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About Ulthan

Ulthan is a young Dran who recently reached Alexandria from all the way to Khardic Mountains. He has picked up the familial trade of couriering, and is trying to establish himself in Alexandria as a message-runner and courier.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Wants to establish a guild for messengers, right now looking for courier jobs
  • Seeking more information on why his Ancestral rage feels different from his kinsmen.
  • Trying to establish his reputation in order to attract other messengers and couriers to work with.

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Human PC Badge
Ancestry: Dranei
Associated With: Messengers' Guild
Faith: Tarien


Bloodrager PC Badge
Bloodline: Bloodline: Arcane, it makes me tingle when I notice someone casting spells nearby...
The Fury Inside: Discrete fury, sticking close and beating enemies up.
Fighting Style: Heavy flail with sinuous, flowing combat patterns
Inner Power: Spells to go big and go fast, possibly even at same time.

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(RPP) Blood Pact PC Badge
Entity: 'Granny' Aelfrigga, the Grand Matriarch of his Clan (and powerful Storm Giantess sorceress)

The Jotun Glyph for storm

The Contract: To always protect those smaller than I am, to lend a hand to Angoron's and Tariens fiathful, and to be a good cheer.
History: Ulthan has recently been inducted into the Inner Circle of his Clan, given the sacred symbol and taught the initial ceremony for drawing power from the Matriarch.
Other Landmarks: Nothing significant yet, btu Ulthan is quick to learn, and there is a tingle in his blood that resonates with his bond to his family.