Same as It Ever Was - I

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Log Info

  • Title: Same as It Ever Was - I
  • GM: Riptide
  • Characters: Harkashan, Simony, Rune, Aryia, Zeke, Telamon
  • Location: Rune - Alenwell
  • Summary: A mysterious message sends some of Alexandria's most powerful adventurers to a remote location to investigate something going wrong with Time itself.

The message arrives as a dream.

You wade in a pool of water that comes up to your waist, somewhere that is utterly gray in the cloudless sky above and mirrored in the water below. You feel tears pouring down from your eyes and running down the length of your face, your hands slowly coming up to in front of you. You want to remember. There is something you have forgotten. There is something that you gave up. There is something that should belong to you.

"How do you remember?" asks a voice, and you realize there's a boy in front of you. He looks young, but he also looks like a creature of the dark between the stars. His skin is the color and luster of obsidian, his black hair cut short, and his eyes are a startling summer blue, like the season that has fallen away to give way to autumn. He fixes you with that past-season gaze, and he holds his hands out gently as you have no answer to offer him.

"That is what I am trying to fix," he says. There's a mote of emotion in his eyes, and you watch as they, too, flood with tears. "Please, meet me. Meet me where the snow is falling. Meet me at Alenwell in Rune. Time... is of the essence."

He fades away, and you wake up in a cold sweat.


It's not hard to realize you're all in Alenwell, a small village in Rune, for the same reason. Why else would a group of adventurers be here? The village is, however, not snowing. Not at all. It's autumn in Rune. And there are some people looking at you strangely as they pass by, as most people in Alenwell don't look like you. It's humans, and some sil, but no half-sil, oddly enough.

GAME: Telamon casts Greater Teleport. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28

Telamon is no stranger to prophetic dreams. Sometimes they come in strange and obscure forms. Other times... they are surprisingly lucid and direct. The identity of the interloper in his dream was known to him; the question is -why-.

And so, instinctively, Telamon gathers those who also had the visitation, leading them outside the city. As they walk out to the meadow, Telamon adds, "Lana didn't want to go. Alenwell... was where she grew up, and she didn't have a happy childhood." His expression becomes faintly hard, before it passes. "Hopefully there will be no nonsense, and we can unravel this riddle."

Gathering the group close (and passing out complimentary bottles of soothe syrup to those who need it), he invokes the words, wrapping them in a multicolored sphere of light. There's the sensation of traveling, without moving... until the bubble dissipates, leaving them on the outskirts of Alenwell. Telamon absently checks his garments -- a long-sleeved silk shirt, with a deep blue vest over it, and black leather trousers tucked into his boots -- to make sure nothing's out of place, and straightens the broad-brimmed hat on his head. "Everyone all right?"

The force of dreams is not unfamiliar to Rune, though the content of this dream feels foreign and entirely different than those that normally greet her at night, only to fade into shuddering memories at first light. Confusion colors the unfamiliar feelings and the familiar face of the boy. But there are no words, no voice to give rise to an answer, only that bidding.

A bidding that jolts Rune upright and has her wiping at her cheeks for tears that aren't there. She looks over to the Makari beside her, who seems to have awakened, as well. "The little bird boy with the connection to the flow of time?" She asks him, then sighs as if she knows the answer. Groaning, she swears, "Fuck, this probably means nothing good. I'll start packing..."


One might think that someone who goes by such a familiar name would have some experience with the lands of 'Rune', but the rogue of the same name seems to take in their arrival with curiosity. "All fine, here." It seems the rogue may have gotten used to the gut-lurching feeling of magical travel, or she's hiding it well. "So... anyone feel like they stand out like a sore thumb here? I mean, more than normal anyways..."

The Goblin seems prepared for everything. Armed and armored, and bedecked with the hallmarks of a cleric, a Temperence of Navos. There's also a well filled backpack. Filled with rations and survival gear, and a few personal items.

She's never done well with teleportation and similar spells, and the bigger brother of teleport is no exception. However, preemptive use of a soothe syrup (something Tel has kept on hand for just such an occasion), Simony weathers the worst with aplomb. Her legs wobble, though, and threaten to give out as she steps away from the spell's 'landing' area, and she glances around.

"I uhm... vaguely recall the uhm... boy? fae creature? God? saying to meet them in this town... but during winter. 'Time is of the essence', they said. I feel that's a clue or a heavily loaded hint." She nods to Telamon, "Understandable. And uh as soon as my knees stop wobbling I'm good to go. Hell of a spell." The Gobbo looks to Rune, then glances around. "I wasn't a moment ago... but now I am"

Zeke has arrived.

Traveling to Rune was one of the least things Aryia had been expecting as of late, but after conversing with some friends and allies, she realized that she wasn't alone in the notice- with much regret that the notice interrupted one hell of a couch nap.

That being said, Aryia holds a heavy cloak over one shoulder, frowning as it wasn't snowing as per-said in the dreaming notice. Telamon gets a brief thumbs up before rocking her head from side to side and shrugging. "I'm always sticking out." <Handspeech/Tongues>

Harkashan has long since learned the meaningfulness of dreams. If not through his experiences as a Shaman, it is through his connection to Rune - the person. Awakening aside his dear cihuaa, he did so in silence at first. Yet, the emotions would still cling to him, as do the memories. One arm to his knee, the other arm down to prop himself up, looking to the young half-sil with him.

