PrP: Pumpkin Spice Part 1

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The leaves on the trees of Alexandros are beginning to turn with a vengeance. Your contact at the guild has asked you to look into the matter of a pumpkin patch where at least two of the hired hands on the farm have disappeared in the past week, and the farmer and his family won't go anywhere near it. "I'd send some of our less experienced members," he'd said, "but the village in question is on the far north side of Alexandros, and there are some strange and dangerous things up there. I'd rather send you lot up that far."

So it is that you find yourselves on the road to the northern part of Alexandros, on a brisk fall morning. It is a pretty walk, the sky is blue, the air crisp, the sun shining, and the leaves on the trees are a riot of yellows and golds and reds, with the odd brown and the odd green here and there. You have several days of travel ahead of you.

Erendriel has been getting worked hard by various Elunites. Starknives, lockpicks, you name it. But today she's NOT, so zip a dee doo dah, she's zapping rock with fire as she comes with the others on the road. "I need a flying broomstick," she decides.

The Gobbo lazes about, looking rather tired, though at least she has a mount: Wilfred, her giant worg. She eyes Erendriel and grins toothily. "You'd fall off.", Murder says to her. She sits up at this point, and looks around. "Are we there yet?", she complains.

Olek walks along briskly, keeping pace with the taller folk and showing no signs of tiring. He will occasionally peer into the underbrush and put a hand on his throwing axe, but he hasn't found a good opportunity yet. He doesn't feel the need to comment yet, though he seem pretty eager in his shiny new hand-me-down armor.

Malik is used to travelling on foot, it seems. He keeps up alongside the others, long legs eating plenty of ground as he moves. Erendriel's use of magic draws a bit of a frown from him, but that's nothing unusual, really. "You may come to regret that if we run into something on the road, and you find your reserves exhausted. Unless your final wish is to die on a warm rock? Maybe you'd prefer they didn't eat you raw? Altruistic, that."

Iskandar has a distance-eating stride that has to be more than just his height. He laughs uproariously at the idea of a flying broomstick, then even harder at the suggestion of falling off. "I prefer to have my feet on the ground!" he remarks.

Erendriel stops abruptly when Malik makes his point. Furrowing her brow, she turns around and looks to him. "Wait what? Do... do Wizards run out of cantrips? Becuase I can like, cantrip forever." She does one more for good measure. "And I hope I wouldn't fall off. Have to give it... good handlebars or something."

Murder glances at Malik, and then giggles at Erendriel. "How would handlebars help? The broom can spin around.." The Gobbo twirls a finger in a circle a few times. "You'll be hanging from them an' people will be able to see up yer knickers." She cackles then, and leans forward to ruffle her worg's ears.

Iskandar watches Murder treating the worg like one would a pet. Perhaps it is, he thinks to himself. Then he turns back towards the trail ahead. "Have any of you given thought to what we may face?" His voice turns sly. "Will anyone lay odds with me we will come across the famous white tower?"

Malik just shrugs a shoulder, seemingly not so concerned with whatever is going on that it's worth getting into an extended debate about. There's a strung bow in his hand, just to be on the safe side this far outside of the city, but beyond that the wizard looks fairly relaxed. Though Murder's comment draws a smile from him. "If you're looking to make a name for yourself, there are worse ways to do it." He does give Iskander a brief nod, though. "Feet on the ground is a good strategy." Though the comment about the White Tower makes the smile fade a bit. "If my experience tells me anything, it's that the Towers aren't something that you should wish to encounter."

All in all, it seems to be a good two days' travel to reach this far-flung village where this farmer is near to, and it's about noon on the second day when the trail narrows and closes in on the group as plains and light woods gives way to heavy forest. This one is different from what you've seen thus far, though. The canopy is close, but it's an old forest, with little underbrush, its trees further apart, gnarled and twisted in their reach for the sun. The sun, so bright behind, seems to dim a little here, but the path is clear and straight still, continuing northeasterly. Only a few leaves litter the forest floor, and a preternatural hush seems to hang over the place.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Perception checks, please."
<OOC> Murder says, "Are we at the village?"
GAME: Murder rolls perception: (10)+14: 24
<OOC> Seldan says, "No, you're still about half a day out."
GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (14)+16: 30
GAME: Iskandar rolls perception: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Olek rolls perception: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Erendriel rolls perception: (17)+17: 34

Olek ehs to Iskandar? "What famous white tower is that, then?" He turns to the side and hocks off to the side of the trail as we walk along. He's ignoring the byplay between Murder and Erendriel, though he frowns at Malik knowing what this tower is. "Or is it some secret thing that only cool kids know?"

The Gobbo huffs and peers at Iskandar. "I do hope not. We are not enough to challenge what is supposed to be in its inner chambers. I would have an army with us. A veritable horde of adventerers and clerics and soldiers." Murder looks to Malik and chuckles. "Feet on the ground, indeed. And yeah... you don't want to run into the tower unprepared. Or at all. But we shall have to be up to the task at some point... it is a scourge that needs to be put to the fire."

Erendriel does light a leaf on fire with one shot, but she steps on it and puts it out. "Not again. I've had enough of that tower lately. Too many traps. And I don't want to run the risk of whoever's pulling Kol's strings being a problem."

To (Malik, Murder, Olek, Erendriel), Seldan pages: There is an odd green light off of the trail, some distance away and off to the right.

Iskandar chuckles as Malik phrases it as 'one of the towers' and again at Murder's words. Then he quirks his brow at Olek. "It's something that keeps showing up. Why, these days surely half of the quests the guild sends adventurers on, lead to the tower - or 'a' tower," he winks at Malik, "At some point." He shrugs. "I've fought outside of it - or them if there really are more than one - many times. And I know it's only a matter of time before their tricks run out and we bring it crashing down!" He flashes a smile before sweeping his gaze across the horizon.

