If You Love Me

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Gramarye keeps an orderly home. She inherited it when her First Father passed away, as he made sure she was cared for in the waning of his twilight years, and while it's a quiet place tucked away on a quiet street that's a bit of a walk to get to from elsewhere in the Market District, peace and quiet is often at a premium in Alexandria. The war golem is busied with the act of finishing Aragos's laundry for him, folding it away neatly in her methodical way.

Thankfully, the man wears precious little besides black, so she doesn't have to sort by color. She does, however, sort by weight. Gramarye has noticed a sharp uptick in the amount of new clothes Aragos has received from an undisclosed friend. She knows that it is generally good for sentient organic lifeforms to have a diversity in their apparel options. Not only is it good for their mental health and self-esteem, it serves a practical function. Aragos now has a variety of cold weather options to choose from, which Gramarye appreciates.

However, it is also late, and she keeps note of this fact. By her estimation of time--which is quite accurate--it is about fifteen minutes past the tenth bell of the evening.

Aragos opens the door to the house and as has become habit of sorts, he calls out to Gramarye to let her know he's here since she rarely is out of the house this late. "I'm home Gramarye!" He stands next to the door, laying down his sword by the door and beginning to unbuckle his armor. That will take him a few moments on its own.

He notices that she's not in the immediate vicinity and doesn't worry just yet. If he can't find her once the armor is off he'll be putting it all back on though. "Gramarye?"

Gramarye steps out of Aragos's bedroom, which isn't unusual for her. She goes in there to sort Aragos's clothes and do other things. As she has assured Aragos before, it is not within her protocols to snoop, merely to help care for the house, so she has never once searched through Aragos's belongings. "Welcome home, Father," she says, curtsying in her usual ladylike fashion. "It is late. Do you require food?"

She can't cook, but she's always willing to accompany Aragos to the Fernwood or some other eating establishment nearby. That being said, her question is quickly answered not by Aragos, but by a knock at the door.

"A guest?" Gramarye inquires.

Aragos smiles at Gramarye, nodding politely back to her. "It's late but I don't feel like wa-" His words are interrupted by the knock and Aragos turns toward the door. He can't remember the last time they got a guest. His sword is in his hand though his armor is mostly off now as he motions for Gramarye to stand back. "Probably nothing, but just in case..."

He opens the door.

The other side of the door reveals a familiar sight. Aragos knows the face of the fae gentleman that he knows as Alud'rigan very well. In the beginning of knowing each other, Alud'rigan would appear in this genteel demeanor, the shirt, waistcoat, and pants that all marked the dignity of a nobleman and the appearance that could so easily be mistaken for a mul'niessa man. His violet eyes are filled with a sort of trepidation that Aragos has never really seen before in the fae man. He carries a small basket in his hands, offering it out to Aragos.

"Hello, Aragos." Alud'rigan smiles warmly. "I was hoping you might invite me in... or that we might be able to have a late-night picnic somewhere."

Beyond Aragos, Gramarye intones, "It is late. Father must adhere to his sleeping schedule or he will not be sufficiently rested for his shift at the Temple tomorrow in: 10 hours and 42 minutes."

The paladin of Vardama relaxes considerably at the sight of Alud'rigan at his door. He steps back and sets his sword to the side. "He's brought food Gramarye, you were just saying I should eat something. He can come in and have a bite with us can't he?" The us is relative since Gramarye doesn't really eat."Besides I don't need that much sleep and I'd like to introduce you two."

He steps back to welcome Alud'rigan into the house with a sweeping gesture. "Just give me a moment to take my armor off? Alud'rigan, this is Gramarye. Gramarye, this is Alud'rigan." Aragos smiles at the two of them a bit softly as he finishes divesting himself of his armor.

Gramarye regards the two men with obsidian eyes that don't move nor blink--she is incapable of either, but her head shifts to get a better view of Alud'rigan in particular as the man makes his way inside. The fae gentleman gives a bright smile at Gramarye. "It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Gramarye," he says, violet eyes filled with a genuine delight. He's mentioned to Aragos several times how he'd like to meet Aragos's daughter one day, if he was comfortable.

The man holds out his hand for Gramarye to shake. Gramarye, however, studies him for a long moment more. "Inquiry: what classification of being are you, and what is your relationship to Father?" It's unusual for Gramarye to breach her social protocol, but then again, she's also quite protective of Aragos in ways that are unexpected all the time.

Alud'rigan blushes a little at the second question. "I'll not speak for your Father, Miss Gramarye, but I actually came here to discuss that with him." There's a look of hope in his eyes as he regards Aragos.

