Three Old Friends

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  • Title: Three Old Friends
  • GM: Aftershock
  • Place: Society for Progressive Arcanists

The Society for Progressive Arcanists - Evening

There's an aged mage sitting near a small fountain talking to the squirrels. He seems quite depressed actually, but also seems to be taking comfort from the squirrels whom have gathered to steal the nuts that he has been tossing out slowly. One at a time. "I just don't know anymore guys. Maybe I'll never figure it out. Shame, shame, shame. What will they say of the great Fiz, Driz, and Kiz? I wish I knew what happened to my friends."

He chuckles weakly as one of the squirrels climbs into his hand and eats the nut there. He pets its tiny head and his aged eyes roam the nearly barren area just outside the Arcanists Guild. He watches a young man leave the premises and waves tiredly. The young man doesn't seem to notice him at all, pulling his cowl down further and hurrying his steps. Maybe he's trying not to be drawn into conversation.

Thoth visits from time to time, being a partial member of several arcanist societies. Partially because some enjoy studying the ancient War Golem. They're sitting across from the aged mage, legs criss-cross, listening to him. In earnest, they'd been sitting there for a while, almost like a statue, considering various matters. After all, with a flood of warmth having re-entered their metalic little clockwork 'heart', they'e had a lot to think about.

As the man feeds a squirrel, Thoth pipes up; "This one inquires..." - perhaps giving the man a shock that the little golden thing is in fact not a statue - "Whom art Fiz, Driz, and Kiz? They sound like the names given to a trio of pets." It proposes.

While Vex has spent some time in the city it has been interrupted by various trips and excursions out into the wilds, or escort trips, or who knows what. As such, there are plenty of places that the tall slender war golem has not been, or at least, is not a regular sight at. Long graceful near birdlike steps carry Vex into the courtyard of the society and she steps gracefully to the side to make sure she isn't blocking anyone's arrival or departure, like the young man who has a fixation with his cowl. That fixation alone is enough to gain Vex's attention, a slight sudden tilt of her head to the side sends her golden braids skittering across her shoulders as her serene features do not change but follow the departing young man and she intones a single word: "Interesting." In a higher pitch and softer tone than most war golems that were made for... well, war. It's a timbre that though it echoes faintly seems to have been designed with her chassis in mind.

Stepping further into the courtyard she pauses when she spots the old man, the avian and much smaller in height at least, war golem that is Thoth but the squirrels and their curious behavior draws her over in that direction, golden robe lightly flowing with her long-legged steps.

Victor wanders into the courtyard along the path from the Cafeteria. He most likely didn't eat there, but it has been known to serve occasionally as an impromptu spot for Arcanists to sit over tea and chat. The notebook in Victor's hand completes the picture of one returning from such a gathering.

If there's anyone who knows anything about talking to squirrels, it's a Warden of Gilead. Corey, who happens to be walking through the area, is murmuring something to himself about 'sisters making him do all the work' when he notices the older man feeding a squirrel out of his hand. The very sight puts a bright and cheerful smile on his face. "An won't mind if I take a little detour," he murmurs to himself as he walks up to the man with a squirrel.

The three golems present in the area also draw Corey's curiosity, too, and he regards all three with a bright smile. "A day for interesting things afoot indeed!" he says. "Old man, do you know that young person that just left?" Yes, Cor'ethil had also spotted the young man. A paladin has some senses about things.

The city's a pretty big place. Bryn's not been here very long, so there's still lots of places to check out. This eve, since its cooling down a bit, she wanders through the magically-delicious district: temples, and halls, and societies, oh my! She heard that the arcanist society was a popular hangout of Archmage Telamon the Dandy-Swoonific, so its probably an interesting place? Couldn't hurt to peek at or pick brains on those things, either.

She enters the grounds whistling idly to herself as her eye looks about at buildings and the few folks pedestriating. "Whoa." Well, there's sure some interesting things or folks to peek at, so far. So she wanders her way more towards old man squirrel and the golemites. "Not something ye see everday..." at least for her. "Somethin going on?" she wonders aloud as she nears others.

