Fluffy the Fey
Alexandros Heartlands, midday
Getting hired is just part of being an adventurer. Doing tough jobs is part of being an adventurer. But this one is definitely one that they don't tell you about in the Guild. The group is escorted through a line of trees, to a large rustic-looking pavilion tent set up in a clearing. Everywhere there are signs of fey and other strange woodland creatures and spirits, watching you with interest. Inside the tent awaits your host, the rather ominously named Lord of Ears...
...Who turns out to be a two-foot tall fey who looks like he's made from cornhusks, tuning a fiddle as he sits on a tall chair in front of a trestle table. A basket of corn ears sits next to him.
"Ah, you've arrived! Excellent!" The strange fey-lord hops off his chair onto the table, beckoning. "I'm glad you've arrived. We're having a certain amount of upheaval even here -- the elevation of a new Unseelie Queen has repercussions that affect both courts, as well as those of us who prefer Ea to Quelynos." The Lord of Ears strokes his cheek. "In all the confusion, it seems one of my favored pets, Fluffy -- my wife named him, don't ask me -- has gotten loose. I fear he's wandered north, into lands held by one of my rivals."
"Before you ask," he raises his hand politely, "No, I cannot send any of my court there. It would be an unconscionable faux pas. But there are no rules against mortals treading there, and she will likely pay you no heed. Still waking up from winter, last I checked. So you shouldn't face any opposition when you find Fluffy."
The Lord of Ears perks up. "Ah, that reminds me. Fluffy is a 'great-lizard', one found normally in Am'shere. He's got very distinctive colors, too -- pink, primarily. Not too big though, he's still young. I have something to help you bring him back, once you've found him."
Gramarye is dressed in her usual attire these days for adventuring, which is to say that the war golem is dressed for... war. Chainmail-on-robes, greatsword strapped to the back, and even some nice shoes, although the pendant she has hanging around her brass neck is still quite the fixture ever since she started wearing armor.
Given that her faceplate has no moving parts, the only indication that she's actually listening is a blinking light in her obsidian eyes, seeming to signal her thoughts. And she certainly is blinking. Blink. Blink. Blink.
Then her head pivots sharply in the direction of the Vardaman paladin next to her, Aragos. "Father." Her neutral female voice is especially flat today. "Inquiry: am I still adhering to your orders to suspend anti-fae protocol when we go to track down target: Fluffy?"
Aragos is wearing his usual armor, which is black-painted and quite formidable looking. It has Vardama's symbol on it which doesn't make it look any less formidable really. He scrubs a gauntleted hand through his black hair which makes it stand up on end. He's recently given it a bit of a cut so that it's gone shorter again, but he's still not used to it. "What exactly is a 'great-lizard'?"
Anything from Am'shere is sure to be a difficult pet to capture, but he hopes really that it's not one of those creatures that sith-makar favor as mounts. The things are nasty in temperament and deadly in their ability to eat nearly anything. Including those that might try to ride them. Sith-makar or no. His eyes turn toward Gramarye. "Uh. Regarding Fluffy yes. Anything else that might attack us is fair game." He doesn't want Gramarye to decide that she can't attack something hostile. "If it hits first, you hit back and hit hard. Ask questions later."
Getting hired (and paid) are important parts of adventuring. Seeing new places, people, and, well, things are also big parts of it; according to Bryn, at least. She's happy to travel through the fields, paths, and trees. Even better, looks like a bit of an outdoor party! Maybe?
She wasn't sure what to expect from someone called the Lord of Ears, but the husky guy... isn't what she expected. "Huh. Sounds like all kindsa crazy's gon on..." After a moment, one eye blinks. "Wait. Great lizard?!" Now her eye widens. "Like a pink drag'n?!" That would definitely be another new sight for the oruch, and she sounds excited.
