Into The Temple - Part 3

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Log Info

  • Title: Into The Temple - Part 3
  • GM: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Rune, Harkashan, Eztli, Silmeria
  • Location: Felwood
  • Summary: The lost temple of Eluna stands revealed, its grounds consecrated, and the the exterior secured. Now all that's left is to begin its exploration.

It's quiet now. The statues have stopped their movements, leaving the room crowded but safely navigable. The door on the other side of the chamber remains.

Still, the scent of ozone hangs in the air and the pain of injuries incurred are all too real.

But now? Now just silence.

Maeva breathes a sigh oof relief.

"We keep moving." Harkashan reminds, moving to the door on the other side of the chamber. He's about to grab at the handle, when he thinks better of this approach, and steps back. "Hrrm... Rune?" He inquires, looking back at the half-elf.

The small makari of the group was looking none too pleased about everything, and their acknowledgement was a long puff of air out of their nose that kicked up a small cloud of soot. "I guess we keep moving." Eztli huffs. "But next time, if you're going to do something horribly dangerous, say something first, or better yet, let me do it next time, since I'd never forgive myself if something happened to one of my friends."

The sorceress stops to poke the air where her magic just was to make sure it wasn't still there, before stopping just behind the others. "Ah, right. Be a bit weird for a temple door to be trapped, but stranger things have happened, haven't they?"

GAME: Rune rolls perception+7: (10)+34+7: 51

"Thank you *very* much, brother," Silmeria says to Harkashan, shaking out her hands, and nodding at the cleric's pronouncement. Slipping around the now-statuelike, statuesque statues, she hangs a bit back from the door, pistol aimed ceilingward. Trigger discipline, after all, *is* important, and there's a small, nastily suspicious part of her that agrees with Eztli's sentiment.

Well, that was ... exciting! Bryn looks between the wounded (to include the extra-crispy Makari), but they're quickly enough no longer wounded. Well, mostly not. Then they're moving again. "Not one fer standin still, neither..." Then there's a pause at the door. "Summin wrong with it?" Her experience with doors-in-previously-hidden-temples is ... limited.

GAME: Rune takes ten on disable device+7: (10)+32+7: 49

Rubbing just below her nose, Rune forces herself to take a deep breath before she gives one more look around the room before turning her attention towards the next door. She quirks a brow at Harkashan, as if a bit surprised that he's willing to wait at all. "Who are you and what have you done with my mate?" She asks, but it's obvious that the half-sil is joking in that moment. "I got it."

She slips past the others towards the door, "Alas, you've found yourself in a group of do-gooders, Eztli. Self-sacrifice can become a fault if we start fighting over it." Rune teases. With a nod to Bryn, she adds, "That's what we're going to find out." After what looks like a casual glance, "Looks safe enough, but locked. Let me do my 'magic'." A moment later, with a few clicks and turns of her tools, there is a click.

"I guess the shock from moments ago rattled something loose. I'm sure I'll be moving through doors without a worry in just moments again." Harkashan answers Rune with a little smug grin on that toothy face of his. He then moves aside so shes' got room to do her magic.

"And no guarantees." He then answers Eztli. "I'm a bit sturdier than you after all. Best I do the dangerous things for now." Before noting that Rune has unlocked the door, and then passes straight through as soon as she begins to open it.

There you go. He's back.

Bryn follows on through, offering Eztli a late grin and an assurance. "Don't worry! Sure there'll be plenty of chances fer everybody to do dangerous things!"

"Oh, gods damnn it, you're right. Harkashan is too self sacrificing for his own good, and that probably why everyone likes him." Eztli sighs. "Alright, just be careful, I'm sturdier than I look you know."

"Nah, he's still Harkashan. Seriously though Hark, how did you end up with someone like Rune? Asking for a friend, you know." They add teasingly before heading to the door. "Given the mess in the entry that was more subdued in here, I'd be more surprised if that was the end of it, to be honest."

"Just escort some shipments, form an inseparable bond, and one sacrifices themself for the other." Harkashan rumbles, trying to make light of their history. "Though I'm not sure I can recommend the latter." He looks towards Rune. "From my understanding, that one sucks."

