and so forth, you may purchase any 1 scroll at 85 percent cost from the organization, up to the highest level you may cast, for the purpose of scribing into your spellbook. Crafting time is normal as per PRD scroll costs. You may take this multiple times.
|5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Training '''
|You must belong to a martial organization to receive this benefit (for example, a Chord of the Vardamite temple). This benefit represents the training you've undergone with other members of your organization. When fighting with them, so long as you are adjacent or flanking with another member of your organization, you both receive a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. This ability does not stack with itself.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Strength of Faith '''
|Your training within the vestiges of your faith has strengthened your soul. Undead are at a +1 to the DC to resist damage from your channeling. You must be an active member of a particular temple to purchase this benefit.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Trained Blade '''
|You've been honed, trained as a member of your organization. If you are an Elunite, for example, it's possible you've trained with the Hunters to find and bring back the misshapen of Garm. This purchase is only available to organizations with a more clearly defined opposition, so be sure to speak with staff before selecting it.
Because of your training, you receive a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with a melee weapon against enemies of this type.
For mechanical purposes, this should be selected after speaking with staff, and selected from the ranger's Favored Enemy list. Choices must be considered thematically appropriate. This may be taken more than once, but applies to a different type of creature each time.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
==Details on Specific Rewards==
===General Spends===
====Special Materials====
Tenebrae has an open policy on special materials. That is, a character with means may purchase them at any time. However, roleplay (and the use of RPPs) will give you a discount. Check out [[Equipment#Special_Materials|Equipment]] for a list of what's available.
===Aspect Spends===
Aspects are a new type of ability on Tenebrae. These abilities are not native to Pathfinder and are intended to reflect the development and energies you've spent on your character, as well as the high-magic setting of Ea. Due to their benefits and nature, each character may only ever receive one. That is, they could select Winter-Touched, and could progress to Winter-Touched I and II. If we ever developed a III, they could go for that as well...but not Fire-Touched, for example.
These Aspects cause ingame effects. Returning to the Grave-Touched Aspect, such a character may receive a certain "chill" to their aura. Or, it may be less obvious, such as that elements they craft will always carry that "feel." An elemental-touched person may be prone to sparks or static electricity.
====World-Touched Aspects====
Magic infuses the world of Ea. It flows through it like water, and just as a creature may be made from magic, or become the living embodiment of an ideal (a creature of chaos, a creature of law), so too can magic influence influence other, living beings.
The following Aspects, for the most part, reflect the inherently magical nature of Ea's landscape.
'''Ancestor-Touched:''' As your understanding of your race's history grows, so does your connection to it. The strength of your ancestors guides you from time to time, and the traditional gods of your ancestors bid you welcome. Guidance 3/day, self or same-race only.
: '''II:''' You hold your ancestors close. So long as you act in ways honorable to them, you may attempt to meditate and ask their favor. This action takes at least 10 minutes, and there is a 50% chance it is successful. If so, it provides a +2 to any one d20 skill or save as your ancestor also had skill within that area and was able to impart advice. This must be used within 24 hours of enacting the ritual, and may be attempted once per week.[[image:Aspects.jpg|200px|right]]
'''Arcane-Touched:''' Though you aren't "supposed" to, your exposure to magic has left it making a kind of sense to you. Sometimes, when you look at the pages in just the right way, they begin to form words. You've likely spent some time among the agents of Eluna. Read Magic 3/day.
