Into The Temple - Part 5

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Log Info

  • Title: Into The Temple - Part 5
  • GM: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Rune, Harkashan, Eztli, Bryn, Silmeria
  • Location: Felwood
  • Summary: The lost temple of Eluna stands revealed, its grounds consecreated, and the the exterior secured. Now all that's left is to begin its exploration.

Familiar (to some) opal lays here againstt the door in a singular, impossibly large chunk of it. Sealing the way forward and impeding your progress. A closer look reveals there are some claw marks on the door itself, like something tried too force its way through, but there are no other signs of the violence that must have been here at one time, or even relatively 'recently', depending on the passage of relative time.

Either way, this is your way forward, and it is blocked.

Bryn eyes the Allegedly Evil Giant Gem of Doorway Blocking. "So... we don't wanna touch it, ye? That include smackin it with somethin? Or anybody got any ideas on movin it?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls Spellcraft: (13)+25: 38

GAME: Silmeria rolls knowledge/religion: (16)+14: 30

"You one hundred percent don't want to touch it, Bryn." Eztli reaffirms, eyeing the large gem warily. It was strange to see someone so dragon-like so averse to a massive gemstone. "I don't even know what a piece this big would do to someone. Or if it's safe to use any force on it."

GAME: Bryn rolls appraise: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Eztli rolls spellcraft: (12)+13: 25

Under normal circumstances, doors are usually not a problem for Rune. However, in this case, the rogue seems to have little interest in toying with potentially evil magic. "Doesn't look like something my kind of 'magic' can work with." The rogue pats her toolbelt at that, and shakes her head.

"Any thoughts from our more magically inclined friends?" She asks, looking to the others curiously.

"...I have a possible answer," Silmeria says. "If, as Mistress Eztli says, it's filled with evil magic. ....But I'd like to ask everyone else to stand at the *top* of the stairs, just in case I'm wrong. *Someone* would need to call me back from the Halls, after all..."

Drawing in a deep breath, she turns her gaze about the party, eyebrows raised. "Honestly, I don't much mind at all risking my own hide on a potentially foolish plan... but I'd rather not risk all of yours, as well."

Harkashan crosses his arms and furrows his brow. "I can definitely sense a demonic resonance within this. It's almost like a Soulgem. Except, this could contain more than just a soul. It's not Necromantic in nature... I don't think." There's uncertainty in his voice.

"This is old magic. A type I am not particularly familiar with myself." He then glances to Eztli. "But I think that if we charged it with a lot of Arcane magic, we could detonate it. But I'm not particularly full of the Arcane type of magics." He points out.

Bryn whistles low. "Bad touch or not, thing might be worth more'n this whole temple..." She looks to the priestess. "To the layfolk, I mean. But..." She is smart enough to realize you can't spend it if your dead. Or had your soul sucked out. Or melted by acid...

She looks to Silmeria, then Harkashan, and around. "So we could pump it fulla magic til it pops? I ain't packin alot, but I could help..." Back to Silmeria. "What's your idea?" Bryn's curious, though she doesn't sound super excited given how Silmeria made it sound. "'N what hall?" Now she glances back the way they came.

"Yeah, there's something wrong with it. But, hey, what are you thinking of doing?" Eztli wonders, looking between Harkashann and Silmeria. "This whole place is from a time when magic worked differently. Maybe demon magic worked differently, too. But what happened that would make it fill with something demonic in nature? I don't think this opal was bad to begin with."

"If it needs arcane magic, then I think I should be the one to do something about it. I don't _know_ arcane magic, but I know arcane magic." The small makari offers. "Hey, it should be fine, right? I've got a great track record of messing with old magical artifacts in this place, after all."

Maeva is staring at the opals. She lets out a sigh.

"...afraid thatt my own research hasn't toold me a great deal about what this is beyoond whatt you've already stated. It's ... not normal magic. Is this filled with demonic essence like what we've seen outside, though?" She asks, moving closer. "I can lend my voice. Very good at shattering glass with it. We can see about 'gemstone'." She clearly is skeptical of it being 'real' enough to be called that.

