Before the Society

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Tenebrae - Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 8:04 PM

-=--=--=--=--=<* A14: Sage Orum's Plaza, University District *>-=--=--=--=--=-

Named after one of Alexandria's most learned (and perhaps addled) minds, the new University District of the city contains a number of entertainment spots as well as areas of culture and learning. Though many structures and sculptures can be found here, two buildings dominate the plaza with an air of friendly animosity--the grand buildings of the Society for Progressive Arcanists and the Artificer's Guild.

Poised on opposite sides of the central plaza, the two face one another like old misers, each uncertain as to what the other's up to, and pranks between students are a rule of thumb. A series of levies and fines exists should they get too far out of hand, though at times the results may be spectacular. Performers often make use of the great plaza by filling it with music, and rare is the visit without passing a performer's hat or three, five, or nine. Likewise, ramshackle shops selling every sort of magic bauble line the ways, all of varying (and often questionable) quality. A grand statue of Sage Orum overlooks it all, his expression slightly perplexed perhaps, at its mixture of grandeur, invention, glass-filled baubles, and chaos.

At the far end of the area, is the city library. From public records to research into the history of the city and the region itself, there is much one can learn at the city library. Many stories tall, the building towers up over well-lit, tightly-packed cobblestone streets.

In the distance, the Redridge Mountains rise overhead in all their glory. At their peaks, one can see the airships docking, landing, and flying off again under the banners of not only Alexandria but many great nations.

Mikilos leads a small parade, which is to say brings a number of students back to the Society from their field trip. Pausing at the gate, the tall elf waits as the students pass inside, where they'll no longer be his problem. "Okay, see you next week. Yes, it will be on the test. I don't know, you'll have to ask your professor. No, no extra credit. Billy, take that out of your mouth. I don't care if you know where it's been."

Solace is less tall, but more grumpy. Possibly. After a field trip, it's likely that Mikilos can outdo him on grumpiness. He noticed the group of wizardly students, and followed along at the rear, until they started shuffling through the gates. He detaches then, and nods in greeting to Mikilos. "Did you bring back everyone who left? It's not a truly valuable field trip, in my experience, until someone's been transmuted or banished to an outer plane."

Kailin sits on the steps of the city library, watching the people go by. He looks to Mikilos and his students with a bit of amusement, adding to no one in particular, "Make better choices, Billy. Make better choices." He recognizes Solace from a tavern, having been present when he stole the stage to sing a ballad rather poorly. He raises a hand in greeting, but pushes himself up to go meet him properly.

Emerging from the society is one certainly not tall, and whose level of grump has yet to be determined. Her hood and cloak covers all of Verna, but does not appear to obstruct her view of the large tome she carries and peruses.

Mikilos grins, and chuckles, not grumpy at all. His job is done, and can relax now. "Actually, we picked up a couple along the way. They'd gone earlier for a second project. Anyway, what are you up to this eve?" He nods politely to Kailin as he approaches, and eyes the large book approaching. It might be one he hasn't read yet. Priorities.

"Hmmm. Stealing a rival's students. Also a valid tactic," Solace says, solemnly, although his eyes glitter with teasing humor. He turns as the tall elf nods to another, and offers Kailin a smile. "The storyteller, correct? It's good to see you again." To Mikilos, he says, "I was just leaving the Hall. I've been working on some new projects. A detailed description of which I'll spare everyone," he adds, voice dry. As the woman with the book approaches, a flicker of relief crosses his face. "Finally. Someone of a reasonable height," he says by way of greeting, offering Verna a bow.

Kailin nods to Mikilos and introduces himself, not noticing his attention is elsewhere. "Hello, I'm Kailin." His deep voice booms when he speaks. "Fairly new to the city, myself." He looks then from Solace and then to Verna. "Oh, hello. I almost missed you down there..." He smiles politely, meaning nothing of it and continues, "Actually, I am trying to get a thing together if you all might be interested. A day of congregation in the city where one can extoll the virtues of their chosen profession. In order to encourage those out of work to pursue gainful employment."

Verna lowers the tome at the voices ahead, likely lest she inadvertently collide. "Good evening," she offers to one or all. "Theft of students? Despite potentiall acolyte opinions to the contrary, students are not generally considered personal property."

Mikilos laughs, and nods. "No theft, plan was to meet them there all along." Squinting thoughtfully, he glances between Verna and Solace, but lets the moment pass, turning hsi focus to Kailin. "Mikilos Mithralla, Builder Arcane. What exactly do you have in mind? I've the impression those who wish to work are having troubles finding employment which are not overwhelmed by those already arrived."

Solace waggles a finger in Verna's direction. "I've always considered this a misjudgement. If you are investing time and energy into a student, you should have some surety that they don't hop to a new master who has a shinier research project. Nothing serious, just perhaps a light chain, keeping them at the desk for a few years." He's probably joking. Probably. He turns back to Kailin, head cocked to one side. "Hm. Well, I'm always happy to speak of the joys of artifice, although you might want someone more, ah, personable?"

Verna's hood tilts slightly to the left. "If the student is so fickle, either they lack discipline or their instructor lacks merit. In either case, a change is for the best." She looks towards Kailin and her hood tilts upwards in the process. "It doubt that the virtues of my profession would offer any encouragement, as profit is not one of said virtues."

Kailin motions a hand around. "I was thinking to encourage people to branch out to a profession they may not have thought of or something outside of their comfort zone. It might help people find better fits than they are finding. Also, there may be more of an opportunity for employers to find bbetter fits for their staff, loosing lazy entitled workers for those that are eager to work." He shrugs lightly and says, "Its just something I was thinking about that could help." He shrugs at the suggestion of finding someone else. "Anyone would be welcome, so long as they have a passion for what they do it shouold be helpful."

