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Dirk Stormgrip

Physical Description

Dirk smallere.jpg
Race: Khazad-Aul
Homeland: Eldwyn Forest, Alexandros
Age: 255
Occupation: Woodsman
Class: Ranger 14
Faith: The Green Word

Here stands a sturdy, solid example of the Khazad people. He's big and broad for his race, standing just under the five foot mark, yet is half again as broad as the average human. He's clearly gotten on in years, yet he carries himself with all the spry vigor of a youth. A snowy white mane of hair tumbles to his shoulders, while his majestic beard is worn gathered into two tails that reach his barrel chest. His deepset eyes of rich honey brown are framed by deep, craggy lines and shadowed by shaggy brows. A set of three thick scar-lines track down the right side of his face, cutting a notch out of his brow and lending a slight squint to his eye. His voice is a deep, gravelly baritone, and he speaks with the typical dwarven brogue.

His clothing and accouterments mark him as a man of the outdoors. He wears a sturdy, well-forged breastplate over a heavy cable-knit sweater of a deep hunter green. Over his shoulders, he wears a heavy cloak and mantle of deep blue. Sturdy brown trousers are tucked into heavy hobnailed boots. An embroidered blue scarf is worn around his bull neck. Atop his head he wears a well-worn old tricorne hat cocked at a jaunty angle, with a small golden cockade pinning a white plume to the brim. He carries an immaculately maintained thunderbelcher slung over his shoulder. A leather satchel is slung over his chest, resting against his left hip, while a smaller hip satchel is hung from his belt on the right. A keenly sharpened handaxe is tucked into his belt within easy reach. He's rarely seen without his broad-bowled pipe tucked in the side of his mouth.

He lumbers about his business with a broad, easy-going smile creasing his features. Despite his rugged appearance, he's quite polite, quick to tip his hat and offer a boisterous greeting. Despite his thickset appearance, he's light on his feet and moves with practiced grace.

Items of Note:

Mythril Breastplate: A finely-tooled and mirror-polished breastplate. Forged by his own hand, Dirk has laid enchantments sacred to the Green Word upon it, granting it superior lightness and comfort.

Magicked Thunderbelcher: In similar fashion to his armor, Dirk has forged his own thunderbelcher--a longarm pump-action rifle. He has engraved it with icons and images sacred to the Green Word, investing it with the blessed power of Dana and Gilead. The shot fired from this rifle are anathema to creatures of the Dark, and servants of evil cannot bear to even touch the blessed weapon.

Lulu: Dirk's beloved animal companion. Lulu is a White-Faced Scops Owl blessed with superior intelligence. She is Dirk's constant companion during his travels all across Ea.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Woods Wise: Dirk is well known for his skill in navigating the forests and mountains of his home. Anyone in need of guidance through the wilds would do well to engage his services.
  • The Green Word: The Stormgrip clan have been black sheep among the Khazad for hundreds of years. Embracing the green growing things, cool shade, and sweet water of the wood, Dirk follows in his family's tradition. He is devoutly dedicated to the Green Word, doing his part to defend the woods in the name of Dana, the Blessed Lady, and Gilead, the Holy Hunter.
  • Dwarven Craftsmanship: Dirk will often bring the fruits of his labors to market in Alexandria. He procures furs and pelts from the creatures he hunts in the woods, as well as tanning his own leather to offer for sale. He also grows and cures his own tobacco, making various flavorful blends for smoking. In addition, he hand-carves beautiful pipes to offer for sale along his jars of pipe tobacco.


Ranger PC Badge
Unerring Hunter: Woodsman and woods-wise. Dirk can live off the land, with nothing more than the bounty Dana and Gilead provide. He is glad to share his knowledge of the green growing places with those who seek him out to learn.
Favored Enemy: While Dirk is an able hunter of the woods' natural denizens, he has dedicated himself to hunting both the living dead and the dark entities of infernal nature. Both are an affront to the natural order of the wood, and he will not suffer a deadwalker or a demon to stain the world with its presence.
Ea's Gifts: Dirk rarely makes use of the blessings provided by Dana and Gilead. When he does, he makes a personal plea to the Green Word, calling the vital living magicks of the wood into manifestation as he desires.
Hunter's Bond: Dirk's dearest companion is his little white-faced owl, Lulu. He has raised her from the egg, and the bond between them is stronger than iron.


Khazad-aul PC Badge
Clan: Many generations back, a prospector named Thorvald Stormgrip was badly injured while surveying an unstable fault-line in the mountains. His life was saved by a kindly druid, and it was from this person that he learned to revere the Green Word. When his injuries were healed, Thorvald returned to the dwarf-hold in the mountains. Though many of the other clans sneered at his tale, most of the Stormgrips shared Thorvald's adventurous sense and wonder. They followed him out of the mountains and into the woods surrounding Alexandria, and have lived there ever since. Their numbers have dwindled over the years. As an only child, Dirk is now the last Stormgrip.
Role: Warden of the Wood. Protector of those who show respect to the forest, and terror of those who would exploit it.
Faith: "May Blessed Dana watch over the roads I must travel. May Holy Gilead guide my hand an' make my aim be true."
The Mountain: Among other Khazad, Dirk is best known as 'that crazy old Stormgrip coot'. Dwarven memory is long, and most clans have not forgotten how the Stormgrips abandoned their duty to Khazad Duin to chase after 'tallfolk tomfoolery'.

"I speak fer the forest. Will ye listen?"