Prancing Poncy Swiftclaws

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Chardev Summary (Svarshan): I came in a little late on this one, as it was well underway before joining. However, any day he gets to accuse Sandy of something is a good day. Jibbom was in fine form with his "Almost-Wife" comments, too. It's really great to see how he and the Elf of Doom play off one another. Locien made his way in, and I really enjoyed getting to RP with him. Also, Lumina provided a great way to bring in the Daeusite/Hearthguard relationship when she patted him on the shoulder and went, "there, there, the world isn't going to end..." ...which it often feels as though it will, around Sandy. :(

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A12: Memorial Gardens District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

          Among the gardens, scents mingle: green, loam and subtle sweetness, 
		  wafting from the meticulously groomed grounds. The lawns are richly 
		  green, dense and close-cropped, bordered with polished pale marble 
		  stones the size of a human man's fist. The pathways are smoothly 
		  cobbled in muted tones that subtly echo and contrast with the 
		  surrounding greenery, shaded by the lush canopies of tall, straight 
		  trees whose branches arch over the walkways to form open, airy 
		  tunnels. Elegantly ornate, tall mana-lamps of wrought black iron 
		  keep the paths softly lit in the evenings; they are often situated 
		  near benches of matching material and style. It is peaceful, here. 
		  Somber. It is also curiously warm and green no matter the time of 
		  year; leaves do change color in fall but remain on the trees until 
		  spring comes again.

          At the heart of the park where the paths converge are large marble 
		  pedestals supporting bronze or marble statuary, chiseled letters 
		  upon the heavy bases naming the subject of each piece. The previous 
		  sculpture celebrating the union of Alexandros with Myrddion has 
		  been removed from the center of the garden and replaced with a 
		  gorgeous statue of the Crown Princess Lianna Rena and a marble 
		  walkway that leads to the Monument of Heroes - a newly-raised 
		  edifice celebrating those who fought and died on behalf of others. 
		  Tribute is still given to the friendship between Myrddion and 
		  Alexandros in the form of the paired standards mounted above the 
		  entrance to the Monument of Heroes: one from each nation. The 
		  flagstaffs are crossed and held by a Myrrish Knight and an 
		  Old-Alexandros Miner.

                                EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

 Jibbom          Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night.               1m   4h

 Lumina          Half elf woman, dark skinned, in pink and blue robes. 7m   2h

 Locien          A handsome elf with dirty blonde hair                 56s  9m

 Svarshan        Be a brightscale! Chomp a demon!                      0s   2d

 Sandy           The HIPpest elf ever. Practically a HIPpy.            18s  16h

 Halani          Shortish, dusky skinned woman with almond shaped eyes 27s  2h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

North <N>                 South <S>                 East <E>

Bridge <W>                


Svarshan walks back into the garden, his frill placed flat against his head. He walks with a purpose, his bare feet crunching on the gravel walkways. See, his hand is empty. Totally empty. Just moments before (and this explains EVERYTHING), Srassha had leaned in, and snatched the deep-fried, grease-covered...delicious...bit of leg. Thing.

And then run away.

And then Jareth has to depart. Sandy watches him go, then turns back to Lumina. "He doesn't just live in it. He makes it up as he goes along," she answers.

Snady is standing in front of Lumina with her hands on her hips. Watching her.

Lumina hmms thoughtfully at Sandy, nodding, "I wonder if that is something that needs, oh, intervention of some kind." She rubs her chin thoughtfully. "He's been harmless enough, though, right?"

Svarshan comes to a slow halt on the graveled walkway, and then levels a claw at the booted sildanyari. "You," he says, and it has the weight of the world in it. Because, clearly, she did something.

And he doesn't say a thing for a while after that, just points, squinting. Trying to come up with words. Something ADEQUATE for this sin the sildanyari must have, of late, committed. ...and at length, gives a sigh, and runs a hand over his head. Grumpy, as he looks from Lumina to Sandy to back again. "She did it," he informs Lumina, aggrivated.

An elf wanders through the gardens from the west, his pace slow and aimless. Locien walks with a bit of a limp, an awkward movement that betrays recent injury. The odd passing traveller gets a nod of greeting as he walks, and in time nears the slowly growing gathering.

