True is False

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The courtroom is filled with people. Packed with them. There are reporters from various magazines and even the Alexandrian Tribune. There are spectators, most of whom are talking in a low murmur to one another so that the room is filled with that hum that large crowds get. A certain tension fills the air that's not easily defined. There's a row of adventurers lined up behind the prosecution's chair - that's you and a few people you don't recognize here to support their fellows and offer a measure of solidarity.

The judge walks in and everyone rises as the court guard calls for the attention. A moment later Jeeves walks in, dressed in fine clothing and looking for all the world entirely innocent. His head is freshly shaved as is his jaw. His body language suggests that he has no idea why he is here. His lawyer pats him on the shoulder fondly and court is called to session.

"Firstly, we would like to hear any testimony from any adventurers who might have cause to believe that the accused is in fact the man known as the Mask." This from the lawyer for the prosecution. "If you please, step forward one at a time and briefly state that which you know about this particular case. You are allowed to enter into evidence anything which you have procured to justify your accusations."

Merek makes his way into the place, looking about finding a nice place he can look from, with his cloak on.

Azog will step forward and identify himself. "I am Azog of the Lightning Maul clan." That's as much of a name as he has. They don't do last names where he's from and he's never picked one up. "I helped capture him. I took his finger, too, but I didn't keep it. I'll answer any questions you have." The whole trial thing confuses him because Azog saw what he did and knows what he'd have done to the fellow then and there. Azog - one sword, no waiting.

Garak peers at the accused through his monocle. The eyewear is enchanted, of course, but the main property Garak chooses to use is how it overcomes the unfortunate hint of near-sightedness that comes with age sometimes after staying up too late the night before. Ahem. In any case the priest tries to examine Jeeves' build and height, matching them up in Garak's memory to the figure he fought in his own encounter with the villain.

"Mister Azog, can you testify with certainty that you severed a finger from this man's hand?" The lawyer for the defense speaks up, looking squarely at the personage he is questioning.

The Gobbo has a front row seat, luckily, but she remains silent for now. Acedia choose to give the Mask the frowning of a lifetime, complete with fangs and sharp, pointy teeth.

GAME: Azog rolls perception: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Merek rolls perception: (4)+14: 18

Azog nods, points. "I took that one. It's been healed back. I assume by one of his cultmates. I would have kept it if I'd known there was going to be a test."

Garak nods in agreement. And perhaps approval.

There's a murmur from the crowd. A nod from the lawyer for the defense. "So you have no /evidence/ of your claim to have taken his finger. What /can/ you tell us with certainty Mister Azog?" He makes it sound as though Azog's testimony up until now is very suspect.

Azog shrugs to the lawyer. "I was there when he attacked him," he points to Chay. "I helped capture him. He tried to kill him then. You have wizards and priests, you could find this out for yourself."

Seldan has been listening in silence to the entire proceeding, having little to add but always in favor of being present when justice is being done.

"Mister Jeeves attests that he was attacked, and that he acted in self-defense." The lawyer shakes his head. "I have heard nothing from you which can corroborate your statements aside perhaps from the testimony of your fellow adventurers. Given that it is well known that adventurers are a sort to attack first and ask questions later..."

"Objection! Mister Azog's character is not in question here, that statement is inflammatory!" The council for the prosecution finally speaks up, waving an irritated hand at the defense who only smirks as the murmuring of the crowd gets louder. Hurriedly the prosecutor turns toward you. "I think we need another witness... unless you have any more evidence Mister Azog?"

“...his scent is that of the man who identified himsself as a leader of the--of the ssplinter cult, who broke from Vardama'ss directive to follow their own. He radiates an aura conssistent with evil and Corruption. One bears witness that hiss is a sstrong aura, ssers. Its sstrength is conssistet with continued and conssistent actions towards Depravity.

"In addition, ssers, by his own words, on the evening of <statement of time>, he admitted to killing Alessandrians as part of hiss mission.

