Silent Sanitorium - Part 3

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Logging Started: 11/08/2024 18:22:56

<OOC> Culix says, "So, we left off with Harkashan stumbling upon an invisible presence that appears to have followed the squad downstairs. Dirk, also, has followed them downstairs but not yet caught up with them. He had witnessed ambulatory brain creatures clawing their way out of the skulls of the defeated cultists, which then knocked him unconscious." <OOC> Culix says, "The map is here:" <OOC> Culix says, "And as a reminder, this is a DC-On plot."

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "I'll grab double movement speed from BoF, and then head in the direction Harkashan called from. Action TBD once I'm able to move and see whatever it is Rune sees."

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, so I've moved 35/60 into the room. I have True Sight. Are the two brains what I see?" <OOC> Culix says, "In the room, You see a pair of small creatures, each vaguely froglike in shape, except their bodies appear to be oversized human brains." <OOC> Rune says, "Okay, using the last of my movement, then I will stab a brain." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1: (17)+22: 39 GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6: (3)+3+(5): 11

When Harkashan's voice calls from the next room over, Rune uses a bit of that supernaturally gifted speed to make her way to the doorway, taking a moment to spy through to figure out just what it is that Harkashan is calling about.

Her eyes narrow, focusing on the frog-like creatures that are closest to her mate. "Let me guess, these are from the people that were here, aren't they?" Her nose scrunches and she makes a face. Moving up to stand next to Harkashan, she lashes out with one of her blades, a warning strike towards the nearest of the ... creatures.

"Back off, frog-brain." She holds her weapons out defensively.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on MAC-B1G ended. GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Dirk ended. <OOC> Dirk says, "That's prolly as far as I can get with my movement." <OOC> Culix says, "Perception check, please" GAME: Dirk rolls Perception: (3)+20: 23 GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Harkashan ended.

Dirk grips his thunderbelcher in a white-knuckled grip, his eyes wide and flicking back and forth as he hurriedly trundles his way through the cellar. Rounding the corner, he spies a door and beelines for it. With a deep breath, he shoulders it open and all but melts with relief when he spies one of his comrades. "Aelwyn! Och, thank the -Lady-!" he says in a strangled tone.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Harkashan uses Rune's strikes as context clues to move into position for her to flank. He's not sure what kind of enemies they face yet - but indeed spots the blood. He'll make a strike with his blade. (Trying not to use spells so the state for Void is not ruined)" GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (12)+11+8+1: 32 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (3)+11+8+1: 23 <OOC> Harkashan says, "Will take +2 from BoF instead for 34." GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31: aliased to 2d6+7: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (75): 75 <OOC> Culix says, "Even with concealment, hurts it. Pose it." GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Aelwyn ended.

Harkashan begins to move when Rune begins to move. She can see what he cannot. Slowing his gait ever so slightly so she can strike and he doesn't get in the way. But the moment she's getting after it, and produces blood, he swoops around and strikes towards the blood upon its body. "What are they? Brains?" He asks of his rogueish ally.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll follow on up after the others and smack at anything that might be visible." <OOC> Culix says, "You can't see anything yet." <OOC> Culix says, "But go ahead and give me a perception check" <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Then I'll just move wherever Hark and Rune are. While waving at Dirk." GAME: Aelwyn rolls perception: (9)+1: 10 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (13)+18: 31 GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5+3d6: (3)+5+(11): 19 GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for 19 points. 28 HP remaining. <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Taking the +2+2 from the bof" <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Power attack" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (17)+18+2+1+-4: 34 <OOC> Culix says, "Hits" GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (6)+6+12+(6): 30 <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Flaming, yes. +1/Flaming" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

Aelwyn turns his head as there is commotion from Rune's and Harkashan's direction. "What is happening?" He calls out to them - but then he hears a familiar voice. "Ah, if one wishes to call this one Lady, this one must charge extra-" He calls out with a wave of his burning glaive, heedless of all the chemicals in the room.

But then he abruptly stops and lets outa snarl, hopping away and smacking his glaive down at the small brain. "The hell is that?" He seethes, turning around in the room. "And why do they bite?"

<OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty. Sneak attacks on Dirk and Aelwyn, then a full attack on Aelwyn, and a regular attack on Hark. Doing Aelwyn first." <OOC> Culix says, "Oh and a full attack on Rune" <OOC> Culix says, "Sneak attack on Aelwyn" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (12)+18: 30 <OOC> Culix says, "Should have been 32 with flanking." <OOC> Culix says, "Which I think juust hits, with BoF" GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5+3d6: (1)+5+(9): 15 GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for 15 points. 13 HP remaining. <OOC> Culix says, "Then the full attack." <OOC> Harkashan reminds Culix at some point to roll against his Aura. <OOC> Harkashan says, "21 I believe" GAME: Culix rolls 13: (5)+13: 18 <OOC> Culix says, "They fail." <OOC> Harkashan says, "So they have -2 attack, -2 AC, -2 saves etc." GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for -15 points. 28 HP remaining. GAME: Culix rolls 18: (11)+18: 29 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (11)+18: 29 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (2)+18: 20 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (16)+18: 34 <OOC> Culix says, "One hit" GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5+3d6: (1)+5+(12): 18 GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for 18 points. 10 HP remaining. <OOC> Culix says, "That's the attacks on Aelwyn resolved, now for Dirk. Two single attacks." <OOC> Culix says, "AGainst FF" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (7)+18: 25 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (13)+18: 31 <OOC> Culix says, "One hit." GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5+3d6: (3)+5+(13): 21 GAME: You damaged Dirk for 21 points. 98 HP remaining. <OOC> Dirk says, "Owch." <OOC> Culix says, "Now, the one that was going to sneak attack hark gets to the edge of Rune;s magic circle against evil and lashes out but cannot approach" <OOC> Culix says, "So now all that's left is the FA on Rune" <OOC> Culix says, "It tries to attack rune, but cannot." <OOC> Culix says, "Or maybe cannot. Hark, give me a spell penetration roll." GAME: Harkashan rolls Cleric+4+Wisdom: (10)+15+4+8: 37 <OOC> Culix says, "Yeah, it can't touch rune or enter the circle."

As the group move towards one another, intending to re-group after their exploration of the laboritory they find themselves waylaid, each member of the party suddenly facing one or more of these strange, ambulatory brains appearing out of thin air. Aelwyn is clawed viciously not once but twice- and while he gets a lick in with his glaive his moment of triumth is shortlived as another sait of claws rake him from behind, drawing copious blood and leaving him greviously wounded.

Dirk hears a pitter patter behind him just in time for the creatures to lunge for him, one failing to find it's mark, but the other tears a gouge out of his arm with sharp claws.

Rune and Harkashan's pair, meanwhile, seem to not be faring so well. The creatures hiss and squirm at Rune's mere presence, like nocturnal beings fearing the sun. They cringe away from her, skulking and keeping their distance where they can. Where they are pinned down, they laush out at her but their claws fail to find the mark.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "5ft step to flank with Hark, full attack." <OOC> Rune says, "I'll take the extra attack from BoF as well." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (2)+22+1+2: 27 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (20)+22+1+2+-2: 43 (THREAT) <OOC> Culix says, "Roll to confirm." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (16)+22+1+2+-2: 39 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-2: (14)+22+1+2+-2: 37 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-7: (16)+22+1+2+-7: 34 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-7: (7)+22+1+2+-7: 25 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-12: (15)+22+1+2+-12: 28 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-12: (8)+22+1+2+-12: 21 <OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty, that is a maybe crit (it has a chance to ignore) and then two hits." <OOC> Rune says, "That's everything. Should be 7 attacks total." GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (81): 81 <OOC> Culix says, "Crit goes through." GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (99): 99 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (21): 21 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (53): 53 <OOC> Culix says, "So does sneak attack on first and third hit" <OOC> Dirk says, "Niiiiice." <OOC> Culix says, "So that's in total one crit with SA. One normal hit without SA. One normal hit with SA" GAME: Rune rolls damage1+damage1+1d6+8d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+3+1d6+8d6: (3)+3+(6)+3+(3)+(33): 51 GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6: (6)+3+(4): 13 GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+8d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+8d6: (2)+3+(5)+(31): 41 <OOC> Dirk reminds self not to piss off Rune. <OOC> Culix says, "it is badly wounded but not quite dead" GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

<OOC> Culix says, "You have a pair of very gross ankle biters you recently saw climbing out of cultist skulls attacking you, what will you do, Dirk?" <OOC> Dirk says, "5' step to get out of melee, then start blasting. I'll take the extra attack from BoF ahd hit the top-most one." GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (13)+17+2+-4: 28 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (4)+17+2+-4: 19 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-5: aliased to Ranged+2-4-5: (1)+17+2+-4+-5: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

Watching the two creatures that are in the room with herself and Harkashan, Rune clenches her fingers on the handles of her blades. "Something like that. I don't think I've seen monsters like these before." She explains to the Makari. "There's one behind you, so be careful."

The warning doesn't seem necessary, however, as it seems to be avoiding her directly. "They... seem to be staying away from me. Maybe one of your spells?" She suggests, not really knowing the details about how magic works in this case.

Instead, she focuses on the one that is between herself and Harkashan, stepping closer to lay in with a series of attacks. Though most seem to be dodged or deflected away, a couple of them dig deep, causing splatters across the floor. "You think these are our missing people?"

