Same as It Ever Was (Part 3)

From Tenebrae
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Zenith regards Rune for a moment. "Most things are the same. There's the city of Alexandria in the region of Alexandros. The history of the world's progressed more or less the same. There's differences in how individual people decided on some things, which is why your 'other selves' are different... And yet some people, like Nadina, are relatively the same. The primary oddity is..."

Nadina coughs. "You don't have to air my dirty laundry, Zenny," she says, before she looks at the group. "I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. You see, I'm in hiding. From--"

Before she can finish her sentence, there's a flock of birds flying around the house, visible through the windows, shrieking and crying with croaks and howls.

"Na! La! Na! La!"

Unlike an event that some have seen before... The birds are white-feathered, and there's strange golden eyes that burn from their gazes.


Nadina's eyes widen. "Shit," she says. "He's not supposed to come this early." She looks around the room rather frantically. "I don't have the ability to take Nala and bring her with me elsewhere; my magic's gone."

At first, confusion. Then, recognition in Telamon's starry eyes. He blinks, once. "No, he's not," he confirms to Nadina. "He didn't seek out Lana until a few years down the road, after she'd come to Alexandria." The half-sil seems utterly unfazed by the screaming birds.

"But you can't outrun him forever, Nadina. It might be better to try and negotiate. Especially now... when you have friends here." His lips quirk. "If he thinks he's going to browbeat -me-, he's in for a rude surprise. I don't care what version of Grandfather I'm dealing with, I know a -lot- of his little foibles."

Zeke gathers himself, moving toward the door as the birds gather to attack. "It sssseemssss that we musssst take Nala sssome-where sssafe. Sssome-one iss after her?" He doesn't know who, doesn't particularly care whom. He seems to remember distantly something like this from when Cor'lana had first come to Alexandria, but he can not remember it well. Nor its outcome. It had been a tumulus time in his own life unfortunately. "Who isssss it that isss after her Nadina?"

Even if they must seek out their own selves it is secondary to protecting Nala. Wait. "Do you know who it issss Telamon?"

Aryia startles from the sudden flurry of white plumed birds pummeling the air outside. There's a glance to Nadina, checking that- yep, this is not meant be happening. Yet? This early apparently? Oh, right, time loop.

She slips off the counter that she was sitting on, snapping her verdant jacket back into place as she breathes In. Cracks her neck. Out. White lines of energy snake up and down her arms and face.

"Who the fuck is this He," Aryia asks, cracking her knuckles. <Handspeech/Tongues>

In many ways, it makes sense that Zenith would not be able to tell them the exact differences that occurred to cause these alternate versions of themselves to take different paths. Rune can already imagine a few of those key decisions which lead her to where she stands today. Her brow furrows, though, looking at Simony, "I suppose you're more consistent than the rest of us. Otherwise your differences hide beneath the surface, maybe."

And then, the sound of avian wings causes her ears to twitch, the rogue turns to look at the sight of white wings that flutter across the windows, calling out the name in their squawky voices. Her eyes turn to Telamon, as he seems to confirm that this is not the when or the where that this is meant to happen. "By my best guesses, this is a very hot, very deadly, fae man of some relation to Nala and Nadina. Though... who knows. In this world, he might not be panty-dropping attractive. You never know."

The Goblin looks momentarily curious... until Telamon mentions Grandfather. She seems relieved... "OH. Oh. Ooooh..." Simony rubs at her cheeks. "Telamon, he may not go for the browbeating and simply progress to actual beating. Who knows what he's gone through and how he may be very different."

She takes a moment to stare at the golden-eyed ravens, her brow furrowing before she looks to Rune. A light shrug. "It may be that I have the most erm.. even temperament? Or as a Temperance I am less affected by time shenanigans?"

"But I _do_ have an appointment." It's a male voice, but it's _not_ the voice that most people here know to be the voice belonging to Alud'rigan, the Feathered One, the fae ancestor of Cor'lana's paternal family tree.