"I do very much prefer sacrificing my own life, rather than that of others," Silmeria pipes up from the back. "*Much* easier rest when the dust settles. But, Master Bryn has the right of it; I doubt we'll *all* have the chance to be foolish and noble before the day's done."

"That's what I'm talking about." Rune seems to agree with Bryn on the matter of these dangerous halls.

Of course, Eztli's question has her looking between the two Makari momentarily, obviously curious. "Yeah, I don't recommend the dying thing, it's not pleasant, either the going or the returning." She shakes her head, and then adds on, "Though, if you're in the market, my mom is single, and she's younger than me due to some possibly god-irritating shenanigans with Fae and time."

It's a long story.

Eztli takes a pause, and snorts loudly. "Damn, did I do something wrong? Followed nearly all the steps, was it the fact I didn't do any delivery escorts?" The makari chuckles weakly. "Yeah, it does suck, that much is for certain. Last time it happened to me, my partner called me a freak of nature and left me alone in an undead infested forest."

The small makari shrugs, and peers into the next room. "That's, huh. Sounds like Fae alright, though I'm not sure how I'd feel meeting your mom, Rune."

"... let's not sacrifice anyone?" suggests Maeva, gently, with a winsome smile on her face. She glances back towards the statues that are being left behind and follows the Alexandrians into the next chamber.

The first thing you notice as you cross the threshhold is that this chamber is the same shape as the previous one, but larger, rendering it tto be some kind of antechamber. Three hallways diverge from this point, one directly tto your left, one directtly across the way from you, and and another thatt sits between those two. The wals here are much less decorated than the previous chambers, butt the artwork was clearly in process and it seems they just didn't finish it, faded, half-complete murals and images adorning them.

The room is ulliminated by gentle crystals in sconces, creating flickering, moving shadows. The floor is adorned with a clear reflection of the night sky, though it bears three seperate moons in a crescent, half, and full phase.

Bryn quirks one very bushy brow at Silmeria, but the look doesn't linger. There are many other things to set her eye on, like more carvings! Even if they look unfinished, they're still worth looking at. "They liked their decoratin... even the floor!" She notices that, too.

"Sounds like your former partner deserves a swift kick in the junk, or three. Definitely three." The idea of someone treating a person like that rubs the rogue the wrong way. "Or worse..." She may just be a bit defensive of those she considers friends.

Rune's fingers linger on the carvings around the door lock for a moment, but her eyes are already peeking past the others and into the room beyond. "That's okay. I probably shouldn't try at playing matchmaker, but my father was a real piece of work, and she's been through enough bullshit for several hundred lifetimes."

Her words cut off at the sight of the floor, taking careful steps as she looks at the reflections of the night sky and the phases of the moon. A hand clasps around her necklace. "It's... strange to see some things seemingly complete, while others left half-made."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (3)+29: 32

"Rune's mom is pretty nice. You'd probably like her." Harkashan rumbles, while his tail lashes in annoyance at Eztli's words. But he leaves it to Rune to express her annoyance at that story, rather than expressing it himself in words. Makari can read the obvious body language well enough, he believes.

As they enter the new room, he agrees he's surprised something is Undone or Half Finished here.

"The Murals are mimicing the half, quarter, and fully done phases of the moon." He points out.

"Oh believe me, I know it and I might do it myself, if I ever crossed them again. Maybe, not sure how I'd react yet." The makari shrugs, nodding once to Rune and Harkashan, settling down just a bit. "It's fine, I'd probably like to meet her at some point, especially if she needs a few friends."

Such musings put to the side for now, the sorceress snaps her fingers to readjust to any ambient magic as she was uncertain if it was drained by the prior room.

"I know the moon is important to them, but I don't know that much about their customs, to be honest. I may follow Eluna, but I wouldn't call me the most devout of people." She admits. "Think they were interrupted making the murals, or they just didn't have what they wanted to put on them, yet?"

GAME: Eztli casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 13 DC: 16

"And I'll definitely be interested to hear that story," Silmeria chuckles, "though preferably over tea, or drinks. For now, though..."

