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<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "FYI, in the stinky room is a make-shift laboratory in which the construction of a flesh golem is in progress. There is also a small shrine to Thul on the wall overlooking it."

Revision as of 19:13, 31 January 2017

Emitter: Ga'Elian

Players: Aya and Munch

Non-combat scene

It's Tariday, Vhast 31 11:03:40 1019. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and slack. The sky is cloudless and brilliant blue. The northwest wind is icy, blowing snow across the landscape in swirling white gusts.

A07: Fernwood Pub

Munch is a predator. He hunts things, kills them violently, and eats them. He also eats plants, rocks, bits of metal, and pretty much anything he happens across. But meat is still a favorite. And chasing things down is half the fun. So as the halfling Huldith runs to the Fernwood, the golem Munch is more than happy to chase him. There is a little something to be said for civilization and live capture, so the metal man holds himself back, bursting into the pub with a bang, but not quite a shower of splinters. Doors are expensive, after all.

Upon entering the pub, Munch does catch sight of Huldith at the top of the stairs, running as fast as his halfling legs can carry him toward one of the suites. Meanwhile, his path through the downstairs is quite evident from the patrons currently recovering in his wake.

"MOVE!" Munch follows his own order, heading for the stairs at a rather rapid pace. For such a big guy, he's quite frighteningly quick. he's also at least a little considerate, trying not to break anything or hurt anyone along the way. Not so say it definately doesn't happen, but he is at least trying.

GAME: Munch rolls intimidate: (6)+14: 20

Aya is may not be so omnivorous as some, but she is none to fond of loud, disruptive chaos. Especially so early in the day. In the moments following the slamming of doors and startled cries from below, she appears on the upper level. From what room she emerged is unknown, and her presence may be unnoticed initially due to the cacophony below that she now watches.

GAME: Munch rolls acrobatics: (17)+6: 23

The people in the Fernwood immediately go from affronted by the rudeness of the lucht to terrified at the appearance of and command from Munch. As the imposing war golem bounds through the room, they scatter, leaving a mess of spilled food, broken dishes and overturned tables and chairs clattering in the path.

Upstairs, the lucht reaches to open a particular door, but it opens first and out steps a noble lady, dressed in finery, looking down from the balcony to behold the disturbance below. Looking then at the lucht, she says, "What did you do, Huldith?" in a voice of stoic tension.

When the commotion rushes up the stairs and across the upper level, Aya displays her good manners. Rather than be so rude as to interfere with the hunt of a lucht, surely deserved, she vanishes from her position to reappear on the lee of the door stopped at, opposite any pursuers.

Munch hurries up the stairs, and stops, slightly hunched, like a cat about to pounce. Or really, more like a dragon. A rather small dragon, but still quite dangerous. "It's my job to hunt criminals, and your behavior is really suspicious. But I admit I'm not the best with that sorta thing, so we can still talk. Or fight. Or you can run, or even hide. But, I've out fought dragons, out ran horses, and sought out ghosts, so talking is likely your best bet."

Suddenly surrounded by his mistress, a mul'niessa with wondrous mobility, and his war golem pursuer, the lucht looks around and begins to weep. "Oh, Your Ladyship, he knows about your parcel. He was with an elf that had taken it to the Artificers Hall and is gone even now to bring the Watch. I am come to warn you. Please forgive me, my lady!"

The lady was about to utter a response to Munch when Huldith cuts her off to offer his sobbing explanation. At hearing his words, the rage rises in the purpling of her face, and she says, "FOOL OF A SERVANT! Get into the room!" Then to Munch she says, "I don't know what you think you know, but perhaps you might accept my hospitality? She looks at the mul'niessa then and continues, "Are you with... him?"

Aya arches a brow at the noble with a somewhat oblique glance at the Munch. "That? Hardly... though I do know of the elf and his interest in parcels."

GAME: Munch rolls perception: (6)+17: 23

GAME: Aya rolls perception: (11)+18: 29

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You both catch the scent of rotten meat poorly masked behind expensive perfume. The perfume seems to emanate from the lady, while the stench of rot wafts from the room behind her."

GAME: Munch rolls sense motive: (7)+-3: 4

Munch buzzes quietly and points at the departing servant. "See, that? That is not Good Guy Talk. DemonChomper Svarshan never talks like that." Svarshan is likely not the best example for how -anyone- should talk, but the BrightBlade is a pretty solid example of a Good Guy. Munch works with what he knows. "I don't know what I think I know either, so if hospitality is talking, I'm still okay with talking." Barbarian diplomacy is a weird thing, even at the diplomatic parts. The metal man perks slightly, his face splitting open a crack and a long black tongue flicking out. The scent of rotting meat? Well, this 'hospitality' thing usually means food, right? Maybe it's snacks.