Aragos blinks at Gramarye, trying to figure out why she would care what kind of 'being' Alud'rigan is, but like Alud'rigan he flushes at the second bit of question. "It doesn't really matter does it Gramarye? What kind of being he is? What matters is what kind of *person* he is."

The paladin of Vardama takes the untaken hand in his own and smiles at Alud'rigan. "And he's one of the best people I've ever met, so I'd appreciate if you treated him kindly Gramarye." Here he looks at Gramarye, and his smile twists with amusement. "I mean I guess he's got a few years on me, being immortal and all but that doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you right?"

Alud'rigan's face becomes all the warmer and happier when Aragos takes his hand. However, the moment Aragos asks his last question, the war golem that Aragos has for a daughter takes a heavy step forward. "Inquiry: what is the nature of this immortality? Why has something immortal taken interest in Father?" There's an edge of emotion that sneaks into Gramarye's voice. It's the kind of irritation that's generally more at home in Aragos's voice.

It knocks Alud'rigan a bit flat-footed conversationally. He finds himself blinking a couple of times before he replies, "I am fae. Formerly of the nobility. Now, I sit in my house in Quelynos most days, knitting clothes for those I love or working on some other project here and there. I tend to my gardens, my birds, and my forest."

Gramarye's eyes 'blink' in their usual manner, and then the war golem incants a phrase that puts a blue sheen into her eyes. Aragos has seen her detecting magic before. "Father. Please indicate for me whether or not you have been enchanted, charmed, or otherwise influenced by magic by this unwelcome entity before I incinerate him, as per anti-fae protocol."

Aragos's eyes widen at Gramarye's promise to incinerate Alud'rigan and immediately pulls the other man behind him. "Of course I haven't been enchanted or anything! And you are *not* going to set him on fire! Good Vardama we're *dating*." He flushes a little when she doesn't seem immediately swayed.

"I love him Gramarye! And I will *not* allow you to hurt him! I know you've got your protocols for good reason, but this is one fae that you will *not* harm!" Aragos has no shoes on at the moment, but he metaphorically has put his foot down on the matter.

Tension hangs in the air like a dread moon as moments pass. The blue light in Gramarye's eyes winks out, and then Gramarye takes a step back. Alud'rigan watches her with wide eyes, his hand going gently to alight on Aragos's arm as a show of support, warmth, and, indeed, love.

"I require Father's verbal permission to add the entity called Alud'rigan to the exception list for this protocol." Gramarye intones this nearly without any passion whatsoever. "Father, I do not mean to upset you. The protocol was put into place by First Father, who expressed a great distrust of fae for reasons that cannot be known without using a school of magic forbidden to me by First Father's instructions. He instructed me to always check that Father is free of enchantment, charms, and other magical effects when in the presence of fae. I see nothing on Father that falls within these parameters."

Alud'rigan says, "I understand, Gramarye." His voice is warm, and he tries to go back to Aragos's side, as Gramarye doesn't seem to be an active threat. "I love your father. I wouldn't want him to be taken away by any other fae. In fact, I say your First Father and I had one thing in common: a keen distaste for fae." He chuckles a little. "Gramarye, you have my permission to add Alud'rigan to the exception list for your fae protocol." Aragos isn't about to fool around and find out about Gramarye's protocols. Even if Alud'rigan didn't end up hurt, and Gramarye didn't end up hurt, the chances of no one ending up hurt was slim to none. With that taken care of he looks at his daughter hopefully, hoping that she'll return to her natural protocols and that her and Alud'rigan would get along well. "It's good to be cautious, but Alud'rigan is... He's important to me."

Aragos flushes again and looks between the two. "Can we please eat now? I'm actually pretty hungry and though I had intended to go to bed that way, I'd actually rather not."

"Exception recognized." Gramarye then offers a curtsy to Alud'rigan. "My apologies for my lack of hospitality. Resuming social protocol now. I am Grace Reason Amity Miracle August Revelry Young Earnest--designation GRAMARYE. I am capable of enchantment and item creation to your exact specifications."

When she resumes her regular stance, she then intones, "I will ready the kitchen table for the proper social protocol of food consumption. In the meantime, Father, please inform me how long you have been affixing labels of time to Alud'rigan."

"Affixing..." Alud'rigan murmurs, before he puts a gloved hand to his mouth to hide his quirked smile. He goes to follow Gramarye into the kitchen, where there is also a table for Gramarye and Aragos to have a meal (even if it just consists of Gramarye taking a seat and Aragos eating). "No, Aragos and I are romantically involved. We are... I believe you might understand it better as courting?"

