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| valign="top" |{{TableMain}}
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|colspan="2" | The Witch (Coming Soon)
|colspan="2" | The Witch
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Common Roles'''
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Common Roles'''
| Adventurer, scholar, wisewoman/man
| Adventurer, scholar, wisewoman/man
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Common Races'''
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Common Races'''
| [[Gobbers]], [[Oruch]], [[Half-orcs|Half-oruch]], [[Sith-makar]], [[War Golems]]
| [[Gobbers]], [[Oruch]], [[Half-orcs|Half-oruch]], [[Sith-makar]], [[War Golems]]
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Influencial Faiths'''
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Influencial Faiths'''
|Any, though often influenced by choice of patron
|Any, though often influenced by choice of patron
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Common Organizations'''
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Common Organizations'''
| [[The_Society_of_Progressive_Arcanists|Society of Progressive Arcanists]], [[Player-Made_Orgs#The_Shining_Chalice|The Shining Chalice]], [[Organizations#Temple_Affiliations|Various Temple Organizations]], [[Local_Organizations#Wards_of_the_Invisible_Path|Wards of the Invisible Path]], [[Ygdrassil_Union|Ygdrassil Union]]
| None at this time
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Pathfinder Rules for'''
| style="background:#e7eaea;"| '''Some IC Hangouts'''
|''Alexandrian Grid:'' A06: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District, A14: Society for Progressive Arcanists, Still developing
''Main Grid:'' H02: The Felwood (a place of broken magic, this sometimes draws the curiosity of witches)
''Wilderness Pointe Grid:'' W03: Druid Grove
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Pathfinder Rules for'''
|[http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html Witch]
|[http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/witch.html Witch]
| style="background:#e7eaea;"|'''Associated Characters'''
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Primitive societies may even view witches with distrust given their range of abilities, while wizards and sorcerers may look upon them with a sort of embarrassment or shame...or curiosity, that such could occur from Essence's clash.
Primitive societies may even view witches with distrust given their range of abilities, while wizards and sorcerers may look upon them with a sort of embarrassment or shame...or curiosity, that such could occur from Essence's clash.
Each witch possesses a patron of some type. These creatures are spirit-like forms born of the rupture, and tied in ways to the gods, themselves. Strength, for instance, draws from [[Angoron]]. This does not make all witches fervent worshipers, it merely points to the power's source. Witches who spend any time in civilization will realize where these powers come from.
Each witch possesses a patron of some type. These creatures are spirit-like forms born of the rupture, and intrinsically tied to the god-forces of the world. Strength, for instance, draws from [[Angoron]]. This does not make all witches fervent worshipers, it merely points to the power's source. Witches who spend any time in civilization will realize where these powers come from.
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==Class Features==
==Class Features==
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a witch's gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a witch's gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
'''Spells:''' A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.
'''Spells:''' A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.
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A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.
A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.
'''What Action is it to Use a Hex?'''
Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
'''What is the Save DC of a Hex?'''
The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier.
'''Cantrips:''' Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 2–10 under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.
'''Cantrips:''' Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 2–10 under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.
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By forging strange bonds with unnameable beings, witches gain the service of a mystical advisor, a familiar to both serve her and reveal to her secrets unknown to most mortals. A familiar is an animal chosen by a witch to aid her in her spellcasting and grant her special powers. This uses the same rules as the wizard's arcane bond class feature, except as noted below. A witch uses her level as her effective wizard level when determining the abilities of her familiar. A witch can choose any of the familiars available to a wizard in addition to the new familiars presented here.
By forging strange bonds with unnameable beings, witches gain the service of a mystical advisor, a familiar to both serve her and reveal to her secrets unknown to most mortals. A familiar is an animal chosen by a witch to aid her in her spellcasting and grant her special powers. This uses the same rules as the wizard's arcane bond class feature, except as noted below. A witch uses her level as her effective wizard level when determining the abilities of her familiar. A witch can choose any of the familiars available to a wizard in addition to the new familiars presented here. '''[[World_Bestiary#Familiars|Available familiars list]].'''
Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the witch's level. If a witch possesses such levels, her familiar always uses the witch rules for familiars, not those provided by other classes, such as wizards or sorcerers with the arcane bloodline. A witch's familiar only stores witch spells. All other spells are stored normally, as noted in their class features.
Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the witch's level. If a witch possesses such levels, her familiar always uses the witch rules for familiars, not those provided by other classes, such as wizards or sorcerers with the arcane bloodline. A witch's familiar only stores witch spells. All other spells are stored normally, as noted in their class features.
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:''Deliver Touch Spells (Su):'' If a witch is 3rd level or higher, her familiar can deliver touch spells or hexes for her. If the witch and the familiar are in contact at the time the witch casts a touch spell, she can designate her familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as the witch would. As usual, if the witch casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates. If the witch activates a hex, her familiar can be used to make the touch. She does not have to be in contact with the familiar to use this ability.
:''Deliver Touch Spells (Su):'' If a witch is 3rd level or higher, her familiar can deliver touch spells or hexes for her. If the witch and the familiar are in contact at the time the witch casts a touch spell, she can designate her familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as the witch would. As usual, if the witch casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates. If the witch activates a hex, her familiar can be used to make the touch. She does not have to be in contact with the familiar to use this ability.
'''Animal Hide (Su):''' The witch can become any animal of a size from Tiny to Large whose hide she wears. This ability is similar to beast shape II, except she takes on the appearance of the specific individual from which the hide came. A witch may possess up to 5 such hides at one time. Treating, preparing, and tanning the hides to preserve them involves a process that costs 20 gold per hide. This process involves the usual tanning methods, as well as the use of sacred herbs.
'''Aura of Purity (Su):''' Diseases, inhaled poisons, and noxious gaseous effects (such as stinking cloud) are negated in a 10-foot aura around the witch for a number of minutes equal to her level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Effects caused by spells whose level is more than half the witch's class level are unaffected.
'''Aura of Purity (Su):''' The witch's aura purifies the air around her. Diseases, inhaled poisons, and noxious gaseous effects (such as stinking cloud) are negated in a 10-foot aura around the witch for a number of minutes equal to her level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Effects caused by spells whose level is more than half the witch's class level are unaffected.
'''Beast of Ill-Omen (Su):''' The witch imbues her familiar with strange magic, putting a minor curse upon the next enemy to see it.
The enemy must make a Will save or be affected by bane (caster level equal to the witch’s level). The witch can use this hex on her familiar at a range of up to 60 feet. The affected enemy must be no more than 60 feet from the familiar to trigger the effect; seeing the familiar from a greater distance has no effect (though if the enemy and familiar approach to within 60 feet of each other, the hex takes effect). The bane affects the closest creature to the familiar (ties affect the creature with the highest initiative score).
Whether or not the target’s save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of the bane effect for 1 day (later uses of this hex ignore that creature when determining who is affected).
'''Cackle (Su):''' A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.
'''Cackle (Su):''' A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.
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'''Charm (Su):''' A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.
'''Charm (Su):''' A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.
'''City Sight (Su):''' The witch curses a target with the simple vision of urban mortals. On a failed Fort save, the subject loses the use of darkvision, greensight, low-light vision, see in darkness, and other visual abilities beyond simple sight, but not nonvisual means of perception like blindsight, scent, or tremorsense. This ability lasts 1 minute. At 8th level, this effect lasts for 10 minutes instead. Whether or not the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it can't be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
'''Cursed Wound (Su):''' The witch can curse a living creature, preventing it from healing completely. For a number of days equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), whenever the victim is the target of a conjuration (healing) spell or magical healing effect, the caster of the healing effect must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the witch’s level) to end the hex. If the check fails, the healing effect functions as normal, except it cannot remove the last 10 points of damage the victim suffered. Similarly, natural healing, fast healing, and regeneration fail to cure the victim’s last 10 points of damage. Thus, the victim’s effective maximum number of hit points is 10 fewer than normal. A successful Will save reduces the duration of this hex to 1 round. At 5th level, the victim of this hex also takes a –2 penalty on Fortitude saving throws to avoid contracting a disease or poison from an injury.
This is a curse effect and can be removed by remove curse.
'''Discord (Su):''' The witch can make an animal or humanoid within 30 feet distrust another creature within line of sight. The target’s attitude toward the other creature decreases by one step. A successful Will save negates this effect. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. The duration can be extended with the cackle hex. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect decreases the attitude of the target creature by two steps.
This is a mind-affecting charm effect.
'''Disguise (Su):''' A witch can change her appearance for a number of hours equal to her class level, as if using disguise self. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments.
'''Disguise (Su):''' A witch can change her appearance for a number of hours equal to her class level, as if using disguise self. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments.
'''Disrupt Connection (Su):''' The hexer disrupts the connection between a summoned creature within 30 feet and its master. The summoned creature must succeed at a Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. While it’s confused in this way, during any round in which the percentile die roll to determine the creature’s confusion result is 76–100, the affected creature instead acts as if the hexer had summoned it (attacking the hexer’s enemies or performing such other tasks that the hexer can communicate to it).
At 8th level, this hex causes the summoned creature to act as if the hexer had summoned it on a result of 51–100.
At 16th level, this hex causes the summoned creature to act this way on a result of 26–100. The cackle hex extends the duration of this hex by 1 round.