With the invitation to back off further, Rune raises her hands and does so, perching herself on the stairs. "More than happy to leave dark magic in more capable hands." Pushing her glasses up along her forehead, the rogue clasps her necklace with her other hand, as if subtlely comforting herself with that sign of her connection to the Sky-singer.

"Why not work together, if you both think it's something you can wrangle? You know, but... I'll be waiting back here. Just incase things go kablewie." She drops her pendant and offers Eztli and Silmeria a double-thumbs-up of support while looking anxious.

"If it's magic of an arcane sort that's needed, then absolutely I'd trust Eztli's methods over my own," Silmeria says, giving the door a dubious look. "I've just... well. Some time back, I learned how to... tune... the burst of divine energy that allows the faithful to burn the undead, to scour away more Abyssal energies. I'd simply figured, considering the provenance of the energies in the stone, to do that. Some problems *do* need a hammer, after all."

"Hey, it'll be fine, Rune. If worst comes to worth, I know a spell to get us the hells out of here." The small makari attempts to reassure, in spite of not feeling particularly confident herself. "Though, maybe she's on to something, especially with what you just said miss Silmeria? If whatever demonic energy is gone before getting rid of it, well, maybe that'd be safer than having shards of demonic gemstone exploding in my face? It'd still be regular exploding rock in my face, but with less chance of demonic possession or other unpleasant side effects, at the very least?"

"Ain' gotta be one way or th'other," Bryn pipes up. "If it takes a hammer, won't hurt having someone else hittin it with a club on the side. Works better breakin stuff as a team." A pause before she grins tuskily. "More fun, too!"

Silmeria nods to Eztli, and waits for the others to back up to a reasonably well-estimated safe distance, before turning back to the black opal. Reaching her hand out, she begins to chant low, slow, a paean to the Goddess of Death inviting her to bestow rest eternal to that which may never truly rest... Slowly at first, but speeding up as she draws more and more energy into herself. Finally, with a wordless cry, she pushes the gathered energy forward in a bright, silvery light--

--and something touches *back.*

Silmeria's head flies back, eyes rolled up to the whites, raised hand falling limply to her side. Tears gather at the corners of her eyes and stream down her cheeks, and then... only *then* does whatever ensnare her seem to release her, and she stumbles back against the wall.

"Pain," she gasps, pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes. "Torment... It... the stone *absorbed* it. Maybe them, I... I don't know. Was it... soulstuff? Emotion? Memory? There *were* demons here, and this *did* draw in something of them. Did *they* create it? Did the Elunans? I don't-- I don't..."

With an almightly *CRACK,* the opaline barrier fractures, directly up the middle.

"...Oh good."

Harkashan is giving a most concerned look throughout all of it. Watching as Silmeria reaches forth first, and starts to crack the opal barrier. But it's when Silmeria's head goes back and she starts to cry, that Harkashan wonders if this is a matter of possession...

Until she comes out on the other side of it all and explains what she saw. Or rather, what she attempted to understand.

"Still holding together?" He asks Silmeria.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive: (9)+28: 37

Bryn hasn't encountered any little demon-filled opals like were mentioned, but the moment Silmeria jerks and her eyes roll back, that's where her brain goes. "Shit onna stick, are you-" she steps towards, then stops when the woman stumbles back. "You alright...?" She looks at her for a long while before peeking at the cracked opal. "That -is- good, right? That mean we can move it now?"

GAME: Harkashan casts Calm Emotions. Caster Level: 17 DC: 21

Those shoulders of the Sith-makar lower a bit, and a sigh of relief does escape him. At least it seems Silmeria is not possessed. That's good. Still, he starts to step back now that it looks like it's Eztli's turn. All while aiding Silmeria magically to try and ease the stress she's just undergone with a quick touch of Divine protection.

