
From Tenebrae
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Class: Wizard

Level: 5

Desc: Cesran is a tall lanky man standing about 6'1". He skin tone is the color of dark mahogany and he has dark hair that has been styled into long dreadlocks that hang down to his shoulders. He has high cheek bones and a strong jawline. Cesran has amber colored eyes. He has a very wiry build with long arms and legs. His fingers are thin and long. Cesran is wearing a long red robe that reaches all the way down to his ankles. Around his middle is a deep blue sash that he has his pouches and melee weapons. He wears a simple silver ring on his index finger. His feet are adorned a pair of sandals that have red and gold intricate bead work in a geometric pattern.

Spell List:


Ant Haul, Break, Dancing Lantern, Expeditious Excavation, Flare Burst, Stone Fist, Touch of the Sea, Alarm, Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self Endure Elements Enlarge Person Erase Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Floating Disk Grease Hold Portal Hypnotism Identify Jump Mage Armor Magic Aura Magic Missile Magic Weapon Mount Protection From Chaos Protection From Evil Protection From Good Protection From Law Ray of Enfeeblement Reduce Person Repair Light Damage Shield Shocking Grasp Silent Image Sleep Summon Monster I True Strike Unseen Servant Ventriloquism

Level 2 Wizard Spells Burning Gaze Acid Arrow Bear's Endurance Bull's Strength Cat's Grace Command Undead Detect Thoughts Eagle's Splendor False Life Flaming Sphere Fox's Cunning Glitterdust Hypnotic Pattern Invisibility Mirror Image Owl's Wisdom Resist Energy Scorching Ray See Invisibility Spider Climb Summon Monster II Web

Level 3 Wizard Spells Dispel Magic Fireball Fly Lightning Bolt Phantom Steed