Haggerty waves on his way to the tent. He speaks a few timed greetings in Sylvan. The tiny black doge by his side trundles close to the arriving wizard and sits a few times to paw-wave at the onlookers. When at the tent, the redhead bows respectfully and says, "Greetings, Lord. A jungle lizard as we call them in Stormgarde. You would not happen to have a scientific name your fine pet is a prime specimen of, please? You know, what sages would call your lovely Fluffy."
GAME: Haggerty rolls knowledge/Geography: (5)+9: 14 GAME: Haggerty rolls knowledge/nature: (12)+9: 21 GAME: Bryn rolls knowledge/nature: (16)+5: 21 GAME: Haggerty rolls knowledge/the planes: (3)+9: 12
Skyler is, to be perfectly honest, just happy to be included. And make new friends!
The pirate turned adventurer is wearing his usual work clothes: Much loved (ie patched to hell and back) leather greatcoat over a mithril chain shirt. His usual selection of fancy (and ridiculous) hats has been set aside for a circlet of silver and gold with various gems set in it. It does clash just a little bit with his dark auburn hair, truth be told, but it looks well made.
He nudges Bryn with one elbow, grinning up at the oruch when she expresses her disbelief of a pink dragon. "I saw one once! This gnome pirate had some crystals he melted in a spoon and..." His eyes widen, "Well. Pink dragon was the least of the bizarre stuff I saw."
He glances over at the others, and then squints at the Lord of Ears. "Fluffy's kind of a *corny* name, though. It fits!"
The Lord of Ears tilts his head. "Well, we don't usually get sages here. But Fluffy's eventually going to have three great horns sticking out of his head, and he'll be big enough for four mortals to ride on easily. Usually they're not pink, but he's been around fey all his life so... there are side effects."
A harried-looking leprechaun comes running up with a bag, which he sets on the table. The Lord of Ears nods. "Excellent. Now, in this bag are Fluffy's favorite treats -- don't get too excited, it's mostly roughage. But he loves this variety. Just take a handful out and wave it at him, and he'll follow you all day and night for a bite."
GAME: Gramarye rolls Knowledge/Nature: (17)+9: 26
There's another blink in Gramarye's eyes as she listens to Aragos, and then again as she listens to the Lord of Ears. "Processing," she announces.
Another blink. "The entity known as Fluffy's description appears to be consistent with a young triceratops, a reptilian creatures with three horns. The pink coloration is indeed atypical for their kind, but, as the Lord has noted, irregularities that come with long-term exposure to the magic of fae may influence its coloration."
She then asks, "Inquiry: are there any other irregularities to know about Fluffy before we depart?"
Aragos picks up the bag of 'treats' for Fluffy and then glances at Gramarye. He recognizes the word 'triceratops' immediately and pales a bit. "A triceratops?" He clears his throat ruefully and shakes his head. "We'll be lucky not to get trampled if Fluffy decides to go for this stuff."
Even so he puts the bag in his bag and sighs. "If there's nothing else we should make tracks. A beast that big can move quick and we're burning daylight."
Haggerty does wear some new items with his usual blue leather attire. Bracers, a ring, an amulet and a cape. He head bows and thus lowers his repaired pointy hat. "That does sound familiar. You even thought to hand us bait, Lord. Many thanks. Indeed. Can Fluffy teleport, walk on air, travel through root networks, fly or turn invisible, please?" Nods to Aragos and Gramarye.
"Triceratop? Sounds like something that costs extra." Skyler says with a shake of his head, tapping his fingers on crossed arms as he listens, letting the clearly more intelligent, insightful people ask the questions. Meanwhile, his pale grey-green eyes are watching the fey with a dubious sort of look. He does pause, and adds, "How ridable is Fluffy?"
The Lord of Ears looks a bit doubtful. "Well, he's very good at hiding, although since he got bigger he's not quite as good at it. Oh, and brush won't slow him down, though again I'm not sure how anyone can tell as big as he is." A pause, then he brightens. "Ah! Yes, he is large enough for one person to ride. But make sure you give him treats first so he knows you're a friend!" He waves his hands. "Alright now, off you go!"