"One offers this as testimony, under the sseal of Gilead, in proof of the identity of thiss person and of witness to his own tesstimony. May hiss own words, and the words of other witnesses, bear tesstament to the resst." Chay's tail is shaking. As soon as he can sit down, he's going to fucking sit down.

Merek keeps watching, though he frowns a bit, "No wonder this city needs adventurers," he offers to the person next to him, "The people working here can't even do a public servant job with even a little intelligence," he says.

Azog shrugs. "Well, he said he was a member of some death cult of Feiu of the Tears," he uses the oruch name for Vardama out of habit. "He said that in front of everyone that was there, I expect that counts against him." His tone is deadpan for all of this. He's slightly unclear on why this fellow is alive, but he's willing to play human games. There may be something to learn.

Acedia stands then, clearing her throat. "He is the man who attacked Chay, and who also attacked me while I was protecting Chay's fallen body. My name is Acedia, and I will take any honest oath that my statement is true."

Garak nods encouragingly at Chay. This is no doubt a strange experience for most adventurers. In fact it reminds Garak more of some debate with members of another faith than anything he's encountered in his work as a member of the Explorers Guild. Although of course the stakes are much higher and the opposition -much- more hostile.

This causes a tense silence to break out, but the defence speaks up once again, not letting the silence linger overly long. "Mister Jeeves' character is not in question here either. He has admitted to indiscretions in his youth, but his prior bad acts can not be put on trial today!"

"Perhaps they should be!" The prosecution is still standing, irritable and frowning at the defense.

"Settle, settle." The judge bangs his gavel lightly. "We've been over this. If it can be proven that he performed any acts of evil they will be added to his current charges. The state of his soul such as it is, is his own business."

"Which brings us to Chay's testimony, and Acedia's here!" The prosecution points to the little goblin woman and the shaking sith-makar. “Whom were both attacked by this man. They were both seriously injured in this altercation."

The defense eyes Acedia and Azog. "You were both there Mister Azog, Miss Acedia. Is it true that someone /other/ than Mister Jeeves was the one that attacked and in fact /killed/ Chay?"

Azog says, "While it's true that Braelnoir did strike the fatal blow, that was because this fellow tried to, and then tried to hold Chay hostage to secure his own escape. It's accepted procedure in hostage situations to take the hostage out of the equation to remove the leverage the hostage taker has." Azog's from a rough country, it seems. "In such cases, the hostage taker is responsible for the loss of life regardless, since it was his actions that precipitated it."

Garak would have also nodded encouragingly at Acedia...if he felt she needed it. But like Azog she appears to be more than up to the challenge. He permits himself the slightest of wintry smiles...which fades away when the defense attorney mentions someone else attacking. And then Azog confirms it. Garak feels he already has the measure if Jeeves' lawyer. He suspects such an outlandish claim never would have been voiced had it not been true.

"That may be true - if Mister Jeeves attacked first as you /claim/. However if he was defending himself, then any unfortunate deaths were the sole responsibility of those that acted in haste." The lawyer for the defense looks at the judge, nods to the crowd who's murmuring has only gotten louder. There are a lot of looks toward the adventurers. Expectant ones.

The lawyer for the prosecution looks a bit harried now, but he doesn't look like he's ready to go down without a fight. "Do any of you have anything else, any other testimony which might help this situation?" His tone is hopeful.

Now, Seldan stands up. "Did this man grab Chay and hold him as a hostage against others?" His question is simple, but firmly stated.

"That person did attack first. He struck Chay from behind, and Chay fell over almost instantly. Chat did not respond to me when I tried to rouse him, but before we could do anything, we were forced to defend ourselves. He threatened our lives. Then he attempted to hold Chay hostage. Then he stabbed me several times in the stomach while I tried to protect Chay." She glances at the others, her head canted slightly. She looks back to the Judge. "I stand by that statement, and would do so before any of the Holy and Just gods and goddesses."