Her awakening, as always, far more startling. So before he answers, he lays a hand to her shoulder. Then, a long drawn nod of his head, while peering into her eyes. "I will assist. Let us visit Telamon."


Once there, at the end of the teleportation, the armored Sith-makar takes in a deep breath, then out again. He's notably wearing some garb to deal with winter-times and snow. Yet, in the midst of autumn, it is rather lacking of snow. This doesn't seem to bother the Sith-makar himself however. Nor does the teleportation itself. Instead, he moves his tail to support Simony amidst her wobbling, while looking forward upon the township of Alenwell.

"You travel with a Sith-makar." He then notes to his allies. It is not uncommon for him to feel out of place. Yet, he holds himself strong and upright, before slowly turning his head, gazing into the distance. Wondering if there are mountains nearby where snow might be collecting at its tip.

GAME: Zeke rolls Perception: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (11)+36: 47
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (16)+34: 50
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (11)+29: 40
GAME: Simony rolls perception: (20)+24: 44
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (6)+33: 39

Zeke, like others amongst the group had found the prophetic dream telling. He did not question it. He merely scent-marked Cuemoni, explained the situation, and bid her farewell. His new crystalline wings had wrapped around her, and he hopes that she stays safe while he is away. "Thisss one lovesss you Cihuaa. Forever."


The trip is something that Zeke seems to take in stride, though his new wings flex and shift uncomfortably, betraying the truth (that his stomach is still less than used to traveling this way), but otherwise he remains alert for anything odd that might be afoot. After a prophetic dream he expects oddity. "Thisss one isss alssso here." He says teasingly to Harkashan. He is not the *only* one of the People present after all. He like the other sith is used to standing out even when he wants to blend in. Yet those days of trying to blend in are far behind him now. He stands proudly.

As though Rune's very comment invites it, a young boy--very young, perhaps four or five years old--stares at Rune as he and his father emerge from what appears to be a very small inn, judging by the sign that declares itself as the Alenwell Little Inn. "Papa? Why's that girl and that boy got funny ears?" He points at Telamon and Rune.

The man--who actually looks quite young himself, perhaps in his mid-twenties--looks up at the two. He murmurs something that ordinary people might not notice, but everyone here, being very accomplished adventurers with keen senses and ears, does. "They're _halfbreeds_, Kenian. Let me talk to them."

He steps in front of his boy and clears his throat, adjusting the cravat that is coiffed neatly into his long coat. The man is dressed fashionably by Runish standards, especially for a small village that managed to escape the war of Rune some years ago. "Hello, and how might I help you... adventurers, I take it? I am Jes Alenwell. I'm the mayor, and my family founded this village many years ago." His tone of voice suggests he has a somewhat dim view of adventurers. "Perhaps you're lost? Or are you looking for something within Alenwell? I'd be happy to help you."

Telamon is a bit bemused at the attention. But... then again, perhaps someone's looking for autographs again? He dismisses the thought -- this seems a bit more out of the ordinary. His dark eyes sweep the area, calm and unworried.

When the man Jes approaches the group, he turns his eyes on him. He doesn't react at the 'halfbreed' comment -- not even a flicker crosses his face -- but instead, turns on the charm. "The latter, Master Alenwell. I am called Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon. My friends and I," he sweeps his arm out to include everyone -- half-sil, mul, goblin, and makari alike -- "Have come seeking an acquaintance of ours. He asked to meet us here, in Alenwell. Once we've determined what he wants, we'll be out of your hair as quick as can be."

Telamon offers the little boy, Kenian, a smile. "I promise, we're not hear to cause trouble," he continues. "Just tending to our own business."

GAME: Telamon rolls talky: aliased to diplomacy+5: (9)+36+5: 50

Reaching out to lightly pat the Goblin on the back in comfort, the rogue gives a small smirk towards Aryia, "Well, not all of us are as beautiful and threatening as you are." She offers the Mul a wink.

And then, her humor falters as one ear twitches towards the boy and his father. Ears that aren't quite as long as those of a pure-blood Elf. It seems that Rune has been a bit spoiled by spending much of her time in Am'shere and Alexandria, where her mixed heritage doesn't draw as much attention, or negativity. However, Rune is quick to steel her features, showing a mask of indifference.

She does not speak, however, leaving that to Telamon. Instead, she just shifts her weight, one hand resting at her hip while her eyes survey their surroundings rather than giving the mayor any attention.

GAME: Rune rolls bluff: (11)+29: 40

Simony eyes the townsfolk curiously, but frowns as her ears pick up the 'halfbreed'. But she remains silent as the man inquires as to their business, and looks to Telamon as he responds with his best weapon: a honeyed voice and starry eyes. She glances at Rune a moment, and back to Telamon. Between the two 'halfbreeds', the town's never know what hit them, if the two adventurers chose.

"Indeed Shaman, I misspeak." Harkashan answers Zeke with a deep inclination of his head. "You travel with Sith-Makar." That 'a' had no business being there.