Bespectacled eyes scan the room, taking in the imagery on the walls, and the possibly-magical scenes on the floor. Then she looks from one hallway, to another, to another. "Tell me," she muses. "Does anyone have an idea *which* phases of the moon are being depicted? Only, I have the idea that that will tell us what order we explore in."

"Well, you know if you ever need some assistance dealing with the assholes of the past, you've got support behind you." Because the real test of friendship, is how fast they help you bury the body. Then, to Silmeria, "I'd be glad to. It's a... not so fun tale, but at least it has a happy ending."

"So... if the murals correspond with the floor, then they probably also correspond with the doors. Though I'm not so sure the direct connection. If there was some kind of date, or point of reference as to where to start... that would be easier, since moon phases tend to cycle."

Bryn steps to skim, or try to, the complete mural. Because its complete, of course. She doesn't notice the walls connection to the floor (in the mural sense) until it's pointed out. Then the correlation to the doors. Which leads her to jam a thumb to the door nearest her and the full mural wall. "Means we should definitely go this way, right? Room'll be the most full!"

These murals are definitely different than the ones before. Instead of depicting clear indicators of people or scenes, these are more elborate works of sprawling geometric designs, interlocked circles and glyphs. Artistic design, probably referencing some kind of contemporary art style from the day, but not bearing a clear indicator of what they might mean.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nature: (6)+27: 33

"Appreciate it, really. Hasn't been much cause to revisit my past, but I'll keep it in mind." The small makari chuckles, her mood improving by the moment. "Huh, maybe it's an artistic vision thing they aren't finished then, to match up with the moon cycles?" Eztli suggests, looking at the fullest area. "I uh, I don't know if that's the train of thought I'd use for there Bryn, but it may make sense regardless, right? If they were using this place in accordance to the phases of the moon, maybe the door near the full mural was made to be accessed now?"

GAME: Silmeria rolls knowledge/religion: (17)+14: 31

Maeva kneels down on the ground to study the three moons, herself, while offering quiet prayers to Eluna. A holy place, is it not? It deserves her respect.

Unfortunately, nothing happens when she prays. Not all are answered, perhaps.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (12)+34: 46
GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (16)+5: 21
GAME: Harkashan rolls perception: (11)+29: 40
GAME: Silmeria rolls perception: (1)+23: 24 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Bryn rolls perception: (17)+7: 24

Harkashan rumbles, crossing his arms, taking some time to look at the mish-mash mis-match of the murals and the floor. Glancing then to the grooves, and then rubs his head. "Puzzles... probably to stop the Demons from getting through. And seeing as we're not seeing any damage, and the puzzle is still in this state, that suggests that no demons got through." He points out. He's not one to be big on puzzles.

When Maeva kneels to her prayers, Rune moves to stand at her side. Though she is not a cleric, her connection to the Sky-singer was forged from circumstance, fate, and blood. She doesn't say anything, but there is a small nod, as if the rogue understood all too well both answered, and un-answered prayers.

Then, she looks over to the others, then her brows furrow as if she were catching sight of something. "Hey... guys?" There is a moment of hestiation before she steps forward and crouches, running her hand along one of the walls. "It... almost looks like the walls can move."

Harkashan's comment about this place being a puzzle to catch demons has her looking upwards towards the ceiling, "There's... some discoloration on the ceiling that could be arrow slits, or something similar. I'd suggest avoiding those, just incase the room determines that us messing with it is the work of demons."

"Oh, puzzles. I'm not the greatest at these, no matter what people say about being intelligent in different ways." The makari huffs, taking a look at the ceiling and shifting farther away from the ceiling holes. "And I get the feeling said trap won't care we aren't demons, either. Does anything on the walls look like it might line up with the ground, maybe?"

"The floor, the walls... This truly *is* a devious barrier to surmount," Silmeria murmurs, pacing the images on the floor. "I've no doubt that a faithful Elunan would be able to divine the solution, but... I note that we lack for something to move forward."

Coming to a halt, she straightens, and looks back over the party. "...Does anyone have an idea *how* to move the walls and the floor and the images? Main force doesn't seem to be feasible..."

