Bringeth Them Oneth

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It's been a reasonably decent day in the countryside, weatherwise. People-traffic has been relatively sparse, or well managed at least, and there's been enough sun to keep things on the warmer side of the 'cool/chilly' threshold, broken only by the odd puffy cloud here and there.

Gregor is riding through the countryside on his horse, talking to it occasionally, not that he expects an answer. He's just taking him out for exercise, nothing special, no actual plans. But he does keep a wary eye out, because danger is everywhere.

The walled city and its denizens still remain suspect, or at least unsettling to some. Jaen has yet to enter and is much at home under the canopy. He doesn't ignore those who travel the trails or roads, but he doesn't tend to use them, himself. Currently, he tracks along a game trail that parallels one of the larger roads.

Out to get some exercise for his digger, Bildor is riding the beast out in the country. It's a slow plod with extra weight just for the training. He's armored and has large sacks strapped across his mount. Who knows how long the plod has been going on, but the mount is finally slowing under the burden. They stop just after a whistle and he climbs off to remove the sacks. Each is opened and dumped. Rocks.

GAME: Bildor rolls perception: (2)+8: 10 GAME: Gregor rolls perception: (6)+7: 13 GAME: Jaen rolls perception: (14)+9: 23

Gregor sees the plume of smoke! "Traveller, let's check that out. Could be something bad." The horse takes off, running towards the source of the smoke. Gregor stands in the saddle for the small advantage in sight that gives him.

Jaen's head snaps around at a sudden sound and brings his eyes to smoke in the distance. This seems abnormal, and he leaves his game tracking for now to track swiftly for the smoke.

Bildor looks towards the smoke and holds up a hand to shield his eyes from what light there is so he can see it better. "What's this?" He pat the diggers flank and climbs on. A whistle and the mount takes off at a gallop towards the smoke. "If we're lucky, it's a big cook fire and we'll be there jsut in time to eat."

While the distance is devoured by your respective means of travel, there is tension in your animals, the response familiar enough to their riders to indicate that they are catching the scent of blood in the air, respective to nature or nurture. Also more apparant is more screaming, of a begrieved and desperate fright. With the obfuscation of the wooded area parting to your vantage, it becomes clear a small number of overachievers have managed to unhorse a well armoured fellow in what was probably pricey half-plate. Two of the brigands, masked of course, are drawing blades with itent to dispatch the wounded man, while the third wheels his skeletal mount to leave, a shrieking moblewoman bound and slung like a sack of produce over the back of his saddle.

GAME: Gregor rolls initiative: 11 + 3 = 14 GAME: Jaen rolls initiative: 19 + 4 = 23 GAME: Bildor rolls initiative: 11 + 1 = 12 GAME: Jaen RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 4 temporary HP Jaen's eyes narrow and teeth bare at sight of the horse, rider, and captive on it; though the ire is primarily at the horse that does not look to be a normal steed. It looks quite unnatural, and should be corrected. His wrath makes itself visible in the sharp claws that srpout from his fingers as he darts through the undergrowth for the far side of the beast, hoping to cut it off before it gallops away.

GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28 GAME: Gregor rolls 2d8+8: (10)+8: 18 GAME: Bildor rolls weapon5+2: (4)+5+2: 11

Gregor nudges Traveller in the ribs, the horse knows the gesture, and leaps forward, hooves tearing through the turf as he charges forward. Gregor plants his lance right through the fellow's shoulder, pinning him in place. He doesn't go down, but he looks very unhappy with the circumstances.

GAME: Victor rolls initiative: 8 + 3 = 11

"Probably not going to catch that." Bildor nods towards the horse. Even a malnourished horse will likely ourtun his differ mount. "Let's do what we can." He digs his heels into his mounts sides and the digger goes into a run. As it does, his readies his lance, leaning forward a bit in the sadlle just before contact.'s poorly aimed, glancing off the brigand's armor.

