The Sickle's Edge
The Colosseum, afternoon
While the mornings are given over to organized (as much as it can be) practices, and the evenings given to displays and shows, afternoons in the Colosseum are kind of a catch all for practicing warriors, guardsmen, and adventurers. Many seek to hone their skills, or work on gaining an edge (figuratively if not literally) for their next fight, lest it be their last.
A rangy-looking half-orc, stripped down to trousers and boots, is doing weapon drills with a new kind of armament. The overall design is that of a humble sickle, but the handles are contoured to fit the hand, and the blade is thicker, ending in a chisel-point. Smoothly, Harshad works his way around the practice dummy, striking at it with one blade, then the other, hacking out a wad of straw with each hit.
With Harshad's exertions, the Goblin is able to walk up on bare feet, unheard and unseen. She waits for a pause in his movements, where he's between strikes, perhaps judging how much longer the dummy will survive, and that's when the little, cold hand pats at his lower back, just above the belt.
"Whatcha up to?", she wonders aloud, giggling lightly.
GAME: Choler rolls stealth: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Harshad rolls perception: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
The half-oruch takes a moment to catch his breath, blades at the ready, before getting ready to launch a new assault. He's getting used to the weapon, and it's clicking together nicely. Soon he'll be comfortable enough to go adventuring with them, and then--
Harshad's train of thought is -rudely- interrupted by the cold hand on the small of his back. He lets out a startled yelp, jumping and whirling in midair before realizing who's there. "Choler!" Then he laughs, turning to sink one sickle, then the other into the straw dummy before offering her a hand. "Been a while. Picked up some new toys and figured I needed to practice with 'em."
GAME: Choler rolls dexterity: (15)+4: 19
Choler takes the hand, and climbs up his arm, to settle upon his shoulder. A common occurrence whenever she's about. She giggles lightly, making a little face. "All hot and sweaty." She fans herself with another little giggle before turning her eyes to the sickles. Stretching out, she pulls one of the sickles free, whistling as she looks it over.
The Goblin flips it into the air and catches it, and while it is much to big for her to use in combat, she seems familiar with the weapon. The target dummy is attacked with a satisfying *THUNK*, and she leave is stuck there.
"It's big for me, but that's a nice sickle. As a monk, I've used those pretty extensively. What made you consider them?"
Harshad balances with the weight of the gobber monk on his shoulder. "What'd you expect? I've been doing weapon drills with those for the last hour and spare change, getting used to them." The half-orc chuckles. "I'll need a bath before I sack out for the evening, or I'll smell like a damn horse."
At the question, though, Harshad turns to look at her a moment. "A couple things. One, they're solid blades, reinforced -- you can parry with them if you need to. Better than the dagger and rapier. Two, sickles are pretty common tools -- a lot easier to smuggle one or both in than a sword, if it's necessary."
The Goblin giggles and wrinkles her nose. "I am kidding!" She plants two cold little feet on Harshad's pec. "We could go to the TarRaCe after. They'll launder your clothes while you relax. Can get dinner and a drink too. You'll sleep like a baby afterwards."
With a nod, she hmmms. "I don't know about a rapier, but the dagger's got its uses. I also use kamas, they're like..." Her face scrunches up in thought. "Like a pointy hatchet. It's used in crop gathering, much like a sickle, and has the benefit of looking like a farm implement also. Can use it in some interesting ways."
"Hard to argue with a good sharp knife. Easy to hide as well." Harshad snorts as Choler's feet bounce off his chest. "That sounds like a plan. I've got enough dosh left after these that I can afford it. Usually can't go there 'cause it's expensive."
He considers. "Sounds interesting, but... wait, I think I remember seeing one of those. They're kinda odd cause the blade sticks straight out from the handle. Like you said, an axe."
GAME: Choler rolls dexterity: (16)+4: 20
Choler shoots and arm straight out, and a dagger suddenly appears in her hand. "Very easy to hide.", she says with a cheeky grin. "It's why I wear a gi all the time, the sleeves can hide lots of little things." She wiggles her eyebrows.
"It's not all that expensive, though, compared to other places which are just as nice, but in a higher class area. If you go for all the extras, it gets pricy. But a basic meal and drink is not bad. I've a few coins too, I'll pay for the bath if you want to cover dinner." She eyeballs the sickles again.
"Are they enchanted?"
Harshad grins. "Well, if you're buying the bath I'll cover the dinner. Sounds fair." He hms. "You're probably right. I know I don't need eight courses or the latest wine. We'll see how it goes." He pauses. "Do they let people smoke in there? There's a couple places that won't let you."
At her question, he reaches over to pull one of the sickles free. "Yeah. Got some basic enchantment on it. The guy I got it from, there was a fellow who'd commissioned them but, well, something happened to him. So I got a good deal on the pair." He holds the sickle up so Choler can see the runes inscribed along the back of the blade.
She leans forward to squint at the sickles, noting then the little runic script. "Sucks to be the other guy, but hey, at least you didn't have to wait long, eh?" She grins. "If it's not fair you can just gimme a few coins to balance it out." Those little feet bounce a few more times off of the Half-Oruch's pec. "You certainly are well built."
Harshad is a kind of long, wiry fellow, all corded muscle but not bulky or broad. He snorts as Choler keeps bouncing her feet off him. "What, you going to fill my head with all sorts of sweet talk?" He grins, though, as he says it. "But when you're on the run, and don't have time to get fat, well... you're either in shape or you're in trouble." He takes both sickles in one hand, as he peers at Choler. "Gonna get down so I can at least grab my tunic and pack?"
GAME: Choler rolls acrobatics: (20)+11: 31
Choler snorts and laughs. "Sweet talk? Buddy I've been dropping hints all over the place and you've never noticed. What would sweet talk do?" Her laugh continues as he mentions getting down so he can put his tunic on.
She stands then, and with a little backflip, she somersaults down behind him, sticking the landing with an unseen (by Harshad) flourish. "Sure thing boss!"
Harshad shakes his head. "Not..." He pauses, and looks at her. "Choler, I appreciate it, but... this kinda business doesn't lend itself to anything serious." He runs a hand down his face, rubbing one tusk. "Maybe eventually, but right now? Eh. I'm still twitchy after that job you and I pulled. Yeah, even after all this time."
He pulls on his tunic. "Look... let's go get that bath and dinner. Talk it out. Maybe I can explain it a little better."
Her expression grows a little distant, a slight frown forming on her face. "Didn't have to be serious.", she says softly, looking down at her feet a moment. "The fact that life is hard, and bad things happen is all the more reason to be serious. Better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all."
Choler nods then, her expression brightening at the prospect of a bath, but more importantly, food! She hefts his pack over a shoulder while he's slipping into his tunic. "So did you notice even or did I need to be more obvious. And I get you, though, I am a bit spooked still by that job. There were definitely things happening that were beyond our understanding."