PrP: Otyughs and Machines

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Seldan finds himself frequenting the markets this Eliday afternoon. Chillier temperatures and gray skies call for a change to a heavier wardrobe, and he has done enough damage to his clothing of late that replacements are in order anyway. He also had another errand, and so it is that he emerges from the smithy's doors to the middle of the street, blinking at the difference in light.

Malik follows out of the smithy after Seldan, also blinking at the change in the light. He holds his hand to his forehead, blocking the worst of the sun as he adjusts, but there's a wide grin on his face. "Not really what I would have gone for," he tells the man, "but a decent choice. Though if you're in the mood to spend some money, I've got a few suggestions," he adds in a playful tone. He's in his usual gear, nothing too fancy, with a dark green cloak thrown over it -- practical, if inelegant, but it protects against the chill. He reaches out to pick at a spot on Seldan's sleeve, shaking his head where the smith's coals managed to burn a new hole in the material. "Definitely time for an upgrade."

Garak leads a sleekly muscular horse along the streets, pausing often to murmur something to the animal. The priest 'leads' the horse as much as it 'follows', for Garak holds no line or reigns. The creature seems to walk alongside him, stopping when he does and following him when Garak has to alter his route to walk around market visitors, or other obstacles. For that matter there appears to be no saddle or stirrups, although it does wear barding marked with the symbol of Serriel.

Verna makes her way down the avenue from the west and the bridge to the upper city. Whether travelling through or intending to peruse the various wares of the area, her attention is currently focused on the tome which hovers before her, judging by the orientation of her robehood.

"It is not always possible to avoid closing with the enemy, Malik." Seldan speaks with a strong Myrrish accent, his own attire as elegant as it is practical, and some might say, more so. He peers at the sleeve Malik is picking at, and frowns. "Sometimes the enemy would close with you, and sometimes, there are none to close save you. How did that come to be there?"

Malik can't help but laugh. "Dangers of shopping," he tells the man, in response to the question about the hole in his sleeve. "The markets will always find a way to make you need to buy something from them. It's an old form of magic." He walks easily beside the man, eyes glancing to the stalls here and there as he spots things he's apparently making a mental list for. "And I know that you can't avoid closing," he agrees. "I just like to put that off for as long as possible, really." Though he does seem to get an idea. "I could use a bit more practice, though. And you seem like you know what you're doing. Feel up to working through some things, later? Maybe hit the festival grounds?" Though he notes the chill, damp air, adding, "Maybe in something a little less nice?" He glances to Seldan's a-bit-too-nice clothes. "I can pretty much guarantee that there'll be mud in places you never wanted it." As he passes the woman with the levitating book, though, he turns, walking backwards as he studies her. "Huh. Neat trick." That, of course, has its dangers. Notably, that he doesn't quite notice that he's walking dangerously close to the man and his horse.

Garak comes to a stop near Seldan and Malik and nods in greeting to the adventurers. He listens, catching the last few words spoken, and then raises a hand. "That sounds like you are speaking from experience," he nods at Seldan, in what might be his best attempt at polite conversation. The horse seems to roll its eyes slightly but then horses do that quite often, and it's most likely not in response to anything Garak said or did. Most likely.

Verna is aware enough of her surroundings to travel whilst reading, and perhaps also enough to notice conversations amidst the general din of haggling. Her hood lifts and pans towards the pair of men conversing and glancing in her direction. "Good day," she greets, pomptly adding, "Mind the horse behind you."

Seldan is about to reply when Garak speaks, and he nods politely, with a smile that holds regret. "Yes, one of my last Guild jobs was even so," he tells the arvek. "The shirt may make spells less tricky, but it offers little defense against a ten-foot animated pile of compost." His eyes follow Malik's comment to Verna and her walking with a book trick. "I have seen her do that before, I think. Or one very like her. Perhaps later, or in the morning," he adds to the workout suggestion.