Azog ahems, "I was there. He /did/ attack first," he points out. "Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar." He's getting a bit vehement now. Lying is a huge issue with Azog, who doesn't even approve of theater because stories are made up.

Garak speaks up next. "How was Jeeves dressed when brought to the authorities? NOT as you see him today, I assure you." Garak answers his own question while also sweeping his stern gaze across the lawyers, the fact the only ones he spares are the council. "I understand that even his mask was recovered. Given the notoriety of his cult and their leader, no one has dared to so much as don a darkened veil in public, for weeks. It was only in the days after news of his capture spread - days in which not a single Mask attack occurred, I might add - that others would wear such an accessory. And yet Jeeves would have us believe he wore the attire of the mask to an inn?"

"I think it is time we have heard from Mister Jeeves. The adventurer in the back is right, it is time for him to speak in his own defense if he will." This from the judge. The defense attorney holds a brief whispered converation with Jeeves that ends with Jeeves smiling somewhat and rolling his shoulders in an odd jerky shrug. The attorney nods and bows to the judge.

"Mister Jeeves would now like to speak on his own behalf."

With this Jeeves rises to his feet, holding himself straight as an arrow. He paints the picture of an innocent man, and he turns slightly toward Seldan. "I admit that I hid behind the sith-makar while I was being attacked. I was in fear for my life from that adventurer. She was vicious, as is proven by the fact that she killed the poor man. I acted out of necessity."

"Furthermore I admit that I am a member of the Black Masks. Calling us a cult is... an insult. The Black Masks have served Vardama for decades; bringing solace to those about to die. In fact, was not Chay infected with the plague which has killed so many? Any member of the Black Masks would feel it necessary to attend him. To make sure that he knows that Vardama is at his side."

GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (13)+2: 15

The Gobbo stands again. "Chay was cured of the plague when you attacked him, sir." She huffs. "As was I. You nearly did in the man who is going to spread the cure."

Azog says to Jeeves calmly, "You attacked Chay and threatened to kill him, and -tried- to abduct him. You hid behind him because we were trying to stop you from doing that. If you feared for your life, that's reasonable, because I was about to kill you, and would have if you had not surrendered like a coward with no honor. You are mischaracterizing your own intentions in a ploy to beg leniency from this court for your nefarious actions. A man with honor does what he feels his must and accepts the consequences." He looks around at the lawyers. "Priests have spells that can see truth? Why do you allow him to lie? -You- told us that Chay had to die because the plague," he nods to the goblin, "despite that he'd been cured."

"You grabbed another living being, who had done nothing to harm you or anyone, and used them to defend yourself from the actions of another," Seldan counters coolly. "That is not an act of necessity. That is an act of cowardice, and if you served the Dread Lady truly, you would know that." His eyes narrow at Jeeves. "Tell me something. Was the incident under discussion the only time you had grabbed the sith-makar? Or did it maybe happen in a prior incident as well?"

Garak half-rises from his chair. "Solace? You brought solace to thise you killed? What solace did you bring to Milson Nayark? To that poor mother, to the animal trainer? And why did you hide your actions, always in darkness and deception? Those that seek the Grey Lady's solace, are welcome to seek it themselves, at her temple!"

Jeeves smiles benevolently at Acedia, his black eyes sharp. "I will remind you that /I/ did not kill him. Besides, how was I to know that he was cured? It is not as though a cure has been made available to everyone." His words cause a huge murmur in the crowd.

At the courtside a priest holds up a hand. "I can affirm that a Zone of Truth is in place, it encircles the entirety of the area he is standing in. I have no reason to suspect that every word he has said is not the truth."

Jeeves shakes his head at the commotion. "Now you accuse me of lying. You speak of people as if you expect me to know their names somehow. You demand to know my every action. How am I supposed to remember if I ever bumped into that sith-makar before? You adventurers are all alike."

The council for the prosecution stands up again. "Another inflammatory statement! The adventurers are /not/ on trial. I expect that the statement will be stricken from the record!"