The birds settle down at the sound of the man's voice. They're odd things, if one looks outside to look at them. They seem almost like if a white raven had a clutch with a white swan, somehow? Either way, they preen at their feathers, golden eyes glowing softly. It also reveals a fae man, handsome and tall. His golden eyes are like miniature suns. His white-hair is just about the same shade as Telamon's. He wears gleaming armor and a golden crown that emphasizes his royal disposition. A kind and warm smile is on his face.

On both sides of him are two knights, dressed head-to-toe in a similar white armor, but their faces are covered entirely by a plated mask and slender antlers that adorn their masks. One of them bellows, "Announcing His Highness Raeluin, Prince of the Summer Court!"

"The First and Last Sun," Nadina breathes out. "Or the First and Last Son. I made... a very bad deal when I was younger."

"Please open up and let me see my new bride," Raeluin asks kindly. "She must be of age now. She must be as beautiful as her mother!"

Telamon turns, and just -looks- at Nadina. Like he really wants to just have a good shout at the woman, mother-in-law (at least in another timeline) or not. He reaches up and puts his hand on his face for a moment, before he takes a deep breath. "You..." He cuts it off, before he says something he'd regret, instead bottling it up.

Tel takes a few moments to compose his expression into something that isn't... well, thunderous. And then he pastes a tight smile on his countenance. "Alright, let me see if I can untangle this without someone getting punched all the way to Ni'essa..." He walks towards the door, stepping out behind Hark, and calmly addresses the Prince. "Greetings, your Highness." He exudes that calm confidence now, the stars in his eyes glimmering. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I would like to discuss this ... betrothal, if I may? I am called Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon, and I have come here on a related matter."

GAME: Telamon rolls talky: aliased to diplomacy+5: (9)+36+5: 50

Harkashan slowly crosses his arms as the birds settle down, and the voice demands to be heard. Watching the mn before him now. Fae, handsome, and flanked by two knights. Harkashan doesn't look hostile, but he doesn't look particularly impressed either as Raeluin is announced.

He of course can't hear what is being said within the house. But he can block the door from being entered by Raeluin. Looking like a tall draconic bouncer... in lava-stoned armor. Stepping only slightly aside as the Archmagus steps through the door.

"Your Highness. I appreciate your presence here. However, a gathering has only just started of others. And your presence is disrupting the merriment within. Your timing is unfortunate, and your insistence is rude. Please bear some patience."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy+2: (5)+23+2: 30

Simony steps closer to the door at the sound of the voice, and she stares at the Prince of the Summer Court for a few moments, then looks back to Nadina.

"Let me guess? Instead of marrying him yourself, you betrothed Nala to him in exchange for... what, exactly?" The Goblin frowns and lets out a lengthy sigh. She watches Telamon struggle for some composure that doesn't send the wrong signal. This does not bode well.

"I'm uhm... going to see how this plays out. Those two can talk the talk." The voice that sounds from outside is one that is unfamiliar to Rune, enough so that a look of confusion passes her face. Even now, the rogue wears the shawl which was made for her by Alud'rigan, who very much is NOT the person that she can just barely glimpse through the bodies that are blocking the doorway.

Oddly, despite her previous commentary, Rune doesn't seem to have the same reaction to this individual. Maybe it's the sudden demanding of his bride that has her biting her tongue. It's somewhat difficult to find men who are demanding child brides attractive. It's less an appearance thing, and more of a personality thing.

With those in the group with far finer social graces, Rune steps back, positioning herself between Nala's bedroom and the back door, just incase there is any trouble from someone entering on a less direct route. She just folds her arms across her chest and listens.

Zeke takes a deep breath. Things are getting quite out of hand and he is *not* here to watch a forced marriage take place. He takes a step or several rather to stand in front of the front door, pointedly, but Telamon is the quicker and what he intends... rather goes out the window.