As the small child speaks up and remarks with clear indication they have not traveled much of this world, Harkashan looks to Telamon and Rune for a moment, then to the father coming out. "I will leave the matter of explaining the situation to you." He remarks to Telamon and the others. Though he is a Speaker, it is best to talk with a man of authority such as the Mayor through fewer people.

Aryia glances back to check in on everyone, but its not until the sun above dazzles through someone's crystal wings. Spots dance in her eyes, her slowly pulling the shades atop her head down.

She gives a audible snort toward Rune's compliment. It does turn the frown around. At least, not until a father responds to a child's question that her own long ears twitch. Pulled away from the kaleidoscope that has her blatantly staring to watch it sparkle, her attention drops back to the more diplomatic of the party.

Zeke blinks slowly at the word 'halfbreed' which he has always considered a word of some... questionability. He doesn't ask though, not now, and perhaps not ever. The other races can be sensitive about their differences. More though he notices the man - Jes Alenwell - and the tone that suggests he is somewhat less than appreciative of their presence. Whatever that reason for dislike might be. Zeke, falling back on old habits becomes quiet, not wanting to cause trouble when he knows how well versed in speaking to others Telamon is. If any of them can convince the man to change his mind or perspective... Zeke has no doubt that it is Telamon.

While Telamon talks to the other people, Zeke focuses his attention on the town itself and the people that live within it that are not being talked to at the moment - at least by none of their number. He still doesn't notice anything particularly odd, but he doesn't stop looking either.

Kenian smiles at Telamon, the boy edging out from behind his father. "Wow! What a nice halfbreed," he says quite loudly, which has the color draining from his father's face. "He has nice clothes, papa."

"Kenian, go back in the inn," Jes says authoritatively, which earns him a grumble from his son, but the little boy obeys, stomping back inside the inn. "In which case, I would be glad to help you. Can you describe this acquaintance? I know everyone in this village."

Zeke's observation of the area provides nothing more than he'd initially seen. There's a small 'town square' that they happen to be in, where one can imagine most everyone sets up market, but it seems rather empty for the moment. There is, however, an older woman who walks into view. She has a hunched-over back and regards the mayor with an angry eye. "You've driven out some good people, too, Jes," she says. "Not a day passes that I miss Nadina's potions. She could cure just about every ailment. I do hope her daughter's well... Wherever she went."

It's the little things that entertain Telamon. Like when a little boy unexpectedly causes someone a certain amount of well-deserved grief. "He would've stood out," Tel remarks, swallowing a certain amount of laughter and keeping it from showing on his face. "Dark skin, blue eyes. He did say time was of the essence, which is why we came here so swiftly."

Tel's eyes sweep around the square, his brow furrowing. "I know it's autumn, but it does seem a little quiet here even for a small village, sir..." When the old woman rebukes the mayor, Tel's eyebrows shoot up. Coincidence or not... "Please excuse me a moment."

With that, Telamon smoothly moves to intercept the old woman. "That name... would you happen to be speaking of Nadina Branfeax, miss?" Tel's eyes are warm, as is his voice.

No matter what the personal feelings are of the father, Rune has always had a soft spot for children. Her eyes sweep back to the boy, but there is no time to acknowledge him before the child is dismissed. There is an ever-so-subtle tensing of the muscles around her lips, before she lets out a slow breath to ease the urge to react.

The old woman offers some reprieve, receiving a nod of greeting, which is more than she had offered to the mayor. Instead, she quirks a brow to Telamon, "Someone you know?" The name is unfamiliar, at least to Rune, but Telamon and Cor'lana have wide nets of connection.

Being steadied and comforted by friends, the Goblin grows steady on her feet. Her grin returns as the Mayor's tone changes immediately, and then from the mouths of babes come the words that drain the colour from Jes' cheeks.

The arrival of the older woman has Simony's frown returning as she hears the lady's complaint. "Excuse me?", she asks as she steps forward. But pauses as Telamon recognizes the name. "If you need, three of us here are well versed in healing. It would be a duty of ours to see to your ailments, if you wished."

Aryia can't help but glower in the party at the boy's outburst, her glowing gaze looking over from the kid, then scuttles up towards the mayor.

Recognition of that name flashes across the mute's face, her putting a hand on her hip and having ceased her frumpy expression.

This village clearly has its own troubles. As is common with villages, Harkashan supposes. This isn't for them to solve right now - but Harashan does listen to the problems that are being revealed. After all, he doubts things will be quite so easy.

He does not however, recognize the name being mentioned. He looks to Rune, but she doesn't seem to know either, so he awaits.

Zeke senses (even before the elder opens her mouth) that she is about to say something important and perhaps contrary. His tail sweeps low and slow in approval of the woman almost instantly. Though he couldn't have said why aside from that he has always held a deep respect of elders. (Even when they are younger than he.) "Sssa, peasssce on your nessst honored elder." He responds to the woman, dropping his head respectfully.

He steps aside as Telamon approaches, noticing the light in the other man's eyes and he tilts his head, curious as to why the Telamon is so interested in one elder. Still, he's not inclined to rudely intervene, so he simply allows Telamon to address her.