GAME: Merek rolls sense motive: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Azog rolls sense motive: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Acedia rolls sense motive: (15)+5: 20

Azog eyes the court fellow, and says, "Your Zone of Truth allows quite a lot of false implications through." He says to Jeeves, "You'll kill again if the humans let you free again, of that I have no doubt. I hope you come to kill me first, because that will be the last thing you do. What else are you hiding?"

Jeeves' eyes fall on Azog and though he says nothing there's a faint amusement in those dark eyes. His lawyer shakes his head. "You don't have to answer that Mister Jeeves."

Seldan crosses his arms. "An evasion. Had you ever seen that sith-makar prior to the incident under discussion?"

The Gobbo grins back at Jeeves. "I have not once said that you killed him. As for knowing whether or not you've run into him before... Your Black Masks have attacked the Soldier's Defense several times at least, killing people wantonly. Is that the truth? Your Black Masks have incited riots outside the Soldier's Defense by stirring up fear in the city's populace. Is that the truth? Chay has been prominent in attempting to cure the plague, and has fought several times against the Vampire, and your Black Masks. So it is quite possible you knew who he was before you attacked him. Is that the truth? We'll have your answers!"

Merek stands up, then he makes a way to the floor. He pulls back the hood of his cloak, then he looks to all of them, "Enough is enough! Have any of you ever even been in a court before?" he asks, pointing then to the lawyers as well as the council and all who seem to be in charge. "Since I came back to Alexandros, it's been apparent to me why this place is like it is."

He then takes a moment to shift his cloak in a swivel, while he motions as well, "Don't let magic solve all the issues for you, actually put in for questions that make sense. We adventurers aren't here to be your servant, but maybe you'd like us to take over your job for the court as well?" He then looks to Jeeves, "You, you keep on and all about this, but let's be honest, you just kill because you want to, because you desire to. If you do it for your god it's because you've come to revere taking things to your own hands as well. He then points at Jeeves' lawyer, "You, shut up." He then turns to the man on trial, "Answer the question, why did you really murder them, perhaps if you are honest, the gods will be kind, but I assure you, as a servant of Eluna, I'll make sure if you aren't honest with me on this stand..." He then looks to some of those adventurers.

Seldan is the next person upon whom Jeeves's gaze falls, but then Merek steps forward and even Acedia's words, her not so subtle accusations are forgotten; at least by Jeeves. He frowns at the other man. "All of these murders which you lay at the feet of this individual known as the Mask; were not committed by me." He says this very firmly, and with just a touch of distaste. His response such as it is, causes a near roar to rise from the crowd. Questions fly from them and the judge is forced to bang his gavel several times calling for order before order can be restored.

Merek steps back into the place, and nods with an incline, "Thank you, you have given what you need," he says, wagging his finger about to the court reporter, "Make sure you actually got that."

Garak looks at Jeeves thoughtfully at his comment of 'you adventurers are all alike.' Garak searches his memory and tries to recall what he said about adventurers when he and Boshter and the others fought with and, of course, failed to capture the Mask. Finally he looks at Jeeves. "Do you think your actions have been better than ours?" He scowls. "They're hardly that -different-. You might as well call yourself an adventurer."

Azog shrugs at the denial, and says, "You are saying that you are not the mask, but you put on the mask, and the person who commits the crimes with the mask on becomes you when the mask is off. You may think that absolves you of responsibility - it does not." Not to Azog. In Alexandria, it probably does. Azog is wildly disappointed in Alexandria's justice system.

"A good point," Seldan nods, agreeing with Azog. "Let us begin simply. Did the person wearing the mask commit the murders so named? I notice that you do not answer my questions directly. Perhaps if His Honor would be so good as to insist that he do so?" Here, he looks appealingly at the judge.

"Excuse me, I need to recast the Zone." The cleric speaks up quietly, looking around to recieve permission. It's hard to believe how much time has passed since this all began, but it seems that it's been that long. Jeeves ignores everyone as the spell is recast, and the judge looks at him.

