Customs Enforcement

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Customs enforcement is something entirely normal. The city does keep track of travellers, coming and going, as best as it is able. Today, the line to get into the city has been... long.

Really, really loong.

All of you, for whatever reason, had business outside of the city today and you're now waiting at various ponts in line to /get back in/. And there's a backlog. A reallllly long backlog. And now it's getting dark. And snowy.

Sasha stares at the line that's to let them in. "I'm guessing they weren't able to clear all of the snow they had to form a line." She then grumbles....

Hun'rar chaffes in all his armor, heavy shield over the back, bastard sword at his waist. The dragon knight stands out just a bit in the crowds in the heavy armor and flowing cloak of wyvern skin. He passes the time trying to read a book though, armored fingers turning pages.

Kisa is bundled in a plethora of furs. Seriously. You could count them as a literal plethora, it's a bit like a pile of furs and Kisa is sitting under it as she mans the wagon. In the back a variety of crates and barrels (all of which look trendy of course). A little crack of the reigns "Vvvhhhhh." She says, in what surely was words under the furs, until Tami snatches them back and glares at the human fur-pile.

"Stop that." Tami says, "It won't make them go any faster. Just enjoy your fur igloo."

"Vffnn vff ffnnn nnnvvoo." Kisa responds, turning what is presumably her head under the massive number of furs. "VVV-VAAAAA!" The fur pile calls out a the sight of Sasha.

Azog grumbles about the line as he waits to get back in. "It would have been faster to climb the wall," he complains. He's bundled against the cold in leather and furs over his plate armor.

Grush has arrived.

Kira doesn't have any armor, wagon, a pile of furs, or even grumbling. She has her cloak wrapped about herself, but still a smile. "Is anyone hungry? I still have some bread if anyone would like?" Because she always seems to have bread.

Sasha looks over and waves to the pile of furs. Sasha looks positively happy to be in the snow. "Isn't it lovely!? It's just like back home!' She says to Kisa's fur bundle....

"Vooo." Kisa says and the pile over what's probably her head shifts from side-to-side. Then again... Kisa is from warmer climate, not colder, and so she's not as keen -- even if the white stuff on the ground is fun to roll around in for short bursts of time.

Grush also seems rather comfortable, breathing in the bracing cool air. She shuffles over at the mention of food. "I have some cheese and mushrooms, if we get a fire started we could grill them!"

Azog calls out to Kira, "I have some game. If we work together, we can make sandwiches." He's already got a fire built, because that's the sort of person he is. And that's how slow the line is.

Delilah has arrived.

Hun'rar looks to the others "That does good." he snaps his book closed. "Would be lovely if we could toast them, might have some magic for that." he motes with a grin. There is plenty of padding in his armor to keep Hun' warm.

Grush quickly introduces herself to the people she hasn't met yet. Taking off her pack and putting it on the ground near Azogs fire, she digs out the large wheel of cheese and a sack of mushrooms before sitting down on the pack. "This is all rather nostalgic" she sighs "nothing like gathering around a fire in the snow, sharing your spoils and seeing what you can make"

Sasha chuckles. "I grew up in the snow, Kisa. This is....normal to me. I imagine if I went to your home, I'd be sweating my head off."

Tirrynelth has arrived.

Azog nods approvingly at Grush's contribution. He stokes the fire up some more and pulls a pan and frame from his pack. He's got a game bag full of critters - small furry things that come out of burrows in the winter and get skewered by arrows from Azog's monstrous bow.

"Vohh." Kisa says with a sort of bobbing of what's presumably her head. She starts pushing out of the fur pile until she's only a bundle of them instead of a plethora and looks to Sasha, then to the other that seem to be making something of a potluck here on the side of the road. She looks into the bag of the cart, then grabs a small barrel that she calls out to Sasha, "Catch!" And tosses it to the cleric while she fishes around for a handful of peppers from a crate.

Tirrynelth has reconnected.

Sasha actually grabs the barrel and carries it over to the fire. "here we go guys!"

Kisa calls out after Sasha, "IT'S MEEEEEAD!"

