Forgotten Blood Finale - Ravener

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  • Title: Forgotten Blood Finale - Ravener
  • GM: Harkashan
  • Place: Am'shere

The winds whip at the faces of those who race to get there in time. Rain pelting their bodies. In the distance, they can hear the thunderous stomps of a walking mountain, barely visible through the intense rainfall.

Not even an hour ago, a certain Rogue Sorcerer channeled the powers to change reality itself, preventing a near unfathomable calamity from approaching the Great Dragonfather Mountain. But in doing so, assured the Great Hunger would chase him and step into the jungles themselves for sustenance. There is no target. No Mission From Above to fulfil, and no civilization to consume in order to punish them for any heinous crimes against the Gods.

Above them, a set of Pterodactyls rush to the back of the enormous mountain; containing a team of Rune, Skielstregar and Seyardu. They move in the hopes of stopping the foul fiends from retaking control over the Ravener Behemoth itself.

A series of Swiftclaws have been provided to Ravenstongue, Zeke, Critias and Verna (as needed/desired) in order to try and catch up with Telamon - no doubt after a teleportation. Already, other creatures from the jungles of Am'shere are running every-which-way, in an attempt to get away from the unending hunger that approaches. Constant swarms forcing people to swerve and avoid these stampedes.

Higher in the air, Telamon is dealing with the massive maw of the Ravener snapping at him, before it shifts its head down again and tears apart a nearby T-Rex running along, and proceeds to just gulp it down in one quick motion.

The mountainous thing, as they get closer, gets vaguely easier to perceive. But its hunger will not so easily be sated.

GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 20 DC: 20
GAME: Telamon casts Overland Flight. Caster Level: 20 DC: 24
GAME: Telamon casts Wish. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Overland Flight. Caster Level: 18 DC: 23
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 18 DC: 19
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Mind Blank. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26
GAME: Zeke casts Greater Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 20 DC: 27
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (7)+20: 27

Riding a swiftclaw has it's merits - speed, the ability to cope with rugged terrain, and a willingness to carry adventurers on their backs chief among them. But as they approach the humongously large creature - creature? more like a force of nature. Critias - in a distinctly furry form, hops off his steed. He gives it a small nod of gratitude that's likely missed in all the other activity. Then he dashes forward on his own feet, bent forward at the waist with his arms pumping as he takes huge strides. He passes perilously close to the dinosaur, hoping it has other things on it's mind. To no avail. As Critias closes the distance he draws a bow from his quiver, readying an arrow. "I doubt I can hurt them with this!" He announces in his loudest voice. "At best, draw some attention!"

GAME: Harkashan rolls 20+2: (12)+20+2: 34
GAME: Harkashan rolls 10d6: (18): 18
GAME: Telamon rolls fortitude: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4d6: (16): 16

As the group begins to approach, Critias quickly rushes through the trees. Jumping across branches. A Tyranosaur that is trying to ensure it has energy to keep up this chase quickly snaps at him, and proceeds to chase after him. Biting at his position in attempts to get a quick snack!

Just as they are about to get closer to the Behemoth however, it lets out a loud belching roar that absolutely shakes the ground. Causing a practical earthquake from its position. A ripple of sonic power that slams into Telamon and causes him to start listing.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Greater Teleport. Caster Level: 18 DC: 25
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Dimension Door/Quicken. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26

Aloft on magically-conjured wings of violet that fade into blue at the 'feathers', Cor'lana Lupecyll-Atlon floats in the sky. The moment that she sees Telamon beginning to fall, however, she screams.


She's gone in a flash of magic, appearing next to Telamon and grabbing hold of him. She will not lose him again. Will not see him swallowed by a beast that has no right to have him. She disappears with him in another arcane flash, reappearing by the group of fliers.

"Are you alright, Tel?" she asks gently, not quite letting go of him. Her violet eyes are filled with concern.

GAME: Seldan casts Disintegrate. Caster Level: 16 DC: 26
GAME: Seldan rolls 16+4: (19)+16+4: 39
GAME: Seldan rolls ranged+1: (14)+19+1: 34
GAME: Harkashan rolls 26: (4)+26: 30
GAME: Seldan rolls 5d6: (14): 14

The first question that enters Seldan's mind when he sees the mighty being chasing Telamon is quickly dismissed in favor of more immediate concerns. He had already taken to the skies in the interests of speed, launching himself high on white-feathered wings, but when he sees Telamon falter, he shouts down to the others. "Try to damage its feet, that may slow its march!"

