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{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}[[Eluna]] (as ''Niessa'', the Silver Huntress)<br>(''He worships [[Gilead]] as well, but he considers Eluna his Patroness.'')
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}[[Eluna]] (as ''Niessa'', the Silver Huntress)<br>(''He worships [[Gilead]] and reveres [[Daeus]] (mostly in connection with his fiend-fighting efforts) as well, but he considers Eluna his Patroness.'')
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}The wilderness, especially under moonlight
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}The wilderness, especially under moonlight
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}lay worshipper
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}lay worshipper
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{{Badge-Title|(RPP) [[Organization Spends|Organization]] PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Title|(RPP) [[Organization Spends|Organization]] PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Organization}}[[Ygdrassil Union]]
{{Badge-Entry|Organization}}[[Ygdrassil Union]]
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}Active Member (Tier 3)
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}Active Member (Tier 4)
{{Badge-Entry|Scholarship}}Survival (''and Tracking'')
{{Badge-Entry|Scholarship}}Survival (''and Tracking'') and Stealth
{{Badge-Entry|Tokens}}Expanded Training,<br>Vindicator
{{Badge-Entry|Tokens}}Advanced Scholar,<br>Expanded Training, and<br>Vindicator

Revision as of 23:44, 23 September 2016

Standard cp header.jpg

Ga'Elian "Ettin-slayer" Faravanilas

About My Character

Ga'Elian Faravanilas has lived his whole life in a nomadic Sylvanori tribe roaming the wilderness. He has no siblings, and enjoys solitude. His tribal elders habitually talked of Ni'essa, thanking her whenever the hunters returned successful from their expeditions.

Embarking the night of the first full moon after his 100th birthday on his ritual Dreamwalk, he penetrated deep into the water wilderness to be alone with the Sky-Singer, and gain her blessing on his adult life. When he returned from this month-long spiritual journey, he discovered that four of the tribe's children had been killed by a swarm of phase spiders. He and his whole tribe mourned their loss for a year, as children among the Sildanyar are not nearly so prolific in this age as they had been in days of yore. The tribe had dealt with various threats many times before, but it was this devastating loss that gave Ga'Elian his first "favored enemy" (magical beast). His first favored terrain is forest, just like those he knew in his childhood (http://bit.ly/29rnFo6). In such places, he feels most at home.

It is now some 16 years later, and in that interval Ga'Elian has struck out on his own, seeking to broaden his knowledge of the world and the affairs of its inhabitants. He had found wars, desolation, and corruption among the settlements and communities of the self-styled "civilized nations", and feels a mixture of sadness, pity, and anger as a result, but also a divine mandate from the Celestial Huntress to fight these evil forces. He is also encouraged to hope for the ultimate triumph of tranquility, beauty, and health just as Eluna brightens the dark of night with her gentle beams, and inspires her faithful with dreams of a better future.

Ga'Elian's animal companion is a griffon named Erithamiel, but better known among humans as either Silverbeak or Ironclaws (from his essence bonding).

With its recent infestation of dæmons, Ga'Elian came to the City to lend his assistance, taking the fiends as his second favored enemy.

While there, he participated in a Guild mission to assist a farmer, and in the encounter startled everyone including himself by killing an ettin with a single volley of two arrows, after it had sustained a bit of damage from having a the corpse of a wolf-sized hare thrown at it by Kailin. <OOC> He used the Rapid Shot feat under the combined influence of the spells Cat's Grace, Aspect of the Falcon, and Gravity Bow, scoring critical hits with both shots and doing a combined total of 66 hp damage with the attack. The ettin never got an attack before it fell. Kailin decapitated the corpse, presenting the heads to Ga'Elian as trophies, but Ga'Elian declined, keeping only the brute's teeth for a necklace. This deed may result in his choosing Humanoid (giant) for his third favored enemy when he achieves 10th level.

  The Ballad of Ga'Elian
  Now a farmer needs assistance,
  So approaching from the distance
  Three elves and a child of giants near the farm.
  Sunblade Sorscha, sword of morn,
  Mighty Kailin, giant-born,
  Quick Yelrona and Ga'Elian the wild.
  Though the day is bright and clear
  They see no sign as they draw near
  Of any threat that has this farmer's crops defiled,
  And yet the crops are disappearing
  As the four of them are nearing.
  Soon enough they see what means to do them harm.
  Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes,
  They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses,
  And what's with all the carrots?
  What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
  Bunnies, they're giant bunnies!
  The buck-toothed beasts soon face defeat,
  And, having saved the farmer's wheat,
  Our heroes pause to heal and offer thankful prayer,
  But they soon have cause to learn
  A giant hare's owner, in turn,
  May be itself a giant: in this case an ettin.
  For this fight they're unprepared,
  And perhaps a little scared,
  Holding firm but still they're nervously a-sweatin'
  When a pair of arrows' flight
  Ends the unexpected fight,
  And the wild elf earns the title Ettin-Slayer!
  Bunnies, they're giant bunnies!
  Or maybe ettins?

Roleplay Hooks

  • He is deeply concerned about the diminishing birth rate among the Sildanyar (at least among the Dawn Elves and Wild Elves), and wants to see their former vitality return.
  • He loves fighting fiends, and tracking them, especially in the forest.


Sylvanori PC Badge
Tribe: Faravanilas
Role: Ranger, Explorer, Adventurer
Relation to the Fae: Ga'Elian generally likes hanging out with the fae, participating in their revels, talking about nature with them, etc.

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Faith PC Badge
Faith: Eluna (as Niessa, the Silver Huntress)
(He worships Gilead and reveres Daeus (mostly in connection with his fiend-fighting efforts) as well, but he considers Eluna his Patroness.)
Temple: The wilderness, especially under moonlight
Role: lay worshipper

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Homeland PC Badge
Homeland: the Periantha Forest, Llyranost
Tier: (as yet, no RPPs spent on this)
Family History: a nomadic tribe of Sylvanori
Politics: Generally accepts what the tribal elders say


(RPP) Organization PC Badge
Organization: Ygdrassil Union
Role: Active Member (Tier 4)
Scholarship: Survival (and Tracking) and Stealth
Tokens: Advanced Scholar,
Expanded Training, and


Aspect PC Badge
Aspect: Stag-touched
Tier: Tier 3
Tattoos: Major Aspect Tattoo: A black outlining tattoo filling his back. It depicts the Ygdrassil tree with its trunk extending up his spine, its branches in full leaf and a Stag standing majestically in front of it looking up at the full moon.


(RPP) Influence PC Badge
Degree: A Known Face - Tier 2
Influence with: The Iron Book
Lingering Words Skill: Diplomacy
Application: The IB is a low-key, secretive organization due to its topic matter. This means Ga'Elian knows about them, which is a unique thing, and has some acquaintances there. It doesn't mean influencing policy or direction, but having some acquaintances who know more about demonolgy is definitely a good thing, and a good resource for him.

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