Azog looks over as Sasha arrives, and has got some of his rabbits over the fire now. It's just camp cooking, nothing special from him. "I've got a mug in my pack," he says, because all men carry a cup for the hundred things you need a cup for. Surprise mead makes 101.

Kira looks over at Azog and her smile brightens. "Oh! That's a wonderful idea!" She walks over to Azog's fire with her mostly empty basket of bread.

Soo there's a party out here, and a big fire? And well a certain book wyrm can be seen wandering into the area, reading a book... As she notices the fire, the tall draconic woman pauses and glances around, as she takes a deep breath and slowly exhails, little arcs of electricity can be seen licking around the Sith's lips, it's quite visible in the dark.. She then smacks her lips and sighs... "Gonna get more control over that..." She mutters to her self... She casually tugs a cantine off her thermos and drinks from the fur-wrapped thing, and exhails happily after enjoying her self a long pull of rather warm sill chai... She then starts to make her way closer to the campfire... As she sees folks offering things she digs through her backpack and tugs out a very very large bag full of taffy... "Umm I have candy?" She says and another bag of peppermints is pulled out too....

Grush lets out a cheer as Sasha brings over the barrel, fishing her own mug out of her pack and grabbing a hatchet off her belt to start cutting the mushrooms and cheese, using her shield as a chopping board. "Tirr!" she waves at the approaching Sith-Makar "Perfect, I already ate all my candy"

Fire is good. It's being eyed warily by some of the guards, simply because they don't want something to catch on fire, but he's hardly alone in the long line, Azog that is, in having built a small fire to warm himself by.

It's bloody cold out here.

And snowy.

And the line is moving sloooooow. Folks get to take another step forwrd as another traveller is cleared. Nobody's quite sure what the hold up is and nobody's happy.]

"PEPPERS!" Kisa says as she passes them off to Grush, not telling her at all that they're great at making you feel like your head head was hit with a fireball. "I'mma gonna see what's up!" She says with a wide grin and promptly starts trundling in the direction of the gate, still quite laden down with her layers upon layers of furs.

Kira sets down the basket and looks to the others gathering about the fire. "Does anyone know why there's a long delay? There could be something wrong up at the gates. I could go up and ask? Maybe we can help, and everyone can get inside and warm more quickly."

Azog is cooking food and people are coming up with cheese and spices and bread, and he's quite nicely distracted now from the long wait.

Tirrynelth has partially disconnected.

Sasha says, "I could go and ask the guards what the holdup is. But from what it looks like...they're checking everyone's papers and stuff." She then notices Tirrynelth. "Peace on your nest." She says in Draconic to her...."

Hun'rar shakes his head "Customs or the like maybe? Perhaps a turned over cart?" he says watching over the camp area. "Don't hear screaming so... probably not trouble."

Tirr glances over to Kisa, and then glances to Kira "Merchants I think with large wagons and stuff..." Her voice is prim, propper, having an 'oxford english' like accent... Then she's given a traditional Sith Makar greeting and she glances back "Peace upon your nest... Oh and hallo, how are you?" She says and smiles slightly, even though it's a slight smile it's rather toothy.

Tirr casually now slips Grush a small bag of peanut brittle and winks...

"BEAUTIFUL!" Grush grabs the peppers and gives them a sniff, grinning as her eyes begin to water "You are an angel Lady Kisaiya" she tips her non-existant hat and bows before getting back to chopping up the vegetables. Grabbing her quiver she empties out a few arrows and uses them as skewers, alternating chunks of vegetables and meat, squeezing the cheese between the slices of mushroom.

There's a lot of discontented grumbling from the folks who are in line, yes. None of themn are enjoying this at all. And what's worwse, nobody seems to have qany idea waht the hold up is. THey seem to be going slowly, sure, but it's likely to anybody who's been through customs before that they're probably searching for something or someone.

Grush beams at Tirr, tucking the bag inside her jacket "You get first pick of the kabobs" Grush seems to be enjoying herself thoroughly.

"Well, that would still be trouble. I think I'll go see what I can see..." Kira decides for certain. She may lose her place in line, but that's not really a worry as she walks outside the line to see what she can see further up the line up to the customs check and even ask along the way.

