Tears of Death

From Tenebrae
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It's a cold and bitter day for the beginning of spring. Perhaps the winter is trying to cling to the world, but time slips inevitably forward. Cold rain pours from thick grey clouds which obscure the heavens in turn. Wind howls as it is driven down the narrow streets between the market district and elsewhere. All in all the weather seems determined to make this a terrible day, but then... there are other reasons for that as well.

A merchant down the street with a haul of spices covered to protect his goods from the winds is trying - and failing - to fix a broken wheel while his wagon blocks access to the market.

Corey is walking around, holding the small parasol he's acquired for rainy days Alexandria above his head. He doesn't much mind days like these. Spring is its own benediction on the world, and as a Warden of Gilead, Corey knows a bit about walking around in the rain.

Of course, being a Warden of Gilead, he also notices the merchant struggling with his broken wheel. Corey's lips press together, and he makes his way over to the merchant. "Hello and good day," he offers with a smile. "May I be of assistance with your wagon?"

GAME: Thoth casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17

Out in the streets, dreary as it may be, multiple flits of light move and flick along. Like Fairies having a good time, the things flit in the rain, dancing up in the air, yet never truly taking off. Never truly flying. As if afraid of what might happen if they spread their wings too far.

These lights are moving with a smaller figure in the dreary narrows. A small metallic bird-like creation, lacking anything that might be considered 'clothing'. A rather naked, and broken entity, if the silhouette of its wings are to be a tell. The clattering of rain on its metallic body making a rather unusual cacophony amidst it all, as it approaches the merchant from the other side of the cart. Curious eyes watching the cart from a little further behind Corey. Not so immediate to engage the merchant. But at the word of wagon assistance, it does pipe up; "This one believes it is capable of aiding in a repair."

With its position behind Corey, it would however mean that the merchant only just sees its beak sticking out from Corey's 'side'. Clapping open and shut as it speaks.

Funny thing about booze: when you sell it, people drink it. And when people drink it, you have to go get more. Rhar makes regular visits to the market for that and the cold doesn't stop her. Because fur. The rain is less fun, but she is graced with the ultimate natural protection from it: very long, naturally curly hair! The humidity makes it extra sproingy, giving her her own built-in parasol in addition to her furs (and it's hard to tell where one stops and the other starts. Gurr is ... less enthused about the precipitation, though the wolf of unusual size's fur does protect him from the cold, at least.

The halt in traffic is a worry, though, so Rhar steps forward onto Gurr's head to get a better view of the problem. Did someone's horse fall over again? Spilled wine? Nope, she notices the problem pretty quickly and points. "Oh! Wheel broke!"

Stepping out from one of the nearby general stores, Rune is giving a wave of farewell behind her before bracing against the chill. Her thick, fur-lined cloak is pulled up closer around her ears as she blows on her hands briefly, adjusting the pack of supplies she has slung over one shoulder. "Poor for travel, but damnit, if she's going anyway, I'll at least make sure she isn't freezing her ass off." Rune mutters to herself.

That is when the passing of colorful lights catches her attention, drawing her eyes first to Thoth, then Corey, and then further to the merchant. "Poor day for a broken wheel, too." With all the reluctance of someone who hates the cold, Rune forces herself out into the weather, following a few paces behind the automaton.

Reaching into the bag, she pulls out a bit of fabric, the sort used to protect tents from the weather. She holds it over the merchant, offering at least some reprieve from the weather, while the others are offering to help.

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (9)+32: 41
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+25: (20)+25: 45
GAME: Thoth rolls perception: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Rhar rolls perception: (10)+23: 33

The merchant blinks at the sudden approach of so many people. "Ser... Is your ARSE talkin'?" To forgive the merchant... it IS rather hard to make out poor Thoth behind Corey. The merchant is then distracted a moment longer by Rune who offers him the cloth which he takes gratefully and uses as a shield as best he can. He seems to be of Alexandrian' stock with blond hair and a bit of a rough exterior. "If you can be a-fixin it... I'd be a-preciating it!" He grins.