Malik doesn't seem to follow the woman's words at first, raising an eyebrow as he continues to walk. "Horse behind --" But his eyes widen, and he spins around, just in time to keep from colliding with the cleric's horse, taking a few quick steps back -- probably bumping into Seldan, if the man isn't being overly watchful. "OH! Sorry," he tells the horse. Then, sheepishly, offers the same to the man accompanying it, before turning and offering a thankful nod to Verna. Back to Seldan, he laughs, "I didn't mean -now-. Right now we're on -your- particular mission." He nods to one of the stalls, offering what appears to be clothing from High Kingdom. "Maybe something over here?"

Reva is walking with a stuffy fellow through the market district, glancing warily left and right as they move along. Her left hand is on the fellow's shoulder, and she walks on his right, just behind him, her right hand at her belt, though those who recognize such things will see that it's not casually resting there, but poised to draw the sizeable sword on her hip. She's essentially steering him though the crows by her hand on his shoulder, and the one or two beggars that accost the pair are met with a dismissive stare and continued forward progress, forcing them to stand aside or be trampled. Finallyy pausing at the entrance to a small building, the fellow raps nerviously at the door. After a moment, the door is opened and he is admitted. She is not. The door closes. After a moment, she guesses that's it, and with a shrug, she'll turn back to the market district and see what else may be going on.

The horse emits a small horse-sound the way his kind do. Garak glances back and then raises a hand as if forestalling the apology. "Quite alright. She's apparently used to this sort of thing 'in this part of the city'." Garak frowns slightly and then adds, "I had no idea they even recognized the different parts of the city. Perhaps she's more, ah, intelligent than most, due to her association with her Paladin Companion."

Verna's hood dips in a nod of reply to Malik. It then pans about the active venue before a gesture closes the tome and stows it within her robes. Perhaps it best that she not tempt The Lady's Plan and risk a random trampling, herself.

Seldan stumbles backwards a pace as Malik backs into him, catching himself on the edge of a nearby lamppost. "Hey! Perhaps." He straightens himself up, but looks not at the stall Malik is pointing at, but one of the brick and mortar stores not far off. "If you will forgive me a moment, Malik. I will return." Without waiting for an answer, he pulls himself upright and slides through the crowd in the direction of a shop, disappearing.

Garak turns and heads back in the direction of the temple district. The horse follows along and they continue their odd coversation as they go.

Malik watches as Seldan runs off into the brick and mortar shop, looking like he's about to follow, but holds off for now, more interested in the woman's hovering book. He turns, taking a few cautious steps forward. "So -- is that a trick with the book, or a trick of your own?" But naturally, he doesn't stop there, already theorizing out loud. "Is it a spell, maybe? One of the simple levitations? I could see it being useful, but it seems a waste of magic. And if you're not holding on it it, it makes it easier to steal."

<OOC> Seldan says, "Very good. We are on. Carry on with your RP."
<OOC> Seldan says, "I'll let you know. :)"
<OOC> Seldan says, "I am going to drop a timestop, but I don't need inits yet. This keeps people from flooding the scene."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You can ignore it for now, I'll let you know when I need inits."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Seldan has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Seldan to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

"It is an act of magic," Verna responds to the inquiry, "and an act of will. It is no trick, but a useful tool. A spell, yes."

<OOC> Seldan says, "Its only purpose in life right now is to keep me from getting dog-piled."
<OOC> Verna says, "Understood."

Reva, for herself, takes a glance around and sets off in no particular direction through the market district, eyes scanning the crowd as she makes her way along. She pauses to conider some of the goods. This cloth, or that foodstuff, just sort of casually browsing.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Everyone roll me a Perception check."
GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Reva rolls perception: (5)+7: 12
GAME: Verna rolls perception: (4)+21: 25
You paged Malik with 'There's something sticking out of a nearby sewer grate. It looks like two poles with spinning blades on them.'
You paged Verna with 'There's something sticking out of a nearby sewer grate. It looks like two poles with spinning blades on them, except they're waving gently, where poles would be stiff.'
<OOC> Seldan says, "Carry on with poses."