Azog grumbles sourly about the guards, "Don't know why they're doin any of this, they let everyone in anyhow. The city's filled to the rafters with every scumwaffle and scofflaw. They must be looking for someone specific," he guesses in between shifting his fire a pace closer to the gate.

Sasha says, "If they were looking for someone specific, the line would be moving faster." She then looks to Tirrynelth. "I'm good. A little cold, but this is normal. Looks like everyone's building a fire for a feast until the line passes." She then looks up a bit to see Tir's eyes. "I'm Sasha....hearthguard of Althea.....what's your name?""

Tirr blinks at Sasha, eyes studying the person curiously, as that crest of hers raises slightly. She then smiles and responds "Tirrynelth... Ummm I'm training in sorcery?" She says and shrugs slowly... "No special titles really..."

Kisa continues to slowly trundle forward in her bundle of furs toward the gate and the guards. She wants to see what's up after all as she moves one mostly forward foot after the other. She calls back, "There better be some mead left when I get back!!" She turns back forward and continues on her trek.

Azog says to Sasha, "Well, they're looking for something. Maybe someone stole Sandy's bustle, and they're having to recover it before disaster strikes?" Now that -would- be a calamity. "Though, no, They'd have called in the Guild for that. Soldiers aren't up to that." (OOC: It'd be a 16-20 adventure, if not 20+)

Hun'rar ughs. "Lets go see what is going on, perhaps I can help or convince them to hurry up." he dons his helmet and begins pushing throught the crowd, using his holy symbol like a badge of authority to move through the crowd.

I can show you the world...

I don't want to see the world...

Chay yanks his coat up against an imaginary wind. It chills the scales as surely as it chills the skin. His long trench coat flaps along behind him, but he wears a new hat. A fuzzy hat. An ushanka. It is very fuzzy.

Grush sets up a rough support out of sticks and twine and carefully sets the skewers over the fire, giggling at Azogs comment.

"What's going on? I'm freezing out here!"

"Yeah! Tell us something!"

A guardsman shouts back, "People are being processed as quickly as possible. Be patient. It won't be much longer."

"That tells us exactly shit!"

Kisa pats the cursing one on the shoulder, then shoos them away before moving toward the guard herself. "Ma-a-a-aybe if you tell me what's going on we can get this worked out?" She's a bundle of furs! THE BUNDLE HAS SPOKEN!

She glances toward the gates herself for a moment, frowning a little, then adjusts the one that's about her shoulders. Just a little more to keep the wind out.

Kira offers the guardsman a smile. "I'm sorry, I know it's just as cold for you, too. Is there anything any of us can do to make it easier for everyone?"

Chay comes to a halt. His tail falls, curling along the ground. After a few moments, he cats an eye to the side, to see if he recognizes anyone, or might...hear something.

Sasha says, "yeah.....cussing at the guards is really going to help." She then waves to Chay as Chay's spotted! "Hieee! Come and join the fire!" She says to the sith-makar...."

Azog turns on the people hassling the guard and shouts them down, "The more you argue, the less time they have to keep the line moving, so shut up and let them do their job." Not that he's a big proponent of guards and cities. But he can at least see that arguing will only make it worse. "You got a problem with that, come see me." It's amazing how people, when offered that, turn out not to have a problem after all.

"...esscuese me," Chay says, and then he ducks his head as he heads towards the fire. "I am afraid I do not undersstand?" he says to Sasha. "Thiss ssseems...out of the ordinary for thiss area." Then, belated, "Peasse to your nessts."

"BEES TO YOUR CHEST!" Kisa calls out from down the road. How she heard Chay give the greeting is anyone's guess, then she turns back to the guard.

GAME: Azog rolls intimidate+4: (1)+26+4: 31 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Grush rolls intimidate: (5)+8: 13

Grush moves to Azogs side, munching on one of the skeweres with one hand, the other held up. She speaks sternly, looking down at the angry people "I know that no body has a problem, we all just want to get home, and kicking up a fuss is just going to slow everything down"

"...I'm just trying to get some answers before my wife freezes to death, you...," says the caravaneer as he whirls to face Azog, "...asssssumit-foe, magnificient specimen of Oruch! Haha! HA.. Ahem..." He sits down.

