PrP: Portal Trouble

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The Wards of the Invisible Path have detected portal activity out in the forest and need some bold adventurers to go and see what's going on. Is it random or purposeful? Where does it go? Is it stable? You'll need to find out and try to escape alive.

Bahken: An attractive, dark-skinned human in brightly colored clothes.

Duncan: 'Tall' Khazad youth with a Digger.

Lothos: Human male, dark hair, regular clothing, no armor.

Lyrana: War Golem with a sunburst on its breastplate.

Zarr: Tall, scarlet-hued Sith'Makar, powerfully built

The Wards of the Invisible Path are the guardians of the portal to Am'shere and as such they apparently also keep tabs on other portal activity in the Alexandria area, even if just to know about the competition. Today there is a job posting looking for adventurers to locate and explore a new portal that has apparently opened in the forests near the city, they want it checked out and if possible made safe or closed.

You have all signed up for this duty and are currently travelling through the snowy woods, following the indications of a device of artifice that points the way. It's cold and damp but at least it isn't snowing. Yet.

Zarr moves with the silence his people are known for, the quiet and care and caution...

...of a growling, snarling,. hatefully muttering adamant-clad warrior.

"...muttermutterIce and cold and stupid ciytmuttermuttermutter." Zarr trudges sullenly along in tried and true form, steamkettle breath hot on the air.

Bahken rides his light warhorse quietly, with his bow out across his pommel. He gives a nod to the others asking curiously, "So, do you suppose they want us to actually step THROUGH the portal? or just peek at what comes through?" he asks, curious how much he should ask for in hazard pay. He keeps his cloak tight about him against the damp.

Lothos has some nice warm clothing on. He doesnt seem too bothered by the trip. "You know. Once i was with a group that had to herd a creature back to a portal. Thing was as big as a castle. "

Duncan stands next to his Khazad Digger, going over his own gear. Mostly this consists of rummaging through his handy haversack and making sure everthing is where he left it.

"If it is warmer than here, I shall be first through!" The scarlet Makar growls hatefully, glowering at the ice and snow and wind as though they were SINGULARLY responsible for his temper!

The ignore him, of course. Such is the way of the winter cold.

The woods are silent as you trudge your way along, but you are pretty sure you are getting close when you stumble across a small cabin built up against a large rock face. There is no sign of current inhabitation, the snow is undisturbed since the last snowfall last night and the chimney is not smoking. The direction-finder points right at it.

Duncan's brow furrows. "Warm? Through the portal? Hot, you mean. It's like a steam bath out there." He finally settles on a bow of his own. "Worse than the hottest Alexandria summer." He bellows a laugh, then quiets down once the cabin comes into view. "Let's do this subtly," he suggest, as odd as it sounds coming from a Khazad riding a huge landshark.

Lothos has some nice warm clothing on. He doesnt seem too bothered by the trip. "You know. Once i was with a group that had to herd a creature back to a portal. Thing was as big as a castle. "

Lothos looks at Duncan, "Sneak? Well, can't hurt I suppose, but I find most things crawling about out of these portals have a good sense of smell. Hiding doesnt stop them finding you."

GAME: Lothos rolls stealth: (12)+12: 24

Zarr turns his glare towards the Digger-mounted dwarf. It is HOT in there! Might be. "Bah," he growls, glancing back at the abandoned cabin, its woefully cold chimney. "Subtle is for poncy elves and finger-wigglers." He gestures mockingly at the cabin, muttering another curse against the cold under his breath as he shrugs the thick cloak on his shoulders aside. Unprofessional a stealer-upon hunter he miay be, but the long, sleek warclaws he slides to either hand leave nothing to doubt about his singular focus.

"When you feel ready," Zarr adds with a low growl.

GAME: Zarr rolls Stealth: (11)+1: 12

Bahken brings his mount up short, he may not be woody enough to catch the lack of tracks, but he's good enough to look around to see if others might be watching them. Finally he notes the compass, then looks over at dragonman covered in sturdy looking armor, "Maybe it will be warmer inside..." he suggests softly.

GAME: Bahken rolls stealth: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Just jump in."

Lyrana moves along with the others. THe golem isn't as bothered by the cold as some and is rather silent as they go.

GAME: Lyrana rolls stealth: (18)+-4: 14

GAME: Duncan rolls stealth: (18)+7: 25

Duncan slides off of his mount and creeps up towards the cabin, unlimbering his large waraxe as he approaches. He moves all the way to the door and places an ear against it. Then he glances around, for a volunteer likely.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Perception, Duncan?"

<OOC> Zarr will come up behind, opening the door as well if none else wish to.

Lothos will sneak up with Duncan, grinning and looking around carefully. His weasel peeks its head out of his satchel, sniffing the air.

Lyrana moves forward with the others, and cocks her head to the side. She glances towards the cabin for a moment and then around at the others, she isn't one of the sneaky ones so she isn't going to just approach unless they all do, though she does pull her mace and shield out.

GAME: Lothos rolls perception+2: (18)+10+2: 30

GAME: Zarr rolls Perception: (13)+2: 15

GAME: Duncan rolls perception: (16)+8: 24

After some sneaking and listening that turns up nothing you eventually open the door. Inside it's dark and silent, nothing moves. Theere are the remains of a fire, a small sized bed against one wall, and a curtain blocking the way into what must be the only other room in this small cabin.

A hunter on the snow. Zarr moves as a hungry raptor might, tailtip quivering as his focus grows laser-sighted, keen-- watching the cabin with an eager intensity. He does his best to follow the directions for silence.... Precious little that does to halt the faint crunch of snow underfoot, the crush of claws against powder. Like tiny bones breaking. He pauses as Dincan glances around, nodding silently. CLaws glitter as he reaches to press the door, slowly at first, then-- a hard shove.

Cold air swirling as he enters, the Makar scents the air, pausing as he takes quick, sharp-- *COLD*--- breaths. "Bah," he growls, muttering, eyeing the curtain.

"Well, that was anticlimatic." Lothos looks around for a bit, "If you feel an earthquake, its likely one of those giant castle critters. Where is that portal anyhow? Can we make this like a base while we scout around? No one wants to sleep in the snow right?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The indicator still points into the cabin."

Duncan is close on Zarr's heals, before he steps aside to make room for even more of the party to crowd in. He focuses on the curtain as well. "Maybe the portal is in the next room," he grunts.

Bahken dismounts and secures his horse and any others that might have been left in anticipation of a fight, then moves towards the cabin and steps in behind Zarr and Duncan. He keeps his bow in his hand and nods to Duncan.. "Could be..."

<OOC> Bahken says, "The cabin is built up against a rock face.. is there a wall on that side, or is it the other room?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Shall we find out? Zarr could rip the curtain down."

