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Astaren nods slowly and smiles a bit more, "That is something about the gods of good, they work with each other, not against each other." Reaching up to rub his head at the thought, "while evil gods work against each other. Perhaps one of the few salvations we have against the evils we face, they are not united. I know very little about tribes of your people, and honestly did not know your tribe was Faravanilas until now."
Astaren nods slowly and smiles a bit more, "That is something about the gods of good, they work with each other, not against each other." Reaching up to rub his head at the thought, "while evil gods work against each other. Perhaps one of the few salvations we have against the evils we face, they are not united. I know very little about tribes of your people, and honestly did not know your tribe was Faravanilas until now."
Ga'Elian grins. "I think that few are the humans that know my tribe. I certainly remember encountering them exceedingly rarely in my childhood. We met the [[Llyranesi]] or other tribes of the [[Sylvanori]] most often, the [[Lucht Siuil]] and the [[Egalrin]] with some regularity, the [[orcs far mor often than we would have liked, and fey beings from time to time, but [[Human|humans]] were a rare sight, indeed. If course, it is only in the last couple decades that [[Llyranost]] has opened itself to foreign contact as much as you now see it. The [[Sildanyar]] generally are a touch xenophobic by human standards, I surmise. But the dwindling birth rate among our race has caused much contoversy, and many of my generation advocated for opening the borders."
Ga'Elian grins. "I think that few are the humans that know my tribe. I certainly remember encountering them exceedingly rarely in my childhood. We met the [[Llyranesi]] or other tribes of the [[Sylvanori]] most often, the [[Lucht Siuil]] and the [[Egalrin]] with some regularity, the [[orcs far mor often than we would have liked, and fey beings from time to time, but [[humans]] were a rare sight, indeed. If course, it is only in the last couple decades that [[Llyranost]] has opened itself to foreign contact as much as you now see it. The [[Sildanyar]] generally are a touch xenophobic by human standards, I surmise. But the dwindling birth rate among our race has caused much contoversy, and many of my generation advocated for opening the borders."
Astaren shakes his head, "Dwindling birth rates, that must be concerning. More so with how prolifically other races breed. I know we humans can be quiet promiscious." rubing his head again and shrugging his shoulders,' Well I am glad to have met you. Your difference views and ways of approaching things have been educational."
Astaren shakes his head, "Dwindling birth rates, that must be concerning. More so with how prolifically other races breed. I know we humans can be quiet promiscious." rubing his head again and shrugging his shoulders,' Well I am glad to have met you. Your difference views and ways of approaching things have been educational."

Revision as of 00:44, 13 January 2017

It's Korday, Vhast 12 17:51:28 1019. The full moon is up. The tide is low and ebbing. The night is shrouded in cold bleak mist, dark grey and colorless. The ground is icy and the air wet.

W03: The Deep Woods

The sun has set, leaving the forest as dark as ever, despite the full moon over the canopy above. The woods are thick here, even in winter with evergreens and the sorts of shubbery that thrives in the cold. A large beast is clinging to the trunk of one of the older trees in the immediate vicinity, the shiny barding on its winged torso glinting in the dappling of moonlight that does peek through.

Astaren has found a small clearing in the woods, and is laying on his back staring up at the sky. He is humming a song to himself and seems rather relaxed. He is wearing a heavy winter cloak and seems to not be minding the cold to much. A glance around as he hmms, "Seems I am no longer alone, who is there?"

In reply, the familiar voice of Ga'Elian answers from the clearing's edge, "True solitude is a rare thing, even here. This seems an unusual place to find you, Astaren." He steps into the clearing and draws his rapier, which sheds light equivalent to a torch once drawn from its sheath. He stops a few yards away and asks, "Clearing your head?"

Astaren shakes his head slowly, "That would be impossible for me to do under the stars. Turns out, I am a dreamer." A soft smile offered at that, "So I am here to listen to the stars sing. You though, I expected to run into out here eventually. The woods are your home after all." Sitting up and glancing over towards you, "How are the woods tonight?"

Ga'Elian considers for a moment, then "For the most part, fairly still. I get what you mean about the starsong, though. On nights such as this, the Huntress feels close."

Astaren shakes his head, "Not sure they are the same thing. I am dream touched, a connection the dreaming and the stars. They are literally talking to me; they make sense." Pointing up to some stars, "The celestial seas flow from here to there, it is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard."

Ga'Elian squats and lays the glowing blade across his lap. He says, "There are tales in my tribe of the music of the stars, but those who can hear it are rare, indeed. It is said that they bear a special favor of the the Huntress."

