The Long Market Day

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Faranmidahn smiles to Alaryn and nods, "Most kind!" she replies, then, watches first, with curiosity, then mirth as the artificer starts to root through her stores. As the treat is offered, she smiles awkwardly and, "I'm afraid giving him a treat is a little more... complicated than that. Thank you, though!"

There's a ripple through the trade district. People moving away from the source of something, but at a slow pace that suggests that there's nothing /wrong/. Perhaps a cart coming through or... Or a large half-ourch meandering slowly through the district looking at the various offerings. Some catch his eye more than others. Food for instance he lingers over, but the jewelry merchants only get glazed over as if they don't really exist. He pauses though by one merchant selling beads made from unique stones and peruses for a little bit before offering a smile that makes the woman blanch when she notices his sharpened canines; then walks away.

It's at this point that Razen notices and heads for Alaryn. He stops a bit away from her, trying not to be rude as she has a customer, but offers them both a broad grin. "Greetings Alaryn, and you too." He makes a small motion with his hand which is dismissible but is in fact a polite gesture of respect that is recognizable to those that know the Bonesworn Clan.

Faranmidahn turns as the SHADOW drapes over her, and, as many of her proper, reasonable stature must, looks up-up-UP at the Orc and bows her head politely. She's currently traded her helmet for the hood of her cloak, but mostly because it's kinda sunny out, still, "Hello!" Her mount, standing by with alien diligence is her huge, shiny black spider, complete with saddle not very far from the stall.

The half-oruch's gaze slides slowly toward the spider, his brow creasing with confusion. People walk by and though the thing recieves a few odd and a few vaguely fearful glances most people keep strolling by. Subtly, his hand inches down to the haft of his heavy flail. "Ahem..." He coughs quietly and sidles closer to the much, mushc smaller woman, and lowers his voice. "There's a giant spider behind you. It doesn't look like it's about to attack, so if you just move this way a little..." His meaning is clear. He'll kill it for her.

While Alaryn isn't Paladin fearless. She -is- customer fearless. She's willing to try to make a sale with anyone regardless of appearance. At Faran's pronouncement about the treat, Alaryn just shrugs and hands her the whole bag. "Well, that's your problem now. I just love giving treats to peoples' companions." She grins and turns her attention to the approaching Mount Razen. "Well good afternoon. I see you are admiring my friend's mount." she says, gesturing to the Halfling. "How can Alaryn's Shop for Anything help you this fine day ser?"

Faranmidahn glances at Torrent and nods, "He's my friend, Torrent!" she replies cheerfully, "I appreciate you looking to my welfare, sir." then glances meaningfully at the flail, "Don't make me destroy you." Question! Make it a question, Faran, "Pleeeeeeeese?"

"Mount?" Razen stares at the spider in question before finally noticing the saddle. Then Faranmidahn speaks up and a broad laugh escapes him. The noise is loud and straight from his belly. The sort of laugh that you only get by really letting go with it and it's the sort of sound that's easy to follow along with. "Destroy!" He laughs again, then clears his throat and turns his attention on Alaryn. "Oh, I can wait until your business with her is done! I do not want to interrupt!”

"Oh no you don't. No free shows Razen." says Alaryn as she lifts a hand and waggles a finger before his face. She looks to Faran and asks, "Do me a personal favor and do not destroy a potential customer? Please? I would lose much business that way." she looks to Razen and adds, "I'd be careful though. Torrent there is a mighty and noble steed. And soon to be a very -fast- steed." She grins and adds, "I'll get to work on those wrappings right away Fara." And she finally looks back to Razen. "Now, what can I do for you?"

Capital! Faran claps her hands together in delight that no unpleasantness ensues. She's grown somewhat accustomed to not being taken as a threat by anyone she could headbutt in the naughty bits, strangely, even when she's really in a position to do just that. But, the oruch seems of good humor, and generally did mean to her wellbeing, so she takes the mirth as another boon. She steps aside and gestures toward the merchant, "Not at all, sir, we've essentially finished our dealings but for conversation. Please, by all means."

The half oruch blinks at Alaryn wondering what she meant by her words to him initially, and generally amused by the thought that he should be wary of the giant spider. Still, their transaction has concluded leaving Razen with the floor. He glances around briefly and then eyes Alaryn. "I do not really know. You said you sold things the last time we met, but did not really say what it was that you sold. Foot wraps for spiders?"

Hey, Alaryn has a bit of ADHD. She bounces around mentally. Confused is about right for talking with her in a group. But she grins at the talk of business and nods her head, "Aye. Enchanted wrappings to make it much faster." she states, "I have also taken orders today for one hat of disguise, and one cloak of resistance. I also augment weapons and armor should you find a need for that."

Faranmidahn mostly doesn't giggle at the footwraps remark, but, with a quick wink to Alaryn, she goes over to her mount and starts to gently stroke one of his legs while her friend makes business happen. She adds, "And she has neat dyes, too!" over her shoulder.

"Do you... Can you tell what kind of magic is on something?" Razen asks the question about as subtly as a half-ourch can, which is to say that he says it quietly and glancing around as though he's uncomfortable - which he is. "And... I had some questions about magical stuff... in general. I could pay you some kind of... helper fee?"

"I can -absolutely- do that. Either by scanning the auras and discerning the effects, and if that does not work, I have an analogue to a Wizard's Identify spell. I have a schematic for that right here." she says, patting her pouch. But at the mention of some sort of retainer, her eyes widen and she blinks, "You want to hire me as a sort of a regular employment for my expertise about magic?"