Olek peers at Murder, who also seems to know about the tower, and hrms at Iskandar's explanation. "I've been out of circulation for a while, so I haven't seen any towers. When I got to Alexandria, sewer runs were the thing." He peers off to the right at an odd green glow. "What's that?" he wonders.

Murder shakes her head to Iskandar. "I've been inside. Not sure I want to go back." She sits up straight a moment, and tugs on Wilfred's ruff. He stops and she peers the way Olek points. "Yeah, I was going to say... anyone else see that glow?" The Gobbo hops down from her mount and ventures towards the light a few steps, squinting at it. "Not a normal looking fire, that's for certain."

Malik isn't listening to them anymore. Instead, his eyes are on the green light, looking at it curiously. "Sure, I see it," he agrees. "Just wondering if it's something worth putting ourselves in danger for. Whatever -that- is," he notes, "it's probably not natural. And it's almost certainly too far away from wherever we're going to be whatever they're paying us for. I've seen enough random magic in my day to know that you don't poke at something like that unless there's a good reason to."

You can all see it now, a sickly green glow hovering near one of the older trees some distance away, casting a pale light on its apparently dying branches, and on the bright red fruits that hang here and there from its boughs. As you approach, the trees closest to it seem to be stunted, even more twisted, almost - blighted. You can hear the rustlings of small animals nearby.

Seldan pages to Malik: You catch this - there's a black spot on one of those fruits.

Erendriel looks up herself. "Yeah I see it. It's a weird color." she nods to the others. "Wrong color for a fire. Fireworks?" But then the trees start to change. "Or whatever's causing that, is also causing these trees to change..."

Erendriel adds "Also does anyone hear that? These trees sound like they're... displacing some like, small forest life? But I don't actually SEE the animals."

<OOC> Seldan says, "Perception checks, everyone."
GAME: Erendriel rolls perception: (14)+17: 31
GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (17)+16: 33
GAME: Murder rolls perception: (16)+14: 30
GAME: Olek rolls perception: (16)+15: 31
GAME: Iskandar rolls perception: (12)+12: 24
<OOC> Seldan says, "You all catch it, this time. Erendriel is right. You can hear the animals, but ... you haven't seen any for at least the last half hour."

"Are those apples?", the Gobbo wonders of the fruits, and her ears stand up at the sounds of animals nearby. "I hear them, but I do not see them." She blinks. Murder slowly reaches up and starts to pull free her two-handed sword from its spot on her back. "Maybe they're not animals..."

"Don't -- touch -- anything," Malik says, frowning at one of the red fruits on those trees. Something else caught his attention, it seems.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Does anyone here have knowledge/nature, or knowledge/religion?"

Olek looks at it with a puzzled expression. "It's a tree. I've got an axe. Am I the only one that's seeing the obvious solution here?" He shrugs about the animals. It's not natiral, but the unnatural is pretty normal in Alexandria. But he's not touching anything, no. He's brave, not crazy.

GAME: Erendriel rolls knowledge/religion: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Murder says, "Nah, only k/arcana"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "no"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Also, if anyone approaches the tree, let me know."
<OOC> Malik can fake a know/relig.
<OOC> Seldan says, "IF you have either, roll."
<OOC> Murder says, "Are they apples, Seldan?"
GAME: Malik rolls Knowledge/Religion + 2: (18)+6+2: 26
GAME: Malik rolls Knowledge/Nature + 2: (15)+6+2: 23
Seldan pages to Malik: That tree looks dead, but it's not. Say rather that it is undead, a creature that infects every tree around it with its own evil. Those fruits? Are poisonous, and it can throw them.
Seldan pagesto Malik: You remember reading something about these in one of your mother's books....

Malik shakes his head. "They're -- blighted. Or something." He nods to one that he's looking at, pointing to a small black spot on it that looks decidedly unhealthy. "And they're glowing. Smart money says that we leave the black-spotted glowing green apples be. Whatever they are, they probably aren't healthy." The Tsuran keeps a respectable distance from the tree, whatever magic is there something that he doesn't want to get tangled up in. A lifetime in the Vast has made him wary of such effects, it would seem. He concentrates for a moment. "No, not blighted. Undead. And infectious. I've read about these." His eyes widen, and he takes a hasty step back, hand tensing on that bow. "And poisonous. And capable of throwing. Get back!"

"Capable...of throwing?" Iskandar murmurs, voice full of wonder. Then he grows serious. He draws his own bow and takes a few steps back. Then out of instinct he glances around the party - with all their attention likely on the tree, he doesn't want to risk them being caught unaware by something coming from another direction or behind.

Erendriel holds her gown down and starts trotting back as soon as Malik gives his helpful warning.

Murder looks to Malik a moment, takings a few steps back from the tree. "How does a tree become undead? And infectious? Are they what is making the noises?" The Gobbo starts looking through one of the pouches on her belt. "I gots a few spells then... should we burn them? I mean... can you cure a tree of being undead?" She shakes her head and stares at Iskandar a moment. "They're undead and you're worried that they can throw stuff?" Priorities, man!

Olek peers at Malik and asks, "An undead ... tree? Seriously? What, is it from a vegetarian vampire?" He scowls at the tree and draws his axe. "And I know Miss Fire sorceress knows what to do with trees." But she's running off. He grumbles and backs a little, shield braced now, in case of thrown apples.