Once a creature has been the target of this hex, that creature is immune to this hex for 24 hours.
'''Enemy Ground (Su):''' The witch curses a target with clumsiness when in dangerous terrain. The target takes a -4 penalty on Acrobatics checks to move over slippery or uneven surfaces, and to avoid attacks of opportunity while moving through threatened squares. The effect lasts for 1 minute. On a successful Will save, the penalty is reduced by half and the duration is only 1 round. At 8th level, this penalty increases to -8.
'''Evil Eye (Su):''' The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.
'''Evil Eye (Su):''' The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.
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'''Misfortune (Su):''' The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
'''Misfortune (Su):''' The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
'''Mud Witch (su):''' A witch with this hex can assume the form of viscous brown mud. The witch’s type changes to ooze and she is able to squeeze through even the smallest cracks, but she can’t make attacks or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in this form, and she loses her supernatural abilities. If the witch has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when she uses this hex. While the witch is in mud form, her speed becomes 10 feet and she gains a swim speed of 20 feet. The witch gains DR 10/slashing and cold resistance 10. At 10th level, while the witch is in mud form, her speed increases to 20 feet and her swim speed increases to 40 feet. She can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.
The duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This hex affects only the witch. This hex requires the swamp hag hex.
'''Nails (Ex):''' The witch's nails are long and sharp, and count as natural weapons that deal 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). These attacks are secondary attacks. If trimmed, the witch's nails regrow to their normal size in 1d4 days.
'''Nails (Ex):''' The witch's nails are long and sharp, and count as natural weapons that deal 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). These attacks are secondary attacks. If trimmed, the witch's nails regrow to their normal size in 1d4 days.
'''No Place Like Home (Su):''' The witch fills an ally with the safety he feels at home or inflicts of pangs of homesickness to hamper an enemy's defenses. She chooses a target for the hex within 30 feet. If she chooses an ally, that ally gains a +2 dodge to AC against traps and on Reflex saves against traps. If she chooses an opponent, that opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC against traps and on Reflex saves. Either way, the effects last for 1 minute. At 8th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 4. At 16th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 6. A creature targeted by this hex cannot be targeted again by this hex for 1 day.
'''Peacebond (Su):''' A witch can use this hex on a creature, who is within 30 feet of her, to prevent it from drawing a weapon for a number of rounds equal to the witch's level. This hex has no effect on natural weapons or weapons already in a creature's hands, but does prevent an archer from drawing arrows. A Will save negates this effect, and whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
'''Pariah (Su):''' The witch can cause a creature within 60 feet to be shunned by its allies for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Any other creature attempting to directly assist the target with a harmless spell or aid another action must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the aiding creature is unaffected by this hex. If the save fails, the aiding creature can’t follow through, the action is lost, and the aiding creature can’t directly aid the target for the duration of this hex. This hex does not prevent the target from benefiting from area of effect spells.
'''Prehensile Hair (Su):''' The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand. The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch's elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch's head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.
'''Prehensile Hair (Su):''' The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand. The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch's elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch's head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.
'''Soothsayer:''' The witch’s predictions become self-fulfilling prophecies. When the witch uses the evil eye hex, fortune hex, misfortune hex, or retribution major hex, she can choose to delay the effect. If she does so, the hex takes effect the next time the target makes a roll that could be affected by the hex (such as an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check) or is affected by an action that could be modified by the hex (such as being attacked when the hex would affect the target’s AC), whichever comes first (ignoring actions that are not in combat and actions that have no penalty for failure). The duration of the hex begins on the same round as the action that causes it to take effect.
The hex is wasted if it is not triggered within 24 hours.
'''Summer's Heat (Su):''' The witch surrounds her target with oppressive heat, dealing a number of points of nonlethal damage equal to her witch level and causing the target to become fatigued. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to reduce nonlethal damage by 1/2 and negate the fatigued condition. Whether or not the target succeeds at this save, it can't be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
'''Swamp Hag (Sp):''' While traveling through swamps, mires, bogs, and similar terrain, the witch leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, as the trackless step druid ability. The witch can walk through mud and even quicksand as if it were normal ground.
'''Swamp Hag (Sp):''' While traveling through swamps, mires, bogs, and similar terrain, the witch leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, as the trackless step druid ability. The witch can walk through mud and even quicksand as if it were normal ground.
'''Swamp's Gasp (Su):''' The witch can cause an area to become an entangling quagmire. One 10-foot square per witch level within 90 feet becomes difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. If the witch uses this hex again before the duration of the previous use has expired, the effects of the previous use of this hex end immediately.
Swamp's Gasp
'''Tongues (Su):''' A witch with this hex can understand any spoken language for a number of minutes per day equal to her level, as comprehend languages. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 5th level, a witch can use this ability to speak any language, as per tongues.
'''Tongues (Su):''' A witch with this hex can understand any spoken language for a number of minutes per day equal to her level, as comprehend languages. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 5th level, a witch can use this ability to speak any language, as per tongues.
'''Unnerve Beasts (Su):''' The target becomes offensive to animals (Will negates). Animals become distraught and aggressive in the victim’s presence—horses buck, dogs snap and bark, bulls charge, and so on. The hex lasts a number of hours equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A creature that saves against the hex cannot be affected by the hex for 1 day. The reaction of the animals is a mind-affecting charm effect, but the hex on the target is not.
'''Ward (Su):''' A witch can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature. The warded creature receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. A witch knows when a warded creature is no longer protected. A witch can have only one ward active at a time. If the witch uses this ability again, the previous ward immediately ends. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by this ward increase by +1.
'''Ward (Su):''' A witch can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature, who is within 30 feet of her. The warded creature receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. A witch knows when a warded creature is no longer protected. A witch can have only one ward active at a time. If the witch uses this ability again, the previous ward immediately ends. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by this ward increase by +1.
'''Water Lung (Su):''' An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.
'''Water Lung (Su):''' An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.
'''Witch’s Charge (Su):''' Once per day when preparing spells, a witch can designate a willing creature as her charge. She gains a constant status effect on this creature and can target it with beneficial touch spells from a range of 30 feet. The creature remains her charge until she designates a new one.
===Major Hexes===
===Major Hexes===
'''Beast Eye (Su):''' The witch can project her senses into an animal within 100 feet, sensing whatever it senses. She cannot control the animal's actions. She can project her senses from that animal to another within 100 feet of it as a standard action, and can continue to make these sensory leaps, potentially viewing things very far from her actual location. She may return her senses to her own body as a free action. Normal animals get no saving throw against this ability, but animal companions, paladin mounts, and similar unusual animals may resist with a Will save; the witch may use this ability on her own familiar as if it were an animal. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet of her who also have the coven hex can see through this animal at will, although the acting witch still controls the ability. The witch can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
'''Beast Eye (Su):''' The witch can project her senses into an animal within 100 feet, sensing whatever it senses. She cannot control the animal's actions. She can project her senses from that animal to another within 100 feet of it as a standard action, and can continue to make these sensory leaps, potentially viewing things very far from her actual location. She may return her senses to her own body as a free action. Normal animals get no saving throw against this ability, but animal companions, paladin mounts, and similar unusual animals may resist with a Will save; the witch may use this ability on her own familiar as if it were an animal. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet of her who also have the coven hex can see through this animal at will, although the acting witch still controls the ability. The witch can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
'''Delicious Fright (Su):''' The witch can feed on the fear of her victim. The target of this hex becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. As long as the witch remains within 30 feet of her target, she gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws as long as this effect persists. A successful Will save reduces the duration of this hex to 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Delicious Fright
'''Hag's Eye (Su):''' A witch with this hex can create a magic sensor that she can see through. This functions as per the spell arcane eye. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet who also have the coven hex can see through this sensor as well, although the witch that created it still controls it. The witch can use this eye for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
'''Hag's Eye (Su):''' A witch with this hex can create a magic sensor that she can see through. This functions as per the spell arcane eye. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet who also have the coven hex can see through this sensor as well, although the witch that created it still controls it. The witch can use this eye for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
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'''Waxen Image (Su):''' The witch can spend a full-round action to create a crude and unnerving wax duplicate of a creature she can see within 30 feet. Once the image is complete, the subject must make a Will save. If the subject fails, the witch gains a small measure of control over the creature. Whenever she exercises this control, the creature receives a new Will save to end the effect. This effect occurs on the witch's turn and does not impede the creature's actions on its turn. The witch can use the waxen image a number of times equal to her Intelligence modifier before it melts. As a standard action, the witch can cause the subject to do any one of the following things: move up to the creature's speed in any direction, attack itself once with any weapon in hand (this attack automatically hits), lay down on the ground, or drop anything held. Alternatively, she can spend one of her uses to simply torture the image, causing the creature to be both sickened and staggered on its turn. As soon as the creature has succeeded on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to it for 24 hours. The is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