"If you could answer the fine gentleman's question please Mister Jeeves. I think it might go a long way toward proving your innocence." The judge looks at Jeeves expectantly and the man nods and lets out a soft sigh.

"You ask if I have ever seen Chay before the incident where he died. The answer is no. Not to my knowledge." Jeeves looks at Seldan steadily, his black eyes burning.

GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Azog rolls sense motive: (5)+15: 20
GAME: Acedia rolls sense motive: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Merek rolls sense motive: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Garak rolls sense motive: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Acedia rolls spellcraft: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Merek casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14
GAME: Merek casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Merek makes a light gesture with a hand, while he looks to the spell, then he nods a bit, while he looks to the defendant, his cloak hood gently pulled about his features.

Acedia stands up and gestures to the Judge. "The whole court is covered by the Zone of Truth. So, your Honour... please ask me if what the accused just said regarding never having seen Chay before is the truth."

About to reply, Seldan looks over at Acedia before he does. "Is his statement the truth?"

Azog shrugs as this trial keeps going on. He asides, "He never answered whether he is someone different when he puts on the mask." To the judge, he suggests, "You might get different answers if he puts on the mask. Warriors who are timid often grow bold when they don their gear. It is not unheard of."

"I object to this line of questioning." States the lawyer for the defense, glancing at Merek before frowning at Acedia. "The Zone of Truth is here to ensure that statements made are truthful. For all we know she has something on her that allows her to lie. My client has no such protections." He handwaves. "I move that her implication be stricken from the record."

Jeeves laughs a little bit at Azog. "I am not a different person when I put on the mask. That is ridiculous. Putting on a mask doesn't make you a different person." A few people in the audience laugh with him.

Garak steeples his fingers and glares both at Jeeves and his defender. "A few minutes ago you admitted to attacking Chay, on the day you were captured. That alone could have earned your death." His cold tone implies that he's not referring to a sentence passed by Alexandria's justice system.

Azog shrugs at Jeeves's response, and said, "I was not asking /you/." He turns to face the judge again.

The judge looks at the guard and the guard looks back. The judge looks at Azog uncomfortably. It seems he's a little intimidated by the other man. "I don't see what good it would do. Nothing he was wearing was magical save a ring which allows for teleportation from one place to another. Are you suggesting that he has some kind of mental illness that causes him to adopt a different personality when he wears these items?"

"Ridiculous, perhaps, but the mad have done stranger. If you are mad rather than vicious, then you deserve the court's clemency." Seldan doesn't move. "I once saw a man in a mask grab Chay, although the incident was different."

GAME: {*} Azog rolls intimidate: (13)+27: 40

Acedia looks to the lawyer. "If I can lie, sir, then we have to entertain the fact that your client could also be lying. But I know that he is lying, and if the Zone of Truth exists as I believe it does, I could not make such a statement if it was false. If the priest has been faulty, then this whole case is a shambles." She looks to the Judge once more. "But it is not that he becomes a different person as some suggest. It is that he is being controlled by the person who has either created or discovered the plague, when he wears the mask. It is how he can appear to be telling the truth in the eyes of the Gods, for I think he does not remember what was being done at the time."

The Gobbo adds, "Or perhaps he considered it to be a dream?"

Azog nods to the judge. "If you call it an illness, then that is your word, not mine. It is a thing of warriors also. Put the mask on him, and see if he answers differently. What will it cost you? If you free him and he kills again, /you/ are responsible for those deaths."

The judge blanches somewhat at Azog and then finally nods. "Very well since you insist I will allow this, guard, bring out the mask." The guard looks a bit questioning but nods and heads out of the room. "While we await that there will be a brief recess."

So there is. Jeeves sits down in his chair and shakes his head, seemingly amused now. When he looks at you, it's with a look of victory. He believes he's already won. It takes several long minutes for the guard to arrive once more with the mask which is handed over to the lawyer for the defense who seems less than pleased with this entire situation. Still, he places the mask on his clients face and takes a hesitant step back. It seems that the words of the adventurers /does/ hold some water in this court.