Without warning, the green glow vanishes, and a wind rustles the evil tree's branches, leaving bright red fruits that hang invitingly - if one ignores the black spots on them. Suddenly, and without warning, a twisted female voice, that of an old crone, cackles quietly from behind the group. "You like my little creation, do you? It's mine, and I'll not have you touching it!" Those who turn around will find that nothing is there!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Seldan has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Seldan to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    26   Erendriel        1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    25   Green Glowing F     
    20   Malik            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    20   Iskandar         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    19   Murder           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    14   Olek             1  
    12   Evil Tree           
GAME: Seldan damaged you for -100 points. 55 HP remaining.
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 26.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Green Glowing Figure is next!
<OOC> Erendriel says, "swift action: AAT. standard action: fireball the tree. move action: move away from both the tree AND where the voice came from"
<OOC> Seldan nods. "Go ahead and pose it.
GAME: Erendriel attempts to cast Fireball but fails due to ASF.
GAME: Erendriel rolls 10d6: (36): 36
<OOC> Murder says, "Oh dear."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Uh-oh."

Erendriel hears the cackle, sees the 'throwing' tree, and makes her move. Pointing, and wiggling her fingers, she shouts a Fireball at the tree, and hustles AGAIN, this time away from the cackling! "Ack!"

<OOC> Erendriel says, "it doesn't fail?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "I invoked AAT but the code doesn't take that into account"
<OOC> Seldan says, "What is your ASF, base?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "10, so AAT nullifies it"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. I'm familiar with the AAT rules as well. :) Very well."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "if it matters (can trees reflex?) DC is 18"
<OOC> Murder says, "First time I've seen a spell fail due to asf, though. :D"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "I forgot about pathfinder ASF and wore leather when I Started here. My literal first spell failed."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. It moves its branches out of the way of the worst of the fire, but it definitely blackened and is unhappy."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 25.
     It is now Green Glowing Figure's turn! Malik is next!
===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    26   Erendriel        1  
 >> 25   Green Glowing F  1   <<
    20   Malik            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    20   Iskandar         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    19   Murder           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    14   Olek             1  
    12   Evil Tree           
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+13: (20)+13: 33
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar, you are very lucky that I rolled that on an attack that has no crit."
GAME: Seldan rolls 8d6: (40): 40
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar, make a Will save, please."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "o_o"
<OOC> Iskandar will use charmed life!
<OOC> Seldan says, "What does that do?"
GAME: Iskandar rolls will+3: (6)+5+3: 14
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Lets me add my charisma bonus to a save"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "is that.. a feat?"
GAME: Iskandar refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Iskandar spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Fail. Iskandar, you are bathed in that same sickly green fire, and you are sickened."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "oh it's a swashbuckler thingy. cool"
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 20.
      It is now Malik's turn! Iskandar is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed ended.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."

Right after Erendriel's fire goes off, a bolt of sickly green fire, the exact color of the light from a moment ago, flashes out of nowhere, striking Iskandar full head-on in the chest. It burns him badly, and seems to linger around him, bathing him in that same sickly green glow. As it appears, though, so does the green light that vanished, only now you can see it clearly. It's a beautiful young woman, at odds with the twisted crone voice, insubstantial except for that nasty green fire that surrounds her.

<OOC> Malik says, "With that kind of bonus on its roll? Mage Armor. Should have thought about that before we started, but oh well!"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. Cast, and pose. :)"

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 20.
     It is now Iskandar's turn! Murder is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar."
GAME: Malik casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 10 DC: 15
<OOC> Iskandar says, "How far away is the woman?"

Malik raises a hand, a small piece of leather between his fingers. He makes a gesture, uttering a word, as his eyes scan for the source of the voice -- but never looking too far away from the immediate threat, especially as it starts lobbing fiery fruit. "Shit."

<OOC> Seldan says, "The green glow, and the tree, are two separate things."
<OOC> Seldan says, "The fruit is not glowing, it's this bright red with those black spots on it."
<OOC> Malik says, "Ohhh."
<OOC> Seldan says, "20 feet, Iskandar."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "Au contraire, the tree is glowing... just because of me ;)"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "kidding"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Green glowing lady just made fire, too."
<OOC> Iskandar will move over to her and punch, using Vital Strike!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Roll to hit."
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2: (4)+16+-2: 18
<OOC> Seldan says, "Ugh. That is a miss, sorry."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Murder's turn! Olek is next!
<OOC> Murder wants to cast Fire Breath on the tree, if it's still uh, not totally burned up?
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murder-the-hobo!"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Go ahead. :)"
GAME: Murder casts Fire Breath. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15
<OOC> Seldan says, "Does that have an attack roll?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "I thought we were the murder hobos"
<OOC> Murder says, "Reflex for halfsies."
GAME: Murder rolls 4d6: (12): 12
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16
<OOC> Murder cries.
<OOC> Seldan says, "You still damaged it, though! It doesn't seem to like that fire very much, either."
<OOC> Olek says, "Most agile tree ever."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Olek's turn! Evil Tree is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek, your turn, bud."

Iskandar steels himself as he's bathed in the greenish glow. He continues to look a bit green, even when the glow fades away. "There was no reason for that," he scowls at the woman as he closes on her. He shifts his bow to the side and swings a wide arcing punch with his other hand, but hits only the air in front if the figure.

The Gobbo squeaks at the sudden voice and she turns around a few times in place, trying to see where it's coming from. "It's a shame you couldn't pretty up your voice!", she calls out. Murder finally pulls out what she was looking for from her pouch: a jalapeno. She pops it into her mouth and crunches down on it, chewing noisily and messily. The Gobbo hiccups and then belches out a torrent of flame onto the slightly singed tree.