: '''II:''' You're sensitive to the workings of arcane magic, and the casting of such sometimes causes a prickling along your skin. Something in you just "knows." The feeling isn't specific--which is its benefit and its danger. It makes no difference between the intensity of the magic, or its nearness, only that it is there. Treat it as a Detect X spell, with a 60' range, first round capabilities only.
: While useful, the ability isn't always reliable. That is, 20% of the time, the reading is false, 20% it doesn't work at all, and the rest it works as intended.
: This ability is usable at-will as a standard action. Normally, you're considered to be suppressing it, usually by distracting yourself--that is, as you might distract yourself from an "itch," or train yourself not to pay attention to the continual buzzing in the background, and so forth. The exact method is up to you to roleplay.
'''Battle-Scarred:''' Perhaps you lost an eye, or some fingers. Either way, your battle scars are quite prominent and show that you're a veteran of battles that you lived through and the other guy didn't. Among more primitive cultures or tribes (such as the oruch or Dranei), you receive a +1 Diplomacy bonus.
: '''II:''' Your scars show greater experience. Among more primitive cultures or tribes, you receive a +2 Diplomacy bonus. This replaces and does not stack with the one received from Battle-Scarred I.
'''Dream-Touched:''' Whether an affinity for the Dreaming Goddess or hours spent in meditation, your understanding of the nature of dreams has grown. You possess a limited ability to encourage this state in others, and may cast lullaby 3/day.
: '''II:''' Your understanding of dreams grows, as does your ability to understand, and control, your body's natural rhythms. You may have spent some time among the temples and monks of the Dreaming Goddess or of Navos the Raven.
: Once per week, you may focus your internal energies and assist yourself or another another individual into entering a deep, healing sleep. When in this trance-like state, the subject recovers a number of hit points equal to their Constitution bonus, in addition to that recovered from a night's rest. This stacks with bonuses given from care from a successful Heal check, as this is considered applying bandages and salves in addition to the increased, restful mental state.
: Possessors of this ability often have an affinity for the deities of Navos or Eluna, and will often find welcome in these Temples.
'''Grave-Touched:''' A student of the line between life and death, you've spent too much time around graveyards, or time meditating, contemplating on what true death may be. In response, Death has touched you, rending your aura at times, somewhat chill. Three times per day, you may use Disrupt Undead. This gives you an affinity for the temples of Vardama, who often recruit those who show this Aspect.
: '''II:''' When using your ability, the grave whispers to you, granting you a +2 to a forensics Heal check when determining cause of death, time of occurrence, and so on. This does not allow you to determine additional information--it only provides a bonus to the check, reflecting the grave's somewhat chilling willingness to communicate with you.
'''Healer's Affinity:''' Through your time on the battlefield, you've gained an understanding of wounds and diseases. At times, something in you has learned to respond before your fingers can tie the bandages. You may find additional welcome (and work) at the temples of Althea. Stabilize 3/day.
: '''II:''' Althea's grace works through your fingertips. When you use your stabilize ability gained from Healer's Affinity, you also heal the creature for 1d6 hit points.
'''Hunted:''' This might also be called Hunter. Somehow, they got under your skin. There was a connection, or maybe the scars were just that bad, but you've developed a certain type of intuition as relates to a specific type of creature. Pick a category of creature from the ranger's favored enemy list. From exposure to this type, you receive a +2 on knowledge checks related to them.
: '''II:''' As you've studied them, so you've become more wary. When one nears, something in you just "knows." The feeling isn't specific--which is its benefit and its danger. It makes no difference between one, or many, of a kind. Treat it as a Detect X spell, with a 60' range, first round capabilities only.
: While useful, the ability isn't always reliable. That is, 20% of the time, the reading is false, 20% it doesn't work at all, and the rest it works as intended. This uncertainty is intended to reflect the hyper-alert or paranoid nature of your character in regards to these creatures.
: This ability is usable at-will as a standard action. Normally, you're considered to be suppressing it,, usually by distracting yourself--that is, as you might distract yourself from an "itch," or train yourself not to "be so paranoid." The exact method is up to you to roleplay.
