Grim Deeds 2

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 15:47, 4 February 2025 by Thurid (talk | contribs) (Created page with "It was a long cold winter day. Sunless sky, casting everything grey. Long cold tracks in the road that had not seen a cart in months. Bright red berries on the bushes being picked upon by birds- The journey to the so called Manor of Umbergloom was uneventful. The Umbergloom, a well known sizeable forest in this region, was easy to find. None of the locals however, knew anyone who lived in the forest though, in a manor of all things - so for that, the given map gave s...")
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It was a long cold winter day.

Sunless sky, casting everything grey. Long cold tracks in the road that had not seen a cart in months. Bright red berries on the bushes being picked upon by birds-

The journey to the so called Manor of Umbergloom was uneventful. The Umbergloom, a well known sizeable forest in this region, was easy to find. None of the locals however, knew anyone who lived in the forest though, in a manor of all things - so for that, the given map gave straightforward directions. Yes, there was a long wide road leading towards their destination.

An uneventful ride. Occasional turns, cliffs and ridges broke the monotony. The change in the forest's ambience was then quite abrupt. At one step, a peaceful, winter forest - on the second, the trees seemed as if they had given their last, the wind has grown a new kind of chill and those bright berries picked upon by birds, were nothing but black dots jostled by few mocking crows.

The Manor of Umbergloom was just ahead, nestled atop a hill. The manor looked decrepit and the gates were already hanging open, leading into the snow filled courtyard. Tall wooden doors with an elaborate head for a knocker loomed ahead. No light from the boarded up windows. If there were any plants before the snow, they were surely happy to be long gone.

"Are we there yet?"

"Are we theeereee yet?"

"Aaaree wee theeerrreee yeeeet?"

Such is the melodious chorus that Skyler serenaded the group with during the trip there, with brief interludes of being miserable about the cold. The only reprieve comes towards the end, where the ex-pirate pulls a grey rhomboid-shaped gem out of his pocket and lets it float in front of him with a rather cheery glow. It attempts to circle his head, but he holds up his hands to ping-pong it back and forth.

Once they arrive, he's one of the first to jump off the wagon they were given, drawing his sword while his little ioun torch circles his head. "Well this looks cheery, doesn't it? Reminds me of my Grand-ma'am's house, except she would have set attack dogs on us already."

Jarik was on his own two feet, thank you very much. He only made concession to ride once in a while, preferring to walk holes into his boots. Though if anything he seemed to enjoy the trip through the snowy woods, other than an occasional long-suffering glance cast Skyler's way.

Greywing spent most of his time airborne, the owl scouting from above and occasionally returning to Jarik to ride the oruch's shoulder for a bit before popping up into the air once more. This time though he landed on Skyler's head, trying to peck at the stone floating around like he had just discovered his new favorite game.

"Menacing manor in the middle of the woods that none of the locals think is inhabited. Sounds perfectly safe." He mutters, looking at the knockers on the door.

Culix has ridden her own horse. And despite being a goblin, she has elected for a full sized horse- her kind are well known for not being particularly fond of horses, and in Culix's case, the feeling seems mutual. Her mount is an ornery old mare who Culix seems to have trouble with throughout the ride. She's willful, and Culix is inexpert at riding her. But she does, at least, manage to stay in the saddle and avoid getting bitten or kicked in the times when she is dismounted.

She slows the horse to a stop as the manor comes into view, and she scratches her cheek through the cloth mask she wears over her lower face. "So, I asked around about these folks, and no one has heard much about them. Which is strange, if they're the landed sort, because I was asking folks who are usually pretty interested in what kind of trinkets landed sorts have." she tells the others. "So... probably ghosts." she adds a moment later. "Maybe vampires." she also suggests.

She climbs down off her horse, quite an ordeal, and hitches her to a likely looking sapling. She rubs her backside with one hand, "Hate riding." she complains again, shooting her horse a glare as though her sore backside is the horse's fault, and the horse farts in her general direction in reply.