Suiting actions to words, he flies well in front of it and turns backwards, drawing a set of sigils in the air that glow sickly green on a word of power. He stabs his finger through them, and they all collapse onto his hand, which them jabs out at the behemoth. A sickly green ray shoots out from his finger, leaving a small hole in one of its toenails.

How do you even get the attention of something that big?

Everything was going fairly well, for a definition of 'well'. The Ravener was no longer serving the Charneth fiends, and was heading away from the makari's holy mountain.

As those jaws snap beneath him, though, Telamon can't help but comment, "Okay, so I've gotten him loose. Now what do I do?" A small bit of humor springs into his mind: 'He followed me home; can I keep him?'. "Don't think you're housetrained, big guy--"

And then he sees the creature's jaws open, and the roar almost blasts him from the skies. He clutches his head, dazed, blood dribbling from his pointed ears as everything is ringing. He can't hear, and he's starting to lose altitude...

And then he feels a familiar hand grab his collar, and even through the pain and daze he can't help but smile. Dragged down the tunnel between spaces by his wife, he manages to turn to look at her. He starts to speak, then stops, and focuses his eyes on hers. Something tangible but unseen and unheard passing between them.

GAME: Zeke casts Heal. Caster Level: 20 DC: 25
GAME: Zeke casts Bestow Grace of the Champion. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26

Zeke bares his teeth instinctively at the creature. It is not evil, but he fears it nonetheless. Like a typhoon or a tornado, it is a thing of destruction. The blue scale moves in a blur of magic, removing the pain and damage to Telamon with a pulse of powerful healing magics and then just as quickly pouring magic into himself. Strengthening, empowering. His left arm becomes a crystalline weapon in the space of a thought. "Thisss one will protect them. Thisss one isss at your ssside kin."

GAME: Zeke rolls Knowledge/Nature: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/Nature: (11)+19: 30
GAME: Verna rolls knowledge/nature: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/nature+4: (10)+21+4: 35
GAME: Verna casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 19 DC: 21

There are drawbacks to riding Swiftclaws as well. Namely the bouncing, instability, and the scent. All of which likely bother Verna far more than any others choosing to ride. "I see that your ability to draw the attention of any you wish has not yet failed you," Verna calls to Telamon, perhaps not aware of any deafening. "It is a part of The Cycle! We need not destroy it," if such were even possible, "and only coax it back to slumber or further away from large gatherings!" she then realizes it appears headed for their small gathering, which is also undesired. A brief beseechment is made to The Harpist to empower those in her vicinity with further delay in their time of Judgement.

GAME: Critias rolls 19: (16)+19: 35
GAME: Critias rolls 14: (5)+14: 19
GAME: Critias rolls 9: (9)+9: 18

Critias raises eyebrows at the Tyrannasaur that is doggedly following him. His eyebrows are much less widly bushy than before, and Crit's face has it's customary small and well-trimmed beard and hair, rather than the huge sideburns and spiky mop of a moment before. Critias then turns his head at changes in the titanic noises that accompanied the changes in the titanic monster's direction and the revalation of more wildlife. "It's heading this way!" he crows, before raising his bow and sending a few arrows arcing towards it's feet. Each arrow bounces off harmlessly. "Wait -- we wanted it to head this way, right?!" As each arrow is loosed, Critias has edged another tiny step closer. And with each step he also bends his knees slightly, falling into a crouch in case he needs to dive frantically aside. Or more likely, to take off running for his life again.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (17)+20: 37
GAME: Harkashan rolls 37: (19)+37: 56
GAME: Harkashan rolls 18: (15)+18: 33
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4d6: (13): 13

The warping ripple of powerful arcane energies tears through the Ravener's ability to resist such spells, and stumbles for a moment. A large ridge of stone and dirt and trees is torn from one of its legs, causing it to slow for a moment - not allowing it to chase the group in that moment.

Its enormous steps however keep uncovering more Dinosaurs that were hoping to avoid its hunger by hiding. A T-Rex and Ahool rapidly spurring on from the thick deck of forest-trees.

The Ahools continue to head north as fast as they can. The T-Rex near Critias snaps at him, before running away. The one that tries to get away while closer to the Ravener however, immediately gets bitten and chomped up. Gulped down its massive maw. It then digs its head down into the ground, burrowing a massive hole, catching rocks, and throws it an enormous distance towards Telamon, Ravenstongue, Verna and Zeke, smashing the enormous rock on their position!