It's a lot of magic-talk that Razen didn't understand, but he understood well enough that she'd said yes. That made him smile again, relaxing somewhat. "Something like that. At the very least, for the moment I would like you to tell me what some things do. Maybe answer a few questions about magical stuff." Razen nods once. "I am willing to pay for that."

Nodding her head enthusiastically, Alaryn says, "Well hot dog. Let's do this." as she reaches for her goggles and drops them down over her eyes. She peers up at Razen through the hazy lenses and grins like a child, "I made these to see magic with." she offers pointed a gloved finger at them.

Razen has a little bit of magic, most of the magic seems centered in his pack but there's a little glow around his chest, and his heavy flail... That is /certainly/ magical and powerfully so. Razen pulls a little flask from a pocket inside his vestments; the little glow around his chest and offers it to Alaryn first. It seems a simple enough flask. "This first if you would."

GAME: Alaryn rolls spellcraft: (10)+12: 22

Reaching to accept the flask, Alaryn inclines her head as she studies it. "Hrm.." she begins. "The aura is that of a Conjuration - healing effect." She flicks eyes up at Razen before looking down and continuing. "From the power level of it, I would deduce that this is effectively a potion of Cure Light Wounds. But... it looks odd visually." She sloshes the flask a bit.

The half-oruch grins a bit, offering to take the flask back. "It is mead! A companion of mine made it. I just wanted to be sure..." Well that part needs not be said so he trails off and tucks the flask back where it belongs, tapping it once to be sure it's there. Then his hand falls to the haft of his heavy flail and he draws it forth with great care. It's a magnificent weapon bearing the face of someone screaming emblazoned on its head. "This next if you do not mind."

"I do not mind one bit. It's beautiful." offers Alaryn as she reaches for it. And when she hefts it, she does so like someone with far more strength than she -appears- to possess. She lifts it a bit, testing the weight before turning and using the haft of it to press a button on the side of her wagon. At the button press, a spring loaded workbench pops out and locks into place where she sets it down to examine it in more detail.

GAME: Alaryn rolls spellcraft: (9)+12: 21
GAME: Alaryn rolls knowledge/arcana+2: (10)+11+2: 23

After several minutes of study. Minutes which Alaryn has basically ignored Razen, she straightens up and turns her head to the man. "This is no mere -enchanted- weapon. I've heard tales of relics of old. My Da told me of them. Weapons forged not merely to be a simple weapon, but for a -purpose-." She reaches out and picks up the weapon. Again easily. "This is one of those. Normally handed down within a bloodline. I do not know the specifics of -this- weapon's creation. But this is... Kämpfen, whose purpose is the destruction of evil workers of magic. Spellcasters. You should be honored to carry such a.. relic." That said, she holds it out and adds, "And for the honor of having been allowed to examine such a relic... I ask you -not- to pay me for this service."

Razen doesn't mind being ignored, though he does worry about the weapon itself outside his grasp. He takes it from her again and puts it back in its place. "That is what I have been calling it!" He seems pleased with this information though and her words make him slowly flush. Flushing by the way looks rather odd on an ouruch; even a half-oruch. "Thank you Alaryn."

The half ourch lays his hand fondly on the weapon. "My sister forged it using the bones and ash of my forefathers. I knew it held magic, but not that it was so... much. It honors her that you speak so highly of it." Razen actually seems full of emotion now, his eyes sad and proud at the same time. "She passed a few months back and left it to me; to bring glory and honor to the spirits of those who passed before; I think to end those whom you speak of."

Pausing a moment in recognition of the emotion... Alaryn speaks softly as she reaches to remove her goggles, "I believe that there is more than the bones and ash of your forefathers in there. I believe that your sister's very blood is woven into the work. It is as if she imbued the weapon with her own fiery purpose. Like she knew it would be for you, and it was made to be as much of a companion to you as your sister had been in times past. But... that is just the impression I get. I could be way off base." That last part is said in a bit of a rush as she turns aside and scrubs a hand over her eyes. Nope. Not crying. Not one bit.

The thought does bring tears to Razen's eyes as well, and he lets out a small coughing noise, head down briefly to look at the weapon which his sister had forged for him. It was he knew her greatest work, and she had left it to him of all his brothers. The one half-ourch. He makes the sound again, a sad cough of sorts, and clears his throat. "Thank you again Alaryn. Now, perhaps we could speak of other things." It would do to get his mind off of things that were sad. "Perhaps we might speak of magical things?"

Still wiping at her eyes, Alaryn nods before reaching for a cloth to blow her nose into. Then she says, "So ladylike, huh?" as she deposits that cloth into a bin nearby. "I would ask one more question. I would know the name of the master who crafted such a weapon. Her work inspires me and I would spread word of her skill." That said, she goes more lighthearted again, "And what can I make for you? A belt to augment already impressive strength?" she asks as she lifts her hands to flex nonexistent biceps.

"Parba, Parba Vulkakhdan; as I was once Vulkakhson." Once. He smiles though, at the thought of others to spread word of her work. "I was wondering first. How do you make sure that your magic does not go... wrong? That it does not turn the wearer into something that they should not be. Such as a rabbit." It's clear that he's very serious.

Nodding at the seriousness of the question, Alaryn turns and reaches for a bag in her wagon. She withdraws it and pulls out a sheaf of notes and papers. "For starters. I do not work magical spells. I am an Artificer. I quantify, study, and perform a scientific function which draws upon the -energy- of magic. Upon the mana itself to perform -only- known and dedicated functions. I do not -use- magic so much as... draw upon it to use science."

She lifts a hand and suggests, "Let me show you an example. Would you trust me to imbue you with a mana fueled effect for a day?" she asks as she reaches into a belt pouch and produces a green quarts crystal which appears to have been opened and sealed with -something- else inside of it.