'''Hymn-Touched:''' A student of the arts, you pick up instruments with surprising ease. Though you may never develop it, some bardic lineage is in your veins and you've likely gained the notice of the Ceinarans. By concentrating, you can bring some of this forth, calling on a memory of this lineage. This takes the effect of a musical Ghost Sound, 3/day. The only sound mimic'd is musical in nature, and will tend to be of a specific type aligned to you.
: '''II:''' The ties to the Hymn are subtle, though they show. Any instrument you pick up gleams, as though wishing to be played. In game terms, the instrument is treated as masterwork so long as you continue to play it. This is only for determining the quality of performance and has no other effects. The condition of the instrument does not matter, only that it is an instrument--for a brief moment, a broken violin might be coaxed into the wonder of its yesteryears.
'''Plague-Touched:''' You've led a rough life, and can call upon this experience to harden yourself against outside forces. Resistance 3/day, self only.
: '''II:''' In times of hardship, you've been known to subsist on the most wretched of foods. You may exist on half as many rations a day as anyone else, so long as there are other substances to fill in the gaps. Your ability to digest some things is akin to a goat. For example, part of a shoe, certain types of insects, or whatever the DM might rule is usable. Though non-traditional, and perhaps normally not digestible, you are not harmed by these "foods," though this does not, for instance, allow you to eat your way out of a prison cell (though you could attempt to digest your shirt). In addition, you receive a +2 to saves to avoid fatigue or damage from continued starvation.
'''Shadow-Touched I: ''' Your affinity for the shadows meant you likely hid in small places as a child. Yet, where most grew out of it, you stayed, and may have even found comfort among the dark places. At will, 3/day, you may 'dim' the light around you, by calling on nearby shadows. This grants you a +1 bonus to Stealth checks. Note, this may only be used when there are available shadows to draw upon--if you're in the midst of a well-lit room, it would be next to impossible, for example.
:Once earned, your Aspect will forever mark you in some way you choose--shadows might appear to 'cling' to you, for instance.
:However, though you may find welcome among the Elunites, many faiths of the light may regard you askance.
:'''II:''' Your affinity for the darker places marks you by your comfort with them. Where others shudder, you feel more at ease. Thus, when reacting with creatures of the shadow or incorporeal type, you receive a +1 diplomacy bonus. At a DM's discretion, this might also apply to a primarily nocturnal creature, should the shadow-theme fit.
'''Sun-Touched:''' Over time, you've developed an affinity for the sky and Sun, and likely with the followers of gods such as Serriel or Daeus. Light 3/day.
: '''II:''' Your ties to the Sun leave your body temperature slightly higher than normal, and its warmth seems to ease your mind and body at just the right times. When others stand in the shade, the Suns rays still somehow touch your shoulders. You receive a +2 to saves against natural sources of cold.
'''Tinker-Touched:''' From your time fixing broken clocks, wheels, and other objects, you've gained Reos' blessing. Mending 3/day.
: '''II:''' Even when unasked for, tools always seem to be at your fingertips, and you possess an affinity for a particular type of craft. Select a type of craft you've ranks in. You possess an innate "sense" of this type of craft, and never suffer a penalty when you lack the proper tools. Your senses are such you can work with what's at hand, innately "knowing" how to flex odd or unusual tools to create the effect you want for this particular craft. Note this does not allow you to do away with materials or cost of materials--it simply means for that form of crafting skill, you're always considered to have some "basic" tools available to you, or are able to fashion them, given a reasonable period of time. When tools are present, you receive a +1 bonus.
'''Trickster's Affinity I:''' You've developed a talent for mischief and trickery. Whether through practice as an avid prankster or through some connection to one of the more mischievous Gods or spirits, your ability to trick others for a laugh gives you an aura of mirth and high spirits. You may well receive the notice of the temples of Tarien. Dancing Lights 3/day.