"Of course I am!" the old woman says, fixing Telamon with her one good eye--the other is permanently closed, perhaps due to losing the eye--and smiling. "Nadina was a fine lady. As beautiful as they ever came, but she's been gone for a few years now. Just disappeared in the middle of the night, according to her poor daughter, who came to me a mess of nerves and tears. Poor dear was never treated well by other children of the village."

At this, she points a wrinkled finger at Jes. "This _boy_ was one of them. Right bully he is; don't let his title of Mayor fool you. That poor girl, I brought her food every now and then just to make sure she wasn't starving--"

"Enough," Jes demands, his hands tightening into fists as he glares at the old woman. "Enough, Nen. They're here to go about their business." His words are much tighter and uncomfortable things now, just like his hands. He looks at the group of adventurers again. "I'm afraid I don't recognize anyone of that description. Now if you'll excuse me--"

He turns on his heel, and Nen, the old woman, barks in laughter as she watches him go for the door of the inn. "Don't you worry, dearie," Nen says, looking at Simony. "I live well enough. Spite's a powerful thing to keep a wicked old woman like me going." She laughs again, a cackle this time. "Now, you said a boy with dark skin and blue eyes..."

Nen looks thoughtful. "Not a boy, but there's this raven I fed just two days ago who was as sweet as they come. But he had blue eyes! Sweet blue eyes. Same color of eyes Nadina had, matter of fact. It was over by the old Branfeax house, in fact. I can take you there if you think they're one and the same."

"Really." Telamon's voice becomes a bit chilly, as his eyes shift to the mayor. But then he takes a deep breath, lets it out again. Lets the man go. Not worth it, not when there's more to do.

So instead, he gently takes Nen's hand, and tucks it into the crook of his elbow, gallant as ever. "I think that might be a good place to start. But I'd like to set your heart at ease, Miss Nen. I am called Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon, and Nadina Branfeax's daughter, Cor'lana, is my wife." His eyes dance merrily. "So it seems we do have something in common. Now, why don't you lead us to the old Branfeax place then?"

He looks at the others, almost apologetically. "Perhaps it's merely a family issue? We can hope it's not more serious..."

As the Mayor finally begins to walk away, Harkashan lets out an exagerated sigh and rubs the top of his muzzle, like one might pinch the bridge of their nose. "How do people like that manage to get into places of power so commonly?" He mutters grumpily, but at low enough volume that hopefully nobody outside of earshot can really hear him.

His head then turns as the woman mentions a raven, and he can't help but give Rune a bemused side-glance. "Sounds like we're on the right track."

Simony's brow furrows as it appears it might get ugly, but the major gets huffy and capitulates, walking away. She actually laughs along with the woman a moment or two, before holding up a small hand.

"One cannot live on spite alone, however. The offer stands for as long as we are in the area. I shall endeavour to check up on you before we move on, okay?"

The Goblin looks to Harkashan. "Leadership is a burden, a har

Simony's brow furrows as it appears it might get ugly, but the major gets huffy and capitulates, walking away. She actually laughs along with the woman a moment or two, before holding up a small hand.

"One cannot live on spite alone, however. The offer stands for as long as we are in the area. I shall endeavour to check up on you before we move on, okay?"

The Goblin looks to Harkashan. "Leadership is a burden, a hard thing to do. Sometimes, when others clamour to take on the burden, it's just easier to let them do it."

One has to give a certain amount of both respect and admiration to a person old enough to no longer give two fucks about people who believe themselves in positions of authority. Enough so that a quirk of a smile tugs at the corner of Rune's lips as she takes momentary amusement in the way the elder seems to put the mayor in his place.

When the man turns and stalks away, Rune turns back, "I'm guessing he's too much a fool to realize that there's no use trying to boss you around. Men like that rarely realize the folly of their ways."

She shares that momentary look with Harkashan, perhaps about to say something when Telamon explains his connection to the name. The rogue's eyes widen ever so slightly at the revelation of just who this 'Nadina' is. "Oh. Yes. Lana is a dear friend." And realizing how the mayor may have treated her as a child, you can bet that Rune is now staring daggers at the door of the inn.

Right, they were here for a reason, not just to make someone regret their racist life-choices. "The raven may just be who we are looking for, yes."

Aryia looks between Jes and Nen. Watches Jes go. Telamon may say its not worth it, but- "Retribution sometimes comes at a later date," she gestures vaguely to the party before cracking her knuckles.

She volunteers to be said retribution. Sometimes the burden needs to have its burdens realized.

There's a nod towards Harkashan's thought. Ravens tend to be a good sign. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Zeke watches the mayor leave and moves slowly to follow after Telamon in his normal fashion. Zeke does not usually rush, and given they will be following an elder it seems likely that his pace will be just fine anyways. Either way, Zeke will get there in time. "If it issss a family matter of yourssss Telamon, thisss one doessss not doubt that it issss ssserioussss indeed."

Zeke rumbles quietly in faint amusement, his green eyes twinkling with good will. Was that... a joke? "Cor'lana issss Nadina'sss nessst-mother?" He tilts his head. That doesn't sound right. He doesn't remember Telamon and Cor'lana having any young. "Or... Nadina isss the nessst-mother?"

