Otto Arma
Seem the smaller a person gets the easier it is to not notice them, but this gnome makes up for that in being very eclectic and somewhat unfashionable in his self-customized Titan armor. His three foot and six inch height is added to slightly by the fact he has a helmet on, which is part of the armor he created and where the deep, penetrating, ice-blue eyes peer from. A lean rounded head ends in a strong charismatic chin with a long stylized chin beard that twirls off to either side and up to meet the mustache he has, almost like it is a large outlined smile when they meet. The beard roams down a little and splits off into two different braided strands that would reach his belt if not worked into the chest of his armor in a pattern of the icon he has taken as his own. The same green hair sits on his head and is pulled back and with a thin strip of wire, the braided hair rises up from under the back of the helmet and over it, the tip formed into the tip of a scorpion's tail. He is semi-stalky, but nowhere near as much as a dwarf, perhaps looking more like a child if one was to mistake him for a Khazad and gets a bad temper if compared to one also. Large feet and largish hands with very articulate fingers that allow him to work well with the devices he creates.
He wears a suit of armor that might look bulky, but seems to flow easily around his body, the deep red color is the main flair and on the chest his braided beard forms down into the chest of the armor, reappearing to either side to curl up around the pectorals and looking like the tail of scorpions, under some clear protective surface and as he turns his head the effect looks as if each tail is striking with green furry as the tension and slack changes in the movement and no constraints to where he looks also. Where they first appear again, attach to the painted pictorial of two scorpions clashed in battle, claws in the background intermingled and the ones in the foreground has one striking with a Steampunk looking, wrench style, hammer and the other crosses blades with it with a curved pike end that looks like the tail of a scorpion but much sharper and pointer. Amazingly, it looks like the Gnome hooked hammer he carries with him but in one piece and used for when things get nasty and up close or he needs to trip some unsuspecting opponent. His death ray sits on the outside of his right arm, a scorpion tail looking muzzle that opens to spit out its green flame, roams back into what looks like the body of a scorpion with legs wrapped around his arm. What would be clawed arms from the pot the green tubes split out from either side roam up and back to large scorpion looking backpack apparatus that holds more devices in it and the backward angled tail can be curled around the haft of a torch, or to even hang a lantern of fit if someone needs the light. This is unique and quite effective as a name making look, but the pauldrons that flare out, kneecaps and side skirt along with the helmet's side flare, red metal wings seem to float away from the armor, connected by green tendrils of electricity when the suit is active, but rest against the armor when it isn't. The same effect happens with the pouches attached to the armors belt around his waist, appearing to be sealed and hard to get into, when he needs a device or something the clamp or front attached to the top of each pouch floats outward so that he can reach into and get what he needs or slip free a tool. It certainly makes it more difficult for anyone to try and steal anything he owns as it would take some time and noise to undo at get at them if he didn't rig it that way.

His weapons are devices in the pouches along with his more obvious weapons, a copper colored, Steampunk looking Gnome hooked hammer, the hammer end a giant metal wrench and the hooked end looks like a curved scorpion tail. The other weapon evident is the quite unique looking Dragonspitter that looks like a scorpion as well with its tail pointing straight out, legs wrapped down around the main body of the gun, claws inset, into the handle, curved down on either side to create a nice grip along with look and an ease of use that can only come with masterwork quality.
About My Character
Spiral Mountains ~ His home is under the Spiral Mountains in the conclave of the Clockwork Gnomes and an esteemed Novice Artificer with some rep there as a strange one ever since his vision from Reos.
All in the Crafting ~ Armor is certainly something he has a flare for, but it is his love of flames and the fiery will of Reos that thrusts him into the world to help those that cannot help themselves.
To Each Their Own ~ It is this lifestyle and his chosen profession and class that has perhaps been some influence on the style and careful craftsmanship of his Titan Armor for a certain flair in the way his beard and hair works into the idea he has had form his vision after being bit by a cave scorpion.
RP Hooks
Following a Destiny ~ Any other artificers out there? Even goblins, though he doesn't much prefer them for many reasons, mostly racial in that they have had a long standing conflict with the gnomes for territory mostly. Away from all that inner conclave hatred, if a gobber is working for the good of all, well maybe they can find some common ground, especially any Artificer ones to compare notes with.
Skills ~ Of course he has the Artificer, but he is not unknown to work on armor and guns of all types as well. If you are a Crafter also, there might be something to talk about or if seeing someone to craft something, well he will talk with you as easy also.
Adventure! ~ Anything adventuring or plot dealing, whatever sounds like is fun he is up for getting into.