'''Waxen Image (Su):''' The witch can spend a full-round action to create a crude and unnerving wax duplicate of a creature she can see within 30 feet. Once the image is complete, the subject must make a Will save. If the subject fails, the witch gains a small measure of control over the creature. Whenever she exercises this control, the creature receives a new Will save to end the effect. This effect occurs on the witch's turn and does not impede the creature's actions on its turn. The witch can use the waxen image a number of times equal to her Intelligence modifier before it melts. As a standard action, the witch can cause the subject to do any one of the following things: move up to the creature's speed in any direction, attack itself once with any weapon in hand (this attack automatically hits), lay down on the ground, or drop anything held. Alternatively, she can spend one of her uses to simply torture the image, causing the creature to be both sickened and staggered on its turn. As soon as the creature has succeeded on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to it for 24 hours. The is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
'''Witch's Bounty (Su):''' The witch may bless a bush, plant, or tree that is planted in the ground, so that it creates a plentiful harvest. Each day at dawn, this blessed bush grows a number of goodberries equal to twice her witch level. Berries on the tree remain until they are picked, but the tree can never manifest a number of berries greater than twice her level at one time. The witch may only have one witch's bounty active at a time, but can shift her blessing to a new plant with a ritual requiring 1 hour.
Witch's Bounty
'''Witch's Brew (Ex):''' When the witch uses her cauldron to brew a potion, she may spend double the cost to create 2 identical potions that day instead of just 1. At 15th level, she may spend triple the cost to create 3 identical potions that day. The witch must have the cauldron hex to select this hex.
'''Witch's Brew (Ex):''' When the witch uses her cauldron to brew a potion, she may spend double the cost to create 2 identical potions that day instead of just 1. At 15th level, she may spend triple the cost to create 3 identical potions that day. The witch must have the cauldron hex to select this hex.
'''Vision (Su):''' A witch with the vision hex can grant a glimpse of the future to a creature touched. Granting a vision takes 1 minute, during which time the witch and the target must remain in contact with one another. At the end of this time, the subject receives a brief image of the future, usually no more than 1 year from the time of the vision, subject to GM discretion. This is only one possible version of the future, making such visions unreliable at best. Most visions are slanted toward the alignment of the witch that granted them. For example, the visions granted by a chaotic evil witch often show scenes of death and destruction, while those of a neutral good witch tend to be of joyous events or occasions. A creature cannot be subject to another vision until the current vision has either come to pass or been prevented. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate the vision.
'''Weather Control (Su):''' A witch with this hex can use control weather once per day, but creating the weather takes 1 full hour of chanting, dancing, and communing with her familiar.
'''Weather Control (Su):''' A witch with this hex can use control weather once per day, but creating the weather takes 1 full hour of chanting, dancing, and communing with her familiar.
===Grand Hexes===
===Grand Hexes===
'''Curse of Nonviolence (Su):''' The witch can curse a creature to prevent it from attacking innocents. If the target fails its Will save, it cannot take violent actions or do anything destructive against any creature with fewer Hit Dice than itself. If another creature takes hostile action against the cursed creature, the cursed creature can act normally in regard to that creature only. This is an abjuration effect. The curse is permanent but can be removed with a break enchantment, miracle, or wish spell. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Curse of Nonviolence
'''Dire Prophecy (Su):''' The witch curses the target so he is doomed to die (Will negates). As long as the curse persists, the target takes a –4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse persists, the witch may end it by bringing its full force upon her victim all at once. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to the witch's caster level to his Armor Class or on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. The witch must decide to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If the witch does not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the curse occurs when the GM considers it most appropriate, such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not the target's save against the hex is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a curse effect.
'''Dire Prophecy (Su):''' The witch curses the target so he is doomed to die (Will negates). As long as the curse persists, the target takes a –4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse persists, the witch may end it by bringing its full force upon her victim all at once. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to the witch's caster level to his Armor Class or on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. The witch must decide to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If the witch does not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the curse occurs when the GM considers it most appropriate, such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not the target's save against the hex is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a curse effect.
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'''Natural Disaster (Su):''' A witch using this hex calls down the forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining from the sky). A witch must concentrate for the duration of this effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. A witch can only use this ability once per day.
'''Natural Disaster (Su):''' A witch using this hex calls down the forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining from the sky). A witch must concentrate for the duration of this effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. A witch can only use this ability once per day.
'''Lay to Rest (Sp):''' The witch may target a single undead creature with this hex as if with an undeath to death spell. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Lay to Rest
Each witch possesses a patron of some type. These creatures are spirit-like forms born of the rupture, and tied in ways to the gods, themselves. Strength, for instance, draws from Angoron. This does not make all witches fervent worshipers, it merely points to the power's source. Witches who spend any time in civilization will realize where these powers come from.
'''Agility:''' 2nd—jump, 4th—cat's grace, 6th—haste, 8th—freedom of movement, 10th—polymorph, 12th—cat's grace (mass), 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—animal shapes, 18th—shapechange
'''Ancestors:''' 2nd—bless, 4th—aid, 6th—prayer, 8th—blessing of fervor, 10th—commune, 12th—greater heroism, 14th—refuge, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—weird
'''Animals:''' 2nd—charm animals, 4th—speak with animals, 6th—dominate animal, 8th—summon nature's ally IV, 10th—animal growth, 12th—antilife shell, 14th—beast shape IV, 16th—animal shapes, 18th—summon nature's ally IX
'''Boundaries:''' 2nd—protection from evil, 4th—see invisibility, 6th—magic circle against evil, 8th—dimensional anchor, 10th—control summoned creature, 12th—banishment, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—dimensional lock, 18th—gate
'''Death:''' 2nd—deathwatch, 4th—blessing of courage and life, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—rest eternal, 10th—suffocation, 12th—circle of death, 14th—finger of death, 16th—symbol of death, 18th—power word kill
'''Deception:''' 2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—invisibility, 6th—blink, 8th—confusion, 10th—passwall, 12th—programmed image, 14th—invisibility (mass), 16th—scintillating pattern, 18th—time stop
'''Devotion:''' 2nd—divine favor, 4th—martyr's bargain, 6th—magic vestment, 8th—greater magic weapon, 10th—flame strike, 12th—mass bull's strength, 14th—bestow grace of the champion, 16th—holy aura, 18th—mass heal
'''Elements:''' 2nd—shocking grasp, 4th—flaming sphere, 6th—fireball, 8th—wall of ice, 10th—flame strike, 12th—freezing sphere, 14th—vortex, 16th—fire storm, 18th—meteor swarm
'''Endurance:''' 2nd—endure elements, 4th—bear's endurance, 6th—protection from energy, 8th—spell immunity, 10th—spell resistance, 12th—bear's endurance (mass), 14th—restoration (greater), 16th—iron body, 18th—miracle
'''Healing:''' 2nd—remove fear, 4th—lesser restoration, 6th—remove disease, 8th—restoration, 10th—cleanse, 12th—pillar of life 14th—greater restoration, 16th—mass cure critical wounds, 18th—true resurrection
'''Insanity:''' 2nd—memory lapse, 4th—hideous laughter, 6th—distracting cacophony, 8th—confusion, 10th—mind fog, 12th—envious urge, 14th—insanity, 16th—symbol of insanity, 18th—overwhelming presence.
'''Light:''' 2nd—dancing lantern, 4th—continual flame, 6th—daylight, 8th—rainbow pattern, 10th—fire snake, 12th—sirocco, 14th—sunbeam, 16th—sunburst, 18th—fiery body
'''Moon:''' 2nd—darkness, 4th—darkvision, 6th—owl's wisdom, 8th—moonstruck, 10th—aspect of the wolf, 12th—control water, 14th—lunar veil, 16th—horrid wilting, 18th—meteor swarm
'''Occult:''' 2nd—detect undead, 4th—command undead, 6th—twilight knife, 8th—black tentacles, 10th—snake staff, 12th—create undead, 14th—waves of exhaustion, 16th—trap the soul, 18th—gate.
'''Peace:''' 2nd—sanctuary, 4th—calm emotions, 6th—wind wall, 8th—dismissal, 10th—serenity, 12th—word of recall, 14th—forcecage, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—antipathy
'''Plague:''' 2nd—detect undead, 4th—command undead, 6th—contagion, 8th—animate dead, 10th—giant vermin, 12th—create undead, 14th—control undead, 16th—create greater undead, 18th—energy drain
'''Shadow:''' 2nd—silent image, 4th—darkness, 6th—deeper darkness, 8th—shadow conjuration, 10th—shadow evocation, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—shadow conjuration (greater), 16th—shadow evocation (greater), 18th—shades
'''Spirits:''' 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—invisibility, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—spiritual ally, 10th—mass ghostbane dirge, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—planar ally, 18th—etherealness
'''Stars:''' 2nd—faerie fire, 4th—dust of twilight, 6th—guiding star, 8th—wandering star motes, 10th—dream, 12th—cloak of dreams 14th—circle of clarity, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—astral projection
'''Strength:''' 2nd—divine favor, 4th—bull's strength, 6th—greater magic weapon, 8th—divine power, 10th—righteous might, 12th—bull's strength (mass), 14th—giant form I, 16th—giant form II, 18th—shapechange
'''Time:''' 2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—silence, 6th—haste, 8th—threefold aspect, 10th—teleport, 12th—disintegrate, 14th—expend, 16th—temporal stasis, 18th—time stop
'''Transformation:''' 2nd—jump, 4th—bear's endurance, 6th—beast shape I, 8th—beast shape II, 10th—beast shape III, 12th—form of the dragon I, 14th—form of the dragon II, 16th—form of the dragon III, 18th—shapechange
'''Trickery:''' 2nd—animate rope, 4th—mirror image, 6th—major image, 8th—hallucinatory terrain, 10th—mirage arcana, 12th—mislead, 14th—reverse gravity, 16th—screen, 18th—time stop
'''Water:''' 2nd—bless water/curse water, 4th—slipstream, 6th—water breathing, 8th—control water, 10th—geyser, 12th—elemental body III (water only), 14th—elemental body IV (water only), 16th—seamantle, 18th—tsunami
'''Wisdom:''' 2nd—shield of faith, 4th—owl's wisdom, 6th—magic vestment, 8th—globe of invulnerability (lesser), 10th—dream, 12th—globe of invulnerability (greater), 14th—spell turning, 16th—protection from spells, 18th—mage's disjunction
'''Winter:''' 2nd—unshakable chill, 4th—resist energy (cold only), 6th—ice storm, 8th—wall of ice, 10th—cone of cold, 12th—freezing sphere 14th—control weather, 16th—polar ray, 18th—polar midnight
'''[[World_Bestiary#Familiars|See World Bestiary]]'''.
===Bonus Spells per Level===
Witches will be added to the game upon completion of recode. At this time, we will allow folks to adjust or even adapt existing characters to these new options. The recode is not due to happen immediately, though we are working on it. If you like, contact a staffer about how you can help!
==Starting Kits==
===Spell List===
Coming soon.
=== Character Page Badge ===
Want to help out? Have an idea for a concept? [http://forum.tenebraemush.net/index.php/topic,1213.0.html Share it here].