<OOC> Duncan says, "After you :)"

Lothos shrugs, and starts to explore the cabin and all its rooms. "If we have to bash down a wall, we do that. Could be a cave, secret smugglers hideout perhaps?"

The Scarlet eyes the curtain for a moment, steam-breath whispering from his nostrils. "Maybe we ssshould set the cabin on fire," he suggests.

He might be joking. Maybe.

Metal-clad clawtips clicking on the floor, he moves to the cloth curtain, removing it by the expedient measure of simply ripping it down.

The next room is a lot less standard for a cabin in the woods. There is a table with a few books on it, but importantly the back wall is the face of the large rock the cabin is built against, and there are... symbols painted onto it. Arcane symbols in a large circle, and the rock in the circle ripples slowly as if it were water. That's not normal rock behavior at all.

Lyrana cocks her head to the side, "Well that would be it, it would seem." as she steps in with the others now and looks around.

Duncan gives his best attempt at a knowing nod. "That's the portal all right, or my beard is blue." He peers at it before glancing at Zarr. "Is this anything like the other one? The one to your land?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Know Arcane or Planes would be appropriate here."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And this is nothing like the one to Am'shere."

GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/arcana: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+18: 27

Zarr grimaces with a hiss, a shudder that rattles the metal frame. "Mage-things," he snarls, sketching a ward against evil on the air. "Definitely should burn it down. Thissss place. Hssk!" He grates his teeth together, staring at the portal with reluctance. "No. It is not Queen magic. Not silver magic. Mage-things!"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Can I roll both?!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Please do."

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/The Planes: (11)+15: 26

GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/the planes: (7)+8: 15

Lothos pauses, looking over the diagram. "I wonder if we can somehow erase this...I have a dispelling magic prepared actually."

You paged Bahken with 'Certainly a portal, created by someone. Should be stable while the painted marks last but removing them might be risky without more knowledge.'

You paged Lothos with 'Certainly a portal, created by someone. Should be stable while the painted marks last but removing them might be risky without more knowledge. Probably goes to the Elemental Plane of Earth, and is probably safe on the other side, at least immediately.'

Bahken steps closer, looking over the symbols... "Well, that may be necessary if we determine the portal needs to be sealed.. but first we need to make that determination, yes?" he asks curiously. "I'm not sure removing the symbols would be safe though..."

Duncan says, "We're supposed to explore it, aren't we? We should at least see where it leads...what if it takes us into the heart of Dragonier. Could be just what the other nations need to bring the fight to the enemy's door. Or to Feld Mor...we could give those poor fools some relief."

Lothos shakes his head, eyeing some of the symbols. "Elemental plane of earth I think....your digger will love it."

The portal-rock ripples slowly.

Zarr hisses softly, eyeing the portal with no small suspicion. "What is Feld Mor?" he asks, taking a step to the side. He keeps a watchful eye on the portal, waiting-- just *waiting*-- for something dreadful to emerge. Probably to hard too bite, too. Mutter.

Bahken takes a deep breath, taking a step back from the portal as he seems prepared to say something as the wall ripples

Lothos sighs, "Alright, lets go." He then reaches out and sticks his hand into the portal...."If I scream, pull me back."

The rock of the portal envelopes Lothos before any of you can react and then retreats leaving nothing but the rippling wall again. Lothos is gone.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Do the rest of you want to do the same?"

Duncan shoots the scarlet Sith a quick look. Then he seems to relax realizing it is an honest question. "A fortress in Dragonier." Then he snorts. "'Fortress.' More like a refugee camp." He shakes himself and gets back to the task at hand. Digging a rope and a few climbing tools out of his pack he offers one end to Lothos...then blinks. "Where--?"

<OOC> Duncan nods I think we'd better.

You paged Lothos with 'We'll get to you when the rest arive. :)'

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Any dissenters?"

Zarr snarls, eyes flashing as he growls. "It ATE him!" the Makar hisses savagely. "Placed his hand on the portal. It enveloped him!"

Duncan drops his rope and takes up the axe once more. "Well we'd better go after him!" He approaches the wall much like Lothos did, if just a touch more gingerly.

The rock of the portal envelopes Duncan as soon as he touches it and then flattens again, rippling as if nothing happened.

Zarr quivers in his steps, tail lashing. "If I am judged and laughed from Eternal Hunting for dying to a DOOR....!" The Makar all but writhes with with apoplectic fury, snarling a savage oath before following Duncan, claws keening as he slashes the air.

Zarr is similarly swallowed.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bahken and Lyrana?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "We'll assume you either arrive or don't. :) Let me know when you get back I guess."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Moving on to the other side."

Bahken smirks, "In for copper in for a crown..." he says, and still holding his bow, he steps forward and jumps at the wall.

The transit through the portal is brief but somewhat terrifying. Enveloped and crushed by unyielding stone, pure weight in all directions, and then spit out into a place only a little better. It's a low cavern of sorts, lit by a couple of flickering torches. You are in the center but clearly this isn't a normal place, the air is thin and dry but the weight... everything is heavier than it should be. Your gear and even your limbs drag down on you, everything is more effort here as gravity exerts its hold.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Heavy gravity: -2 to Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim checks and attack rolls. Not cold though. Falls are 1d10 per 10 feet."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Neither cold nor warm."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos arived first, then Duncan, Zarr and Bahken so far."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Does the -2 to acrobatics apply when I use perform/dance via versatile performance?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I'm going to say yes. Dance is also -2."

<OOC> Lothos has flight hex, built in featherfall at all times, body is basicly just magicaly lighter, not that I use acrobatics

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You still feel the weight, Lothos, it's just more effort to do anything. :)"

Lothos coughs a few times, "Bah....this is almost as bad when I enhaled that poison. At least I can still talk." He coughs again.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Everything weighs twice as much and weapon ranges are halved too."

Lothos starts removing a few things, his daggers, his sling and stones, just simply dumping them here on the ground. "No point, I never use them anyhow." He gets rid of anything uncessary in a pile by the portal, if he can toss it through, he will.

Duncan falls to his knees and pants heavily a few times . Then he uses his axe like a walking stick to lever himself back up. "Elemental plane of earth?" he repeats . "Thought it would be browner."

<OOC> Lyrana says, "sorry, net keeps lagging supprised it hasn't dropped me. okay..posing"

Looking around you see no sign of a portal on this side. You are just in the middle of a room maybe 50' across with what looks like a tunnel in one direction... and something is moving around the edges of the room.

Zarr snarls anew-- anger and alarm. "Magethings!" he growls darkly, black armor hiding the effort he makes to retain his feet. A sharp eye settles on Lothos with a scathing glare. "You are here. It is brown. Nothing worth biting. Time to go back NOW."

Exploring strange new worlds, bite strange new people: Not in the Makar Adventuring Charter!