:'''II:''' Your affinity for trickery grows stronger, as does your fascination with pranks and mischief. At any time and whenever it would aid in your mischief, you may produce any mundane item valued at 5 GP or less from your person, as you just happen to have a variety of funny items on hand. The item must be something you could easily carry. Too, Coyote senses intent, so the item must be produced with the intent of a joke, prank, to illustrate a boasting tale, or similar effect. The item will fade out of existence after its use is complete, though will not last longer than an hour.
'''War-Touched:''' Time in battle has left you more affected than most. Sometimes, you may feel the ghosts who had lost before just behind you. You may lend yourself guidance 3/day, and may find yourself drawn towards Kor's temples more than others. Self only.
: '''II:''' When you hold a weapon in your hand, Kor's agents whisper to you. Once a day, by concentrating on a weapon and holding it, you may tell its rough age and the conditions by which it was made ("forged in fire, metal from the caves of...").
====Spirit Aspects====
Spirit Aspects deal with portions of the natural world, although the natural world of Ea is more magically-infused than most. These Aspects are more typically found among followers of Gilead, Dana, or the Green Word...though this is not always true.
'''Animal Affinity''': Over time, through family history, exposure, or time near a Druid's Grove, you've developed an affinity for a particular type of creature. When working with this creature, you receive a +2 to Handle Animal checks. Likely, those of Gilead have taken notice of your talents.
:'''II.''' Your bond with this particular creature deepens. Effectively, you may Speak With Animals with this creature as an extraordinary ability, at will. Though, this is less magical in nature than being able to imitate the creature's language, or gesture/act in such a way that they will understand. Regardless, an animal will still be an animal--pushing or directing a particular creature will still require a Handle Animal check, and so on. (Note: If you prefer, you may have this be a spell-like ability instead, for a more supernatural feel. The choice depends on your character and the story you wish to tell.)
'''Earth-Touched:''' Your connection with the earth has grown, to the point you may prefer to go barefoot even in the winter, and the temples of Dana or Gilead likely hold familiar welcome and camaraderie. Your affinity with your natural surroundings gives you a +2 to survival checks when it comes to finding food and water, though only so long as you are touching earth, and are in a natural setting.
: '''II:''' Your connection with the earth deepens. When working with any animal that walks or crawls along the earth's surface, you receive a +2 bonus to your handle animal check.
'''Fire-Touched:''' Though not born with it, something about fire draws you. Spark 3/day. The temples of Ceinara may take notice of you.
: '''II:''' You may spend hours watching the intricacy of flame. When you are nearby, natural fires tend to act oddly, occasionally may appear to flicker, or even "reach" towards you (harmlessly). In game terms, you may employ a small portion of natural fire as an instrument. Treat this as a performance (acting) check. This only works on natural fires, and has no effect on the fire's volume, duration, or any other effect. It may not be used as a weapon, though you may use it for effects that otherwise require performance to work, such as bardic music.
'''Lightning-Touched:''' Perhaps you were struck by lightning at one time, and instead of frightening you, you gained an interest in the winds and skies. High places may draw you, and you may be found outside during times of wind and storm. By concentrating, you can call on some of these elements, and generate small amounts of crackling lighting in the air around you or near others. This works as Flare 3/day, and you may find yourself drawn to remote, windy areas.
: '''II:''' Your affinity grows stronger, as does your fascination with the wildness of the storm. When you encounter any winged animal or air elemental, you receive a +2 on handle animal or diplomacy, as appropriate.
'''Water-Touched:''' Water is familiar to you, perhaps from time spent upon it since birth or long voyages. Regardless, you can call small amounts of it to you at a time. This is reflected in the ability to Create Water 3/day. This may give you an affinity for the temples of Rada.
: '''II:''' As your ties with the water grow, you can sometimes sense its essence. You receive a +2 to any survival check to find water, as well as to any check to avoid getting lost during maritime navigation.