Malik looks like he might say more, but frowns a bit at the woman's answer, as if a bit disappointed. Something catches his eye, though, causing him to break his focus from the book that he's examining. He takes a few steps to the side, squinting as he asks, "What is -that-?" He points to a sewer grate, where it looks like bladed poles are sticking up. "That seems -- unsafe."

Verna adds, somewhat belatedly, "Such is not a waste of magic, howev-" Her words drop as she appears to also note the protruding pointed probes from the putrid passage below the pavement. Gloved hands lift to doff her hood as her attention focuses on the grate. "Do you have any knowledge whether the Guild has sent any nascent adventurers into the sewers as of late?"

Reva nearly walks over the bladed poles, completely oblivious. Well, she's new to the city and taking in the amazing size and scope of the market. It's huge, and so wildly varied, and it's only chance that something sidetracks her and she steps aside from the pitfall towards a shop selling bread.

A few people around the square have looked up from their commerce and over at the pointed-out sewer grate, but most people seem content to continue on. There are a couple of points and curious looks at something protruding from it, but otherwise it seems a perfectly normal market day.

Malik shakes his head at Verna's question. "Guild sends people everywhere, as far as I know," he tells the woman. "Why? You think this is one of their things?" He sighs, taking another step forward, watching as Reva only barely sidesteps it. "If it is, then we're gonna have a few words. What are they thinking, leaving something like that in a crowded place?" But he's already off to go check out the 'contraption', moving carefully.

Verna's lips purse. "I urge caution, as we do not know its nature nor its intent. It is possible that recent forays into the sewers disturbed something, or a lack thereof allowed something to spawn." Her attention remains focused on the protrusions as she attempts to study them for what she might glean while a safe distance from sharp edges.

Erendriel arrives to the square, a mage hand in front of her fiddling with an oddly shaped metal object. As she arrives, she looks around to see what's going on... Some sewer grate is getting attention, so she waanders over to see what ....

Reva is only belatedly made aware of the spiky things as the shopkeeper she's talking with notes the mishap she nearly had. "Well, that's strange," she observes, and she'll reverse her course to investigate further. "What's going on?" she wonders aloud. "Are they planting spears in the sewers?" In Alexandria, you have to ask these things.

<OOC> Seldan says, "All right, I pose next, and then I need inits from everyone."
GAME: You roll initiative for Part-Metal Otyugh: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 17
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

Without warning, one of the bladed things lunges out at Malik, trying to grab at him. It isn't a pole at all, really, and as more of it emerges, flailing wildly, the group can clearly see that it's more like a tentacle, made from many tiny interlocking metal plates with a spinning, razor-sharp blade on the end.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Initiative."
GAME: Erendriel refreshes spells.
GAME: Malik rolls initiative: 12 + 4 = 16
GAME: Reva rolls initiative: 10 + 4 = 14
GAME: Verna rolls initiative: 13 + 2 = 15
GAME: Erendriel rolls initiative: 7 + 8 = 15

The next thing everyone knows, the sewer grate goes flying halfway across the street, sending a cart full of apples skittering into the cobblestoned pathway. Screams of terror and running people in every direction, doors slamming, shouts for the city Watch, flying stones, it all makes a glorious moment of confusion as a bulbous, round creature bursts out of the sewers and into the midst of the group. It smells absolutely horrendous and is thoroughly coated in waste of man and beast, its sharp-toothed maw open and drooling. It's an otyugh - but who made its tentacles and part of its hide of interlocking metal plates and gears, and put spinning razors on the ends?