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Disintegrate/Persistent. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+18+4+4: (2)+18+4: 28
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+18+4+4: (20)+18+4+4: 46
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls ranged: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Harkashan rolls 26: (9)+26: 35
GAME: Harkashan rolls 26: (15)+26: 41
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 5d6: (22): 22
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Haste/Quicken. Caster Level: 18 DC: 25

Cor'lana's violet eyes burn with rage as she looks at this behemoth. "It will not stop until it's taken enough damage to go dormant again!" she hisses. "I'm going to follow Seldan's lead!"

She weaves destructive magic in her hands, and launches it at one of the ravener's legs, but it does not do as much as she'd hoped. "Mmm. I'm going to change tactics!"

Cor'lana weaves quickening magic onto her allies. "Tel, I'm going up!" he shouts as she soars further into the air.

GAME: Seldan casts Disintegrate. Caster Level: 16 DC: 26
GAME: Seldan rolls 16+4: (14)+16+4: 34
GAME: Seldan rolls ranged+2+1+1: (8)+19+2+1+1: 31
GAME: Harkashan rolls 26: (7)+26: 33
GAME: Seldan rolls 5d6: (19): 19

"It is slowing!" Seldan bellows as the thing slows, casting a glance down at the group on the ground. Another set of sigils, just as before, the white-feathered wings beating frantically to hold him in the air, sizzles out from the gauntleted hand, slamming into the same foot and making another toenail cease to be. "Keep going!"

Those wings beat again, raising him slowly in the air, well above the thing's reach.

GAME: Telamon casts Reverse Gravity. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26
GAME: Harkashan rolls 13: (14)+13: 27

Telamon shakes his head as his hearing returns, the ache dissipating. "Thanks, Zeke," he says with a grin, as he swipes the blood away. "This fellow is not going to quit, not till we clobber him. But... maybe we can encourage him to not be so stubborn."

He straightens, holding out his hands. "Atuku, sag zigara, emegar pagra." The earth around the Ravener's clawed feet ripples oddly, fluttering, and suddenly the Ravener has to grab on to keep from falling upward. "Blast it," he mutters, soaring upwards to float with Lana. "I don't think I can create a reverse-gravity zone big enough to pick him up."

GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (20)+16: 36

Zeke feels his fear fade in the aftermath of his own magic. Subdued by the power of his god. "Pleassse! Let thisss one ssshare wordsss with it!" He moves then, sped by magic and will to face this force of nature before him, bravery surging through his veins. "Talkuatika Tepetl! Thisss one isss called Zeke, ssservant of the Dragonfather! Thisss one bessseechess you, on behalf of thossse who freed you from thossse that sssaught to ssssubjugate you; let thisss one help you sssleep. It isss not time for you to wake, there isss no-thing to fight. If you hunger, thisss one will feed you if you but ressst. Wait. Ssstand here, and let usss feed you and sssoothe your hurtsss. Pleassse."

Verna was already working to turn her Swiftclaw mount south and towards the lumbering mountain of a creature when Zeke flies forward overhead and calls out to said creature. She does move nearer, though she takes no further action. Whatever her original thought, it may well have been a hinderance to the attempt at dialogue.

Critias hurtles forward. Larger than before, with a solid and distinctly simian stature in addition to fur now covering most of his body. Armor, bow and quiver, and almost all trappings of civilization are no longer seen. As he get closer there is a hesitancy to the way he moves. He tries to watch the mouth, the gigantic legs, everything. Even with all his travels, Critias's never been so close to something so massive and moving, and he knows any misstep could be his last.

Disintegration Rays continue to slam into that same leg. Burning away rocks and earth. Parts of its greying skin continue to regenerate as it consumes the T-Rex it caught earlier, before it lets out a belching roar. It appears to be in pain, and isn't much enjoying this whole 'food getting uppity' thing.

As Zeke calls out to the Ravener, its eyes slooowly turn towards him. The rain splashing over its absolutely ginormous eyelids. There is intelligence behind those eyes. But there is also something else. It lets out a warbling roar that Zeke would no doubt instinctively recognize.

It is a thing that all Sith-makar know instictively.

 __    __  __    __  __    __   ______   ________  _______  
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| $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$\ | $$|  $$$$$$\| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$\
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Then, in an almost primordial tongue, beyond the languages Zeke has likely met before, it speaks. It speaks to him. And him alone. For all others are beyond its notice! Yet its voice carries for miles.