While the others are somewhat distracted by the merchant, a man appears beside Corey quite out of the blue. No one notices his approach, but he bears to Corey's eye a rather striking resemblance to someone that he knows. A familial appearance though this man has his black hair cut short and his dark eyes are a little lighter in color. He makes a few hand-signs to Corey while he talks. His hands say 'You may have more business with me', but his lips say something else. "Surely a merchant can fix a broken wheel... I prefer to have a warm mug at the bar over here."

The man begins a somewhat tactical but casual retreat toward an bar which is on the edge of the market district.

Rhar stated the obvious about the wheel. Now she moves, or is moved, as Gurr moves his head (that she's standing on) to get his own view. He then snorts and growls lightly. This makes Rhar bend over to look Gurr in the eyes. A moment passes before Rhar looks back up. "Gurr think wheel no broke from rolling. Broke after stop from-" she now realizes the merchant she was trying to explain it to left - "Where he go?" Looking around, she now she notices the new guy. Waves a paw. "Hi! You the wagon wheel fixer?"

Corey looks at the dark-haired man, reading the message that his hands sign--to the point that he rather ignores the merchant's inquiry about talking rears like water flowing off a duck's back. He stares with that silver gaze at the man before he says softly, "Evil's afoot."

Then he looks at the merchant and his eyes narrow. "In two corners--no, four. What business have you here in this fine city?" Corey's not from here, but he's rather taken by its charms in many a respect. "Do you know that man?" His free hand is inching closer to the hilt of his rapier, but it's not yet drawn.

GAME: Thoth rolls Knowledge/Engineering: (13)+9: 22

Once close enough to see the damage on the wagon, Rune's head cocks ever so slightly, a slight squint over the edge of the crystalline lenses she wears perched on her nose. Her blue eyes lift over to Corey, as if she were gauging if he sees the same thing she does. So, she simply says one word in the Sildanyar tongue, "Intent?" For the Sil, there is a flick of her eyes to the wheel and back.

Then, she finds herself distracted by the stranger and their hand signs. Another suspicious shift of her eyes and a furrow of her brows. She seems about to ask if the stranger is someone familiar, but Corey answers that, himself. Her ear twitches.

Making the quick decision, she approaches the Paladin and leans closer, whispering to him in Sildanyari, "The stranger isn't what they seem. What /she/ seems." <sildanyari>

It was cold, there was a bit of a hangover, and there were still tasks to be done in the heavy spring. That is to say, Aelwyn's horned and beribboned head was swaying as he was making his way along, rubbing at his face. He was carrying a barrel in his arm, his glaive strapped behind him in an a-typical fashion.

"Ugh... Twin! The ruddy sith-makar suddenly flashes his teeth. "Thoth!" He adds, when he sees the way colorful lights. Then he pauses, steadily, and clicks his teeth with a tilt of his head. "... what is happening?" He says, wondering about the strange and stranger sight.

Thoth seems to miss part of what is going on, but when it is spoken of - in regards to Corey's arse talking - it steps out and takes a moment to approach the cart proper. It doesn't pay too much attention to yet another man approaching. It's quite common for Alexandandria to have people just gather up around an issue and try to fix them. There's, as far as Thoth is concerned, quite a bit of kindness to go around.

It chirps; "This one believes the weight is too focused on this point." It remarks eventually, as the others speak of broken wheels. "This one can help fix the wheel. Fairly easily. But this one lacks the physical fortitude to move heavy weighted goods." It comes to halt closer to the merchant, as Corey speaks of evil being afoot.

It turns towards Corey in confusion. "This one promises, this one is not evil." Before turning back to the merchant. "This one requests - please move these goods to that part of the cart." It directs. Before turning back again as it hears its designation called. "This one greets you, Upright-Lizard Aelwyn."

The man (or woman) who had approached Corey so stealthily is somewhat away from the wagon now, but pauses at that distance to finger-spell something that might well perk Corey's attention. 'R-A-I-D-I-N'. The stranger offers a coy expression and then continues toward the bar.

The merchant notices that Rune seems to be saying - something - to Corey and makes a subtle motion with his own hand. 'Warning'. It's hard to catch though, unless one knows to be looking or what hand-signs mean. Indeed he distracts somewhat by puffing up irritably. "What's this about evil? Are you accusing me in some way? I don't like that kind of talk!" He blinks at Thoth who offers distraction in the form of advice and he flushes a bit. "That's good advice! I'll do that, I'd like to get out of this rain!"

