Hunter's Quarry Part 1

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The posting to the Adventurer's Guild could be considered unusual, perhaps solely by its mundane nature: no mysterious venture into the sewers; no concerned herders missing livestock; no livestock missing their herders; no reports of mysterious noises in the night. The call is for a residence in need of tending... well, more specifically, a feline resident of said residence in need of tending.

The Residence is a stone cottage built upon and into the Redridge along the high road between the basalt Vardaman temple and the oft-bustling airship station. Just off of the road, between traffic and the cottage proper is a stone portico offering exposure to the air yet also shelter from some of the elements.

As the sun lowers in the sky, a variety of aromas of baked goods waft from the portico: a pie or three, fruit-filled tarts, and a few dozen cookies all cool in the breeze. Seated at a table there sits Sage Mourner Verna, perusing a tome with one hand and intermittently sitting at tea with the other whilst she awaits.

Warrick seems to have misread the posting. Feline resident interpreted as something more... exotic having taking residence up in a house someplace. It wasn't the first time he's had to do pest control.

So the once-guard is before the stone cottage, in full armor, with his fingers pinched on the bridge of his nose coupled with a sigh. "Hello. And my apologize, Mourner, I would have dressed more appropriately," he says, stepping forth towards the table of baked goods.

Reithak was always happy for some more work, and less serious matters were still important, not to mention, less stressful. A chance to do some good, make some gold? Sign one large bird up.

Reihak came up the road after some time with a slight spring in their step with the smell on the breeze. "Wonderful day to you, miss Mourner! Or if it aint a wonderful day, hope us folks are here to help make it a bit better. What exactly can we be doing for you?" They greet, stopping long enough to doff their hat and bow.

Carver was more curious than mercantile-minded, having taken one of the flyers and sought out the strange work opportunity. She isn't even in her heavy hides and leathers, instead dressed more like a common farm girl, complete with a peasant's dress of softer wools in bright colors and head topped with a wide straw hat. Her bow is slung across her back and wrapped up tight, and is as prepared for a fight as Warrick is prepared for taking care of a cat.

She tips her hat back and gives the older man a long, perusing stare before looking to Verna, "Nice out, innit?"

Verna rises to greet those approaching, currently attired in the gray robes and cloak appropriate to her duties as a mourner. She regards the armored Warrick a moment and a brow lifts slightly before she lifts a hand to politely stay. "There is no need for apologies. Such might, indeed, serve well against claws... though I do hope that those shall not be involved. Good eve to you all on this pleasant day. I am grateful for your presence; while the task at hand may be miniscule at a glance, it is one dear to us. I shall explain..." Her hand then gestures to the cookies and tarts. "Please, help yourselves."

"My wife and I shall be away for several days. Hunter, our adopted feline, could do with some tending; most specifically to ensure that he has access to food and fresh water. He proved true to his namesake, so there are no rodents within to nourish him. We are loath to allow him to roam the city given the predominant dangers of wagon traffic, beasts of burden, larger scavengers, lycanthropes, vampires, archdemons, fae queens, and/or life-draining daemons that might be present in the vicinity."

"As well, he much prefers company of others..." her lips purse, "yet he can also be slow to trust those with whom he is not familiar. An intriguing dichotomy." She pauses as if further considering that before returning to the topic at hand. "His well-being is the primary task. The common areas of our home are open for your use for the duration,though we ask all tidy after themselves. The bedroom and library shall be closed and locked, for propriety and privacy. All are welcome to the baked goods, lest they spoil, and compensation will be made in coin per the standard Guild rates."

Warrick gives Carver a look back before holding a gauntleted hand. "I misread the notice," he lightly explains with another long sigh, pulling his gauntlets off. He gives a small wave in greeting to Reithak and Carver in greeting otherwise.

He rubs his neck at Verna's observations, but makes the first move to take a tart off the table. "Thanks."

The man leans against the edge of the small porch, giving a slow blink at the task requested. "Very... well. Guess I can add house sitting a cat to the list," he shrugs.

"Oh, cat sitting? Well, sure! I aint got much going on for a bit." Reithak laughs. "Well then, how can I say no? Shouldn't be harder than wrangling children at the aery, even if I've never had a pet."

"Between three of us I'm sure we can make sure they're minded if anyone has business elsewhere. I would have packed some playing cards if I knew it'd be a few days, though." The egalrin muses. "Don't want to eat all the pies looking for something to do, I'd rather not get plucked like some chicken for my thighs."

"More of a dog person," Carver harrumps around a mouthful of food, that she helped herself to before explicit permission was granted. She waves it like a baton for emphasis, "Usually can train, mm, them better what with foo' and positive reinforcement and many breeds like and even need to work where no cat I ever seen woul' be called out for work ethic. Don' min' em though. Good ratter or house pet, been around plenty." She pops the last bite into the endless void of her mouth, lips smacking as she dusts off her hands. "Hunter is a good name. I like it."

She waves at Reithak, "You too scrawny anyway. Bad eatin'."

Verna nods once all confirm their interest and participation, then steps for the door. "Welcome to our home" She opens the door tentatively and promptly glances down, then further within. "Fortunately, he appears comfortable rather than adventurous at the moment." She then holds the door open and gestures all to enter. "Yet his moods can be fickle and varied..."

The foyer within is modest, promptly opening to a far larger main room with large hearth built into the stone slab wall. Above and around the fire, most of that wall is sculpted in relief to resemble a large tree whose trunk is the hearth. Another nearby wall holds carved shelves filled with numerous tomes in varied subjects. On one of the two comfortable and well-used chairs near the hearth lies the hero of the hour. The young tabby is sprawled on his back half over the arm, partially hanging upside down. Dozing and completely comfortable despite his being contorted like pastry dough. The mighty Hunter may be preserving or regaining energy for the next hunt, implying it may be the off-season.

Verna closes the door behind all before noting, "All are welcome to stay for the entirety, but not required to. We expect only that he is not left unattended for an extended time." She gives his belly a rub in passing (to which he seems to not react) on her way to a closed cupboard. "His kibble is here," she indicates, "and treats, to be offered sparingly, are here," she indicates the uppermost portion. "The cupboard should be kept closed otherwise, lest he gorge himself to harm." She then looks to all. "Are there any further inquiries?"

Warrick quietly chuckles at the others, grabbing a few more treats before heading inside after kicking his boots free of dirt. He scans about the place, a brow raising as he does so. He doffs whatever equipment he has on him near the door (it's only polite).

Taking out a journal, he scribbles out the notes that Verna gives them. "None in particular, it seems rather straightforward," he answers.

"I don't know much about dogs or cats really, guess I'll find some books on animal husbandry later to make real sure." Reithak admits. "Course I'm scrawny, if I was any wider I'd drop like a stone. Not my place to talk about being good eating or not though."

Taking a few pastries and entering, the egalrin takes a look around the main room, stopping just shy of the chair. "Aw, what a cute little thing, I think we'll get along just fine. How hard can it be? Not saying I won't do my research, though."

"How often does Hunter, and you lot, entertain guests? Some cats prefer solitude, but if he's used to a lot of new smells and sounds in the house, then this will make our battleplan much easier." Carver says, showing enthuiasm for this work that could be almost inappropriate. "Looking at how relaxed he be, I bet he gets new smells all the time." She follows Verna, stomping around in her laborer boots. Clunk, clunk.

"Righ' food, treats, need to find time that he is engaged so he won't try to slip out when we isn't looking. Warrick should try to play with him first, I think. I need to scout common area, make sure everythin' is still catproof'd." She begins to rub her hands together, "An' this mister is a big fellow bird which might elevate huntin' instincts. Need to introduce them slowly."

She looks to Reithak, "Remember. No runnin'."

Hunter continues to appear content to the point of unconsciousness. This, in turn, makes Verna at ease (not that she appeared otherwise as of yet), as does Carver's apparent relevant knowledge. "We do entertain guests with some frequency, most predominantly family. Typically, my brother or sister by bond would tend him, but Telamon and Cor'lana are travelling with us on this occassion." After a pause and lingering look to the dozing housepanther, she turns back to the trio. "Well, it appears matters are well in hand. I will take my leave to join the others in final preparations. I will be curious to learn of his exploits upon our return. Farewell for now, and may all be judged fairly at their appointed time." With that, she takes advantage of Hunter's distracted unconsciousness to take her leave and exit.

Warrick tilts his head at Reithak for a moment before turning to listen to Carver raptly. The pen in hand takes several notes, snorting a bit at the bird jokes. "My wife was rather good at taking care of the cats outside, I'm sure I can learn better from osmosis."

He turns back to the Mourner. "Don't worry, we'll take care of Hunter. Best of luck then on your travels, Mourner. Be judged fairly," he bows slightly, clearing the way for her to make her exit.

He turns slightly towards the sleeping Hunter, then back to the two women. "... I can fetch my daughter to help with this if we want," he shrugs.

"Aw, you think I'm colorful enough to be a mister? Thanks, but the name's Reithak, and I'll be making no sudden movements.

"Anyways! Don't you worry, they'll be fine, and we'll figure things out with someone to take the leas." The egalrin laughs. "Hey, more help the better I say, don't want to keep an eye on one person to ignore another either." They consider while making sure Verna was out the door. "So! after everything's accounted for, got any cool hobbies? I could teach you lot how to weave if you wanted, once our duties are done here."

Carver rolls her eyes at the loaded farewells, laden with meaning. Her maturity is that she doesn't say anything about the gods at all. Instead, she begins to pick along the perimeter of the room, doing her level best to assure that everything is safe for the cat. No errant spell components, or unseen choking hazards. She disappears to look under the couch, then pops up when Warrick mentions bringing his daughter, her straw hat askew.

"Oh, you wan' her to meet her big sister?" She can't mean Reithak. He's an unmarried bachelor. Hunter was ALSO confirmed unmarried bachelor and Warrick is the dad. Her missing front-tooth'd smile suggests she means 'herself'. "Sure, I can teach her so much."

The home is tidy and kept. No respectable clergy, sorceress, nor wizard would leave spell components laying about. There are no fiends lurking under the couch. All is rather quiet save the conversation. It is not difficult to mind a lone housecat, and certainly not a lounging one. It is almost as if he is no longer present.

So much so, in fact, that a passing glance to the chair shows that it lacks any lounging Hunters.

GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (3)+19: 22
GAME: Carver rolls perception: (11)+13: 24
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16

Someone's mood has changed, from 'off' to 'on mission.' There is no immediate sight of the tabby in the main room, yet there is a flash of movement in the kitchen. Specifically, momentarily blocked starlight in the small open window above the wash basin that becomes unblocked when the wiggling butt in the window leaps out of it onto the rear balcony.

The window is far too small for any of the group to fit through, but there is door adjacent to the kitchen that leads to balcony. Those who have visited it before are aware that the balcony is separated from the front and roadway, so there is no direct path to the city. Well, aside from the direct path of several hundred feet in vertical drop.

Warrick snickers at the mix up, him going through the process of removing all the armor, getting more into the role of a cat caretaker than a cat wrangler. He shrugs, "Yeah, I can get her on the next day," he mentions before Carver pops up.

That gets the normally stoic man to bust out into a hearty laugh. "Yes yes, Cynthia can meet her big sister," he agrees with a smile. "I'm sure she can learn more from the two of you than me on a lot of things."

The man turns to Reithak, placing the scale mail on the ground next to this things. "Hobbies? Uh... I read a lot of books?" he answers, a touch uncertain. "Law books and smithing practices. It's kind of boring for mo... st... people."

Squint. "... where did that..- oh gods damn it," he starts, trying to get to the door, but he's got his leg armor half on, and ends up falling to the ground in a clatter.

"Aw, I'd love to hear about some smithing techniques! Or maybe Carver's got more to teach, or am I not allowed to have a small big sister?" Reithak laughs as they pop a few more deserts into their beak. "So... wait, shit, that chair's empty."

The egalrin takes a look at the window. Alright, no sudden movements from me, right? But we need to catch them before they get too far. Lead the way little big sis, you seem the best with animals out of the bunch of us."

Carver catches the movement out of the corner of her eye, clicking tongue against her teeth. She does not panic even as Warrick collapses in a rattle of armor but instead grabs a treat from the stores and then wanders toward thd door that Varna pointed out to them before she left.

?No need for alarm, the cat likes to be comfortable and likely goes out that window all the time.? Still, she makes some quiet squeaking noises as she goes to open the door with the hope to engage the cats curiosity.

Carver says, “an' for what its worth, I love to weave too. Me an' me sisters used to make blankets for the cold seasons.”

Hunter trots along large balcony as if he is not only familiar with it, but the owner. The space is nearly as large as the interior kitchen and main room combined, holding numerous planting boxes, a table, and gathering room for a hald-dozen guests to spare. The cat gives a brief, annoyed(?) look at the noises from Carver and then bounds his way down a set of stone stairs that run to the cliff face below the house proper.

-To Be Continued-