Latest revision as of 17:53, 5 June 2023

The Witch
Common Roles Adventurer, scholar, wisewoman/man
Common Races Gobbers, Oruch, Half-oruch, Sith-makar, War Golems
Influencial Faiths Any, though often influenced by choice of patron
Common Organizations Society of Progressive Arcanists, The Shining Chalice, Various Temple Organizations, Wards of the Invisible Path, Ygdrassil Union
Some IC Hangouts Alexandrian Grid: A06: Lower Alexandrian Gardens District, A14: Society for Progressive Arcanists, Still developing

Main Grid: H02: The Felwood (a place of broken magic, this sometimes draws the curiosity of witches)

Wilderness Pointe Grid: W03: Druid Grove

Pathfinder Rules for Witch
Associated Characters Witches

Witches are relatively new to the world, born from the fall of Animus and the struggle of the Essence itself between its twin forms: Good, in the form of Eluna, and Evil, in the form of Taara. This clash resounded throughout the world, and from this clash, witches were born.

Many witches are recluses, though not all and are a type of being the world is struggling to come to terms with. They may, though not all do, wield good and evil magic with equal abandon, a reflection of the current struggle of the Essence itself. Note, while an Evil Eye may only be seen as freaky, raising zombies will still carry normal repercussions.

Primitive societies may even view witches with distrust given their range of abilities, while wizards and sorcerers may look upon them with a sort of embarrassment or shame...or curiosity, that such could occur from Essence's clash.

Each witch possesses a patron of some type. These creatures are spirit-like forms born of the rupture, and intrinsically tied to the god-forces of the world. Strength, for instance, draws from Angoron. This does not make all witches fervent worshipers, it merely points to the power's source. Witches who spend any time in civilization will realize where these powers come from.


Role: While many witches are recluses, living on the edge of civilization, some live within society, openly or in hiding. The blend of witches' spells makes them adept at filling a number of different roles, from seer to healer, and their hexes grant them a number of abilities that are useful in a fight. Some witches travel about, seeking greater knowledge and better understanding of the mysterious powers that guide them.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills: Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

The Witch
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Spells per Day
  0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Cantrips, hex, witch's familiar 3 1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Hex 4 2
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 4 2 1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Hex 4 3 2
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 4 3 2 1
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Hex 4 3 3 2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 4 4 3 2 1
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Hex 4 4 3 3 2
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 4 4 4 3 2 1
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Hex, major hex 4 4 4 3 3 2
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Hex 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Hex 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Hex 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Hex, grand hex 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Hex 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a witch's gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.