<OOC> Culix says, "One hit vs Touch" GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (3)+2+8+(10): 23 <OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty, you hurt it, but it's still kicking." GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Assuming Rune has it from here, Harkashan moves to Reinforce the others." <OOC> Harkashan says, "Taking Movement" <OOC> Harkashan says, "I think I take 3 AoOs" <OOC> Harkashan says, "If they can through the Circle against Evil." GAME: Harkashan rolls Cleric+4+Wisdom: (7)+15+4+8: 34 GAME: Harkashan rolls Cleric+4+Wisdom: (20)+15+4+8: 47 <OOC> Culix says, "Two of them swing, but are unable to strike you like with the one attacking Rune." GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (18)+11+8+1: 38 <OOC> Culix says, "That hits"

17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
|     Name      |  CHP (T) |  HP  |
17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
| Aelwyn........|   10     |  83  |
| Dirk..........|   98     | 119  |
| (C) Lulu......|   71     |  71  |
| Harkashan.....|  128     | 132  |
| Rune..........|  125 +8  | 125  |
17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)17:47, 25 August 2024 (UTC)

GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31-5: aliased to 2d6+7-5: (9)+7+-5: 11

Dirk all but melts with relief when he spies Aelwyn. "Och, after the day -we've- been havin', I'm all set tae buy out the entire damn bar fer ye! Let's--HYAAAGH!" His elation is cut short as two brainlets start gnawing at his legs. He skips back on reflex, swinging up his thunderbelcher. CHK-BOOM! BOOM! "What the fuck are these? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE!?" He shrieks in a panic. His weapon strobes with blessed light, and one shot finds its mark. But then, his gun gives an anemic FZZZzz and emits a roil of glittering golden smoke. "Oh, piss up my -arse-!" the old snowbeard snarls, giving the weapon a slap with his palm.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

"Group up on my position." Hearing the pained calls from to the south and east, Harkashan glances to Rune as his blade drips with the blood of their enemies. "You've got this from here." He declares assuredly. "I'm moving to help Aelwyn and the rest." As he is quick to move through, ready to assist the rest of the group. Sweeping through and letting his blade cut through one of the ones Aelwyn is facing on his way. "Gather up, don't let them flank you! I'll get some healing going in a moment, so the closer you are, the better!"

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll move down, tanking the AoO with +4 and bof +2/+2" <OOC> Culix says, "Hark already provoked so no AoOs" <OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll smack the creature above Hark then" <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Power attack" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (8)+18+2+1+-4: 25 <OOC> Culix says, "Wiff" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

<OOC> Culix says, "Hark and Ael can take AoO's as the brains move around" GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (3)+11+8+1: 23 <OOC> Harkashan says, "Miss." GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (6)+18+2+1+-4: 23 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (1)+18+2+1+-4: 18 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Culix says, "One attack on Hark, one attack on Ael, one full attack with flanking on Dirk" <OOC> Culix says, "Hark first" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (13)+18: 31 <OOC> Culix says, "Wiff" <OOC> Culix says, "Ael" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (3)+18: 21 <OOC> Culix says, "Wiff" <OOC> Culix says, "Dirk"

Aelwyn hisses again as he clawed, bitten and assaulted by the invisible creatures. He was bleeding profusely now, and he feels something give up in him. "Tch-they bite hard." He breathes raggedly, looking up at Hark. He staggers as the larger makari tanks attacks from the small creatures, slowly making his way behind the larger figure. "One does not need to suggest whether this one wishes to stay close." He flashes up a grin - even as his crimson clothing turns a shade of deep red.

<OOC> Culix says, "Both of those should have been at -2, but wiff either way" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (12)+18: 30 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Culix rolls 18: (6)+18: 24 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (3)+18: 21 GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5+3d6: (4)+5+(5): 14 GAME: You damaged Dirk for 14 points. 84 HP remaining.

The critters hissing and cringing at Rune continue to do so- unable to pierce her magical protections to approach. The rest of the group, however, are out of and moving further from those protections as the battle progresses and the creatures attacking them face no such impediments. One of them lashes out for Harkashan- the claws raking against the Deathsinger's own magical protections, and failing to find scale. Likewise, Aelwyn is able to avoid the slashing claws despite his heavy injuries. Dirk is not so lucky, pinned between two creatures and panicking, and one of them manages to tear another gash in the ranger's leg this time.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "Yep. Rune will do one stab on the closest one to her, and then head into the other room to use her anti-ugly brain power to help the others." <OOC> Rune says, "+2/+2 from Bof." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (3)+22+1+2: 28 <OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty. You provoke once, but are immune, so go ahead and pose it." GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

