Beyond the Pale Part 2

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Log Info

  • Title: Beyond the Pale Part 2
  • GM: Thurid
  • Place: Graveyard in village of Sendor
  • Summary: Our stalwart heroes investigate the graveyard with the missing corpse issues... And find more than they might be able to chew.

The party have just convened at the Cemetery in question- They have the names of three people who have recently purchased shovels, though all seemed to have decent enough reason to want one. The local burial pracices have been discussed- with most being committed to the soil rather than other forms of funerary practices. The local watch have been made aware they are here, courtesy of a page from the temple of Althea. And Burai has done a little subterranean scouting and discovered something possibly alarming- there is an extensive underground structure beneath the cemetery. One which none of the townspeople nor the guild listing for the job saw fit to mention, it seems.

And so here they are, at the entrance of the rather well-kempt cemetery, ready to take a closer look at the unearthed graves to see if they can't find a clue as to who has been doing it, and why. And ideally, putting a stop to whatever is disturbing the sanctity of their rest.

GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (10)+10: 20

"Well." Skyler adjusts the buckler on his arm, glancing at the motley crew that's assembled as he checks the various vials and such attached to the inside of his leather greatcoat, "It's not like the corpses are getting any older, but we certainly are." He then draws his scimitar, spins it flashily, and then makes his way towards the nearest of the open graves, careful to keep an eye on the mausoleum to the southwest.

GAME: Crik rolls perception: (12)+11: 23
GAME: Burai rolls survival: (20)+13: 33

Crik had in the meanwhile flipped his cloaks out and open enough to become the gravedigger. At least in quick appearances; he was not in fact carrying a shovel, nor a lantern, nor much more than just shabby looking clothing. "Remember to burn anything that attempts to crawl out of the earth." The corvid says and walks on after the sky pirate, beak open as he carefully looks around the graveyard.

Ulthan, having reached the open graves, looks around and hmms. "These coffins seem broken enough, and not with tools, I'd say ..."

Burai follows the others towards the graves, but spends more time searching the ground nearby. After he reaches the second open grave he takes a few moments and then slowly orients himself and begins walking away from the grave towards the next open grave. Once again he studies the ground, follows a set of tracks...then finally after a few steps he glances ahead. "Both of these have tracks leading towards the Mausoleum." He glances back at the first grave. "I'm almost certain the first will as well if we go back to look..."

"There's nothing left in the graves, either." Skyler adds as he stands besides Ulthan, tilting his head slightly with narrowed eyes. "Whatever it is, I don't think it's just a case of bandits trying to improve their gear." He glances towards the mausoleum, "I think we're going to have to go in there, friends."

Crik leans over over one of the graves to the north, and hurriedly starts making notes. "This grave has been opened recently. Ser..." He flips open one of his endless number of notebooks. Then another. Then another, that looked like it just had scribbles of a mad person. Then another. Just plain notebook. "... I misplaced my book on heraldry." He makes a sad noise from the back of his throat.

Notes finished, he pokes around the rest of the graves. "Why these graves?" He asks. "Why a horse?" Another hop around a grave. "Why a mausoleum?"

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (19)+13: 32

As the party approach the mausoleum in the south, there is the rusty creak of the gate to the cemetery swinging shut with a clang and then a thunk as it locks. Turning back, the guard that had been standing just outside is gone. As if that weren't ominous enough, there is the slow noise of stone grinding against stone as dust begins to shake itself loose from the disturbed sarcophagus Crik previously noted. The lid continues to move, inch by inch, until it overbalances and topples off with a loud crash.

Skeletal hands grip the edges of the sarcophagus and then begin lifting out a horse-headed and armor clad human torso. What is perhaps less expected, is that the rib cage and spine eventually gives way not to a pelvis but to the clavicle of a horse. The hands reach back into the grave, drawing forth a shield and lance, while skeletal equine forelimbs drag the remainder of the body out of the grave- an amalgam of rider and her mount, not a natural born centaur, but a necromantic creation to judge by the leather straps and rivets that attach human parts to horse.