"I HEAR YOU, ZEKE OF THE LIZARDS. I AM TALKUATIKA TEPETL, THE GREAT DEVOURING MOUNTAIN." It pauses, its voice is slow, but heavy. Its presence drumming. The rain being pushed away with each word! "I HAVE BEEN AWOKEN, AND I HUNGER. HUNGER BEYOND THE MEASURES OF SLEEP. SO I SHALL EAT FOR A YEAR AND A DAY! WILL YOU FEED ME FOR A YEAR AND A DAY?" It seems doubtful, even though Zeke brings forth a more-than-adequate offer.

For now at least, it seems to not target Zeke in its hunger.

Only for plates of antigravity to warp space beneath it. Its absolutely enormous bulk begins to be lifted. Its massive legs dangling for a moment. Roaring in annoyance at first. Yet... something doesn't feel right for Telamon. He's dangled things in the air many a time. They usually struggle and have this look on them of not understanding. But this thing. As sand and trees and centuries of dirt fall off of it, it seems... okay with this?

As its legs pull inwards. Slow. Ponderous. Into the mountainous shell...

Then suddenly, electric-blue light suddenly ERUPTING from those very same sockets. As it begins to... spin. Slow at first. Then faster... and faster... its head pulls back into its 'shell' as well. And it begins to approach at rapid speeds!

The Ravener, it flies.

Flying over Critias, approaching Telamon and Ravenstongue. Notably... it's starting to speed up!

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/Nature: (2)+19: 21
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+19: 24
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Hold Monster/Persistent. Caster Level: 18 DC: 25
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+18+4+2: (8)+18+4+2: 32
GAME: Harkashan rolls 14: (13)+14: 27

Cor'lana's eyes widen as it starts flying. "Shit," she murmurs. This is not in the plan.

Hair streaming behind her, she does that which she is best at, a thing she earnestly wishes she was not as good at as she is. She weaves magic in her hands and looks at the ravener with bespelling eyes.

"HOLD," she commands, loosing the magic onto the creature--and she knows that it doesn't take hold, watching it fall away from the creature. She hisses. "It's immune to mind-affecting magic!"

She looks over her shoulder. "I'm going to put a bit of distance between me and it!" She falls back.

GAME: Seldan casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 16 DC: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls 16+4: (5)+16+4: 25
GAME: Seldan rolls 16+4: (4)+16+4: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls 16+4: (6)+16+4: 26

"In the name of-" Seldan's eyes go from Zeke to the roaring creature, and he immediately launches himself backwards in the air as it curls up, not unlike a world-sized turtle shell, and takes flight! "Kin, you have angered it, We have no choice!" His hand flashes in another set of sigils, this one united by the crescent and sphere beneath Eluna's holy aegis, but the sigils in their blue and silver fizzle out before him as he gestures them forth, and he shakes his head.

No. She has not abandoned me. I must have erred.

His wings continue to beat strongly, carrying him further ahead of the thing.

GAME: Telamon casts Meteor Swarm. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+sorcerer+6: (17)+20+6: 43
GAME: Telamon rolls ranged: (4)+15: 19
GAME: Telamon rolls ranged: (3)+15: 18
GAME: Telamon rolls ranged: (8)+15: 23
GAME: Telamon rolls ranged: (10)+15: 25
GAME: Harkashan rolls 13-4: (4)+13+-4: 13
GAME: Harkashan rolls 13-4: (6)+13+-4: 15
GAME: Harkashan rolls 13-4: (2)+13+-4: 11
GAME: Harkashan rolls 13-4: (18)+13+-4: 27
GAME: Telamon rolls 6d6+6d6+6d6+6d6: (25)+(18)+(22)+(21): 86
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+2d6+2d6+2d6: (7)+(6)+(6)+(6): 25

Telamon's eyes widen as the damned thing starts to fly, after roaring incoherently at Zeke. "Are you kidding me?" he splutters in almost humorous indignation. "What the..." He flies after Cor'lana, swearing loudly in yrch-speak as he accelerates away from the spinning creature.

Turning in midair, he synchronizes his magic with Lana's. "Let's try something a little more overt then." Holding up his hand overhead, he begins to chant. "Mulan, ki-la geshe. Namgilima ganzer dib." Four spheres of crackling fire shimmer into existence, orbiting around his hand, and then he points at the Ravener. "NOW!" One after another, the meteors streak out, slamming into the behemoth like titan hammers. Blasting away dirt and soil, scarring its shell, as the sorcerer yells to Zeke, "I don't think he's agreeing with you!"

GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (1)+16: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (4)+16: 20

"It isss listening!" Zeke tells his comrades, and it is. This god-sent creature should not be harmed by him. He knows this in his bones. "It isss ssent by the godsss, thisss one doesss not wisssh to harm it!"