Zeke doesn't like this. Zeke doesn't like any of this at all. But he doesn't have a way to get Nadina and Nala out of here without Telamon. He stealthily moves around the house away from the front door toward where he last saw Nala, trying not to draw attention to himself. It's something that he's done for years. He's actually quite good at it after all these years, but he's a big lizard. He wishes that sometimes... People would pay a little more attention to him.

There's a wet, ragged sound of a choked laugh that quickly blends into a hacking cough from Aryia's reaction to Rune's observation. Looks like she's got the gist of what's going on now, especially after the explanations. She wipes free some red flecks on the back on her hand from her lips, shooting Nadina a glance before following after the others to the front door.

She leans against the doorframe, crossing her arms and squinting through her sunglasses at the radiant man and his two knights. She frowns at the suggestion of this arrangement.

"The deal was not supposed to be 'my teenage daughter as a bride'," Nadina growls. "He asked if I would give up my heart's dearest love when the time came. I thought he would be marrying _me_ whenever he decided to come whisk me off my feet. In my defense, I was eighteen years old and very, very stupid when I made that deal. None of the power was worth it in the end."

She darts off in the direction of Nala's bedroom. "I'll go wake up Nala," she says quietly to the group, liking that there's two adventurers who already are thinking along the same lines.

Raeluin, in the meantime, smiles magnanimously. "Of course," he says, "although I'd really rather prefer to speak to Nadina... Or to my bride, most preferably. Have you all been made Nala's representatives?" He gestures at the group by the front door.

He presses a gauntleted hand to his chest. Somehow he seems even more radiant than before. "I have come with generous gifts, of course, to be divided between all of you as her legal counsel, Nala's mother, and Nala herself. I know that this is an unconventional marriage, but the times are changing in the Courts, and I wish to instill a more _open-minded_ direction in the Summer Court."

Telamon manages to keep a calm expression, despite the absolute exasperation he feels with Nadina. This isn't some ancient, near-legendary deal that could be renegotiated, but a powerful fey prince who knows, knew, exactly what he wants. And that... limits things. Considerably.

"Unconventional is putting it mildly, your Highness," Telamon replies. "I am familiar with another fey noble who took a mortal bride. He was heartbroken when she passed from the circles of the world. While I laud any attempt to ... shake things up in the First World, I wonder if you have fully grasped the consequences of this oath."

Telamon keeps his eyes on Raeluin, letting the others tend to Nala and Nadina. "For make no mistake, you will be changed too. You will not be the man you are today, even should this be a happy and joyous union."

GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/nature: (15)+9: 24

Zeke enters the room only a half-step after Nadina, noticing that Nala is quite awake and looking quite scared. He makes a soothing motion and sound, the sort he might make for soothing nestlings, but he's not sure how long his allies will be able to distract the man outside waiting for Nala. Who has come to try and take her away from her mother and the world that she knows. "Nala... For all that we came and were conscerned with our own affairsss... We asssseked very little of you. There isss a man out-ssside who hass come to try and take you away. He wantssss to wed you. Thiss one wantsss to know though... what do *you* want. What doessss *Nala* want?"

Zeke moves toward her gently, knowing that he must seem strange, being a stranger to her coming out of the blue and talking of such strange things and coming at such a strange time with so many strange people. "What do you want with your life Nala?"

The Goblin smacks her forehead with a hand. "Did you not think to ponder what your 'heart's dearest love' meant? And I refuse to believe you've only just worked it out. Rather convenient... coincidence that we've been bought here JUST as the Prince of the Summer Court arrived." She side eyes Zenith, and squints. "You knew, didn't you? 'Cause SHE knew, somehow." Simony sighs and frowns, her ears drooping.

Simony looks to the door, her frown deepening. "Well now we're for it..."

She heads to the door. "Tel... uh, please consider very carefully the question the Prince asked of us before continuing the conversation..." Harkashan is hardly trying to declare himself a representative of Nala. He is however suggesting that the Fae is not welcome due to a pre-existing gathering he was not invited to.