The mage startles a little at the motion and noise from Thoth and blinks. "Oh my! You're alive!" He smiles though, clearly pleased that there's now a person to talk to. "That's the nicknames of me and my two friends! I'm Frisgar, then there is Dremarim, and Kinkade. We all came up through the academy together back in the day." He sighs wistfully. "Those were the days!"

His expression brightens even further when the Warden of Gilead addresses him. "Well, well. Young man! I can't say that I've seen him. He looks a bit suspect though doesn't he?"

The old man nods and then looks at Bryn. "And a young lady as well? This must be my lucky day." He pats his very extravagant hat (it looks like he's done this a lot with how squished it is). "Would any of you youngsters care for a candy? I have some lovely butterscotch candies!"

"Yes. This one has been told on many occasions it is alive." Thoth answers dutifully to Frisgar. "This one also hopes that the same can be said about this Dremarim, and Kinkade." It then adds, tilting its head all the way up, beak to the sky, so it can stare at the others joining into the half-circle forming around the man and his squirrels, before pointing its beak back towards Frisgar.

"This one cannot eat candy. But if it aids thee, this one could look for your Dremarim and Kinkade." It adds. "This one knows what it is like to miss... old friends."

Vex was not addressed by the old man but does respond to Corey, "I saw the individual of which you speak but know nothing of their individual status in any way beyond what was verifiable at a cursory glance which could be suspect due to the nature of a variety of mundane and magical disguises available to the learned." She looks back to the squirrels, and then over at Bryn with the same serene fixed expression, then looks back to the squirrels, "I also am not capable of consuming such things." Her voice echoes softly but matter of factly, "These animals seem to no longer truly be wild. I have not heard nor read of the wide spread domestication of squirrels. Is it as a food source? That seems questionable given already domesticated live stock. Perhaps tricks."

She is really puzzled by those squirrels.

Victor overhears the conversation, and slows to a stop. Then he begins walking again, this time towards the old mage. "Greetings," he offers. He's careful not to come too close to the squirrels, either. "Perhaps they're familiars," he suggests. "Or awakened animals."

Bryn's eye lights up. "Candy? Sure!" It'sd be rude to say no, right? She steps a bit closer for the old man's offering. On the topic of squirrels, she offers her two coppers, "Squirrel's good eatin. When ye can catch 'em. Ain't easy." She looks back to the ones eating out of the man's hand. "Well, usually it ain't. Maybe they got 'em trained here?"

Corey does think awfully hard on what Vex says about squirrels. Probably more than he should. "I mean, most squirrels would not make for good nourishment for most people. At least not on their own! And certainly not one squirrel. They're kind of lean meat. I've seen people use the tails of squirrels for functional fashion, like lining gloves, but generally, you see rabbits used more for that purpose--"

He blinks a couple of times as he seems to realize something. "Wait. What's in the candy?" Suddenly the Warden of Gilead looks a little suspicious, and he looks over his shoulder back in the direction of the young man.

Warmth and gratitude well up in the old mages's eyes as Thoth offers to find - or at least look for his friends. "That would be so appreciated." He sounds a little choked up actually, and he pulls out a candy to offer to Thoth. "Here, take this anyway. Perhaps you can find a friend who wants it? Everyone likes butterscotch candies." He nods sagely.

The question about the squirrels draws the old man's gaze and he offers Vex a nut. "They're my friends. Mostly for the nuts you see, but my friends just the same."

There's a muffled noise from across the fountain area, and the young man who is striding across it quickens his step a little. He'll be gone soon enough.

"Not familiars, just friends." He offers a nut to Victor. "They'll come right up to you if you offer them a nut. They love them. Not the butterscotch candies though. Shame." He sighs at the tastes of squirrels.

Bryn seems excited about the candy, so the mage offers her a candy and a smile. "Here you go miss. Enjoy it. Brings my heart joy to make others smile." He does seem happier to have everyone accepting his gifts actually.

