Can't Sleep

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Log Info

  • Title: Can't Sleep
  • Place: Alexandria Monastery

A goblin without a name crept into the monastery late in the evening, after the sun had gone down and torches lit the hallways, but probably before people had gone to sleep. Finding her way to the room of a goblin who does have a name, the colourful one peeked this way and that to make sure there weren't any people nearby before she rapped on the door, loud enough to hear but not too loud. "Psst! Simony?" the sneaky goblin whispered to the door, her monks robes a perfect mirror of someone who's supposed to be here.

The Nameless one heard only silence at first, but eventually the sound of shuffling is heard approaching the door. The door opens and the Albino peeks out, not bothering to cover her mouth as she yawns widely. She blinks a few times, her expression sleepy. "Mmmph. Stoo early... Whatcha doin' here?", Simony complains, perhaps a touch loudly. A little hand reaches out to grasp at a purple one. The Gobbo tugs gently, leading the Nameless one into her cell.

I needed help with something, and I was up so I thought everyone would be up." The purple gobbo says, though she probably has an erratic sleeping schedule herself, slipping into Simony's room and finding a place to flop down. "It's not early yet, anyways. It's still late." She grins, "Do they make you go to bed early here?" The purple gobbo drops a heavy sack on the floor with a clatter of metal and glass

Simony gives herself a little hesdshake and yawns broadly. "Would you like some tea?" A kettle is fetched from a desk holding many things, and set upon a pot-bellied stove, the sound it makes indication it's almost full. "Most of us don't have a bedtime. But as a senior member of the monastery, I have many duties. So I try to get sleep when I can." She joins the other Goblin at the table. "How may I help?"

"Tea would be nice." She replies with a smile, "Well. It's because of what happened a few days ago. When we tried to get in contact with one of the gods to find a solution to the Fae problem. I dunno if you heard, but it went very badly. And there was nothing I could do about it." The goblin looks quite uncomfortable with that idea. Distressed even! She takes a metal rod out of the sack she'd deposited on the floor and fidgets with it nervously.

The Albino nods. "I've got a pleasing herbal blend that won't keep you awake. Should soothe your worries a little." Her pale hand reaches out to pat the other Goblin's shoulder. "Why don't you tell me about it? All the details you can. Try not to leave anything out, the slightest detail can make all the difference. I will do everything in my power to help."

The goblin leans against the back of the chair and begins to pour out words all in a mess "Okay, so you already know about the asshole Fae. Well - I learned the scrying spell, and then Rune pointed out that it could backfire, so I reached out to Zeke - he's a cleric-y type, like you, different god though I think? He said he and his god could help, both to provide a little protection in case something went wrong, and to offer a Commune with his god so I can play twenty questions with divinity. Well, we didn't get to twenty. Also a lot more people were there, like Rune, and of course Cuemoni, who died." the goblin pauses there for a sec, distress written on her face, then she waves her arms energetically, "She's okay now though! In case you know her."

Simony listens, unmoving except for movement of her eyebrows. "Okay, Zeke offered to commune with his deity. Did something happen then? What questions did you ask and what were the answers?" Her expression saddens. "It.. is possible that these things happen. Though it is distressing for them to happen inside a Temple. I wish I had been there." The Goblin gets up as the kettle begins to sing. "Please do go on while I get us some tea."

Simony is patient, pouring hot water into a small teapot to steep. "This fae is very vexatious indeed.", the Goblin observes. "Zeke is a powerful cleric and I would trust his judgement in many things without question. That he felt fleeing to the heart of the temple is telling." She rubs at her chin. " I am forming a conclusion already. I'll reserve it for the end." A hand is lifted, to pour an amber coloured tea into two small mugs. "Do you take any cream or sugar?"

The priestess drops two sugar cubes into each cup, and a dollop of cream. She stirs daintily and offers a mug to the Nameless Goblin beside her. "So I see three options, none of them fun." Simony sips at her tea. "Mhhh. Citrus and a hint of mint. Pleasing." She leans forward. "One. We do as it asks. We have an idea that it is misleading Thoth. He needs our help. We can follow with two or three, or do them without one." "Two is we trick him into giving your name back. Three.. we force him to give it back "

The purple gobbo sips at the tea, "I think one is off the table - he seemed pretty clear about that. Two and three are options and I'm all ears to suggestions on that, but that's not actually why I came here today." she says and nudges the sack of things-which-clatter with her foot. "You're a cleric. You..." she pauses and seems unsure, " can do things when people get hurt. I can't. I've tried - I can make wands and potions and all kinds of wondrous things, but I can't make anything that helps when people get hurt. And sometimes people get hurt around me." She looks down at her boots. "Sometimes it might be my fault."