His next words are aimed at the creature itself. "Thisss one accceptsss! Thisss one will call upon the People to feed you. Let thisss one heal you by the power of the Dragonfather, let thisss one help!" He is not certain that his words are heard over the thunder of the meteors that are born of Telamon's magic which cause him to wince in sympathetic pain. "Thisss one doess not wisssh to harm you!"

GAME: Verna casts Enervation. Caster Level: 19 DC: 22
GAME: Verna casts Enervation. Caster Level: 19 DC: 22
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+20+4: (10)+20+4: 34
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+20+4: (14)+20+4: 38
GAME: Verna rolls ranged+2: (16)+12+2: 30
GAME: Verna rolls ranged+2: (18)+12+2: 32
GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (3): 3

Verna never imagined that something so massive could fly, much less without wings and her eyes widen. Regardless of whether she can understand the creature, the booming words are not made to sound more benign by its sped approach in their direction. "While I agree with you, Zeke, we may have no other option!" Even yelling, her tone conveys that she does not relish the situation.

Even so, hastened by the magical rod in hand, she rapidly gestures and conjures a coalescing ball of negative energy that is then lanced out into the creature. This is followed by another. Neither harms it, per se, though does serve to weaken it.

GAME: Critias rolls knowledge/nature+4: (2)+12+4: 18
GAME: Critias rolls knowledge/nature+4: (9)+12+4: 25
GAME: Critias rolls acrobatics+4: (18)+23+4: 45
GAME: Critias rolls 28: (15)+28: 43
GAME: Critias rolls 1d8+16: (5)+16: 21

Critias's are as wide as saucers. His mouth falls open. He tilts his head up as the Behemoth lifts off of the ground and begins hurtling through the air. Then his mouth snaps shut. He's been following the 'conversation' between Zeke and Behemoth...but in Critias' heart, he feels they can't let it get away. 'Let it get away'? Critias can only marvel at the thought. But he also knows he may have only this one chance. His bow has proven less than useful. And so he crouches and then springs into the air. He uses his clawed hands to latch onto the behemoth's hide and then pulls up his feet, getting a better hold. It's not so different than scaling the side of a cliff. Difficult, and extremely hazardous, but not impossible. Then Critias releases one hand, uses it to slash away at the monstrous hide. A little better than an arrow. But only a little.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 31: (1)+31: 32 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (9)+20: 29
GAME: Harkashan rolls 32: (17)+32: 49
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4d6+22: (10)+22: 32
GAME: Harkashan rolls 31: (8)+31: 39

Hunger. Enormous eyes no longer follow the group. Instead, fierce meteors pelt down on its body. Slamming it downwards towards the ground. Each strike erupting over its back and its shell. Smaller mountainranges on its back erupt from the strikes! Trees burst into flame! Its shell dented! Zeke's voice too drowned out to reach it or convince it from abandoning its immense hunger!

Yet it continues to spin. Not slowing down until Verna reaches out. The Negative energies she commands reaching out and enveloping the absolute unit of a monster. They wind around it, almost seeming to bind it!

Ahools and T-Rexes continue to flee ahead of the Ravener. It quickly sticks its head out trying to snap up an Ahool, and seems to swallow it...

But at the last moment, it manages to slip between its teeth, and remains free. A T-rex manages to get to Verna, biting at her and tries to swallow her, but fails to keep hold of her!

The Ravager, forced down by the Meteor Swarm, then suddenly brings its head out and grabs the T-Rex instead, swallowing it in one motion, quickly devouring it and starting to digest it. Its body quickly starting to heal!

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Disintegrate/Persistent. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+18+4+4: (5)+18+4+4: 31
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls ranged: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (15)+20: 35
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (2)+20: 22
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 36d6: (119): 119
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Fireball/Quicken. Caster Level: 18 DC: 25
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+18+4+4: (1)+18+4+4: 27 (EPIC FAIL)

Cor'lana has to return to original tactics. She grits her teeth together. "Alright," she says. "Telamon, let's focus fire on this thing."

It's something they used to do together when they adventured, synchronizing their movements in tandem, her spellwork meshing perfectly with his. It helps this time. Her spell finds purchase--

And Verna's knocking down of its defenses results in her ray finding its full destructive power, roiling across the ravener's body. "Keep doing what you were doing before, Verna! Weakening its defenses is the key!" Cor'lana yells.