Nen is happy to walk with Telamon, holding the nice young man's arm as they walk out of the village's center. "Why, you are? She landed a real looker! Oh, I'm so happy for her; you must make her so splendidly happy. And she has friends! Poor dear was practically a ghost when she lived here; I never saw her have a single friend. I hardly saw her at all growing up, in fact. Nadina used to say she was a shy little thing."

But as Zeke asks his question along the way, Nen looks confused. "What'd you call her? Cor'lana? No... that wasn't her name. Not the daughter's name." She frowns deeply. "It was close, but I don't remember what it was..." Nen looks at Telamon. "Tell me, does she still have that beautiful white hair of hers? It looks almost like yours; you must match all the time."

She contemplates her memories for a moment, but then decides to keep going--or at least, she goes for several feet more, until suddenly it becomes evident what the boy in the dream had meant by where the snow is falling. There is snow falling, localized entirely on one house that has seen better days. "Oh my," Nen says, blinking owlishly. "How odd! It's too early for snow."

Harkashan begins moving as Telamon is being led by Nen, and maneuvers to take up position next to Aryia. "So what's with the wings, Shaman Zeke?" He inquires, while the train is heading towards the house. "I do not recall these last time I saw you. They look rather wonderful on you." He rumbles, while listening to what Telamon and Nen are talking about. There's talk about Cor'lana, but it seems like Harkashan is failing to put those threads together at all.

Of course, when they start getting closer to the house being covered by snow, Harkashan's gait slows, and his brow furrows a bit. Certainly, this is the place they were looking for. But at the same time, what kind of messed up situation is it, where a single house can be affected by snow like this?

Telamon is all smiles and charm, naturally radiating off him. "She's gotten a lot better now, Miss Nen. I'm thankful that you could offer her some kindness." He considers as the party walks on, and Zeke makes his half-serious inquiry. "Nadina was her mother, Zeke. But she was known as Lana Branfeax here."

And then Nen comments on Lana having -white- hair, and Telamon can't help but feel a small chill. Lana had never really tried dyeing her hair. Perhaps Nen's memory is faulty? Before he can construct a cogent question on that, they stop as they see the house being snowed on. Only that one house. "And snow usually doesn't confine itself to a single house, unless the Great Serpent really has it in for you."

He hmms, and gently removes Nen's hand from his arm. "Why don't you head home, ma'am? We'll look into this."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nature: (8)+27: 35

Harkashan's question draws a blink from Zeke and the blue-scale sith-makar ruffles his wings a little. "They are a gift of the Dragonfather." He seems quite please and at ease with the crystalline wings, and Zeke nods politely to Harkashan. "They grew ssslowly at firssst, and then came ssssuddenly at need."

Zeke stops cold in his tracks at the sight of the snow. The conversation had been odd, but then they *are* talking to an elder. Cor'lana is Cor'lana. She has black hair and violet eyes. She smells faintly of lavender and warm tea. She is a fast friend, and worthy ally. These are things that Zeke knows about Cor'lana.

So then, why does the elder remember things differently? Is it a symptom of memory or...


Zeke keeps his thoughts to himself until the snow, and then he stops. He shivers once though they are not close enough to feel the chill of it and looks at Telamon ahead of him. "Issss it magic sssnow?" His voice is uncertain and uncomfortable.

"Miss, she has friends and admirers aplenty now, myself among them. While it sounds that she had a uhm... frankly terrible childhood, she has grown up strong and beautiful. Hah, it is a shame something else called her away, I suspect she might have had some words for the mayor. She'd leave him in tears by her words alone."

The snow is odd, and Simony goes quiet for a moment. "Hmm. The coincedences keep piling up." She hugs herself, as if suddenly chilled. "And perhaps say a quick prayer to Rada if there's a shrine here.", she comments to Nen.

Harkashan slowly crosses his arms, furrowing his brow further. "Doesn't seem dangerous, at a glance. But it's certainly unnatural." He points out. "Telamon, what do your eyes see? Last I recall - you and your lady can see the Truth of things."

As Telamon and the old woman begin to lead the way, Rune falls into step with the others, quiet as she seems to consider just what sort of trouble it is that had brought them here. Any time that Zenith is involved, it likely means something has gone... 'wonky'. So the comment about white hair has her attention shift back to the pair and her mouth opens as if to say something.

Words that don't quite find voice as she is distracted by the falling snow. "I've found, most times that particular raven is involved, it usually means something has already become... strange." Her hand motions at the snowfall.

Aryia throws a confused look towards Nen. Lana's always had black hair for as long as Aryia has known her, and that's been a very, very long time. She rubs at her face, putting the oddity off to the side for now as she nods twice along with Harkahsan's appraisal of Zeke's wings.

Then they stop at the singular rime of snow. Aryia scratches her head, shrugs once at the information, then starts to amble towards the house. Time is of the essence, after all.

"Yes, I think I'd better get going while the going is good," Nen agrees with a firm nod. "Please take care with that old house. It was sold, but the buyer never showed his face. So it's sat vacant and unloved for years."

