I'm Not on a Boat

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It's Tariday, Eatonis 28 21:27:41 1019. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and rising. The sky is grey-black, moonless and starless. It's hard for human eyes to see anything in the deep shadows round about, without a light. It's cool and a light breeze blows from the southwest.

A18: Port Alexandria, The Inmost Sea

(Ansrir emitting.)

It's been a busy day, most of the ships have finished up their collection of traps and bringing up fish nets. Most of the activity around the area has started to slow down. There still is the occasional trade ship that may stop by, but it's not as bust with the local crews already home with their families. A couple of boats are looking like they might be getting ready to leave and at the end of one of the gangplanks there is someone sitting in a chair, a book in their lap that they read from as they just seem to be waiting. The motion of the guards near the walls can be heard doing their rounds occasionally, but mostly the sounds are the lapping of the waves and some various birds either looking for food or mates.

Ga'Elian emerges from the shadows, walking with a spring in his step and a grin on his face. He strolls toward the man and says, "Good evening, there. Signing on a new crew, are you?" He peers over slightly at the book.

One of the last trade ships to finish unloading their cargo is a Veyshanti vessel - a not uncommon sight given that land's proclivity for mercantile interests. The pottery and crates that are being brought ashore smell strongly of spices, and the mingling of so many disparate scents at once makes standing anywhere near the ship a bit unpleasant for those with a sensitive nose. While the crew goes about their work, a few guards are posted to make sure nothing goes awry, as well as one exquisitely-dressed Sith-Makar whose attire looks more like a human noble's wardrobe adopted for his height and the addition of a tail. The crimson-scaled dragon-kin has his sword and shield readied, looking to be part of the guarding retinue, but with only squawking gulls approaching the spices, his posture is relaxed and he seems to be in idle conversation with the two human Veyshanti posted with him.

A tall slender figure stands at a market fish stall, a mushroom shaped basket serves as her hat, and reeds and needles make her clothes in the shape of a thorny bush. The haggling seems stunted as Whuridred only seems to pantomime her requests to the fish monger, and his temper seems disinclined to acquiesce. The hat conceals her features, so the bartering ends with an unsatisfactory falling of shoulders.

Turning away from the stall, Whuridred's head turns back and forth. With the failure of the deal, she seems lost for purpose now. Withdrawing her hands into her robes she stands in the middle of the paths, a silent unmoving tree.

When Ga'Elian approaches, the person in the seat looks up. The features seem to place them as a female dawn's child. The hair is a mix of indigo and orange, and eyes a light brown color. A smile forms as they regard the figure before a head shake. "Oh, no, not at all. We are looking, but we have all the crew we need. Now, we've got some extra space, so we're taking on passengers, anyone who wants to make the trip back with us," offers the woman and chuckles, "Name's Laeli," she adds with a warm smile. "Looking for a trip?"

A pair of dock workers stroll towards the docks with a handful of lanterns and a small case of gear, heading towards one of the empty berths in the dock. The small case is set down and opened up by one of the workers while the other hangs a lantern on a hook by the berth, apparently marking it as empty. The lantern worker moves on while the other lags behind, lighting the lantern and making sure it is secured before following after the other.

Amongst the many present is Boshter!

Well. Sort of present.


A little orange dot in a vast ocean swimming towards shore.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Perception checks, please."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Perception+Urban: aliased to Perception+2: (20)+25+2: 47

GAME: Boshter rolls perception: (12)+19: 31

GAME: Whuridred rolls perception: (17)+9: 26

To (Ga'Elian, Boshter, Whuridred), Ansrir pages: You can see what seems to be a ship off in the distance heading towards port, however, judging from how it is moving, it is just being carried on the waves and not actually being manned by anyone. This could be a problem as the tide is bringing that ship right into port.

GAME: Vithnauruk rolls perception: (16)+5: 21

Ga'Elian smiles, "Oh, probably not, but by the by, where is it headed?" He looks up as something seems to catch his eye. A look of concern flashes over him as he says, "Oh, that looks like trouble." He points out to sea.

Said orange dot veers in a new direction! Instead of going to the coast, it has turned.