Spells: A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.

To learn or cast a spell, a witch must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a witch's spell is 10 + the spell level + the witch's Intelligence modifier.

A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 2–10. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1–3 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.

What Action is it to Use a Hex?

Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

What is the Save DC of a Hex?

The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier.

Cantrips: Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 2–10 under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.

Hex: Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. At 1st level, a witch gains one hex of her choice. She gains an additional hex at 2nd level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level, as noted on Table 2–10. A witch cannot select an individual hex more than once.

Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch's level + the witch's Intelligence modifier.

Witch's Familiar (Ex): At 1st level, a witch forms a close bond with a familiar, a creature that teaches her magic and helps to guide her along her path. Familiars also aid a witch by granting her skill bonuses, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. This functions like the wizard's arcane bond class feature, except as noted in the Witch's Familiar section.

A witch must commune with her familiar each day to prepare her spells. Familiars store all of the spells that a witch knows, and a witch cannot prepare a spell that is not stored by her familiar. A witch's familiar begins play storing all of the 0-level witch spells plus three 1st-level spells of the witch's choice. The witch also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her familiar. At each new witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new witch level) to her familiar. A witch can also add additional spells to her familiar through a special ritual (see below).

Spells Gained at a New Level: A witch's familiar learns a certain amount of lore and magic as the witch adventures. Whenever a witch gains a level, she may add two spells from the witch spell list to her familiar. The two free spells must be of spell levels she can cast.
Learn from a Scroll: A witch can use a scroll to teach her familiar a new spell. This process takes 1 hour per level of the spell to be learned, during which time the scroll is burned and its ashes used to create a special brew or powder that is consumed by the familiar. This process destroys the scroll. At the end of this time, the witch must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If the check fails, the process went awry in some way and the spell is not learned, although the scroll is still consumed.


By forging strange bonds with unnameable beings, witches gain the service of a mystical advisor, a familiar to both serve her and reveal to her secrets unknown to most mortals. A familiar is an animal chosen by a witch to aid her in her spellcasting and grant her special powers. This uses the same rules as the wizard's arcane bond class feature, except as noted below. A witch uses her level as her effective wizard level when determining the abilities of her familiar. A witch can choose any of the familiars available to a wizard in addition to the new familiars presented here. Available familiars list.

Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the witch's level. If a witch possesses such levels, her familiar always uses the witch rules for familiars, not those provided by other classes, such as wizards or sorcerers with the arcane bloodline. A witch's familiar only stores witch spells. All other spells are stored normally, as noted in their class features.

If a familiar is lost or dies, it can be replaced 1 day later through a special ritual that costs 500 gp per witch level. The ritual takes 8 hours to complete. A new familiar begins knowing all of the 0-level spells plus two spells of every level the witch is able to cast. These are in addition to any bonus spells known by the familiar based on the witch's level and her patron (see patron spells).

Store Spells: Starting at 1st level, a witch's familiar stores all of the spells that the witch knows. This does not allow the familiar to cast these spells or use spell-trigger or spell completion magic items. Starting at 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch's familiar adds new bonus spells to the witch's spell list based on her patron. These spells are automatically stored by the familiar and can be prepared as normal once they are gained.
Deliver Touch Spells (Su): If a witch is 3rd level or higher, her familiar can deliver touch spells or hexes for her. If the witch and the familiar are in contact at the time the witch casts a touch spell, she can designate her familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch spell just as the witch would. As usual, if the witch casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates. If the witch activates a hex, her familiar can be used to make the touch. She does not have to be in contact with the familiar to use this ability.


Animal Hide (Su): The witch can become any animal of a size from Tiny to Large whose hide she wears. This ability is similar to beast shape II, except she takes on the appearance of the specific individual from which the hide came. A witch may possess up to 5 such hides at one time. Treating, preparing, and tanning the hides to preserve them involves a process that costs 20 gold per hide. This process involves the usual tanning methods, as well as the use of sacred herbs.

Aura of Purity (Su): The witch's aura purifies the air around her. Diseases, inhaled poisons, and noxious gaseous effects (such as stinking cloud) are negated in a 10-foot aura around the witch for a number of minutes equal to her level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Effects caused by spells whose level is more than half the witch's class level are unaffected.

Beast of Ill-Omen (Su): The witch imbues her familiar with strange magic, putting a minor curse upon the next enemy to see it.

The enemy must make a Will save or be affected by bane (caster level equal to the witch’s level). The witch can use this hex on her familiar at a range of up to 60 feet. The affected enemy must be no more than 60 feet from the familiar to trigger the effect; seeing the familiar from a greater distance has no effect (though if the enemy and familiar approach to within 60 feet of each other, the hex takes effect). The bane affects the closest creature to the familiar (ties affect the creature with the highest initiative score).

Whether or not the target’s save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of the bane effect for 1 day (later uses of this hex ignore that creature when determining who is affected).

Cackle (Su): A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.

Cauldron (Ex): The witch receives Brew Potion as a bonus feat and a +4 insight bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks.

Charm (Su): A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the Diplomacy skill. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.

City Sight (Su): The witch curses a target with the simple vision of urban mortals. On a failed Fort save, the subject loses the use of darkvision, greensight, low-light vision, see in darkness, and other visual abilities beyond simple sight, but not nonvisual means of perception like blindsight, scent, or tremorsense. This ability lasts 1 minute. At 8th level, this effect lasts for 10 minutes instead. Whether or not the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it can't be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Cursed Wound (Su): The witch can curse a living creature, preventing it from healing completely. For a number of days equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), whenever the victim is the target of a conjuration (healing) spell or magical healing effect, the caster of the healing effect must succeed at a caster level check (DC = 11 + the witch’s level) to end the hex. If the check fails, the healing effect functions as normal, except it cannot remove the last 10 points of damage the victim suffered. Similarly, natural healing, fast healing, and regeneration fail to cure the victim’s last 10 points of damage. Thus, the victim’s effective maximum number of hit points is 10 fewer than normal. A successful Will save reduces the duration of this hex to 1 round. At 5th level, the victim of this hex also takes a –2 penalty on Fortitude saving throws to avoid contracting a disease or poison from an injury.

This is a curse effect and can be removed by remove curse.

Discord (Su): The witch can make an animal or humanoid within 30 feet distrust another creature within line of sight. The target’s attitude toward the other creature decreases by one step. A successful Will save negates this effect. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. The duration can be extended with the cackle hex. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 8th level, this effect decreases the attitude of the target creature by two steps.

This is a mind-affecting charm effect.

Disguise (Su): A witch can change her appearance for a number of hours equal to her class level, as if using disguise self. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Disrupt Connection (Su): The hexer disrupts the connection between a summoned creature within 30 feet and its master. The summoned creature must succeed at a Will save or be confused for 1d4 rounds. While it’s confused in this way, during any round in which the percentile die roll to determine the creature’s confusion result is 76–100, the affected creature instead acts as if the hexer had summoned it (attacking the hexer’s enemies or performing such other tasks that the hexer can communicate to it).

At 8th level, this hex causes the summoned creature to act as if the hexer had summoned it on a result of 51–100.

At 16th level, this hex causes the summoned creature to act this way on a result of 26–100. The cackle hex extends the duration of this hex by 1 round.

Once a creature has been the target of this hex, that creature is immune to this hex for 24 hours.

Enemy Ground (Su): The witch curses a target with clumsiness when in dangerous terrain. The target takes a -4 penalty on Acrobatics checks to move over slippery or uneven surfaces, and to avoid attacks of opportunity while moving through threatened squares. The effect lasts for 1 minute. On a successful Will save, the penalty is reduced by half and the duration is only 1 round. At 8th level, this penalty increases to -8.

Evil Eye (Su): The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.

Feral Speech (Su): This hex grants the witch the ability to speak with and understand the response of any animal as if using speak with animals, though each time she uses the hex, she must decide to communicate with either amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, or reptiles, and can only speak to and understand animals of that type. The witch can make herself understood as far as her voice carries. This hex does not predispose any animal so addressed toward the witch in any way. At 12th level, the witch can use this hex to communicate with vermin.

