Love in Every Moment

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The night was chill and gray... and for a time felt moreso as Verna went to bed alone. Unknowing of what Auranar may have set off to do, her wife's assurance of all being well in morning was heartening... and yet also worrisome. Despite this, she sleeps soundly; through Auranar's initial return and well beyond. In fact, it is not until after dawn the following morning that Verna awakes: possibly the most contiguous rest she's had in some time. To her, it also feels the most restful and rejuvenative in some time.

As fog of sleep fades, the lack of anyone else in bed provokes a long sigh. It is not until she turns, sits upright on the edge of the bed, and is prepared to rise that she realizes with a start Auranar is, in fact, present. "Aura...?"

Auranar is smiling softly as she sits in the chair they keep in their room (mostly for the purpose of throwing things on it and sitting with Hunter). It's hard to remember the last time she looked so relaxed. So at peace. So *happy*. "It's me." She promises Verna, standing up and then walking the short distance to the bed so that she can sit on the edge of the soft mattress. "How are you feeling?"

Much of Verna's concerns vanished when she realized Auranar was present. The moment she notices her smile... (how long has it been since it seemed so relaxed, genuine, and bright?) Verna cannot help but grow a broad, warm one of her own in return. "Wonderful, knowing that you are here, love." Her arm reaches easily to rest upon Auranar and she takes a brief moment to truly consider Auranar's question. "I feel very well-rested, in fact...What of you? When did you return? Have you slept?" Her smile remains, though tighens with some concern.

"I feel... Better myself. I'm glad you rested so well." There's such love in Auranar's eyes. Devotion. Care. She takes Verna's hand and kisses it gently. "I haven't slept a wink, but I don't care. I feel amazing. It's the best day. Do you want some bread? Some pastries from that nice shop down the street? Anything you want."

"Yes." The simple, reflexive, all-inclusive answer is the first thing to emerge from Verna's mouth, her focus fully on Auranar. It is more than delightful to see her like this, to be present with her like this. "It is the best day, indeed, and we shall enjoy all of that. The only decision to be what we shall we do first..." It's like being smitten all over again: simply delight, no worries... and, yet, why does a nagging sense of curiosity creep into her thoughts?

Some question seeps into her gaze, as well, though she appears no less delighted. "Might I ask what has brightened your mood, so?" Afterall, there was much ire and hate the night before, not to mention the ... detachment prior. "I would wish to keep you as delightful as you make me."

Auranar laughs lightly, with only a little reserve in her voice before she stands up and pulls Verna gently up with her. "Don't ask why today. Don't question the universe when it gives you joy. Live, laugh, love while we have today." She pulls the other woman into her arms and kisses her lightly on the lips. "I want to do everything, but first we'll bake some bread. We'll make something Grandfather likes and invite him over for dinner. Go to the cafe for breakfast and have a lazy day in the market where I'll buy you a new dress, or you can buy one for me."

Auranar chatters as she pulls Verna toward the clothes and the things that will allow her to get them both ready for today.

And with that laugh, pull, and kiss, Verna's curiosity is thoroughly annihilated. Well, rather, it is wholly replaced. Thought of 'why?' are overpowered by threads of 'where first?', 'what to wear?', 'what dress should she get her?' and 'how much fun is this going to be?' A presumptive answer to the last is already forming as Verna looses a laugh. She intersperses mentions of other things they might browse for or do into the process and discussion of gathering and donning clothes and accesories for the daytripping.

For a little while there's nothing else but getting ready for the day. Auranar playfully drapes an apron around Verna's neck and kisses her again before dancing her way downstairs. The sound of her singing as she bakes is pleasant. A reminder of better times. Auranar isn't the best singer, but her voice is beautiful when she's happy, and she's so happy right now. She gets out the flour and the eggs and all the other things she needs to make the bread and dives right into it.

Verna is left for a moment grinning like an idiot and then moves to quickly follow her beautiful, happy love downstairs. Compared to yesterday's (and days past) traversals of the same stairs, she feels like she is floating or flying to catch up. Fortunately, due to her also recent rise in baking activities, the larder is well-stocked.

Verna could ask what Auranar wishes her to do to assist, but instead simply sidles up alongside to get her hands in to just help. It's hardly their first time cooking or baking together, afterall. Though with that thought, she is taken back to their first time doing so and her smile manages to grow even more. No thoughts are really required for the recipe nor motions, which leaves plenty open for other, random ones. "Should we consider acquiring our own chickens?" Given they use alot of eggs. "Do you believe Hunter would tolerate them? What should we plant next in the gardens?" While firing off a bit ad hoc, they are mindful to not intrude on Auranar's singing.