<OOC> Dirk says, "Okay first thing, gotta clear the jam. Gonna roll against DC 20 to try and do it as a move action." GAME: Dirk rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (12)+17: 29 <OOC> Culix says, "alrighty. Jam cleared." <OOC> Dirk says, "Full attack, four attacks with BoF." GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (12)+17+2+-4: 27 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (3)+17+2+-4: 18 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-5: aliased to Ranged+2-4-5: (7)+17+2+-4+-5: 17 <OOC> Culix says, "That provokes, Hark spell pen plz" GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-10: aliased to Ranged+2-4-10: (14)+17+2+-4+-10: 19 GAME: Harkashan rolls Cleric+Wisdom+4: (17)+15+8+4: 44 GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (4)+2+8+(6): 20 GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

<OOC> Harkashan says, "I will stab the one to my east, taking the BoF 2/2 as a full attack. Converting to +5 Defending." GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1+2+2: aliased to bab+wisdom+1+2+2: (9)+11+8+1+2+2: 33 <OOC> Culix says, "Hits" GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31-5: aliased to 2d6+7-5: (10)+7+-5: 12 <OOC> Harkashan says, "Then Selective Quick Healing." GAME: Harkashan rolls 10d6: (30): 30 <OOC> Harkashan says, "Everyone heals 30 HP" GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for -30 points. 40 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Rune for -30 points. 125 AND 8 TEMP HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Dirk for -30 points. 114 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Dirk's companion for -30 points. 71 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Harkashan for -30 points. 132 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged MAC-B1G for -30 points. 133 HP remaining.

Dirk hops from foot to foot, doing his level best to keep from getting got by the brainthings. "Gah! Hyah! LEAVE OFF YE--YEARRRGH!" He hops on his uninjured foot, gritting his teeth against the pain. With a furious snarl, he snaps open the breech of his gun. He gives it a sharp slap with the heel of his palm, ejecting the faulty shell. He blows sharply through the breech to clear out any residual powder, then snaps it shut and racks the slide. CHK-CHAK! "Right, LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN!" He unleashes another onslaught of blessed shot, the flare of holy light strobing against the cellar's gloom. But the brainthing proves nimble prey, and only gets winged by one shot. "Grrrrrh damn it, sit still an' let me pop ye!" he growls.

GAME: You gave Harkashan 8 temporary HP.

"Got this may be an overstatement." Rune calls after the Makari who is already making his way into the other room to her allies. There is a point where the rogue has to make a choice between trying to take out the creature in front of her following in order to help the others.

In the end, helping the team is far more important than any single victory. So, she darts away from the first of the strange brain-creatures and heads into the room where she can hear the others fighting. Ducking between the monsters, she tries to position herself in what she hopes gives the best 'coverage' of the spell Harkashan had cast earlier. "I'm here, hopefully this helps, at least a little."

"It definitely seems to be helping. But I suppose that is to be expected, with agents of Evil such as these." Harkashan rumbles, as the Magic Circle against Evil keeps testing his ability to keep the spell effective against their foes. "But the Deathsinging Dragon protects us with her gifts. Keep up the fight." As grey pulsing light begins to overcome the group, slowly knitting up wounds as Harkashan hacks at one of the bloody creatures with his Khopesh!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll smack the creature next to dirk instead." <OOC> Aelwyn says, "Bof +2/+2, power attack, full attack, shenanigans." GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (1)+18+2+1+-4: 18 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Aelwyn says, "I mean the one on the right, can't hit the closest one." GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (16)+18+2+1+-4: 33 GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (2)+6+12+(3): 23 GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

Aelwyn inhales sharply as he feels relief course through his veins. "Ah-! Best pick me up." He flickers, staggering more on his feet. "Lay one's hands on me." He rumbles as he feels less blood flow from him. With practiced ease, his blade swings- slashes - aims at the horde of enemies descending on them, but the skittery brains keep leaping just out of his reach.

"Tch, this one needs ankle guards." He annoyedly points out. "We are getting cornered." And then there is a sudden 'twack!' as his blade slams at the creature next to Dirk.

<OOC> Culix says, "One of them moves to the edge of the magic circle. Another casts cure moderate wounds on itself. The rest are unable to act right now other than to paw uselessly at adventurers they can't hit." GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+10: (13)+10: 23