Thus it's Corey's suspicion that has him blinking and offering the candy to the young-seeming Warden. "Sugar? Butterscotch? I don't rightly know I suppose. Never made it myself. I get it from a nice lady in the marketplace."

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (20)+21: 41
GAME: Vex rolls Perception: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Bryn rolls perception: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Thoth rolls Perception: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Corey rolls Will: (20)+18: 38 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Thoth holds up both of its small hands to the man as he offers the candy, and then nods at him. "This one will try." It remarks, in regards to finding someone who likes butterscotch candies, and then puts them into a little pouch filled with various casting materials. If anything, it might work as the component to a Web spell.

Thoth unfortunately doesn't understand the importance of the young man stepping away more quickly. Instead, it focuses on the topic of the missing friends. Tilting its head a bit at the warmth in the man's eyes and the gratitude. A look that, thankfully, it recognizes now. One that makes its expression a bit ached for a moment, before it nods.

"Where did thee see thine friends last? And how long ago?" Thoth inquires, looking at the squirrels for a moment as they chitter, then back again.

GAME: Victor rolls perception: (15)+8: 23

Vex's attention suddenly lifts away from the Squirrels, Bryn, and Corey who were all talking about the rodents and she stands up straight. Her head turns on her neck, long golden braids chiming and tinkling softly as the metal cascades on metal. "Someone is in need of assistance." She comments, "I am unsure as of where the individual is." She notes. One can almost hear the frown in her voice, even if her sculpted dragonbone features are as unchanging as ever.

Bryn looks at the chittering squirrels. "This one's mine. Ye got the nuts. 'N don't worry, not going to eat ye." There's better, easier food here. She pops the candy in her mouth and then remembers about the friends. "Ye! Where'd ye see 'em latht? Can help look for 'em." She offers, around the butterscotch.

Victor turns to glance at the man leaving. He glances back and then holds up a hand at the offered nut, in the classic gesute of 'hold on'. "Excuse me," he says to the old mage and then turns and examines the man again. "Did he say 'help!'...?"

Corey looks back to the old mage and focuses on the squirrel-befriending Frisgar for a moment. His eyes widen, surprise lighting up his face. "Huh," he says, before he whips around wide-eyed in the direction of something. "Oh! You all heard that too? Let's go help! I'm detecting a heavy aura of evil from that young man who was walking away. Nobody else here, though."

The Warden of Gilead is just about to bolt as he looks back in the direction of the war golems three, plus Bryn. "Oh! Call me Corey, by the way. I'm a Warden of Gilead. I'd really appreciate it if you all were willing to help. Please keep close to me if you do; I can help keep you all safe." Concern's written in his face and his clear tenor voice as he puts a hand on the hilt of his rapier, approaching the young man at a brisk place.

"Stop!" Corey commands. "We have some questions to ask you!"

The mage looks rather embarrassed. "I guess I don't rightly know. My mind doesn't hold time like it used to. Days seem like months and months feel like hours. My familiar Ducky reminded me that today was the day that I was supposed to meet them for our yearly get-together, but none of them showed up but me. Just me." He waves a hand at the squirrels. "And the squirrels."

He pauses as Victor speaks, politely waiting but cocking his head to the side. "Say what? I didn't hear anything lad. Can't say that I did. The hearing's about gone too though these days... Too many fireballs!"

The young man doesn't respond to Corey's call, picking up his pace a little and rushing around a corner down another street away from the Arcanist's Guild. Actually... that's rather the opposite of what Corey said to do isn't it? There's a loud call from that direction that sounds like an old man calling for help and Frisgar is on his feet.

"Hey! That was Kinkade!"

Thoth failed to hear the Help, so it is a bit slow to respond. It glances around, listening to the others speaking of this. Watching the Paladin move to deal with evil. Notably, it doesn't get up until the old man speaks of having seen - or heard - Kinkade.

It slowly gets up and offers the man a small hand. "Then let us go check up on Kinkade." It offers to him with a little chirp.

It then looks to Corey and the others and notes; "We will catch up."