The lien takes another step forward. Slow.

Sasha grins at Chay. "Peace on your nest." She says before offering some drink. Mead...from the barrel.

"I...I ssee," he says. Chay takes the mead, but he doesn't seem to know what to do with it. His claws move over the tankard. "Thank you," he says to Sasha. Then, looks over to the guards and...seems to gird himself. One nearby could see him shaking, quaking inside of his coat.

Tirr glance sto chay curiously now and tilts her head curiously.... "Ummm.... You cold?" she asks. The rather tall Sith Makar wearing a cloak and robes that have warming stones inside and all.. Yah she's cool but not like mega cold at this point.

Grush claps the caravaneer on the shoulder "Good man, if you are cold or hungy, you're welcome to sit by our fire and have some of our food while we get this sorted out" she leans down and whispers conspiritorially "Theres even a barrel of mead thats just begging to be emptied"

Azog watches the caravaneer telling him off, hid expression skeptical as the tone shifts mid-rant. That's better, he decides, and says, "If she's that cold, she can sit by our fire," he offers. The fire -has- grown, with people cooking several different things on parts of it, and as the line moves a place at a time, Azog just builds the fire out further, and the people after him in line wind up tending the fire he'd built before.

GAME: Azog rolls survival: (19)+19: 38

"I--" Chay looks over in surprise. "Peasse to your nesst," he responds to Tirrynelth, in wonder. "I...I wissh to ssee my kin. I...I am ssorry. Excusse me. I sshould ssee--" Bravery. One step after the other. Yet, he stops a good pace from the guards, instead. He doesn't quite make it. Except... "....esscuse me," he says more loudly, to the guards. For Arzaneth, he finds courage. "It iss my undersstanding that my people and yourss," he swallows, "have a Treaty. I am hunter-casste. May thiss hunter help in any way?" So that I may see my kin? This is really all he wants to do, and if something is going on, he suddenly wants to do that. Very badly.

Sasha raises her eyebrows as she watches Chay. "That's good of him." She says before looking to Tir. "You new around these parts?"

Kira looks back from the guards to Azog and the now much more polite caravaner. "I know everyone is uncomfortable, but there's no reason to be angry. No one will freeze, and I'm sure they're moving people in as fast as possible."


The fires are being used by those out here, and it's just, you know, /cold/.

Ther guard look at Chay and says with a sigh, "I can't talk about it, sir, though I appreciate it. It's complicated. NEXT," he waves a wagon forward and the guards are immediately searching it, it seems. THOROUGHLY. This is one of the reasons for the delay.

Chay ducks his head, in the softskin style. Then, backs away towards the fire. Not turning his back, no. Just, getting back to the fire. Except, he glances at the City's wall as he does. It is, suddenly a barrier he does not want. As he settles near the other sith-makar, his tail shifts, its tip flicking back and forth in a slow metranome.

Tirr watches Chay curiously and stares curiously, she then settles down near the fire and begins drinking some of her hot chai while she watches folks curiously.

GAME: Kisaiya rolls Diplomacy: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

Azog's cookfire is growing, and some people are sending runners out to collect as much brush as they can drag up in an effort to keep it fueled. He puts some more meat on the fire and serves it to those that are hungry.

"My kin iss insside," he says, low-voiced to the other sith-makar. The way he stresses the word indicates tribe. Friendship. "I am Chay, of the hunter-casste. It iss good to sshare words," he says. And swallows. He wears the leaner muscle of the hunter-caste, someone who had trained from early on to do what he does. And he stands there, twitching now and then.

"Hey!" Kisa says, "HEY!" She shouts as she's getting a little bit annoyed by having been ignored like three times now, only to have Chay walk up and /all of a sudden/ the guard is talkative. She plants her hands on her hips. "SPIT IT OUT! Just tell us what you're looking for because I'm being nice and stuff!" She nods her head and glares in an amiable way.

Hun'rar shakes his head "If they tell us it may alert the wrong people. I sorta understand." he says with a sigh. "Are the other entrances like this?"