Lyrana will follow the others through having been hesitating for a few. She looks around at the the others and blinks a bit at the increased gravity and all of that. She nods, "This feels strange." she murmers.

Ssylrath has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Bahken thumps feeling the weight as he lands heavily, he looks back and sees the wargolem pop through, looking rather pleased he's not made of metal.

GAME: Bahken rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 7

GAME: Lothos rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15

GAME: Duncan rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20

GAME: Lyrana rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9

GAME: You roll initiative for Stone Wolves: Roll: 14 + Bonus: -1 = Total: 13

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, on your initiative you say OOC what you want to do, we resolve it, then I'll move on while you pose it. If I don;t hear from you I'll move on and come back when you return. If you have questions or want advice please ask. Or if I do something wrong."

GAME: Zarr rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8

The movement in the shadows resolves into what you would normally think would be wolves except that they are made of stone, and they seem to be able to move through the stone like it was water. There are three of them on three sides of you and they are slinking closer.

It is now Duncan's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Duncan? They look attacky."

<OOC> Duncan charge!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Are you riding?"

<OOC> Duncan says, "No...just on foot."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll it. -2 for gravity."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+13+2d6: (4)+13+(7): 24

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You injure it, rock chips go flying. Pose."

It is now Lothos' turn! Stone Wolves is next!

<OOC> Lothos says, "Whats the range to them, and how big is the area we are in?"

Duncan decides he doesn't like the look of those wolves. "Look out! They're surrounding us!" he calls. Hefting his axe he rushes at one of them. This in turn triggers the enchantment in his armor, so that by the time he reaches it and swings it's with the force of a rampaging beast.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The room is 50' across, you are in the middle. 20' range to them."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Ceiling caps out at 10'."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok...Can I block off at least half of them with a Wall of Ice? Split them up so we can wear some of them down?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Er wait no"

<OOC> Lothos says, "They swim through rock"

<OOC> Ssylrath grins.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok, can I hit a cluster with Black Tentacles? Its a 20 foot radius, I'd try to hit some of them and not our guys of course."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Nope, they are spread out all round you."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Drat"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "There are just 3."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok...well, since I forgot to do this earlier, I will cast mage armor"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I presume you had that going."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lasts hours. No problem."

GAME: Lothos casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok, I'll try to misfortune one of them"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Save?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "DC 21 Will"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 6: (10)+6: 16

Lothos looks around, frowning at the situation. "Well really, this is just highly highly annoying." He pulls out a tarot card, tossing it at one. "Annnnnd, you, you I dislike, you shall now suffer until we kill you."

It is now Stone Wolves' turn! Lyrana is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, the one on Duncan bites."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (8)+12: 20

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss. The misfortuned one charges Lothos, it didn't like that."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 14: (15)+14: 29

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 14: (2)+14: 16

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The third attacks someone else random:"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d3: (1): 1

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lyrana."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 14: (8)+14: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I think that hits, yes?"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+17: (6)+17: 23

GAME: You damaged Lyrana for 23 points. 11 remaining.

It is now Lyrana's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Lyrana says, "will change and do a channel heal"

The stone wolves seem to act a lot like their regular cousins. The one snaps at Duncan unsuccessfully and another charges at Lothos but unluckily trips along the way, but the third lopes forward and savages Lyrana brutally.

GAME: Lyrana rolls 5d6: (18): 18

08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)~~

| Name | CHP | HP |

08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)~~

| Bahken........| 28 | 28 |

| Duncan........| 30 | 55 |

| Lothos........| 26 | 43 |

| Lyrana........| 11 | 34 |

| Zarr..........| 34 | 74 |

08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)08:07, 31 January 2015 (EET)~~

GAME: You damaged Bahken for -99 points. 28 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Zarr for -99 points. 74 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Duncan for -99 points. 55 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Lyrana for -99 points. 34 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Lothos for -99 points. 43 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Lyrana for 5 points. 29 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, all hitpoints should be correct. Please pose."

It is now Zarr's turn! Bahken is next!

Lyrana gets mauled pretty bad, but then frowns and reaches for her holy symbol and prays slightly. Positive energy flows from her to swell over her and the rest of her allies filling with energy and life.

<OOC> Zarr nods. "Dazzling Display. DC is equal to 10 +Target's HD + Target's Wis modifier. Intimidate check to give "Shaken" to enemies in 30'."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+12: (16)+12: 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, they seem wary of you. Pose it."

It is now Bahken's turn! Duncan is next!

Bright eyes flash, malice aforethought. Stone dogs... and Zarr snarls again, grinding his teeth infrustration. Stone-- therefore, unbiteable. The Makar rakes his warclaws together, unleashing a full, throaty, shrieking cry-- a voice to shatter glass, as he screams primal challenge at the stone wolves!

<OOC> Bahken says, "Standard action bardic performance inspire courage. make space between me and the wolves if possible"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No problem. What's the bonus?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And pose it."

It is now Duncan's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Bahken says, "+1 to att and damage, +1 vs fear and charm"

<OOC> Duncan will attack it again, full attack this time

GAME: Duncan rolls d20+6: (19)+d20+6: 25

GAME: Duncan rolls d20+1: (14)+d20+1: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

Bahken sees the wolves, watches the battle start. His lips begin to move and his voice comes out energizing those around him, o/~ a little less conversation, a little more action please... o/~ the tempo fast and the beat urgent.

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+14: (5)+14: 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Remember Bardic singing."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "More stone chips off, it's starting to crack."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

<OOC> Duncan nods I put it on the damage roll but forgot for the attack

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Stone Wolves is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One is in your face."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Cackle, and Misfortune another dog."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 4: (15)+4: 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Shaken penalty loses it."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Stone Wolves' turn! Lyrana is next!

Lothos coughs a few times, clears his throat. "HA! HA! HA!" He shakes his head, "No no, thats not right." He giggles a little bit, "Ahh yes, better!" He then starts to giggle a bit more, throwing another target, still giggling. "I curse thee! Boo!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One attacks Duncan, one attacks Lothos (misfortune), one attacks Zarr (misfortune)."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (L): (14)+10 (L): 24

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (L): (4)+10 (L): 14

Duncan leans into the stone dog's attacks. His armor seems to absorb the worst of the punishment. He grins at it, then swings his axe again. It sends more rock chips flying. Duncan's grin fades just a bit. Usually all it takes is a few blows from his axe and his enemy falls.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Z): (17)+10 (Z): 27

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Z): (4)+10 (Z): 14

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit on Duncan."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+17: (3)+17: 20

GAME: You damaged Duncan for 20 points. 35 remaining.

The wolves mill around, seeing less sure of themselves, but still one manages to savagely tear at Duncan through his armor.