Reithak had an uneventful ride out to the spooky manor in the woods. In fact, it was quite the chance to catch up on her knitting! Carver got a hat, Jarik got a hat, Skyler got a hat, Deathless got one!

"Oh thank goodness we're here, I really don't feel like making socks right now." Reithak chuckled.* "Real bright and inviting place, isn't it?"

Carver's limbic system is frayed after a journey with Skyler. She tried her best to bite back her disgruntled grunts, leading from the front while astride Deathless, shoulders trembling beneath her heavy mantle of furs and layered hide. She tried her best, and in the end, it doesn't even matter. Crows scatter as she whirls back to face the other.

"Iffin your eyes worked half as well as your bleedin' mouth, you could tell! Look aroun' yous, you see the change? How they didn't toss you overboard on the third day on bein' stuck in a stupid sky boat is a wonder when I'm at me wit's end on the first on the road."

Peace in the gloom, sister. She tosses her hands up in disgust as she slips off her horse, taking the reins in hand, muttered threats of bodily and spiritual harm given to prayer, irritably pulling and twisting at her gifted knitted hat.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Anyone particularly magically nervous, feel free to roll k/arcana. ._."

GAME: Reithak rolls knowledge/arcana: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Culix rolls knowledge/arcana: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Carver rolls perception: (20)+15: 35

GAME: Jarik rolls perception+2: (8)+2+2: 12

The courtyard was quite unimpressive, being covered in snow like that.

The manor itself looked suitably old. Not massive nor opulent, but sizeable. Two storied, big, sturdy stone construction, with tastefully detailed engravings. The wood looked thick and solid, not enough to punch through. The boarded windows had metal bars in front of them, preventing easy access. There was air of nobility and affluence, certainly, but the manor was not gaudy, more... just well constructed. Effective.

The knocker seemed to be the only splurge towards decoration, decipting a gargoyle with the ring hanging off its mouth. It was quite grim looking. There was no way to circle around the building either - tall thick fence kept the way off towards the back of the building.

Skyler ignores Carver, instead reaching up to scratch at Greywing's little owl chin where beak meets feather. Mostly to distract him from breaking his brand new ioun torch, although he is pretty fond of the witch's familiar. The only acknowledgement of the Ranger's frayed nerves? He tells Greywing, "Some people don't appreciate the finer things in life."

And despite Carver's disparaging of his eyes, he's able to see quite a bit. One hand goes to his Reithak-knitted hat (that was immediately put on) and the other shades his eyes to reduce the glare of the little floating torch as it circles in front of him. "Someone swept the steps of snow." He comments, "Probably the 'abandoned' mansion isn't quite so abandoned. Possibly golems programmed to basic housekeeping that didn't extend to the grounds?"

Culix doesn't draw her daggers yet as she heads along the path up towards the manor proper, and she looks about as they head up the path. "We'd need to climb the fence if we need to get into the grounds from here." she observes, mostly talking to herself. "I know they said the staff would be expecting us, but this place doesn't look like it's had living staff since I was in swaddling." she adds. She nods once at Skyler, "That was my thinking too. Golems. Despite what that geezer said, pretty sure he was a golem." she says.

She looks up towards the imposing double doors, "So. Do we knock? Bagsy not it." she says.

Greywing nips Skyler's finger in response to the attempts to distract the owl from his pecking at the stone, but at least the familiar's attention is on the finger now. Jarik's eyes flick to the steps but other voice the obvious lack of snow before he does. "Unless someone is just squatting here. Still good shelter from the cold." He mutters, pulling his cloak around him a little more.

"Knocking is as good an idea as any, unless we want to try to sneak in." There's a look to Skyler as he says that, dubiousness of a stealth option working writ plain across his face.

Reithak says, “Well, they did mention some people around this place. Being frustratingly vague about what exactly these guards were seems par for the course with this. Like the fact they didn't mention this whole place feels cursed." *Reithak shrugged.* "We could knock, up to you all. Can't remember how they said to handle these guards though."”