Nen walks away as quickly as she can manage, which looks a little painful considering her hunched-over back, but it seems spite really does power her, because she manages a quick getaway for the pace of an elder.

As Aryia proceeds towards the house, something... _materializes_ in front of her. The boy from the dream stands there in front of her where he almost certainly wasn't before. "You've arrived," he says. His voice is young but oddly reserved, nearly emotionless, unlike the tears that had been in his eyes before. "Hello, Aryia."

Then he regards the whole of the group. "I will introduce myself, for those who do not know me. I am Observer Number Two-Thousand, Nine-Hundred, Ninety-Nine, in the employ of #####. My name is Zenith." Just as he'd introduced himself before to some of the others, the word that should follow 'in the employ of' is a harsh noise. "Before you enter this domicile, I must warn that it is the site of an anomaly in Time itself. Something has happened here that has caused Time to go into flux. I believe I have a hypothesis, but so as to not unduly influence you, I will not disclose it until it becomes relevant."

He pauses a moment before he looks at Simony. "Temperance Simony." His voice is flat. "I will choose you to carry me for the duration of this experiment." What does he mean by that, exactly?

As the old woman departs, Telamon's expression dissolves into a resolute, focused look. He steps forward as well, just behind Aryia, and turns to look back at Hark. "It's not like that, Hark. We can see the invisible, and we know a spell to discern the true nature of things, but it's something we have to cast--" He turns back just in time to see Zenith just -appear-, and he recoils, before composing himself.

At Zenith's explanation, Tel's eyes narrow. "Is this related to how the old woman, Nen, thought she remembered Lana's hair being white? Is that one more sign of this ... flux?" He looks at the house, covered in its own personal snowfall. "It definitely doesn't look right, even without your warning."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Will: (13)+25: 38
GAME: Simony rolls will: (18)+19: 37
GAME: Telamon rolls Will: (7)+23: 30

Zeke gathers himself a little. Now is not time for fear, as even a small fear can grow where it finds fertile fields to grow in. He refuses to be that any longer. He takes hold of himself and moves slowly toward the house. It will take him a short amount of time to reach it, but he'll get there eventually. "Time issss of the essssence."

He looks at Telamon seriously. "It remindsss thisss one of the Ivyhold Manor yessss?" He offers the man a reassuring look. "We will fix thisss too, together."

He still has the keepsake of a child who had not been. He looks at Cor'lana's childhood home and wonders if he will find her within.

Harkashan, thanks to Telamon pointing out what he was missing, finally understands the connection to Cor'lana now that they speak of their Mother having been called Nadina. A little rumble, but he turns back to Zeke. "A wonderful gift indeed, then." Harkashan remarks to the crystaline Sith-makar, bowing his head. "A well deserved one, I am certain." He is reminded how jealous Eztli would surely be of these glamourous wings.

He elects not to say anything on that topic though.

Instead, that attention turns to the boy who suddenly appears before them once more. Ah, it's the Observer once more. And with that, they speak the name of a God whom he already is familiar with. For he's heard their Name, their Truth before. There's a wince from Harkashan, as he instictively grips for the side of his head. But it's not as bad as before. Instead, he's looking to a particular spot /behind/ Zenith. At the same time, he feels like claws are gripping in his shoulders. Like something were literally leaning on him and trying to peek over his shoulders and get a closer look.

No doubt annoying Zenith for being an anomaly himself.

"Behave thineself..." Harkashan whispers to the side to no obvious person. No doubt drawing concern from Rune, so he looks to her shortly there-after and smiles. "Someone is being nosy." He explains. "I am alright."

"I am prepared to proceed." He then remarks, prepared to follow after whomever goes in first.

Okay, she owns up to it. Aryia visibly flinches at the boy appearing out of thin air in front of her. "F-ck..!" she hisses, taking a half step back, only to quickly relax right after. The harsh noise gets her ears to flick in annoyance.

She glances to the others that seem to know this entity, before her attention snaps back to Zenith. A scowl etches into her face. "Fuck me, I hate Time bullshit. Did this before. Appreciate the heads up, 29."

She walks in tow with the others, a bit more on guard now. <Handspeech/Tongues>

"And there he is..." Rune does not seem surprised at the boy's appearance. His introduction, however, is one she's familiar with and the rogue claps her hands over her ears before the sound can make her regret having elven-gifted senses. Only after the introduction is done does she lower her hands back to her side.

"Time anomalies... great." It isn't as if Rune's own fate wasn't caught up in regards to one of those not that long ago. One that this sometimes-feathered guardian got involved in.

At first, Rune seems to think that Harkashan is warning /her/. Maybe because of her own past experience with this entity. Then, his added explaination has her making an 'ah' sound. "I mean, worst case, it might make an interesting story."

With Zeke and the others moving forward, Rune follows, though perhaps a bit more towards the back of the gathering.

The Goblin waves to Nen, and chuckles. "Huh, she gets on pretty quickly when she puts her mind to it." She turns to watch Aryia walking towards the house, and then makes to follow the Mul'neissa. The sudden arrival of Zenith has her suppressing a startled shout with a hand over her mouth. Then Zenith speaks, and as he mouths the word that he should not, Simony staggers and drops to her knees, and then leans forward onto her hands. When she looks up, tears flow down her cheeks. After a moment, she rises. "Do as you must, Zenith." The tears continue unabated.