<OOC> Olek says, "So, I will approach the caster and take a hack."
<OOC> Seldan says, "The green glowing lady? All right. Roll to hit."
<OOC> Olek says, "I don't guess she's within 5'?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "No."
<OOC> Olek says, "Oh, also raging"
GAME: Olek RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 20 temporary HP
<OOC> Seldan says, "She is within charge, if you want to do that."
<OOC> Olek will charge.
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+17: (3)+17: 20
<OOC> Seldan says, "I'm afraid that is also a miss."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pose it."
<OOC> Olek eyes dice, sighs.
<OOC> Seldan says, "You guys used all your awesome rolls on Perception checks."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 12.
      It is now Evil Tree's turn! Erendriel is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel, what is your touch AC?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "my ony problem is a freaking tree made a reflex save :D"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "****."

Olek has seen the enemy, and it is green. And glowy. Or something. He's certainly -seeing- red, and he howls, barking mad as he says, "It's all over for you!" He charges, mithral boots churning up turf as he charges, getting right in the casters face and shouting imprecations and threats in Khazad so furiously that he forgets to actually swing his axe.

<OOC> Erendriel says, "touch AC 14"
<OOC> Seldan nods.
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d6: (5): 5
<OOC> Erendriel says, "O_O"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel, you just had a fruit thrown at you. Fort save, please."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "enchantment?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "It is not an enchantment."
GAME: Erendriel rolls fort: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d2: (1): 1
<OOC> Erendriel says, "anything I need to know about what this poison does"

Whatever that evil tree is, it does not seem to appreciate the burnination that Erendriel dealt to it. Angrily, it rears its thornyspikyprickly branches back, and -flings- one of those rotten-looking, bright red fruits at the sorceress. It's a bit far away for its aim to be perfect, but it bounces off of her shoulder, leaving a good bruise, and a spreading sickly feeling as some of the juice splatters across her skin.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Just CON damage."
      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 26.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Green Glowing Figure is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "AAT, Fireball, keep my distance from both threats"
GAME: Erendriel attempts to cast Fireball but fails due to ASF.
<OOC> Erendriel says, "hahahahaha"
GAME: Erendriel rolls 10d6: (39): 39
<OOC> Seldan says, "Wow, that's amazing."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

Erendriel is almost offended when she gets hit by an apple. She whirls around, and while she does look a little queasy a moment, she shakes her head, an dpoints. "Haven't had enough?" she says sharply with a glare, before pointing again, and sending another bright, loud explosion of fire into the shockingly agile thing that is literally rooted into place.

<OOC> Seldan says, "You are still ruining its day, though."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 25.
      It is now Green Glowing Figure's turn! Malik is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+13: (8)+13: 21
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek, what is your touch AC?"
<OOC> Olek says, "14"
GAME: Seldan rolls 8d6: (26): 26
<OOC> Seldan says, "Mm. Should that take from temp hp first?"
<OOC> Olek says, "It did, but my temp HP was showing wrong"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Oh, I see."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek, a will save, please."
GAME: Olek rolls will: (14)+7: 21
<OOC> Seldan says, "You are also sickened, and bathed in that green fire."
<OOC> Olek should have had 20 temp HP, so take 6. I assume that DR does't apply?
<OOC> Seldan says, "It's an incorporeal touch attack that is fire."
<OOC> Olek says, "And +2 save vs spells and poisons if either of those applies?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "No."
<OOC> Olek says, "OK"
<OOC> Seldan says, "There, that ought to correctly account for your temp HP, is that right?"
<OOC> Olek says, "Yep. A couple more hits and I'll be below 100 HP."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Don't tempt me."
<OOC> Olek :)
<OOC> Seldan :D
<OOC> Murder  :D

The green glowing woman is still insubstantial, but this time remains visible, if translucent. She reaches out to touch Olek, and a bolt of that same green fire slams into him, leaving him bathed in it as well and with a sickly feeling. "Do you truly think that you can touch me?" she laughs, the sound almost a cackle. "I suggest you give it up now!"

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 20.
      It is now Malik's turn! Iskandar is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik says, "Well. I have arrows! I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say that arrows are gonna be more effective against the green glowy woman than the tree. So. Full attack on the green glowy woman?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. Are they magical?"
<OOC> Malik says, "They are."
<OOC> Seldan nods. Full attack. Roll them all.
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 2 - 2: (14)+7+6+2+1+1+- 2+- 2: 35
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 2 - 2: (8)+7+6+2+1+1+- 2+- 2: 29
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 2 - 2: (14)+7+6+2+1+1+- 2+- 2: 35
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow - 5: aliased to 1d20 + 7 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 - 2 - 2 - 5: (14)+7+6+2+1+1+- 2+- 2+- 5: 40
<OOC> Murder  O.O
<OOC> Seldan says, "There is something funky ..."
<OOC> Seldan says, "I think that last should be 30 instead of 40."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "it's the spaces between the - and the 2 I think?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "happened to me once"
<OOC> Malik says, "That's a thing? O_o"
<OOC> Seldan says, "No matter. For each of those, roll me 1d100, Malik. For everyone, this is an incorporeal creature. 1-50 always misses, and 51-100 always hits."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "yes, you have to write -2, -5, etc. or it doesn't work right sometimes."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d100: (24): 24
GAME: Malik rolls 1d100: (28): 28
GAME: Malik rolls 1d100: (65): 65
GAME: Malik rolls 1d100: (33): 33
<OOC> Seldan says, "All four connect, but three go right through her. The last one lands and does damage. ROll it."
<OOC> Malik thinks that that doesn't apply to attacks, though? Only spells and effects that don't do damage, right?
<OOC> Seldan says, "For physical attacks with a magical weapon on an incorporeal creature, there is a flat 50 miss chance."
<OOC> Malik nods. "Right on. :)
GAME: Malik rolls 1d8 + 1 + 3 + 4: (1)+1+3+4: 9
<OOC> Olek says, "Unless you have like Ghost Touch or something."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Ghost Touch, or getting a spell like Ghostbane Dirge to connect."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You damaged the green glowing lady! Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 20.
      It is now Iskandar's turn! Murder is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar, what would you like to do?"
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Can I move around to flank her with Olek, and still do a full attack?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Sure, I'll let you do that."
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Okay! Punching"
<OOC> Iskandar says, "Oh and also"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yes?"
<OOC> Iskandar sorry, also will fight defensively
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2-2: (18)+16+-2+2+-2: 32
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2-2-5: (9)+16+-2+2+-2+-5: 18
<OOC> Seldan says, "Blanking on what that does. +4 to AC at a minus to hit?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "The first one will hit, the second does not."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Roll 1d100 to see if you actually get her."
<OOC> Iskandar knows Crane Style so he gets a +4 to AC at -2 to hit
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d100: (32): 32
<OOC> Seldan says, "It goes right through her. Sorry!"
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 19.
      It is now Murder's turn! Olek is next!
<OOC> Murder says, "How is the tree doing? Murder will breath on it again."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murderhobo!"