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Lyrana's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lyrana?"

<OOC> Lyrana says, "searing light on the one that had previously hit me, 5' step if I have to to avoid aoo"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll it. You do 5' back."

GAME: Lyrana casts Searing Light. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17

GAME: Lyrana rolls ranged: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose please."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Zarr's turn! Bahken is next!

Lyrana moves back a bit and then raises her hand as she starts chanting and a blast of holy light flares from her hand at one of the stone dogs, though it goes wide.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Full attack to meet his assailant. Slice-slice-slice-slice-CHOMP! Normal weapons, all."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23

<OOC> Zarr says, "Threat on second roll."

<OOC> Zarr says, "...and bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Three hits."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One confirm."

GAME: Zarr rolls 3d6+21+1d4+2: (14)+21+(4)+2: 41

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Why only 3 less to hit on second two?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Improved Two weapon fighting +gravity (-4) + bardic song (+1)."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Anyway, you wound it and send cracks through it."

<OOC> Zarr nods!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Bahken's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bahken?"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Swift action, arcane strike, full attack the one lyr just stepped away from, rapid shot"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Oh and maintain BP"

Zarr greets his assailant with a gleeful delight-- and a whirlwind rush of strikes! An adamant frenzy, the Makar leaps into battle with a lusty joy, forgetting for a moment that his opposition is a strange thing of stone, not flesh. Claws rake sparks and shrieking strikes; cracks shivering through the wolven-stone as he bites down with a snarl, struggling to find purchases against stone where a deathblow would come for blood and flesh.

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-1: (3)+6+-1: 8

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Maintaining is what kind of action?"

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-1: (10)+6+-1: 15

<OOC> Bahken says, "Free"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two misses."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 20.

It is now Duncan's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Duncan will rage and full attack again

GAME: Duncan RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Duncan rolls d20+7: (20)+d20+7: 27

GAME: Duncan rolls d20+2: (13)+d20+2: 15

<OOC> Duncan says, "Also a threat on the first one"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

o/~ All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me...o/~ Bahken sings as he channels arcane energies into his bow and fires two shots at the wolf Lyr just stepped back from, both miss however.

GAME: Duncan rolls d20+7: (7)+d20+7: 14

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No confirm."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+16: (10)+16: 26

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yours looks very badly damaged. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Stone Wolves is next!

<OOC> Lothos says, "Cackle, and I'll rod of reach + Shocking Grasp one of the stone things. 5' back myself of course."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Er wait, at 10' I can hair touch, no need for the rod"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Or wait....cant do a move and a 5'"

<OOC> Lothos says, "So cackle and Fortune on Zarr"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ohh?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Just can't actually move and 5'."

<OOC> Lothos says, "I cant? Aww."

Duncan flinches back as the creature bites into him. Duncan freezes - not just from pain but at the sight of his own blood in his beard. So hard to get that out. In fact, he just washed his beard this morning! It took hours to dry! RAAAAAGH! Redoubling his effort, Duncan carves another chunk out of the stone dog's rocky hide.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Er wait, I get it"

<OOC> Lothos says, "So: Cackle, 5', and Creepy Hair shocking grasp"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Looks good. Cast, touch attack."

GAME: Lothos rolls bab+intelligence: (5)+4+7: 16

<OOC> Lothos says, "Melee touch"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hair strength is int"

GAME: Lothos rolls 5d6: (17): 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zorch. Pose it."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Stone Wolves' turn! Lyrana is next!

Lothos steps back, still giggling, his hair suddenly lengthening and then reaching out in front of him as he speaks a few arcane words. The hair seems to crackle with static electricity, which is discharged at the stone wolf. "HAHA! I bet you found that shocking!" He giggles more.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Attacks: Duncan, Lothos (mis), Zarr (mis)."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 0 (D): (4)+0 (D): 4

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (D): (17)+10 (D): 27

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit Duncan."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+17: (3)+17: 20

GAME: You damaged Duncan for 20 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (L): (6)+10 (L): 16

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (L): (19)+10 (L): 29

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Z): (13)+10 (Z): 23

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Z): (7)+10 (Z): 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss. Then Duncan's and Zarr's sink into the ground and vanish from sight."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Er. Aren't one of the wolves destroyed? The one attacking Lyr?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It took damage is all. Sorry for being inclear."

<OOC> Zarr ahs!

The three stone creatures are looking worse for wear. The one fighting Duncan finds its luck some more and bites him brutally again before sinking into the ground, as does the one facing Zarr. The shocked one presses the attack on Lothos and is not retreating.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Sorry, I assumed one was dead or I would have misfortuned the other :)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Sorry, none are dead yet. Two see to have fled though."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 9.

It is now Lyrana's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lyrana? Duncan is in a pretty bad way."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lyrana? Anything?"

<OOC> Lyrana says, "channel heal"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Lyrana rolls 5d6: (20): 20

GAME: You damaged Bahken for -20 points. 28 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Zarr for -20 points. 74 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Duncan for -20 points. 47 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Lyrana for -20 points. 34 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Lothos for -20 points. 43 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Zarr's turn! Bahken is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr. You are near the one that is left."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Is the last wolf within 5', or does it have to be a charge?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "5'."

<OOC> Zarr says, "5'-- full attack!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6

Lyrana channels energy again, positive energy swelling from her light filling her and the rest of her allies healing wounds where they lay.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+7: (1)+7: 8

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Bahken's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bahken?"

Zarr stares at where his wolf sank into the ground, fading from view to hide in the stone. Quivering fingers grip tighter in the black gauntlets, and the teakettle hiss seethes from beneath the Makar's helm-- molten rage. With an effort of will, the Scarlet throttles it back down, turning to rush at the last stone hunter attacking Lothos.

"You do not escape!" he hisses savagely. "Not against ME."

Powerful words, but the stone hide of the second beast proves more resilient than that of his first-- the metal claws barely scrape the stoney hide, slashing a single squealing grind against the rocky hide.

<OOC> Bahken says, "assuming I'm not being threatened, maintain bardic performance, arcane strike, rapid shot Zarr's... Is it within 30'?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes. Roll."

GAME: Bahken rolls ranged: (20)+6: 26 (THREAT)

<OOC> Bahken says, "confirming"

GAME: Bahken rolls ranged: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Bahken rolls ranged: (9)+6: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Crit, miss."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bows are x3."

GAME: Bahken rolls 3d6+6: (8)+6: 14

<OOC> Bahken says, "+1 for bardic performance"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Already included"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Tripled everything?"

<OOC> Bahken says, "wait..."

<OOC> Bahken says, "3 more for arcane strike"

<OOC> Bahken says, "17 damage total"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Got it. You shatter an eye-gem. Pose it."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Is it still up?"


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 20.