The trail leads north, according to the Lord of Ears, and fortunately he wasn't kidding about Fluffy being big. The footprints are deep, though not as big as the adults seen in Am'shere.
GAME: Skyler rolls survival: (7)+3: 10
The trail takes some time to find at one point. It helps that Haggerty's familiar is sniffing around, hunting the scent before barking pointedly at Skyler as if to say, 'Hey! Over here!'. Gradually, the forest gives way to a meadow, with a large rock face rising up from it. And near the rock wall can be seen something large... and pink... moving around.
GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (3)+2: 5 GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (11)+11: 22 GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (11)+12: 23
Gramarye's eyes blink a few times as she announces, "This is the entity known as Fluffy. The pink coloration and large stature prove it." Then her head pivots over at the rest of the party. "Inquiry: how do we wish to approach the creature?"
She adds, "Father and I are not known for stealth. I am capable of casting invisibility magic, however."
Aragos starts fashioning the age old 'get the donkey to pull the cart' trick out of some leafy greens that smell faintly of cinnamon and sugar, a rope, and a very long stick. He waggles it around a couple of times to test it out and then smiles to himself as they catch up to Fluffy. "There we are." He murmurs happily, edging a bit closer and trying to waft the leafy greens along the wind-route between himself and the triceratops. "Be a good Fluffy and smell the greens."
Not that Fluffy is likely the 'great-lizard's' real name, but it suffices in this instance. "I'm going to see if I can't draw it to us..."
Bryn is looking around as they walk down the trail. It's not -that- different from what she's seen since they're not across Ea or anything from Alexandria, but you never know. "Ye figger a giant pink lizzard'd be easy ta spo-Oh!" She turns her working eye towards the movement after Gramarye points it out. "Guess he is."
Then she looks to Aragos putting together the gift basket bribery. Then towards Fluffy. "Could always sing 'im a lullaby... or a drinkin song!" A pause and she rolls her shoulders. "Or jus talk to 'im..."
Haggerty 's tiny friend is surprisingly nimble on his pawlets. He waits for the saber swinging man to catch up, sometimes hopping excitedly. The blue eyed wizard throws the occasional bite for a reward. With the familiar away and busy, Hagg does not really pay too much attention. His 'scope is of little use in woodlands, too. The Northman takes a look at the item Aragos fashioned and motions approvingly. "I forgot to ask, if Fluffy is sapient or not. Let us see what happens."
Furtively, Skyler slowly makes his way to the side of where Aragos is motioning for Fluffy, drawing a rope out of his backpack and making a loop out of one end. "I'm gunna ride him." He informs the entire group, pausing, "I'm gunna ride *them*." He purses his lips, "It's rude to assume gender identity."
He rolls his shoulders, crouches down, and looks at Aragos expectantly. To the others, he adds, voice low, "Do you think my rope is long enough?"
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+16: (7)+16: 23
The hulking form -- even young, it's still bigger than a horse, with the horns growing in and the round crest fully formed now -- makes an unhappy rumbling sound, casting about with his head. Fluffy's eyes are a little -- concerned? -- but when the young triceratops catches the scent, his head immediately turns in Aragos's direction. Instead of charging forward, though, he bellows again, a distinctly distressed noise.
And the reason becomes clear as there are ominous growls to either side of the party. A large, powerful-looking feline form parts the tall grasses with a paw, glaring at the group. It seems they have interrupted something's hunt, and the hunters are not happy…
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (3)+18: 21 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (20)+18: 38 GAME: Telamon rolls 2d4+8: (5)+8: 13 GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8+2d6+8: (5)+8+(4)+8: 25 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+23: (7)+23: 30
One of the tigers immediately charges in, slamming into Bryn and slashing her with its claws, biting as well, drawing deep wounds as it shakes the orc like a stuffed toy, holding onto it as it growls low in its throat.
GAME: Haggerty casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16 GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (5)+5: 10 GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (11)+5: 16 GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+12: (17)+12: 29 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d2: (2): 2 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35
Haggerty sees the felines burst right in and first wiggles fingers, but then announces a few plain words in Eldritch, "Be meek, I demand that of you!" He almost misses with the black bolt and only zots for so much muscle sapping negative energy.
