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About Mados


"Down in the darkness, you can't face all of your enemies nor find your friends - you will find yourself, though." - Mados

Roleplay Hooks

Born in the Jade Islands, he is a sailor with a modest degree of skill and a high work ethic.
Necromancy literally runs in his veins.
Recent arrival in Alexandria, still looking to set down roots.
He's an independent investigator of deaths, illnesses, and afflictions - when a culprit can be found, as he sees it, they must be found.

He worked for the Temple of Vardama in his adopted-home city of Seagarden, providing tours through catacombs and tombs.


PC Badges

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Human PC Badge
Ancestry: Xian
Associated With: Jade Islanders
Faith: Vardama

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Faith PC Badge
Faith: Vardama
Temple: Vardama's Temple
Role: Chord
Landmarks: None