Hunting Fiends pt9

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GAME: Morgan refreshes spells.

When last we left our brave and noble heroes, many of the bones throughout the catacombs had congealed into a central creature.

This is nmot good.

With long, sharpened spiked bows upon it, it seems to now be advancing on you.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Kore's turn! Morgan is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Morgan's turn! Hun'rar is next!

GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18

GAME: Morgan rolls knowledge/religion: (15)+11: 26

GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (14)+5: 19

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Iskandar is next!

Morgan takes a few steps back "Kuljorra, ledgen has it they are ghosts that take controll of bones from the stormgardians ledgens." She then waves her hand fast to send 5 bolts of force to slam i to it."

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22+4-2: (3)+16+4+-2: 21

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Iskandar's turn! Bone Dancers is next!

Hun'rar takes a breath and with great faith in his heart advances on the creature with his sword held high. "Come on creature, come feel the power of Gilead. Come find your doom on my steel."

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12+2: (6)+12+2: 20

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Bone Dancers' turn! Skull Mountain is next!

In the distance, there's a sound. A rattling that sounds an awful lot like laughter. It's coming from both ends of the catacomb tunnels.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Skull Mountain's turn! Serraphine is next!

GAME: Serraphine rolls Fort: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Morgan rolls fort: (7)+8: 15

GAME: Hun'rar rolls fort: (8)+15: 23

GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (18)+7: 25

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Kore is next!

Iskandar rushes after Hun'rar. The lightly armored Giantborn manages to overtake his fellow warrior, splitting away to trap the skeleton monster between them. Iskandar takes a punch as he approaches. His fists bounces off of the creature, but his bearded face is alight with joy. "Who's idea was it to come through the sewers?" he repeats his words from earlier, only this time they are full of bellowed joy and not dark mutterings.

There's a wave of its 'arm', an arm composed of arm bones from more than one arm. IT feels immediatlely like your own skeleton is dancing around inside your flesh, fighting you every step of the way. Like it wants to tear free and join the creature. Most of you are able to fight it back for the moment but its highly unpleasnet and does not appear to be stopping.

There's a cackling sound. Like perhaps its some kind of skeleton Hyena or somethhing.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+19: (7)+19: 26

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 2d8+9: (3)+9: 12

GAME: Serraphine refreshes special ability pools.

GAME: Serraphine spends TWO uses of LAY ON HANDS.

GAME: Serraphine spends ONE use of SMITE EVIL.

GAME: Iskandar refreshes special ability pools.

GAME: Hun'rar refreshes special ability pools.

GAME: Hun'rar spends ONE use of SMITE EVIL.

GAME: Serraphine rolls 12 +2 -2: (18)+12+2+-2: 30

GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+5+6+14: (3)+5+6+14: 28


AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Kore's turn! Morgan is next!

GAME: Kore casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Kore rolls fortitude: (8)+11: 19

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+1+1: (7)+13+2+1+1: 24

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+2+3: (2)+(8)+4+2+3: 19

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Morgan's turn! Hun'rar is next!

Kore shakes her head a couple of times to clear it as the laughter erupts all around her. SHe's aking what is likely a familiar stance by now, drawing her feet to shoulder's width apart and raising her fists. She steps forward to put herself between the thing and Morgan then lunges wildly, lashing out with a furious series of punches. And they... Seem to work, thus far. Real, impactful blows that crack bone and possibly cause the thing to real. It's hard to tell with an undead monster.

GAME: Morgan casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Iskandar is next!

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22+4-2: (20)+16+4+-2: 38 (THREAT)

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22+4-2-5: (7)+16+4+-2+-5: 20

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22+4-2-5: (10)+16+4+-2+-5: 23

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22+4-2: (20)+16+4+-2: 38 (THREAT)

Morgan feeling a new pain she is not use to she stumbles back almost falling but she is flying but not use to this she fires two lances at it but hits two bugs at the monsters feet.

