Introduction to MUSHing

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What is a MUSH?

MUSHes are a glorious bit of technology leftover from the beginning of the internet that no one really got around to throwing away. The 1990s were their heydey, and though things have calmed down--MUSHes still thrive. Tenebrae receives 20 to 30 connections a day, and runs plots every week, with a thriving grid that's "open for RP, whenever you want it to be."

Imagine a MUSH as a "text-based MMORPG," or a "living chatroom." Players login as their various characters, and meet together to RP, or scene with a DM, in any number of virtual locations. If you've never been to one, you're in for a treat. The tutorial below will walk you through the basics of how to use them, and what they are.

Step One: Connecting

Connecting to a MUSH is done through a MUSHClient. These are small programs, and can be found for free. A sample of recommended ones can be found, below.

If You're Using... You Probably Want...
Windows XP SimpleMU
Windows Vista or 7 MUSHClient
Mac OS X Atlantis
Linux Potato

Once downloaded, you'll want to connect. Clients will generally ask you three things:

Name for the MUSH? Tenebrae
Port? 4001

For client-by-client help:

If You're Using... Connect This Way...
SimpleMU File > New Connection Wizard
MUSHClient Connection > Quick Connect

For Atlantis and Potato, the connection setup is going to be similar. Look for a "New Connection" or a "New World" setting.

Step Two: Saying Hello

Once you've connected, a "banner" will fly into your Client's screen. It says, The Emblem of Ea, and should look vaguely like the below:

           __ __| |           ____|           |     |
              |   __ \   _ \  __|   __ `__ \  __ \  |  _ \ __ `__ \
              |   | | |  __/  |     |   |   | |   | |  __/ |   |   |
             _|  _| |_|\___| _____|_|  _|  _|_.__/ _|\___|_|  _|  _|

                                    _ \   _|
                                   |   | |
                                   |   | __|
                                  \___/ _|

                                  __|    _` |
                                  |     (   |

           "Tenebrae - The Emblem of Ea"
     "A Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons Mush"   
  "connect <name> <password>" connects you to an existing character.
  "create <name> <password>" creates a new character.
  "con guest" connects you to a guest character.
  "WHO" tells you who is logged in to the game (case sensitive).
  "QUIT" exits the game and saves your character.
  "news" informs you about recent program changes and items of interest.
  "help" gives help on the commands.

Type 'connect guest' to enter the world as a guest. This logs you into the game, much like you'd log into a MMORPG or a chat room. In fact, it looks like this:


Welcome to the world of TinyMUX.  Explore places.  Meet people.  Have fun!
If you need help, just ask somebody (type a double quote mark and then type
your question, like this:

"Where's a fun place to explore on this MUX?

The question will appear to others in the same room as:

<yourname> says "Where's a fun place to explore on this MUX?"

If you want to create a character of your own, type LOGOUT and then follow
the directions for creating a character.

Enjoy your visit.


MAIL: You have no mail.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* OOC Room: The Bottom of the Well *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

          The greater out of character room consists of an old well. Its sides rise up in beautiful, 
earthly colors. Bits of moss glow luminescently in the dark, along with colorful mushrooms, 
some with 'EAT ME!' written across their surface.

          A number of small stones (though large enough for you or me) lay scattered at the 
bottom for comfortable seating. Many of them share moss-padded surfaces, for the alleviation
of discomfort of the most discerning bottocamus. 

          Theme Wiki:
          Recent History Wiki:
          Game Forum:
          Sendorian War Arc:

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
 Myrana          A short young woman with thick coal-black braids      56m  3h
 Bramble         A veyshanti woman wearing next to nothing. w/ staff.  32s  7h
 Dee             A cloaked figure with a metal mask and guantlets.     58s  4m
 Guest1                                                                0s   0s
 Irial           Youthful appearing Sylanori elf. 4'10 red hair.       3m   53m
 Swift                                                                 45s  55m
 Svarshan        Be a paladin. Chomp a demon.                          7s   3h
 Boshter         A hobgoblin. In robes. What is the world coming to?   3m   19h
 Roland          6'3" charismatic man with auburn curls and hazel eyes 9m   7h
 Agril           An obvious priest of Daeus, blond, blue eyes, 5'7"    3m   19h
 Jareth          Tall young man with a strong build, wearing full plat 38s  7h
 Chiddle         Dark haired gnome in artifice-armor and finery.       46s  4h
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Horde of Hobgoblins
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Character Generation <CG> Staff Nexus <SN>          Quiet Room <QR>
Building Nexus <BN>       Roleplay Nexus <RN>       

Congratulations! You're on Tenebrae.

Step Three: I'm Connected!

Right now, you're in a virtual room. You can type look to look at the room and see who's there, or use +glance to see a list of people who are in the room with you.

Some Commands For Getting Around
Type This It Does This
look Looks at the room!
look <personname> Look at someone in the room.
say Hi! You say, "Hi!"
: waves! Guest waves!
page <playername>=Hi! You page <playername> 'Hi!' ...this is like sending a secret message.
+staff Gets you a list of helpful folks.

Step Four: What Now?

You might want to practice moving around and talking to folks. The basic commands you learn, such as 'look', are the main ones you'll need to use Tenebrae, so settle in and get comfortable.

From here, you'll want to make a character. You'll do this by going into Chargen, which is a series of rooms that walks you through the chargen process. There's a chargen tutorial available on this website also.