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 16.
      It is now Malik's turn! Erendriel is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Malik ended.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik salutes! "Move action to draw the bow and fire a single shot?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "You are in melee range of it, and it has reach."
<OOC> Malik says, "Well, shit."
<OOC> Seldan says, "You can use a withdraw action and fire next round, or take an AOO."
<OOC> Malik says, "OK, so -- mage armor from the bonded item and 5' step to try and withdraw as safely as possible I suppose!"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Does use of a spell from a bonded item provoke?"
<OOC> Malik has no idea.
<OOC> Malik says, "Screw it, we'll just withdraw. Someone else can get up close with it."
<OOC> Verna says, "Casting will normally provoke."
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right. Withdraw action does not provoke and it lets you get out of range, but that is your turn. Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 15.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Verna is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Erendriel ended.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel."
<OOC> Erendriel says, "sadly there are people in the way so..."
GAME: Erendriel casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
<OOC> Seldan says, "Ranged touch."
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (3)+8: 11
<OOC> Erendriel says, "hit?"
 <OOC> Seldan says, "That will still hit, it's not exactly difficult to hit. Roll damage."

Malik scrambles back as the sewer grate explodes, doing his best to put some distance between himself and those tentacles with the blades on the end of them. He moves fairly well, ducking out of the way of anything that looks ready to take a swipe as he calls out, "Everyone get back!"

<OOC> Erendriel says, "oh I gt a second ray"
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (3)+8: 11
<OOC> Erendriel says, "and I know that's a hit so..."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yes."
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (11): 11
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (10): 10
<OOC> Seldan says, "You hurt it! Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 15.
      It is now Verna's turn! Reva is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Verna ended.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Verna."
<OOC> Verna will cast a spell, presuming that she is not in its threatened range at the moment.
<OOC> Seldan says, "If you approached the sewer grate to examine it, you are. I think you stayed back, though. Is that correct?"

Erendriel is rather shocked to see that. Her Mage Hand vanishes in a puff of logic, the lockpick clanking onto the ground. Because she's pulling up her own hand, pointing it at the tentacle aimed at Malik. Minor disagreements aside, that's just gross. So she fires two HOT rays at the tentacled thing, and hits it both times! "Malik, now that's what a dangerous ray that hurts people looks like." she says, spiking the ball.

<OOC> Verna did not approach.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Then you are not."

"It must be contained, at the least. Protect the city and citizens!" Verna can only imagine that this may be the result of an attempt to improve the cleaning efficiency of the sewer system via artifice. She calls upon her Matron's aid in this, to inspire and empower the defenders.

GAME: Verna casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 14 DC: 19
<OOC> Seldan says, "What does that do?"
<OOC> Malik says, "Easier to read it probably:"
<OOC> Verna says, "With this blessing, you call your allies to move forth and empower them to conquer and become victorious. Each round for the duration of this spell, each of your allies can choose one of the following bonuses for that  round at the beginning of its turn (their choice)."
<OOC> Verna says, "It is a user-configurable haste-like effect that also benefits spellcasters."
<OOC> Seldan says, "That is a nice spell. I've notated the tinit with it, please keep that in mind when each of you takes your turn."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 14.
      It is now Reva's turn! Part-Metal Otyugh is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Reva ended.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Reva."
<OOC> Reva did go back to investigate it. Am I next to it, or within a 5ft step?
<OOC> Seldan says, "You are close enough to melee with it, it's more or less in your face."
<OOC> Reva does not have quickdraw or I'd use the Haste effect. I will use the +2 to attack, and draw and attack.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Very good. Roll them bones."
GAME: Reva rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
<OOC> Seldan says, "That will hit. Roll damage."
GAME: Reva rolls 1d10+8: (7)+8: 15
<OOC> Seldan says, "You got it pretty good. Pose it."
      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 17.
      It is now Part-Metal Otyugh's turn! Malik is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (1)+6: 7
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: You damaged Reva for 13 points. 16 HP remaining.

Reva gives a startled gasp as the thing leaps up from the sewers, and her first thought is that this is not something that she's ever dealt with before. Then a guilty part of her mind reminds her 1. Neither has anyone else, very likely, and 2. she's a warmande for a reason. Well, she's not one, but she -is- an adventurer, and she's got a magic sword and everything, so she will draw it and strike at the strange thing, dealing a loud, resounding strke againsr the ... what is that, anyhow? She hits it solidly, in any event.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Reva, fort save please."
GAME: Reva rolls fortitude: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27
<OOC> Seldan says, "And you are grappled."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Posing...."