GAME: Hun'rar rolls 2d10+18+6+8+16+1d6 fire: (12)+18+6+8+16+(6 fire): 66

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Iskandar's turn! Bone Dancers is next!

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12+2: (18)+12+2: 32

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12+2-5: (13)+12+2+-5: 22

Hun'rar raises his sword to the sky, the red flames of the steel blade mixing with an arcane purple eminating from his hand. "By Gilead, return to dust and void!" he calls out as he stabs the blade into the center of the creature with one true strike. Even as he does white holy flames mix with all the others to create a conflagration of magic fire that bursts within the creature. He follows up with a second quick strike as well as attempting to bite the creature but both fail to find purchase.

GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d6+9: (3)+9: 12

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Bone Dancers' turn! Skull Mountain is next!

Now coming from both ends of the tunnels are more clouds of loosely c ollected bones, their ends sharpened and spinning end over end.

This looks bad. They're moving directly towards you, aiming to sandwhich you between them en masse, but at least all they've done so far is reach you.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Skull Mountain's turn! Serraphine is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+18: (11)+18: 29

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+18: (19)+18: 37

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d6+8: (6)+8: 14

Iskandar shifts his grip on his bow so that he's holding it in a fist. This lets him punch with that hand, a quick jab that thumps into bone.

GAME: Iskandar rolls fort: (14)+7: 21

GAME: Kore rolls fortitude: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Hun'rar rolls fort: (4)+15: 19

A moment passes as the great bone creature seems to hesitate -- but only because like boils burrowing up from underneat its body, great javelins of bone seem to erupt and go in all directions from around it in a burst, striking Kore, Hun'rar and Iskandar each in turn. It looks like it hurt! Worse still, the bones are trying to BURROW INTO THEM.


GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Kore is next!

GAME: Serraphine rolls 12 +2 -2: (13)+12+2+-2: 25

GAME: Serraphine rolls 7 +2 -2: (20)+7+2+-2: 27

GAME: Serraphine rolls 7 +2 -2: (18)+7+2+-2: 25

GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+5+6+14: (4)+5+6+14: 29

GAME: Serraphine rolls 2d10+10+12+14: (7)+10+12+14: 43


AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Kore's turn! Morgan is next!

Serraphine stands there as the Javelin shoots out toward her. It's not that she dodged it, or even that it didn't hit, it just clanged right off of her fullplate as it hit a spaulder. Serraphine frowned at that one, looking down to make sure that there wasn't any new scratches for a second.

She liked her fullplate looking shiny.

It took time to keep it that way.

But at least now she had an outlet for her evil-induced headache.

"Shiny meat for the ribcage slaughter!" Serraphine yells it out as she brings the first cut in a downward sweep, following it quickly with a step it and a slam of that tip deep into the evil-core of it.

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1: (14)+13+2+2+1: 32

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1: (11)+13+2+2+1: 29

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1: (11)+13+2+2+1: 29

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1: (4)+13+2+2+1: 22

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1: (18)+13+2+2+1: 36

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+2+1-5: (14)+13+2+2+1+-5: 27

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (1)+(2)+4+1+3: 11

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (7)+(8)+4+1+3: 23

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (8)+(9)+4+1+3: 25

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (2)+(4)+4+1+3: 14

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (2)+(4)+4+1+3: 14

GAME: Kore rolls 1d8+2d6+strength+1+3: (3)+(4)+4+1+3: 15

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Morgan's turn! Hun'rar is next!

GAME: Morgan casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (20)+8: 28 (THREAT)

GAME: Morgan rolls ranged: (16)+8: 24

Kore clicks her heels once and then leaps directly at the mass of bones before her. SHe launches into an absolutely brutal series of kicks and punches, cracking bones in its ribs and then using them as steps to carry her up to the thing's back. Here she stomps down and through the skeletal monster, passing into its middle. She begins shattering it from the inside, the Monk showing off her conditioning and strength. She continues to wail on the thing until her knuckles are bloodied, reducing it to kindling.

GAME: Morgan rolls 8d6: (25): 25

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Iskandar is next!