'''Winter-Touched:''' From time in the snows and ice, you've an affinity for winter. You may cast Ray of Frost 3/day.
: '''II:''' Your body holds the edge of an unnatural chill, and snow and similar weather tends to cling to you. When among snow, chill mist, or ice, you may employ a small portion of the environment as an instrument. That is, you may use it to make performance (wind or acting) checks. This only works on natural sources of cold, and has no effect on its volume or duration or any other effect. It may not be used as a weapon, though you may use it for effects that otherwise require performance to work, such as bardic music.
===Influence Spends===
====What May Be Chosen as an Area for the Purposes of Influence?====
Areas chosen should be part of something the character is directly involved with. For example, a PC might become involved in Alexandria's Society for Progressive Arcanists. This Influence represents general connections; it does not represent a PC's ability to "lord it over" other PCs or NPCs. The Perk does not confer any unnamed advantages--its effect is measured mechanically in its bonus, and attempts to expand this or argue for such may be considered a breach of policy.
Travel in a world such as Alexandria exists within, it typically takes days to cover a single locale. Airships exist, but are not usually for day-to-day travel. Thus, areas of influence should have a "hometown" feel to them. An example of an area that would not be approvable would be the Entire Territory of Veyshan. However, a specific town within Veyshan would be. Or, a section of Alexandria or any other large city (as Alexandria is something of a metropolis).
Before roleplaying gaining influence in an area (and spending your RPPs), be sure to check with staff on whether the area you have chosen is appropriate. Staff also reserve the right to restrict the number of areas a PC may gain/maintain influence. There are limits to time, effort of a single individual, after all.
====What Sorts of RP Are Appropriate for Gaining Influence?====
Appropriate RP depends on the organization. For instance, you could RP running errands for a guild, and gaining influence that way. For example, you could RP being a Reporter at the Alexandrian Tribune and ferreting out stories (and posting them to the +bboard).
Influence in Ea is represented as "knowing people" or having an active reputation. It does not equate a high position or an ability to "lord it over" others. In other words, it is a big world and there should be room for everyone.
===Organization Spends===
====What is Active Organization Membership?====
Though PCs may be members in a variety of organizations, the Active Organization Membership perk represents an "active" membership. That is, they are recognized ("Hey, Bob!") within their local chapter.
Active membership also means the ability to earn benefits by participating within the organization. The Adventurer's Guild is considered a "very general" organization and does not qualify for this or associated RPP spends. However, more specific groups may be. For example, Wards of Versis, any Local Organization, any division between a faith (The Sunguard, the Chords of Versis in general or a more specific monastic order), the local Engineering Enclave, any cavalier order, etc. The general rule is that the order must be more specific than "everyone is a member." You are also free to make up your own, so long as it fits within the theme and intent of Tenebrae.
Generally, a PC would only be an active member of 1 or up to 2 organizations, as more would be outside the scope of what a person could reasonably do each day. This does not mean they cannot be members of others--this only reflects a more "active" membership that they have dedicated themselves to.
If RP dictates that a person changes organizations down the line, they may +request to transfer their Active Organization Membership into another organization. From there, 75% of their Organizational spends are refunded. These points may then be redistributed as normal RPPs.
'''Existing versus Invented Organizations'''
PCs may become active in an existing organization, or make up their own (if you do the latter and intend to purchase RP Perks, please check with staff first). The advantage of an existing organization is that it may be easier to find people who share a similar interest. On the other hand, if you have a cool idea...why not run with it?
'''List of Existing Organizations'''
* [[Local Organizations]]
* [[Organizations|Global Organizations]]