However, Reva's blow leaves this whatever-it-is thoroughly angry as well as thoroughly hungry, and she is the closest to its maw. It is quickler than one might expect, and it takes a good bite out of her. Both tentacles also seek to grab her, but only one finds purchase, wrapping fast around her waist. Blades and all.

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 16.
      It is now Malik's turn! Erendriel is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik says, "NOW we draw the bow and fire a single shot."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Do you have Precise Shot?"
<OOC> Malik says, "I do."
<OOC> Malik says, "No -4 for me."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Very good. Roll it."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d20 + BAB + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1: (3)+2+4+1+1+1: 12
<OOC> Seldan says, "Miss. Pose it."
<OOC> Malik sighs.
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 15.
      It is now Erendriel's turn! Verna is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel."

Malik gets to safety, drawing the bow from his shoulder and firing off a single arrow at the thing. Sadly, it manages to bounce out of the way just in time, causing the arrow to stick into the wall behind it. "Shit," Malik curses, already nocking another arrow.

<OOC> Erendriel says, "second verse, same as the first"
GAME: Erendriel casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (14)+8: 22
GAME: Erendriel rolls ranged: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (13): 13
GAME: Erendriel rolls 4d6: (9): 9
<OOC> Seldan says, "Those both hit. Your aim is pretty good. Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 15.
      It is now Verna's turn! Reva is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Verna."

Erendriel does see that Malik is getting to safety, so no feeling guilty about making her point. She shifts a little, keeping her distance, but making sure she won't hit Malik (that wouldn't do when making her point) to zap the disgusting thing two more times. Fire ! Fire! She can be seen to giggle slightly as the fourth scorching blast hits.

<OOC> Verna will attempt to aid with the Ray-ing.
GAME: Verna casts Enervation. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20
GAME: Verna rolls ranged: (2)+9: 11
<OOC> Seldan says, "That is enough."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d4: (2): 2
<OOC> Seldan says, "It weakened it, and it's very scorched."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Pose it."
GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 14.
      It is now Reva's turn! Part-Metal Otyugh is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Reva. You are currently grappled by the thing."
<OOC> Reva says, "OK. What do I roll to try and escape from the grapple?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "CMB."
GAME: Reva rolls cmb: (14)+4: 18
<OOC> Seldan says, "Not quite good enough. It still has you. Pose."

Verna's pursed lips deepen to a scowl as Reva is hit and ensnared by the creature. She utters a quick incantation and a pointed, gloved finger looses a ray of its own. The energy is none of the elements, but rather the antithesis of life on the Prime Material, and weakens the creature's own lifeforce when it connects.

      Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 17.
      It is now Part-Metal Otyugh's turn! Malik is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Constrict damage."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10

Reva acks as the thing picks her up and ouch, that's painful! Her mail shirt protects her vitals, but she's got more than a few scratches and scrapes as it grabs her. She tries to get away, fighting it with such strength as she possesses. But she's a slender woman, no mighty barbarian, and can't break herself free despite jer struggles.

<OOC> Reva says, "Wow, I'm glad this isn't DC."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Erendriel, did you step back when you cast?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Cat in fase"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "yes"
<OOC> Erendriel says, "rule one: burn things rule two: keep out of reach of things being burned"
<OOC> Seldan says, "All right."
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6: (6)+6: 12
GAME: You damaged Reva for 12 points. -6 HP remaining. (DYING)
<OOC> Verna says, "No need to worry. Death is only temporary, at worst."
<OOC> Reva x.x
<OOC> Seldan says, "And Reva is down as the thing bites her again. Posing ...."

The bladed tentacles dig deeply into the woman's side, the force crushing her, and it takes another bite out of her. Distracted by its meal, the other tentacle goes limp for the moment....

