Gnawing on Metal

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The shifting of seasons has brought with it dull, gray skies and cold rain that has driven most individuals off the street, despite it being close to mid-day. A few individuals scurry from place to place, hoods up, or shielding themselves from the rain as they splash through the streets. Even the market is relatively quiet. Most vendors who do not have a tarp or covering have retreated entirely from the space, leaving only those with permanent shops or those too hardy to be driven off by the weather.

Rune is one of the few that isn't discouraged by the weather, it seems. Her cloak is drawn up, covering most of her head, though a few strands of dyed, wet hair are stick to her cheeks and forehead. She pops a fried bit of dough into her mouth, after having stepped out from a nearby bakery. Eyes sweep up and down the road, and then she starts making her way down the street, eyeing what few shops seem open and seemingly looking for something or someone.

Rhar doesn't mind the chill. That's what fur is fer! She's less excited about rain, but that's why there is a grand stall! Sort of.

The 'grand stall' for Gurr's Gear consists of two large sticks, two smaller sticks, some rope to hold things up, and a hunk of canvas mounted between those. It is just grand enough for one very large wolf and one not very large lucht. While the proprietor, Gurr, gnaws upon a yard-long steel bar, Rhar stands atop the crate serving as a counter and waves her paws energetically at passersby.

"Buy shiny sticks! Gurr's Gear! Biggest! Bestest!"

The call from a familiar voice has one of Rune's ears twitching where it hides underneath her hood. If the shouting hadn't gotten her attention, the sight of the makeshift stall and the large wolf within would probably have done so. So, Rune makes her way in the direction of the pair, her boots barely making any sound despite the wet streets.

"Seems like a good day for getting new clients, the weather has driven most everyone else off." The rogue comments as she approaches, fishing out a bag of pastries from under her cloak. "Either of you two want a fried dough ball? Otherwise, Harkashan's just going to consume them all when I get home." She offers them out once she has stepped closer, under the canvas cover.

"I actually didn't know you did crafting work." There is a slight lift of her brows, "What sort of things do you make?"

"Hi hi!" Rhar's waving intensifies as Rune approaches. Then she's offering food?! Rhar sniffs and then nods several times. "Rhar like food!" The arrival of a potential customer (or maybe the offering of food) even has Gurr cease his gnawing. He sets down the chewed bar and half-rises (the stall is not that tall) to shuffle-crawl closer to the counter.

While waiting for treats, Rhar points to Gurr. "Gurr make many thing! Sharp stick for poking! Round stick for protect! Shiny furs too! And magicalizes 'em!"

With the enthusiastic interest in her offer of baked goods, Rune fishes out one of the small doughnuts and offers it to Rhar, before placing the another on the counter in front of Gurr. "Here. Plenty to go around." She motions up the street, "The bakery up the road is pretty good. One of the few non-meat things that Harkashan actually eats willingly." A smirk plays on her lips.

Then, she looks towards the wolf and seems to nod with some appraising of his skills. "Very skilled, it sounds." She seems to consider for a moment, and then reaches under her cloak to pull out one of her weapons. "Do you think this is something Gurr might be able to work on?" The short sword seems appears to be a fine metal with onyx inlays, as well as enchantments across the blade and grip.

Both of the wonderful balls of fried dough are enthusiastically inhaled. Almost literally in Rhar's case and quite so (with a sharp inhale to suck it off the counter) in Gurr's. "Ooh! Vewwy thiny thtick!" Rhar comments while still chewing. Gurr, of course, is too polite to comment during the moment his mouth is full.

Rhar nods several times, then pauses and looks to Gurr curiously. The proprietor then leans nearer to sniff at the blade. Followed by a tentative lick. After a moment of thought, he snorts lightly.

Rhar goes back to nodding. "Yep! How want chewed? Sharper? Magicalisher? Shinier?"

There is a part of Rune that does flinch ever so slightly at the idea of letting someone chew on one of her blades. Especially as the pair were made by a friend who is no longer part of her life. Still, there is a certain amount of trust that Rune has in the capabilities of others. So, she takes a steadying breath before she speaks.