While the magic circle protecting Rune is a powerful advantage for the party, making the creatures almost entirely ineffectual in their attempts to cause the group harm, it doesn't prevent them from acting in other ways. The critters continue to prowl at the borders of the magic circle, somewhat encircling the party to make it difficult for them to reposition themselves. One of the brains begins to glow with pulsating red light, and the wounds inflicted by Rune's daggers begin to knit themselves closed as it continues to prowl and watch.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "Alright, full attack, taking extra attack." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (12)+22+1+2: 37 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (15)+22+1+2+-2: 38 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-2: (7)+22+1+2+-2: 30 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-7: (11)+22+1+2+-7: 29 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-7: (10)+22+1+2+-7: 28 GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-12: (8)+22+1+2+-12: 21 GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-12: (9)+22+1+2+-12: 22 <OOC> Culix says, "Hit, hit, hit, miss, miss, miss, miss" GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (39): 39 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (71): 71 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (53): 53 <OOC> Culix says, "Sneak attack on 2/3" GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6: (1)+3+(3): 7 GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+8d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+8d6: (5)+3+(6)+(24): 38 GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+8d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+8d6: (2)+3+(6)+(26): 37 GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

<OOC> Dirk says, "Okay, gonna go for the one Rune just sliced up." <OOC> Dirk says, "5' step so I'm not flanked anymore and then I'ma unload." <OOC> Dirk says, "Extra attack from BoF." GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (13)+17+2+-4: 28 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (4)+17+2+-4: 19 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-5: aliased to Ranged+2-4-5: (11)+17+2+-4+-5: 21 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-10: aliased to Ranged+2-4-10: (12)+17+2+-4+-10: 17 <OOC> Culix says, "Hit, miss, hit, miss" GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (9)+2+8+(7): 26 GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (8)+2+8+(6): 24 <OOC> Culix says, "That drops it" GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

<OOC> Harkashan says, "FA guy to my South. Then a Selective Quick Heal"

"No dying today." Rune mutters to Aelwyn as she takes a position along with her friends, making sure that there is still enough coverage to make it a bad time for the brain-like creatures.

Hearing Dirk's complaints, the rogue has to echo them in return, "Yeah, these things are fucking annoying." She grips her blades and attacks the one between herself and Aelwyn with a series of blows, trying to use the Makari as a distraction. However, they just don't fall quite as easily as some other foes.

"There's two more in the other room." She reports, making sure that everyone is aware of just how many they are dealing with.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Taking +2/+2" <OOC> Harkashan says, "And the usual Defensive." GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1+2: aliased to bab+wisdom+1+2: (8)+11+8+1+2: 30 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1+2-5: aliased to bab+wisdom+1+2-5: (16)+11+8+1+2+-5: 33 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1+2-10: aliased to bab+wisdom+1+2-10: (1)+11+8+1+2+-10: 13 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Culix says, "Hit, Hit, miss" GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31-5: aliased to 2d6+7-5: (5)+7+-5: 7 GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31-5: aliased to 2d6+7-5: (10)+7+-5: 12

Dirk skips nimbly back, lining himself up with Rune. His eyes get wide as the rogue goes ham on the brain-thing to his left. The burly old ranger decides to take a page out of her playbook. "Nice work, lassie! Let me clean up fer ye!" He swings up his thunderbelcher and unloads. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Golden sparks skate off the flagstones as he rains holy shot down on the thing. The brainlet staggers on its stumpy legs as two of those shots find their marks. The last one makes the thing exploded into smushed brains. Without missing a beat, Dirk wheels to cover the brainthing menacing him outside the door. "YOU WANT SOME O' THIS, YE NASTY THING?!" he bellows.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 10d6: (42): 42 GAME: You damaged Aelwyn for -42 points. 82 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Rune for -42 points. 125 AND 8 TEMP HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Dirk for -42 points. 119 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Dirk's companion for -42 points. 71 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Harkashan for -42 points. 132 AND 8 TEMP HP remaining. GAME: You damaged MAC-B1G for -42 points. 133 HP remaining. GAME: You gave Dirk 8 temporary HP. GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

The waving pulses of grey light continues to shine outwards, focusing upon Aelwyn's wounds. "Best we take care of them one after another. I wonder if that's what that lunatic was talking about - spreading across the world. Did he really think these guys would be enough to do anything?" He asks of the rest as his blade sinks into the one to the south of him, carving further pieces off of the rather hefty brain-on-legs. "They're hardy, but they still bleed!"

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Continue smacking the same goop, with full round + extra attack from bof" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (7)+18+2+1+-4: 24 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (6)+18+2+1+-4: 23 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4-5: (6)+18+2+1+-4+-5: 18 GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

<OOC> Culix says, "The brains change tactics, backing off and all fading back into invisibility."

You paged Rune with ‘You see that two of them begin fleeing after going invisible, the others have moved out of melee range and are keeping their distance from you but are not making a move to flee yet.’ Rune pages: Fleeing in which direction? And which is the closest one to me? You paged Rune with ‘The two that were in the East room flee towards the stairs.’

"Ah, this one was not planning to, Twin. This one shall die in glorious fire, not by nibbled by brains." Aelwyn feels the last of his wounds knit up and he flexes his toes once more; bloodied, but feeling all the better. "Tch, this one is not being paid to investigate the ramblings of lunatic." The draconian sighs, and then still trying to see how well his body worked, soon steps forward and makes and overhead swing, then another, and swipes from down below at the skittery figures. Who simply jumps aside from his way.