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (4)+18: 22 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36 GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE. GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14: (18)+14: 32 (THREAT) GAME: Bryn casts Gallant Inspiration. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15 GAME: Bryn rolls 2d4: (7): 7 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14: (19)+14: 33 (THREAT) GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE. GAME: Skyler rolls damage14+7+7: aliased to 1d6+6+7+7: (5)+6+7+7: 25 GAME: Skyler rolls damage14: aliased to 1d6+6: (3)+6: 9 GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8: (12)+8: 20
Another tiger bounds into the fray, going for Skyler. There's a flurry of blades and claws, ending with both tiger and Skyler nursing serious wounds but not out of the fight yet.
GAME: Bryn spends ONE use of BARDIC PERFORMANCE. GAME: Bryn rolls cmb+2: (15)+10+2: 27 GAME: Gramarye casts Haste. Caster Level: 7 DC: 19 GAME: Skyler rolls acrobatics+5: (20)+14+5: 39
Bryn is focused on the pink dinosaur and doesn't turn towards the growling before one of them leaps at her. She's clawed and nommed upon before she can blink. Blood flows freely... but she IS an oruch. This partly invigorates her and partly just ticks her off. "Ey! Not the hair!" Shoulder, fine; messing up her braid, not. "We got 'em right where they want us!" she calls out encouragingly, followed by a snarling "Get my oruch flesh out yo frakkin mouth!" at her new playmate as she jabs flesh and metal hands in to try and pry the tiger's jaw off of herself. Sadly, its alot of try and not so much success.
The combat breaks out. Gramarye's eyes become crimson red. "Initiating combat module," she announces in a voice that's an octave deeper than normal. She lifts a hand. "Initiating spellcasting. Quickening magic..."
She weaves her hands in an arcane gesture, eldritch words pouring out of her in the same tone before the magic washes over herself and her allies. "Deployed. Combat objective: rout the enemy."
GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+2+1+1: (15)+14+2+1+1: 33 (THREAT)
The swashbuckler lets out a squeak as he's mauled, his expression growing cloudy as he lashes with his blade in a *wicked* blow. "Bad kitty!" He snarls, and jerks his head towards where Bryn is being mauled. "But I'll deal with you later, pus. Allyons!" And he clicks his heels, those knee high shiny boots seeming to glitter with fiery sorcery as he does a backflip out of range of the tiger...
Who just meows in confused protest even as Skyler's blade lases out to the joint where arms holding Bryn meet the body of the other tiger. "Drop it! *Drop her*!" The blow is wickedly clever, hitting hard with the sorcery of Gramarye to boost it, "BAD KITTY!"
GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+1+2: (18)+12+1+1+2: 34 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+1+2: (9)+12+1+1+2: 25 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+7+1+1+2: (3)+7+1+1+2: 14 GAME: Aragos rolls 2d6+6+1+2: (8)+6+1+2: 17 GAME: Aragos rolls 2d6+6+1+2: (10)+6+1+2: 19 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (17)+17: 34
Aragos looses his blade and utilizing Gramarye's familiar magic to the fullest, slams the massive weapon into the tiger. Once, twice, the third hit lands in the dirt, but the first two score heavy hits and he grins at the feline. "Time to sing the song of my people aye cat?" His purple eyes burn bright with determination. He's surprised it's still standing after Skyler's heavy attack and his own damage.
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8: (7)+8: 15
The great cat lets out a startled yelp as Skyler pokes it in a sensitive spot on the paw, causing it to let go of Bryn. It hobbles a bit, favoring the paw, before it lunges at Skyler angrily, sinking its teeth into the sky-pirate and shaking him viciously.