Sasha takes a deep breath as Kisaiya takes a hearty helping 'Filet of Sole'. She quietly walks forward and looks at the guard. "Guard.....There are some people out here who need to deliver reports to their respective temples." Sasha says gently. "Perhaps we could help.....if you're willing to allow us..."

"Oh dear..." Grush moves to Kisas side, smiling apologetically at the guard "The very Wealthy and Important Lady Kisaiya is simply fustrated, it would be better if she was less so, before she finds your superior and demands an explanation from them"

"Princess Kisaiya!" She says, correcting Grush because... IMPORTANT! She nods her head a few times, then looks toward the guard again, "WITH PERISHABLES!" because that's dimplomatic right? Wait, hold on, wait. Pause. She turns to look at Chay again, "Keys in your Breast!" she calls out with a fling of her arms up higher, "Like, pocket right? Wait, but I don't see Sith wearing fancy shirts very often. GRUSH! Where's that mea-TIRR OH MY GODS THE BOOKY ONE! CHAY! CHAY! I FOUND YOU SOMEONE WHO'S INTROVERTED!" She points at Tirr.

Tirr glances back up at the gate, then blinks curiously, then stares at Kisaiya.. "Since when have I been introverted?" she asks curiously. "I just like books!!!" she says then glances to Chay curiuously and shrugs.. "Lore Keeper." she states simply

Kira looks at the guards and searching of the wagons. The guards don't want to, or aren't allowed to give details or answer questions, but she can make a few guesses based off of what she sees. She steps back to those waiting a bit further back in line to suggest, "Since they have to search everything carefully, while we're waiting, we could open things up and uncover them, so they're ready to be looked over when we get to our turns. I think that would make everything easier and faster for everyone."

Chay shifts on his feet, there in the snow. He looks down, at the snow. At his feet, crunching it. Then, up again towards the caravans and the softskins there. At the--someone is yelling at him. He freezes, going absolutely still for a moment. "What iss an introvert?" he asks the other sith-makar, eventually. Then, "Iss good to sshare words, Keeper of Memory."

"Sorry, Princess" Grush goes and gets Kisaiya a skewer, wincing as she goes into 'match making' mode. Mouthing "Run" at the two Sith Makar from behind Kisas back

ANOTHER step forward. They're s tarting to (finally) get through this process.

The next wagon, they start to search, and seem to be again looking for something specific. The wagoneer and his crew look confused, but all they have is grain from a farm village outside of the city.

The guards are all looking at Kisa slightly befuddled.

"That's... no. WE're not telling you shit. Not your job. Let us do our's, huh?"

GAME: Kisaiya rolls intelligence: (6)+3: 9

Kisa looks from Tirr to Chay, then back again, her arms still flung up in the air. She doesn't mind since she's a pile of furs. It's quite warm for her still. She looks back to Tirr, "Invite him on a date! He has a sister and needs someone who is understanding and nice!"

Kisa turns to look back at the guard, "HEY! No reason to be rude either." She sticks her tongue out and then pauses, turning her head to the side as she runs over to the wagon wheel. She throws her arms up in the air, much like she did in Am'shere as she stares at it - she made sure to grab the meat Grush offered on her way.

Azog eyes Kisa skeptically. He asks Grush, "Does she actually need to get inside, or is she just being petulant?" Because Azog, commander of tact.

"FRIEND SPIDER!" Kisa calls out, with her arms up in the air and the skewer still in her hands. She still has her arms up in the air, much in the same way spiders will when they feel threatened or trying to be threatening. She scoots lower still, moving so she's nearly on the same level then tilts her head, "You brought friend...s. Oh my." Kisa looks for that gardener instinctively.

Grush leans closer to Azog, lowering her voice "Bit of both I think... But she usually gets her way, this is clearly important enough that they really can't tell people. Perhaps they are looking for a spy or a fugitive and don't want to cause a panic"

...and now you all can see it.

There are spiders on this one wagon. /Lots/ of them. Flowing out in all directions.

They're tiny, harmless things, right? Just regular spiders, heading everywhere.