"Ah, this one is not used to fighting one's minds." He clicks his tongue.

<OOC> Rune says, "I'm going to take the movement speed, and try to go after the ones heading for the stairs and see if there's a way to block their retreat."

THe brains all suddenly stiffen at once, as though hearing something that only they can hear- can they even hear? They have nothing that resmeble ears, just brains and legs and mouths. Either way, suddenly each of them slinks back away, their forms glowing for a moment and then shimmering as they blend back into the background. To all senses save Rune's, they become invisible. RUne sees that several of them still slink at the edges of the party, but that two of them break away and begin to flee back towards the stairs.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "Damage me for 1hp please, I'm going to use my Blood Pact to get extra movement just to be sure I can block the stairs." GAME: You damaged Rune for 1 points. 125 AND 7 TEMP HP remaining. <OOC> Rune says, "And then I'll single stab the closest one." GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1: (1)+22+1: 24 (EPIC FAIL)

"Shit, some of them are making for the stairs." Rune takes a quick look around, ensuring that the others don't seem in too bad a shape before she pushes off, using magically enhanced speed to give chase. "I'm going to try to block them from retreating. Don't want these things getting out."

"There's one over there, still." She points at where she sees one, before darting out of the room to follow the two that seem to be heading towards the stairs. Moving around them, Rune positions herself to block their way up, slashing her blade in the air in a way that is a bit too wild to be more than a warning blow.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

<OOC> Dirk will unload at the spot Rune pointed out and hope I hit something. :l <OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty, 50% miss chance on each shot." GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (5)+17+2+-4: 20 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (6)+17+2+-4: 21 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-5: aliased to Ranged+2-4-5: (1)+17+2+-4+-5: 11 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Culix says, "One maybe hit" GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (76): 76 <OOC> Culix says, "And it hits." GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (11)+2+8+(8): 29 <OOC> Dirk needs to have Dirk invent a gun that doesn't jam. x.x GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

Dirk's eyes get wide, then narrow as the brainbeasties fade out of sight. "Gaaah, -damn- it! Where'd you go, ye wee devils?" he growls. He sights down the barrel of his thunderbelcher, snapping from point to point as he looks for any sign of movement. But then there's Rune with the assist. "Thanks lassie!" he calls. He focuses his aim and starts firing. CHK-BOOM! BOOM! FZZzzzz... another puff of golden smoke rolls up from his weapon's firing mechanism. "Ohh are ye takin' the -piss- right now?!" he thunders. He gives his weapon a frustrated shake.

GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (12)+11+8+1: 32 GAME: Culix rolls 1d100: (30): 30 <OOC> Culix says, "Miss" GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

Harkashan rushes the position Dirk shoots, cutting at the spot where he noticed the blood. "Good luck, Rune!" He calls out to the rogue and rounds the table proper and tries to slice at the moving blood. But his Khopesh does not find purchase. "I have to pray for more spells to seeing through invisibility in the future. Maybe some potions." He rumbles.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Bof +2+2" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (6)+18+2+1+-4: 23


     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

<OOC> Culix says, "Two of them come back into the room, one of them melees Dirk, the other casts Confusion on Aelwyn" <OOC> Culix says, "The one that Rune pointed out full attacks Hark" <OOC> Culix says, "Dirk first" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (4)+18: 22 <OOC> Culix says, "Will save, Hark" <OOC> Culix says, "Er" <OOC> Culix says, "Aelwyn, sorry." GAME: Culix rolls 18: (9)+18: 27 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (7)+18: 25 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (18)+18: 36 GAME: Aelwyn rolls will: (19)+7: 26 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (15)+18: 33

Aelwyn steps down to swing his blade at the same spot as the others did. His blade work today was _very_ off. "Tch." He grits his teeth once more. "IS there something we can cover these with? Like-" Another pointless swing. "... fire?"

The critters are not invisible for long, just long enough to spread the party out, to find more advantagous positions, so they can renew their assault. One of them lunges for Harkashan, but fails to land any hits past his panolpy of magical protections. Another strikes for Dirk- and finds his mundane armor challenge enough, failing to land a telling blow. Meanwhile one of them re-appears glowing with a pulsing purple light, sending a shockwave of psychic energy surging into Aelwyn's mind- but his mind is too strong, and fends off the psychic assault.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

The two had had been fleeing are effectively headed off by rune, prowling at the edges of her circle or protection.

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, then I'll use my turn to close and lock the double door so they can't escape up." GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

"I've got them blocked off over here!" Rune calls out. "They aren't able to get to the stairs." She keeps her back facing towards the exit, looking at the two that linger closest to her.