Flight (Su): The witch grows lighter as she gains power, eventually gaining the ability to fly. At 1st level, the witch can use feather fall at will and gains a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. At 3rd level, she can cast levitate once per day. At 5th level, she can fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. This hex only affects the witch.

Fortune (Su): The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.

Healing (Su): A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds.

Misfortune (Su): The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. Anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. This hex affects all rolls the target must make while it lasts. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Mud Witch (su): A witch with this hex can assume the form of viscous brown mud. The witch’s type changes to ooze and she is able to squeeze through even the smallest cracks, but she can’t make attacks or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in this form, and she loses her supernatural abilities. If the witch has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when she uses this hex. While the witch is in mud form, her speed becomes 10 feet and she gains a swim speed of 20 feet. The witch gains DR 10/slashing and cold resistance 10. At 10th level, while the witch is in mud form, her speed increases to 20 feet and her swim speed increases to 40 feet. She can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level.

The duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. This hex affects only the witch. This hex requires the swamp hag hex.

Nails (Ex): The witch's nails are long and sharp, and count as natural weapons that deal 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). These attacks are secondary attacks. If trimmed, the witch's nails regrow to their normal size in 1d4 days.

No Place Like Home (Su): The witch fills an ally with the safety he feels at home or inflicts of pangs of homesickness to hamper an enemy's defenses. She chooses a target for the hex within 30 feet. If she chooses an ally, that ally gains a +2 dodge to AC against traps and on Reflex saves against traps. If she chooses an opponent, that opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC against traps and on Reflex saves. Either way, the effects last for 1 minute. At 8th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 4. At 16th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 6. A creature targeted by this hex cannot be targeted again by this hex for 1 day.

Peacebond (Su): A witch can use this hex on a creature, who is within 30 feet of her, to prevent it from drawing a weapon for a number of rounds equal to the witch's level. This hex has no effect on natural weapons or weapons already in a creature's hands, but does prevent an archer from drawing arrows. A Will save negates this effect, and whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Pariah (Su): The witch can cause a creature within 60 feet to be shunned by its allies for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Any other creature attempting to directly assist the target with a harmless spell or aid another action must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the aiding creature is unaffected by this hex. If the save fails, the aiding creature can’t follow through, the action is lost, and the aiding creature can’t directly aid the target for the duration of this hex. This hex does not prevent the target from benefiting from area of effect spells.

Prehensile Hair (Su): The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand. The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch's elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch's head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.

Soothsayer: The witch’s predictions become self-fulfilling prophecies. When the witch uses the evil eye hex, fortune hex, misfortune hex, or retribution major hex, she can choose to delay the effect. If she does so, the hex takes effect the next time the target makes a roll that could be affected by the hex (such as an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check) or is affected by an action that could be modified by the hex (such as being attacked when the hex would affect the target’s AC), whichever comes first (ignoring actions that are not in combat and actions that have no penalty for failure). The duration of the hex begins on the same round as the action that causes it to take effect.

The hex is wasted if it is not triggered within 24 hours.

Summer's Heat (Su): The witch surrounds her target with oppressive heat, dealing a number of points of nonlethal damage equal to her witch level and causing the target to become fatigued. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to reduce nonlethal damage by 1/2 and negate the fatigued condition. Whether or not the target succeeds at this save, it can't be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Swamp Hag (Sp): While traveling through swamps, mires, bogs, and similar terrain, the witch leaves no trail and cannot be tracked, as the trackless step druid ability. The witch can walk through mud and even quicksand as if it were normal ground.

Swamp's Gasp (Su): The witch can cause an area to become an entangling quagmire. One 10-foot square per witch level within 90 feet becomes difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. If the witch uses this hex again before the duration of the previous use has expired, the effects of the previous use of this hex end immediately.

Tongues (Su): A witch with this hex can understand any spoken language for a number of minutes per day equal to her level, as comprehend languages. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 5th level, a witch can use this ability to speak any language, as per tongues.

Unnerve Beasts (Su): The target becomes offensive to animals (Will negates). Animals become distraught and aggressive in the victim’s presence—horses buck, dogs snap and bark, bulls charge, and so on. The hex lasts a number of hours equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A creature that saves against the hex cannot be affected by the hex for 1 day. The reaction of the animals is a mind-affecting charm effect, but the hex on the target is not.

Ward (Su): A witch can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature, who is within 30 feet of her. The warded creature receives a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. A witch knows when a warded creature is no longer protected. A witch can have only one ward active at a time. If the witch uses this ability again, the previous ward immediately ends. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. At 8th level and 16th level, the bonuses provided by this ward increase by +1.

Water Lung (Su): An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.

Witch’s Charge (Su): Once per day when preparing spells, a witch can designate a willing creature as her charge. She gains a constant status effect on this creature and can target it with beneficial touch spells from a range of 30 feet. The creature remains her charge until she designates a new one.

Major Hexes

Beast Eye (Su): The witch can project her senses into an animal within 100 feet, sensing whatever it senses. She cannot control the animal's actions. She can project her senses from that animal to another within 100 feet of it as a standard action, and can continue to make these sensory leaps, potentially viewing things very far from her actual location. She may return her senses to her own body as a free action. Normal animals get no saving throw against this ability, but animal companions, paladin mounts, and similar unusual animals may resist with a Will save; the witch may use this ability on her own familiar as if it were an animal. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet of her who also have the coven hex can see through this animal at will, although the acting witch still controls the ability. The witch can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.

Delicious Fright (Su): The witch can feed on the fear of her victim. The target of this hex becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. As long as the witch remains within 30 feet of her target, she gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws as long as this effect persists. A successful Will save reduces the duration of this hex to 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Hag's Eye (Su): A witch with this hex can create a magic sensor that she can see through. This functions as per the spell arcane eye. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet who also have the coven hex can see through this sensor as well, although the witch that created it still controls it. The witch can use this eye for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.

Major Healing (Su): By calling upon eerie powers, the witch's touch can mend even the most terrible wounds of those she touches. This acts as cure serious wounds, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the major healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 15th level, this hex acts like cure critical wounds.

Retribution (Su): A witch can place a retribution hex on a creature within 60 feet, causing terrible wounds to open across the target's flesh whenever it deals damage to another creature in melee. Immediately after the hexed creature deals damage in melee, it takes half that damage (round down). This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect.

Speak in Dreams (Sp): The witch can contact a creature as if using dream. The witch can use this ability on a number of creatures per day equal to her Intelligence bonus, but can dream-speak to those creatures as often as desired throughout that time period.

Waxen Image (Su): The witch can spend a full-round action to create a crude and unnerving wax duplicate of a creature she can see within 30 feet. Once the image is complete, the subject must make a Will save. If the subject fails, the witch gains a small measure of control over the creature. Whenever she exercises this control, the creature receives a new Will save to end the effect. This effect occurs on the witch's turn and does not impede the creature's actions on its turn. The witch can use the waxen image a number of times equal to her Intelligence modifier before it melts. As a standard action, the witch can cause the subject to do any one of the following things: move up to the creature's speed in any direction, attack itself once with any weapon in hand (this attack automatically hits), lay down on the ground, or drop anything held. Alternatively, she can spend one of her uses to simply torture the image, causing the creature to be both sickened and staggered on its turn. As soon as the creature has succeeded on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to it for 24 hours. The is an enchantment (compulsion) effect.

Witch's Bounty (Su): The witch may bless a bush, plant, or tree that is planted in the ground, so that it creates a plentiful harvest. Each day at dawn, this blessed bush grows a number of goodberries equal to twice her witch level. Berries on the tree remain until they are picked, but the tree can never manifest a number of berries greater than twice her level at one time. The witch may only have one witch's bounty active at a time, but can shift her blessing to a new plant with a ritual requiring 1 hour.