GAME: Haggerty used a Rod of Lesser Extend. GAME: Haggerty casts Summon Monster III. Caster Level: 6 DC: 19 GAME: Haggerty rolls d20+6+5+4: (1)+d20+6+5+4: 16 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (11)+18: 29 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28 GAME: Telamon rolls 2d4+8+2d4+8+2d6+8: (4)+8+(5)+8+(6)+8: 39 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+23: (2)+23: 25
Haggerty aims to get away from the snarly, very toothy cat beings. That does not work. Thankfully, Hagg is trained in casting in the heat of combat. The wizard gets out his tiny wizard stick and carefully sets down the required candle. He waves the fancy stick over the candle with the doge imagery for decoration swifty. Good. A window to a cloudy space which smells of celestial canine smells pops open over a bad kitty. Then there are a lot of interfering paws. Enough to diminish the intricate stick waving and catch two of the dreadful man's Eldritch praise to usher forth the summon in Hagg's throat. The window winks shut. No win.
The most severely injured of the tigers screams in rage as Aragos savages it, and lunges to crash into the paladin in return. Latching on, claws and teeth digging in as it seeks to peel the armor open to get at what's inside, battering and wounding the knight in the process.
GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1: (4)+11+2+1: 18 GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1: (16)+11+2+1: 30 GAME: Bryn rolls damage1+2: aliased to 2d4+7+2: (2)+7+2: 11 GAME: Gramarye rolls 1d20+7+5+4: (9)+7+5+4: 25
Thanks to Sky Guy, Bryn has some breathing room. More importantly, she has 'pull out big curveblade' room. "Blood inna air! Coughin up the hair! Send 'em back ta .. there!" She half-chants, half-sings to all before focusing on the ferocious feline in front of her. "Get 'way from 'im, creature!" Sky Guy's not supposed to be bleeding that much. She can't have him out-gushing her; that'd look bad.
She swings her blade up and around sending some more fur flying.
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14 GAME: Gramarye rolls 7d6: (27): 27 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+1+2: (9)+14+1+2: 26 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+1+2: (14)+14+1+2: 31 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+1+2-5: (13)+14+1+2+-5: 25 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+1+2+2: (1)+14+1+2+2: 20 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Skyler rolls damage14+7+2: aliased to 1d6+6+7+2: (6)+6+7+2: 21
Gramarye's allies are in danger. So she elects to do what she does best. Her necklace glows a little as she announces, "Augmenting spellcasting. Drawing on reserve magic."
Then she lifts her hands and avoids the angry growling of incensed large cats. She intones more eldritch words before she says, "Ignition magic."
Flame lashes out from her hands and explodes onto two of the tigers. One of them is badly burned by the flames, and the other escapes the brunt with a quick evasion, but isn't wholly unscathed. To Aragos, she says, "Father. Please do not die."
GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE. GAME: Skyler rolls damage14+7+2+7: aliased to 1d6+6+7+2+7: (4)+6+7+2+7: 26 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d2: (1): 1 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (3)+18: 21 GAME: Telamon rolls 2d4+8+2d4+8+2d6+8: (7)+8+(5)+8+(10)+8: 46
Skyler is not exactly happy at bleeding out either, Bryn! And he fights with a certain grim edge that makes that very apparent. One blow, a wicked attack at it's head, ends with a wiff, but he recovers with the slash turning into an upward strike that hits it in the shoulder, while the other is a *nasty* slash across the eyes, pale grey-green eyes hard and just a weee bit glassy as he pants from blood loss.
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+23: (10)+23: 33
The tiger opts to go for Gramarye, and soon claws and teeth are sinking into the clockwork wizard's frame. This seems to annoy the tiger -- there's nothing tasty or interesting here, just metal, wood, and mechanisms as it snarls and tries to shake Gramarye like a cat with a mouse.