Carver tucks the hat into her belt, considering the building with a thoughtful frown. "I can get over the fence, but maybe it's one of those better to be direct situations. If I recall, the shady guy wanted us to be 'subtle'."

"I think we can all agree they didn't tell us half of what we should know." Skyler says briskly, and careful for the owl perched on his head moves towards the front door, "I'll knock and see what happens. Greywing, might want to back up, buddy." Beat. "Hoot hoot. Hoot hoot!" Just in case Greywing didn't understand his Tradespeak. Does he speak owl? No. But surely it's more about the tone, right?

He draws his sword with one hand, the other reaching for the knocker slowly as he waits to see if there's a pressure plate trap or something to smite him with much smiting.

<OOC> Culix says, "Can I check for traps?"

<OOC> Culix says, "Before Skyler checks for traps with his face."

GAME: Culix rolls perception+1: (1)+13+1: 15 (EPIC FAIL)

The owl pecks the top of Skyler's head once, then flaps off toward Jarik where he forces himself inside the half-oruch's hood, deciding he's had enough of being out in the cold. Jarik sighs and adjusts his hood for his new shoulder-rider.

His hand disappears back into his cloak, nearing his own weapon if not drawing it quite yet.

Culix holds out a hand as Skyler goes to knock, and says, "One sec." before stepping up to the door and giving it a quick once over, first sliding her goggles up to peer at it, and then listening to it for any signs of ticking or clicking. "Alright, knock yourself out." she says and takes a few paces back away from the door.

The knocker no matter how impressive of a brass construction is, is heavy - but it barely makes a sound when Skyler knocks it onto the door. Before the mind can diverge into considering it did not work, one of the doors' tiny slits open slightly. A face clad in white fabric surveys the group in complete silence.

"Well, I do know some magic that'll make us invisible to people, but, I don't have enough to cover all of us. Not to mention whatever's in here might not see the way we do." *Reithak muses a ways back.*

GAME: Culix rolls perception: (13)+13: 26

GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (1)+19: 20 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Jarik rolls perception+2: (15)+2+2: 19

GAME: Carver rolls perception: (3)+15: 18

"We have an invitation, from a shared acquaintance." Carver says to the pale sliver she can see through the door. "If you coul' just open the door, or step back, we can slip it through to you."

"Quentin Graves and Lord-Captain Maximillian the Golem." Skyler offers helpfully on the tail of Carver's announcement, pale grey-green eyes utterly without original thought but full of charm as he grins, "We were sent to resolve some issues between Master Graves and the Guild of Arcane Appropriations."

Culix eyes the door, in particular, a spot partway down the door from where SKyler is presently talking to. She considers for a few moments, and then says, "Is that a crossbow or are you just happy to see us?" and thumbs towards the second, lower slot.

At the mention of a crossbow, Jarik directs his eyes to where Culix points, frowning. "Trusting lot." He murmurs under his breath, but he stays back letting the others do most of the chatting. Talking with people is not the forte of someone who likes to hang out alone in the woods.

The figure stands still for a moment - and then leans away. A moment later pair of fingers is reaching out from the slit, wagging lightly forward for the invitation. Despite being accused of being a sneaky assassin slash murderer, the second hole in the door stays quiet. It is very subtle and shy, the attention is only making it nervous!

Carver will do as she is asked, sliding it through. Not through the murder hole at least. For fear of being murdered by a bureaucrat. "Can't imagine how this place earned its name." Her exhaustion with this visit is tangible. "As yous can see, sealed by Mr. Grave himself, with proper introductions. Can you stop aiming at our belly now?"

Once the crossbow is pointed out, Skyler takes a step back, and helpfully raises his buckler-clad arm to where Culix is indicating. Boop. "Rude. Understandable, but rude. Not our fault Master Graves and his boyfriend didn't tell you we were coming."

Kept a semi safe distance away from the door, whistling quietly to herself. "All the papers should be in order, I think. Hope so!" Reithak chuckled.*

Culix rests her hands on her hips while the others handle the negotiations, and she seems to mirror Carver's impatience. "So are you going to let us in, or start a scrap? Either way, hurry it up. Freezing my unmentionables off out here." she complains.