GAME: Victor casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17 GAME: Victor rolls 4d6: (20): 20

A fiery bolt of energy sears through the neck of the skeletal mount. First the head falls, then the rest of the bones fall apart. They dissolve into ash that puffs as the rider and captive fall to the ground. A moment later Victor steps into view, striding steadily towards them. A bit of smoke rises from the palm of his outstretched hand.

GAME: Jaen rolls finesse+2: (8)+6+2: 16 GAME: Jaen rolls finesse+2: (20)+6+2: 28 (THREAT) GAME: Jaen rolls finesse+2: (7)+6+2: 15 GAME: Jaen rolls 1d4+strength+2: (2)+2+2: 6 GAME: Jaen rolls 2d4+strength++strength+2+2: (6)+2++2+2+2: 14

Jaen blinks as the unnatural steed is incinerated. Well, one problem solved. He immediately looks to the former rider, assuming that to be the creator or otherwise facilitator of such a thing. He lunges at the fallen armored rider and slashes at him with his claws.

GAME: Strike rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

Smelling funny after his moment of smug got curtailed by the lanced charge that took his buddy away just before another lance skimmed off his own chainmail, the guy in the mask barely manages not to drop his weapon before he turns and lashes out with a hasty swing at his assailant! Or at something within the same county as his assailant!

GAME: Strike rolls 1d20: (1): 1 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22 GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18 GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10 GAME: Gregor rolls 1d20+1: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Gregor rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6 GAME: Gregor rolls 1d4+4: (4)+4: 8

Gregor yanks his lance free from the first fellow, and wheels around, Traveller turning and biting him on the arm as Gregor thrusts his lance down, leaving a slash in his coat.

GAME: Strike rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18 GAME: Strike rolls 2d4+3: (6)+3: 9 GAME: You damaged Jaen for 9 points. 19 HP remaining.

After such a savage raking, the masked ringleader, this Sinner, growls in rage, surely a paltry thing compared to the true fury of the barbarian mauling him. His fancy falchion comes free from it's sheath and, with a hateful snarl, the villain slashes the elf across the torso with it!

GAME: Bildor rolls weapon5+3: (19)+5+3: 27 GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+4+2: (4)+4+2: 10 GAME: Bildor rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

Bildor wheels his digger around, repositioning to flank the brigand with Gregor. With the movement, the digger's jaws snap out towards the brigand to get only air. It serves as a distraction atleast and Bildor drives his lance home. Plunging it into the brigand's chest.

GAME: Victor rolls ranged: (4)+6: 10

Victor clenches his still-raised hand into a fist. A snowball-sized distortion streaks through the air. It goes wide of the intended target. then dissolves into the air when it reaches the end of Victor's range about 40 feet away.

GAME: Jaen rolls finesse+2: (16)+6+2: 24 GAME: Jaen rolls finesse+2: (18)+6+2: 26 GAME: Jaen rolls 1d6+strength+2: (5)+2+2: 9 GAME: Jaen rolls 1d6+strength+2: (5)+2+2: 9

Jaen seems angered more than injured by the slash across his torso, despite the blood drawn by it. He slashes again at the man twice with his claws, ensuring that the other bleeds more than he did and that he is no longer a threat. Once the foe collapses, he peers at him, as if expecting that he might get back up for a sudden counterattack.

There is silence, well, almost in the aftermath of the viscious, if brief, engagement. The gurgly rattle of one of the hechmen plays accompaniment to, more weazy rattle of his employer, punctuated by the pitter-patter of blood dripping from the barbarian's claws against the grass. Alright, there's no silence with the complaints of the bound noblewoman who has, during the fracas, inchwormed her way toward her companion who apparantly yet lives. After some gratitude and arrangement of transport for the wounded, the noblewoman assures her saviors that within a tenday, the adventurer's guild will have their reward waiting under the name 'Ulswyn'.

GAME: Gregor rolls heal: (15)+0: 15 GAME: Bildor rolls heal: (6)+3: 9 Gregor hops down off his horse and pulls a first aid kit from his pack. He'll bandage the bandit leader and try and stabilize him. Because you treat prisoners well. That's just what you do. And he'll be able to answer for his crimes now.

GAME: Gregor rolls heal: (5)+0: 5