From her place behind the others, Rune watches Silmeria, her body tense for whatever might come from this experiment with the crystaline material. So, when the human's head flies back, there is an instinctual urge to help, but the effect seems to leave as quickly as it comes.

Slowly, the half-sil moves forward and approaches with some caution. "Are you..." She seems to draw back the words that nearly echo Bryn, seeing that Silmeria is certainly not alright. "Deep breaths. Slow in, slow out. You'll be okay." Rune offers, then looks over towrds Eztli, as if expecting the Makari will take the lead from here.

GAME: Eztli casts Fireball. Caster Level: 13 DC: 21

GAME: Eztli rolls 10d6+10: (33)+10: 43

Eztli was standing at the ready, preparing for the crystal to be weakened, if not outright explode. What she was not expecting was for Silmeria to react so violently to it, even if for only a moment.

"Shit, you okay? Feeling alright after that? I knew this stuff was bad news." The makari growls, taking a step forward. "I'll take it from here, I don't know if I can shatter it with my voice, but overloading it with arcane energy, you'd be hard pressed to find someone more capable."

The small sorceress begins conjuring a mote of flame in the palm of their hand, which swirls and grows larger, before condensing into a rapidly spinning bead of flames that she hurls at the crystal, where it explodes, filling the hallway with a massive ball of fire. By the time it dissipates, all that is left is a few small chunks of molten stone and shards, and numerous scorch marks on the walls, where the stonework did not begin to melt as well.

"I still don't really trust it." Eztli sighs loudly, taking a tentative step further. "At least it's not blocking the door now, and we can step around the worst of it. Still, be careful."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Use Rune Device: (4)+Use Rune Device: 4

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (19)+36: 55

A grateful look is thrown to Harkashan as his magics soothe the raw edges lingering from her contact with the energies within the stone, and the Speak smiles, wearily. "I could do with a nap and a lunch," she says, pushing off the wall. "But rest is for after the job is fini--"

  • Eztli happens*

"...Oh, well done."

Harkashan reaches into a bag at his side, and offers a small packet of food in a wrapped bit of cloth. "I can't help you with the nap right now. But this contains some spiced dried meats." He rumbles to Silmeria, while watching Rune do what Rune truly does best.

Weird evil magic possessing things are weird. Using magic to explode things? Well, that is more in line with normal from Bryn's point of view. She ducks some at the explosion, then whistles appreciatively again. This time about the big shiny gem being in little pieces. "Ye, nice one! So we're good now?" Another look at Silmeria. "Mostly?"

When the crystal is no longer the blocking force around the door, it is Eztli's warning that has Rune moving towards it, edging around smoldering bits and looking at it with a keen eye.

Almost immediately, the rogue holds her hand up, as if warding the others away from the door. "So... here's the thing." Rune looks over her shoulder. "There's no traps on this side... but I've seen enough signs to tell me that there's likely one on the /other side/. One that there's no way of reaching from here."

So, Rune shifts her weight, "I suggest everyone retreat back to where you were near the stairs... Since I don't know what's on the other side, I don't want anyone other than me getting caught in it. I'm quick, so I should be able to set it off and not die a horrible death, I can't promise that for anyone else nearby."

Harkashan offers; "Does it trigger on opening, or on unlocking the door? Because if it's on opening, we could maybe use some rope, or a telekinetic ability to push it open more safely."

There is concern in his voice as he offers this, while remaining at a distance.

GAME: Rune rolls reflex+5: (6)+23+5: 34

"I like chargin on in much as ev'rybody else," Bryn spouts out. "Maybe more... but we can least make 'em -earn- any horrible dyin. Don't want to give 'em easy ones." She thumbs at Harkashan. "Maybe a rope or throw somethin heavy at it or somethin?"

"Unfortunately, I don't think doing this the 'safe' way is going to work. This hasn't been opened in a long time, and it's going to need some finesse and some force." Then, with a bob of her head, "I've got this, just... stay back." Rune grabs a pry tool and wedges it into the crack of the door, working it along the edge until something loosens.