The merchant starts to - slowly and with great effort - to move the goods.

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (12)+15: 27

Rhar may be elevated, but more than a few words and waggling of fingers still clear her hair by a few feet. What she does catch are the important parts: the wheel can be fixed, there will be drinking, and stuff is heavy. "Can help move heavy! Gurr strong!" She sits down and scratched an ear.

Gurr's eyes roll at the voluntelling, but he moves forward. Then he dips is head to dump Rhar off his head and onto her butt in front of the stuff that needs moved. Then nudges her in the back.

GAME: Rhar rolls companionperception: (12)+6: 18

That finger-spelling is a clue and a warning that pairs with the whisper that Rune offers to Corey, and the silver-eyed sildanyar frowns as he looks at Thoth--and then at Rhar, who is going to help with the moving of things. He steps forward, holding out an arm for them both. "Wait!" he cries out. "Don't; the wagon's trapped!"

At the sudden call that the cart is trapped, Thoth's body suddenly starts to glow a bit more golden. Arcane words escape it and it adjusts its positioning...

Before all of that light suddenly wards to its little birdy right foot, and slams it into the ground. Not a second later... the 'trapped' cart goes flying, as it focuses it to rocket up through the small pathway and to land 'safely' in a larger unoccupied area beyond it.

"This one has disarmed the trap." Thoth then proudly declares.

GAME: Thoth casts Greater Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18
GAME: Rune rolls perception+6: (1)+32+6: 39 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Rune rolls perception+6: (18)+32+6: 56
GAME: Rune rolls use magic device: (3)+21: 24
GAME: Rune rolls use magic device: (3)+21: 24
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (8): 8

A lot of things happen in very quick succession. The warning about a trap is called, and then the cart is being shunted down the street by a magic spell. With an intense look, Rune turns to Thoth, "You did not disarm it. Seriously. Fucking spellcasters. Don't fucking touch traps if you don't know what to do with them."

The next moment, the rogue is racing after the cart and the poor merchant attached to it. "I'd get out of there, if I were you." She advises him, and then starts to check things over, eventually spotting a complicated looking magical trap. "Shit... it's magic." Brows furrowing, she sets to trying to figure out how to fiddle with the magical energies, and ends up zapped in the process.

Shaking a now smoking set of fingers, she looks to the others, "If anyone else has some skills with magical devices, I could use a hand. If this thing goes up, it could be very bad."

It's Rhar's turn to grumble, but she gets up and moves toward the wagon to help grab stuff... and then a lot seems to happen all at once. Rune is yelling about traps. Then there is birb-stomping and the wagon is down the road. Then Rune runs after it and gets zapped. Well... Rhar was still supposed to help.

She bounds up to the cart, but doesn't touch anything. Yet. "Rhar not know magicks. Still need move things?" She peers at the cart, thinks.... "Leave trap, move rest?"

GAME: Corey casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 13 DC: 17

Corey bounds into action. The parasol gets dropped down to the ground as the Warden draws his rapier, which has a keen sheen that suggests it's not only enchanted, but made of a metal finer than most. He bounds forward to the cart, meeting Rune and Rhar there. "I regret I cannot be of help with the trap, but I can at least attempt to be of protection," he says, before murmuring a prayer to Gilead.

"Hunter King, give me aid to ward against the evil you hunt in all the lands." The prayer is heard, and Corey's awash in holy light for a moment before it becomes a flickering white light that dances along Corey's face and armor as a more passive presence.

Aelwyn _cowers_ from the sudden explosive dislocation of the wagon and its occupant. He was squeezing his eyes shut, his hand was over his ears and he was staggering. "Ugh, even if there are traps in the middle of the street, would one be more quiet about this?" The draconian says and then drops the barrel he was holding.

Stepping forward, the Dragoon takes his glaive and with a fwoosh, the flames shoot out from it and he makes a large circular motion to clear an area. "Hark, for this one shall watch this area with a very, very intimidating headache."