Witch's Brew (Ex): When the witch uses her cauldron to brew a potion, she may spend double the cost to create 2 identical potions that day instead of just 1. At 15th level, she may spend triple the cost to create 3 identical potions that day. The witch must have the cauldron hex to select this hex.

Vision (Su): A witch with the vision hex can grant a glimpse of the future to a creature touched. Granting a vision takes 1 minute, during which time the witch and the target must remain in contact with one another. At the end of this time, the subject receives a brief image of the future, usually no more than 1 year from the time of the vision, subject to GM discretion. This is only one possible version of the future, making such visions unreliable at best. Most visions are slanted toward the alignment of the witch that granted them. For example, the visions granted by a chaotic evil witch often show scenes of death and destruction, while those of a neutral good witch tend to be of joyous events or occasions. A creature cannot be subject to another vision until the current vision has either come to pass or been prevented. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate the vision.

Weather Control (Su): A witch with this hex can use control weather once per day, but creating the weather takes 1 full hour of chanting, dancing, and communing with her familiar.

Grand Hexes

Curse of Nonviolence (Su): The witch can curse a creature to prevent it from attacking innocents. If the target fails its Will save, it cannot take violent actions or do anything destructive against any creature with fewer Hit Dice than itself. If another creature takes hostile action against the cursed creature, the cursed creature can act normally in regard to that creature only. This is an abjuration effect. The curse is permanent but can be removed with a break enchantment, miracle, or wish spell. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.

Dire Prophecy (Su): The witch curses the target so he is doomed to die (Will negates). As long as the curse persists, the target takes a –4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse persists, the witch may end it by bringing its full force upon her victim all at once. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to the witch's caster level to his Armor Class or on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. The witch must decide to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If the witch does not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the curse occurs when the GM considers it most appropriate, such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not the target's save against the hex is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a curse effect.

Life Giver (Su): Once per day the witch can, as a full round action, touch a dead creature and bring it back to life. This functions as resurrection, but it does not require a material component.

Natural Disaster (Su): A witch using this hex calls down the forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining from the sky). A witch must concentrate for the duration of this effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. A witch can only use this ability once per day.

Lay to Rest (Sp): The witch may target a single undead creature with this hex as if with an undeath to death spell. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.


Each witch possesses a patron of some type. These creatures are spirit-like forms born of the rupture, and tied in ways to the gods, themselves. Strength, for instance, draws from Angoron. This does not make all witches fervent worshipers, it merely points to the power's source. Witches who spend any time in civilization will realize where these powers come from.

Agility: 2nd—jump, 4th—cat's grace, 6th—haste, 8th—freedom of movement, 10th—polymorph, 12th—cat's grace (mass), 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—animal shapes, 18th—shapechange

Ancestors: 2nd—bless, 4th—aid, 6th—prayer, 8th—blessing of fervor, 10th—commune, 12th—greater heroism, 14th—refuge, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—weird

Animals: 2nd—charm animals, 4th—speak with animals, 6th—dominate animal, 8th—summon nature's ally IV, 10th—animal growth, 12th—antilife shell, 14th—beast shape IV, 16th—animal shapes, 18th—summon nature's ally IX

Boundaries: 2nd—protection from evil, 4th—see invisibility, 6th—magic circle against evil, 8th—dimensional anchor, 10th—control summoned creature, 12th—banishment, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—dimensional lock, 18th—gate

Death: 2nd—deathwatch, 4th—blessing of courage and life, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—rest eternal, 10th—suffocation, 12th—circle of death, 14th—finger of death, 16th—symbol of death, 18th—power word kill

Deception: 2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—invisibility, 6th—blink, 8th—confusion, 10th—passwall, 12th—programmed image, 14th—invisibility (mass), 16th—scintillating pattern, 18th—time stop

Devotion: 2nd—divine favor, 4th—martyr's bargain, 6th—magic vestment, 8th—greater magic weapon, 10th—flame strike, 12th—mass bull's strength, 14th—bestow grace of the champion, 16th—holy aura, 18th—mass heal

Elements: 2nd—shocking grasp, 4th—flaming sphere, 6th—fireball, 8th—wall of ice, 10th—flame strike, 12th—freezing sphere, 14th—vortex, 16th—fire storm, 18th—meteor swarm

Endurance: 2nd—endure elements, 4th—bear's endurance, 6th—protection from energy, 8th—spell immunity, 10th—spell resistance, 12th—bear's endurance (mass), 14th—restoration (greater), 16th—iron body, 18th—miracle

Healing: 2nd—remove fear, 4th—lesser restoration, 6th—remove disease, 8th—restoration, 10th—cleanse, 12th—pillar of life 14th—greater restoration, 16th—mass cure critical wounds, 18th—true resurrection

Insanity: 2nd—memory lapse, 4th—hideous laughter, 6th—distracting cacophony, 8th—confusion, 10th—mind fog, 12th—envious urge, 14th—insanity, 16th—symbol of insanity, 18th—overwhelming presence.

Light: 2nd—dancing lantern, 4th—continual flame, 6th—daylight, 8th—rainbow pattern, 10th—fire snake, 12th—sirocco, 14th—sunbeam, 16th—sunburst, 18th—fiery body

Moon: 2nd—darkness, 4th—darkvision, 6th—owl's wisdom, 8th—moonstruck, 10th—aspect of the wolf, 12th—control water, 14th—lunar veil, 16th—horrid wilting, 18th—meteor swarm

Occult: 2nd—detect undead, 4th—command undead, 6th—twilight knife, 8th—black tentacles, 10th—snake staff, 12th—create undead, 14th—waves of exhaustion, 16th—trap the soul, 18th—gate.

Peace: 2nd—sanctuary, 4th—calm emotions, 6th—wind wall, 8th—dismissal, 10th—serenity, 12th—word of recall, 14th—forcecage, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—antipathy

Plague: 2nd—detect undead, 4th—command undead, 6th—contagion, 8th—animate dead, 10th—giant vermin, 12th—create undead, 14th—control undead, 16th—create greater undead, 18th—energy drain

Shadow: 2nd—silent image, 4th—darkness, 6th—deeper darkness, 8th—shadow conjuration, 10th—shadow evocation, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—shadow conjuration (greater), 16th—shadow evocation (greater), 18th—shades

Spirits: 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—invisibility, 6th—speak with dead, 8th—spiritual ally, 10th—mass ghostbane dirge, 12th—shadow walk, 14th—ethereal jaunt, 16th—planar ally, 18th—etherealness

Stars: 2nd—faerie fire, 4th—dust of twilight, 6th—guiding star, 8th—wandering star motes, 10th—dream, 12th—cloak of dreams 14th—circle of clarity, 16th—euphoric tranquility, 18th—astral projection

Strength: 2nd—divine favor, 4th—bull's strength, 6th—greater magic weapon, 8th—divine power, 10th—righteous might, 12th—bull's strength (mass), 14th—giant form I, 16th—giant form II, 18th—shapechange

Time: 2nd—ventriloquism, 4th—silence, 6th—haste, 8th—threefold aspect, 10th—teleport, 12th—disintegrate, 14th—expend, 16th—temporal stasis, 18th—time stop

Transformation: 2nd—jump, 4th—bear's endurance, 6th—beast shape I, 8th—beast shape II, 10th—beast shape III, 12th—form of the dragon I, 14th—form of the dragon II, 16th—form of the dragon III, 18th—shapechange

Trickery: 2nd—animate rope, 4th—mirror image, 6th—major image, 8th—hallucinatory terrain, 10th—mirage arcana, 12th—mislead, 14th—reverse gravity, 16th—screen, 18th—time stop

Water: 2nd—bless water/curse water, 4th—slipstream, 6th—water breathing, 8th—control water, 10th—geyser, 12th—elemental body III (water only), 14th—elemental body IV (water only), 16th—seamantle, 18th—tsunami

Wisdom: 2nd—shield of faith, 4th—owl's wisdom, 6th—magic vestment, 8th—globe of invulnerability (lesser), 10th—dream, 12th—globe of invulnerability (greater), 14th—spell turning, 16th—protection from spells, 18th—mage's disjunction

Winter: 2nd—unshakable chill, 4th—resist energy (cold only), 6th—ice storm, 8th—wall of ice, 10th—cone of cold, 12th—freezing sphere 14th—control weather, 16th—polar ray, 18th—polar midnight



See World Bestiary.