The lady regards Aya more fully now, arching her eyebrow as she says, "Indeed? Then I should like to invite you also to join me for tea. Won't you..." she glances back at Munch, "...be my guests?" She returns inside her room.

Aya suppresses her nose's wish to wrinkle, her arched brow turning to the noblewoman. "You're very gracious. I'm honored at the opportunity you offer."

Munch recalls something about spiders and parlors, but he eats spiders, so it's probally fine. He follows the Lady into the room, fully expecting to be ambushed, either by weapons, or tea cups. The later concern him a great deal more, since all he remembers about tea cups is it's rude to eat them.

Inside, the room is a well-appointed sitting room with doors leading off to left and right. A coffee table is placed conveniently between a formal sofa and two thronelike chairs. The lady takes a seat on the sofa, as a tiny creature with long cat-like teeth and small leathery wings sets a silver tea service out. The smell of rotten meat is stronger here, and seems to be emanting from one door in particular, which stands slightly ajar. As the lady sits, she says, "I am Lady Jaquetta, and as you may or may not know came to Alexandria to take delivery of a certain parcel. Apparently, it has been intercepted or at very least misdelivered."

GAME: Munch rolls knowledge/arcana: (19)+9: 28

GAME: Aya rolls knowledge/arcana: (4)+3: 7

Ga'Elian paged Munch with 'It is a homonculous. (Standard version)'

Aya makes immediate note of the small winged creature, if just due to its conspicuous and unusual appearance. "I'm aware of a parcel that was found after the courier had an unfortunate accident in the mountains," she offers.

As soon as the tea is served, the small creature heads over to close the door to the stinky room. The odor doesn't dissipate immediately, but does begin to succumb gradually to the lady's strong perfume.

Munch nods. "Wagon fell off a cliff. Driver died. Ga'Elian, the elf, came along later and found the box. Didn't know who it went to, but looked inmportant, so took it to the Hall. Went back to see if could learn anything else. I met him on the way. We found the name 'Huldith' but didn't know who that was, and a map to Cooper and Sons. We went to the warehouse, and just missed Huldith, Cooper pointed him out. We spoke to Huldith, told him what happened, and he ran away. I followed, and you pretty much know the rest." He speaks to the lady Jaquetta, but his magicite eyes follow the creature.

Lady Jaquetta sips her tea as she listens very intently to her guests. Then, she says, "Ah, well, then it was all a great misunderstanding, brought about by an accident. When the parcel had not arrived at Cooper and Sons on schedule, I wondered if this might not be my parcel. The tiny creature brings her an issue if the Alexandrian Tribune with a headline saying, "Wagon Crash in Alexandria Due to Weather, One Dead". By the way, I like to know with whom I share tea. Might I know your names?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "If you have any ranks in linguistics, or several in knowledge/geography, you might pick up hints of a Charnese accent to her speech."

Aya dips her chin. "That is the long and short of it, yes." She then offers to their hostess, "You may call me Aya." For introductions, there is only the short of it. "Might I ask why the Artificers could want your parcel? If they have interest in it, you may find it impossible to have it returned. Not in one piece, that is."

Munch flicks his long tongue at the tea, more tasteing than drinking. He glances briefly to Aya. "It's a fancy artifice thingy. Glowy runes and the whole bit." Turning back the the lady, he offers his own introduction. "Munch TerrorMaw, the Golem Who Eats. And drinks, I guess. Sometimes." Another flick of the tongue, sampling the contents carefully. He knows there's more going on here. Doesn't know what, and isn't sure what to do about it, but still knows.

GAME: Munch casts Detect Poison. Caster Level: 5 DC: 11

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+3+10+5: (6)+3+10+5: 24

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "^^^ Lady Jaquetta's spellcraft check--successful. She knows what spell you cast."

<OOC> Munch thinks if he were a fancy lady inviting people for tea, he might poison it. Not that he's worried about poison, but Aya's drinking it too, and she doesn't have a cast iron stomach.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You detect no poison... in the tea. There is a bit in a flask on a table against the wall."