Razen stares at her hand as though it might bite him. As if it might bite him and actually harm him in some way in fact. Wary was too soft a word for his expression. "What is... science?" He says the word carefully, as though he's never heard it before. Then even more cautiously, "And what do you mean to do?"

"Science is... a way of -measuring- things. Of KNOWING what they are. Not merely believing what they are because random power flows around it. A way to KNOW what a thing will do. Science is facts and knowledge, not merely guesswork." offers Alaryn. Yeah, this is her pride here, her schtick. She speaks of it with the passion your sister must've spoken of her own craftwork. "As for what I mean to do... merely make you unable to suffer negative effects from hot or cold environments for twenty four hours. Is that acceptable?"

Razen peers at her. "And how will I know it is working if I do not go somewhere very cold or very hot?" He's still eminently cautious about this idea, but her suggestion that it's not actually.... /magic/ makes him feel better about it. "So... it is not really magic then? It is this science thing?"

"Exactly. This is not the casting of a magic spell. This is using science to FORCE the magic to obey my rules." offers Alaryn. "As for knowing. Well, I happen to have a magic campfire bead." she adds with a grin. "I think we can test it immediately."

And now they're back to magic things, but Razen steels himself and nods once. "Very well. Honor comes to the brave." The half-ourch holds out his arm, uncertain how this science-magic is supposed to work.

"And you -are- quite brave. Thank you." offers Alaryn as she reaches out and presses the crystal to Razen's arm. The thing was fragile, and it shatters instantly, consumed by the innards that gel onto the skin and then she rubs it in like some skin lotion. Weird feeling, but that's all.

"All done. No harm done, see?" she asks as she reaches to her belt and produces a small gem, orange in color... she crouches and whispers a word in Kulthos... causing the bead to spring to life as a fully burning campfire. "Now, the spell will not protect you from the burning of the flame. But... sit close, on a hot day like today, that should be uncomfortable, yes?" she asks as she stands up and backs away.

GAME: Alaryn casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

He feels a bit foolish having her tell him that he's brave. Razen after all knows that others around here don't have the same superstitions that he does about magic. He just doesn't think them wise for their lacking it. So he winces slightly at the touch of the fragile crystal shattering against his skin, watching as she spreads the thick liquid of it on his skin. Then obeying her words he steps close to the flames as he would if it were a winters day and holds out his arms.

Razen's face shows his surprise when he feels nothing from the heat of the flames. As if it were not really there at all. He blinks twice and then grins. "And it is guaranteed to work every time like this? No accidents of things not working the way they should?"

"Every time. Aye. If I prepare it that way, it works that way. I merely follow the schematic. The written instructions and it works." offers Alaryn. She grins and reaches for a teapot, "But as long as we have the fire. Would you like some tea? My treat." She's doing this as much to prove the fire really -is- hot and not just an illusion, as to just be friendly.

Now Razen is grinning, stunned by the sudden possibilities. "And, can you do every spell with this science of yours?" He still says the word unfamiliarly, but with greater respect than before. Then he blinks at her offer and considers it seriously. "Yes, that would be nice. Willowbark if you have it?"

"In fact I do have Willowbark tea." offers Alaryn as she reaches to place the pot on the fire, hanging by a rod already suspended there. "And.. most spells. I am not capable of -every- effect myself yet. I am still learning. But I will say, we Artificers cross the boundaries. I can do the equivalent of arcane effects such as I just used upon you, and I can simulate the same curative spells used by the priests."

"Shaman magic, and the work done by priests for the gods?" Razen seems deeply surprised now. "I have some potions made by priests. You are quite an impressive woman Alaryn. The shamans of my people can do such work, but they do it differently than by the science you speak of. I would never have thought that someone could do it in another way." This gives him pause then and he lowers his voice. "Does this mean you can use your science to turn people into... animals and such?"

As the water heats up, Alaryn sits down... eyes flicking up to check for new customers. Not seeing any, she just shrugs and says, "Such is the way of Artifice. Oddly, most in the world trust magic, and don't trust artifice. It is pleasant to find someone who does not hold such an opinion." But she thinks hard at your next question. She does not want to lie, but also does not want to anger her new friend. So she goes with the truth, "Aye." she says with a sigh, "Those who came up with the ways of artifice created such effects. I never intend to learn those however. I have focused on healing and augmenting. I do my damage with my baby there." she says as she gestures at an elaborate five foot long flintlock that looks to have been dry-humped by dwarven craftsmen.

Rather than being angered Razen is both impressed, and wary. Looking at Alaryn with new respect. It makes him take a small respectful step away from her so as to not crowd. "No, I like the sound of this science. I have heard too many talking about magical items that they befell, or shaman whom they fell afoul of." Razen shakes his head and there's something to his words, an understanding that suggests that he understands it better than most, and that there is meaning in what he has spoken of in the past. "It is for the better that you turn your gaze from such... things." He shudders.

Smiling, Alaryn looks to the pot as a small whistling sound is heard. She reaches out with one gloved hand and adds, "Don't worry. It's science." as she lifts the teapot without reaching into the fire. Mage hand from the glove. Gotta love it. When you don't get cantrips, you improvise. Glowing crystals seem active as she draws the pot to her grip and then wink out when she takes hold of it. She pours the heated water into two cups she'd prepared for the tea. "Now, I do not think the elemental enduring effect you have active will protect you from a burned tongue, so... do not be careless eh Razen?" she asks with a smile as she hands him a cup.

Razen takes it with a welcome smile that's tempered with respect and nods his head briefly as it settles into his broad hand. The cup looks tiny in his grasp. "Thank you. That is an amazing little thing." He waves a hand toward the little campfire bead. "You prove that your science is indeed strong stuff."