The judge looks at Jeeves. "State your name for the court."

"My name is Jeeves," Replies the bald man, his voice muffled slightly by the mask. The muffling makes his voice sound uncannily familiar for some of you. Most of you. "And I change none of my statements from before. Wearing this mask does /not/ change who I am." He lifts his hand and takes off the mask with a little flourish.

"No no. We shall ask you the questions again to test you, sir. Saying you don't change your mind is meaningless since the Zone of Truth only compels the truth when you are actually answering an inquiry, am I right?" The Gobbo looks to the priest for confirmation. "To say that you're not changing your statements is meaningless, there's no lie to that, you don't want to change what you've said before because your lies would be exposed. So, from the top, shall we?"

Jeeves looks at Acedia shortly, then turns to his lawyer, leans in, and whispers. The two hold a brief whispered conversation before Jeeves puts the mask back on his face. "All of the crimes committed by the individual known as the Mask were not perpetrated by me. I was acting out of necessity when I used Chay as a shield against the adventurer whom attacked me." Jeeves takes off the mask again, looking down at the simple black cloth cut to fit his face. "Does this satisfy the court that I am myself always?"

GAME: Merek rolls sense motive: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Azog rolls sense motive: (18)+15: 33

Seldan watches quietly, stroking his chin. "Use of another human being to shield oneself from danger is cowardice, not necessity. He is hiding something ... but if he is truly not the mask, then who is? Perhaps he knows." He now speaks quietly, to himself.

GAME: Merek casts Corrosive Touch. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Acedia rolls sense motive: (5)+5: 10

"No, please state Black Mask. Not just 'the Mask', please.", Acedia states, standing up once more.

Garak sighs. He looks at Jeeves, thinking furiously. It's hard to concentrate, the last time he saw that mask and heard that voice, he was also being perforated by daggers. but he shakes his head. "Going back to the day you were captured..." Like any good military commander Garak regroups and redeploys. "What led you to the Waystation that day?"

Merek stands up, while he shifts his cloak then he places that away, the black material he has on shifting about while he looks from the scarf which he wears. He calls upon an ancient power of the dragons within as both hands shift to claws, like one would see on the black dragons. To those not knowing about sorcerers, well it makes the mage look interesting.

The claws begin to shift with an acid which is on them. He places those on the nice wood which is settled next to Jeeves. He then watches the man, his dragon eyes a bit thoughtful. "We're getting nowhere with these questions, this zone, or anything." He then nods a bit as well, looking to all the council as if asking them to keep him away from the man in manacles. "Come clean, that's all I'm asking, politely. Tell us what you do know, don't tell us what you did or didn't do, we've asked it a lot, tell us what you do know. Who did kill them, who was wearing the mask, who are you, what do you know. You can work your way about the zone, but don't work your way on me."

Azog ahems. "We're not asking if you've commiited every murder. Just the attack on Chay. I'm sure other members of your cult are not inactive. And while you claim you act out of necessity, it's not in order to preserve life. It's to fulfil your own objectives, with the thin veil of necessity overlain in case you're questioned as we are now."

The lawyer for the defense glares at Merek. "This man is threatening my client. I ask that he be removed from the court immediately."

The judge considers this briefly, and then nods. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to remove yourself from the court room if you can not conduct yourself in such a manner as is befitting this trial.”

Jeeves meanwhile is looking at Azog. Not saying a word as the lawyer and judge pay far more attention to Merek than Azog. There's something unpleasant in those eyes, but he blinks and the look is gone. When the lawyer is done talking to Merek and the judge Jeeves leans into him again, whispering quietly until the lawyer stands back up. "Your honor my client is very tired. These accusations have gone on for far too long. Perhaps another recess is in order?"