Simony stands and steps forward to hug Fidget. "Do not blame yourself. Unless you are saying you're intentionally doing things to hurt your friends?" A hand rubs at the Purple Goblin's back. "Are you asking for me to accompany you to help with healing? Or are you asking for me to craft healing items?"

The nameless goblin hugs back enthusiastically, "No, just that the whole thing happened because of a mistake I made." she answers sadly, "So I want to be able to help when my friends get hurt." After Simony's question, the purple gobbo lets go, leans back and says "Kinda in the middle. I want you to help me create healing potions. They say you can't do it unless you're a cleric. Maybe a druid. But I don't think I'd make a very good cleric - but I can make lots of things - there's no reason I can't figure out the trick to making this. I just need help from the most fun cleric around!" Then Simony gets poked in the nose with a purple finger.

The Albino nods, releasing the Purple one and settling back into her chair. Another sip of tea is had before she lets out a sigh. "I am afraid I've not the slightest clue how to create potions. I thought about looking into such things, I am the daughter of a smith, so crafting's in my blood, so to speak. But my talents lay elsewhere.. namely languages, writing and painting." Simony rubs at her cheeks. "But I will do what I can. I can help you research how such things are made. Perhaps you might be able to create a wand with healing properties, hmm? No matter, I can give you my support!"

"Yeah, I figured you probably wouldn't be up on the potions thing yourself, but I can't cast the healing spell, and for some reason that's a required part of the process - just for wands and potions though." the goblin says and then lets out a long yawn, "Now you're making me sleepy, too. Maybe I should do it in the morning."

The Albino giggles and pats the Nameless one's hand. "You have my assistance then. I can cast all the healing spells you require. Depending on the spell, I may have to wait a day to pray for certain ones." She gestures to her own Goblin-sized, comfortable bed. "You may stay the night if you wish, I know it's a long walk. Waffles for breakfast tomorrow!"!

"We're going to start small, so it should be simple healing spells. Ones I'm sure you've always got access to." The eepy gobbo says, stretching. "Yeah, that would be nice. Have ourselves a little sleepover." "One sec" the gobbo says, and incants some magical words, a shimmering form briefly barely visible next to her, "I need a little help to get all of this off. Well, some of this off. Gotta be appropriate in this holy place, after all." she says with a mischevious grin as the first of her many layers are unwoven by an Unseen Servant. "Waffles sounds good. Lots of syrup?"

"Syrup, fresh strawberries and raspberries... and crispy bacon. Fresh milk, tea and kafe too. Hot breakfasts are *the* best!" Simony yawns and shrugs. "Well it's a private room. Just don't go wandering the halls indecently."

Stripped down to just a black slip and her sleeves, the purple gobbo laughs and says "No promises. After all, I've got these! I can be very indecent and noone would even be able to tell." She rubs her eyes, "After you!"

She removes her pince-nez and sets it aside, hopping into bed and wiggling her way to the far side, leaving room for the other Goblin. "Keep in mind that clerical magics maaay not have the bangs and booms that arcane magics do, they are rather good at detection and dispelling." Simony pats the bed. "Be a good guest and don't scare the poor priests with shenanigans. Else they'll send me to deal with it."

Clambering into the bed and getting comfy, she replies "Sure, but you'll be nice to me all the same. I've corrupted you for sure, staying up past your bedtime, inviting strange girls into your bed, don't even know their name..." the strange girl teases, her voice falling away and giving a tired little laugh as sleep begins to draw her in quickly. She may not have been sleeping well lately, but here, she feels a little safer.

Her hand reaches out to pat Not-Fidget on the cheek. "You're not some strange girl... okay you are, strange but not a stranger. We're friends... I just wish that the fae's... trick wasn't so pervasive." Simony studies the other Goblin for a few moments. "I shall call you Violet until we get your proper name back. Your skin colour is very prominent, and Violet is a girl's name. It's fitting. Do you like it?"

"You're a good friend..." the half asleep gobbo who once had a name mumbles in near sleep, and starts to snore quietly, and doesn't hear the other name - which is perhaps why it isn't whisked away as she'd been told it would be by that damned Faerie magic.