"I've... also got a wand of see invisibility if anyone wants to come over, but you have to be skilled enough with magical devices to cast it on yourself." Looking behind her, Rune grabs for the doors and pulls each shut one at a time, and only then does she turn away from the brain creatures to initiate the lock.

"Locked the doors so they should be stuck down here."

<OOC> Dirk says, "Okay, attempting to clear the jam as a move action." GAME: Dirk rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (9)+17: 26 <OOC> Culix says, "Two of the ones in your room, and one of the ones near rune seem hurt. The remaining two seem fine" <OOC> Dirk says, "Okay, unloading on the one fighting Hark." <OOC> Dirk says, "Bonus attack from BoF." <OOC> Dirk says, "I'll eat the AoO from the one on me." GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (13)+17+2+-4: 28 <OOC> Culix says, "You can only get the bonus attack when you full attack, and you can't full attack and use a move action" <OOC> Dirk says, "You can't? x.x" <OOC> Culix says, "No" <OOC> Dirk says, "'cause that's what I did last time my gun jammed. ;_;" <OOC> Culix says, "You can either do a full round action OR a move action and a standard action" <OOC> Culix says, "Yeah, sorry, I missed it that time" <OOC> Dirk says, "Okay, so single attack with Improved Vital Shot." <OOC> Culix says, "Roll it." <OOC> Culix says, "Vital Shot adds precision damage, right?" <OOC> Dirk says, "It triples the damage for a single attack, but the rules text says it's multiplied before adding precision damage." <OOC> Culix says, "Right, yeah" <OOC> Dirk says, "Do you want to use the first attack I rolled, or should I roll a new attack?" <OOC> Culix says, "yeah you can use that roll" <OOC> Culix says, "That's a hit, roll damage" GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d12+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d12+2d6: (5)+2+8+(17)+(11): 43 <OOC> Culix says, "It's badly wounded but not quite dead."

Dirk hops and skips, dancing a merry (or maybe not quite so merry) jig to keep one step ahead of the brainthing gnashing at his feet. As he does, he snaps open his weapon's breech, giving it a good smack and another blow through the chamber to clear it out. CHK-CHAK! "A'right, ye clean-shaven shit, that's the last time ye jam on me!" he growls. He firms up his stance and sights down the barrel, drawing a bead on the thing meanacing Harkashan. BOOM! The bullet flies true, blasting a smear of nasty brain-goop onto the floor. "There ye go, laddie, served up hot an' fresh fer ye!" he calls to his comrade.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Will continue trying to Hack. Will take the BoF Extra Attack" GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (5)+11+8+1: 25 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (10)+11+8+1: 30 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1-5: aliased to bab+wisdom+1-5: (10)+11+8+1+-5: 25 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1-10: aliased to bab+wisdom+1-10: (14)+11+8+1+-10: 24 <OOC> Culix says, "Miss, hit, miss, miss" GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31-5: aliased to 2d6+7-5: (8)+7+-5: 10 <OOC> Culix says, "it's very badly wounded but still barely hanging on" GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

"I am afraid they'd just make whatever you cover them in invisible too. But if you can attach a smell to them, and you're one of those Sith-Makar good with their nose... that could help." Harkashan offers Aelwyn with a little smirk, all as he keeps trying to hack at the invisible critter. He can tell by the blood that it's still there! But he's just not getting any good hits in. Moving his entire body around, it's easy to tell that Harkashan isn't a warrior the likes of Dirk or Aelwyn, but he's certainly not the worst anymore! Getting at least one raking blow in!

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Actually, let's not do that. I'll just do the regulra power attakc shenanigans." GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (6)+18+2+1+-4: 23 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (19)+18+2+1+-4: 36 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4-5: (10)+18+2+1+-4+-5: 22 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4-10: (13)+18+2+1+-4+-10: 20 <OOC> Culix says, "Wiff, hit, wiff, wiff" <OOC> Culix says, "Roll damage" GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (3)+6+12+(3): 24 <OOC> Culix says, "You drop another one" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

"Tch, this one hates magic." The Dragoon mutters underneat his breath. "This one has very little interest in scenting them." He taps the ginger filled mask he had donned on earlier. Still, with a steady step forward, he swings his blade in wide arcs, slashing from all sides - until at last, he connects and squishes the brain into smush. "And stay dead." He growls.

<OOC> Culix says, "Two of them cast CMW, one of them full attacks dirk, one of them just stands there Menacingly!" GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+10: (10)+10: 20 <OOC> Culix says, "A couple of them heal up some" <OOC> Culix says, "FA on dirk" GAME: Culix rolls 18: (18)+18: 36 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (6)+18: 24 GAME: Culix rolls 18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Culix rolls 18: (4)+18: 22 <OOC> Culix says, "One hit" GAME: Culix rolls 1d4+5: (4)+5: 9 GAME: You damaged Dirk for 9 points. 118 HP remaining. <OOC> Culix poses <OOC> Dirk says, "Owie."