GAME: Seldan advances the initiative order.
      Round Three - Init 16.
      It is now Malik's turn! Erendriel is next!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Malik."
<OOC> Malik says, "Full attack using the extra attack from Verna's spell and rapid shot on the regular attack?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Sounds good. Roll it, and don't roll junk."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d20 + BAB + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1: (8)+2+4+1+1+1+1: 18
GAME: Malik rolls 1d20 + BAB + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 2: (15)+2+4+1+1+1+1+- 2: 27
GAME: Malik rolls 1d20 + BAB + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 2: (3)+2+4+1+1+1+1+- 2: 15
<OOC> Seldan says, "Berserker Barrage! The second one hits. Roll damage."
GAME: Malik rolls 1d8 + 2 + 1: (4)+2+1: 7
<OOC> Seldan says, "You just killed it. Pose it."

Malik nocks another arrow, feeling the power of Verna's spell flow through him. As quick as lighting, an arrow flies off. And another, and then another. The first two are impeded by the metal that the thing is covered in, bouncing off with a clang and a spark. But the third finds its mark between those metal plates, driving home almost to the feathers as the thing falls over, its last quivers of life escaping its body. "Reva!" Malik calls, looking at the woman now only loosely gripped in a tentacle.

<OOC> Seldan says, "We are out of initiative rounds now, but I will leave the timestop for a few minutes in case anyone wants to do some healing."

The creature slumps to the cobblestones, releasing the unconscious Reva in a pool of mixed blood and offal. By now, everyone who can has scattered, and the street is mostly empty except for what sounds like far-off whistles that are coming closer. Oh, and debris. Lots of debris. Doors to the brick-and-mortar stores are all closed and locked.

Once the loosed arrows land and tentacles lower (thought they may or may not continue to writhe for some time), Verna moves briskly forward for the limp Reva. "Be still," she advises, should she be conscious enough to attempt to move. Verna kneels beside the Aesir, placing a hand upon the other's forehead. "It is not yet her time to be judged, M'Lady..." She intones and beseeches before a warm glow quite the opposite of her prior expulsion infuses Reva.

You paged Reva with 'Just as a note, you would have contracted filth fever as well in a few days. This is a standard PrP, though, and there are no lasting effects from those, so it doesn't apply.'

Erendriel walks toward the others, now that the danger is passed. Seeing that healing is going on, she says nothing else.

GAME: Verna casts Cure Serious Wounds. Caster Level: 14 DC: 18
GAME: Verna rolls 3d8+14: (15)+14: 29
<OOC> Seldan says, "Heal checks also, if you are looking at Reva."
GAME: Verna rolls heal: (3)+12: 15
You paged Verna with 'You realize that there was waste of various kinds on the blades.'
You paged Verna with 'That might not be a good thing.'

Reva twitches as she's magically cured, sitting up suddenly with a start. "Gah!" she shouts, then, as her head clears, she looks around to see this is still Alexandria and not the afterlife. "... Thank you," she managaes after a moment after she works out what had been done.

Malik lowers the bow, but only slightly, walking over to where the creature lays. He wrinkles his nose a bit, looking like he might be sick at the smell. But he still carefully reaches out a boot, toeing the thing to make sure it's really down as he looks over the strange amalgamation of monster and metal. "Holy gods. How did that happen?" His eyes trace along the careful metal plates, the frown growing.

The dead corpse is still very much lying in the middle of the street, metal and hide alike scorched and charred. It was a marvel of artifice really, but done to what was a living creature. Between the smell of burning offal, burnt hide, scorched metal, and who knows what else ... it really is horrendous.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Fort saves."
GAME: Malik rolls Fort: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Reva rolls fort: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Erendriel rolls fort: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Verna rolls fort: (15)+11: 26

Verna nods to Reva, though her prior frown has not fully dissipatted. Lips remain pursed rather than neutral and her hand moves to Reva's shoulder to provide some soft resistance. "Do not rise too rapidly, and I strongly suggest that further measures be taken in the immediate future to purify your flesh. The blades which pierced you were covered in all manner of offal." Head and eyes turn to Malik before the latter dip briefly to the aberration's remains. "I can only presume via some manner of experimentation. We should remove this from the market promptly, preferably to the Society's Hall for further study.