It then remarks to the old man; "This one understands losing track of time, and memories not being what it used to be."

"Curious." Vex says as she takes in all the information, and the almost running figure that is trying to escape, "Maybe they are going to help as well." The tall slender war golem starts after Corey, and the man, and says to Mr.Fizsquirrel, "No fireballs please. They are rarely helpful unless it is a verified combat situation and we do not know what situation we may come upon. It could be someone has fallen down a well." A well? Well. Whatever. Her long legged stride gracefully carries Vex after Corey, the cowled young man, and towards the calls for help without hesitation.

"We are, supposedly, created for War. I find it unlikely we would need to be protected." Vex notes to Corey as she moves along, her hollow voice now holding a note of amusement.

Kincade? Victor feels he's still missing a few pieces of information. But such is the way of adventuring. And this has all the hallmarks. Victor breaks into a lumbering run after Corey, heavy thuds accompanying every footfall. "Wait!" he adds to Corey's command. And a few steps later, "We mean you no harm!"

Corey looks at Vex, and he offers her a bright smile, silver eyes glittering in the evening light. "I know, and I have no doubt of your capabilities... But as a paladin, I really don't want people to get hurt if I can help it. All people, any people, unless they're doing something to hurt someone else."

He hustles forward to try and keep up with the young man. "Don't worry, Kinkade! We're coming to help!" Cor'ethil calls out, presuming that's the old man whose voice they are hearing. Determination is written in his brow as he rushes to keep at the front of the pack. Hard to do in plate armor, but he's managing with the help of his enchanted boots.

"Yeah, I think the old guy needed help finding his-" Bryn starts, then blinks. "Oh! Summon else!" And folks are darting off, so she darts off after. She's still not sure exactly what's going on, just that something's going on. "Don't look like he's stoppin!" That much she can figure out, at least.

As everyone races to catch up with the young man, they turn the corner rather quickly. Admittedly, Fiz is a little lagging behind like the old man that he is, holding Thoth's hand for support. He huffs as he looks around but doesn't spot any sign of the young man that had surely turned down this path...

"Bah! Invisible!" He gruffly uses his free hand to pull his beard. "He's here somewhere young ones! Sure as the sky is blue!"

"Help! I'm being kidnapped! I mean... I'm not a kid. But I am being napped! Help! Oh this is so embarrassing! What will Magpie say? Hey! Don't hit an old man! How rude!" This running commentary is coming from somewhere nearby.

GAME: Thoth rolls Perception: (15)+9: 24

"This one fears it is unable to see through Invisibility yet." Thoth remarks, not having that spell in their spellbook yet. But they do have audio receptors. So as the group approaches the calls, one mentioning Magpie, it points about thirty feet in front of them.

It then pat's the old man's hand for a moment, and takes a few steps forward. "Please halt." Followed by them casting a quick spell and stomping their foot to the ground, making the entire earth in front of it to quake.

It's honestly a bit adorable, seeing a tiny bird war golem stomp its foot on the ground like it's throwing a little tantrum. But the result is respectable! It's not looking to hurt anyone, it can't see the invisible people. But it heard roughly where it came from. And that's good enough.

GAME: Thoth casts Greater Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

When the general area is pointed out, Vex studies it, and lifts her hand. Her fingers spread wide as she traces a sigil in the air and speaks something softly in draconic, a very minor word of power. Soon afterwards a small golden mote shoots out from her open palm to the area indicated by Thoth, and then it explodes in a brilliant shower of gold and silver radiance and what is essentially... magic confetti, only much more annoying as it happens, but at least it cleans itself up.

GAME: Vex casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

Vex adds after the glitterbomb goes off, "Not everything is solved by fireball." Mostly to herself, but she sounds maybe a touch jealous.

"Oh no, invisible creatures," Corey laments, putting a hand to his head for a moment. "I have a hard time with these--"

And then Thoth knocks the cloaked figure over, and then Vex lights up the space where the figure is on the floor. Corey immediately brightens. "Wow! Great teamwork," he compliments the others. To Vex, specifically, he says, "I think I prefer your glitter; the fireball might make this headache I've got from the aura of evil this fellow has even worse."