The paper is taken away, and the slit is then shut off. A moment later, the other one is as well - and a minute passes without nothing happening. Left out in the cold?

The double doors then open wide. The party is welcomed inside by the figure - a butler, judging from the black smart clean clothes, white gloves - and oddly enough, white fabric over completely covering their head.

The entrance hall was complete opposite to the desolate gloom look outside. It was warmly lit, with bright candles and chandoliers; the house was obviously well kept with barely dust in sight. Warm red carpet covers the wooden floor (obviously a bit further in). Mahogany, marble, full sets of expensive looking armor for decoration - it was certainly an affluent household.

A set of double stairs led upstairs and there was a large door to the party's right. However, the butler has moved to gesture towards their left and the hallway leading around the corner. Ahead of them, the party could see in the dark another room, with large windows showing the snow covered garden.

Trying to look unbothered by this whole situation, Jarik stands at the rear of the group, looking decidedly disinterested in what's going on, while at the same time trying to remain keenly aware of the situation. No need to let the doorman know his guard is up.

But once the doors swing open he visibly eases with a small sigh and heads on in with the rest of the group.

He lets out a small whistle once inside, his eyes searching the area slowly. "Well, ain't this posh."

Carver steps in, and looks not where the butler gestures, but to the large doors on her right. She steps to the side to give others more room to crowd inside the surprisingly well-maintained and staffed manor for how else could it be so immaculate. Ghost maids at the Gloom Manor, don't be ridiculous.

Into the manor strides Skyler, pausing to kick snow and muck off his boots. Walking in, taking a moment to slowly spin and take in his surroundings... Something strange seems to come over the ex-pirate. His shoulders straighten up, posture almost text-book perfect as he squares shoulders and tilts his head *just* so.

It's almost like a different person, really. He reaches up and takes his floating torch-stone, tucking it into his jacket.

"'Ware the armor." He says, accent shifting slightly to something Myrrish and posh, "Oft times they are enchanted to guard. Why disturb the surroundings with living guards when enchanted armor can be both cheaper to upkeep and less inclined to gossip."

Culix shuffles in somewhjere near the rear of the pack, casting her gaze this way and that- taking in the immediate surroundings, looking out for anything that might have been that silvery glint she saw, as well as marking entrances and exits to the room. Maybe making a brief mental catalogue of valuables before she checks herself. She nods her agreement with Skyler's assessment, "Here's hoping we won't be bothered by 'em." she adds as she glances around. She takes particular note of the darker nooks and crannies where the candle light doesn't penetrate. Her own eyes seeing just fine in the dim.

Eventually she moves to head where the butler directs them.

Reithak joins the others in entering the manor, keeping to the back and taking a look around. "Well, if you can keep this place this nice inside, surprised the grounds need so much work." The egalrin shrugged. "Still, the sooner we sorth things out the better, I say."

Speaking of armors, one of the stands is notoriously empty.

The butler waits patiently for the adventurers to go ahead, before taking the rear. The hallway leads just around the corner - after passing yet another familiar looking armor - before the richness of the red carpet turns away into extremely luxuriant looking room. A long table greets them, its wooden polished to perfection, and incredibly soft looking chairs are pulled out for the party.

Piano was set up in the far back, with the pianist already seated.

The butler is joined by two others who were already busy setting down cutlery, cups and... warm tea, or perhaps coffee, as well as cookies. Everyone was dressed in that same style of clothing - black clean clothes, either white or black shirts - and heads completely covered in white facbric.

At the far end of the very long table, there were papers littered around, as well as partly open box.

he pianist starts to play.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Speaking of which, roll will!"

GAME: Carver rolls will: (2)+6: 8

<OOC> Skyler says, "Using Charmed Life"

GAME: Culix rolls will: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Jarik rolls will: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Skyler rolls will+3: (13)+3+3: 19

GAME: Reithak rolls will: (4)+6: 10

Why am I sweating?