The merchant growls at Rune as she tries to disable the trap and aims a crossbow at her. "None of that now missy. I'd rather set it off when I want so keep yer hands to yerself or I'll see how you like a bolt in yer side!" Seems that maybe the merchant is an issue as well?

The man (or woman) who had hand-signed to Corey turns around with a small exhale and draws a pair of wicked-looking blades. "All I desire is a conversation with the one known as Cor'ethil. If he comes peacefully then the wagon will not detonate. All we want are answers, not bloodshed... but if you stand in our way we are willing to face Vardama this day. Choose carefully."

GAME: Thoth casts Haste. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18

"This one did not?" Thoth asks curiously when Rune indicates the trap is in fact, not disarmed. The traps it is used to tended to just 'go off' when jostled enough. So it figured that pushing it away and making it go off a bit further away from them would be safer for them. The Merchant... may not have come particularly within that calculation.

It will leave the matter to the more skilled rogue, and watches others rapidly getting into position, near him, even getting into protective stances. It has yet to figure out why this may be necessary.

That is, until more direct threats come from the Merchant and the man who had been making weird motions with his fingers earlier. "Ah, this one understands now. Very well. Activating Lethality protocols." As the symbol of an Ankh originates at his chest suddenly. A few chanting sounds later, that same ankh symbol suddenly appears against everyone's backs.

"This one encourages its allies, be fleet in thine actions."

GAME: Rune takes ten on Disable Device+6: (10)+25+6: 41
GAME: Corey rolls Weapon1: (11)+22: 33
GAME: Rhar rolls melee: (2)+23: 25
GAME: Rhar rolls melee: (2)+23: 25
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (16)+14: 30

"Oh, so you're in on this. I figured as much, but I held out hope that not everyone around here was an asshole." Rune looks up towards the merchant, if only for a split second. "You forget, we care more about the people around here who can be hurt by your idiocy than about whatever the fuck you want. So go ahead, be my guest."

Then, as if the man mattered little to her, Rune reaches for a dagger, "Tried this the finesse way, let's do this the hard way." And she jams the dagger right into the symbols, twisting the blade in the sort of way that mangles them quickly before the magic is able to lash out and cause any damage.

She may not know Rhar or Corey well, but there are times you depend on others on sheer faith. Even if they weren't Rune would have done the same to ensure that the people of the market are safe. Thankfully, they are here, with Corey clipping the arrow aimed at her and causing it to clatter against the stone of the street. The arrow heading towards Corey thunking harmlessly into part of the wagon's side due to Rhar's intervention. "You seem like you attract the wrong type of friends, Cor'ethil." She gives a nod of thanks to both of them before rising to her feet.

GAME: Rhar rolls intimidate: (13)+17: 30
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13

"No!" Rhar doesn't glare at the arrow so much as give Corey a little shoulder check (possibly in the hip) to move him. Then she glares at the merchant with the crossbow and steps right up to him. She growls low. "No. Hurt. Pack! Drop it. Sit! Stay!" She hasn't drawn her weapon, so is using her finger to poke at him, instead. A deeper, much more resonant growl comes from outside the cart. Maybe above it. Vibrating it. Gurr is helping.

"I attracted my nightingale," Cor'ethil says softly in response to Rune, "and for that, I'll take all the not-so-friends in the world. Stay sharp." He pulls away from the wagon now that Rune's disabled the trap on it, and he approaches Thoth and Aelwyn, moving to protect the bird-shaped construct from attack by the individual wielding the wicked weapons.

His silver eyes burn with anger as he stares down this would-be hostage-taker. "You may taunt me with information about my beloved's brother, but I'm bound by honor and oath to protect," he says. "Put your blades away and call off your assassins, that none may be harmed by you and yours. I may consider speaking with you then." His hand is still firmly held on the hilt of his rapier in a defensive stance.

Aelwyn was not exactly full up on the take about what is happening - therefore he starts to walk up towards the other dagger wielding assailant, moving to neatly step up to a box. He then points his glaive ahead of them. "Cease and desist, lest be burnt." He calls out to the other.

Turning towards Rune and the others near the wagon, he calls out, "Everything fine there? Shall this one fetch out the fire ale?"