Then, she has to give a hard shove against the door, itself. It's as if something were pushing against the weight of the door. As soon as it opens, it becomes obvious what the 'trap' is. A series of baubles, each filled with different liquids, comes pouring down, crashing onto the floor and splattering with a series of pops, sparks, and minor explosions that send a spray of acid into the area just around the door.

Rune disappears into the cloud of smoke and vapor that surrounds the door's entrance, seemingly vanishing for a moment as if consumed by it. Then, there is a dark gust of wind that comes from inside the door, clearing the air and bringing the rogue back into view, seemingly unharmed.

"Well, can't say I've seen many traps like that before. I /think/ that should be it, just be careful where you step." She warns the others, motioning at pools of oddly colored alchemicals and shards of glass.

The path now lays open, at least, and Maeva is waving her hands back and forth as if to clear the air. Indeed, while Rune has dispelled most of the foul air, a lingering stench that stings the nostrils is still present for the moment. Ahead of you lays a lot of shattered baubles and glass and shards of ruined gemstone, and a passage into a widening, darkened room.

Eztli pokes her head up towards the door after the explosion, waiting for the cloud to disappear, and wondering if she should run in, but it quickly dissipates. "I don't know how you aren't burnt by acid, but I'm not going to explain. Just let us know if your breathing gets harder." Eztli sighs, now needing to creep between molten stone, glass shards and pools of unknown liquids. "Pretty simple as far as traps go, maybe we got lucky and those decayed as well. Whatever it is, They really didn't want people going this way, huh?"

GAME: Harkashan casts Light. Caster Level: 17 DC: 19

"...It wouldn't be the *most* disgusting stretch of floor I've had to navigate," Silmeria says absently from the top of the stairs. "I should tell you sometime about the Dragoneri mine, and the broodling of Heth we had to fight..." Harkashan's offered trail food bounces at the corner of her mouth, the Speaker apparently ruminating on the dried meat like a farmer with a stalk of grain. As she navigates down the stairs, it's quite clear her ordeal took a physical toll on her, steps slightly draggy and eyes sunken with fatigue. But, the adventure calls, and naps are for the successful.

"The Shadows adore her." Harkashan answers Eztli, as he begins to move forward. He then reaches into his pocket and casts Light on a stone he's got with him, and throws it down into the darkened room ahead. He can see in the dark pretty well, but the more visibility, the better.

He then touches his hand on Rune's shoulder and grins at her. "Nice work." Before kissing her cheek and wandering on by, avoiding the glass and chemicals as well as he can.

Bryn blinks and watches with worry, blinking again when Rune re-appears. "Well, uh... Ok, then." She follows the others in, eye falling back to Silmeria. "Would love to hear that one..." She likes stories, which may be why she stays near. And maybe to make sure the weakened one doesn't take a header into the floor or anything dangerous on it.

"It's complicated." Is all that Rune has to offer in response to Eztli, "We can talk about it sometime when maybe we aren't all in mortal peril." She suggests. If nothing else, it implies /something/ is going on with the rogue, but who knows what.

She does give a smirk to Harkashan, "Thanks." Then, patting the big guy on the shoulder, she nods to Bryn. "I've got a knack with traps." Then, she turns to Silmeria, kicking a few bits of broken glass out of the way so that the human has an easier time getting through, along with Bryn's assistance.

"Well, that'd be great, but I don't think we're out of moral peril yet. Guess everyone's fond of you, though." Eztli chuckles, mostly to herself, at least until she freezes suddenly on the spot. "What was that? Are you saying that... _thing_ is reproducing? And no one's doing a thing about it?" Eztli asks incredulously. "Please tell me you killed it, right? Obliterated that unholy abomination of Heth from existence? Are there more of them?" She asks, sidetracked for a moment before she catches up with the rest, tiptoeing between the huge mess.

"Of course we did," Sileria says to Eztli, peering back at the Makari. "No Vardaman worth her vows would *not* kill it... And yes, there are more than a few. I'm not certain how many, exactly, but it's *always* a good idea to end them as soon as possible."