Carver wipes at her brow as she sits down, honeyed eyes shifting back and forth nervously. Fingertips play on her knees in awkward imitation of the music she can't see the pianist playing.

"Do you, perhaps, have oat milk?" Skyler asks the butler when they're presented with tea, coffee, and cookies. He politely takes a cookie, and begins to bring it to his mouth without even thinking about it before pausing and just politely pressing it against his lips to *pretend* to eat it. "I don't tolerate animal milk well."

To the others, he glances at the paperwork. "How likely do you think it will be in that pile? Seems too easy to me."

Culix marks each of the newcomers as they come into view with her beady eyes, wearing an expression of unveiled suspicion in the narrow glimpse of her face that is visible. She particularly eyes the food being laid out, "'preciate the offer but if it's all the same to... you..." she says, trailing off a bit as she looks around. She draws her arms around herself. "Let's... let's just hurry up and get this thing we're after, yeah?" she says.

Jarik moves to one of the seats, almost robotically. He reaches up as if to push his hood off his head, but then takes it in his fingers and tugs it forward a little bit more to conceal the worry he knows is etched on his expression. His eyes keep darting over to the piano player, only able to focus on the papers as they're mentioned. "Doubt it.."

Reithak elects not to take a seat or have any of the offered cookies. This whole business seemed to have them on end, quite literally, as most of their feathers were poofed out. "Think we'll reach an agreement?" Reithak chuckled nervously.

Carver leans over to speak to Culix quietly, "There was someone in the room to the right, where we first came in. I think reading by candlelight."

None of the staff responded to their queries. In fact, no milk was offered at all - it was all going to be drunk as is. At least there was water served in pitchers. Oh, but the cookies had just a fresh smattering of powdery sugar, hint of cinnamon...

A shorter figure - perhaps goblin stature - runs across and dusts off the box at the end of the table, along with the papers, but does not shift them. The short figure was also dressed in that weird white and black getup, face covered. Then they move towards the room you saw from the entrance, closing the door behind them.

"What I'd give for a proper high tea." Skyler sighs, shaking his head mournfully and then glancing over at the group before shrugging and heading to the pile of paperwork to rustle through it and try to find something that looks like a deed.

<OOC> Reithak says, "perception to see if the weird staff smell undead?"

GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (10)+19: 29

Culix leans in to lsiten to Carver, and then in hushed tones spoeaks back- "This place gives me the creeps. Wishing I just treated this like a second story job from the get go. I could try slipping away to take a peek." she suggests then, and eyes the collected documents. "Uh, while he does that, is there a privy? Long ride an such..." she says. It's only half a lie, with the creeping sense of dread the unsettling piano music instills.

Seeing Skyler simply go for the paperwork Jarik scoots over a few seats and begins aiding in rifling through the documents. "What does a deed even look like? I'm picturing signatures and seals and whatnot for something this fancy." He mutters, trying to tune the piano out much as he does some of Skyler's more annoying jabberings. It's how he puts up with him.

Carver nods in agreement. She was not a fan of the entire air of this place, of spoiled austerbess and perfurmed disregard. Not a single warm word had been exchanged with them. Everyone simply acted on rote instincts. Like puppetry.

Reithak was feeling a lot better about having not eaten anything right that instant. The inquisitor shook her head and moved to the papers. "I don't think anyone here is well, living, in a biological sense. Don't know if they're undead or not, though." She muttered.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Those touching the papers, give me a perception roll. ._."

GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (18)+10: 28

GAME: Jarik rolls perception+2: (15)+2+2: 19

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Rei?"

GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (13)+19: 32

The butler turns their head towards Culix when the question is asked. There is a slow step forward and the butler makes a sweeping gesture again - as if indicating her to move forward towards the entrance again. It seemed Culix was not going anywhere without being followed.

It is around this moment when the table with the papers suddenly bursts. A wide row of teeth opens - and then the box on the table starts to make out for the door at the back with all speedy haste of a tongue-y creature can abide!