<OOC> Aya asks very late whether Lady Jaquetta is a noble name that might be known.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You can roll knowledge/nobility"

GAME: Aya rolls knowledge/nobility: Trained Use Only: 0

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You can certainly try Sense Motive on her, too. What it may reveal is not necessarily what you were asking, though."

GAME: Aya rolls sense motive: (16)+12: 28

Ga'Elian paged Aya with 'She comes across as someone who has practiced for years to appear as gentility in her manners, but is common in her origins. Likely the title Lady is assumed. In addition, she is clearly nervous about the correlation of her parcel with the Artificers' Hall, and that gors beyond Munch's explanation.'

Aya spares a brief glance to the construct dipping its ... tongue into the tea. How impolite. Convenient, though, as it might distract from the fact that she has yet to even take a cup for herself. She dips her head at the description from Munch. "Ah, well, that would easily explain their interest in it..."

Lady Jaquetta smiles at the introductions and watches as Munch casts his spell. She looks to Aya, and looks a touch relieved as Aya seems to accept Munch's explanation. She says, "Yes, quite so. Actually, the parcel was a pack of documents, contained within a box, crafted by artifice to keep its contents private. I'm afraid a personal opportunity might be jeopardized if the documents were to be read by the wrong eyes. In fact, I should make haste to go collect them before my private affairs are exposed to such eyes. I'm sure that you" she looks at Aya "can understand one's wish to keep certain matters... in the dark?"

Just then the sound of several Watch whistles can be heard approaching rapidly from the street outside.

Munch perks slightly. "That might be them now. Before I forget, who's in the other room?" He motions towards the rotting-meat-smell room. A guess, but this is getting dull, and he doesn't deal well with boredom.

The Lady rises, looking with evident concern at the windows, but turns to Munch with a wicked smile at his question. She replies, "Oh, I must worship my lord even when I travel. Will you offer your homage to the lord Thul?"

The whistles give way to a new kerfuffle in the common room downstairs. Soon the sound of several feet tramping heavily comes up the stairs.

"I acknowledge His influence over the dead, and His dedication to contracts," Aya states somewhat diplomatically, "but He is not my patron. I'm sure you're aware that He isn't as popular in some areas as others. The Alexandrians might not be very appreciative."

Munch politely sets down the tea cup, and stands... or perhaps uncoils, a hand grasping the haft of his axe, but not drawing the weapon just yet. "Nah, I'm pretty firmly the Kor type." He's also rather devout to Reos, but this isn't the best time for a full theological discussion.

Lady Jaquetta merely says, "Pity." before the door is burst open. In pour a half-dozen Watchmen, all attired in the uniform of their civic office. As they enter, they spread around the room and train various weapons (including a couple wands) on the three in already in the room. The last watchman to enter orders, "Everybody hold." Just behind him, Ga'Elian enters too, and says, "Sir, these two are fellow adventurers, and have been involved with this matter. I believe yonder lady is the Jaquetta you came for."

Aya turns as the door opens, "The prodigal investigator returns." A brow arches at Ga'Elian and the watchmembers. "Is there a problem?"

One of the watch, holding a wand, fires a spell from it at Jaquetta. She suffers no visible effect.

Munch considers a moment, and slowly, carefully, lets go the axe and stands straight. He's been on the wrong side of a misunderstanding with the Watch before. No need to do so again. "Might check the room there. And Huldith is around somewhere, but can't say he concerns me."

The other wand-wielding watchman wends his way to the indicated room and opens the door. He is momentarily stunned by the stench, but pushes in nevertheless. Meanwhile, Lady Jaquetta raises her arms to perform the somatic components of some spell, but when she opens her mouth to utter the verbal component, any sound is utterly silenced. A look of intense rage overcomes her, but not before another watchman grapples her, knocking her down onto the tea table.

The guard captain says, "Lady Jaquetta, you are under arrest for conspiring to commit necromancy, and for conspiracy to overthrow the lawful government of Alexandros."

Munch starts to move when the lady does, but the guard is quicker. Likely lucky for her.

Aya takes a half-step back, to make sure she isn't involved in any subsequent wrestling. "Well, those are serious charges. I had no idea." She waves a hand at the tea set. "I was simply invited to tea and conversation. Now that that's done, I'll take my leave."

The Watch leader says, "Fine, fine. The Watch thanks the Adventurers of Alexandria. Your service has been invaluable, but we'll take matters from here."

- fin -

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "FYI, in the stinky room is a make-shift laboratory in which the construction of a flesh golem is in progress. There is also a small shrine to Thul on the wall overlooking it."