"Strong.. and useful." Alaryn states, "You are welcome to come back any time. I will offer in your sister's memory, free magic item analysis and identification services for life." she states softly before sipping her tea and closing her eyes to savor it.

Razen starts forward suddenly, then stops just a little shy of Alaryn. "That is... very kind of you Alaryn. I will certainly be back here to try your science for myself. I will simply have to find out what can be done first!" He makes an amused noise. It looks like he wants to clasp her on the shoulder, but he keeps his hands to himself out of respect for her powers. He takes a drink of his tea and nods in approval. "Ah, I should probably go. I do not want to scare your customers away."

"Razen. If they are frightened of your appearance.. their money is unwelcome here. But if you must go, then go." Alaryn says as she stands up. "Now, belt of strength?" she asks with an impish grin.

"Again you are too kind." He is smiling though, amused by her persistence. "What does a belt of strength do? It makes me stronger?" Razen is certainly curious, but still cautious. He straightens somewhat; just a little prideful. "How can it make me stronger than I am?"

"Science is how." offers Alaryn with a smile. "But, if you have the money to invest in the crafting supplies, then I can make it and show you how it works. But yes, it will improve that already immense strength of yours."

"Of course." Razen shows his amusement again in a broad smile. "I can not imagine how your science works to make a /belt/ give me strength, but I must admit to curiosity. Though, if you can make a belt that does it, why not just use your science to make me stronger. You know, the way you made it so that I did not feel the fire?"

"I could. Easily. But it would only last for a few minutes. Where if I imbue that power into the crystals I set into the belt...." Alaryn spreads her hands as if that says it all. But she begins cleaning up. Speaks a word and the fire becomes an orange gem once more... which she plucks off of the ground before depositing it into her belt pouch.

"Amazing!" The half-ouruch seems entranced by the concept. "Can you... give me a list of things you can make so that I can look at it? I hardly know what I could ask for."

Laughing softly, Alaryn shakes her head, "I could. But it would be quite a long list." she admits. "I could imbue your armor to make it protect you better. I could give you a hat that could change your appearance in case you wanted to sneak into someplace. I could make you a headband that would augment your smarts... I am making one of those for myself right now. I could make you..." she ponders and shrugs, "A broach that would soak up many MANY magic missile spells from enemy wizards.. it seems that your weapon will want you to be facing such."

Razen's eyes bulge. "You can make me something that will make it so that the work of /shaman's/ does not work on me?" He shudders at the thought of that magic, but he's leaning toward her with excitement. "Your science is... I do not have the words in this language for how much it surprises me. If you can not make a list though... It will make it even harder to know what to ask for." He scrubs a hand over the short curly hair on top of his head. "I will ask Sandy if she has such a list! Surely she will know; she is a powerful shaman after all."

"Oh, I will work up a list. It will just take time. Plus, there are many things that I -will- be capable of making, but cannot make currently. So the list will be... large." She smirks a bit and shrugs, "Tell me, do you know anyone who works with wood? Carpentry? Shipmaking?" she asks.

The half ourch thinks for a really long time. "I know a few people who work down at the docks. We get together to drink sometimes." Razen offers her a friendly smile. "I can introduce you around if you like. They are great fellows to get into a wrestling mach with too."

Nodding slowly, Alaryn grins. "Razen. I think you and I are going to be fast friends. I have a long term plan myself. You may not -like- it, but someday I am going to make my own -flying- merchant shop through science. That way I can travel and sell and buy anywhere far more safely. When I do, you should travel with me. I can always use strong arms to defend the shop -and- to help me move boxes." she says with a smile.

"Precisely. I would use my science to power it. The right crystals, the right resonance, and BAM, we're airborne. It will take a long time for this to happen. I mean.. until recently, I was stuck with a hand pushcart and only upgraded to this wagon in the last few weeks. One must earn their way up. There are no quick fixes. That is what -science- teaches. Every wizard wants to wave their hands, say a few words, and poof, they are hugely powerful and have all they ever wanted..." Her voice is laced with derision here. "I -work- for what I get. I will take my time and do it right." Yes, you've found her passion for sure.

Razen can only nod in agreement. To him too magic is more volatile than can be trusted. "Then I will happily aid you. I owe you more than that much for your kindness Alaryn. Besides, who knows what monsters we might find on the air, or in the strange places that can be reached by that way." He has a distant look that tells that he's definitely thinking on it.

"Again. Long term. For now, let us form a team in the short term. You and your fantastic weapon, and me and my science. Yes?" asks Alaryn as she starts putting away bolts of silk, and then picks up her 'spice rack' of mana-imbued pigment crystal powder. She really needs a more snappy name for them. "Razen." she says, "If you had an unnamed powder that could be used to work into ink or other designs... that would glow in the presence of magic energy, what would -you- call it? Something easy, something memorable."

Razen considers this deeply and then touches his eyebrow where there is a tattoo marked there. It's a strange symbol that has meaning among his people, but is incomprehensible to outsiders. "I do not know the word for this in your language, but perhaps saying it in mine would be a good name? Tätowieren, that which can make words last forever. Our shaman use Tätowieren to write upon the bones of the dead sometimes. Using the ancient symbols to mark the names of those that the bones belong to."

"I like the idea. But, I need something that will on the one hand, be comprehensible to all, and on the other... -not- give away something of your culture to everyone. Some cultural traits should remain... insular. Not all, but some are more... enigmatic... wondrous that way. What about.. Eternal Ink?" asks Alaryn as she turns face Razen with a smile.