The last of the Veyshanti spices are hauled onto waiting wagons, finally ending the workday of the ship's crew. Some head back on board, a few take their leave in the city and head off in chatty groups to find food, drink, or company for the evening, but the Sith-Makar sheathes his sword and goes for a casual stroll instead. While his left hand waves the air around his nose to ward off the pungent odour of spice, his eyes wander over the water at an approaching vessel. His gait slows as he reaches the docked vessel where Ga'Elian and the Dawn Elf are conversing. Though he pauses mainly because the vessel obstructs his view, and he takes a couple steps back to glance out curiously over the harbour.

Turning her head in the direction of the ship. Whuridred steps to the edge of the docks to watch. Reaching over her shoulder, a dark pitted skinned hand disappears into a sack she keeps in a tall basket on her back. A loud squawk sounds from the bag as she pulls forth a ugly feather ball with a long neck and cloud gray feathers. Holding the awkward looking fowl by its neck she turns it backwards and shakes it so its tail feathers swing back and forth. With each swish the air gets cooler near her, and a heavy gust pushes out. When Whuridred ceases waving the bird about she shoves it back in her bag, and to the observant it might be noticed that the wind nearby has changed directions.

The Dawn Child frowns for a moment as Ga'Elian seems to be interested in just the conversation, but she is quick to smile. "Our end goal is to The Islands of Jade," she offers before following Ga'Elian's look towards the sea. "Seems like she's coming in rough, perhaps they just can't slow 'er down." And she is right, the vessel is listing to its port side as it rides the waves, cresting over the tide and then righting itself only to be shifted again as the next wave begins.

Ga'Elian takes the hunting horn that hangs across his torso, and gives three quick blasts on it. As he says, "Pardon the noise.", the blasts are answered with a piercing SKREE from above the Phoenix-flag, and a griffon with shiny barding emerges into the light of the mana lamps, spiraling in for a landing. Ga'Elian says, "I know but little of seacraft, but I think I can get you there. Will you come with me? Perhaps you can instruct me and we can get yonder vessel under control." As he says this, he is not being at all quiet. The griffon lands behind him.

GAME: Boshter rolls athletics: (14)+21: 35

<OOC> Boshter says, "For fun :)"

Vithnauruk looks more annoyed than startled at the sudden blasting of the horn, as it yanks his attention away from the ship. Then it's the sudden landing of the griffon near him that provokes a growling hiss of surprise and a few quick shuffling steps as his right hand grips at his sword out of instinct. "What is this?" he snaps out, his voice lacking the sibilant hissing lisp that is so common in his people.

Swim, swim, swim.

Boshter is swimming towards the ship. This is not an easy thing for him to do. It's an ocean out there.

Laeli looks over at the sudden appearance of the griffon and then back to Ga'Elian. "I can do what I can," she offers and then at Vithnauruk's comment she winks. "Well, it looks like a griffon to me," she teases playfully before moving to stand from her seat, the story book that she was reading set down on her chair. The changing magical winds in the area cause her hair to be blown seaward as she does, causing her to look about. "This whole night's becoming a little odd," she mutters.

GAME: Whuridred casts Alter Winds. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

Ga'Elian now notices the finely-attired Sith, and offer's a quick, "Peace on your nest. Would you come with us and attempt to board yonder vessel?" He assists Laeli onto the beast's back, saying, "This is Erithamiel. He is a good friend." Then he mutters a quick incantation.

The mushroom-headed Whuridred puts her hand up under her hat and then points a single finger in the air to test the wind. With a nod, she puts both hands over her shoulders to rummage in her wriggling bag of what seems to be a myriad of odd animals. In her right hand she holds what looks to be a tendril covered bush, its vines whipping and wrapping about her wrists as if the plant was trying to fight off her firm grip. The left hand holds an amorphous translucent sack that looks to have bits floating within it.

Lifting the bushy octopus, Whuridred throws it in an arc far out into the water. Landing in the ship's path, the contact with water has an unforeseen effect. Water splashes and flies in the air as the creature expands rapidly, into a floating mass of entagling seaweed and viny tentacles.