Like many legendary creatures, talking of Jibbom seems to make him appear. Where did Jibbom come from? Why is he here? It is a mystery. But suddenly, the halfling has darted out from behind some part of the gardens, full of manic energy. "Oh! Demoneater! Bankfighter! Maybe-Wife! I didn't know you all knew each other." He declares with a wide, manic grin.

Lumina blinks when Svarshan comes along, startling a little. She's not used to seeing Sith'Makar yet. Then, she arches a brow at his words, "She, oh, she did what, now?" Her head tilts, and she knits her brows. When Jibbom appears, she huffs, "Bankfighter? What a title." At least she isn't Maybe-wife!

"....' Sandy hears Jibbom's voice. Her ears twitch. A hand rises up and goes over her face. That is all.

"She--" he points at Sandy again but breaks off to look behind him. And seeing a bench there, reaches out to grab it and pull it forward to sit upon. Now, the bench was not Supposed to Move, but there it goes. He drops down on it, and leans forward, frowning. And then... "Myrrish. Dressage. Catalogues." He says, biting off every word. And, as the other traveler nears, he glances over and whisks his tail out of the way, anticipating that the man might walk that direction.

Jibbom is so used to reactions like Sandy's that it doesn't phase him in the slightest. He just keeps right on grinning and making friendly chit-chat. "You've earned it, Bankfighter! Don't ever let the man get you down!" The Sith'Makar's statement earns a little bit of confused blinking. "Huh. I wouldn'tve figured you for being into the fancy prancy pony dancing, Demoneater. But to each their own!"

Locien sidesteps quickly to avoid the hurried halfling's entrance, wincing as his weight shifts abruptly. He recovers nicely though, and his gaze follows the energetic newcomer, his course changing to follow the point of interest toward the group. "Good evening, all...forgive the intrusion but I...thought..." his words trail off as he sees and hears, only now realizing he has strolled into an already animated collection of souls.

Lumina knits her brows at Svarshan, shaking her head, "I'm not sure I know what you are talking about." She turns to blink at Jibbom, her brows furrowing a touch further. When Locien arrives, she abruptly beams a bright smile at him, "Hello there!" She clasps her hands before her, gaze moving between those present, curiously, expecting an explanation from Svarshan.

"I am not," and the statement brings with it a brief snap of teeth. Svarshan glares at Jibbom before swinging back to look towards Sandy, his shoulders quivering. ... "She... Srassha. ..." and it's all the words he /can/ put together, though it tells the tale clearly enough, for one that knows the two. Sandy gave Srassha pretty poncy prancy pony dancing catalogues. And now, because Srassha is smarter, at least, than an ogre, the sith'makar? Is in trouble. And so perhaps that explains why it takes a while for him to compose he does not snap at Locien...mostly.

Deep breath.

Images of Sandy tossed into a lake. Calm, calm lake.

Calm images! Pretty lake. With drowning sildanyari in it.

Deeeep breath.


Jibbom looks at Svarshan for a long moment, blinking. "Ooooooh!" He declares, as if he believes he's just solved a mystery. "... It's for the ladies, right? I mean, I've heard what they say about equestrians and their... muscles." He winks as if sharing some sort of conspiracy with the lizardman. "Your secret's safe with me, Demoneater!" He claims, despite the fact that he is declaring this loud enough for all to hear.

Lumina purses her lips, simply looking confused by the conversation now. She shrugs her shoulders, then knits her brows at Jibbom, looking like she wants to ask a question, but she shakes her head.

Locien returns the warmth of Lumina's greeting in kind, bowing his head in a sort of greeting. "Good eve, cousin." The sith-makar's attempt at civility is noted and apparently appreciated, as Svarshan gets a nod as well. "Forgive me, I did not mean to interrupt your discussion." He looks over the rest then, clearly clueless, yet interested.

Sandy looks totally innocent about having given Srassha dressage catalogues. She does wink at the Prettiest Jungle Princess ever, though. It's their secret. Totally. She then eyes Jibbom and says, "Die."

Svarshan just points, wordlessly at Sandy. Really, he hasn't moved. He's just gritting his teeth and thinking of calm, pleasant lakes. Beautiful lakes.

With blubbering sildanyari in them.

Deep breath. Deep, deeeep... "You are...not. This..." and he looks defeated, for a moment. And just buries his face in his hand. And muffled, says, "Welcome to Alexsssandria."