After all, they had been /invited/ by Nadina.

Harkashan keeps his arms crossed and watches the man before himself as Simony reminds Telamon to be careful in answering. And Harkashan, who has already messed up in answering a Fae before, decides silence right now is a better bet.

Aryia feels a few members of the group and Nadina slink off deeper into the house, trusting her senses to instead remain a scowling doorpost. Best to buy them as much time as possible as this unfolds. While the men do all the talking, she's eying the knights. Funny that, almost like body guards sizing one another up.

"Fae deals rarely are as simple as they seem on the surface." Rune murmurs as Nadina passes her to head towards her daughter's bedroom. Of course, Rune is one to talk... as she actually has a bond to a particular Fae being. Thankfully, most of her tattoo is covered by her winter clothing, other than a hint of the spiral pattern that winds up along her neck to her cheek.

She draws a bit closer, moving around some of the furniture, still keeping an eye on the various modes of egress into and out of the building. However, it is Simony's comment that has her looking a fair bit more skeptical. "So if you didn't expect him this early, what exactly did you expect?" She asks.

However, it is Zeke's questions that her ears are trained onto. What the girl wants matters more than anything else.

"I mislike your tone of voice and your words, my good sir," Raeluin says to Telamon. "For I am no mere lord among fae. I am the Prince of the Summer Court, sole heir to the throne, the First and Last Sun behind my mother's throne. There is _very_ little that I cannot achieve, including making my bride immortal when she begins to fade like the sun sets beyond the horizon in the mortal lands. I would treat her the way she ought to be treated."

Back with Nala, the teenage girl darts from her bed over to Zeke. She looks terribly scared. "I don't want any of this," she murmurs. "I want my house with my Mother and with Zenny. I'm too young to be married! Besides, if he's not that boy I've been dreaming of..."

Her cheeks flush. Nadina sighs as she looks at Rune. "He said something to me that I should expect him in a hundred years for his end of the deal. But I didn't learn until later that time runs very differently in Quelynos compared to the mortal plane. Sometimes it's faster. Sometimes it's slower. You'll never know what time it will be when you emerge until... you do. I thought it was free power. My younger self... I never planned to live very long." Her words are a sad thing.

"I did _not_ arrange this," Zenny says grumpily of Simony's accusations. "She knew about all of you coming because she arranged the bet with our deity, _Temperance_. That doesn't extend to a bloody fae prince showing up outside demanding my Nala in marriage."

GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (12)+36: 48 GAME: Zeke rolls Perception: (19)+9: 28 GAME: Simony rolls perception: (4)+24: 28 GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (14)+33: 47 GAME: Rune rolls perception: (12)+36: 48 GAME: Simony rolls perception: (3)+24: 27

Something in Nadira's words strike Rune in a way that has her giving the woman a second look, one that holds a bit more understanding, it seems. "Yeah... I know how that can feel." Her words are soft, but after a huff of breath, the rogue continues, "And I'm familiar with Quelynos, at least to some extent."

Then, the rogue stills as if briefly frozen in place, the only movement being the twitch of one ear and the rise and fall of her chest. Then, multiple things happen at once. "Zeke, we need to get her out of that room, someone's outside." At the same moment that the blue-scaled Makari is already in motion.

"Someone's sneaking around outside!" Rune calls out, so the others are also aware.

Zeke can smell... something strange in the air, something that doesn't fit, and it comes with the sound of warning. Without thinking he grabs Nala, pulling her closer to his own body to protect her more fragile form. He himself he ducks out of her room, withdrawing into the living space thinking it must surely be safer and barks out, "Window!" Thinking that there's someone there, someone trying to sneak into Nala's room. One of the man's troops perhaps? Zeke growls he's not going to let them take her, he'll protect the hatchling!

