Fragile Like Trust

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It's a beautiful summer day, sun shining high in the sky, the shops are busy a street or two over, but here the thrum of business is a little less... busy. Karasu had chosen the little cafe for them to wait at while Faphinae does a little shopping at one of the cute boutique stores that line the streets here. They've ordered tea enough for the three of them which is of the cold variety in honor of the warmth of the day.

The light tangerine flavor is one that Karasu seems to surprisingly favor though he usually tends to appreciate simpler things more. There's a tangerine tart to go with it - sized for four though Wuya hardly needs so much to eat. Today Karasu seems in an indulgent mood and allows Wuya to have his own slice once Karasu himself has tasted the dessert.

All in all, it's a beautiful summer day.

Corey's happily eating his own slice of tangerine tart and drinking his tea. Not that he's the type to necessarily advertise his displeasure with a bad meal if he's eating it (Karasu has watched the man attempt to eat or drink orders that came back wrong rather than ask for it to be remade correctly), but this is genuine pleasure and happiness. There is very little wrong in the world for the Warden of Gilead. After all, nature is bright and blooming. The world is a good place.

"How're you liking it, Wuya?" Corey knows Wuya's been a happy boy since Faphinae's arrived. She's shown up with treats especially for Wuya every day, stating that her own raven familiar, Klarexo, picked them out for Wuya to have.

Karasu watches his familiar bob happily in place, offering a caw of pleasure that he knows means that Wuya is exceedingly pleased. "He says that this is his favorite by far." Karasu offers to Corey, and this is... highly unusual. While Karasu has occasionally offered remarks to Wuya about what he says, he very rarely directly translates for the raven. Wuya is so surprised himself that he stares at the man with wide raven eyes. He reaches out and pokes his familiar in the head with a soft smile and Wuya croaks ruefully.

A man appears on the street, having followed an alleyway to this location. Xian by descent, he is one whom is familiar to Corey and to Karasu in that they have both had their dealings with him. Alone and together. Akimitsu Sōri heads toward their table with seemingly casual intent.

Corey frowns deeply as he looks at Sōri, studying the man to see if he's armed, but there's a part of him that knows that Sōri doesn't need weapons to kill. The man told Corey he'd do what he intended on doing: crush Karasu's will to live. That only needs words alone.

"Akimitsu Sōri," Corey says, "I will ask you once and not again in the same manner. Please leave. Karasu and I are having a private dining and we do not wish to be disturbed." Not that he believes such a polite dismissal is enough to ward Sōri off without a word. He focuses for a moment to distinguish if there are other presences of evil about. He doubts Sōri came alone.

Indeed, Sōri doesn't seem to be alone. There are evil auras all over the street. It's possible that they are not all with the man, but that seems unlikely. "No need to be rude Corey." The man says pleasantly, his eyes sharp as black diamonds. "I have come to offer Karasu my condolences."

Karasu looks at Akimitsu Sōri, his expression bland and uninterested. "Corey is a name for those familiar with him, not for you to use. If he wants you gone, I suggest you go before you test the limits of my patience with your presence." Karasu has none for the other man right now, and Wuya warbles unhappily. "Take your threats with you."

"No threat Karasu. I mean what I say." Akimitsu Sōri has his eyes set on Cor'ethil. "Your brother is dead, and for that I offer my condolences."

Karasu's eyes narrow on the other man. "You lie." The words are firm and disbelieving. "To what purpose I know not, but I have even less patience for this foolery."

Corey stands up, his hand going to the hilt of his blade. "You killed him, you monster," Corey says, a glare entering his silver eyes. "You ended the life of a young boy. How dare you come here and offer your condolences when you are the reason he is gone?"

His hand on the hilt of his rapier is shaking--not from fear, but from a righteous rage. "You are evil. You are cruel. Would if I could, I'd strike you dead as repayment for what you did to Raiden." He knows poor Wuya is not happy, and he's acting in defense of the poor bird. "It's what you deserve."

Yet they are in the middle of the market. Yet they are in the middle of people. And... Collateral damage is not something that he can risk, especially with the presence of more than just Akimitsu Sōri here. Where is Mother? If she were to arrive in the nick of time from her shopping...

