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Character Details
Race: Human
Class/Level: Wizard (2)
Gender: Male
Deity: Starting to be Navos
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Eyes: Blue
Companion: Strix

Alaric was born in the village of Blackbriar, nestled on the eastern side of the Briar Run River just outside of the city. His mother, an herbalist and midwife, and his father, a smith, raised him alongside his two older brothers. Nevik, the eldest, joined the Wardens to patrol the Briarwood borders, while Kyran, the second-born, honed his skills as a smith.

From a young age, Alaric showed an innate curiosity and intelligence, assisting his mother with herbal healing and frequently venturing into the woods to gather materials. A turning point in Alaric's life came when a Hedge Mage was visiting Blackbriar recognized his potential and offered to teach him to read and write. This education ignited Alaric's thirst for knowledge, leading to his enrollment at the Collegium in the city, where he studied history, politics, theology, and more alongside the sons of merchants and tradesmen. It was here that Alaric's natural talent for magic was discovered by one of the wizards and his path towards the Academy became clear.

At the Academy, Alaric excelled in his studies of alchemy, apothecary, and arcane magic, despite facing challenges from nobles who scorned his common birth. His dedication and skill earned him the respect of some peers and the mentorship of esteemed instructors. Recently graduated, he's now on his own to see where this next chapter of his life will take him.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Arcane Archaeology,
  • Draconology
  • Lost Magic,
  • Forgotten Lore
  • He keeps a "Grail Diary" on clues and ideas surrounding the origins of magic.