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Rei, since you spotted the ruse just in time, you'll get to react. ._."

<OOC> Reithak says, "I'll use that to get a bless on everyone before we try to catch it"

GAME: Reithak casts Bless. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13

"Hey, HEY! Just what kind of crate copying crap is this?" Reithak curses right before the... thing started taking off."

"Hey y'all! Don't know if that really has what we need in it, but we should still stop it!" The Egalrin calls out, brandishing her holy symbol and suffusing her allies with divine strength.

GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1: (16)+12: 28 (THREAT)

GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1: (11)+12: 23

<OOC> Aelwyn whistles. "That's a crit."

GAME: Skyler rolls damage1+10: aliased to 1d6+5+10: (4)+5+10: 19

GAME: Skyler rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Roll reflex!"

GAME: Skyler rolls reflex+1: (3)+8+1: 12

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "And the mimic now has a new weapon. ._."

<OOC> Culix says, "Alrighty, then standard action to use Call of the Black Wind: Call of the Black Wind (su): As a standard action, you may summon the shadow winds. Treat this as a Gust of Wind effect, with the following changes: all nonmagical sources of light, such as torches, candles, and lanterns (but not something as large as a bonfire) are automatically extinguished as they're absorbed into the shadow wind, even if protected. In addition, there's a 50 chance that magical sources of light are suppressed for one round. This is usable once per day. It's a 60' line so I'll aim it to get all the light sources along one wall, then Move 30' towards the Critter and Hide in Plain Sight as part of the move action. I have fast stealth so I can move at full speed without a penalty."

GAME: Culix rolls stealth+2+2: (9)+19+2+2: 32

GAME: Aelwyn rolls 14: (9)+14: 23

With a curse fit to peel paint from the walls, Skyler reacts with a wicked blow of his drawn sword, blade lashing at the hinges. Unfortunately, the blade seems to stick and Skyler stumbles back, unable to keep a grip on it. He's not exactly the strongest of men, after all.

<OOC> Culix says, "Ah, forgot the -2 from shaken. So total of 30"

GAME: Aelwyn rolls 14: (4)+14: 18

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Nobody sees you hiding!"

Culix expected to be escorted, but also expected she'd be able to give most folks the slip if she needs to. Of course, best laid plans and all that. When the shit hits the proverbial fan, Culix whirls on the spot in an elegant pirhouette. She trails her hand through the air, and plucks a streamer of shadow from places beyond. She brings it to her lips, and blows. The streamer of shadow billows out engulfing all the lanterns along one wall and snuffing them out, plunging half of the room into near darkness.

And then Culix is moving. Still trailing streamers of coalescant shade, she slips into the dim darkness and her form dissolves into it- flitting through the world like a shadow at the corner of ones vision towards the disguised creature. A dagger is drawn from a concealed spot on her person and then twirled over her knuckles in a forward grip as she dashes towards the fleeing abomination.

There is a lot wrong with this place, so of course that mimics join the scenario should not be a shock. Still is though. She looks back to the loud curse as the box suddenly comes alive. She does not have time to block the way but does rise to her feet and reach for her bow.

Not even quick enough to draw and fire, or whistle a command. Losing her grip.

<OOC> Reithak would like to lore check it for creature type!

GAME: Reithak rolls knowledge/dungeoneering +3: (18)+6+3: 27

"I mean, obviously it's a mimic, but at least a young one." Reithak sighsm "Dunno what it expected really, small creatires don't really screw with paperwork. Might be able to get the papers without killing it, though getting that sword back might be tricky."

The mimic gets a hefty chunk and a new present, which doesn't slow it down any. Ooze is left on its wake as it runs, or wobbles, towards one of the doors. Shadows are cast. Tea is served and plates of cookies are adjusted just so.

One of the servants standing in front of the door moves to open it for the fleeing mimic, almost as if in afterthought.Fresh scent of coffee wafts through from the small dark kitchen.

Meanwhile, the pianist continues to play, unperturbed by the commotion. The hunt for the deed continues.