Telamon looks... utterly unimpressed by Raeluin. "Indeed. Well, as the lord of Leca'fi Amdamu, I bid you greetings from the Dreamtime, your Highness." He tilts his head downward, staring at the fey prince from just under his brows, his expression blank. "You see, I am no stranger to fey machinations. My wife was descended from a noble of the Unseelie Court. It is he who I spoke of. And I know he would have moved heaven and hell to keep his mortal bride with him."

"So I find your declaration at best impetuous, and at worst dishonest. And I find myself wondering why you would say such a thing, when all know even the gods do not offer such boons easily." At Rune's declaration, the sorcerer's eyes narrow. "Begone, if prince you be. First and Last Sun you may be, but I am the guardian of travelers at night -- and night -always- follows, as inexorable as the tides."

"I don't believe in coincidences, Zenith. It is rather too convenient, do you not think? We're asked to come here, by you... to a place where time is wonky. Where Nadina waits. When she should be dead, but isn't. And the Prince shows up to collect his bride at the same time. If time is wonky, how are all of these things lining up just perfectly?" Simony exhales noisily through her nose. "Nevermind. Now I see..."

Her head cants to one side as Rune calls out, and the Goblin steps away from the door, to avoid what may be a rush of people entering the place.

GAME: Telamon rolls Will+2: (13)+23+2: 38

Aryia squints behind her shades, tilting her head one way and another, letting the light from Raeluin's eyes play about her own eyes. Gut feeling checks out, he's real, but he's stalling just like they were.

A long ear twitches from the callout from Nala's bedroom, claw and crystal footfalls hitting heavier than before. Fast moves.

She steps off the doorframe, and slides one foot behind the other as it seems as finality is coming into play. Her fingers splay out beside her, and she grows very, very, still.

And very, very tense.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d100: (40): 40

Harkashan remains quiet, listening to the house inside. Only to hear Rune suddenly calling out that there's others.

There's a tilt of his head then. Telamon might spot it, the way the marks burn across his scales more than usual. A flow of red embers that almost seem like a Dragon's head staring over Harkashan's shoulders. A narrowing of its eyes...

"Hrrrm... how unfortunate. It seems that the Fae Prince of the Sun is one who plays at illusion and deception." Harkashan remarks, furrowing his brow further, before bringing out his Khopesh and pointing it at the man before them. "And I am not one to care much for either such things."

He then draws his blade calmly, and lays the blade across his other hand. Taking his time to make sure it's still sharp, before staring at the one before him, and giving the Fae a stern gaze.

"You are Unwelcome in this place. I am hereby requesting one last time that you depart. This time with more immediacy. You have broken the principle of courtesy, and it sounds like you have allies spying on those within. What's more, your visage itself lies to us."

Raeluin lifts his chin, staring down at Telamon with the words offered to him. "Really now," he says, and his golden gaze intensifies for but a moment. Something briefly fogs over Telamon's mind...

But then it's gone with the effortless push of Telamon's mental will. That beautiful face of Raeluin's twists in anger. He looks beautiful even in fury, yet intensely ugly as well. "I tire of this charade. Bring me my bride, move aside, or be cut down by my knights."

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+8: (18)+8: 26

One of the knights by Raeluin steps forward, drawing a scimitar. He draws it up to bear against Harkashan, striking three times promptly, but the cleric's armor is too great for him to do any meaningful damage. "Stand down by His Highness's orders!" the knight barks.

The knight over by Nala's window breaks through the glass and barrels forward, no longer invisible. Wordlessly, the knight shoves Nadina against the wall hard, drawing a bloody lip from Nadina as she peers up woozy-eyed at the situation. "Nala!" she whimpers, her blue eyes widening at Nala safe in Zeke's grasp--but maybe not for long.

GAME: Telamon casts Haste/Quicken. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+23: (20)+23: 43

Telamon's expression becomes... ominous. Cold. Terrible. In an even voice, he states flatly, "You have been warned." His fingers suddenly move in a practiced pattern, fast and sure, and he speaks, "Lukas, sa-i'iz!" A silvery flash around him, that leaps to Aryia, Harkashan, and Simony, quickening their movements.