Jibbom pouts at Sandy's rather simple articulation of her feelings towards him. "You know, Maybe-Wife, it's comments like that which it more difficult for us to repair our relationship. I want to make it work, and avoid the spectacle of an ugly, public divorce. I'd never be able to decide which half of the house I wanted. It's too difficult to decide! Won't you give our love another chance?"

Lumina looks bewildered at Svarshan's defeated look, and she lifts her brows, before reaching out and patting his shoulders, "There, it cannot be so bad..." She has no idea what's going on. She smiles brightly at Locien even as she pats Svarshan's shoulder. "Cousin?" She bobs a curtsy, "I'm Lumina, of Althea's Hearthguard." She shakes her head, and murmurs, "I don't think you are interrupting...anything. Truly." Dark eyes go wide at Jibbom's words to Sandy, and she claps a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"...yes, thank you..." Locien offers Svarshan softly, brows furrowed with a shade of concern for the poor lizard's unknown haplessness. To Lumina, a more sure, pleasant smile. "I am Locien, Mourner of the Dreak Lady. It is a pleasure." A bit more of the interlocking puzzles here is provided by Jibbom and he looks between him and Sandy, pursing his lips. "I would have lost that bet..." he mutters, mostly to himself.

Sunblade that he is, the sith'makar relaxes somewhat at the Hearthguard's reassurances. Though what helps, too? He digs into a pouch, produces a piece of tough jerky, and BITES into it.

So much better.

And at the mention of the newcomer's title, smiles, almost. He relaxes a little further and says, "Sssst. Svarshan Kotharrventin of Am'shere. I ssserve the Father Dragon. May the ancestors..." words. So bad at words. Pause. " your wingss."

Sandy pauses. She looks at Jibbom. She eyes him for a long moment. Then she reaches down to grab him by the front of his shirt and lifts him up with a single hand. If succesful, she turns him over to hold him by the ankle.

Jibbom is, as usual, powerless to resist being hoisted into the air. His eyes go wide with alarm as he flails his pudgy limbs. "Maybe-Wife, no! Not in public!"

Sandy immediately begins to violently shake Jibbom.

Locien's attention is fully settled upon the maybe-marriage counseling going on, though he tilts his head aside to Svar. "Honored to meet you, Svarshan. My time in this town has been...enlightening."

Lumina's smile warms as she considers Locien, "Oh, then it is nice to meet you." She releases Svarshan's shoulder when he seems a little better, seeming pleased by the slight improvement in his mood. At Sandy's sudden movements and Jibbom's protests, her attention moves to the pair, and her eyes go wide as she watches Sandy shake Jibbom, "Oh, oh my!" She has to cover her mouth with both hands and turns a little to the side, trying, in vain, not to laugh.

Svarshan rubs a hand past his jaw, and after a moment, moves over on the bench so that there's room enough, at least, that the Mourner might sit down if he were so inclined. "That. has...I am not surprised," he says after a while, slow amusement in the rough voice. And he pauses after that. "Forgive..." and he points to his own throat. Not very good with words. Or not able to be, that means. And almost /does/ smile at the Hearthguard's restrained laughter.

Jibbom just makes an oscillating sound not unlike a 'waaaaugh!' as he is violenetly shaken, limbs still flailing.

Once she is done shaking him, Sandy sets him down. On his head. Not hard enough to actually hurt him. She gievs him a little nudge to tip him over.

"Anyways," she says, "We're not married. No matter how many times he might say otherwise."

Jibbom lands right on his face with a little 'ooof'. He then just lays there for a bit, clearly dizzy and disoriented.

It takes a few moments for Lumina to quit her laughter, and she takes a few deep breaths, before returning her attention to Sandy and Jibbom. She looks like she might chastize Sandy, but, for whatever reason, she doesn't. "Oh, my. Alexandria is quite the city."

And at that... "Ssssandy," Svarshan starts to say, and then looks towards Jibbom, and back again. And really... his muzzle closes, and he looks to Locien, nods once, and gets up. He's intending to go over to help the lucht back on his feet.

Svarshan leans down and grasps the lucht's sleeve to help him to his feet. "Claws," he says, explaining why he hadn't offered his hand. ...and then he looks to Sandy. To Jibbom. And just...closes his muzzle, right then and there on the topic.

Sometimes, the wisest thing is to not say a...

"Would to get a drink?" he asks no one in particular. Alcohol. It sounds good right now.