To Verna he shakes his head emphatically. "No, actually that would be one of the most needed presentations. Not every line of work is about profit. Many people look only for coin but there are other things more important to work towards and to dedicate oneself to. If you could open up even a single person to that fact you will have changed a life."

Mikilos nods in understanding. "A worthy idea. Unexpected applications can bring some of the best ideas. One reason my enchanted items do so well is i understand the craftsmanship behind the mundane article. Blacksmithing isn't a typical skill for a wizard to have."

Solace chuckles, and raises his hands in surrender to Verna's reply. Dropping them again, he considers Kailin, his brow furrowed a bit. "Why this interest in reducing the city's unemployment rate? I don't disapprove, it just seems an odd thing to be passionate about, when there are evils to smite and monsters to slay." He gestures vaguely, indicating a world of excitement outside the walls.

Kailin nods to Solace, understanding the sentiment. "I was informed that an enemy of the city was using the downtrodden and disenfranchised to plant seeds of evil within the city. It seemed that among the other plans of action being undertaken to counter his work that if he had less of the poor to pick from, he would have less power at his disposal." He nods and says, "Along with the effort here in the city, I'm hoping to get employers who work outside of the city to come to the event as well. If people cannot find work within the city then perhaps they can be hired elsewhere." Finally he motioned back to the library and says, "I've been reading up on economics and mercantilism. This is what I came up with. Thankfully, some people in the city are starting to take interest."

Verna dips her hood at Solace's comment, then listens to Kailin's explanation. "If an enemy is focused upon the poor, granting the enemy fewer targets is not a poor thought. On the other hand, a determined doe might well locate other targets. Recruitment and collaboration could be best directed against the enemy more directly. Admittedly, I am not a military tactician."

Mikilos frowns mildly. "The greatest evils are not found in a few madmen, but in the daily apathy of the common citizen. Better to bring a small light to a thousand common lives than a brilliant flame to one." He blinks, and ponders a moment. "I wonder... if a suitable place could be found, could take a large group of people, and found their own town. Turn wilds into a settlement. Plenty of work there, and wealth to be made if all goes well. Of course, will take some start-up funds, and need to pick a location well. Despoiling wilds at random does well for no one."

Solace's eyebrows go up. "Hmm. An interesting thought, Kailin. I can't help but point out, however, that if one wished to infiltrate the city's infrastructure, there's no better way to do that than to pretend to be a bright-eyed and eager learner, particularly if open recruitment were going on." He frowns at Mikilos, thoughtful but skeptical. "I suspect that if the average beggar on the street had the interest or wherewithal to wrest new civilization from the wilderness, they would already have done something interesting with their lives."

Kailin nods to Mikilos and says, "That's one of my far reaching wishes, but I don't have the sway or the money to make that happen. I'm hoping that after this event, others might see the viability in something like that. I think it could really help the city to have satellite cities. Almost like starter towns. Before you try to make it in Alexandria, try establishing yourself in one of these other cities. That kind of thing." He looks to Solace and says, "I suspect that getting into the city isn't necessarily an issue. As I understand it, someone is taking the poor and luring them away, switching out their souls for demons and sending them back in to wait to be epxloited. So that is what we are trying to avoid. Or reverse."

"That is alarming news," Verna admits after a moment's pause. "I trust that the temples were made aware of this threat? Demons are hardly a minor issue, nor should their presence be treated lightly."

Mikilos nods to Solace. "The average beggar, no. The extraordinary beggar, perhaps. But it's not the beggars I have in mind. It's the refugees, displaced from Dragoner and Dran, who seek a new home." He nods to Kailin. "Cities might be a bit much, the land can only support so much. But a village, or even town, is quite possible."

"The Sunblades are aware, at the very least," Solace says. "Actually, I've been asked to look into some possessed infiltrators," he adds, lowering his voice to not carry beyond the small group. "If anyone would like to help, I'll be luring them out of cover so that we might have them de-possessed. It is best done with subtlety, of course."

"Exorcisms are neither subtle nor discreet," Verna comments. "Many demons possess telepathic communication, as well. To expunge them without warning the others could be quite difficult." Her voice is rarely lifted, so her conversation is subdued by default.

"I have a feeling that somewhere in the masses that are among the poor there are gems. And that can be found and raised up." Kailin nods faintly and says, "But, yeah, at the very least it will help with people. I don't know about archmages or overwhelmingly powerful evil, but I figure this can help something. Somewhere. Even just a few people and it'll be a success."

Mikilos nods. "It's my understanding that the possessed are indeed in constant contact with others. When the possession is broken, a layered spell incenerates the innocent, frees the demon, and allows the demon to carry the innocent soul with it back to the infernal realms. So, to save someone, first they must be cut off form telepathic communication, bound from physically harming themselves or others, the powerful enchantment broken, and only then can the possession be addressed."

Solace smiles, brief and sharp, at Verna. "It wouldn't be entertaining if it were easy." He then nods to Kailin. "A noble sentiment, I suppose. And, if nothing else, it might keep a few of them busy doing something useful. I wish you luck, and if you do have someone who wishes to learn about artifice, feel free to send them my way." He gives the group a precise bow. "At any rate, I must be off. It was an enlightening discussion."

Kailin shivers at the description Mikilos gives and he shakes his head. "That's on a level far above where I am at... Others more knowledgeable in those dark arts are likely invested in dealing with that. I can only do so much." He smiles faintly and adds, "Even this little bit is more than I had expected to be able to accomplish but I've had a lot of support and I'm glad to be able to say I've had some help."