Cold, blue fire ignites in the eyes the horse skull atop human shoulders, and the lance is brandished as the fused creature leaps from its tomb and stomps the earth.

Her armour and shield bears still the heraldry of a Sendoran royal knight, and the armor she wears though marred with grave dust is finely crafted and ornate marking her as nobility.

GAME: Thurid rolls 12: (4)+12: 16

Crik was flipping and flopping his cloaks, almost as if trying to decipher the correct shade to wear for the winter - before he suddenly pauses and slowly turns his beak. Rookie mistake. Always bash the skeletons heads in. He hurriedly gestures at the rest of the party in... indecipherable handspeek, before hopping to hide behind one of the gravestones, hand crossbow in hand.

The skeletal lancer steps forwards a few deliberate paces, staring at Skyler, Burai and Ulthan- she doesn't appear to have noticed Crik sneaking up towards her, and speaks. The horse skull that has replaced her human head does not move when she does, but her voice echoes out all the same- "The master yet gathers strength, and his rich slumber will not be disturbed by thee." she proclaims, and points the tip of her lance towards the trio.

Oh no. It speaks! It _speaks_. Crik holds up his hands and three fingers, with thumb sticking out. He juts them out forward two times, then makes an o-shape with both of his hands. Finally, he spins one of the fingers around in the hair.

No, this was not handspeech.

After, he grabs his hand crossbow again and waits for the rider to get closer.

"See, this is why I asked if animals were going missing too." Skyler says to no one in particular, with a wide grin, "I knew they were doing creepy stuff! Man, we really should have gotten some holy water or something."

He shakes his head, and reaches into his coat with one hand, pulling out a vial of alchemist fire. "And who is going to stop us? You? By the time we're done, the only thing you'll be fit for is jerky and bone broth, bitch." He laughs, a slightly maniacal sound, "Bring it!"

GAME: Skyler rolls intimidate: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Ulthan casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13

Ulthan shakes his head as he sees the party is entirely wrong-footed by being surprised from behind. He mutters under his breath while embracing his internal magic, doubling in height and becoming a large, imposing force...

Burai falls forward onto his hands as his body shifts and morphs into a large feline shape with savage claws and fur and oversized incisors. "We will not be threatened by the likes of you!" He growls, somehow managing passable speech even with his giant jutting fangs.

GAME: Crik rolls weapon2: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Skyler refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Thurid rolls 12+2: (2)+12+2: 16
GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE.

Ser Fiore, Skeletal Knight braces the lance and then barrels towards Skyler- apparently his words didn't shake her, but they certainly provoked her as she charges towards him, bone hooves pounding the earth and kicking up clods of soil as she rushes in. At the last moment, the lance is thrust forwards but Skyler deftly avoids the blow and she drags the tip of her lance through the earth without effect.

GAME: Skyler rolls acrobatics+5: (8)+12+5: 25
GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (19)+11: 30
GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1: (14)+12: 26
GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE.
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d3+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Skyler rolls ranged: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Skyler rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Skyler used a Alchemist's Fire.
GAME: Ulthan RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 10 temporary HP
GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon1: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Ulthan rolls damage1: aliased to 2d8+9: (3)+9: 12

Narrowly avoiding the charge, Skyler lets out a yelping noise of panic. He attempts an dive towards the rear of her. Her attack is met with his shield in an attempt to open her to a slash, but he doesn't quite manage it and is knocked ass over appetite away from her. He makes a hiss of pain, stumbling back, and tosses the vial of alchemical fire in his hand at her.

Ulthan lets out an ululating warcry as he rushes, but not charges, the undead abomination, his huge feet stomp the ground as he begins to shimmer and blur into the scenery while his Rage takes hold. The long strides catch up to the Skeletal knight, and his huge flail swings and connects sideways on the torso of the human part of the skeleton, splintering bones and tossing them about.