'I'd call it 'Neat'!' Toha chimes in as she approaches her friend's stall. She looks to the big half orc and claps a fist agaisnt her breastplate. Her head cants as she takes him in more fully and then, "Hello, brother." <yrch-speak>

It is the sound of his native tongue that turns Razen's attention more than anything, but the sound of it brings a ready smile to his lips. Though smiling is his natural state of being. "Hello sister." His tone is respectful. 'I like the sound of Eternal Ink. Does it last that long?" <yrch-speak>

"I do not know. But I have been asked to apply it into the runs of a magic sword. So... someday, my descendants may know how long it lasts. But I believe that it will bind to the mana and sustain itself as long as the mana exists." offers Alaryn as she strides forward and offers a hand to Toha, "So Toha. When will you come acquire some of my Eternal Ink?"

Toha can't facially display the delight in the reply she got, but she bows her head again, "You'll find Alaryn here quite gifted." She looks to Alaryn at that and she cants her head, "Funny that you mention that. I finished with that shoulder plate I was working on before. I didn't expect you tonight, or I'd have brought it."

"Eternal Ink indeed if ancestors generations forth would know it!" It seems then that he approves of the name. "Thank you... I am Razen." He offers his hand to Toha. "And I would know the name of one who speaks my tongue so well."

It's after dark by the time Seldan returns to the area, with a pack on his back that bulges, his stride purposeful as he moves towards the same cart from earlier in the day. He approaches, looking to see if he can get the merchant's attention, but nods to the others at the cart.

Well, the merchant has started packing up, but isn't gone. She grins and nods to Razen and Toha. "Well, that is fine Toha. I'll be here plenty more days." She grins and looks past her golem friend, "Seldan!" she exclaims, "My word, has the day passed entirely?" she asks as she look skyward. "Come over and meet my friends!"

Toha shows him the spikes on the back of her hand as a quiet safety courtesy, then clasps the Half-Orc's hand like a warrior, "I am Toha, of the Kopana." A wandering splinter of Bonesworn that wander Dran, "What brings you around here?" She glances at Alaryn as she notes another arrival and looks over her shoulder the fellow's way, offering a neighborly, "Hello!"

"Yes, forgive me," Seldan greets Alaryn, removing the pack from his back. "I slept longer than I meant to, and nearly missed evensong. It has been a ... difficult few days." From this pack, he pulls a small sack and offers it to her. "As promised." He nods a greeting to the others. "Good evening to you as well."

Surprise shows in Razen's face. A great surprise and then just a hint of caution. "You must know of Vulkakh then. Great leader of the Bonesworn who wander the Savage North." The half-oruch looks troubled. "I was once Razen Vulkakhson." The words he speaks in ourch have a hint of great restraint and seriousness. His gaze turns toward the others and then finally back to Toha. "I would speak to you away... if you do not mind." <yrch-speak>

Lifting her brows, Alaryn steps closer to Razen. "My friend. Is everything alright?" She asks, concern on her face, "I apologize for not learning your tongue, but you are worrying me."

A cant of her head and Toha nods, "Of course." she replies, a vaguely concerned tone in her voice. She turns to Alaryn for a moment, 'scuse me a moment, Alaryn?' And with that, and a bow of her head to her and Seldan, she drifts off a little ways so she and Razen could speak as he would. <yrch-speak>

Razen offers a ghost of a smile to Alaryn. 'It is nothing bad Alaryn, but Toha... she is of my clan. I would speak to her and learn more of my kinfolk.' He clasps her on the shoulder briefly, a gesture of friendship. 'I will return to speak to you in short time, tend to your coustomer.'

With this he steps the distance away to converse with Toha. "I have not been among the clan for many... many years. Have you any news of them at all? In particular... news of those that wander the Savage North?" <yrch-speak>

Nodding slowly, Alaryn makes a mental note: Helm of Comprehend Languages. Must get one. But she shakes her head as if trying to shake off a punch to the nose and turns to face Seldan. She pastes on a half-smile and says, "I guess I will introduce you when they return. Good to see you again Seldan."

"At their pleasure," Seldan nods, seeming to take no offense, hand still on the small sack, the pack it was in now at his feet. "News of one's kin is not a small matter, when one does not hear from them. Payment, as promised." He offers the sack to Alaryn. "I look forward to seeing your work."

"You will not be disappointed. Believe me." replies Alaryn as her eyes flicker over towards Toha and Razen. But then she brings her attention back. "Can I offer tea? I brewed willowbark tea a few minutes ago and the pot is still hot."

"It has been a long day for you, then." Seldan pushes his hair out of his eyes once the coin has been taken, and releases a breath, nodding acceptance. "That would be welcome. I pray that never again am I asked to fight for three straight days." He essays a tentative smile. "By Her grace, we all survived, but such would be welcome."

"It has been a long day for you, then." Seldan pushes his hair out of his eyes once the coin has been taken, and releases a breath, nodding acceptance. "That would be welcome. I pray that never again am I asked to fight for three straight days." He essays a tentative smile. "By Her grace, we all survived, but such would be welcome."

Toha comes to a stop at his inquiry. An utter stop. There is a moment, two where one might thing she shut down or something. She turns slowly to face the half-oruch, eyeslit locking to his eyes as her hands reach up to clasp his shoulders. Her words are solemn and gentle, a novel trick for that tongue many not native to it would think, "Vulkakh and his daughter stood proud before a great foe to give... what of the tribe remain a chance to live." She lowers her chin slightly, then looks up to his face again, her tone one of old grief and sympathy, "The survivors were last known near Adomar. I'm so sorry, brother..." <yrch-speak>

Seldan accepts the cup, but holds it out for the honey as well. Willowbark on its own is medicinal, not tasty. "Please." He sighs. "A servant of Thul was harassing an old woman. It was too strong to drive off, but we struck a deal with it. If we spent three days on its home plane and survived, it would not return. We did so, and I will keep watch to ensure that it does not return." He stretches gingerly. "I have learned much, but ... there is more to learn."