It is now Duncan's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "There's one over there, Duncan."

<OOC> Duncan charge!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+16: (5)+16: 21

o/~ A little less bark a little more bite... o/~ Bahken sings, shooting a shot that shatters Zarr's beast's eye, but the beast still stands as the second shot flies by.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Cracked some more but not down."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Stone Wolves is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."

<OOC> Lothos says, "How far am I from the remaining one?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It is in your face."

<OOC> Lothos says, "And its misfortuned right?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes."

<OOC> Duncan says, "Oops, I forgot to add my extra 2d6 damage to that one."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok, 5' back, cackle, and another Shocking grasp"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll, Duncan."

GAME: Duncan rolls 2d6: (9): 9

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Attack, Lothos."

GAME: Lothos casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

GAME: Lothos casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

GAME: Lothos rolls bab+intelligence: (11)+4+7: 22

GAME: Lothos rolls 5d6: (21): 21

Duncan is chewed upon once more. The Khazad sways, feeling the effects now that he's been bitten several times. When Lyrana's divine energy washes over him it mends his wounds but does nothing to cool his rage. Duncan looks around frantically for more enemies to fight. Only one is visible, and Duncan immediately rushes at it, chopping into it's side.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That destroys it, Lothos. Please pose it exploding. :)"

Lothos continues to giggle, stepping back a bit more. "Bad doggie! Bad Doggie!" His hair once more raises like static and electricity surgest into the stone dog, shattering it to pieces. "UGH!!! I've got sand in my hair!"

GAME: Duncan ends his rage.

GAME: Ssylrath removes the timestop.

Timestop by Ssylrath has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Open posing please. You have shards of stone and a passage going one direction into the stone."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh, the lights seem to be two everburning torches."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Is the former portal still visible?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No sign of any portal anywhere."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You all just appeared here."

Lothos shortens his hair back to normal, shaking it out. "Ok, so, fun times, fun times. Let me look around a bit."

GAME: Lothos casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 8 DC: -83

<OOC> Lothos looking for magic of course

Lets the song die away from his lips as he looks around. After a moment he sings softly, o/~ This little light of mine.. I'm going to let it shine... o/~ and four torch like lights light up over his head, dancing about.

Bahken lets the song die away from his lips as he looks around. After a moment he sings softly, o/~ This little light of mine.. I'm going to let it shine... o/~ and four torch like lights light up over his head, dancing about.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Everything is faintly magic, and the magic here is of a weird texture."

GAME: Bahken casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 4 DC: -85

Duncan has partially disconnected.

Lothos grimaces, "Well that didn't help."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You suspect that earth magic is enhanced and air magic is suppressed here."

Lyrana hakes her head a bit, "How is everyone doing?" she asks as she looks around. "Only one way to go really." she comments.

Zarr quivers with suppressed violence. And the bloody eye he turns on Lothos suggest whom he considers for the *next* target. "I do not intend to die here," he growls ominously, turning pointedly aside to examine his weapons. And his jaw. Sore. Stone does note bite well.

<OOC> Duncan says, "Hmm...can I summon my digger? Not sure if there is a maximum distance."

<OOC> Duncan says, "Using my Cavalier mark of the order"

Bahken makes a motion with his hands and sends the lights into the tunnel. He looks over at Lyrana and shakes his head, "I am alright.. can't say the same for the others who were getting chewed on..."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It seems a little harder than usual but it works."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And there is no maximum distance, even planar. ;)"

Duncan glances around at the other party members, nodding. "We acquitted ourselves well, I'd say. But I don't like how those things just passed through the rock." He taps the ground near where one disappeared with his axe. "They could come out from anywhere to attack us again." Considering, he unclips the iron rose symbol on his belt and concentrates. A short while later his Digger appears.

Lothos grunts faintly, "Look, no sense standing here, I don't see a trace of the portal. We should keep moving, and yes, expect more things to come out of the rock and try to kill us. Thats why we get paid the gold folks, and why they raise our dead bodies to do it again."

The stome passageway is smooth and circular as if bored by some giant worm, and about 10 feet across. It winds vaguely downwards.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Marching order?"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Is there a roll to tell if it actually WAS bored by a giant worm?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Mostly, who is first?"

<OOC> Lyrana says, "is probably in the middle"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Not really. It seems reasonable though."

<OOC> Bahken pushes Zarr forward

Duncan gives Lothos a tight grin. "If they can find our dead bodies." He pats the Digger reassuringly (mostly it looks bored), then climbs onto the small no-frills saddle. He slides his axe through a clip on his back. Then he produces two spears, one longer and one shorter. "We'll go first," he offers.

<OOC> Duncan is willing to go first...basically a tank riding a tank. :)

<OOC> Zarr says, "WQorks for me. Dunca then Zarr. then whomever?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll go third"

<OOC> Lothos says, "These things can come out of the walls, no place is safe"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Can I get acrobatics from the Digger please? :)"

<OOC> Bahken says, "I think that puts me at the end... :("

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22

<OOC> Bahken says, "D Z Lo Ly B"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I'll allow a Ride from Duncan to substitute."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Not that it's needed."

The smooth tunnel slopes downward and while you all tread carefully on the slick stone the Digger in the lead is surefooted and keeps you all from sliding forward.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Please, pose freely."

Lothos looks around, "Hrm, this could be fun....I wonder if folks would pay to slide down like a really long thing like this, maybe in circles...far cheaper than magical flight really."

Lyrana cocks her head to the side for a moment and raises a brow at the comments, but mostly she is watching her footing as they walk along.

Bahken takes up the last spot in the line, glancing behind them on occasion. He still holds his bow, as he moves behind Lyrana. He keeps the lights dancing ahead of the group so that they can always see ahead.

Duncan looks mildly relieved the Digger doesn't slip. "I think the vicious stone dogs might keep 'em away," he remarks. "For that matter, we still haven't found another portal, or any other way back home."

Lyrana has disconnected.

Zarr stalks alongside Duncan and his mount, carefully grasping the digger's harness. "Then we had best keep searching," he mutters in frustration. Somewhat calmed, hot blood cooling-- though in no way calm. Bright eyes slash the air, quick glances raking the walls suspicously.

<OOC> Ssylrath hopes Lyrana will be back, waits a few.

Lothos chuckles "I didn't mean transporting someone here, thats far too expensive too. Somethign cheap, just, some slanted thing, built back in alexandria. Maybe greased up and something to slide on. You know, like sledding in winter, but all year long."

Duncan nods at Zarr. He likes the Sith's attitude. Much more pracitcal then that cackling madman Lothos. "Ah, yes." is all he says aloud though. "I'm sure the beardlings would love it." He goes back to peering at the tunnel walls around them. "Did someone -dig- these passages?" he asks aloud.