Then Telamon raises his hand, and snaps his fingers. It's a near thing indeed, but Raeluin steps aside just in time to avoid the black hole in space that opens up where he was just standing. A brief whistling, before it snaps shut again, and Telamon's brow creases in annoyance. Casually, he draws an ivory rod from his haversack, inscribed with raven imagery. His hair starting to float around him, and ice forming around his boots.

GAME: Simony casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 17 DC: 19
GAME: Aryia rolls trip: aliased to : (20)+28+2+1: 51
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1: aliased to weapon0+2+1: (16)+29+2+1: 48
GAME: Aryia rolls crunch: aliased to 2d10+strength+2+1: (3)+6+2+1: 12

Simony sighs lightly as it seems that combat is indeed inevitable once more. "Never get over this feeling...", she grumbles. Perking up a bit at the sudden surge of energy from Telamon's spell, she zips over towards where Zeke, Rune, Nadina and Nala face off against the fey Knight.

"Oh holy Raven, I ask of you for a mote of your divinity, to aid my allies in the coming battle. Guide their weapon hands, speed their stride, and protect their hearts from darkness." A flash of pale light, and those affected can feel the Temperance's blessing.

GAME: Aryia rolls punch: aliased to weapon0+2: (16)+29+2: 47
GAME: Aryia rolls crunch: aliased to 2d10+strength+2+1: (12)+6+2+1: 21

The last of Raeluin's knights to move murmurs a phrase, putting forward a strange illusory scimitar into their grasp. They step forward--

Which proves to be their first mistake. Aryia springs forward and trips the knight, sending him to the ground. A quick stomp to the helmet sees the knight rattled. He manages to stand up, but this nets him another strike. Both are quite heavy and hard.

"Milord, please stay back!" the knight demands of Raeluin.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23
GAME: Harkashan casts Bestow Grace of the Champion. Caster Level: 17 DC: 26
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+21-1: (20)+21+-1: 40
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+21-1: (2)+21+-1: 22
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+23-1: (12)+23+-1: 34
GAME: Harkashan casts Overwhelming Presence. Caster Level: 17 DC: 28

Animosity grows, and the Knights move. And in that moment, Harkashan raises his head a bit. "What do you think you are doing?" He asks the knight that moves, trying to come at him. And as the blade comes down, it meets his buckler. Deftly being parried by a glowing grey-red aura that shimmers with each strike.

The Sith-makar narrows his eyes further. "You have just made a grave mistake."

As he lifts his chest a bit further, taking in a deep breath, and then declares; "STAND DOWN, IN THE NAME OF THE DEATHSINGING DRAGON!"

One hand goes up, and golden flames seem to envelop him, and hand coming up. "KNEEL!" He demands. Gritting his teeth, and their wills are rather strong. But he can feel one of them buckling...

GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+29: (19)+29: 48
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+29: (11)+29: 40
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d8+10+1d6: (4)+10+(3): 17
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d8+11: (5)+11: 16
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+29: (11)+29: 40
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d8+10+1d6: (2)+10+(1): 13
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+24: (16)+24: 40
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d8+10+1d6: (2)+10+(5): 17
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+17: (5)+17: 22
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2: (5)+26+2: 33
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6: aliased to 1d6+4+1d6: (1)+4+(6): 11

Zeke hisses as the knight comes forth to try and take Nala from him, and the girl is placed behind him protectively. "Rai, we offer this one Mercy."

"Of course Zeke." Offers a woman's voice in return.

His sword of crystal lashes out, once, drawing a major wound, twice, a third time, the last attack failing but he does not back down. "Turn back. Thissss one will protect the hatchling. You will not have her!" He hisses viciously unwilling to allow anyone to take Nala against her will.