<OOC> Seldan says, "Most of you are okay. Erendriel, you think you might puke. That's the worst smell you have -ever- made burning -anything-."

Reva winces at removing the thing, and as she gets her bearings and sees most of the damage to the creature was done by fire. She looks around, and wonders to Malik, "I think maybe wizards ought to do that. I think I'm going to be ill if I'm around much longer, and there's no way I could help carry it." She checks her sword, cleaning it with a rag which she discards when she's done with it. No use keeping that.

Verna rises to her feet and considers the corpse, and the notable movement away from it, for a moment. "Fortunately, there is no shortage of acolytes in need of practical activities. I will see to it that the remains are relocated promptly."

Malik shakes his head, taking a step back from the thing. "Other wizards," he tells Reva. He's already looking like he doesn't want to touch the thing, scuffing his boot on the pavestones as he listens for the whistles coming closer. Shouldering the bow now that he's satisfied the thing is dead, he moves over to the other three, looking around, but nods to Verna at the mention of acolytes. He glances to Erendriel, taking a brief inventory of any injuries she might have received, but looking satisfied turns to look for the approaching whistles, and to make sure that passersby stay back.

Reva nods to Verna, checking herself out once her initial shock clears. "Gah, the coat is ... going to have to be replaced." She looks down, and adds, "And most of the rest unless there's magic laundry here on top of everything else."

It's at about this time that the city Watch come charging up, swords and polearms in hand - and stop short as they find the thing dead. There's no concern about passersby staying back, as most everyone has vanished from sight. All of the shop doors are closed as well, and a close inspections will spot faces peering out the windows. "Adventurers," one says, looking around the chaos and destruction in the street. "Can't live with them and can't live without them." His eyes are on the massive corpse. "What. Is that?"

"Sanitizing your attire and equipment is a small matter," Verna notes as she gestures to Reva's boots. The offal begins to vanish and the effect slowly works its way upward. "I must restate my concerns that you seek further aid at the temple to avert any diseases, infections, or other related internal maladies. If you prefer, I can be the one to do so; I am merely unable to at this moment."

With the appearance of the Watch, she explains, "It is an apparent abomination of an aberration; a modified example of the more standard, yet no more pleasant, otyugh. Members of the Society For Progressive Arcanists will be along shortly to remove the remains for study and cleanse the area."

Reva nods about sanitizing her equipment and clothing, and she says, "I'm going to spend about a week in the bath, I think." She nods about the temple, and says, "That, too. I know that rusty metal can give you any number of diseases. Tetanus and whatnot. I can only imagine what this is infected with."

"Not sure that magic can get that smell out," Malik tells Reva helpfully. "Might just want to buy a new one." He backs up as the guards approach, letting them take it from there. But when one of the passersby asks what it is, Malik simply replies, "Unfortunate." He's already heading toward the brick-and-mortal store that Seldan disappeared into, muttering something under his breath, his mood darker than when they started.

Erendriel does have to take some time to recover before she approaches the others again. "What was that?" she says, arriving late once again.

The door to that store is thoroughly locked, and it doesn't show any signs of opening. The Watchman simply nods. "You've made it easy for us, Mourner. The rest of you, clear the area, and start cleaning this mess up." He lets out a long sigh, and turns on his heel as cleanup activity begins.

It takes some time before the doors start to open, one by one, and not until the corpse has been removed and clearing away is in process does the door to that shop finally open. Seldan is the first one through it, hand on his blade. "Is everyone all right?" He looks around him, disbelievingly.

Reva nods about buying new clothes, and she puts a hand through one of the rents in her suede coat. "Between the damage and the smell, the coat's definitely a write off. Some of the rest is /just/ stinky. I'll wash it, in case that helps. If not, yeah, new clothes."