GAME: Burai rolls 13: (8)+13: 21
GAME: Burai rolls 13: (11)+13: 24
GAME: Burai rolls 13: (9)+13: 22

The large tiger hops forward, timing it so that it's pushing off on rear two legs so that claws can both lift to savage the 'knight' portion of the monstrous form....but shield and armor seem as strong in (un)death as any such protection would be for a living foe, and Burai's attacks only scratch at the enemy's defenses.

GAME: Crik rolls weapon1+2+1: (17)+9+2+1: 29

Bryn was expecting grave robbers, even when it was shownt that the graves to turned out, bodies and all. She was NOT expecting a grave to open and something dead (mostly?) to crawl out. Even less so something being part one and part another. She blinks slowly. "Somebody liked ridin 'er horsie way too much, 'r somebody else likes puzzles.."

However it came to be, it needs to not be. The oruchess pulls out or big curve blade and moves in, starting to belt a rousing, "Twice da bones, twice da breakin! Double da skulls, double da crackin!" Ok, so there are not double the skulls, but its the spirit of the thing...

GAME: Crik rolls damage1+3d6+1: aliased to 1d4+1+3d6+1: (3)+1+(14)+1: 19

Crik attempted to take a shot at the knight, but his hands were still stiff. "Skeletons don't ride, skeletons don't ride..." He mutters by himself, then switches over to his blade when the fray properly starts.

Waiting for an opportune moment behind the gravestone, the corvid egalrin suddenly leaps out and runs at the skeleton once knight. "Aim for the clavicles!" He yells as he leaps at the boney creature, his flat blade cutting into its enemy. "... one of them!"

GAME: Thurid rolls 12: (14)+12: 26
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d100: (59): 59
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8+12: (8)+12: 20
GAME: Thurid rolls 7: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8+12: (8)+12: 20
GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Thurid rolls 3: (4)+3: 7

Ser Fiore, Skeletal Knight is promptly surrounded by the party of adventurers, closing in on her from all sides. It seems they will swiftly overcome her defenses as several of their strikes land true. But then with a flare of cold fire in her dead eyes, she rears back and lunges out with her lance- striking true first to Ulthan's shoulder, and then another quick jab that catches Burai's advance and arrests it. She turns on the spot, swinging her shield arm out to fend off Bryn and Crik as well- though the strikes don't land, she's doing her best to keep them at arms length.

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Skyler rolls acrobatics+5: (6)+12+5: 23
GAME: Skyler rolls acrobatics+5: (8)+12+5: 25
GAME: Thurid rolls 15: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1+2: (10)+12+2: 24
GAME: Skyler rolls damage1+2+5: aliased to 1d6+5+2+5: (4)+5+2+5: 16
GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon1+2+2: (12)+10+2+2: 26
GAME: Ulthan rolls damage1+2: aliased to 2d8+9+2: (9)+9+2: 20

Again, Skyler moves with fluid grace, attempting a roll between Crik and the undead knight. Unfortunately, it's lance lashes out and catches him and he makes a mewling noise as he tries to tank the blow, staggering slightly before responding with a wicked lash of his sword at the joint of woman and skeleton.

GAME: Burai rolls 11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Burai rolls 11: (4)+11: 15
GAME: Burai rolls 11: (6)+11: 17

Ulthan growls from the lance-bite in his side, but still windfs up into a massive swing of his flail, keeping the aim at the joint of woman and beast, hitting there and sendings few of the rivets and bones flying.

GAME: Burai rolls 2d6+6: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (19)+10+2+2+-2: 31 (THREAT)
GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+2-2: (12)+10+2+2+-2: 24
GAME: Bryn rolls damage1+2+2+6: aliased to 2d4+7+2+2+6: (8)+7+2+2+6: 25
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1+2+1: (9)+9+2+1: 21

"Crackin skulls, crushin bone, bustin knuckles!" Its one part song, on part battlecry, one part instruction manual(?). Not that Bryn is equipped for smashing as well as, say, Ulthan, but she's still got a hefty piece of steel in hand. That she lifts overhead to drop down in a big swingon the back of the horsepart. Because it is the bigger part of the target and teh hardest to miss. "Ha!" And look, stuff does crack, even if its not actually crushed.