He then strides over, drawing his rapier. "Stay thy blade," he murmurs--seemingly to his weapon?--before pointing it at the invisible person. "Where's Kinkade? Why are you kidnapping him? Oh, wait--" He looks puzzled. "There should be two people here... Right?"

Victor pounds up next to Corey, then moves a few more steps to stand roughly on the other side of the revealed figure. "There should be two people here," he agrees. He glances up and down the path and then looks down at the glittering shape again. "Unless the victim was...sent somewhere?"

Thoth offers; "Or they are being controlled by someone from afar, or so close to the body, we cannot see it."

Bryn moves up to add to the surrounding of the glittery form on the ground, then looks around for any other sort-of-invisibile folks. "Dunno... Ye still here needin help?" The second part she calls out more loudly, so if they're still around they can answer. While she listens for an answer, she looks back down at glitter guy. To peer, for now, since somebody already asked where Kinkade is and why he was Kincadenapped.

The mage standing next to Thoth seems to be trying to cast a spell. He waves his hands and starts intoning seriously. "App- no that's not it. Ampres- no that's not it. Wait... Was it Apre? No. Ampliss! Amplissim-" He stomps his foot, his index finger smoking somewhat. "Oh, did you get him? I can help here.... Just need to remember the word..."

Thankfully that might be a while.

Meanwhile the young man is becoming visible now with his hair being red and his blue eyes narrowed at Corey. "There's just me!" He says irritably.

"And me!" Says Kinkade's voice helpfully from a satchel on the man's hip. "Please return me to Magpie would you all? Whoever you are?"

The young man sighs unhappily. "It's a book I was sent to retrieve back to the temple of Eluna. It's quite evil, so if you would please let me do what I was sent to do?" He starts to get to his feet carefully.

GAME: Vex rolls Spellcraft: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Corey rolls Spellcraft: (10)+19: 29
GAME: Victor rolls spellcraft+2: (7)+15+2: 24
GAME: Bryn rolls spellcraft: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Thoth rolls Spellcraft: (8)+17: 25

"The spell will fade shortly." Vex warns, "I would place hands upon them so you do not lose them again." She suggests as she looks around after noticing that there is only one figure there. "Unless this Kinkade has been shrunk, or is a gnome, perhaps underneath the other figure? There are many variations and possibilities in play here." She considers, "Or perhaps that is the victim. From what little I understand, Evil, as nebulous as it is, could come from many places. Nor do we know if Kinkade himself is evil or not. We know nothing about them, or this situation, or if the figure is telling the truth. There is much that needs to be verified." She wanders around the glittery goodness, which clings to everything, but at least it isn't blinding Corey and Victor when they walk in, it does stick to their boots though.

Vex looks at the old man, "There is no need for that Fireball. Please stop trying to cast it unless you wish your friend to be consumed in the blast as he is on the other person's... person." She considers, "At least we know there is no one else."

"Ah, Kincade. Now I remember...that is the name of a spirit inside of a magical book." He's moving forward to place one hand on the glowing youth's arm, in a grip that could simultaneously help him up and try and hold him in olace. He glances at the old mage now. " mentioned that Kincade was once a colleague of yours...?"

Thoth takes the old man's hand again now that the person in question is toppled, and bows its head to Corey for a moment. "You'll find the words." The small War Golem remarks. "Think of a good day upon which you used the spell." It notes, not knowing what spell the old man is reaching for.

It then looks back to Kinkade and tilts its head... as it looks to the satchel on the man's hip.

"This one suggests we open the satchel on his hip and see what is within?"

Bryn looks back to Frisgar, eye widening as she recognizes enough of the casting. "Ey! Don't do that! Yer friend's there!" And maybe this person is really from the temple? Sneaking out to steal things? Ok, seems a little weird, but... "Wait, Kincade's a book?" Her occular ping pong pings back to glowy guy.