GAME: Aryia spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Aryia spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+1: aliased to weapon0+2+1+1: (15)+29+2+1+1: 48
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+19: (13)+19: 32
GAME: Aryia rolls crunch: aliased to 2d10+strength+2+1: (13)+6+2+1: 22

Seeing Nadira slammed into the wall, Rune clenches her fingers around her twin blades. The knight is a little too close to Nala for the rogue's liking. While she has no doubts about Zeke's capabilities to defend the girl, the rogue really is more of a fighter than a talker. So, her attention focuses on the threat to both Nala and her mother.

Moving forward, Rune seems to somehow fit into the narrow space next to Zeke, between the bookshelf, as if she were somehow magically narrowed to be able to fit in the confined location. "So, what's it going to be? Because I promise if you keep going after defenseless women, you're going to end up in a world of hurt." With Zeke claiming protection over the girl, Rune bobs her head once, slashing out with her blade as a warning shot at the knight. "Yeah, what he said."

GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+!: aliased to weapon0+2+1+!: (19)+29+2+1+!: 51 (THREAT)
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+!: aliased to weapon0+2+1+!: (8)+29+2+1+!: 40
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+1: aliased to weapon0+2+1+1: (9)+29+2+1+1: 42
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+1-10: aliased to weapon0+2+1+1-10: (5)+29+2+1+1+-10: 28
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+1-15: aliased to weapon0+2+1+1-15: (14)+29+2+1+1+-15: 32
GAME: Aryia rolls punch+1+1: aliased to weapon0+2+1+1: (18)+29+2+1+1: 51
GAME: Aryia rolls crunch+1+crunch+1+crunch+1+crunch+1+crunch+1: aliased to 2d10+strength+2+1+1+2d10+strength+2+1+1+2d10+strength+2+1+1+2d10+strength+2+1+1+2d10+strength+2+1+1: (11)+6+2+1+1+(19)+6+2+1+1+(14)+6+2+1+1+(12)+6+2+1+1+(6)+6+2+1+1: 112
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+21: (19)+21: 40
GAME: Aryia rolls will: (11)+19: 30
GAME: Aryia rolls will: (5)+19: 24

There is that sudden surge of power that follows when friends pump arcane and divine power into Aryia. But even that doesn't make her twitch, save for the minor singularity that Telamon erupts that makes her hair tug in its direction.

The one knight hammering on Harkashan doesn't have a crack in their opening, but the other one...

The mute pugilist moves so bloody quickly that snow trails twirls in vortexes out the door, and she choke slams the right hand knight into the ground. Two harrowing boot stomps- one for kissing the ground, another for leaving it- cracks and splinters the helmet under the violent force. Each hit is punctuated with a burst of moonlight at impact.

She spins, taking the opportunity afforded from Harkashan's golden umbra to lash a hand out. There's is a resounding >CLAP< as a burst of color highlights a backhand against his face that echoes loud. "Bitch."

Only for her to turn back to the guard she has by the throat as she proceeds to ram her skull into his mask repeatedly. <Handspeech/Tongues>

GAME: Aryia rolls fortitude: (19)+22: 41
GAME: Riptide rolls 3d6+17: (10)+17: 27

"You _worm_!" Raeluin hisses, stepping back. His golden gaze intensifies for a moment as he looks at Aryia, but much like it had done to Telamon, Aryia shrugs it off.

Raeluin lifts up a finger and incants something very foul, something that positively drips of death. While Aryia escapes the worst of it, her flesh still... rots a little. Death comes to feast on her body.

Nadina crawls up from her prone position and tries to escape the knight, but the knight hits her across the back of her head with the pommel of their blade, and she goes down without a sound. The sight of it makes Nala scream.

Her eyes glow golden.

"No!" Nala screams, falling to the floor with tears flowing down her face. "No, I don't want this! I don't want any of this--" Her last words echo. Something about the house begins to... hum? No, it's the ground.

Something's going wrong.