The warriors surrounding the skeletal enemy give Burai an opportunity - he snaps his powerful jaws shut on an overextended arm, momentatily holding it in a vicelike grip, but then releasing it and running his tounge over lips and fangs to try and remove the taste.

GAME: Thurid rolls 4d8+9: (15)+9: 24

Crik caws out loud as the knight proves her mettle even after death. His wings flutter as he observes Skyler take a hit. "... bad time to practice rolls, not-pirate." The corvid caws out, before he swipes at the tall beast, before he hops away from the lance range.

GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d3+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Thurid rolls 13: (12)+13: 25
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d100: (6): 6
GAME: Thurid rolls 7: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Thurid rolls 6: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Thurid rolls 1d3+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Thurid rolls 7: (13)+7: 20

The skeletal knight is coming apart under the relentless assault from the party, she collapses slumping down and her equine legs folding beneath her. "No... I can't fail... I can't fail again..." she cries as an eerie blue flame spreads through her hollow ribcage. The flames grow in intensity before they burst out, enwreathing her dry bones in ghostly blue flames. She rises again, and with an ethereal bellow launches into another assault, shield swinging out to send Skyler sprawling once more and bloody Bryn's nose, Lance darting forth towards Ulthan, barely missing him thanks to his blurred outline, and Burai's tiger form which is too swift for her to pin down.

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1+2+2: (17)+12+2+2: 33 (THREAT)
GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1+2+2: (4)+12+2+2: 20
GAME: Bryn casts Gallant Inspiration. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15
GAME: Bryn rolls 2d4: (6): 6
GAME: Skyler gains ONE point of PANACHE.
GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE.
GAME: Skyler rolls damage1+damage1+2+10: aliased to 1d6+5+1d6+5+2+10: (6)+5+(5)+5+2+10: 33
GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE.
GAME: Skyler gains TWO point of PANACHE.

As he stumbles back, the sky pirate looks in bad shape: his nose is broken from the repeated bashes of the skeletal shield, and he spits a bit of tooth out as he catches himself and prevents a tumble back. "Yes, Crik, thanks Crik." He mutters, and then after a moment's pause to consider with brow furrowed leaps forward...

His curved blade lashes out, and scores a wicked blow at the junction of horse and woman... Which turns into an bisection with a twist of his wrist and a shove of his body weight agaisnt tendons.

He then falls back, panting. "Is it over?"

GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Crik rolls perception: (19)+11: 30

Once the fusion of human and equine spine is severed the flame bursts out, washing over the party with an unnatural chill- harmless, but unsettling- and then the remaining bones fall apart, clattering into the ground in a rough heap of bone and armour and armaments as she unholy second life goes out of this once proud knight. The graveyard is quiet once more, save for the party catching their breath after the sudden assault, and the incongruous noises of birds singing away as though the dead did not just rise.

Burai paces a few steps to one side, then turns and moves back in the other direction, always keeping his head trained on the skeletal remains. "She mentioned a 'master' that still slumbers?" Satisfied the bones will not rise again the feline head turns now to study the party. At first it's to see if they recall her words. But then he takes in some of the injuries, particularly Skyler's. After casting a quick look around graveyard, he pads towards the pirate, jaws widening slightly. "I can cure your wounds," he growls. Then pauses and closes his jaws. "With a spell, that is."

GAME: Burai rolls perception: (4)+13: 17
GAME: Bryn rolls perception: (4)+11: 15
GAME: Crik rolls knowledge/religion: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Burai casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Burai rolls 2d8+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Bryn rolls knowledge/history: (17)+9: 26

Crik moves over Skyler and pats him on the back. "Yes, no more need to roll, the rattle is over." The corvid says with his beak open, "Always cut at the tendons and ligaments." He then moves over the collection of bones. He took a moment to clasp his hands and bow his head, as if in pray, before his notebook flips open and he starts writing rapidly.