Another of the surprisingly durable brains is cut down, this time by Aelwyn's glaive which cleaves the brain in two, splattering it against the wall and floor. Two of the remaining creatures begin to glow with pulsing red light once again, and their wounds begin to knit closed, blood seeping back into their bodies.

Another of them lashes out at Dirk as he deals with his tempermental gun, claws managing to lightly claw at him but not cause significant damage.

The last remaining one stares eyelessly at Rune, it's long pointed tongue trailing out of its mouth, gelatinous grey matter pulsing softly. It's really, really gross. But at present, not managing to harm anyone.,

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 24.
     It is now Rune's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Rune says, "I'll move towards one of the ones in my vision and do single stab, since alas that is all I can do." <OOC> Rune says, "+2/+2 from BoF" GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (19)+22+1+2: 44 (THREAT) GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (7)+22+1+2: 32 <OOC> Culix says, "Crit" GAME: Rune rolls damage1+damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+3+1d6: (6)+3+(1)+3+(4): 17 GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 12.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Dirk is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 8.
     It is now Dirk's turn! Harkashan is next!

<OOC> Dirk says, "Okay, unloading on the braingthing next to me. I'm eating an AoO so might as well get all four attacks on it." GAME: Culix rolls 18: (3)+18: 21 <OOC> Culix says, "It wiffs its aoo" GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (12)+17+2+-4: 27 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (9)+17+2+-4: 24 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-5: aliased to Ranged+2-4-5: (18)+17+2+-4+-5: 28 GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-10: aliased to Ranged+2-4-10: (20)+17+2+-4+-10: 25 (THREAT) <OOC> Culix says, "Roll to confirm" GAME: Dirk rolls shoot-10: aliased to Ranged+2-4-10: (9)+17+2+-4+-10: 14 <OOC> Dirk says, "Nooo." <OOC> Harkashan says, "No confirm, but you do hit." <OOC> Culix says, "Four hits." GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (7)+2+8+(7): 24 GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (1)+2+8+(7): 18 GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (5)+2+8+(12): 27 GAME: Dirk rolls dmg+2d6: aliased to 1d12+2+8+2d6: (9)+2+8+(7): 26

With the door taken care of, Rune turns her attention back to the closest of the brain-creatures, stepping the short distance they won't approach to her before lashing out with her weapon. It's a quick jab, slashing towards part of the brain matter, which it slides neatly through like a knife through butter. The sound is disgusting.

"Ugh. These things are so gross." Says the woman who so frequently gets covered in guts and blood that her sorcerer friends have suggested a wand of prestidigitation. "How is it going over there?" She calls, trying to make sure that she isn't needed in the other room.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 6.
     It is now Harkashan's turn! Aelwyn is next!

Dirk has, by now, had -enough-. He presses his back to the wall, doing his level best to avoid the thing at his feet as it lashes out at him. "Ohh you filthy -thing-! HAVE SOME O' THIS!" He braces and unloads a hail of bullets. Each one smacks into the beastie, leaving faintly glowing craters as the blesses shot blasts out gobs of quivering brain matter. "RARRRRGH! OFF WI' YE!"

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Stabby this one." GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (20)+11+8+1: 40 GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit+1: aliased to bab+wisdom+1: (11)+11+8+1: 31 <OOC> Culix says, "Crit" GAME: Harkashan rolls damage31+damage31: aliased to 2d6+7+2d6+7: (11)+7+(4)+7: 29 <OOC> Dirk says, "Nice!"

As Aelwyn takes down the one nearest to him, Harkashan is quick to give him a thumbs up before rounding around the table to the one that tried to cast at Aelwyn before. "Okay, enough of you!" He roars and makes for a jumping attack from the edge of the table, coming down with a fierce hacking blow! Leaving the critter writhing, but still alive!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 5.
     It is now Aelwyn's turn! Froggy Brains is next!

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll smack at the nearest one near dirk" GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (5)+18+2+1+-4: 22 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4: (8)+18+2+1+-4: 25 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4-5: (4)+18+2+1+-4+-5: 16 GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1-4-10: (11)+18+2+1+-4+-10: 18 <OOC> Culix says, "Miss, miss, miss, miss" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Culix advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 25.
     It is now Froggy Brains' turn! Rune is next!

Aelwyn rushes forward and then rapidly swings at the brain in front of Dirk. Breathing angrily, he pulls his blade and runs his thumb along the sharp burning edge. "This one shall bring this one back." He mutters, as he misses sagain.