Astaren tilts his head, "Oh! Eluna, yes that is what my research is suggesting as well. Not sure if it was something I was born with that awakened, or if I was blessed in some way. Still, it makes me wonder out to the quieter of the woods then the never sleeping city."

Ga'Elian nods. "Among the Faravanilas (that's my tribe), beginning on the night of the first full moon after reaching the age of 100 years, each of us leaves the tribal lands to spend a full month communing with Her. It is a ritual marking our coming of age and helps us to discover our path in the cenuries ahead. I took my Dreamwalk 17 years ago, and through it, was guided to the Hunter's life. Since then, like the rest of my tribe, I give my first devotion to Eluna, as ever, but I have been touched by the holy gift of Her brother, whom humans call Gilead. He marked my flesh and gave me certain heightened abilities in the forests and in the pursuit of those I track. All of this is at least partly from the guidance I received upon that sojourn. Wherever the Huntress guides you in your dreams, I have faith that She will watch over your steps."

Astaren nods slowly and smiles a bit more, "That is something about the gods of good, they work with each other, not against each other." Reaching up to rub his head at the thought, "while evil gods work against each other. Perhaps one of the few salvations we have against the evils we face, they are not united. I know very little about tribes of your people, and honestly did not know your tribe was Faravanilas until now."

Ga'Elian grins. "I think that few are the humans that know my tribe. I certainly remember encountering them exceedingly rarely in my childhood. We met the Llyranesi or other tribes of the Sylvanori most often, the Lucht Siuil and the Egalrin with some regularity, the [[orcs far mor often than we would have liked, and fey beings from time to time, but humans were a rare sight, indeed. If course, it is only in the last couple decades that Llyranost has opened itself to foreign contact as much as you now see it. The Sildanyar generally are a touch xenophobic by human standards, I surmise. But the dwindling birth rate among our race has caused much contoversy, and many of my generation advocated for opening the borders."

Astaren shakes his head, "Dwindling birth rates, that must be concerning. More so with how prolifically other races breed. I know we humans can be quiet promiscious." rubing his head again and shrugging his shoulders,' Well I am glad to have met you. Your difference views and ways of approaching things have been educational."

Ga'Elian replies, "Well, the education certainly goes both ways. I still feel like a fish out of water sometimes in Alexandria, to say nothing of some of the strange new things I've encountered on jobs for the Adventurer's Guild. It's a great big world out there. Hey, have you ever met a dragon?" He chuckles.

Astaren offers a loud groan, "Yes, yes I have. That is a story in itself, and not one of my better days honestly." Shaking his head and sighing, "Though you have met a dragon? That must be a story to tell."

Ga'Elian thinks for a second, then says, "Well, I can see what you mean. I wouldn't say I actually met him, but I did see Heth attack Rune with my own eyes, but he's not exactly your ordinary dragon (as if any dragon is 'ordinary'). But through the Ygdrassil Union, I have made friends, I suppose you could say, with a particular dragon. If I call for him, he just might pay a visit."

Ga'Elian raises his eyebrows as he listens with eager interest. He says, "I have heard that the copper ones are... well, silly sometimes, to put it frankly. Still, getting banged into a cave wall over and over must have been quite annoying." He stands up and says in Draconic, "Sparklewing, Sparklewing"

Astaren lets out a laugh, "Indeed, and I was caught off guard, and things kept stacking up. I ended up meeting the dragon very grumpy and not making the best impression. Still, I can say I met a real dragon." grinning at that, "and looking back, it was a very clever game and setup." glancing around as he hmms, "Sparklewing?" clearly able to speak draconic.

A tiny dragon, about the size of a football and fire-engine red all over with butterfly-esqe wings, emerges from the darkness, but keeps a healthy distance.

Ga'Elian smiles and says, "Sparklewing, this is Astaren. Astaren, Sparklewing." <draconic>

Astaren stands up and offers a bow to Sparklewing, "A pleasure to meet you. Honestly though, I have only now heard about you." grinning over to Ga'elian, "Faeridragon, not very common either." moving to sit back down. <draconic>

Sparklewing looks gingerly between the human and elf, then says, "What, Elian, you showing me off now?" He dips his head toward Astaren, and says, "Hey, there. At least someone respects me." His smirking wink makes it obvious that he's enjoying himself. "Hey, what you got to eat around here? Too cold for dragonflies. You know what, never mind. I'll join Erithamiel over there in that tree. I can probably find some burrowing insects to eat." He flies up toward the griffon. <draconic>

Ga'Elian simply shakes his head as the dragon doesn't let him get a word in edgewise.