"... this was not regular undead. Somebody created her, and that wind of resistance..." He then pauses, leans down and carefully rummages the bones. A moment later, he is holding an eye shaped gem in his gloved fingers. He doesn't mention anything about crows being ones to first peck eyes out. "Why her, though...?" He mutters, staring at his notes again, flipping papers rapidly with his thumb.

"Nice one, Sky Guy!" Bryn compliments before looking at the pile of bones. "Huh. Think I heard ma's ma talk abouto this one. Big noble-y Sendor knight. Fought the Bludguns all heroic-like. Died all heroic-like, too. Wha' she doin 'ere?

"Thanks." Skyler tells Burai as the druid offers the heal, collapsing down with a little whimpering sound he bites back. And then the healing energy washes over him, and he shudders. "Ooof. Makes my taint tickle." He shakes his head, and reaches up to set his own noise with a little squeak of pain before collapsing down onto his back, staring up at the sky. He does lift a hand to give Bryn a thumbs up, though.

GAME: Ulthan ends his rage.

Ulthan heaves as he wills his Rage to subside after the fall of the enemy. He leans on his flail's haft as he looks over at Bryn. "Remember, the tradition they mentioned?"

Burai huffs in response to Skyler and then casts his gaze about the cemetary again. "Master...she mentioned a master," he prompts the others. "Something about slumbering still." Finally he focuses on the masoleum. "Whoever it is she served in life, could they also be interred here? And preparing to rise just as she did?"

Ulthan says, “Fallen warriors are returned home...”

"'Swhat I think." Skyler says weakly from the ground, "I imagine someone is amassing an army downstairs. Maybe we should report to the temple and return with reinforcements?" Beat. "Or at least holy water?"

Crik eyes the eye gem, then carefully puts it between his beak and bites on it. "I think the master is probably alive. Or undead alive. Or - what is this gem?" He gives up and just looks at the shiny.

Ulthan sits down, still as tall as everyone else, while muttering. "Holy water sounds a good idea..."

Burai swivels his head to peer at the gate now. "Wait a moment...wait a moment. I remember now, the guard. Just before this abomination emerged." He shoots a murderous look at the pile of bones and armor. "The guard, he left and...and did he lock the gate behind him?"

Ulthan's head snaps up as he groans. "That would be real fine... Anyone got the description of that specific guard noted down?"

Crik looks around the party, then quickly starts ruffling around his notes and papers. "... I did not. All guards look alike." He lets out a long sad noise.

"Crik, that isn't sanitary." Skyler protests when Crik bites at the gem, slowly sitting up and wincing slightly as he gets to his feet slowly. He squints at Burai, adding, "I didn't pay much attention to the guard. Think we track him down before we go down?"

"Near as I can tell, they all smell alike as well." Burai adds in a growl.

Bryn frowns, scratches at her brow with a metal finger. "Wasn't mindin the guard so much 'n more the cemetary..." She then gives a big shrug. "Sounds like we oughtta find this master quick-like, then. 'Fore any army gets too big, ey?"

The Cemetary remains quiet for the time being, but the gate in question is definitely closed, and the guard they saw is definitely not there anymore. Closer examination will reveal that it is indeed locked. The fence surrounding the Cemetary is wrought iron and wouldn't be especially difficult to scale for someone with decent athletic ability.

And so, the undead enemy is felled but the party find themselves with more questions than answers. What could cause a noble knight to raise as an undead monstrosity? Why did the guard lock them in? What is this mysterious eye gem Crik found? Who is this unknown master? It's certainly seeming to be more complicated than a a simple case of grave robbery or even a lone necromancer helping himself to body parts.

A cool breeze blows through the graveyard, as though to remind them that despite Sendor's balmy clime, it is still in winter's grasp, and perhaps something more nefarious.