The worst thing is that Akimitsu Sōri smiles.

Karasu turns toward Corey and there's a hurt in his eyes like he's been stabbed only Karasu never looks like this even when a blade is in his body. There's a long moment of silence and then... "You knew?" The words are softly horrified, and with a sense of satisfaction, Sōri walks away down the street without a further care for Corey's righteous rage or Wuya's obvious fear.

The world crashes down around Cor'ethil as Karasu rises to his feet, his fingers trembling, and his next words steal the breath from the air. "I trusted you."

Check. Corey loves chess. It's one of the things he loves most in life. It's one of the things that he taught Karasu how to play, in the time that they were together in Llyranost. He knows this is precisely what Sōri wanted. He wanted a divide between them. For Karasu to feel alone. Check. Sōri has put him there.

Only a poor-quality assassin works with weapons of steel. The best work also with weapons of the heart. And maybe this is unsalvageable, but...

"Your brother still lives. He is commanded not to tell you," Corey says, "but I can." Finally he points to Wuya. "Wuya is your brother. He told me. But he knew that if you knew... You'd go seeking your own death, and..."

Corey's eyes fill with tears then. "Karasu, I couldn't. I couldn't be strong enough to be the one to tell you." Failure of a paladin that he is at times, commanded to be strong enough to protect people--caught between the truth that could kill Karasu, because it felt like he would plunge the blade into Karasu himself if he did.

Karasu turns his dark eyes on Wuya then, and there's a terrible weight in those eyes. He looks at Wuya and it's clear that he expects that Wuya will deny Corey's words. As if Corey could lie to him. Yet the bird only dips his head and the glitter of hope there tells Karasu as surely as the sun rising that this is the truth.

There should be words then. An argument maybe. If Karasu was another man there might have been.

Karasu doesn't pick up Wuya, he simply turns around and starts to walk away. He takes nothing with him. Offers no explanation. It's not like him to leave like this. Not like him to leave Wuya anywhere.

Wuya croaks after Karasu, but the sound only echoes down the street without a reply and the bird looks up at Corey, his dark eyes heartbroken. "What now Corey?"

What now, indeed. Corey should stop him--and will stop him. There's not a single doubt in his mind for this fact. When Karasu stops speaking, Corey always goes to support him. They are two halves of a whole. They share each other. They occupy each other. He will not abandon Karasu even if Karasu abandons his own self.


Corey's mind is snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of his Mother, who has returned at last from the shopping she's done. She has no evidence to show for it, but that's what bags of holding--and a carriage nearby--are for. The moment he looks up at her and she sees the tears in her son's eyes, as well as a missing Karasu in the area, she seems to know what's going on, at least partially.

"Sōri was here. He told Karasu." But he can't elaborate, as Faphinae puts her hand on Corey's shoulder, giving him that dangerous look in her silver eyes he's seen before. No one gets away with hurting the people she cares about.

(The ravens of the Cari'thana family feed well at times.)

"I will handle Sōri," Faphinae replies. "You go tend to Karasu." Then she looks down at Wuya. "Would you like to watch?"

Wuya looks at Corey, silently asking him if his presence is required for helping Karasu. When Corey grants him leave to go, Wuya flies to Faphinae's shoulder and lands there, nuzzling into her for reassurance and also approval. He opens his beak to croak but... his beak closes soundlessly and he simply ducks his head again. Silently wishing Corey well in his efforts.

Corey smiles at Wuya and at his Mother. They're people he loves like family and as family--because he's marrying Karasu. Because, after all this is said and done, there will be a wedding, and Karasu will be in his family tree forever. "I love you," he tells Faphinae. "Please be safe."

"There is little safety in valor," Faphinae responds, "nor in vengeance. I will do my best. My love for you, Karasu, and all of our family, of course." With that, she clicks her heel on the ground, and with a murmur of a magic word, she speeds off on quickened steps.

That leaves Corey alone... And Corey knows exactly where to go. In pursuit of Karasu. "Please hold on for me," he murmurs. It's a prayer of sorts. A prayer to Gilead that he might succeed in this.