Finally Whuridred shoves both hands inside the amorphous teuthida, spread it wide, and pulls it down over her hat and head. Snapping in place like a rubber mask, Whuridred hop off the pier into the water, and speeds forward as if touched by the sea itself. A hand extends to offer Boshter a handhold to grab as she passes his slow pace.

GAME: Ga'Elian casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 12 DC: 14

GAME: Whuridred casts Entangle. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

GAME: Whuridred casts Touch of the Sea. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

The ship does seem to be slowing down some in its course towards the city, due to the various spells being cast against it as the elements begin to work to try and slow it down.

Laeli looks at the beast as she gets put on board and frowns softly. "I can work a ship in the seas, but if the Gods had wanted us to fly... they would have given us wings," she says, holding tightly to the griffon.

Ga'Elian mounts, too, sitting behind the Dawn Child and in front of the Sith Makar. Immediately, the large beast extends its now magically buffed wings to their full span and takes off at a run, getting airborne in only a few steps. The ranger speaks only a word or two to his mount, focusing on the task of guiding the beast.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Ride: (6)+21: 27

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls CompanionFly+4: (13)+12+4: 29

Whuridred grabs Boshter to drag him along with her, the creature around her head extending tentacles and pushing them speedily through the water. They move close to the surface, popping above it intermittently to breath. With the ship slowing she aims to come up along side it. Pushing Boshter foward towards some of the rigging that hangs from the side of the ship, she grabs her own handholds.

As the people near the ship, both from air and from water, it is easy to see that there is no crew on board the ship, it seems to be entirely empty of people. The top deck has some loose barrels and boxes sliding around, but there is no records of any people of any sort.

Laeli exclaims loudly "By the Gods..." as her head swivels around trying to see if there is anything that seems to have any indication of what is happening.

Boshter leaps from the water and begins to scale the side of the ship. Really.

Monks. They're cheaters.

GAME: Whuridred rolls athletics: (6)+8: 14

After his passengers dismount onto the ship's weather deck, Erithamiel the griffon takes to the air again, circling wide around the mainmast.

Ga'Elian says, "Never mind looking for papers yet. Let's get this ship to safety!"

Unlike the cheating monk, Whuridred's movement upward is slow. Fortunately the rigging is there for just such assistance. Soaked, water pours from the frond-like robe she wears. Pulling on the lip of the creature over her face, Whuridred pulls it up so she can see properly, though leaves it wrapped about her large hat for future use.

The silent animal wrangler nods to Ga'Elian's assessment of the situation. Reaching into her bag she pulls out a jar full of black specks. She taps the glass with a finger, letting out an almost metallic sound. The taps send the black specks to glowing, and unscrewing the lid of the jar she releases the glowing bugs into the air to float about the deck and provide the group light.

GAME: Whuridred casts Light. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13

<OOC> Ansrir says, "When people get aboard the ship, acrobatics checks please."

GAME: Whuridred rolls acrobatics: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Acrobatics: (15)+13: 28

GAME: Ansrir rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

There are various splashes of water on the deck from where the tide has been splashing on it. The sails seem to be a little ragged and torn in places but otherwise intact. The rigging seems to be well done, a few ropes seem to be tearing or torn from the wind. The frame of the ship has no damage in anyway, so it looks like there was no combat that occured.

Laeli shifts a little along the deck as she settles off the griffon. "Oh, thank goodness to have the deck beneath me," she says happily and then hmmms, trying to take in what is happening here, why there is no record of people.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Whuridred, can I get one more acrobatics check from you?"

GAME: Whuridred rolls acrobatics: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Okay. You stumble a bit to get your sealegs under you, sliding across the deck but manage to right yourself before sliding off the rails."

GAME: Boshter rolls Acrobatics: (13)+20: 33

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Good good."

Ga'Elian stands there, balancing quite easily, but looking at Laeli, "Um, what am I supposed to do now?"

Whuridred turns her head up to watch the flitting specks of light rise above her, though the shadow cast by her hat leaves her features to the imagination. And then the waves hit. She slips, slides across the deck, and drops her glass jar. Sharp pieces scatter and tinkle as they dance across the wood deck. Strong fingers grab the railing for support and end the stumbling movement. Her head ducks and her frame collapses a little in embarrassed shyness as she tries to keep herself standing.