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon22-2: (2)+16+-2: 16

Morgan looks to the others tossing stuff she sends two more fire lances one misses bad but the second one hits right in its head. "damn that was nice." she said as she is sad it did not kill it.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now Iskandar's turn! Bone Dancers is next!

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12-5: (5)+12+-5: 12

Hun'rar raises his shield and rushes to meet the next enemy. He stabs with his sword but only strikes hard bone. "All together, its just mopping up." he comments to the rest.

Iskandar adjusts his grip on his bow once more. Now he hold it ready to fire. With practiced motions he knocks and releases, sending arrows streaking through the corridor to clatter uselessly against the walls.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 10.

It is now Bone Dancers' turn! Skull Mountain is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (8)+12: 20

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (6)+12: 18

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 6.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Constantin is next!

GAME: Serraphine rolls 12 +2 -2: (19)+12+2+-2: 31

GAME: Serraphine rolls 7 +2 -2: (12)+7+2+-2: 19

GAME: Serraphine rolls 12 +2 -2: (11)+12+2+-2: 23

GAME: Serraphine rolls 2d10+10+12+28: (6)+10+12+28: 56


AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Constantin's turn! Kore is next!

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+21: (10)+21: 31

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+16: (3)+16: 19

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d8+11+1d6: (7)+11+(5): 23

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Kore's turn! Morgan is next!

Constantin circles his opponent, shield interposed between them. He strikes over it once, twice, flaming sword landing once as he goes.

GAME: Kore rolls weapon0+2+1+2: (16)+13+2+1+2: 34

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Morgan's turn! Hun'rar is next!

GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18

GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (13)+5: 18

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Iskandar is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d10+9: (3)+9: 12

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 12.

It is now Iskandar's turn! Bone Dancers is next!

Morgan sees the one bone dancer stagering a bit as she send 5 force bolts that go right for him doing some dammage. "damn its still up."

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12: (15)+12: 27

GAME: Iskandar rolls 12-5: (10)+12+-5: 17

GAME: Iskandar rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 10.

It is now Bone Dancers' turn! Serraphine is next!

Iskandar continues firing arrows, his bow emitting a steady thrumm noise as each one is sent flying off. He finally hits, the arrowhead lodging into a bony joint.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (17)+12: 29

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (10)+12: 22

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (8)+12: 20

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (19)+12: 31

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+12: (19)+12: 31

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

The bone dancers definitely appear seperate from the great monster you defeated mere moments ago. One of them moves to Kore, seeing how she stopped one of them in their trackjs, and stabs her with a bone shard that seems to snap off in her before yanking it's 'arms', tendrils of bone stringed together ethereallyu, back from her.

Similarly is what happens to Iskandar after his arrows.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 6.

It is now Serraphine's turn! Constantin is next!


AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Constantin's turn! Kore is next!

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+21+2-3: (19)+21+2+-3: 39

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+16+2-3: (19)+16+2+-3: 34

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+21+2-3: (11)+21+2+-3: 31

GAME: Constantin rolls 1d20+16+2-3: (10)+16+2+-3: 25

GAME: Constantin rolls 2d8+34+1d6: (9)+34+(6): 49

GAME: Constantin rolls 2d8+34+1d6: (14)+34+(2): 50

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Kore's turn! Morgan is next!

Constantin keeps his shield up, then steps in again -- sometimes, things go exactly right and feel effortless. His sword severs an undead neck, and then the backswing takes the skull in half. It looks so easy -- it may never look so easy again.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Morgan's turn! Hun'rar is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+13: (9)+13: 22

GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18

GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (13)+5: 18

Morgan staying up in the air she sends 5 bolts at the one that is wounded hurting it not that bad but hey lets soften it up for the others.

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Iskandar is next!

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+16: (1)+16: 17 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool rolls `1d10+9: (`5)+9: 9

GAME: AllergicToSleepPool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 12.

It is now Iskandar's turn! Bone Dancers is next!

Hun'rar has left.