GAME: Aragos rolls 3d6: (12): 12 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d6: (3): 3 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+2: (15)+12+1+2: 30 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+2: (1)+12+1+2: 16 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+2: (20)+12+1+2: 35 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+12+1+2: (10)+12+1+2: 25 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d20+7+1+2: (12)+7+1+2: 22 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d3+4+2: (2)+4+2: 8 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d3+4+2: (2)+4+2: 8 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d3+4+2: (2)+4+2: 8 GAME: Aragos rolls 1d3+4+2: (2)+4+2: 8 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+18: (7)+18: 25 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (13)+17: 30 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+2+1: (12)+14+2+1: 29 GAME: Bryn casts Gallant Inspiration. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15 GAME: Bryn rolls 2d4: (4): 4 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon14+2+1: (10)+14+2+1: 27 GAME: Skyler rolls damage14+2+7: aliased to 1d6+6+2+7: (1)+6+2+7: 16
Aragos feels his life's blood pouring under his armor. Seeping through the cracks and muddying his clothes. His eyes turn skyward for a moment, and he wonders if Vardama is watching. She's always denied him death. Always kept him on the edge between life and... the next gate.
Gramarye asks him not to die, and he smiles grimly and begins to sing. She knows what it means, he knows what it means. They're all on the verge. They're all bleeding in their own way. (All but Haggerty the lucky bastard).
"Mother's close your eyes, The daylight is on its way, Mother's close your eyes, Night has it's final say.”
He lifts his heavy arms and strikes the tiger, aiming for it's eye. Gouging into it's flesh and tearing apart that singular point of contact without mercy. Singing the song and thinking of the man he loves. He knows, if he were here, that the song would have him rushing to Aragos's aid. A tear escapes him, and he's not sure why. He's always been ready to die.
"Mother, keeper of the gate, Close your wounded eyes, Mother, keeper of the gate, Let me say a few goodbyes."
The tiger falls to the ground, and Aragos can breathe again, the thing is dead, but more remain, his legs feel weak, but tonight... He can not sleep.
The severely injured tiger rears up, screaming, flailing claws at Bryn while it snaps at Skyler. A mistake, as the former sky-pirate deftly flicks away the teeth... and then his blade slices through its throat, releasing a spray of gore that narrowly misses him as the tiger crumples in a heap next to the adventurers.
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22 GAME: Haggerty casts Fireball. Caster Level: 6 DC: 18 GAME: Haggerty rolls 6d6: (23): 23 GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1-2: (9)+11+2+1+-2: 21 GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1-2: (14)+11+2+1+-2: 26 GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1-2-5: (19)+11+2+1+-2+-5: 26 (THREAT) GAME: Bryn rolls weapon1+2+1-2-5: (4)+11+2+1+-2+-5: 11 GAME: Bryn rolls damage1+2+6: aliased to 2d4+7+2+6: (5)+7+2+6: 20 GAME: Bryn rolls damage1+2+6: aliased to 2d4+7+2+6: (4)+7+2+6: 19 GAME: Bryn rolls damage1+2+6: aliased to 2d4+7+2+6: (6)+7+2+6: 21 GAME: Gramarye casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
Another beast is clobbered and one more is sliced like a lamb before a Veyshanti kabob feast. The Aesir retreats out of pawing range and flicks a small ball of fine Am'Sherian guano rolled up with alchemical sulphur which changes into a little torchly sphere. It only flies a short distance under the agitated chanting of the arcanist to bloom into a similar ball of ignan menace. Unfortunately, the wayward attacker is too slick and dodges the brunt of the heat.
GAME: Gramarye rolls 1d20+7+5+4: (2)+7+5+4: 18 GAME: Gramarye rolls 1d20+7+5+4: (14)+7+5+4: 30 GAME: Gramarye rolls melee: (16)+9: 25
First Aragos drops 'his' kitty. "Ha! Knew ye'd be fine!" Bryn assures him with a laugh (and 20/20 hindsight). Then there's the one coming at her, which Sky Guy skewers and disembowels. "Ey!" She doesn't sound as thrilled, and almost a bit ... disappointed?! "Next one's mine!"
With that, she lunges at the remaining one, curvedblade held high before it starts swinging. "Blood'n bone!" Fur flies. "Sweat'n tears!" Blood spatters. "Rip'n tear!"