<OOC> Ssylrath will continue. We'll catch her up when/if she returns.

Zarr snorts, glancing more closely at the walls. "Who can say?" he replies, glancing away. The limit of his curiosity-- "This is a Magething place, where all is rock and dirt and stone. It is not cold, but it is not-- hssssk-- a proper thing. A proper place."

Eventually the passage empties into anoher chamber, this one with a jumble of rocks on the far side. No, wait, those aren't rocks, they are a huge rock-creature that heaves itself to three legs and reaches out three arms for you. Three eyes blink at you, the whole thing is triply symmetrical with a single mouth at the top. Did I mention huge and attacking you? On the far side of the creature you see a small crumpled form and a spray of red liquid up the wall.

Ssylrath has dropped a TIMESTOP!

GAME: Bahken rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It's about 40' from you."

GAME: Duncan rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15

<OOC> Bahken says, "Huge and a rock creature.. What knowledge roll do you want for it?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Planes."

GAME: You roll initiative for Rock Horror: Roll: 18 + Bonus: -2 = Total: 16

GAME: Bahken rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (17)+8: 25

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/The Planes: (19)+15: 34

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/Arcana: (16)+18: 34

You paged Bahken with 'Looks like a Xorn. They are a kind of elemental basically that can earth glide and is resistant to non-bludgeoning weapons.'

GAME: Zarr rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11

You paged Lothos with 'Looks like a Xorn. They are a kind of elemental basically that can earth glide and is resistant to non-bludgeoning weapons and electricity. And can't be flanked.'

You paged Lothos with 'And cold and fire.'

GAME: Lothos rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 10

You paged Lothos with 'Yep, that's what you know.'

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Bahken's turn! Rock Horror is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Bahken ended.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bahken! You are behind Duncan, maybe 50' back."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Bardic performance again, maintain positiong at the back of the pack."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Rock Horror's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The... thing will charge the Digger. It's biggest."

Bahken eyes widen at the sight of the thing and the splatter that likely remains of the person who made the portal in the hut. "Elemental, slashing and stabbing won't do much, bust out your hammers.." He pulls out a bottle of alchemist fire as that song bursts from his lips again, o/~ A little less conversation a little more action please... o/~

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 16: (8)+16: 24

<OOC> Duncan says, "AC 31"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Does that hit, flat-footed?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay."

<OOC> Duncan says, "Hmm flat-footed is no dex? If so then it would be 29"

The creature stirs into action, wading through the rocky floor and lashing out with one long, long arm. The claw at the end glances off the Digger's hide.

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now Duncan's turn! Zarr is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Duncan ended.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Duncan, it's got 15' reach so you are 10' away."

<OOC> Duncan has out a lance can I move 5' and still hit it?

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes."

<OOC> Duncan will do so and full attack!

<OOC> Duncan says, "Also challenge it"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Good call."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d8+12: (7)+12: 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It seems to resist some of the damage. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Zarr's turn! Lothos is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zarr ended.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr? You'll have to move to attack it if you want to."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Bah. It's already got reach; move in and attempt to flank position with Duncan. Defensive Fighting."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Sense Motive please?"

Duncan's eyes fly open wide as the monster attacks. He urges the Digger forward, and as soon as it trudges the few steps needed to get within range of Duncan's longer spear, he leans forward and stabs it into the monster. He grimaces slightly as he remembers Bahken's warning. Well, nothing for it now.

GAME: Zarr rolls Sense Motive: (13)+0: 13

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, you'll have to double-move to get to he far side of it and that will provoke."

<OOC> Zarr says, "I'll take it!"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 14: (18)+14: 32

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit I think?"

<OOC> Zarr oofs. Hit! DR 3/- (Adamantium Plate)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 6d8+14-3: (31)+14+-3: 42

GAME: You damaged Zarr for 42 points. 32 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You got bitten. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Lothos ended.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Whats my distance to the guy?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "25' ish"

<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll stay at 25. And Misfortune him."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 7: (14)+7: 21

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That makes it, yes?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "That is it, 21"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose please."


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Bahken's turn! Rock Horror is next!

<OOC> Bahken says, "distance after its charge?"

Lothos stands there, frowning. "Awww crap, a Xorn? WEll this just bites. I really really need to curse you now, otherwise this could be messy." He tosses a tarot card at the thing, but evidently he knows nothing happens cause Lothos frowns even harder. "You suck!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "25'."

Zarr's eyes narrow. He's encountered this manner of situation before, and the memory of it is... unpleasant. Gritting his teeth, he shields himself with his warclaws, striding in with a grimace. A slash, dodged; a heavy blow, just barely avoided. But the heaviest blow yet comes with full, brutal force-- the Makar staggers under the last crushing blow, and blood pours from a score of joins as he moves in behind the monster, quivering as he takes position.

<OOC> Bahken says, "If I move up five can I throw Alchemist's fire in such a way as not to mess up my own party members?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It's Huge, yes."

<OOC> Bahken says, "-2 for distance, -2 for gravity, +1 for bardic performance?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "But... Lothos? Is that a good idea?"

<OOC> Bahken says, "vs touch?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Is what a good idea?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Throwing the fire?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Fire damage against the resistant thing."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Yea, its not a good idea :)"

<OOC> Lothos says, "But I didnt say anythign since someone else did"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Ohh, I got more info huh :)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Consider that Lothos will clue you in as soon as you got for the fire. Something else?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You got more info. Higher roll."

Lothos glances at Bahken, "Nope, fire cold wont hurt it, electricity barely does."

<OOC> Bahken says, "drop the alchemist's fire without breaking the bottle..."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No issues, pick something else to do. :)"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Hrmm... we'll go with arrows"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Does it count as in melee?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can shoot at bits that are 10' from anyone, so no."

<OOC> Bahken aims high

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-2: (12)+6+-2: 16

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-2: (6)+6+-2: 10

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Misses. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Rock Horror's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It keeps trying to eat the Digger. Nom."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12 (bite): (2)+12 (bite): 14

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12 (claw): (3)+12 (claw): 15

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12 (claw): (2)+12 (claw): 14

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12 (claw): (10)+12 (claw): 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It is unsatisfied."

Bahken keeps singing, dropping the alchemist's fire carefully per Lothos recommendation and launches two arrows rapidly, the gravity dragging them down.

The huge Xorn flails its three arms at the digger, the biggest thing attacking it, but fails to pierce its defenses. The three eyes glare out at the various attackers.

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Duncan's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Duncan says, "So are we still 10' away from it? I'll switch to my axe and we'll move 5' closer, so both Digger and Rider get 1 attack."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can do that."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It can't back up because of Zarr."

<OOC> Duncan says, "Cool. OK here come the rolls"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No flanking though."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+9: (5)+9: 14

<OOC> Duncan says, "That was the Digger."