Bonus Spells per Level

The ability that governs bonus spells depends on what type of spellcaster your character is: Intelligence for wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, and rangers; and Charisma for bards, paladins, and sorcerers. In addition to having a high ability score, a spellcaster must be of a high enough class level to be able to cast spells of a given spell level. See the individual class description details.

Bonus Spells per Level
Caster Ability Score Modifier 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 –5 Can't cast spells tied to this ability
2–3 –4 Can't cast spells tied to this ability
4–5 –3 Can't cast spells tied to this ability
6–7 –2 Can't cast spells tied to this ability
8–9 –1 Can't cast spells tied to this ability
10–11 0
12–13 1 1
14–15 2 1 1
16–17 3 1 1 1
18–19 4 1 1 1 1
20–21 5 2 1 1 1 1
22–23 6 2 2 1 1 1 1
24–25 7 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
26–27 8 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
28–29 9 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
30–31 10 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
32–33 11 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
34–35 12 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1
36–37 13 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
38–39 14 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
40–41 15 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2
42–43 16 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2
44–45 17 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

Spell List

0-Level Witch Spells
Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark, Stabilize, Touch Of Fatigue.
1st-Level Witch Spells
Beguiling Gift, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Command, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Dancing Lantern, Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge Person, Hypnotism, Identify, Ill Omen, Inflict Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Mask Dweomer, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Ray Of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Sleep, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant, Peacebond, Bungle, Decompose Corpse, Delusional Pride, Diagnose Disease, Ear-Piercing Scream, Forced Quiet, Fumbletongue, Hex Ward, Icicle Dagger, Ray of Sickening, Remove Sickness, Restore Corpse, Sanctify Corpse, Shadow Weapon, Summon Minor Monster, Vocal Alteration, Marid's Mastery, Strong Wings, Sundering Shards, Touch of Combustion, Unerring Weapon, Wave Shield, Winter Feathers
2nd-Level Witch Spells
Alter Self, Augury, Blindness\Deafness, Burning Gaze, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daze Monster, Death Knell, Delay Poison, Detect Thoughts, Enthrall, False Life, Find Traps, Fog Cloud, Gentle Repose, Glide, Glitterdust, Hidden Speech, Hold Person, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Levitate, Percieve Cues, Pox Pustules, Scare, See Invisibility, Spectral Hand, Status, Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Touch Of Idiocy, Vomit Swarm, Web, Zone Of Truth, Unshakable Chill, Boiling Blood, Delay Pain, Disfiguring Touch , Ghostly Disguise, Mad Hallucination, Miserable Pity, Pernicious Poison, Protective Penumbra, Share Memory, Silk to Steel, Steal Voice, Unshakable Chill, Web Shelter, Returning Weapon, Extreme Flexibility, Steal Breath, Molten Orb, Blood Blaze
3rd-Level Witch Spells
Arcane Sight, Bestow Curse, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Fly, Glyph Of Warding, Guiding Star, Heroism, Lightning Bolt, Locate Object, Nature's Exile, Pain Strike, Rage, Ray Of Exhaustion, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Screech, Seek Thoughts, Sepia Snake Sigil, Share Senses, Sleet Storm, Speak With Dead, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Summon Monster III, Tongues, Twilight Knife, Vampiric Touch, Water Walk, Ash Storm, Cackling Skull, Countless Eyes, Eruptive Pustules, Ki Leech, Rain of Frogs, Sands of Time, Spit Venom, Strangling Hair, Unadulterated Loathing, Vermin Shape I, Vision of Hell, Witness, Accept Affliction, Blood Scent, Gloomblind Bolts, Raging Rubble, Silver Darts
4th-Level Witch Spells
Arcane Eye, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Cure Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Discern Lies, Divination, Enervation, Fear, Ice Storm, Inflict Serious Wounds, Lesser Geas, Locate Creature, Minor Creation, Moonstruck, Neutralize Poison, Phantasmal Killer, Poison, Scrying, Secure Shelter, Sleepwalk, Solid Fog, Spite, Summon Monster IV, Threefold Aspect, Wandering Star Motes, Cape of Wasps, Curse of Magic Negation, Greater False Life, Familiar Melding, Ride the Waves, Shadow Step, Symbol of Healing, Symbol of Revelation, Symbol of Slowing, Vermin Shape II, Volcanic Storm, Hellmouth Lash
5th-Level Witch Spells
Baleful Polymorph, Banish Seeming, Blight, Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, Contact Other Plane, Cure Critical Wounds, [1], Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Inflict Critical Wounds, Magic Jar, Major Creation, Mark Of Justice, Mass Pain Strike, Mind Fog, Overland Flight, Prying Eyes, Reincarnate, Rest Eternal, Secret Chest, Summon Monster V, Symbol Of Pain, Symbol Of Sleep, Telepathic Bond, Teleport, Waves Of Fatigue, Suffocation, Greater Contagion, Major Curse, Curse of Disgust, Plague Carrier, Smug Narcissism, Symbol of Scrying
6th-Level Witch Spells
Analyze Dweomer, Animate Objects, Cloak Of Dreams, Cone Of Cold, Eyebite, Find The Path, Flesh To Stone, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Heroism, Guards And Wards, Legend Lore, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Suggestion, Raise Dead, Slay Living, Stone To Flesh, Summon Monster VI, Symbol Of Fear, Symbol Of Persuasion, Transformation, True Seeing, Unwilling Shield, Epidemic, Ice Crystal Teleport, Plague Storm, Symbol of Sealing, Vengeful Outrage
7th-Level Witch Spells
Chain Lightning, Control Weather, Greater Arcane Sight, Greater Scrying, Greater Teleport, Harm, Heal, Insanity, Instant Summons, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Hold Person, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Phase Door, Plane Shift, Power Word Blind, Regenerate, Summon Monster VII, Symbol Of Stunning, Symbol Of Weakness, Teleport Object, Vision, Waves Of Exhaustion, Lunar Veil, Ice Body

Lunar Veil, Scouring Winds, Temporary Resurrection

8th-Level Witch Spells
Antipathy, Clone, Demand, Destruction, Discern Location, Greater Prying Eyes, Horrid Wilting, Irresistable Dance, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds, Maze, Mind Blank, Moment Of Prescience, Power Word Stun, Resurrection, Stormbolts, Summon Monster VIII, Symbol Of Death, Symbol Of Insanity, Sympathy, Trap The Soul, Prediction of Failure
9th-Level Witch Spells
Astral Projection, Dominate Monster, Elemental Swarm, Foresight, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Hold Monster, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Power Word Kill, Refuge, Soul Bind, Storm Of Vengeance, Summon Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Wail Of The Banshee, Polar Midnight, Cursed Earth, Symbol of Strife, Polar Midnight

Character Page Badge


Witch PC Badge
Patron: What aspect of magic do you serve? How does it manifest in your familiar?
New Magic: Born from the fall of Animus, your magic is new to the world. How do you perceive yourself in the world of magic?
Hexes: What esoteric knowledge have you gained to impose weal and woe? How does it manifest?
Occultist Manner: Witch magic is still undergoing discovery. How does it manifest? How is it expressed?
{{Badge-Title|Witch PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Patron}} What aspect of magic do you serve? How does it manifest in your familiar?
{{Badge-Entry|New Magic}} Born from the fall of Animus, your magic is new to the world. How do you perceive yourself in the world of magic?
{{Badge-Entry|Hexes}} What esoteric knowledge have you gained to impose weal and woe? How does it manifest?
{{Badge-Entry|Occultist Manner}} Witch magic is still undergoing discovery. How does it manifest? How is it expressed?