Iskandar circles around the figure so that she is trapped between himself and Olek. He swings again but his fist doesn't make contact. Frustration shows on Iskandar's features (which are already twisted in discomfort).

<OOC> Seldan says, "What's the range on that breath?"
<OOC> Murder says, "15'"
<OOC> Murder says, "She'd move close enough to get it."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Oh dear. Tree has a 15' reach, does that breath provoke?"
<OOC> Murder says, "Ish spell."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Then it provokes. Do you still want to do?"
<OOC> Murder says, "Cast once, has three breaths in 7 rounds."
<OOC> Murder says, "Sure."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Oh! So you have already cast before you were in range."
<OOC> Seldan says, "It's just breathing now."
<OOC> Murder says, "It gets a reflex to save for half."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Murder rolls 2d6: (2): 2
<OOC> Murder says, "Welp."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You lit a matchstick?"
<OOC> Murder shrugs. "The dice are shit. xD"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pose it. Man."
<OOC> Murder says, "Doesn't it attack me?"
<OOC> Olek says, "Wow. That's the most spectacularly goofed up luck I've seen in a while."
<OOC> Seldan says, "That's right, it does."
<OOC> Murder waits on that.
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (16)+17: 33
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (2)+6: 8
<OOC> Murder says, "It'd hit even on a 1."
<OOC> Murder says, "THough my sheet isn't taking into account two magical items for ac. *shrugs*"
<OOC> Murder says, "Ow."
<OOC> Murder poases.
<OOC> Seldan says, "You get smacked with a thorny branch!"
<OOC> Murder *poses.
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 14.
      It is now Olek's turn! Evil Tree is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek."
<OOC> Olek will full attack, power attack.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Do it."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Rargh and all."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+12: (14)+12: 26

The Gobbo continues to be underfoot in places, and once more, turns to face the tree. The gout of fire is both less impressive and less damaging than before, and Murder squeaks! when the tree flails a thorny branch at her, leaving welts and drawing blood.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Both will connect, Olek. Roll to see if you hit it."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d100: (88): 88
GAME: Olek rolls 1d100: (22): 22
<OOC> Seldan says, "First hits! Second does not, but you get to do damage! Roll."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d10+14: (2)+14: 16
<OOC> Seldan says, "She doesn't like you anymore. Pose."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 12.
      It is now Evil Tree's turn! Erendriel is next!
<OOC> Olek says, "Oh, she's not an evil outsider, is she?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "The green glowing lady? No."
<OOC> Olek does extra damage against them, so wanted to check
<OOC> Seldan says, "Fair."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (16)+17: 33
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (19)+17: 36
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (2)+17: 19
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (10)+17: 27

Olek is frothing mad now, and if he's sickened, it's hard to tell. Well, he was just about foaming at the mouth -before- the woman did that to him. Now, he's EVEN MORE MAD. This should not be possible, but it's so, and he swings the waraxe now, faint nimbus of heavenly light and all, straight at the woman, as if intending to cut her in half. It's important to have goals. He flails away with savage axe blows, one of which seems to actually even hurt her, though the other passes through her form with no effect.

GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (1)+6: 7
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (1)+6: 7
<OOC> Murder says, "Uh, ow. ;.;"
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+24: (19)+24: 43
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murder, you are grappled in one of the branches."
<OOC> Murder says, "Well, I'm ded."
<OOC> Seldan says, "No, you aren't. I think you still have a fire breath left."
<OOC> Murder says, "Though, eheh. Carry on."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "oh god so I can't fireball it now?"

The evil tree's supernaturally pliable branches flail as if in a hurricane, flailing at the hapless gobber with spikey and thorny ends that feel like whips as they strike. One grabs her by the waist and coils around her, lifting her up high into the air as a few of the fruits drop off the tree onto the ground. What is really strange is, as they do so, it grows more to replace them - in a matter of seconds.

<OOC> Seldan says, "You can, but you have to place it more carefully. It's a 15x15 creature with a 15' reach."
      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 26.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Green Glowing Figure is next!
<OOC> Erendriel says, "ok can I fireball the tree without hurting the girl gobbo"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel, I forgot last round. Make me another fort save."
GAME: Erendriel rolls fort: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Seldan says, "That is the end of the poison."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "cool"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yes, Erendriel, but it requires more careful placement."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "ok so AAT, move so I can place the fireball, and fire"
GAME: Erendriel casts Fireball. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18
GAME: Erendriel rolls 10d6: (33): 33
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18
<OOC> Erendriel says, "come on"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "most mobile tree ever"
<OOC> Olek says, "Be glad it doesn't have evasion."
<OOC> Murder says, "Ya still hurt it at least."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "one hopes it's been taking double vuln damage all along" (DM Aside: Vulnerability is +50%, not double.)
<OOC> Seldan says, "You did! The good news is that it really doesn't seem to like fire very much."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "which means one missed save might be killing it at any time"

Erendriel sees what the tree does to Murder, and points. "No. No, stop it, stop it, don't make me turn you into a holiday morning." She shift,s making sure she can fireball the thing from the correct side, and gives it a THIRD blasting of firey goodness.