"It is a symptom of the anomaly," Zenith simply says to Telamon, turning to lead the group up to the house. The snow is really snow. It's coming down gently. It sticks to the hair, to the scales, to the clothes. He does not give Simony a moment to collect herself, but he does wait a moment at the door to make sure everyone is ready before he opens it.

The house opens up, and it smells... stale. The walls are bare. There's some furniture that's still here: bookshelves here and there, empty and divested of their contents. There's tables and chairs that have seen better days. There's a thin layer of dust on everything. Yet somehow, there's a sense of deep sorrow that seems to emanate from the walls itself.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (10)+29: 39
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (5)+33: 38
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (4)+34: 38
GAME: Zeke rolls Perception: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (18)+36: 54
GAME: Simony rolls perception: (6)+24: 30

Zenith demonstrates what he means by shifting into a black raven with bright blue eyes, taking flight and seating himself upon Simony's shoulder. It is her turn to be the bird-chauffeur.

As soon as Telamon crosses the threshold, he stumbles slightly, leaning against the wall as he gasps. His dark eyes are dazed for a moment, before he shakes his head. "Dammit. We're not on Ea now." He shudders. "My link to Lana just disappeared. Well, I did warn her we could wind up going some place unusual."

He rubs his temples for a moment, before straightening again. "Simony, you okay?" He glances at her, worriedly, before looking about the abandoned house. "This is... strange. Reminds me of Ivyhold, like you said, Zeke. Or that mess with with Phileaston. Be wary." He tilts his head. "Does anyone hear that? Something like... crying?" He takes a couple steps forward, cautiously.

Perhaps it's the protection of a planar entity, or perhaps it's the constant planar shenanigans he's had to deal with due to the Vagrant Tower. But as Harkashan steps across the treshold, he does not stumble. Instead, there's just a prickle at the back of his neck, before he looks to Telamon as he stumbles. Moving an arm to support the Half-Sil if he were to need it.

"I do." He then answers Telamon. "But I cannot accurately tell where it comes from." As he steps a bit deeper inside and makes room for the others to come inside, before noticing Simony's tears. "Are you well, Simony?" He inquires with her, while trying to get a better feel for this place. Looking out of its windows, and confirming what Telamon has already declared.

Extending a hand, Rune allows a few of the snowflakes to fall on her gloved fingers, rubbing them between the leather and fabric as she follows the others inside, ducking slightly when the raven flies by to perch on Simony.

The smell of the place catches her attention first, causing her to rub beneath her nose to avoid feeling like she has to sneeze. "It looks like this place hasn't seen love or light in a fair share of years." But, her ear does twitch slightly, her eyes glancing to Telamon as she nods.

She follows the other half-sil in the direction of the sound, "This is... only the second anomaly I've seen, but the first was Fae driven. Seems like there have been others?" Zeke and Telamon seem familiar with other occurrences Rune isn't aware of.

Simony reaches into the pouch everpresent on her belt, the source of notebooks, charcoal, and for good little birbs, peanuts. She offers one to Zenith once he settles upon her shoulder. "Peanut?"

Her gaze goes to Telamon, and despite the tears still flowing down her cheeks, she smiles brightly. "I have never been better, Telamon, Hark."

She cants her head slightly, her expression clouding. "Yes, I hear it too."

Aryia keeps walking, shifting her shoulders to don the furred cloak she brought as snow sticks to her being. She peers inside as the door opens, giving a slight glance to Telamon in acknowledgement of the shift in planes.

She peers out the inside windows, ears flicking from the noise that others point out. "I had to beat my own ass and let a big fuck off bird kill it, that was my anomaly."

She delves a bit deeper with the others, sweeping alongside them.<Handspeech/Tongues>

Zeke lifts his snout as he enters the room, tilting his head back and forth as he peers at the room. "Yessss. Very like Ivyhold. But... not assss..." It's hard to describe the sense of unclean energy that the other house had enjoyed. This place... It looks quite abandoned to him, but not - tainted - and he drifts away from the others slowly, drawn by a curious scent which seems unlikely to lead to anything concrete but which he can not quite abate his curiosity about.

He also fails to notice that he *is* drifting off from the others quite without meaning to. In fact, he doesn't even notice that he's trailed off without completing his sentence.

"I am forbidden from accepting extraneous materials that are not relevant to my mission," Zenith says soberly to Simony's offer of peanuts. It is clear that, unlike Pothy--or indeed, most birds--he's all business.

Zeke gets closer to one of the three other doors in the house, besides the door that leads out the back of the house into a winter woodland scene. All three of them are closed--

And then the door opens, and Zeke is presented with a woman who is quite short. Maybe only a few inches taller than Cor'lana, she is, nonetheless, both reminiscent of Cor'lana's looks and is beautiful in a way that far outshines Cor'lana's looks. Her lips are painted ruby red, her waves of black hair tumble just a bit past her shoulders, and her hourglass form is politely wrapped in a silk bathrobe. Most distinctive are her blue eyes, which glow softly with some kind of magic.