<OOC> Duncan says, "With Savage Bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "What was that? Bite?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That does full damage."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Zarr's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr! You are behind it, but aren't getting flanking due to all-round eyes."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Fighting Defensive-- Standard attacks at +12/+7. No bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Why no bite?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Think I have to plug it in as a secondary attack or such. No change to hit with the monster's AC."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I think bite is just at -5, doesn't affect other attacks."

Duncan can hardly see what's happening to Zarr, his view blocked by the bulk of the rock monster. But from the sound of it, nothing good. As the ceature tries again to slay his landshark, Duncan snarls, "Granox! Get it!" The digger trudges closer and then opens its maw wide, clamping down with a crushing bite on the monster's rocky hide. Duncan tosses his spears aside and pulls out his axe, but his own hasty blow bounces off harmlessly.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And 20 always hits. :)"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Bite then."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bite would be at +7 I think. Which would hit, for two hits."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Please roll damage separately."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Zarr says, "Blade and bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Primary attack is Slashing?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Yep!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, both attacks do about the same. Bites are S/P/B. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Action?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Rod of Reach + Bestow Curse. DC 20 will save or Cursed -4 to attacks, saves, skills"

<OOC> Lothos says, "And I need to do a ranged touch first"

GAME: Lothos rolls ranged+1: (16)+8+1: 25

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: Lothos casts Bestow Curse. Caster Level: 8 DC: 20

<OOC> Lothos says, "Permanent effect"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Got it. Pose."


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 17.

It is now Bahken's turn! Rock Horror is next!

<OOC> Bahken says, "second verse same as the first.. but arcane strike put on the bow"

Lothos scratches his head for a moment, then snaps his fingers and pulls out a rod. A few arcane words are spoke, and a flash of black energy flies out of the rod to hit the xorn. "Ahah! Now that one got you!"

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged -2: (9)+6+-2: 13

GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged -2: (15)+6+-2: 19

Blood flows; Zarr is certain he has a broekn rib, somewhere. And the pain grates as he holkds his weapons defensively, eye a hot gleam as he slashes out, again and again. Much more carefully than before, he cuts rakes against the beast's hide, quick cuts slicing twice- drawing blood -- as he moves to keep it's attention... slowly dawning that *the monster sees him just fine!*

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Misses."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Remember to remind people about the bardsong. :) It makes a difference."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Yeah, but so does your -2 to gravity :P"

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Rock Horror's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, two claws and a bite on Duncan, a claw on Zarr. It has stopped power attacking, as it keeps missing."

o/~ All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me... o/~ he says channeling magic into the bow and firing. The arrows plink off the huge creature's rough hide easily though as the Bard looks... slightly concerned.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (bite): (11)+11 (bite): 22

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (D): (4)+11 (D): 15

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (D): (8)+11 (D): 19

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (Z): (17)+11 (Z): 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Claw on Zarr looks like."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+7: (2)+7: 9

<OOC> Zarr says, "Yup!"

GAME: You damaged Zarr for 9 points. 23 remaining.

<OOC> Lothos says, "You did get my curse right?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I did."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Would have been 4 more."

<OOC> Zarr is totally cursed. :(

The massive Xorn switches targets to the pesky rider, still failing to connect. The back arm gets a gash into Zarr though, drawing blood again.

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Duncan's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Amusingly, Zarr actually has a better AC."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Duncan? What exactly are the effects of your Challenge?"

<OOC> Duncan says, "+1 to hit, +3 damage to the target of my challege, -2 AC against everyone other than the target"

<OOC> Duncan says, "+1 to hit when I'm mounted that is"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Righty. Action?"

<OOC> Duncan will rage and then full attack, and have digger attack again

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Duncan RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+15: (8)+15: 23

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You got the -2 and +1 to hit?"

<OOC> Duncan nods...with rage and bardic performance worked out to a net +2

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two hits."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+17: (3)+17: 20

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+17: (10)+17: 27

<OOC> Duncan says, "Oops actually should have been +3 for each of those."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Got it. Pose, it's starting to look battered."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Zarr's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Defense to Offense-- Full Attack! 4 Slices + Bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "4 hits."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Seperate Damage."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yep."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+7: (1)+7: 8

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

Duncan barely wards off the giant's blows. He seems to be embarrased of his own frantic attempts to defend himself. This in turn changes to anger, then to rage! Duncan launches mighty swings with his axe, roaring barely intelligible Khazdul curses with every blow.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Your claws do some, your bite also. It's not looking healthy. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 10.

It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Lothos?"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Whats the distance required to move all the way around avoidign the monster and being within 10 of Zarr, yet out of the monsters reach?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "For reference, after DR, you guys have done 104 damage."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can't, its 15' reach covers the mouth of the tunnel so you can't get round without provoking."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."

Zarr matches the dwarf-- fury to fury, anger to anger. The Makar shatters his shell of defense with a snarling fury, warclaws lashing out in a whirlwind scouring of the dense hide. Teeth snap as Zarr unleashes pent fury; rocky blood pours sluggishly, and another flash of quick fangs tears another bloody hunk from the creature's hide. A gutteral, horrible moan sets the cavern shaking, and Zarr digs in, snarling with a gusto.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Casting Blindness on it."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Sounds good. Cast."

GAME: Lothos casts Blindness-Deafness. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (18)+10: 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That was with -4. Fort save."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Yipes"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Good try though. Pose."


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 17.

It is now Bahken's turn! Rock Horror is next!

<OOC> Bahken would like to try to dance towards Zarr

Lothos chants a few more arcane words, pointing at the thing, but a small sparkle seems to do nothing to it. "Damnnit! I am really getting annoyed here!"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Can I drop bow and draw shield as part of that double move?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Acrobatics? At -2? And half speed? It'll be a double move to get there. Yes."

GAME: Bahken rolls perform/dance-2: (13)+12+-2: 23

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Not enough. CMD 27."

<OOC> Bahken says, "With or without shield AC?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So, AoO."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Shield?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh, with, sure."

<OOC> Bahken says, "The shield I wasequipping during movement"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11: (8)+11: 19

<OOC> Bahken says, "Aww.. so close!!!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Did it hit?"

<OOC> Bahken says, "Hit me :P"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 6d8+7: (35)+7: 42

<OOC> Bahken says, "My ac with shield is exactly 19"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Safe to say it ddrops you."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Yup"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "This is not a dath-consent plo. :)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Plot. :)"

GAME: You damaged Bahken for 42 points. -14 remaining. (DEAD)

Bahken tries to dance out to help Zarr, only to be slammed violently into the ground...

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Please pose your stupendous dance. :)"

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Rock Horror's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Bahken says, "My dance was good thank you.. not good enough though"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Same as last round, three on Duncan, one on Zarr."