GAME: Seldan rolls acrobatics: (20)+3: 23

It takes Seldan only a moment, but seeing a single figure, ant-sized against the massive thing, jump up on its back, galvanizes him, goads him to do likewise. "Dreamer guide me, and bring strength to Reunion as you so often have," he whispers, drawing Reunion from its sheath at his hip.

"What, we're not good enough for you anymore, boy?" comes the immediate, querulous response, but Seldan merely brings the blade to his forehead, and it immediately lights with a blue-silver fire that runs down the length of the rune-marked weapon.

"Against such as this, we will need all of the aid we can muster, Kanian."

With that, he reverses direction and streaks down towards the spinning thing, aiming for the dead center of the spin. Heavens-blessed balance and steady nerves combine to help his feet find the central point of the spin, a place where he is unlikely to be flung oiff by centripetal force.

GAME: Telamon casts Disintegrate/Persistent. Caster Level: 20 DC: 27
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+sorcerer+8: (8)+20+8: 36
GAME: Telamon rolls ranged: (2)+15: 17
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (16)+20: 36
GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (3)+20: 23
GAME: Telamon rolls 40d6: (135): 135

Part of Telamon hates having to do this, but this beast is not meant for this world. Even were it not a menace, it would still wreak havoc in the Am'shere wilderness. And so he takes a deep breath, linking his thoughts with Cor'lana's. "Together," he agrees. Their magic crackles in unison, their gestures mirrored, and his beam punches deep into the same spot that Lana's did. Blue and green energy raking across the great behemoth, savaging it.

GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (17)+16: 33

Zeke stands his ground, knowing that this great creature could devour him if it wanted to. It does not. This more than anything tells him that his words have hit home. That it acknowledges him. It hurts him, to watch his allies valiantly trying to bring it to its knees. If he could weep, he would. There are however, no tears for him.

His allies do not need him, have never needed him. They can and have subjected The Great Devouring Mountain on their own. He prays to the Dragonfather for understanding, for peace.

"Pleasssse." He's not sure how loud the word is. A scream, or a whisper? "Ssssleeep! Be at peasssce. Pleassse." He can not hurt it. He can not. It is not this creature's fault that it is awake. For all its size, it is innocent in its way. No more monstrous than any other act of nature. Perhaps his words might be given flight by the power of the god that he serves. He does not know. He has only hope.

GAME: Verna casts Enervation. Caster Level: 19 DC: 22
GAME: Verna rolls ranged+2: (16)+12+2: 30
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+20+4: (12)+20+4: 36
GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Critias rolls 27: (10)+27: 37
GAME: Critias rolls 27: (2)+27: 29
GAME: Critias rolls 27: (7)+27: 34
GAME: Critias rolls 27: (20)+27: 47
GAME: Critias rolls 27: (17)+27: 44
GAME: Critias rolls 1d8+48: (6)+48: 54

Critias focusus his energies and slashes away with both hands now. The blows blur and rain down like hail, and bits earth-like material fly with each strike. And yet when Critias pauses, panting, there are only shallow scratches on the surface of the flying mountain. Critias' own claws are chipped and cracked. Grimacing, he howls like a beast - revealing the giant canines of a beast. Then he lowers his head and clamps his fangs on the already weakened surface, tearing a chunk free and spitting it to one side.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 30: (5)+30: 35
GAME: Harkashan rolls 30: (16)+30: 46
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4d6+20: (14)+20: 34

Searing viscious anti-life! Ravenstongue and Telamon combine forces, their disintegration beams ripping across the mountainous and enormous body. Tearing off shelves of rock, and causing entire avalanches upon its back that go spinning outwards.

Mountainous stones land within the jungles of Am'shere, spinning and rolling file many more miles. A nearby village getting some of its houses crushed! Worried Sith-makar stare at the devastation being left in the wake of the Behemoth from down upon the ground! To them, they may all as well be gods.

Full areas of trees being flattened as an end-result of the Disintegration ray tearing such terrible swaths across its body! The Behemoth shudders in pain!

Some of these stones fly past Critias and Seldan as they come down upon its back - they have to brace constantly not to be thrown off of the spinning Behemoth's back. Critias finding weak points and ripping away at its hidden flesh, and small crystals that make up some of its lifeforce.

Zeke's voice cuts through all the pain and destruction! A moment of calm even as Verna continues to rip its defenses apart, weakening its further. Binding the Behemoth closer to the ground. It begins to list. Chomping with its head at the Ahool that had managed to get away from it just earlier, only to get devoured no more than a few seconds later!