Auranar bumps her hip into Verna's gently as the other woman joins her and cheerfully gives her half the dough to knead. Roll, knead. Roll, knead. But not too much or the bread will not rise the way it should. "Hunter would eat the chickens and we both know it." Their fierce Hunter is a menace to anything that tries to broach their home. Nothing dares enter his domain without his permission. "But maybe we can adopt some. Pay a little for feed... I want a hanging pot for mint this year. It grows too quickly in the ground even for our needs. And the usual herbs of course. But tomatoes! I want a bunch of tomatoes for canning sauce this year."

Verna gives no real thought to her response before nudging Auranar's hip back in kind while she kneads. But only so much, of course. Once she thinks hers is good for the moment, she leaves it to rest while preparing the boards or pans for the loaves. That is to say she makes a bit of a mess (or chaos?!) via sprinkling things liberally with floor. "Indeed, he would. Feed for some kept elsewhere is a far wiser choice. Hanging pots we shall have, in great numbers!" Was that a giggle? "I wish to attempt more fruits in the spring; for jams and tarts, though there is not room for trees. Berries?"

The lack of thought means a lack of overthought and an ease to Verna not oft witnessed. If she were to think of this, she would be more keenly aware... but that would mean more thought and possibly halt the benefit.

Auranar adds her dough to Verna's and puts them both into a floured pan to put in the oven now that it is heated enough for that. She quickly rinses her fingers and her eyes brighten. "Strawberries! They're perfect! They don't take up much room, and they taste delicious. We won't even have to wait long for their fruits!" She undoes her apron and starts to clean up the mess from the counter. "Do you want to go out for breakfast still? I'll have to call Grandfather if we want him to come by for dinner."

"Delicious," Verna agrees, not-coincidentally giving Auranar's cheek a light kiss at that moment before adding her own hands to be rinsed. "We shall have a jungle of strawberries and mint, then." A statement of fact before she shifts to breakfast and dinner. "I would share breakfast out with you, yes; energy for the day ahead. It would be courteous to notify Grandfather as early as possible. Should we invite any others? We could then visit the market and decide what to make for dinner. Did you already have anything in mind?"

The pink-and-black haired woman thinks for a moment. "Let me contact Grandfather first, and you think about what you'd like for dinner while I do that." She cheekily gets in a revenge kiss and heads to the scrying room to contact Grandfather a little more privately, but Auranar will not be long.

Verna is revenged upon! In the best possible way, truly. She nods and watches Auranar dart off. There is a fresh sigh, but unlike the one when she woke, this one is pleased. Happy. Content. She finally doffs her apron, shaking excess flour from it before hanging it up. This prompts her to return to the water to rewash her hands and arms of the new flour. Hands and arms that, when clean, look remarkably...

"Auranar?!" comes the call from the kitchen. It is not pained, though there is some tone of urgency to it.

"One moment!" Comes the return call, and then a hushed conversation before Auranar reappears from the scrying room to cheerfully view her wife. "What is it? Did you spot a spider? Or did you come up with a perfect idea for dinner that just couldn't wait?"

Verna walks towards the emerging Auranar, holding up her hands and bare forearms for Auranar's view, all still dripping. "Do you note any difference, or am I mistaken?" The fullness, tone, and less wrinkled flesh, for example. She then focuses upon Auranar's face and eyes, even as she asks, "What of my countenance? How do I appear to you?" There was no mirror present, now, and any prior were paid no mind to, though her cheeks are damp as well.

Auranar takes her beloved's hands. "You look as you were always meant to, and how you always appear to me. Beautiful." She says the words gently. "You're perfect Verna." Her own eyes are soft and happy. "You're not mistaken. Not at all. You're yourself again."

"I..." Verna suffers a shortage of words. She now has a a hypothesis on what has made Auranar so happy, and the answer is ... her? From a certain point of view. Not a terrible answer, at all, though there is likely more to it. "I... love you." With that, she leans in to offer her wife a kiss, hands still joined.

Whatever the full details of this turn of events may be, they can wait. She presumes they will not change in the next few moments, or even within the day. Auranar was in no hurry to speak of it, and Verna trusts her judgement.

Auranar kisses her wife in return, indeed in no hurry to explain anything. She kisses the other woman gently and sweetly before pulling away and tucking a lock of perfectly white hair behind one ear and smiling to herself. "Come on. I still want to take you out and see the world. Grandfather will be by later, and we'll want something special for dinner. I'm thinking pumpkin soup and rabbit."

She leads Verna out of the house then, after drying her face and setting their shoes on their feet. They've a whole wide world to enjoy; and years and years to enjoy it. Auranar intends to enjoy every moment.