Corey stares at both the young man and the book, and he narrows his eyes. While he winces a little--one can only assume the headache he's mentioned from the aura of evil is getting worse--it's his words that prove why he's got a headache. "It's not the book--Kinkade--that's evil. There's evil on this young man. It's localized to his head. There's a demon that's been going around putting summoning circles inside of people's heads."

He reaches out to grab the young man. "Which means he must be possessed. Help me restrain this man!" Corey calls out to his allies.

The old man blinks at Vex and then nods. She makes an excellent point. He doesn't want to hurt Kinkade. He sighs at Thoth. "No good days with that spell. Maybe I can come up with a better one." A better spell? He seems to be thinking now. "Kinkade isn't a book!"

"Is that Fiz out there?" The voice from the satchel calls out. "Hey! Long time no see! Or... hear. I can't really see. Not without Magpie around or some other helpful youngster but that... Wait! Yes! Set me free!"

Then all chaos breaks out as Corey reaches out to grab the young man.

GAME: Corey rolls CMB: (3)+15: 18
GAME: Victor rolls cmb: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Vex casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

"Interesting." Vex says softly, "I am unaware how someone could place a summoning circle inside an individuals head." She seems somewhat lost in thought but the sudden burst of activity draws her attention again. She studies what has been going on for a split second and acts with what is apparently, an oldy, but goody. She can see through the wall and thus, she can target the space beyond the wall. The same gesture is made, the same word spoken in draconic, and there is another explosion of blinding gold and silver glitter as she tries to somewhat disable the possessed man before he can escape, or at least, make him easier to follow perhaps.

GAME: Bryn rolls athletics: (18)+6: 24
GAME: Bryn rolls cmb: (9)+5: 14

Thoth spots Bryn jumping in through the small hole, and is earnestly a bit impressed. Grappling the man, it squawks; "Be careful not to get possessed. See if thee can remove their satchel." As it grabs that little piece of Butterscotch from its material pouch, having found a use for it. Dripping a bit of its own personal oil on it, it grows black, after which Thoth throws it through the small gap.

It lands on the tile further inside, and suddenly BURSTS into a thick sea of black, growing thick black tentacles that /almost/ touch up against the semi-invisble person and Bryn themselves. Looming over them, and disillusioning any further escape attempts. Spread and writhing through the entire hallway ahead of them.

"That should stop any further running." It notes.

GAME: Thoth casts Black Tentacles. Caster Level: 8 DC: 20

GLowy guy is re-glowied, that's good. That he's on the other side of a forcewall is not so good. But he left a gap, Bryn notices. Not exactly a Bryn-sized gap, but... she lunges forward, exhaling and sucking things in where she can. She isn't wearing heavy bulky armor, and her simple chain shirt is probably more flexible that she is. Two grunts and a wheeze later, and she's through!

"Ha!" Then she raches out a big green hand to grab at the guy. He proved slippery, before, but he also can't see her coming right now. "Gotcha!" she hoots as she grabs a handful of him and his clothing.

GAME: Corey rolls CMB: (17)+15: 32

Teamwork makes the dream work! Corey is overjoyed as Bryn grabs a hold of the fellow. "Keep your grip tight; I'll help by pulling on you!" His hands go around Bryn's abdomen, and he pulls--

POP! Out comes the invisible-but-covered-in-glitter young man, and Bryn, and Corey, all by extension. "Hopefully that glitter doesn't come off onto you, friend!" Cor'ethil says to Bryn. "I've heard it's almost impossible to get it off of you once it's on."

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20: (12): 12

The man struggles in Bryn's grasp, managing to slip free of her even as he screams. "No! No! I don't want to!!!" He falls to the ground and a pair of huge red wings tear out of his body from his shoulder blades. He screams louder. Seems like he has another escape route - one he didn't really want.

"Hello! What's going on out there? Is everyone alright?"

"He's going to get away!" The mage, Fiz starts casting a new spell, this one different then the one he'd been about to cast before.

