Mitigating Marsward's Machinations

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Log Info

  • Title: Mitigating Marsward's Machinations
  • Emitter: Verna
  • Place: Auranar and Verna's house

It is a cool morning, with light rain falling outside; a welcome respite from growing summer heat, and not so dismal that it precludes activities out of doors. After all, the spring and autumn are far worse.

Still, it is a morning with perhaps no other pressing early matters. With no reason to rise promptly with the dawn, Verna has only recently emerged downstairs and just freshly completed preparing morning tea. A still-piping cup is carried from the preparation table and towards her chair in the lounge.

Cor'lana is already awake. In fact, she's sitting in the lounge with her adventuring robes on, like she's dressed for war, and her expression is caught somewhere between reflection and a more sober anticipation for what is to come.

"Good morning," she greets Verna. "I have things I need to discuss with you. And a favor that I do not ask lightly."

The weight of her words shows that she is entirely serious. They are almost grim as grim can be in voice alone. It's not really a nice thing to hear in the morning.

"Good morning," Verna greets in return. The tone and followup statement grasp and hold her attention, adding to her consciousness and alertness, as well. She settles into her seat and takes a tentative sip of tea to further aid. "Please, continue." There are several likely topics such could be related to, but she reserves speculation. "I shall do all that I can to aid you, of course."

Cor'lana's hands come to rest in her lap, her legs crossing over the other in a rather dignified manner. "Telamon and I spoke with Dace Zinskas," she says. "The man revealed to us that Marsward Seraquoix had approached him with an alliance in the beginning--but did not disclose to Dace until it was far too late that Marsward is, in fact, a servant of the fiend known as V. V's ambition for the Red Maw is to take it--and the deity associated with it--into their portfolio of servants. To control a god and to wreck havoc across Ea with the power of a deity."

She pauses a moment only to glare at no one in particular off in the distance. "Dace had never gotten along with Marsward, but it was Zalgiman who convinced them to work together. When Zalgiman died, Marsward tried to get Dace to bring him back as an undead creature. Such a thing was not only nearly impossible, but despicable to Dace, and so he refused. This is why he came to us--because he does not want his god under the control of a man who works for a fiend."

Cor'lana regards Verna for a moment more. "Dace has offered to destroy the device that is powering the portal and attempt to kill Marsward. Such a death may not take, as Marsward is protected by fiends that work for V, and he will likely be resurrected. But the loss of the device is something he can't easily come back from. All Dace requires is a scroll of mage's disjunction."

Verna listens, a frown growing at the initial news, though it mellows at the latter. She takes another sip and considers before speaking. "I am inclined to trust his word on that offer. Even were Dace Zinskas' motives purely selfish and as The Nightmare's servant, he would not wish his deity controlled by another. Based upon concerns that such might be necessary to disable the artifact, I previously obtained several such scrolls for that purpose." A sip. "I can provide one for his use."

A small ghost of a smile comes to Cor'lana's lips. "That would be appreciated," she says. "I can compensate you for the value of the scroll."

Her lips press together into a small line for a moment. And then she asks the question that she'd been holding back on. It's actually not said as a question.

"The favor, then. I need you to help me get Zalgiman's ashes out of the Temple of Vardama. Marsward intends on breaking into the Temple at his next opportunity and stealing them so that he can reconstitute Zalgiman. His failure with Micha and his inability to find anyone to do his bidding as effectively as Zalgiman did, Dace warned me, would drive him to do just that."

Her violet eyes are dark as she adds, "I need to protect him from that fate."

Verna's frown returns, with a vengeance (as it were) as it shifts promptly to scowl. "The deceased deserve their rest and their judgement or reward, whatever was dispensed. I would not have his denied, and certainly no Harpist's Hall desecrated in any manner. Were his remains interred here in the city?"

"They are at the Temple of Vardama here in this city," Cor'lana responds. "I was in the habit of bringing him flowers on a regular basis until... Until the communing." There's more than a few unspoken words about what had happened then. "I know that there's likely to be some sort of rule that prevents his remains from being transferred, but... I have to keep him safe. At least until Marsward is gone for good."

"The concern of threat is valid," Verna assures, "yet I also know you were ... close. Do you have thought as to where they should be kept in the interim? I can request possession of the remains, or possibly re-interment elsewhere. I would prefer to avoid an assault upon the temple, but that would require that Marsward know that the remains were relocated."

Cor'lana's brows furrow. It's a long moment before she responds again, her mouth pressed into a thin line again.

"I don't know if they're safe in any single place," she says. "They're probably safest with someone that is a totem-bearer. They're..."

She looks back up at Verna.

"They're safest with me. I can carry the vessel in my bag. It's far from ideal, but someone who has a totem can't be scryed upon. Meaning Marsward can't find Zalgiman's ashes."

Verna considers, sipping her tea once more. "You are correct, sister: they would be most secure if mobile, and presence of a totem would prevent scrying. If the temple shall release them into my custody, I shall bear them, Cor'lana. Their protection is my obligation, though I intend no offense to your desires as the bereaved." Cor'lana may not be kin to Zalgiman, but Verna is aware of her personal ties.

Cor'lana takes a small breath, closing her eyes. "Either yourself or myself," she responds. "If the temple is more comfortable with releasing the ashes to you, then let it be so. I do not intend to make your Temple into my enemy by any means."

She opens her eyes a moment later, although her gaze is now trained onto the floor. "Do you know anyone who is capable of scribing a scroll of the spell known as wish?" she asks. It is a question that's said... not without weight for the respect of the contents, but it comes so quickly off the matter of Zalgiman's ashes that it could certainly qualify as a whiplash.

Verna gives a light nod of acknowledgement at the response, though the unexpected follow-up inquiry causes her brows to lift. "There are those in the Arcanists' Society that can scribe such," she answers with a lingering pause afterwards. "Such is perhaps the most broadly powerful of mortal magic, which prompts me to inquire as to the intention behind the request."

"In the event that Marsward succeeds," Cor'lana says, "I fear what it is he exactly intends to do with Zalgiman's spirit and remains. He is backed by fiends and... I fear that what he does may be beyond the ken of all mortal magic, save that spell."

Her expression is back to the grim. "I have learned how to cast its less powerful sibling," she says. "It is beyond me to cast the true thing, and yet there will come a time when I can--but that time is not now. Marsward will not wait for me to be powerful enough on my own."

Verna sets her cup down and her forehead wrinkles in both concern and thought. "If he has access to such potent abilities, he may not require remains. If he does require remains, there are means to ward them against such a return. The spell you seek could potentially prove more powerful than these, of course, should it prove necessary. If naught else, we can acquire such a scroll as a contigency."

Cor'lana rises from where she is seated, lifting her eyes up from the floor and gazing out of the nearest window. "Then I'll go speak to the Arcanists' Society and make the inquiry," she says. "It is an expensive contingency, yes--but a contingency that's worth having."

There's something firm in her gaze before she turns to look at Verna. "Please inquire with your Temple as soon as you can," she says. "Preferably today. Time is of the essence."

Before Verna can say much more, she already moves for the front door.

Verna rises after Cor'lana does so, out of courtesy. "Of course. I will inquire today."