Very very violently....

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (bite): (14)+11 (bite): 25

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (D): (5)+11 (D): 16

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (D): (18)+11 (D): 29

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 11 (Z): (18)+11 (Z): 29

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So, two hits on Duncan, one on Zarr. I think."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 6d8+7: (21)+7: 28

<OOC> Zarr says, "Yep!"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: You damaged Duncan for 42 points. 5 remaining.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: You damaged Zarr for 13 points. 10 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Ouch."

The Xorn has a very successful round, after chomping Bahken into the ground it grievously wounds both Duncan and Zarr.

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Duncan's turn! Zarr is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Duncan? It's not looking hot either."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And, I did adjust this combat down for no Lyrana even."

<OOC> Duncan will let it ride and try one more full attack, and have Digger attack too.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

Duncan has partially disconnected.

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d10+9: (1)+9: 10

<OOC> Duncan says, "Oops should have been +1 actually (and that was Digger)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yep, full damage. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Zarr's turn! Lothos is next!

<OOC> Zarr says, "Same as before. Full attack with bite."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No hits. Pose."

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 10.

It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Who can I reach, with my 10 foot hair, and not be hit by the Xorn"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Anyone but Zarr."

Duncan's face is swolen from where he was battered, and the armor over his shoulder is in tatters. He does his best to attack the monster with his axe but can't penetrate it's defenses. His faithful mount makes up for Duncan's failings, latching it's powerful jaws on once again.

Zarr hisses a snarl of pained rage. Blood stains the black armor crimson, and far too much of it is the Makar's own. From focused strikes to simple frenzy-- Zarr strikes without effect, scouring impressive lines, shards of flying stone... but little else.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Including it."

<OOC> Lothos says, "Using my flying powers to make me move fast and avoid gravity slowness. I shall move towards Duncan and touch him with my healing hex using my hair."

GAME: Lothos rolls 2d8+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: You damaged Duncan for -17 points. 22 remaining.

<OOC> Zarr says, "CREEPY HAIR."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."


Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 17.

It is now Bahken's turn! Rock Horror is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bahken, do you wish to pose bleeding?"

GAME: Ssylrath advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Rock Horror's turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Bahken says, "Sure.."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, it goes total defense and tries to flee straight down. This provokes."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Because you guys just won't die."

Lothos quickly zips around the room, his feet not touching the ground. His hair extends in front of him, brushing over Duncan and sending a bit of healing energy into the guys body. "Come on, kill him, cause I certainly can't do it!"

Bahken drips blood and twitches... if he's alive it's anyone's guess HOW

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Zarr, Duncan, Digger, AoOs."

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No hits."

<OOC> Zarr nods!

Having taken an impressive pounding and laid out an even more impressive one the Xorn takes the batter part of valor and vanishes into the floor. You are pretty sure it won't be back for a long time if ever.

Timestop by Ssylrath has left.

Lothos shakes his head, "Well, at least its gone." He continues to heal folks with his hair until everyones been touched once.

Lyrana hurries forward from where she slipped in the tunnel and channels healing until everyone feels better.

Zarr bleeds. *Heavily*. Even after Lothos' CREEPY HAIR does its work, the Makar still glares hatefully at the spot where the Xorn vanished, clawed fingers twitching at the air. "Magicthing," he growls throatily, eyes burning even as he blood glistens from his muzzle. "Way home. Out. Find now, yuss?"

Duncan's last blow strikes sparks off of the ground but does little else. "GRAAH!" he bellows in frustration. Then he nearly passes out. It takes a long time for him to regain his strength. When he does, and he takes in the sight of the rest of the party, he slides down off of Granox's saddle. "We need to get out of this place," he wheezes. "Everything we fight is bigger and tougher than the one before."

Bahken gets up from the ground slowly... his body aching still as he stumbles towards the grease spot he very nearly became... checking what likely was a person

Duncan studies Bahken, then glances at his Digger. A few silent words are exchanged. Then Duncan turns to the bard. "Granox can carry you for a bit," he offers. "It won't be much softer than sitting on the floor, but at least you can save your strength."

The stains on the wall and the crumpled form are what if left of a gnome, a wizard or sorcerer from the look of her. In her hand is a sheet of paper with some familiar-looking runes scribed onto it in a circle and some words written in Draconic explaining how to scribe the return portal. Looks like she never got the chance.

GAME: Lothos rolls spellcraft: (19)+18: 37

<OOC> Lothos can make the return portal?

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That's certainly enough to do it, it'll take about 10 minutes."

Lothos moves around, picking up the paper...with his hair, just in case, he had bad luck with another mages things once. He looks it over and nods. "Alright, give me time, I can get the portal back open." He moves back and starts to go to work.

Bahken steps back and lets Lothos do the magic work. He looks around warily...You know that was the time he was most frightened? Waitin' for his turn. He'll never put on a lifejacket again.

After what seems like forever the circle is finished and the stone starts rippling again, just like on the other side.

Bahken really, REALLY hopes this portal doesn't lead to the elemental plane of fire and thus they jump out of the pan and into the fire...

Lothos finishes the portal, then nods, "Ok, me first." He sticks his hand through it again.

The trip back is still just as suffocating as the first portal voyage but you are deposites safe and sound back in the small cabin in the woods.

Lothos looks at the starting side of the portal. "I think I Can safely close this, and we can alert the wardens and guild to keep an eye here, just in case."

Bahken retrieves his alchemist's fire and bow.. He then looks at the portal and frowns...

Zarr has disconnected.

<OOC> Bahken says, "Can I set up the alchemist's fire to fall and knock out the marking's portal after I go through?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Sure."

Duncan nods approvingly. "We can take her back with us," he gestures at the gnome's body. "No doubt her people would want that." He goes to arrange the body and then wraps it in a bedroll before securing it on his digger's back to carry back. Once everyone is ready he follows the others through the portal.

Duncan has disconnected.

Bahken takes a moment to set up a small contraption that 'should' send the alchemist's fire flask against the portal runes.. hopefully disrupting the portal after he's made it through.. With a prayer, he and Duncan jump through after everyone else and he hopes the portal is gone forever.

GAME: Bahken used a Alchemist's Fire.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Looks good."

GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/engineering: (8)+9: 17

<OOC> Bahken says, "To justify a 'contraption' :P"

Lothos is already on the other side, checking it out some more while everyone does thier thing. He is a tad impulsive at times.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yep. You report back, don;t give them the paper, correct?"

<OOC> Bahken leaves that up to Lothos.. for all I know it's a scroll and it burned up upon being used...

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It did not. There are some books on portal magic too."

<OOC> Lothos says, "I give it to them"

<OOC> Lothos says, "Let them guard the place"