"Your Honor, my apologies, I had to be sure," Merek mentions, then he motions a bit to the defendant, "Why is it that only when the questions are direct and clear that his lawyer speaks up? Why is it only when he can work around our zone he actually answers with what's only true in a way?" He then lifts his shoulders a bit as well. He makes his way to the places at the seat a moment, looking thoughtful.

"That's fine, I suppose.", the Gobbo says to no one in particular. "We have to get back out to that tower after all, so if they can hold him here for a bit longer..." She hops up and scampers to the doors of the courthouse.

Azog agrees with Merek, and says to the judge, "The request for a recess is clearly an evasion to avoid answering direct questions. The fact that he won't answer them is tantamount to an admission of guilt in any event, though it seems his intimidated this court from his position of seeming captivity. Perhaps the fear of his compatriots drives things more than a desire of justice. Perhaps we need Remove Fear as well as Zone of Truth?"

GAME: Merek rolls wisdom: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Seldan rolls wisdom: (6)+2: 8

"A recess gives our friend time to plan a bit further," Seldan observes. "I doubt he truly tires, unless his tongue be tired from working so hard for all his evasions."

GAME: Garak rolls wisdom: (7)+4: 11

At the doors, the Gobbo halts, and smacks herself on the forehead. "THE RING!", she calls out. "It's the RING..."

GAME: Acedia rolls wisdom: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Acedia rolls wisdom: (11)+1: 12
GAME: Azog rolls wisdom: (9)+0: 9

Jeeves looks at Azog and it's a challenging look. A defiant one. There's so many murmurs in the crowd, opposing viewpoints clashing in the background even as they do in the forefront. "Ask me something then. Since you are so certain of my guilt."

Merek looks thoughtful a bit, "Huh, that's not the same mask," he says.

Azog eyes the man, says to Jeeves, "Did you attack Chay?" He keeps it simple, hard to evade.

"Of course, I admitted as much." Jeeves says the words dryly. The crowd murmurs louder for a long second.

GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (10)+2: 12
GAME: Acedia rolls perception: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Azog rolls perception: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Garak rolls perception: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Merek rolls perception: (8)+14: 22

Azog nods, continues questioning, "And what about the lockpick you just slid into your hand, what is your plan for that?"

Jeeves blinks once. "What lockpick?"

The judge straightens and motions to the guard. "Search him!"

The order is given and carried out quickly, but the guard pulls away with a shrug that confirms he found no such item in Jeeves possession. After a moment Jeeves shakes his head at Azog, looking mournful. "What are you trying to prove? Why would I run now?" He smiles and flashes both his hands - empty.

After a moment someone steps forward and hands the prosecutor something. A vial. The prosecutor stands and holds up the vial showing it to everyone. "I have in my possession an item that does not only enforces someone to tell the truth, but actively pulls the truth out of them. Forces them to reveal their inner truths. I wish to give Mister Jeeves this vial and find out once and for all what the truth is! Who he is, why he does what he does. Who his cohorts are if he has any!"

The defense attorney starts to argue, but Jeeves doesn't wait. In an instant he's slipped his cuffs, and is ducking and weaving his way out of the courthouse!

GAME: Merek casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

Merek looks to the man while he's fleeing the court, then he lifts up a hand sending a clean bolt of flame which is coming towards the man as well also.

GAME: Azog rolls 1d100: (57): 57

Azog was of course expecting just such a move, since he'd seen the man slip his cuffs, and Azog is off like a shot, striking the man mid stride and sending them both down in a pile, where Azog winds up sitting on him.

The Gobbo blinks and peers at the man running her way? Only to be tackled by an Oruch. She snaps her fingers and a violin and bow appears in her hands. A moment later, a jaunty tune suitable for a fistfight can be heard.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+24: (13)+24: 37

Seldan is about to raise a hand to stop the fleeing prisoner, but Azog's quicker, and he lowers it again. "Can there be any more compelling testimony to his guilt than an attempt to flee?"