On the snow, everywhere. The cold doesn't seem to be slowing them down, interestingly enough, but all the same.


Tonsof them.

"There," yells a guard.

'That's it! Make a whole ! Clear a path! STOMP THEM! Don't let them in the city!"

People are now skittering (sorta spider like) back and trying to get away from... whatever's going on by that wagon. They've been SPIDER HUNTING?

Chay falls quiet as he looks over the caravans. Then, he catches sight of Grush's warning, and his eyes go wide. "Perhapss," he says to the other sith-makar, "It iss not sso ssafe heeeere--" and then Kisaiya starts shouting things, and his brain just shuts down. "Thiss iss not okay," he is saying, without hearing what he is saying.

Sasha says, " were keeping people on foot from gettinginto the city because of tiny spiders?""

Hun'rar looks at Chay "You think is a plot? some sort of shakedown by dirty guards?" he says in a low voice. But when the spiders appear sighs "Pick up torches, get rid of this infestation. Where is the Witch Alba?"

"Sasha! Teacher spiders!" Kisa calls out as she stands up and skitters back a bit herself. She is very much conflicted, they look like friend spider but they are not being very friendly... they are also smaller than friend spider. She looks back toward Chay, "CHAY! Keep the booky one safe!" She turns back and seems to dance a little forward, a little back, a little forward, a little back.

"Friend spiders..." She looks down at them, biting her lip, then starts trying to stomp on them. "Forgive me friends! You are not being friendly!"

Azog says to Grush, "If it were a spy or fugitive, they'd be stopping people trying to leave, yeah?" And then, the spiders. "Ah, now I see," he says, and he grabs a flaming log from the cookfire.

Kira turns at the yelling of the guards possible finding whatever they were looking for, then blinks. Her smile dims. "Spiders?

Kira has disconnected. isn't just spiders.

Soon, from a second wagon, beetles are flowing outwards, and grubworms and more.

It's all Am'sherian, for those who recognize that sort of thing. Surely, a lot of them woin't survive in this climate, right? Right. The wagoneers, to be fair, look entirely surprised about this.

"WHAT THE!?" Grush leaps into thje air and starts stomping frantically "Are they venemous??

Sasha says, "Someone....likes....bugs." She then looks to the guard. "They're not going to survive in this climate...""

"Thiss iss not okay," Chay says. "I am no warrior-casste, Kissaiya!" he shouts to her. Shouts, that is the level of his stress at the moment. "Keeper, I am ssorry," he says to Tirr. "I am no warrior-casste, to protect you. ...Kissaiya, get the wagon coverss! We may light them afire, and lay them over the sswarms!"

Ga'Elian has arrived.

Tirr stares and blinks slowly "I might have something that can help with the swarms of bugs." She says and glances around before well, she casts mage-armor on her self at this point and adds "I know the burning hands spell!" She calls out.. "I think that coul dhelp maybe? Less you want the bugs captured, then well I dunno..."

Hun'rar has disconnected.

Sasha says, "I guess if they want the bugs dead....burn them...."

GAME: Tirrynelth refreshes spells.

GAME: Tirrynelth casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

"That's a good idea!" Kisa says as she looks to Chay, then the bugs, and she goes for the nearest one with a canvas covering. "Tirr! Stay behind Chay at least!" Her fingers working at trying to undo the ties through the thick gloves on her fingers. This idea was not thought out with gloves in mind!

"Who the HELL was trying to smuggle these things??" Grush shouts, still stomping frantically, trying not to let any of them crawl on her

Tirrynelth has disconnected.

"Ssa, ssa, Keeper. I think that would help." Chay stares at the bugs in a more controlled way. "I can help the warrior, but sshe iss right. I sshould not leave you." He paces where he is. And, having some idea, takes out a hunter's bow.

"If you can make the fire, I will ssend it to the warrior'ss blankets," he says. And, he will do just that. He will work with them to make this happen.

...there are bugs going every which way and people are screaming and getting a move on out of the way! Others are maddeningly stomping at them.

"Where did they even come from? OH MY GOD SPIDERS AHHH!"

It's not just spiders. There are now flying beetles in the mix to boot.