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 25.
      It is now Green Glowing Figure's turn! Malik is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (8)+17: 25
GAME: Seldan rolls 8d6: (26): 26
<OOC> Olek says, "Bad touch. ;.;"
<OOC> Seldan says, "That is not a mistake, witchflame gives you vulnerability to fire as well."
<OOC> Olek says, "Ahhhh."
<OOC> Seldan says, "I knew you'd have questions, so I thought it best to say so. :)"
<OOC> Olek was thinking she empowered it or something.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Nope, it's that greeny glowing crap that you're wrapped in."
<OOC> Olek is just grumbling that her stuff doesn't draw AoO's.

The woman isn't cackling anymore, or smiling, as the fighters are starting to get to her. This time, she scowls, a preternaturally exaggerated look of anger, and reaches out to touch Olek again. This time, the bolt that slams out burns much, much worse than the first one did as that green glow joins the one alreadsy there in a nimbus around the khazad.

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 20.
      It is now Malik's turn! Iskandar is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik says, "Second verse, same as the first."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Do it, bro."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You have Precise Shot, right?"
<OOC> Malik says, "I do."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Good. Roll."
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (10)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 23
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (7)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 20
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (4)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 17
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow -5: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2 -5: (1)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2+-5: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Malik sighs.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Those all miss, I am sorry."
<OOC> Malik nods.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 20.
      It is now Iskandar's turn! Murder is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar."

Malik fires off a volley of arrows, only one of them seeming to hit the woman. He frowns, then releases another -- and none of them find their target. "You're kidding," he mutters.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar?"
<OOC> Iskandar sorry - same as before 2 punches but will drop the fighting defensively
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2: (19)+16+-2+2: 35
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2-5: (8)+16+-2+2+-5: 19
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d100: (90): 90
<OOC> Seldan says, "First hits - and does damage! Roll for damage."
GAME: Iskandar rolls 2d6+10: (12)+10: 22
<OOC> Seldan says, "Very nice. You have her attention, now. Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 19.
     It is now Murder's turn! Olek is next!

<OOC> Seldan says, "Murder. You are grappled. What is your pleasure?" <OOC> Seldan says, "One moment, I have a screen full of tabby floof." <OOC> Malik says, "I mean, being grappled, obvs. Gobbos are big on cuddles." <OOC> Murder says, "One more breath. Can I still breath on it while grappled?" <OOC> Seldan says, "Yes."

Iskandar shakes his head in an attempt to clear his senses. He realizes the ghostly witch has turned her attention to Olek. Which is exactly whay he was hoping would happen by attacking her from so many different sides. Iskandar has an opportunity to punch her in the upper back. "We know your tricks now!" he warns her. "Leave off before we are forced to destroy you!"

GAME: Murder rolls 1d6: (1): 1
<OOC> Murder says, "Well, that's the minimum. GDI."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "ont he upside it did two at least"
<OOC> Seldan says, "However, it dislikes fire enough that it dropped you."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You're now inside its reach."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 14.
      It is now Olek's turn! Evil Tree is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek."

Murder screams as the tree wraps her in a spiny embrace and hefts her into the air. She draws a ragged and shallow breath, and breathes out one more gout of flame. The tree lets her go, and she drops to the ground with a thump. "Owwww.", she whines, struggling to sit up.

<OOC> Olek says, "Same as before, full attack, power attack"
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+15: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29
GAME: Olek rolls 1d100: (85): 85
<OOC> Seldan says, "You connect! Roll damage."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d10+14: (8)+14: 22
<OOC> Seldan says, "She's looking a little ragged in places, as much as a shade can be said to."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 12.
      It is now Evil Tree's turn! Erendriel is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31
<OOC> Seldan says, "Good thing that that is a touch attack."

Olek is burning a glowing green, though it's not clear whether it's the magic or how angry he is. Somewhere past furious enough that his rage alone should set her hair on fire, he swings the axe with the fury of the heavens, or at least with a full mad on, hacking mercilessly at the witch, for what good it seems to do. He's absolutely giving it his full effort, though, glowy axe whirling through the incorporeal form as if it wasn't there. Which in a way it isn't, which is sort of the whole problem. But the incorporeal form takes another wound anyhow, his willpower and fury making up for his other failings.

GAME: Seldan rolls 1d6: (1): 1
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murder, it just hit you with one of those rotten pieces of fruit. Splatter. Fort save, please."
GAME: Murder rolls fort: (14)+9: 23
<OOC> Seldan says, "You are good! It's nasty, but you feel no ill effects."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Since I seem to recall that ranged touch attacks provoke AoO, take one."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You're threatening it because it dropped you."
<OOC> Murder says, "Okay, sword time!"
GAME: Murder rolls weapon9: (17)+12: 29
<OOC> Seldan says, "Nice.What sort of sword is it?"
GAME: Murder rolls 1d10+2: (5)+2: 7
<OOC> Murder says, "Two handed."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Any special qualities?"
<OOC> Murder says, "One sec."
<OOC> Murder says, "Masterwork."
<OOC> Seldan nods. Thank you! Noted. Your sword cuts into it!
<OOC> Erendriel says, "how will it not die :D"

Meanwhile, over by the evil tree, Murder has managed to -persuade- the thing to let her go, but ot rears back a branch to pelt her with one of those rotten fruit. It splatters nastily over the gobbor, but leaves an opening and gets a sword cut in its side for its trouble.