The look on Razen's face can not be described but to say that loss is a beginning. He lets out a soft, very soft cry and nearly steps back but her hands are on his shoulders steadying him. So he remains unblinking at her as the first tear slides down his face. "No." It's a whisper nearly and then the fullness of it strikes him and he struggles just to stand. His emotions are laid bare for all to see; his people know nothing of hiding such things.

Finally grasping her too by the shoulders he bows his head. Lets the rage and sadness pour out of himself in a mighty roar-cry. Tears drop down from his cheeks and the sound seems to echo, to last forever. Razen has no care for the others in the market distric or how much attention is drawn to him in this moment. When the sound ends he stands there listlessly, not weeping yet tears slide down his face nonetheless. <yrch-speak>

Slowly nodding her head, Alaryn sits down and sets the teapot aside. "Wow. If you need backup for such a thing in the future. You find me. My girl there and I will come help." And she points at the Thunderbelcher leaning nearby. The one that looks like it was dry humped by a Dwarven Mastercrafter.

Toha can only do what her old Seer, her old friend would do for her. The golem draws the large fellow to her shoulder as she steps into him, arm slipping around his back. In a soothing, crooning (she hopes) tone, she assures him, "They are gone, brother, but they saved your people. Their deed gave the tribe a future. They met their fate in honor. All Bonesworn wept that day. We share your grief, brother." <yrch-speak>

"You are then a member of the Guild?" Seldan sips carefully at the tea, experimentally, letting it cool a little before drinking further. "It came in as a Guild posting." He glances briefly over at the pair to one side, then politely turns away; grief is evident, and should be allowed its peace.

"I'm a lot of things..." Alaryn admits half-absently as her eyes drift to her other friends, and she rises to her feet. No jealousy.. it's not that kind of friendship. But to see Toha consoling Razen... it tugs at her heartstrings and she can only wonder what the issue was.... but she will not ask. Nope.

Razen stands there for a long time, but eventually tears must stop, eventually the strength taught to him through the years and Toha bears him up. He nods his head. "Thank you Toha of the Kopana." His words find themselves back to the language spoken my most everyone who walked the world. "For telling me, and for sharing this moment with me. It has been long since I have been among those of my own clan, and it is good to hear those familiar words."

The moment the great embrace breaks up, Alaryn stutter steps over to the cup Razen had been using earlier. She pours out the cooling tea and places more tea into the cup before filling it with hot water and a dash of honey. Then... she finds one small bit of lemon left in her stores and drops that in and has it in hand by the time he approaches... steaming in her hand and held out to him silently.

Toha would not shame him by holding him any longer than he would need. As she feels Razen prepare to straighten, she slides her hands to his shoulders and nods, "You are welcome, Razen Vulkakhson. I have not seen another Bonesworn for some months, myself, though the Kopana yet travel the ways of Dran. I stand with you, brother, should you need for company or comfort." <yrch-speak>

His errand done, Seldan watches as the merchant leaves to tend to her friends. Sun and moon, but this is awkward. As quickly as he can manage, he finishes his tea, sets the teacup down where Alaryn will find it, then closes and hefts his pack, turning to leave quietly.

Razen nods once to Toha, and then again. "Your kindness it... means a lot to me." He carefully wipes the tears from his face. Not ashamed of them, but wanting the feel of them off his face. He notices Alaryn then and offers her a somewhat lacking smile. "Thank you Alaryn." Those staring at the sound of a half-ourch's mighty cry move along now, not wanting to be noticed noticing.

Toha can't give him a reassuring smile, but she nods, "You're welcome." she says softly, then her attention drawn to Alaryn, she gives her a nod too, "New customer, I hope?" she comments.

As Seldan turns away, he shakes his head a little, but says nothing further and does not attempt to engage the others, instead donning his pack and making his way out of the quieting market squares into the night, before the more shady side of commerce fully emerges.

And now noticing that Seldan was turning to leave, Alaryn closes her eyes. She can't help it. She can't get her friends -together- today. But she picks up the cup and the pouch of gold, placing each back in her wagon. "New earlier today. Dropped by to pay for a cloak he asked me to make for him." sue states softly.

Somewhat glad of the change in topic Razen focuses on what's at hand. "I am sorry if I scared off your customer... friend?" He is no longer certain which. "Toha informed me of..." He winces. "The death of my father. I knew that Parba was dead, but not how. Not that..." Razen can barely wrap his mind around it.

"We've worked together before, a bit." Toha replies, "Sort of, though we hadn't shared names. We got involved in a barfight with some visitors from Bludgun and it... got messy. A little. Kinda." Fidget. Ok, so there was fire. That wasn't -her- fault. With Razen's explanation, at his first pause, a hand alights on his shoulder, a silent show of support.

Wincing a bit, Alaryn nods her head, "My da died less than a year ago. It's what sent me here." She reaches a hand out to Razen's shoulder and adds, "Da always said... our friends are the family who we -choose-." And she gives a wan smile at that before growing serious once more, "Drink your tea Razen." she adds with a big sis vibe going.

Their strength adds to Razen's own and to his resolve. He nods thankfully to them both, and pushes subtly - or rather as subtly as a half-ourch might - the conversation in a different direction. "This sounds like an interesting story, this barfight of yours. I well know how those can be, and am interested how yours went; so tell me if you will!" He drinks his tea slowly while waiting for an answer to his request.