It seems that the judge agrees with Seldan, and though Jeeves does his best to wiggle out from beneath Azog he has no such luck. The ourch has him neatly pined like a butterfly. The prosecutor steps forward, asking briefly for Azog's help in holding the man still while the courtroom is cleared of people, and the vial of liquid is forced down his throat. After that... he talks. He /sings/.

It turns out he's been using the Black Masks as a front, using them to commit murders that he was hired to perform. He's been an assassin his whole life and he's made a good living at it particularly since the plague stopped people from paying so much attention to anything else.

He admits to most of the murders; the most gruesome ones were his. Others he handed out to members of his cult that were susceptible to the telepathic communication that he achieved using his real mask - the obsidian one that he used as the Mask. Jeeves explains in detail that he was hired to kill Chay by a man with glowing green eyes and pale skin. A man with dark hair who gave him the creeps. He ignored his instinct to turn down the kill because the money was so good. The rest was a stroke of good and bad luck mingling. Good luck in that someone else killed Chay for him, bad luck that he was caught in the process. He names all the members of his cult, particularly the ones that murdered in his name, and they're written down.

Which only leaves any lingering questions which you might possess.

"Well, whatever was in that vial... why the hell didn't you use that right from the start?", the Gobbo says, tossing the violin aside, with it vanishing before even hitting the ground. "He was lying his way through the Zone of Truth the whole time."

The lawyer looks at Acedia in askance. "Do you think that we just have them laying around? It was a last-minute donation."

"Sounds like you need to start taking more donations.", Acedia huffs. "He almost got away!"

Merek looks to the man while he seems to think about it. He then looks to the lawyer that was defending the man, he then walks up to him. He points to the man from beneath his cloak, "You know what..." He then looks to the one who is presiding, "Is this what I came back to?" He then sighs. He seems to think about it, "Alright."

Azog turns over the fellow and assists in re-restraining him. He nods at what Acedia says, agreeing, "Now that we've been through all this, and you see the man you were about to allow to walk free. Our questioning must have made him fear his evasions weren't going to be enough, or he'd have played it cool. But now, you need to keep him around to find out as much as you can about the one who hired him. But after that, if you don't have the nerve to hang him for what he's done, tell me and I will."

"Alright.", Acedia says, rounding on Jeeves. "Where is the mask? And where did you last see the man who hired you?"

Garak also gives the defense lawyer a baleful look.

Seldan joins the gobber and the oruch, coming in on the end of Acedia's question, and simply stands, listening.

Jeeves will give Acedia the location of the mask (it's underground in the sewers in a special hidden room he has). "I last saw him just before I tried to kill the sith-makar. I don't know his name. I don't know anything about him. Just that he pays well, and that I wouldn't trust him alone anywhere. His eyes..."

Azog asks Jeeves, "So were you going to meet with that one again? Final payout for success at the job of killing Chay, perhaps?" If so, that suggests a sting operation.

"Does he have any cohorts or companions of which you are aware?" Seldan looks decidedly boyish in contrast with the gobber and the oruch. He's ignoring the lawyers for the moment amid the chaos.

"Half up front, he said he'd find me with the other half. I didn't ask too many questions of the guy. He said he worked for someone. A mistress? I don't know who, but I didn't ask questions about her either. It doesn't pay to ask a lot of them in my line of work." Jeeves doesn't seem able to help himself from talking, but he does look irate about it

Acedia grins. "Well then, we shall be recovering that. You mention his eyes... that's very likely the vampire. Which confirms here for certain that the vampire's mistress is directly responsible for the plague spreading. As well as the fear and rioting and so forth. Chay's death will not have been in vain, then."

Azog nods, will leave the others to sort this out. "Well, you've got your confession out of him. I was worried for a moment. But now we know, then we can set up a sting to bring this fellow in also. We'll just say that you played off your defense as you did, and the judge bought it. Whoever's playing you will kill Chay again, or pretend to, the gnomes are quite skilled in faking that sort of thing. Theater," he says with a scowl. "And then the fellow will come to whoever we have playing you."