"SOON, I SHALL PERMIT SLEEP TO COME." It answers Zeke, but it's clearly in pain. It is in anger. It is difficult to focus on sleep when parts of its body are literally being disintegrated from it. Yet, it ends up not being as aggressive as it could in that moment, as it LANDS upon the ground, sending an enormous shockwave out. No longer spinning, its legs coming out, and its head biting towards the position right next to Zeke. All it can reach upon landing. Its enormous eye staring at Zeke in that moment as it seeks to devour the one who has weakened it so.

It crashes the entire ground near them. Tearing a chunk out of Verna before she manages to get out of its grasp. But that cannot be said for the Swiftclaw she is riding, as it gets swallowed up and taken by its massive tongue!

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Greater Teleport. Caster Level: 18 DC: 25
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Dimension Door/Quicken. Caster Level: 18 DC: 26

"Verna!" Cor'lana calls out as she sees the ravener going for her. The sorceress is, once again, on rescue duty as she bolts in magic and reappears next to Verna, taking her sister-in-law.

"You're going home to Auranar," Lana hisses, before she and Verna disappear through a magic door next to Telamon mid-air. She's holding onto her fellow half-elf for dear life, trembling.

Being right in front of the ravener and seeing how close it was to ending her sister-in-law's life.

GAME: Seldan rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (12)+27+2+1+1: 43
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon1+2+1+1-5: (9)+27+2+1+1+-5: 35
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon1+2+1+1-10: (6)+27+2+1+1+-10: 27
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon1+2+1+1: (3)+27+2+1+1: 34
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+13+1: (1)+13+1: 15

Meanwhile, as the thing comes to the ground, Seldan slams a still-protesting Reunion into the things' back, at his feet where he stands. His leverage is not the best, but it punches through - at least mostly. Enough to draw blood. He yanks it back out, but the shift in weight required to pull it out through his hide leaves him off balance, and the blade barely chips at the mountain's skin. So focused is he just to remain on its back that he is barely aware of Verna's plight and rescue, or of Zeke's approach.

GAME: Telamon casts Greater Shadow Conjuration. Caster Level: 20 DC: 27

Telamon blanches as Verna is knocked from her mount by the behemoth and injured, while the swiftclaw is swallowed whole. Then Lana is rescuing again, and Telamon pastes on a reassuring smile. "At this rate, Lana, you're going to make me look incompetent." Then he begins chanting again.

"Anungal, silig gissu, namsimug gesse." Black smoke pours from his fingertips, billowing out and forming a horse-like form that deftly stands in midair, ready for Lana to deposit her sister upon. It snorts lightly, and paws at the empty air beneath, but seems untroubled by its position.

GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (3)+16: 19
GAME: Zeke rolls Diplomacy: (17)+16: 33

Zeke moves closer, his eyes filled with sorrow. The creature before him is being destroyed slowly. He can not harm it himself, but... This pain will let it rest, will force it to the sleep that it so desperately needs. "It isss time. Time to ressst. Time to sssleeep. There isss no-thing to fight. Thisss one will care for you. Thisss one will make sssure that you are watched over while you ressst. Be at peassce. Be at peassce."

Zeke doesn't know where the words come from. His nest-mother never sang to him when he was a hatchling. He has not watched his kin rear their young. He has never reared his own. Perhaps it is a Memory of the Blood inside him. Ancient and warm. He had never sung before, and his voice is not made for it. Yet... it is deep and soothing.

"Good-night with roses, Farewell with lilies spread over-head, Lay you down now and rest may your slumber be blessed, Lay you down now and rest may your slumber be blessed."

The words are in draconic but that doesn't matter, he knows that the creature will understand them no matter how he says them. "May your slumber be blessed."

As Verna is pulled to safety at the last moment, the enormous creature remains there, with its enormous eye still watching Zeke. Listening, as the Sith-makar begins to sing.

"FOR A LIZARD, YOUR VOICE IS WELCOMED." It roars out loud. Blood is dripping down the mountainside. Stone starts to settle. Mountains falling over, only for new ones to adjust and reshape. Slowly, so very slowly, healing.

It seems to understand, it must slumber. Though its hunger is not stilled, it knows, its hunger cannot truly ever be stilled. Such is the role of the Ravener. And here, Zeke in this moment, is giving it new purpose. Even if Zeke does not yet know it when he speaks up...


Before its enormous eyes close...

And it slumbers.

First was being gnawed upon by a Tyranosaurus. Now Verna has the joyous honor to serve as partial hors d'ouvre for The Great Devouring Mountain. It is only due to the protective magic in her ring that she is not claspsed, grasped, or even swallowed whole. Still, being chewed upon is not the slightest bit pleasant.