"So, I recently had this blade worked on." She takes out one that visually matches the one set on the counter, with the same onyx stone inlays along the blade. "The crafter was working on strengthening the main enchantment, which I guess is making it lighter and sharper?" Rune doesn't sound entirely certain. Magic and enchantments are not her strong suit.

"So something along the same lines, I think." She asks, raising a brow.

There is another light(ish) snort from Gurr. Rhar looks to him again and then nods (several times) to Rune. "Yep. Gurr can do. Make sharper. Faster. Better!" She grins widely. "Gurr chew better, not worse! Keep same pretty and shiny!"

Gurr turns back to nab the bar he was gnawing on and bites off the end of it. He turns back around watching Rune while he chews. Slowly.

At the sight of the wolf biting off the end of the bar, Rune blinks twice. "Your teeth must be a fair bit sharper than the wolfling my mother is working on raising. I mean, he nips at things, but biting metal is a bit out of his league." The rogue has a fair bit of knowledge when it comes to natural beasts, and it's obvious to her that Gurr is something else entirely. Something worth respect, if they can bite through metal.

"Regardless, I would appreciate the fine craftsmanship, then. How much would I owe you?" She asks, tilting her head. "I can throw in a buck or doe as well, since I was planning on going out on a hunt soon anyways. Make a good meal for the fine craftsman." She offers.

"Gurr teeth sharp! Strong!" Rhar assures her. "And nice! Carry Rhar cubs with teeth. Many times!" The triplets are not present at the moment, which is probably a good thing given that sweets were involved.

Maybe in improvised proof of this, Gurr opens his mouth and sets a dagger on the crate with his tongue. It is rough and unpolished (save for some shiny drool); there are no gems nor fine detail, but its silhouete and purpose are clear. The wolf of unusual size then paws at the ground numerous times.

Rhar watches and counts. On her fingers. "Five... seven... nine-" Gurr growls and paws again. "No, ten! Ten shinies!" The growl returns, deeper. More pawing. "Ten hundred-paws of shinies, and..." More watching, finger-moving, possibly smoke from her hair. "And eight ten-paws more!" A snort.

"And one buck, if want make tip!"

"Maybe at some point, I'll have my mother visit your stall with her friend. Show the pup what he could grow up to be like." Though Rune has her doubts that Gurr and her mother's little wolf come from the same 'stock'. Even so, it is a cute idea.

Then, Rune seems to be counting along with Rhar, trying to make sense of the motions. Then, she seems to come to a conclusion and reaches for her belt to count out the required funds. "I'll have to bring you the buck in a day or two. It's no good hunting in this rain." She runs a hand briefly outside of the shelter of the canvas, then shakes off the moisture. "But this should cover the rest."

Gurr watches the exchange (more likely to verify Rhar's counting and handling than Rune's), then dips his snout with a low whuffle. "Ok! Gurr say is fine. Can bring for when get shinier sharper stick back!" Rhar carefully picks up all the gold shinies... and then dumps them loudly into a metal bucket behind the counter. The cascading noise almost drowns out the exasperated large lupine exhale. Gurr then deftly plucks the blade from the crate counter, lest it get dumped in, too.

The loud sound of the coins being dumped into the metal bucket has Rune flinching away. It's a sound that she's sure the lupine can't be enjoying, either. "Well, it was lovely doing business with you." She inclines her head to the wolf, seeming to take the whole deal in stride. A wolf that is also a crafter? It wouldn't be the strangest thing she's encountered.

"I'll leave you a few more of the dough balls in the mean time." She grabs a small handful of the doughnut holes and hands them to Rhar, "Metalurgy is hungry work." With that, she gives a scowl at the rain, "And speaking of that, I should get going. I've got a Makari who likely will forget to eat if I don't drag him away from his duties at the temple."

So, she raises a hand to the pair, "We'll talk again soon. Thank you!"

Rhar suddenly has a pile of doughballs in hands. This could be a conundrum, or a delight! Whatever it was, it is also fleeting, as Gurr efficiently removes them from Rhar with a gulp. Rune is right. She understands hard work, and he respects her for that.

Well, at least now Rhar has no issues waving again to Rune, now in farewell. "Bye! Thanks! Make sure feed him lots!"