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{{Badge-Title|Aspect PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Title|Aspect PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Tier}}Tier 1
{{Badge-Entry|Tier}}Tier 2
{{Badge-Entry|Development}}Ga'Elian spends the vast majority of his time in the forests and other wild places, and many of his closest acquaintances are other rangers, druids, other Sildanyar. From this, he has a fair bit of contact with the Sylvan language, and has picked it up little by little over many years.
{{Badge-Entry|Development}}Ga'Elian spends the vast majority of his time in the forests and other wild places, and many of his closest acquaintances are other rangers, druids, other Sildanyar. From this, he has a fair bit of contact with the Sylvan language, and has picked it up little by little over many years.

Revision as of 08:48, 29 May 2016

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Ga'Elian Faravanilas

About My Character

Ga'Elian Faravanilas has lived his whole life in a nomadic Sylvanori tribe roaming the wilderness. He has no siblings, and enjoys solitude. His tribal elders habitually talked of Ni'essa, thanking her whenever the hunters returned successful from their expeditions.

Embarking the night of the first full moon after his 100th birthday on his ritual Dreamwalk, he penetrated deep into the water wilderness to be alone with the Sky-Singer, and gain her blessing on his adult life. When he returned from this month-long spiritual journey, he discovered that four of the tribe's children had been killed by a swarm of giant wasps. He and his whole tribe mourned their loss for a year, as children among the Sildanyar are not nearly so prolific in this age as they had been in days of yore. The tribe had dealt with various threats many times before, but it was this devastating loss that gave Ga'Elian his first "favored enemy" (vermin).

It is now some 16 years later, and in that interval Ga'Elian has struck out on his own, seeking to broaden his knowledge of the world and the affairs of its inhabitants. He had found wars, desolation, and corruption among the settlements and communities of the self-styled "civilized nations", and feels a mixture of sadness, pity, and anger as a result, but also a divine mandate from the Celestial Huntress to fight these evil forces. He is also encouraged to hope for the ultimate triumph of tranquility, beauty, and health just as Eluna brightens the dark of night with her gentle beams, and inspires her faithful with dreams of a better future.

Ga'Elian's animal companion is a griffon named Erithamiel.

Roleplay Hooks

  • He's none too keen on civilization, and might easily give offense because he cares naught for social niceties.
  • He is deeply concerned about the diminishing birth rate among the Sildanyar (at least among the Dawn Elves and Wild Elves), and wants to see their former vitality return.
  • See below about his curiosity toward the fey


Sylvanori PC Badge
Family Name: Faravanilas
Role: Ranger, Explorer, Adventurer
Faith: Eluna, as Ni'essa the Heavenly Huntress
Relation to the Fae: Ga'Elian hasn't had a lot of contact with the fey in his lifetime, but does harbor a curiosity and fascination toward their kind. He would probably favor the opportunity to party with the satyrs, watch the pixies, or hang out with dryads and nymphs.

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Homeland PC Badge
Homeland: The Periantha, Llyranost
Family History: a nomadic tribe of Sylvanori
Politics: Generally accepts what the tribal elders say


Aspect PC Badge
Aspect: Stag-touched
Tier: Tier 2
Development: Ga'Elian spends the vast majority of his time in the forests and other wild places, and many of his closest acquaintances are other rangers, druids, other Sildanyar. From this, he has a fair bit of contact with the Sylvan language, and has picked it up little by little over many years.

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