      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 26.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Green Glowing Figure is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "one last fireball, AAT"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right."
GAME: Erendriel attempts to cast Fireball but fails due to ASF.
<OOC> Erendriel says, "oh my god"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "good thing I have AAT"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "that is only a 10 percent failure from mithral chain shirt"
<OOC> Seldan nods.
GAME: Erendriel rolls 10d6: (36): 36
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20

Erendriel sighs when the tree puts Murder down after what, was that a tiny spark or something? "Now back off!" she snaps, sending her LAST fireball at the thing. "DIE!"

<OOC> Seldan says, "She is still doing damage. It's looking really, really fried now."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 25.
      It is now Green Glowing Figure's turn! Malik is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+13: (15)+13: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls 8d6: (27): 27
<OOC> Erendriel says, "now watch as Murder will get the killing blow after I've pumped 100 points of fire damage into it :D"

The glowing green woman's face distorts into a horrendous mask of agony and fury, stretching in impossible ways into a yawning nothingness and back. She stabs out a finger now, no longer beatiful but more of a claw despite the face, and more of that garish green fire crackles around Iskandar. "NO! You will not stop me!"

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 20.
      It is now Malik's turn! Iskandar is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik says, "Same thing."
<OOC> Malik says, "It's all I got really."
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (5)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 18
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (3)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 16
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2: (14)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2: 27
GAME: Malik rolls Longbow -5: aliased to 1d20+7+6+2+1+1-2-2 -5: (1)+7+6+2+1+1+-2+-2+-5: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Seldan says, "The third one could hit."
<OOC> Malik says, "That seems statistically improbable."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d100: (84): 84
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yes."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Roll damage."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d8 + 1 + 3 + 4: (6)+1+3+4: 14
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pretty good hit."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 20.
     It is now Iskandar's turn! Murder is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar."
<OOC> Murder grins at Erendriel, "I get two attacks a turn so..."

Malik frowns, nocking more arrows. Erendriel seems to have the tree under control. The green woman, however, remains elusive. Two arrows pass through her, and then a third. Finally, though, the fourth one seems to find its mark, however, plunging in deeply. The last arrow -- he somehow manages to drop, the shaft falling through his fingers as he tries that fluid motion to bring it to the string once more.

<OOC> Iskandar will rage! And attack some more
GAME: Iskandar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 20 temporary HP
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2: (13)+16+-2+2: 29
GAME: Iskandar rolls 16-2+2-5: (1)+16+-2+2+-5: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d100: (27): 27
<OOC> Iskandar sobs
<OOC> Seldan says, "The first could hit - but goes through her. Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 19.
      It is now Murder's turn! Olek is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murderhobo."
<OOC> Murder says, "She ish gonna wack at the tree old school."
GAME: Murder RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 16 temporary HP
GAME: Murder rolls weapon9: (19)+14: 33 (THREAT)
<OOC> Seldan says, "Confirm that please."
<OOC> Murder says, "If I am rolling threat, do I just roll the same thing again?"
GAME: Murder rolls weapon9: (4)+14: 18
<OOC> Murder says, "Fu dice."
<OOC> Murder says, "Second attack."
GAME: Murder rolls weapon9-5: (13)+14+-5: 22
<OOC> Seldan says, "Normal hit, go ahead with the second attack."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Miss."
<OOC> Seldan says, "The first one connects, though."
GAME: Murder rolls 1d10+3+2: (1)+3+2: 6

Iskandar wavers on his feet. He can feel his strength ebbing. But suddenly his eyes blaze. Veins and tendons bulge. His eyes are suddenly bloodshot. And his breath seems to mist as he exhales forcefully. Clenching a fist, he swings massive blows...that again pass harmlessly through the enemy.

<OOC> Seldan says, "You damage it again! Tree whacker."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 14.
      It is now Olek's turn! Evil Tree is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Olek."

The Gobbo snorts and quivers, and then bares her teeth and yells wordlessly at the tree. Her eyes suddenly glow red, and she brings her sword up and down upon the tree's trunk. "DIE YOU STUPID FAKE APPLE TREE!!"

<OOC> Olek says, "Same again."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+15: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Olek rolls 1d100: (55): 55
<OOC> Seldan says, "The second could hit. And does. Damage."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d10+14: (2)+14: 16
<OOC> Seldan says, "Very good. You damage her again!"
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Four - Init 12.
      It is now Evil Tree's turn! Erendriel is next!

Olek grows savagely at the woman, the thin veneer of civilization having faded long ago in this frantic fight. He's looking worse for wear, thhough he doesn't act like it, axe swinging in a deadly arc that promises severed limbs and gushers of blood and gore. Sadly, neither of those things are applicable to this ghostly attacker, and his mighty axeblows mainly serve to tire him out. They occasionally seem to annoy her also, which suits him fine, and he shouts something incomprehensible in Khazad at her, along the lines of "Die horribly in a fire!" He's not entirely coherent.

GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (11)+17: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+17: (10)+17: 27
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+24: (15)+24: 39
<OOC> Murder says, "Ow. ;.;"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Murder, you are grappled again."

_Chop me down, will you?_ the evil tree seems to say as those black, gnarled, spiky branches reach down, lashing like whips at the gobber and grabbing her once again by the waist, waving her high in the air. Worse still, the marks the sword made in that gnarled tree trunk seem to be healing over, almost as one watches. It's as if something profane is knitting it back together.