And bitey winged things.

Grushs screams intensify as her face is filled with flying, buzzing insects, swiping at them ineffectually

Azog tosses his flaming brand into a clump of bugs, then unlimbers his earthbreaker and smashes dozens in a go. It's not hugely effective, but there's a cathartic effect.

Kisaiya finally frees one of the canvas coverings from a wagon and with a fling (and a lot of luck) tosses it like a net to catch some of the flying ones and land over a mass of the crawling ones. WOO! "HIT IT!" She calls out with a fling of her arms up in the air, "Sorry friend spiders!"

Ga'Elian comes riding out of the surrounding woods in griffinback with bow in hand. As the reality of the scene comes into focus, he hops off the mount and stows his bow in his quiver. He says, "What's going on here?"

Sasha has disconnected.

Chay works with Tirrynelth to help the fire multiply. Twang! goes one of them, into the abused wagon covering. It is super-dramatic. But you know, spiders!

"BUGS!" Grush shouts. She jumps over to the canvas 'net' Kisa threw, quickly scooping up the bugs (and a bunch of snow) and tying it into a cruge sack before they can escape

Fires are up and going!

THat's definitely putting an end to many of them, what, with the fire and evertyhing.

There's no helping for the flying ones, th ough, except waving torches in this case!

Grush lets out a small exclamation of surprise as the sack catches on fire, then after a second of deliberation she starts whirling it around her head, swatting at the flying bugs as embers go everywhere

Ga'Elian takes the whip from his belt and attacks any flying ones that he can.

Kisaiya bats at the flying ones wildly until she grabs a torch and starts waving it nearly fast enough to write her name with it.

The cavaneers are moving to stay by the fires, most of them. The insects are at once repelled and drawn to them in varying amounts. HEAT! YAY! FIRE! NO!

Tirry's spells are at least helping clear the air and waving torches and more is hel;ping, along with much swattijng. Some guards are using torches, now, and handing out more to others.

They don't seem to be offering any explanations just yet.

Azog is using his earthbreaker, mainly, and a brand from the fire in combination to smoosh and burn as many bugs as he can.

Grush is now cackling madly as she swings the flaming sack around, swatting beetles out of the air "EMBRACE IMMOLATION FOUL INSECTS!!"

Ga'Elian keeps whipping as bugs fly near him, and the griffon tries to snatch a couple of the more tasty looking ones from the air for a snack. The ranger says, "Bugs! Why couldn't it have been bunnies? I mean, what's up, Doc?"

/Eventually/, the situation is beginning to get under control. Nothing like a crises to get people working together in the short term, right?

Still, the bugs are mostly dispersed, caught, smooshed, dealt with, wset on fire...

Some may have escaped and may have made their way towards the city, trhough. Hard to say for sure.

GAME: Whirlpool has awarded you 360 XP for being in character!

GAME: RPG - Staff gives you 16800 copper.

GAME: Whirlpool has awarded you 360 XP for being in character!

GAME: RPG - Staff gives you 16800 copper.


Grush throws back her head and bellows in triumph. Panting heavily as she drops the sack and stamps it out. She takes a deep breath and smooths down her hair "Ahem, sorry about that, everyone alright?"

Another fling of her arm one way, then back the other, as she continues to chase at the flying bugs with the torch. A sigh as she seems to have managed to hold down her little square, and se turns to look toward the others - and the guards - "YOU WERE RUDE!" She announces, and in her other hand is the skewer which she eats a chunk of meat off of.

"Don't curse at Princesses." Kisa announces and promptly upends the torch right in front of the guard on another bug where she lets it set and turns to look back where their little gathering was.

Grush walks over to the guards, still breathing a little heavily, her face red dispite the cold "Alright, the bugs out of the bag now, tell us what those things are so we can fix this. Before anyone really gets hurt"

GAME: Grush rolls intimidate: (3)+8: 11

Grush has partially disconnected.

Ga'Elian coils his whip and rehangs it on his belt, as he walks over to Grush and Kisaiya. "I thought the Hells must've been breaking loose with all that racket. Where'd all this come from anyway?"