Aragos doesn't know what in the name of nine hells 'affixing labels of time' is supposed to mean, but Alud'rigan's clarification means it has something to do with their relationship even if Aragos still doesn't know what Gramarye means. He rolls with it, because his ignorance is embarrassing and frankly it's the best method he's found thus far. Trust in Vardama and hope he'll understand somewhere along the line.

"Courting, yes. We're courting." He nods, feeling half embarrassed and takes a seat at the table. He's not used it much, but it's comfortable and he rubs his hands a little eagerly. "So, what have we got for food? Oh! And what did you want to talk about Alud'rigan? Or... Did you want more privacy?"

"Pie," Alud'rigan says with a smile, holding up the basket and putting it on the table. He takes a moment to look between himself and Gramarye as she finishes straightening out a table runner that dangles a little over the edge, but it's a nice decorative touch.

"I do not require sitting," Gramarye tells Alud'rigan. "Please take the seat." There are only two chairs. They don't get guests often at all.

Alud'rigan nods, taking the seat, and he elaborates, "Apple pie, made by my granddaughter, Auranar. It's lovely; she's giving me a run for my coppers, to borrow the mortal phrase, in the culinary arts these days." He almost asks Gramarye about fetching plates and forks, but she's on it as soon as he sits down, bringing over the utensils and fine porcelain, as well as a nice silver serving utensil that Aragos has never found a purpose for until now. "I appreciate your hospitality, Gramarye. As for why I came here, ah..."

The fae gentleman flushes. "The cat, as it were, has already left the bag. But I came to tell you that I love you in no uncertain terms. And I don't mean to chase your lovely daughter out of the room and especially not the house."

Gramarye is playing the part of an amazing hostess now, and Aragos shows his appreciation in his eyes and in his posture which is caring. "Much appreciated Gramarye." He's gotten out of the habit of thanking with his boyfriend being a fae, but he can still say this much and welcome her to stand nearby him while Alud'rigan talks.

The words that Alud'rigan says stain his face nearly crimson and he reaches out for the other man's hand. "In no uncertain terms, I love you too Alud'rigan.”

Alud'rigan takes that hand, and he squeezes it gently, his fingers curling around Aragos's. But before he might say anything more, Gramarye breaks the tender moment with a question.

"Congratulations," she says, nearly as dispassionately as her voice typically is. "Will I have to find new accommodations?"

That draws Alud'rigan's tender gaze away to Gramarye, where it becomes a puzzled look. "Accommodations?" he asks. "Miss Gramarye, I would not dream of any living situation that would have you apart from your father."

A blink passes in Gramarye's eyes before she responds, "A courtship typically leads to procreation among organic lifeforms. Currently, we have two rooms in this house for occupants' private quarters. While it is common for those engaging actively in procreation--or recreational procreation--to share a private quarter, general guidelines for families indicate that a child warrants its own room after reaching an age where they no longer require constant stimulation and care by their parents. If a child is to be expected, it would be sensible of me to find alternative accommodations."

Aragos colors considerably. "No... ahem... child is expected Gramarye." His ears are quite pink now. "Besides which that is a... complicated question when both of the organic lifeforms are of the same... type." Ah to explain the complicated concept of gender to a wargolem! "Suffice to say that for now the accommodations will stay the way they are. Alud'rigan has actually offered before that I could stay with him, but I thought... I wanted to make sure that you had me around."

Strange that both the people in his life have ended up being so long-lived compared to him. He wonders sometimes if that's a subconscious choice on his part. "For as long as you need, or want me." He smiles at Gramarye. "Besides, this is your house."

"It is my house," Gramarye replies, "legally speaking, as I own the deed to the property. However, it is a house that I share with Father, and therefore, it is our house."

She then pivots her head meaningfully at Alud'rigan. She's not usually one for extraneous head movements, but sometimes she looks straight on at an organic lifeform if her social protocol asks for it. "It is open to you, should you wish to stay here."

Alud'rigan shakes his head at that, but he smiles at both her and Aragos. "I must be in Quelynos for lengthy periods of time, or my seat might be considered abandoned, both by the land and other fae. Given how much of my family is buried there... I wouldn't abandon them." This is why, and how, he has come to such an understanding with Aragos. They're both men who have loved and lost, and they also have families to look after. Neither one of them has any desire to tear the other from their family. "But I will certainly come to stay for a time."

The fae gentleman grins as he then goes to retrieve Aragos a slice of the pie Auranar had sent him here with. "After all, if I have a place to stay for a night or two, then I may yet get a grandchild out of Cor'lana and Telamon sooner rather than later." That's a keen little joke, but also a tiny bit of hope, and in some ways, both humor and love is what got them all here to begin with.