      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 26.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Green Glowing Figure is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel."
<OOC> Erendriel sighs
<OOC> Erendriel says, "aat, scorching ray on the mary lou retton of trees here"
GAME: Erendriel casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (16)+9: 25
<OOC> Seldan says, "That is ranged touch, right?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "correct"
<OOC> Seldan says, "It's a TREE."
<OOC> Seldan says, "It might be Nadia Comaneci, but it's still a tree. You hit."
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (19): 19
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (13): 13
<OOC> Erendriel says, "make that 130 damage I've pumped into it :D"

Erendriel realizes she can't fireball anymore right now. That queasy look is magnified, but only for a moment, so she makes the most dismissive of magical somatic gestures, and fires two rays at this tree. "Dodge this!" Spoilers: it didn't. And in fact the thing creaks, and collapses, making her give an actual leap and a giggle, upset stomach or no.

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 25.
      It is now Green Glowing Figure's turn! Malik is next!

The fall of the tree draws a shriek of agony and rage from the shade-woman, and she immediately screams, a blood-curdling sound. Abandoning her pursuers, she turns and flies off like a streak of radioactive fire through the night.

<OOC> Seldan says, "AoO, Iskandar and Olek."
GAME: Olek rolls 1d20+15: (9)+15: 24
<OOC> Seldan says, "That could hit, Olek."
GAME: Iskandar rolls 18: (13)+18: 31
GAME: Olek rolls 1d100: (34): 34
<OOC> Seldan says, "You too, Iskandar."
GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d100: (98): 98
<OOC> Seldan says, "Iskandar, you connect, Olek, you do not. Damage, Iskandar."
GAME: Iskandar rolls 2d6+12: (4)+12: 16
<OOC> Seldan says, "...exact change. You destroyed her, Iskandar. Pose."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Five - Init 20.
      It is now Malik's turn! Iskandar is next!

Iskandar looks unsteady. If it weren't for his battle-rage he'd likely have collapsed. But when the shade turns to withdraw, he barks in outrage. He swings again and this time connects. The fist punches through the space between woman's shoulder blades and emerges from her other side. The figure is suspended for a moment before fading away.

Murder moans, having again dropped to the ground when the tree finally gave up the ghost. "Is.. is it over.", she mumbles, face down in the dirt.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Free RP. I'm leaving the timestop up in case people want to do some healing."
<OOC> Murder would love some healing. ;.;
GAME: Murder ends her rage.
<OOC> Olek says, "Do any of us have healing?"
<OOC> Malik is a wizard, not a doctor.
GAME: Olek ends his rage.
GAME: Iskandar ends his rage.

Malik puts the bow away as the enemies seem to fall, looking around at the various damage. "That went well," he sighs. "This is why you don't go off the road to examine strange glows." But it's clear that he's at least concerned for the wounded -- not that there's much he can do about that

Erendriel walks up to the dead tree, and kicks one of the fallen branches. "Hmph." She then looks around. "I don't have any sort of healing ability."

Iskandar stares down for a moment at the spot where the shade was standing. He slowly regains his breath - and his composure. After a moment he looks at the others. "Better that we met this evil and vanquished it, than some other less sturdy traveller encountered it."

Olek nearly collapses after Iskandar strikes the woman down, sinking to his knees, panting hard, breathless. "Well," he says after a few moments. "This may delay us on our journey more than we planned." He shakes his head to Malik. "No, no. If it took this much effort, how badly would young adventurers who got sent here fare? What about farmers who discovered it. No, it was well that it was us who found it, and that we decided to investigate."

"The hag got away.", the Gobbo mumbles, a bit wobbly on her feet. "We.. we might have.. go back to town." She is bleeding from several deep gashes and punctures. "Any... anyone have any healing potions? Kin trade... trade for haste."

<OOC> Murder says, "Are we done then, for the evening?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yes. Do you want to go back to town? I have a second encounter planned, but would you like to do an event continue?"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "it's past 11pm for me, I am in favor doubly of going home and doing round two in the future"
<OOC> Murder says, "It's ... yeah, I have to get up in about 6 hours so."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "they're hurt and I'm out of fireballs"
<OOC> Seldan says, "And you've been poisoned."
<OOC> Murder says, "Not the Gobbo though."
<OOC> Seldan says, "No, the gobbo got the stuffing beat out of her with thorny branches."
<OOC> Malik says, "The cautious archer, who stayed well the hell back, is fine. :D"
<OOC> Olek says, "We're pretty messed up, alltogether. I'm a bit over half HP, Eren's out of Fireballs. Murder's been chewed on."
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. You lot go back to town - you can probably go to Wilderness Pointe to patch up."
<OOC> Murder goes to lay in a temple for healings. D:
<OOC> Erendriel says, "I took con damage but I'm otherwise in good shape. nearest town should do."
<OOC> Seldan says, "If you want to, that is fine."
<OOC> Murder says, "Well, if there is healing at Wilderness Point, we can go there."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "I think a full march back would be overkill if it's avoidable"
<OOC> Seldan says, "I'm not sure if there is."
<OOC> Murder says, "If there is not, well, Murder is one good hit death."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "if it's not avoidable it's not avoidable :D"
<OOC> Murder says, "*from death."
<OOC> Olek can rest to recover, if need be. But I've just got HP damage and sickness.
<OOC> Seldan says, "It's up to you, decide among yourselves where you went, adn let me know."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "if you don't know if there's healing at Wilderness Point, then we're going all the way back to recover"
<OOC> Murder will go to town. Has a mount so can catch up.
<OOC> Erendriel says, "natural healing is pretty slow isn't it"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "like a few hp a day sort of thing? going back is way faster."
<OOC> Iskandar nods. I'm willing to go on to that farm and spend a night there if he'll allow it. Not much healing but better than nothing.