Toha considers that, then, with a shrug, "Well, I was wanderin' the warehouse district a few nights ago an saw a Guardsman tearin' off down the way. Cue shrug and I start after'm. Turns out, there's a shipload of Oruchs out o'Bludgun who're raisin' hell, already flattened most everybody else in the bar, including half the Guards already there..."

Silently listening now, Alaryn has gone somber and introspective. She just sips the last of her own tea and listens and does her best to just allow her silent presence bolster her new friend.

Razen settles in also to listen to Toha's story, his eyes widening at the fact that there were apparently ourch from Bludgun /here/ of all places. "Did you ever find out what started the fight? Or what they were doing here in the first place?" He glances around. "Are they /still/ here?"

Folding her arms, Toha continues, "Well, there ended up bein a few of us gettin' involved." With Razen's questions, she shrugs, "Here? No, at the bar?" Another shrug, "Well... apparantly they got told they couldn’t drink there. Annnn'd so it began. Mocking the... peacefulness of the city, generally bein' energetic." A sigh, "There were a couple challenges thrown his way, while I asked him how beatin' on weaklings honored Adom's code." She lifts her chin, "He sneered at that an' the code an' I resolved I was gonna kick his ever-lovin' ass..."

That last comment from Toha makes Alaryn grin just a bit. She quietly gets to her feet and begins packing up her supplies, preparing to secure her wagon and get her mules and such. But she -is- still listening. Oh yes she is.

"Good for you! Sneering at Adom's code!" He shakes his head, finding it hard to believe that /any/ oruch could do such a thing and yet... he knew that some did. It was a blight. "I hope you gave him the beating he deserved." Razen nods firmly.

Toha sighs, "Wellllll...." The plot thickens! She shrugs, "Some genius fired off a flame spell, got the oruchs, got some a'the guards... and lit the bar on fire." A shake of the golem's head, then, "Yer new friend was there, tryin' to back up the guards until the fire got going, then he went on out t'get a trough to try and put the fire out. Meanwhile, I'm swappin' knuckles with one of the Oruch's crew. Had a good right, that one."

Coming back, Alaryn asks softly, "There is maybe half a cup of hot water left. Do you want to top off?" She's trying to help without intruding. It's a truly amazing story after all. But now that it -is- dark, she grins and when the tea is accepted or denied, she handles that and then crouches to pull out her little orange gem again. With an impish grin at Razen, she sets it on the ground at a safe distance.. mutters a word in Kulthos and BAM, instant campfire.

Razen is listening with rapt attention, his expression eager. A good fighting story was all an oruch needed after all, and a moment later Alaryn was providing a fire to tell the story around. All they needed was a drummer low and quiet to counterpoint the whole story. "So there you are, standing in a burning bar, fighting ourch who do not know Adom!" His words are meant to urge her on to finish the tale.

Toha nods, "I couldn't put'm down. Fer a shirker he was tough!" she grants. Balling up her fists, "We must'a trade a half dozen swings, then, all at once..." she sounds kinda let down, "The Oruch captain breaks down about jus' wantin' to drink to lost mates." A sigh, "So... all the energy just... drops in the room." she shakes her head, "An' I start tryin' to help put the fires out. Well, the bonehead who set the fire apparently tried t'skip out once the spell was cast, but the guards stopped'er. She an' a couple others ended up in the klink with the Bludgunners."

The fire is blazing. It -is- warm, but still doesn't bother Razen. Duh. Alaryn is smiling just hearing the life come back into you both. She lets the two of you bond while she keeps cleaning up her area. She is -happy- to do it. It's the routine. It's the life she chose. It's her new wagon. She's happy to clean it up.

The half-oruch gives a little snort. He's not -quite- up to laughing just yet. "A fight that ends up with you in the klink is a fight worth having. These people of Alexandria, they are very particular about their fighting. No fighting in some places, no fighting with merchants or people on the street. And when you fight with someone who wants to fight you, you can still end up in their 'jail'." Razen makes a little motion with his hand like closing a door. "Though I suppose setting a fire in the bar might be a good enough reason for that!"

Toha chuckles and nods, "We can show them the path, only they can choose to walk it." she says in a lofty tone to Razen. That said, she nods, "They're partic'lar about their bars, too." She notices Alaryn sorting things out and wonders, "Wanna hand?"

"I won't turn away free help. But.. this is my routine and my job. So I won't complain. But as I said, free help is free." Alaryn smiles over her shoulder and asks, "If someone wanted to grab Agatha and Oskar from the stall over there... my mules... I'd appreciate it." But as the story seems finished, she drops her load in the wagon and strides over the crouch and murmurs that soft word in Kulthos again... the fire vanishing and replaced with the gem. She picks that up and puts it away then... there's some light out anyway.

Feeling embarrassed to not have noticed that Alaryn has been putting together her things, Razen settles himself from the story and flashes Alaryn an apologetic look. "Let me get them. I am happy to help." Those words given he makes his way over to the two mules and tries to convince them with quiet words to follow him back to their mistress. He doesn't seem to be having much luck with them though.

Toha nods and starts to square away some of Alaryn's things, recognizing some of the items' stowage from their little road trip. She looks over at Razen as he tries to wrangle the critters, and asides, "Yeah, animals don't really like me much, neither."

The mules are... well.. mules. Alaryn nods, "Fair enough. I'll get them. You show him where things go eh?" she asks Toha before wandering towards the stalls. She places a hand on Razen's upper back. Hey, he's tall. She's not. "I got it." she says with a smile. "They are... picky. I should've remembered that."