GAME: Thoth rolls Spellcraft: (6)+17: 23
GAME: Vex rolls spellcraft: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Victor rolls CMB: (17)+7: 24

Victor seems at a loss of what to do. If this person is possessed, casting lethal spells at him doesn't seem suitable. Kincade's voice seems to give him an idea. While the youth is distracted by the others, Victor grabs at the satchel that is the source of the voice. Then he raises it above his own face so he can murmur in a lowered voice, "Everything is not allright," he advises. "You were apparently taken by one posessed be a fiend-posessed. They are still here...but I don't know how we are to excorsize it from him."

Those wings are so fascinating that Vex doesn't even notice the old man starting to cast another spell. "That is remarkable." Her echo of a voice sounds absolutely enthralled as people start to react to the wings in a negative fashion though she blinks, and traces a different shape in the air this time. Faint lines left behind from her relatively sharp almost talon like fingers but she doesn't complete the casting, holding onto it, so that there's no chance of friendly fire if the new demon fellow breaks away.

GAME: Bryn rolls cmb: (7)+5: 12

"No he ain't!" Bryn is sure of that... until the screaming and the wings. "I got-WHAT IN KOR'S COLOSSAL COD?!" Ok, she doesn't got him. But she tries again, this time to no avail. At least someone grabbed the guy's satchel.

As the old man next to them starts to cast a spell, Thoth touches the old man to help him with his casting. Though they do not know the exact spell themselves, they understand the basic tenants of it. So Thoth spreads its arms and begins to motion with the old man, aiding in spinning up the spell and expanding its weave across the area.

"This one will aid." It remarks softly. "We will not let them get away." As the old mage and the tiny bird War Golem move their hands. They old one speaking words that Thoth not yet knows...

Yet moments later, the sky, the stars, all seem to come closer. Spanning in a hex-like pattern, the darkness of the skies descends and forms a shadowy net that suddenly falls right towards their now winged foe!

GAME: Corey rolls Knowledge/Religion: (20)+19: 39

Seeing the net go up above the young man, Cor'ethil goes for his belt--and he curses. "Shit. I left holy water back at the Temple."

He'll have to improvise. Thankfully, his deity has a vested interest in ridding the world of aberrations and fiends. "Please work," Corey murmurs as he pulls the necklace of Gilead off from around his neck and thrusts it into the air, the evening light catching on the metallic sheen of the bow and quiver that is Gilead's symbol.

"Demon, fiend, outsider! I abjure thee! I send thee back to whence you came!" Cor'ethil implores. "Gilead, O Mighty Hunter, O White Stag, I call upon you to release this poor man from the grip of the fiend that has him!" His gauntleted fingers are tightening around the holy symbol. All he's got... is faith. His faith.

A feeling of peace and calm fills the space and then light hits the symbol that Corey holds and... The wings dissolve to ash and the young man falls to his knees, covered in the shadowy rope net. "Oh gods! Take me to the temples! Please! I didn't know what that THING was! Please! I don't want it to take over me again." He shudders and the old mage harumphs.

"Selling yourself to a fiend and then whining about it afterwards! The gods'll judge you yet boy." The mage seems unlikely to forgive soon, but he turns his eyes toward the satchel that Victor is holding. "Kinkade are you in there?"

"Yes, yes. I am. Sorry to admit it but I've gone and gotten myself stuck in a book. Literally. What about you though Fiz-"

The mage waves the question off. "I know, I know, but now isn't the time Kiz. We've got to get things settled. I always knew you were going to get yourself into trouble but this is... Nabbed by fiends? Trapped in a book?"

As you head a little ways back out of the alley toward the main street you notice that there's smoke rising from one of the rooms of the Arcanist's guild. "Oh my... what happened while we were dealing with the boy?"

Eventually you get the whole story. The young man is a mage who set a delayed fire in the room of someone named 'Magpie'. The result... was quite a fire. In the meantime, you've got a book to return to that same woman, and a young man to turn over to the authorities.

Thoth has only one question when things are coming towards a wrap and they figure out what happened to one of the friends. "So... what happened to Driz?"