Latest revision as of 01:17, 10 April 2024


What are RPPs?

RPPs (Role Play Points and Perks) are a way of rewarding your efforts to tell your own story. They are:

  • Gained from roleplaying with others, and spending time ongrid in any non-PrP or non-DM'd scene (those have their own rewards)
  • Spendable on a variety of things which enhance your story
  • Awarded per player; as you earn them, you may spend them any way you wish among your alts

How do I Get Them?

Step One: Join Roleplay

Get out on the grid! Only non-PrP and non-DM'd scenes count; these sorts of activities have their own rewards. Other methods are:

  • Run a Meetup
  • Run a Non-combat PRP
  • Earn a Flaw over time
  • Submit an article to the Alexandria Tribune! Include the article text in your +req.
  • Log a scene for a staffer!

...the easiest though, is just getting out there and RPing with others!

Step Two: Send Staff a Note

What Should I Know?

  • Upload the scene's log to the wiki. (All scenes uploaded to the wiki must abide by the Game Rating.)
  • Use +request/rpp to submit your RPP submission.
  • Include a link to the scene's log in your RPP submission.
  • Only scenes outside of Meetups/PRP or staffer events are eligible for RPP submissions.
  • What are staff looking for in an RPP submission? We are looking for the following:
1) There has to have been a scene, meaning a moment in time where something significant happened.
2) You have to have participated in the scene, meaning your character must have been part of the significant thing happening.

In other words, scenes must contain an extended and earnest attempt to deepen a character's relationship with the world, other characters, and/or both to be considered valid for RPP awards. No awards will also be awarded for logs where the submitter is not making a genuine effort to engage with the rest of the scene--in other words, just posing in a corner while the rest of the scene happens around them. If this seems fairly open and relaxed, it's because it is. We just ask for people to make a genuine and lengthy effort for RPP; we do not want quick three-pose scenes for a tiny chit-chat.


+request/rpp A Capering Duck=http://www.tenebraemush.net/This_is_My_Log_URL

Step Three: Buy Things

Select from several of the options listed later in this article.

What Can I Buy?

Types of RPP Spends

Rpp unlimited.gif
Purchasable an unlimited number of times. Sometimes less often, but the ability will say.
Rpp limited.gif
Purchasable one of its type per PC. For example, each of your characters may purchase one Aspect and one Vehicle.
Rpp exclusive.gif
Only one Exclusive spend per PC. These are spends that require a significant investment in time on behalf of your PC, and will develop as you do.*

Subtypes of RPP Spends

Rpp tiered.gif
Any of the above spends may be Tiered. These spends advance! That is, over time you can invest in them to unlock additional abilities. If a spend has Tiers, it will list them. You can advance with a RPP Tier as high as your Level/2. For example, at level 6 you could earn your third Aspect. Tiers are often abbreviated as: T1, T2 for Tier 1 and Tier 2, respectively. You may not repurchase Tiers to "double" abilities. In this way, they are similar to character levels. Just as you could not purchase Wizard 1 twice, you could not purchase an Aspect's Tier 1 twice.
Rpp token.gif
Additional, unlockable abilities. Almost all Exclusive spends offer Tokens once you've advanced high enough.

* If RP takes a different course, you can transfer from one exclusive to a different one. At tier one, this may be done for free. At higher tiers, you transfer at one tier lower than previous (though you must pay any cost difference, if there is one). This may not be done for Ancestral Weapon, due to its complications. Finally, for organization spellcasters: these spellcasters must pay back the costs of purchase and scribing any spells they have received.

Know What You Want?

Know what you want? Send in a +request to the SPEND bucket, letting us know what you're purchasing. Make sure you've moved enough RPPs to the correct alt, first, though.

The Big List

RPP Spends Description Type
Aspects Magic in your blood. Rpp limited.gif
Flaws Even Superman had kryptonite. Rpp limited.gif
Homelands Your ties to your homeland are stronger than most. Rpp limited.gif
Prosthetic Limbs From animated clay to iron to artifice, prosthetics replace a range of body parts. Rpp limited.gif
Small Vehicle (Retired) That beerwagon you'd always wanted. Hauled by griffons. No longer available to purchase. Rpp limited.gif
Ancestral Weapon An intelligent weapon, tied to you. Rpp exclusive.gif
Blood Pacts You read the contract, right? Rpp exclusive.gif
Influence Spends Becoming well-known and influential in your social spheres. Rpp exclusive.gif Rpp limited.gif Rpp unlimited.gif
Organization Spends Exclusive benefits and exceptional training; become a mentor and be recognized among your peers. Rpp exclusive.gif Rpp limited.gif Rpp unlimited.gif
Public Spaces (Retired) Build an ongrid shop, tea house, or other small construction that may be shared with everyone. No longer available to purchase. Rpp exclusive.gif Rpp limited.gif Rpp unlimited.gif
Mythic Paths Become myth and legend and bolster your allies into song and folklore. Rpp limited.gif
Character Spends Reroll hit dice and other miscellaneous goodies. Rpp unlimited.gif