Victor strides in from one of the surrounding streets. He sees the adventurers and their efforts and veers in their direction. He watches then for a moment, then examines the wagon and mules. Finally he ventures, "Is this Explorer's Guild business?"

Razen glances down at Alaryn's touch and nods his ascent to trading jobs. He'd only gotten the mules a few inches anyways. The stubborn, or picky animals hadn't wanted to come to his hand. Possibly because he didn't smell familiar to them. So he heads back to help Toha, following her direction as things are put away. When Victor strides up, Razen lifts a hand in greeting. "Hello. I do not think you could call this business of the Guild no. We are simply helping a friend put away her things for the evening."

Toha looks to Victor, "Hey, how ya doin!" she hails with a wave, then guides Razen into organizing the items the way she remember Alaryn keeps them. She looks between her two 'brothers' and, "Have you two met?"

Victor nods in understanding at the explanation. He studies the cart for a moment and then looks at Razen. "I don't believe we have. My name is Victor." He hesitates and then adds, "How are you?"

With their work done, Razen waves a farewell to Alaryn as she makes her way out of the market district. Once she is gone he turns his attention on the other man, offering his hand to him. "I am Razen." He seems to hesitate at the end of his name, a flicker of sadness in his eyes that fades slowly. "It has been a long day with grim news, but we live and that means that it is a good day yes?"

Toha nods to Victor as he starts his introductions, offering him a veiled thumbs up as he tacks on the 'how are you?'. Razen's reply prompts a slight nod in turn, and she waves to Alaryn as she departs. Back to the now, she looks between the two, "It is." she agrees.

Victor watches the cart leave. He looks around at the market briefly and then turns to Razen. "I am sorry if this brings up unpleasant memories, but what 'grim' news?"

The pain of the news is fresh in Razen, but his is not the way to turn and hide from pain, nor to hide things from other people if he can avoid it. So he nods to Victor and considers his words carefully. "Toha has been among the Bonesworn clan more recently than I, so I saught out news of the wandering tribes of the Savage North whom are mine." He closes his eyes briefly and when he opens them there is his pain there. "My father and sister are dead, my clansmen torn from their home and headed south. They faced a mighty foe in battle and died with honor." This at least comforts him somewhat.

Toha turns toward Victor with his question, freezing momentarily, then slowly looking back toward Razen. Damage done, it might be a topic to go over with Victor with some backup. She wouldnt' know how to relate the proprieties on her own. On the upside, the unpleasant/grim association is a good sign, as is the apologetic preamble. This could actually work out fairly well, if only conditionally. The pain she was forced to give the young Oruch troubles the golem, but she could be naught but honest with him, it heartens her to see him shoulder it so well. Still, a hand lightly touches his arm, while she has said so earlier, she does so again to throw out a hint, "I am sorry."

Victor says, "That is..." he seems to search his memory for the words, "...unfortunate. If your clan is headed south, perhaps they will reach Alexandria?" he studies Razen for a reaction. "Do you know how far they were, and what their rate of travel might be?"

Razen nods in gratitude to Toha, but for a long moment Victor's words are incomprehensible to him. They cause him to blink and then he finally shrugs. "I doubt they will come this far south. The North is their home, and even driven from it they will return to it. Or at least that is what I would do. As to the rest... Perhaps Toha would know, but I have not been among their number for a very long time."

Victor says, "I see." He falls silent for a few moments. Again there is that impression of searching his memory for the next thing to say. "Does that mean you have been here in this city for some time? Or elsewhere?""

"First I traveled the Savage North myself; alone. Then after years of solitude I felt the longing for others stir in my chest so I headed south." Razen watches Victor with interest as he speaks. "I traveled a long time, but the customs of most places made it difficult so I kept traveling until I heard of a place where all were welcome. I came here, and I have been here a few moons shy of a year. What about you? Have you been here long?"

Victor shakes his head. "I've only been in Alexandria for a few months." He glances at Razen before going on, "Prior to that I lived for several years in a Gnome settlement. They 'discovered' me in Kulthian ruins. My surroundings had not been disturbed for decades by their estimate. I have no memory of how I ended up there. Or anything for that matter, from before I was 'awoken'."

"Welcome to Alexandria then! Again I am sure, but still." Razen offers a wan smile, his eyes still vaguely troubled. "That sounds interesting though, to have been living among the gnomes. I can not say that I know much about your people, but it seems odd to not remember where you came from. Did you like it there among people not your own?"

Victor seems to think about that for even longer. "I consider myself fortunate to have been recovered by Gnomes," he finally says. "And especially those whose obsessions involved exploration and discovery. And who were willing to share their knowledge. But as for my own people...among golems there is so much diversity that not all of us think of ourselves as a distinct people. I have met other constructs and also certain elementals, and felt just as much kinship with them as to other so-called War Golems."

Razen rolls his shoulders easily and looks around the nearly barren market district. It's not just them alone, but there are fewer and fewer people with each passing moment. "I think I can understand. My clan... I loved them but they did not truly know me, but some of those I have found in Alexandria, some of whom are of far different people do." He heaves a great and heavy sigh before motioning toward a street. "Will you come share a drink with me? I have need of such after this day."

Victor nods in agreement. "Very well." A moment later he amends, "I would be happy to." He turns his head to look in the direction Razen motioned. "I have been meaning to visit a tavern. I understand there are a large number of them in the city, at least one in virtually every district of the city..."

"You have not been to one yet?" Razen is clearly surprised, and then he grins, a real solid grin that makes his eyes twinkle. "It will be my pleasure then to take you to your first one. I will in fact take you to my favorite. They always have drink there, strong stuff to make fire burn in your heart! Food like they make at home, and music to stomp your feet to." He describes it fondly and with gusto, leading the way.