Harkashan glances to the others. "I mean... there are grooves on the walls. And the walls can be rotated, it looks like..." He looks to Eztli. "Did you prepare any telekinetic spells? I mean, otherwise, we just explore elsewhere. The main goal I have is to find any demons and kick them out - if there are any." Harkashan points out. "And they sure didn't sole this."

"Oh. I thought, maybe we push them really hard? How much can potentially load bearing walls of a giant ancient tower weigh, anyways?" Eztli offers, turning to Hark and shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I don't, but I really should. Probably safer for touching things I shouldn't be, too. But The people who made this can't have expected people having telekinetic magic on hand for it, right? Like, wasn't this place made because magic was so rare in the first place? There has to be some way to move them."

"Unfortunately, I probably don't have the years of service on my Elunite punch-card." Though Rune's hand remains clasped around her necklace, she shakes her head, obviously not as familiar with matters of her own 'faith' as others would certainly be. Her bindings to the goddess came about in a far more round-about sort of way.

"If the concern is finding and rooting out demons, I think Harkashan may have the right of it, though. It's obvious they didn't solve this puzzle." Still, her brows furrow, "But I swear something came this way. Those tracks back in the main atrium..." She seems to be struggling to figure it out. "The problem is, I know enough about traps to know that poking at one you don't know the trigger for, is asking for trouble."

"Okay, so... it's possible the moons might be our answer. I'm... pretty good with traps, so I'll take one for the team." She looks at the others, "Back away from where the holes are in the ceiling." Rune advises them, trying not to get the others caught if this is a trap. Then, she'll step down onto the full moon symbol on the floor.

Harkashan remarks; "It should probably be configured so it's a full moon cycle." He points out.

"Alright, just, be careful, alright? The moment anything looks like it's going on, I'm getting you out of there." Eztli responds, looking and sounding a bit nervous at the prospect. She gives the ceiling holes a wide berth, but still staying close enough she could make a sprint for the rogue if necessary.

It takes more force than you'd think. Rune has to push pretty hard on the full moon circle to get it to depress, but it eventually does.

There's a whirring sound. A series of loud, echoing clicks that come up from under the floor ... but then nothing until Rune gives it a good, clockwise twist. The plates on the floor slowly begin to shift beneath your feet as she works to align them with the moon phases more properly.

There are two other depressions within the other moons, now, which similarly depress when they begin to rotate.

As they settle into their new locales, there is a loud *CLONK* sound and now the *diorama* begins shifting around you, cutting off the old passages and revealing a singular tunnel to the right of the way in which, speaking of that, is now closed to you. NEver a good thing.

Maeva claps her hands together, "Lovely! Wond--," She, and each of you, feel something hitting you from above. Like rain. Pitter patter. A check by your hand comes away streak with a sticky substance the texture and look of horrible snot, a mix of green and bilish yellow.

GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (1)+16: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering+2: (12)+6+2: 20
GAME: Silmeria rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (4)+8: 12

Eztli, despite her best attempts, is showered in something... unpleasant, but at least not _immediately_ dangerous. "Is this some anti demon goop? Dangerous to us? I'm going to get rid oh this the moment I can unless anyone says otherwise." The makari grumbles loudly, rolling up one sleeve, pinching her snout and preparing an incantation to cast.

"Delightful.... slime." Harkashan grunts, staring at the ceiling with annoyance more than anything. "Alright. Either we bash our way out, or we figure out what to do about these." He notes. "Try not to let it touch you. It'll eat through all of your metal and other garments." He warns. "And can severely harm your vitality."

The sudden rain of goo has Rune drawing back a bit, her nose scrunching up. "This can't be good." She looks towards the one exit, and then back at the other moons. "I think we need to solve the puzzle, rather than trying to rush our way out. Maybe we need to interact with the other two?" Of course, the rogue looks a bit uncertain, "But I'm not entirely sure the right order..."

"...augh," says Maeva, shaking herself off and holding herarms over her head.

Fortunately, the slime is remaining just a steady trickle, like the last dregs of a bucket being poured out into a drain.

From down the tunnel, there is a sound. The sound of something wet *sclorching* over stone. It grows ryhtmic, like a heartbeat.

... or footsteps.