Covered in saliva and her own blood, she barely has time to parse what occured, much less a method of egress, when her sister-by-bond decides to act. She is suddenly no longer near the behemoth.. nor the ground! Fall-arrest systems in place or not, there is some hurried clutching at Cor'lana until Telamon conjures a floating steed. One that Verna then spends her efforts clambering onto the back of. None of which prevents her from (as likely naught could) hearing the mountains words before it slumbers. Her frame sags against the the form of her shadowy steed.

Critias straightens up, once again a human and dressed in normal human attire. "Did...did it just say what I think it said?" He turns to Zeke, and then Seldan. They are the closest adventurers to him. And Zeke was also the one who tried talking, and Seldan is always a voice of authority in such matters. "A protector? He'll become a protector. That's...that has to be..." Critias finally seems to find his words. "Well, given all that's occured, and how he was awoken...the only word for it would be justice."

Once Verna is in place on the steed, Telamon touches her shoulder reassuringly. "It'll last for almost a day, and it'll obey your commands. Don't worry." He looks over at Lana wearily, then stares at the behemoth as Zeke's entreaties finally convince the Ravener to subside, to slump down and close its eyes. The half-elven sorcerer exhales shakily.

"That was... not exactly how I had planned things to go, but it looks like we won all the same." He rakes his hand through his hair. "And at least it's no longer under the sway of those Charneth bastards."

Cor'lana helps Verna with her shadow-steed, and when she turns to look back at the ravener... It is slumbering. Her eyes are wide.

"By the grace of the gods," she murmurs. "Beautiful. Did the Sunguard..."

Her eyes sweep the field, finding Zeke, who had been there only a moment before. She'd been quietly contemplating going in to save Zeke should he be the ravener's next target, but... He is skilled in a way she's not, and tears form in her eyes. "Beautiful," she murmurs again. "Put the mountain to sleep once again."

She looks to Telamon and... She nods. It's hard to keep her tears from falling. It's the come-down that comes with adrenaline. "That is the important part," she says softly.

The mountain rumbles, and it stills. Seldan did not hear what was said, and did not understand what it was that passed between them, but it stills beneath his feet, and he lowers his blade, staring down at the rocks at his feet. "It - spoke?"

He looks up, and around, then down at it. "It sleeps, and no longer is it corrupted. Let that be enough." Sweat drips from the fair features and soaks him to the spin, the white-feathered wings furling to his back and then pulling back inside the armor with magical swiftness, disappearing from sight with only a single feather drifting to the mountain at his feet.

Only then does he turn to Zeke. "Did you - bid it sleep? Well done, kin."

At long last, as the mountain settles and sleeps, Zeke sets one claw upon its body. He wants to tell it that he has only Seldan for kin. That he has no hatchlings. That he has no city nor people whom it can protect. He says none of these things. He does not heal it of its hurts, chances not waking it from its slumber. It needs its rest. Deserves its rest. He closes his eyes and promises himself and the Ravener that he will return. He will bring Cuemoni to this place. He will ask her to aid him in finding those of the People who are without tribe, without home. He will bring them here and they will find shelter in its shadow. He will teach them to protect this place. He will teach them to be protected by it.

He is sheltered in silence for a long time before he lifts his head and nods. "Yess. It will sssleep now. Thiss one will remember itss promissse. Thisss one will give it what it needssss." Zeke pulls his claw away slowly.

Hopefully, that will be enough.

As the mountain settles, and the Adventurers find the calm, nature itself almost seems to calm down. The constant screams and running of its wildlife settles. The rain seems to stop dropping. And in its place, beams of light are cast down upon the wounded body of the Kaiju. It had been far harder to see within the rain and darkness of the cloudcover, but now, they can see the wounds. The carved chunks out of its body. Its broken right leg where the initial rays had hit. A small river of blood coming down from its blood, starting to dry up already as its body miraculously heals.

Behind it, miles of land that has been trampled and devoured. Trees gone. New rivers created. New borders drawn that had not been there before. Small new mountains peppering the landscape - creating a proper understanding of the magnitude of what they had fought.

And what the Charnites had almost managed to leverage against the Great Dragonfather Mountain.

They spot as Rune, Skielstregar and Seyardu step out of the cave at the top. But also know, this was but part of the Charnite plan.

They can only hope that the defenses back there have succeeded in repelling the other planned assaults on the mountain-community.


Ravener flying gif: