Here for Another Stay

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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A01: Jail Cells *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The cells at the Watch are often often full with various people: the usual, returning drunks, the occasional shifty halfling, and then a few Korites who appear to have a rotating door policy. One cell in particular is labeled, 'Sandy.' Visitors may stand outside the cells to speak, while being overseen by an officer.


The magistrate that Delilah was supposed to be seeing must be on vacation. The golden haired sorceress has been here for two and a half days now, stuck in a cell without so much as the removal of manacles around wrists to benefit her, though she has stuffed some cloth into them as wadding to keep from chafing too much. Now, she sits on the pallet in her cell, elbows rested on knees and a sullen look on her face, as she puts up with the return of two rowdy, cat-calling orcs, and broods on the fact that she hasn't seen her sister in, well, two and a half days.

"What did you even *do?*" Comes a likely welcome voice from the shadows to one side of the cell. Separating from the shadow, Delilah's sister peers between the bars, apparently ignoring the oruch for now in favor of her sullen, unhappy sister. "And why didn't you wait for me to be there too?"

"DONNA!!" Delilah jumps up from her spot, with the look of relief palpable upon her visage. "I was worried, I didn't know what you'd think, not.. y'know, knowing where I was." She purses her lips, and blushes fiercely as the question asked of her sinks in. "I fell in the damn fountain," she grumbles, "Just, that one guy we hustled at cards the other day... remember him? He's a city guard, he saw it, and accused me of trying to steal all the coins people had thrown in there for their wishes and good luck. So here I am."

"Was on a job to get the bail money as soon as I heard," Donna says, leaning against the bars, face twisting. "Jackass... not his fault he was too busy staring to see what cards he drew the first time. Guard'll be here in a second, he just had to get the keys and you'll be out, D."

Delilah grits her teeth, "Well, I guess we could've showed a bit... less, when we were playing against him, but it's still not *our fault* that he was staring." She pauses, pointedly ignoring incoming comments from the Oruchs about revealing things, and some specifics. "Anyway. Hopefully the magistrate will give the bail money back, whenever we eventually get to see him. Thanks for coming to get me."

"Eh. It's a crap charge, and even if the magistrate doesn't see us it'll be because he's got bigger stuff to deal with. Don't really care, money's spent and SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I'LL LOCK YOU IN WITH ME!" Donna roars, whirling on the Oruchs with eyes blazing -- literally, pale blue, as well as the normally-invisible arcane tattoos crawling up her arm.

"No! No no, Donna, Don't," Delilah tries to stick her hands through the bars, but of course being manacled makes that really hard; she mostly just gets her fingertips through. "The Oruchs are jerks, just YES YOU ARE YOU HAIRY LUMPS," she shouts at them, "Just ignore them, don't also get thrown in jail by fighting *in the jail*." Nevertheless, the sorceress's arcane runes are blazing as well, just in case -- the Oruchs almost got out of that cell once already.

"What?" Donna says, eyes seething. "All I'm doing is waiting for them to let you out. It's not my fault they fell down some stairs," she says meaningfully, eyeing the toughs on the other side of the cell wall. "Who'd even believe them if they tried to say a tiny little human made them have to drink their dinners for the next week?"

The fire seems to burn away, as she narrows her eyes at the prisoners. "...Yeah. Thought so." Pointedly turning her back to them, she leans against Delilah's cell again. "Food gotten any better?"

Delilah watches as her sister's rage takes a moment to dissipate; the runes fade from her arm as well, and probably for the best, at least for the next five minutes. "Actually... yes," she muses, sounding surprised even given that she's been here eating the food for the last couple of days. "A priest by the name of Deak came by the first day with food from one of the temples, and there were some others here yesterday, with bread and ale. ...The actual food *here*, mind you, is exactly the same; slop for breakfast, no lunch, slop with bread for dinner, and no treat, if you can believe it."

The golden-haired sorceress pauses, biting her bottom lip. "So uhh... what did you have to do, to get the money to bail me out? Nothing too dangerous I hope?"

Donna lifts a shoulder. "Caravan guard on the Redridge route. Boring, nothing happened, but we got paid anyway. Nothing special." Her head perks at the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, and she steps back from the cell.

Soon after, a bored-looking cell guard walks into view, sorting through a keyring. As he unlocks Delilah's door, Donna turns a don't-you-even-think-about-thinking-about-it glare on the rowdy Oruch, just in case they get the urge to try something clever.

Delilah relaxes a little, and sighs softly. "I'm sorry I worried you, not showing up where we'd agreed to meet up. Getting tossed in jail wasn't really part of the plan. ...Not that it was last time, but, y'know, at least we kinda deserved it that time." She falls silent as the guard appears, and watches the cell at last being opened. She makes sure to stand clear of the, ahem, bucket, as she steps through the door. Looking up at the guard, she holds out her arms, wrists up, wordlessly waiting for the manacles to be unlocked, too. "Please... tell me you remembered both keys," she mumbles.

The guard doesn't even respond, just unlocks the manacles and steps back, clearing the way for Delilah to leave the cell. "Thanks," Donna grunts to the guard, who makes a wordless, but not scornful, noise in return. Turns out there are people that Donna *does* get along with, after a fashion.

"S'all right," she says again, after they've gotten a ways down the hallway. "Least it was just a bitchy guard and jail. You don't wanna know what I do if it were worse."

"I know you well enough to imagine," Delilah points out, rubbing her wrists as she steps out from the cell properly. "I can't tell you how good it is to finally have those off. The jerk left them on on account of me being a sorceress, figured it would make it harder to use my magic. He's *wrong*, but I wasn't about to tell him so and get 'em behind my back or something instead." The golden twin glares at the Oruchs, whoe smile sweetly back; instinctively, Delilah moves to the other side of her sister. "I'm glad you're alright."

Donna reaches back, turning one gauntletted hand palm upright toward the Oruchs. Then, slowly, her fingers curl into a fist, accompanied with the squeak and grind of metal on metal. ... .....Followed by a middle finger popping up, before they turn a corner. "Could've been worse," she says, for all that she looks deeply annoyed. "He coulda been right."

Delilah tilts her head to glance askance at the Oruchs in passing, perking an eyebrow upwards and pressing her lips into a thin line. "Hopefully we don't ever meet them out of the trail," she mutters. "Yeah, he could've been right, but either way I wasn't about to be anything but a model prisoner. I *really* want the magistrate to rule in my favor, if for no other reason to see the look on that guard's fat gob."

Donna snorts, the corner of her mouth pulling upward. "Smart," she grunts. "And don't worry about those two; they're street thugs. They'll jump us, we'll kick the hell out of them, they'll learn. But good thinking, D. Could be you made a good impression."

"I do occasionally have good ideas," Delilah cheerfully agrees. "It's not that I worry about beating those two," she adds, "Just... I've heard enough from them. Anyway, I guess we'll find out if I made a good impression when the magistrate is next around. I'd like to get you your money back from bail." She pauses, and perks an eyebrow upwards. "What do you want for dinner this evening? I'll treat. I'm sure the guards didn't take my money."

"I do occasionally have good ideas," Delilah cheerfully agrees. "It's not that I worry about beating those two," she adds, "Just... I've heard enough from them. Anyway, I guess we'll find out if I made a good impression when the magistrate is next around. I'd like to get you your money back from bail." She pauses, and perks an eyebrow upwards. "What do you want for dinner this evening? I'll treat. I'm assuming the guards didn't take my money. Hopefully. ...A girl can dream?"

"Let's hope," Donna growls. "I ain't got enough on me to bail us both out if you don't. An' one way or another, we'll see that magistrate."