Murder is Murder

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With the riot down by the Soldier's Defense there's quite a few guardsman around. Not looking at the dead body on the ground, but making sure that no one can enter the docks without permission. The body itself is covered with a cloth to keep the elements away from it, and the newly arrived Balderdan nods to you as you join him around it. "This one's a bit... gruesome. Like some of the earliest murders. That's why we thinking it might be him. The mask left behind is of a nicer quality than it usually is, and there's a weird symbol carved into the man's chest."

Balderdan's eyes meet yours, looking over the group of you tiredly. "If you can make as quick work of this as possible, after the riot earlier we're worried that they'll head down here next."

Garak nods in understanding. "We'll be as quick as we can." He hesitates. "What was the victim's name? What did he do?"

"Would make sense! Wait, who's him?" says Boshter, projecting gormlessness as he stares at the guard.

"I will find whoever did this and I will punch them very hard! In the face!"

"These masks," Alba murmurs, floating above the cloth-covered body. "There is significance to them, I trust?" Now that the noise and hassle has died down, the Witch seems to be taking a break from Mad Alchemy to see what all the fuss was about. She still smells of strange and terrifying reagents set on fire, though…

Stjepan folds his arms across his rather broad chest. "Then we'd better find out what it is." He nods to Boshter. "And punch them hard in the face."

"His name was Milson Nayark. He's a nobleman who was visiting us. Needless to say, it's imperative that we find out for sure if this was done by the Mask. We can't have noblemen from other countries dying when they set foot in Alexandria." He still sounds tired. "As far as I know he didn't really do anything, and... Lady... Um.."

Balderdan trails off a bit staring at Alba. "That is... Yes they have a significance to them or so I've been told. They're supposed to represent this organization of the Black Masks. Mark their deaths or something. I'm not /that/ sure."

Garak says, "The original Masks were a cult of Vardama, but they weren't murderers. This is the work of a new cult, led by some madman." He watches the others as he explains, in case he's repeating information they already know. Then after a moment he kneels next to the covered body. He reaches for the covering and the pauses, glancing up at Balderdan. "May we?"

Boshter, for his part, is now studying the body intently. He's going to lean forward to lift the cloth and let himself have a look. What else can he do? "I have dealt with these masks before. They get punched hard in the face," he says, casually.

Alba drifts up a bit further to give Garak room... Though it's clear that whatever permission the priest seeks, she hopes is given. At least by the way her hair, of its own accord, picks at the edges of the cloth in numerous places. "I see," she says in answer to the explanations.

"Of course." As Balderdan promised it's not a pretty body. The shirt's been torn aside to allow a strange symbol to be written into his chest. The body is missing its head entirely. Just a black mask where it should be. Needless to say there's blood everywhere. Meanwhile Balderdan stays back. His expression clearly states that he's seen the show and isn't interested to see it again.

Garak is taken aback when he first sees the corpse. He visibly steels himself and then leans closer, examining it. He pays particular attention to the symbol. At first he looks at it from where he's kneeling, then after a moment stands and walks around to gaze on it from just beyond the corpse's feet, in case it would have looked different when the unfortunate Master Nayark was standing.

"...ew," is what Boshter says.

"Yes, this looks familiar! Okay. I am now looking for CLUES!"

He pulls out a... is that a... magnifying glass? He is inspecting the body with it. It is an official Gobber Girl Detective Magnifying glass. From her fan club.

It is not very effective.

GAME: Boshter rolls Perception: (8)+21: 29
GAME: Alba rolls perception: (14)+13: 27
GAME: Garak rolls perception: (7)+18: 25
GAME: Alba rolls knowledge/arcana: (10)+18: 28

".. I do not see anything out of the ordinary!" Boshter says, after a moment.

"Well, aside from that," he adds, nodding to where the head used to be.

And the famously mad Witch clears her throat, drifting up and away from the corpse. "Hem. So. So so so. I would suggest that all who are close to this body not remain so, and at speed. The mark carved upon him is magical, though I know not whether it is the sort of writing which becomes a deadly trap. Thus... I wish to read it. But I wish not for any else to risk becoming harmed by its magics."

Balderdan doesn't hesitate to back up, motioning for his men to do so. They all move... very far back. Then a bit further from the witch just to be safe. He's not taking any chances on something that /she/ states might be deadly!