Throwing Rune and Bryn each a grateful look, the Speaker treads as carefully as possible down the cleared path, holding out a hand for support when she judges it would be smarter. Just because she's determined doesn't mean she's *stubborn.* ...Or at least, unwisely so.

Leaving behind the sound of glass being crushed underfoot as you move on, the acrid stinging smooke and smell begins to clear as well. Into the next chamber, youo move, and it tis here that there's a change in character. This room, circular in nature as well, seems like it was some kind of mess hall or dining room. Stone tables set into the floor, covered in layers of fine dust. At these tables are skeletons, elven skeletons no doubt given the character of the bones, set forward or scattered around their tables. Undisturbed. Some hold hands. Some are embraced toogether. They simple died where they laid, it seems, and with an awareness of what was cooming.

It too bears the implements of coooking and mealtime, no surprise there, in one large corner a stove and kitchen ensemble sits, along with a door to what is no doubt some kind of pantry, half open.

Another door on the other side of the room, blocked off as well, like you have just dealt with. A collection of botttles rigged against tit. It doesn't take much thought to figure out what happened here.

"... they were surrounded," says Maeva, her voice full of sorrow, "I suspect they took their own lives rather than be taken by the demons." She kneels beside on the bodies, and soon is singing an elvish song of mourning echoing softly in this quiet tomb.

The sight that lies in wait for them is one that sends a cold shiver down Rune's spine and has her hesitating a bit back from the others, blue eyes sweeping over the skeletons that have sat here, undisturbed for countless years. She knows that matters of the dead are Harkashan's territory, though it seems that Maeva may already have her own methods in mind.

What she does, however, is lean towards her Makari mate and offer in a quiet tone that isn't meant to carry to the priestess. "If we're ever in a situation like this... we go out fighting." The idea of what happened here has her obviously unsettled, her fingers moving to fidget with her necklace, pressing against the metal edge in order to use the sensation to block out her own reeling thoughts.

Stepping into the now more lit chambers, Harkashan's pace slows, and he gives Silmeria a knowing look for a moment, before turning to Meava. "We must keep moving, for now. But we will soon come back here, so these people may receive their proper rites." Which is unusual for Harkashan. Rune has known him to halt many things to tend to the deceased.

He looks towards Rune as she leans towards him, and he touches her shoulder in answer. "Agreed." He answers her, though he does take a moment to look into the half-opened pantry. Just in case they had left something important behind, like a last will.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (3)+30: 33

Harkashan, finding what he expected, closes the Pantry door, and then turns to the others. "There is nothing for us here, at this time."

Silmeria returns the look with a nod, and steps up to Maeva's side, extending a hand. "We *will* see them given the honors they deserve," she says softly, in a tone that brooks absolutely no doubt. "But Brother Harkashan's correct... we must make a full accounting of the dead. Let no soul leave their story untold."

Perhaps Eztli was still feeling uneasy from other thoughts, but the scene on the other side of the door would be unpleasant on a good day. "I get it, honestly." The small makari sighs. "Undead are horrible, but demons are bad too. A lot of people wouldn't want to risk what would happen under them."

"Which is why if we find any still alive here, they're getting a one way ticket back to the lower planes, and I've got half a mind to go there after them and make sure they're wiped from the face of existence, never to returnn."

"But that's getting sidetracked, and we don't have the time for any flights of vengeance." Eztli relents. "We'll just have to keep moving for now."

GAME: Rune rolls disable device+8: (14)+31+8: 53

"I'll... go take care of that other trapped door." Rune seems to focus on that, giving them another means of egress from the dining chamber. However, rather than just setting off the trap, the rogue is more careful this time, making sure to take it appart so they can salvage some of the bottles that are still mostly intact. It's a very careful process, making sure the ones that are damaged are put to the side and away from the door.

At the end, she pockets a couple of the sturdier looking bottles for later. You never know when you might need mysterious chemicals from by-gone days. "Should be good to go, here."