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What are Meetups?

At their core, Meetups are +events that don't involve combat, and take place ongrid. Meetups are mostly about bringing together people in order to have a good time.

Meetups are great tools for bringing like-minded characters together to enhance future RP, too. While the organizer's character may participate in the Meetup, unlike in PrPs, it should not focus on him or her, but on the participants.

What are Some Examples?

Here are a few we've had in the past:

Possible Meetups could be:

  • Drinking contest
  • Debate
  • Fair or show
  • Gathering to discuss recent events

In addition to the above, people often use Meetups to gather common interests in order to encourage roleplay later on:

  • You could get Angorites and Korites together by inviting these groups to a Meetup to _____.
  • You could encourage more druidic roleplay by inviting druids, rangers, herbalists, etc. to attend a gathering at the Grove.
  • You could encourage more artifice roleplay by hosting an Invention Fair.
  • All goblinoids! drinking contest!

Any Advice?

Some advice we've been given:

  • Make sure your theme is large enough for an audience. Too narrow, and you might have trouble with attendance.
  • It makes for a more lively scene when the person who sets the meetup has some central action or activity. Talking is good, 'doing' can be better. Not adventure, of course, but some action.
  • Promote your Meetup ongrid, when possible.
  • Staff can help you promote your Meetup.
  • Please make sure to craft an +event (see +help events) for your Meetup, and prepend it with MEETUP: <title of meetup>. For Meetups, you do not need to /confirm folks who participated.

How do I Get Rewards?

Meetups reward:

  • 4 RPP for organizers
  • 2 RPP each for each active participant (participants who show up, toss in two poses and then leave will not be counted)

To Submit a Meetup...
1. Log your Meetup
  • All poses

Special: Please remind players to please not request RPPs during the roleplay! This is different than normal. Given that more than one is being awarded per person, staff handles this separately. Please be sure and remind participants of this. We hate denying their requests, and a reminder helps drop our paperwork.

2. Post your log.
Need help? See: Post the log to the wiki*
3. Let us know you ran! Send in a +request.
Include in the +request:

* Don't feel comfortable with the wiki? You're welcome to email your log to a staffer, instead. Once a staffer claims the +request, just email the log to them. Most staff have an email listed in their +finger. Due to security concerns, we can't accept DOC/ODT, Google Docs, or similar files. Instead, and for general safety's sake, just plop the log into an email if you choose this method.