Garak moves back away from the corpse and witch. He positions himself about 30 feet away, just close enough that the Aura of Protection granted to him by Serriel, can extend to shield her as well. "Good luck," he intones.

"Would you like me to give you a hug it it explodes?" asks Boshter of Alba, backing a step away from the corpse.

Yes, of course. He's offering a hug.

"If you hug me I will set you on fire," Alba states casually, as if commenting on the blueness of the sky.

"So that is a yes, then!" Boshter beams at Alba and backs away from the body.

The monstrous half-skull mask that Alba wears turns to one side, then the other, and once all involved have backed away far enough for her liking, she passes a hand over the skull's eye sockets, whispering a short series of mind-twisting words. For a moment, she simply stared down at the corpse, then grunts. "Safe, it is," she notes. "No trap is it, simply a brand. 'Traitor,' it says."

GAME: Sophia rolls perception: (18)+17: 35
GAME: Garak rolls perception: (17)+18: 35
GAME: Boshter rolls Perception: (5)+21: 26
GAME: Alba rolls perception: (16)+13: 29

Garak approaches the corpse again. He stands at Alba's side and looks at the mask where the head should be. "'Traitor'?" He repeats. "Traitor to whom...the other Masks?" Garak adjusts his enchanted monocle and looks more closely.

There is someone, someone on the edge of the the guards. Someone in a black robe. They stand in an alleyway watching you. You barely can see them in the dark, but you know one thing... they wear a black mask.

"If he was a mask, why would they reveal that? More than likely he is --- " and then Boshter's off and charging at the masked fellow that he just noticed.

Sophia comes onto the scene, glancing around curiously. Boshter gets recognition, but more importantly, she sees the figure watching the group. She murmurs a rapid prayer to Althea as she focuses her attention on the masked figure.

GAME: Sophia casts Hold Person. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26

Stjepan gives a curse, and starts lumbering after Boshter -- he starts running before he sees the figure. It's just good policy -- the little hobgoblin is speedy!

Garak hurries over to his trusty warhorse's side. The animal has been waiting patiently a good distance from the corpse all this time. Garak pulls himself astride and then points, adding a few murmured words. The horse breaks into a gallop, and the pair ride to the alley and then begin to circle around the building, guessing at where the masked man might emerge in an attempt to cut him off.

GAME: Alba casts Ray of Exhaustion. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18
GAME: Alba rolls ranged: (5)+9: 14

"Saaaaaah," Alba snarls as the dark figure breaks away from the guards and takes to his heels. One finger stabs out after the fleeing person, and a ray of seething black light lances through the space between them.... Only to splash harmlessly on the corner of a building, pulling a frustrated snarl from the Witch's scarred lips.

GAME: Garak rolls 1d100: (72): 72
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+17: (18)+17: 35
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d4+14: (7)+14: 21

Seeing Garak suddenly blocking off his avenue of escape the man in the mask doesn't bother to mince words, he throws two quick daggers at Garak, both of them finding vulnerable spots to sink into. Then he gives a quick glance behind him to see if the others are catching up. A third dagger... no the ones that are /in/ Garak have vanished without a trace and a bloodied one is in the man's hand ready to be thrown.

GAME: Garak rolls 16: (5)+16: 21
GAME: Garak rolls 2d8+5+2d6: (12)+5+(3): 20

Garak grimaces in pain. The horse throws itself forward and a silvery gleaming lance appears in the rider's hand. Garak jabs it into the man's side and then yanks it out. Finally the cleric shifts his grip, holding the weapon on two hands almost like a staff.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+16: (6)+16: 22

It's always annoying when people who need a thrashing don't just sit there and take the thrashing they earn. In the darkness behind the gaping eyesockets of Alba's mask, a pinprick of blood-colored light gleams, and a low chortle rises up from Alba's throat as she lifts into the air. Something.... primal... resonates in the bottom of the Mask's brain, as if he could hear the laughter, and decode his doom in its rise and fall…

GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+20: (15)+20: 35
GAME: Boshter rolls 2d8+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+23: (3)+23: 26
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+15: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+19: (15)+19: 34
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+20: (5)+20: 25
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26

And then there's Boshter. He's running at a rate of speed that seems almost inhuman. Certainly freakish and magically powered, anyway. He lifts off the ground into a precise kicked aimed at masked man's chest, slamming into him before pushing off him and landing on his heels. He leaps forward to grab at him, but the masked many nimbly dodges aside even as the gap closes. This is followed by a savage headbutt that sends him reeling. Boshter shakes his head to clear the confusion he just caused himself before lunging in again in a quickly flurry of exchanged blows with the him that leaves him with a slightly torn robe and a slightly battered Mask.

GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Stjepan rolls 1d20+19+1+2: (17)+19+1+2: 39

Sophia rushes forward. The blonde cleric and paladin utters words of magic though they have no immediate nor discernible effect. She can't be sure if she actually accomplished anything.

Stjepan arrives after Boshter -- are the flurry of fancy blows, he just grabs the Mask by the weapon arm with a bruising grip.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+30: (11)+30: 41

The Mask is nimble however, and almost easily slips out of the grasp of those trying to pin him down. "Fools." His single word is a harsh condemnation. "I have no time for child's play, it is rather difficult for me to hold back."

GAME: Garak rolls 12: (5)+12: 17
GAME: Garak rolls 9: (10)+9: 19

Garak stands in his stirrups. He tries to spear the masked villain with his enchanted lance, but can't quite connect. "Explain yourself!" The cleric calls, voice full of authority. "Were you responsible for the death of that man?!"

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24

It's rumored that Alba considers herself on the side of the Light. That she protects children, and uses fear only as a tool against evildoers. It's rumored, but nine times out of ten all that people have to go on is what they see and hear, and when a person hears the kind of laughter like that which bubbles up from beneath that fanged skull mask...

Well, one could be forgiven for thinking that she's only good because she made Evil wet its pants.

GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+23: (17)+23: 40

"Hold back? I think I shall hold you back, then!" Boshter says, brightly, as he lunges in again and gets a hold of the man after an exchange of twists and grabs.

"It seems I have you! Now, let's talk about this, shall we? You have something you wish to share with us, yes?"

He's cheerful about it.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+17: (17)+17: 34
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4+7: (1)+7: 8

This time rather than slipping free of Boshter's attack the Mask simply stabs the monk with his dagger. It comes away stained with more blood and the man growls. "I have nothing I wish to tell you."

GAME: Boshter rolls Fort: (10)+15: 25
GAME: Aftershock rolls 14d6: (42): 42
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24

And while the masked man may force Alba's curses to slide off him like water off a particularly unpleasant duck... Still that low, terrible giggling rises from the floating Witch, causing that dull throb of doubt in the back of the man's mind to sit like a cold lump.

One wonders what's going to happen when she stops finding this whole mess funny...

GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+29: (15)+29: 44

"Grk," is Bosher's response when the blade finds such significant purchase in him. He's deeply in pain, crimson staining his robes.

But then he's struggling again and htis time he gets the better of the masked man entirely, getting him locked into position and unable to break free easily for the moment. Now, he can do nothing while Boshter merely holds him in place.

"I know the rest of you have been through a lot but if you don't mind can we tie him to someone's fucking couch?"

Seeing Boshter pin the man Sophia quickly hurries toward the guards to get some shackles for him.

GAME: Boshter rolls 1d20+19: (11)+19: 30
GAME: Boshter rolls 1d8+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Boshter rolls 2d8+6: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Garak rolls 13: (19)+13: 32
GAME: Garak rolls 1d8+7+2d6: (3)+7+(6): 16

The man grunts as he's finally pinned, his body twisting just subtly. "Fools!" He utters the word again with utter contempt. "This is the last time that the Adventurer's guild stands in my way." Then suddenly the man is gone. Gone without a trace.

Garak has been doing his best to hold one arm still, and now he stumbles at the sudden lack of resistance. "A slippery foe," he remarks. Then he examines the blood soaking through Boshter's robes. "And a deadly one," he adds. "Do you require healing?"

And the slippery man disappears, and the laughter cuts off as abruptly as a pinched-out candle. Silence reigns in the air above the dying chaos, and slowly Alba's fingers curl into fists. "Oh, I will *peel his face* and wear it for a hat, next I chance upon him..." Dropping to an inch above the road, the Witch lets out a long, slow breath. "So. So so so... The betrayed wished to mark the discovery of the traitor. One wonders, how it was that this corpse came to be in this place?"

"...that seems like a very advised idea. I believe I am poisoned," says Boshter.

"That is a good point," he says to Alba. "We should investigate further. Also, I want that hat!"