GAME: Gramarye rolls 5d6: (17): 17
Gramarye, caught in the tiger's claws and teeth, seems to have a moment where she goes slack in the large cat's embrace. Her red eyes flicker.
And then they burn.
"INITIATING EXTERMINATION PROTOCOL." Her voice is an even lower octave, crackling around the edges. A stream of eldritch words--which sound even eerier for the low, low register--leave her, and then she slams her fist into the cat as electricity crackles through her hand. She electrocutes the tiger until it stops moving.
Gramarye then stiffly pulls away from the tiger's corpse, letting its limbs fall off of her. "TARGET EXTERMINATED. PROCEEDING WITH exTERminATION." Her voice is growing erratic, and the red eyes haven't gone away like they normally do.
With the felines taken care of, Aragos picks up his sword and sheathes it, looking at Gramarye with alarm. "Cease!" He moves over to her quickly, motioning everyone else back away from her. "Your Father says that... All hostile targets have been exterminated. You can rest now." He carefully places a hand on her shoulder, trying to bring her out of her trance. "I'm okay."
Not really 'okay', but he'll be okay eventually. He's never seen her like this though, and he's worried that she might not snap out of it like she usually does.
Bryn didn't quite kill the thing, but she wrecked it's day and its dead now, so... that's good enough for her. She calms, panting a bit, and looks over to Gramarye beside her... and then Aragos as he runs up. "She good?" Maybe it wasn't enough for Gramarye? Wouldn't be the first time Bryn's seen something like that, but a first time outside of her clan. She takes a step closer. "Mebbe a screw loose 'r summin?"
Haggerty takes stock. He is no healer of the extranatural kind. The blue dressed man waves his healer's bag about to show his willingness to mend wounds mundanely. The glaring red eyes is one problem, but there happens to be a pink three horned chicken good to stand in for a proper juvenile whooly rhino who needs to be coaxed. "War golem unit, the threat is under control. Calm down, please?" He repeats the exact same words in Kulthian for good measure. What else? "Somebody operate the lizard bait stick, please. I could, but I only have minor experience with dogs and horses!"
Skyler, for his part, collapses on top of his dead tiger, panting and bleeding profusely. "Ow." He says weakly, and rolls over so his head is pillowed on the stomach as he glances over at Aragos and the malfunctioning murder-bot. "I got a tanglefoot bag if we wanna restrain her! Or..." He opens his coat, squinting at the collection of potions and bags (and a random dagger!) before shaking his head and slowly, unsteadily getting to his feet. "Nevermind. I forgot my twigs at home."
To Bryn, he calls, "Maybe you should go get Fluffy." Beat. "I wanna take one of these guys with me. I bet Jarik'd like a tiger hide to use for his weird witchy shit. Think Fluffy could carry one?"
There's a far-too-long pause where Gramarye seems to be wrestling with herself. Her head pivots to Bryn. The eyes are still red.
And then the red eyes abate to black. "My apologies." There's the regular Gramarye voice. "My archaic programming kicked in, in response to one of our allies receiving a grievous injury. I was able to override it thanks to Father's orders."
She then looks to Aragos. "Father. Please operate the triceratops-bait device." She also has no talent for dinosaur wrangling.
Once you've calmed down, and staunched the worst of your injuries, it's time to play 'befriend the fey dinosaur!'.
Fortunately, the lizard-bait-on-a-stick immediately gets Fluffy's attention, and a little of the leafy treat turns Fluffy from a skittish beast into an incredibly affectionate new friend. Which is slightly cumbersome when he tries to nuzzle you. While it eyes the tiger carcasses suspiciously when you drape them across its back, the prospect of more greens seems to soothe any concerns it has, and it happily follows along in your wake, wagging its tail and making deep burbling sounds.
There are worse days to be had as an adventurer, and the hides of three dire tigers will make for quite the conversation pieces. Not to mention a meal with a fey lord who -doesn't- want to steal your name or do weird things to you.