The merchant sits. Maybe its Rhar's commanding tone. Maybe its the vibration of Gurr's growl. Maybe it's something else. Either way the weapon falls out of his hand and the merchant seems quite cowed.

The obvious fear of the merchant makes the unnamed stranger frown a little looking at the group gathered and then slowly sheathing their weapons. Showing themselves then unarmed the stranger stares at Corey. "Those watching will remain where they are, the better to judge and return with information. I offered a meeting, it is you all who offered the first strike of violence."

Here the stranger looks at Thoth. Yet the glance is brief and the stranger returns their brown eyes to Corey. "I need only know the truth of your association with Karasu Himura. That will decide things for us all."

"This one thanks thee." Thoth remarks to Corey as they move to interpose themselves between it and the enemies that have appeared. It may not truly understand the difference in power between some Adventurers and itself. But it can recognize that some of these are reacting in far more proficient ways to it. It's about to draw up a spell to aid in the capture of these people before them, when the battle begins to evaporate.

There's a pause, before it raises its body up from the slight crouch, and then tilts its head in a confused bird-like manner when it finds itself being stared at. Unfortunately, Thoth is rather blind to what may be behind that glance, and at best manages a; "This one inquires - is there something upon its face?"

It isn't familiar with the name being spoken, though it doesn't believe it belongs to this region either.

Corey stands tall, putting his rapier back onto his weapon belt where it belongs. The tall sildanyari man takes a small breath that doesn't waver on his shoulders at all before he speaks. For a moment, he thinks about what Karasu might have him do.

And then he thinks about what _he_ himself is. And that's a light that will burn brighter than anything, for it is the truth.

"I am Cor'ethil Cari'thana, Warden of Gilead," he says. "Lover and traveling companion to Karasu Himura. I stand by Karasu in all things. I am proud to be by his side. I will not abandon him. If you send any message back to that brother of his, it is that you will have to get through me to get to him--and also that you all have been sorely misled as to Karasu's character."

His eyes soften as he says, "He did what he did in the past out of love."

Rhar doesn't care whether its her growling or Gurr's, just that the hurting of others seems stopped. The merchant gets one last glare and then a snort before she steps out of the wagon to watch the stranger and Corey. She doesn't know the name, but it sounds like Corey fills in the important bits. Like family. She knows about that. As does Gurr, who moves behind her to also watch. Since she's easy to see over.

With the momentary hostilities calming, Rune folds her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow at the accusation that they were the first to 'strike violence'. "You have a pretty warped sense of what constitutes violence." She replies, keeping an eye on the stranger. "I'm pretty sure the Alexandrian authorities would view bringing a magically trapped cart into a populated area, and leaving it in a place where it could cause significant harm to be just a weeee bit violent."

She reaches out and grabs the arrow sticking out of the side of the cart, "And don't forget these." The half-sil rolls her eyes, but her attention turns to Corey. The name that the person asks about is familiar enough for her, but she leaves it to him to speak for himself.

Instead, she grabs back the weather cover from near the Merchant, shoving it back into the bag of supplies she'd purchased, blue eyes continuing to watch things as they present themselves.

Aelwyn sees the blades being sheathed and then retracts his glaive, straightening. He hops off the box and then continuing to rub his snout and eyes, start to make himself closer towards the others.

"... anyone wish to explain what is going on?" He quietly asks, as he narrows his eyes at the tall... very wordy person. He was trying really hard to remember all the titles - but his headache was throbbing even more fiercely.

GAME: Corey rolls Sense Motive: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Rune rolls sense motive: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Aelwyn rolls sense motive: (20)+5: 25

The stranger stares at Corey for a long moment. There's no flicker of emotion on their face, nothing but caution. "We will retreat then." The stranger gives a strange bow and then... Vanishes. The merchant in the cart vanishes as well. A spell of invisibility tied to an item most likely. Either way they are both gone.

"This one would like to point out, person did not sing like a songbird. This one also believes it lacked other avian qualities." Thoth remarks, turning towards Corey who'd claimed to have attracted a Nightingale. It's all very matter-of-factly, as the nickname or title had gone completely over its head.

Much like Aelwyn, it does not understand what that was all about. But it's clearly understanding that Corey is at the center of all of this. It hopes that by offering this information, it may learn something in return from Corey.

Rhar blinks as the man and merchant (and maybe others?) vanish. She looks around at the others as if they would know more (and probably do) about what happened. She does make her own deductions, though. "Man not nice," she points out. "If smart, not come back."

Corey takes a deep breath as everyone retreats, not offering an immediate response to Thoth's words about Karasu's songbird qualities. He looks around a moment before turning to face the group of his allies. "My beloved, Karasu--some of you have met him already," he explains, "is being tailed by his brother, Raiden, for an act Karasu committed in the past to stop a great tragedy from happening."

He looks melancholic. "My beloved has resigned himself to death at his brother's blades. But I do not want that to happen. Yes, he is human, and I am sildanyar, but... He does not deserve an end such as that. Not a death on his brother's behest, not when his brother does not know the truth and believes Karasu to be a heartless killer."

The paladin of Gilead looks finally at Thoth. "I call Karasu my nightingale because he makes my heart sing," he says. "There may come a time in the future where I call on you all to help. I will not let my beloved--"

Then he seems to realize something. Horror dawns on Cor'ethil's face, his silver eyes widening. "This may have been a distraction," he says. "It's classic. Send a distracting force and then take the threatening piece off the board... I need to go to the Temple of Vardama right away!"

Slinging her bag onto her shoulder, Rune can't help but sigh at the emotionless response after all of the threats. The sudden disappearances that follow have her reaching up to lift her crystal spectacles and rub at the bridge of her nose. "Yet another of those moments when I envy my magically gifted friends who can just wave a hand and see things that have gone invisible."

Some of Corey and Karasu's story, she already knew, although the 'murder' and the threats that might follow the Sildanyari's beloved are new. She gives a nod of understanding, despite the fact that the details are still vague. "It's not something you have to face alone, Cor'ethil. If you need help, just ask."

With the bag shouldered, Rune rests her hands at her waist, "I know all too well what it is like to want to save someone you love, especially when they've gotten themselves into the deep end of trouble."

GAME: Corey rolls Will: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14+2+20: (9)+14+2+20: 45

"If need help, Rhar help!" She raises her hand high without hesitation. The hand then pats Gurr's cheek. "Gurr help!" Then she blinks at the last part. "More trap? Gurr take there! Gurr fast!"

There is no eye-rolling from Gurr this time. He lowers his shoulders and head, allowing Rhar to climb her way on. He then remains lowered in support of Rhar's invitation.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d8+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Aftershock rolls 7d6: (25): 25

Aelwyn looks towards Corey and his eyes widen. "Temple of Vardama?" He quickly picks up - the invisibility of the assassins just makes him rumble in annoyance. But this piece of news was making him far more restless. "Tch, there are assassins in that temple?"

Shaking his head and trying to clear his stupor. "... then what are we standing for? Should we not rush?"

Surely, Corey means to rush. He has every intention of rushing off to Karasu's rescue. Only... that is not what happens. A blade pierces through his body instead. He manages to ignore the twinkling of some red light out of the corner of his eye. He manages to step toward Karasu. Then he feels the aching, terrible pain in his body that tells him that he's been struck and the numbness of knowledge that all of this was completely a trap. From beginning to end. The numbness of his own wound.

"Strike the Heart, with Tears of Death." The voice is a man's, appearing behind Corey and then pulling the blade free just as quickly. A splash of blood. The man himself falls to the ground then. Dying from some sort of self-inflicted poison.

GAME: Corey rolls Fortitude: (2)+18: 20
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Dying. Is he dying? Corey doesn't know. For a horrible moment in time, all he feels is his body going horribly, horribly numb. His limbs won't respond. Nothing works. Nothing _works_.

It's a horrible realization as he falls to the ground. All this time, Cor'ethil had been worrying about Karasu dying early. Such foolish llyranesi arrogance, he realizes now. For he'd somehow never contemplated that he'd be the one to die first. He thinks of Karasu's remark, about how the gods love him so, and how surely they'd answer his wishes.

In his head--his mind, where it's all he has to pray with now--he prays to the White Stag for protection. That he might come out of this. That Karasu will be okay. That the bargain his mother made when he was a child... didn't come to a waste so early, even if she would never have seen it that way. He hopes. He prays.

Thoth listens carefully to Corey's story about the person known as Karasu. "This one is told - communication is Key." It remarks. "Doth thou thinketh that thine words will be passed what must be known to thine beloved's brother?" It inquires, clicking its beak a few times.

It relents on pointing out that if Karasu makes Corey's heart sing, Corey should consider going to a healer and getting that checked out.

"This one can follow if so needed." Before turning towards the east. "But this one also believes the Temple is a ways aw~..." And then there's a blade sticking 'out' of Corey. A man falling down besides him. And Thoth lets out a caw of alarm! It has no way to assist in this situation. It isn't a healer...

So it just caws for assistance!


GAME: Rune rolls heal: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Rune used a Potion of Neutralize Poison.
GAME: Rune rolls 1d20: (9): 9

Just as quickly as things had shifted before, they do so again. Rune is just about to turn towards the Temple when she hears the oath from behind her, just in time to see a man stab at Corey before falling, himself. "Seriously?! What the hell is wrong with these people." She growls in frustration, muttering a curse in the Draconic tongue.

She crouches near Corey, somewhat oblivious towards what can or cannot be done in the current circumstances. Medicine is not her strong point, that had always been Harkashan or one of her other more clerically aligned friends. However, she has experienced what it is like to lie poisoned, dying, and that is something she remembers all too viscerally.

"Fuck..." Reaching into her bag, she clatters past a couple of bottles of what look like mead to pull out a smaller vial and unceremoniously shoves it into Corey's mouth. "Drink this and try not to die, will you?" Looking up, she calls out, "Aelwyn, Rhar, one of you two think you can lift him?" She asks. "If we're already heading towards the Temple, maybe one of the clerics will be there and can fix him." She obviously doesn't trust in what she's doing.

Rhar blinks as Corey topples. "Said hurry! Not time to slee-Oh!" She notices the sharp stick through him a bit late. "Now hurry more!" She hops down from Gurr to see about helping the fallen man. She doesn't think she help him healy-wise, but she might be able to help drag him onto Gurr.

"Temple people help him!" They're already going there, right? If he's still alive, the clerical folks can help. If not... well, it's Vardama's temple so they can still help. Win-win!

Then Gurr rumbles something and Rhar perks up at his reminder. "Rhar have magic waters! Maybe help!" Even if they need help from the temple, help for a live Corey is probably better than for a dead one. She's not the only one with vials of magic water, and after seeing Rune try one, Rhar starts pulling things from her pouches, pockets, furs, and even hair to offer up in help: a vial here, a shiny coin there, a pretty flower, a chewed stick, a half-chewed iron rod, some wooden beads…

Aelwyn's eyes widen as the new assassins comes and strikes - and he growls in long, frustrated annoyance, moving forward with hiss. He resists the urge to claw at the now dead man. Then he turns towards the stabbed man, already reaching into his satchel for his own vials. "No good?" He asks from Rune.

Then when he is asked to help carry the wounded man, he nods his head. "Easily." He was a tall sith-makar! Surely he could shoulder the taller sildanyari with one arm. "Let us rush for the temple - this one is certain no matter our magic waters, they will know better what to do."

The guard arrives then (always late but ever-present when inconvenient) they take possession of the body but allow Corey to be rushed to the temple for treatment. They send one of their own to help with making sure that he receives treatment and to question you all in the aftermath of course.

Corey weakens with each step taken, and it feels like it takes forever for you to reach your destination. The poison seems to be running its course with amazing slowness. Perhaps, it is his mental prayer. Whatever the reason, he's barely lucid by the time that you reach the temple. Blood flowing freely from his mouth and Rune manages to get his mouth open enough so he doesn't drown in his own sanguine liquid.

The priests there neutralize the poison, and extract from you the information about the attack. It takes quite a lot of time all told.

It's not until Corey is upwardly mobile again, and that the testimony and warning given that some of you realize that the guard who came with you is conspicuously absent. It's only then that you realize that Karasu - who was supposed to be here - has yet to arrive.