"Well," says the woman, "I was _wondering_ when you would show up." She smiles politely at Zeke before offering a wave and a grin at everyone else. "Welcome to my home."

"Anomaly," Zenith notes. "This woman should be _dead_."

It's just not Telamon's day. For a moment he's grateful for the temporary break in his telepathic bond with Cor'lana, because what he sees and feels would've flooded the link between them. He was following Zeke, when the door opened, and then he blinks in shock.

"...Nadina? But..." His eyes flick to Zenith. "Could this be related to Pothy? Or is this something else? Because... yes. She's gone, been gone a few years now." His voice is somber. "How is it you are here, Nadina?"

Telamon reaches over with his right hand to touch the curuchuil tattooed on the back of his left hand. Less a sign of discomfort, and more seeking a familiar thing, like a worry stone.

Zeke comes to an abrupt halt as the door opens and stares at the woman who bears (to his mind) only a passing resemblance to Cor'lana. "Ssssa, peassce on your nessst honored nesssst-mother." This is Cor'lana's mother even if she is an 'anomaly' that should be dead. "You were ess-pecting ussss?"

His eyes flicker over to the raven who had been a boy. Then back to Nadina who he sniffs at a little bit in a reserved and polite manner. "Ssshe sssmellsss real."

At first, Rune's attention is focused on the sound, as if she were trying to pinpoint it. However, that all goes out the window when the door opens and her attention is seized by the movement. Then, she says the first thing that comes into her mind, "Aren't you cold wearing that in the snow?" Which may come out of surprise from seeing someone so similar to Cor'lana in such a state of dress, or undress.

Zenith's comment on the matter also draws a quick glance. She /could/ make a comment about time shenanigans and dead mothers, but it seems best not to poke the timekeeper at the moment.

"So... is this multiple possibilities playing out at once? A house that is abandoned, but a person very much alive?" It's her first thought. Okay, not the first, the first was 'why are you wearing a bath robe in the snow' but we've gotten past that.

"Grump.", Simony says to Zenith when he turns down the peanut. She smiles still, and begins to wipe the tears from her wet cheeks. "How do you remember?", she says softly as the raven proclaims the woman dead. "You asked us that in the dream. And throughout our time here, we've heard misremembered things. Hair colour, for example. If Time is indeed in flux, it is far worse than you suggest. She is both. Neither alive nor dead. And I think we will not be able to trust our own memories here."

Aryia is busy inspecting some cupboards for of course the anomalous full bottles, but a door opening gets her to glance back across the abode. She pads across the way to regroup, peering around the half crystal makari.

Her brows raise, peering over her shades. "... well, I'm certain my memory is still intact, she looks the same." She glances to the others. "But should be dead. Yes." <Handspeech/Tongues>

"Ah, tears of joy then." The Sith-makar notes to Simony, before his attention is drawn to the happening behind the door.

He lacks that moment of surprise, purely because he isn't one to immediaetely recognize who she is. Certainly, she looks a bit like Lana, but he doesn't make that immediate leap. Not as quick as others dow. Not before the woman declares she's been expecting them.

Harkashan is certain that The Mourner would have things to say about Kiira and Nadira both.

There's that long and typical 'rumble' that plays out from deep within his chest, as he crosses his arms and touches the tip of his muzzle with one hand. Tapping the tip of his snout with one finger, thinking about the situation.

Nadina looks at Rune. "I'm most comfortable in my own skin," she says, "but I think all of you would be _very_ distracted if I came out wearing nothing." She smiles in a knowing way. Particularly at Aryia, for some reason. "So, here's the problem. I should be an anomaly, yes. In _your_ time. We'll talk about how I know that in a moment, but here? I am alive, well, and flesh and blood."

She gestures to the door where the crying is coming from. "There's someone very important that all of you ought to meet in the next room. My poor baby girl... She's crying again. Unkindness seems to haunt her everywhere that she goes."

Before anyone can stop her, she goes over to the door that she indicates, knocking on it. "Nala? There's some people here to see you."

There's a horrible sob from the other side. "Please!" a voice that is identical to Cor'lana's pleads. "If they're the boys from the village, send them away, Mother! I don't want to be hurt again."

GAME: Zeke rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (14)+28: 42

Impulse has always played a part in Telamon's decisions. Maybe foolish, but sometimes you have to do the right thing. Or at least what seems right. And so Telamon suddenly steps forward, walking up next to Nadina at the door. And then he speaks. Maybe he can't bring his full force of charisma to bear, but maybe...

"Hello, Nala," he says softly, loud enough to be heard but not shouting. "We're not with those louts from the village, I promise. Please open the door. I swear to you, on my name, that we won't hurt you." A pause, as he thinks. "And... maybe we can help you as well. I hope so, anyways." The thought of Cor'lana and her wretched childhood, the memories that had haunted her till he had come into her life. Tel looks down suddenly at the wreath-and-stars emblem on his hand, and seems to take strength from it.

Aryia coughs, looking aside and massaging the front of her throat. Just a flare up, nothing at all. The attention slides from Nadina though as the crying is pointed out.

She lets the more wordy people handle a crying not-Lana. "I can scare the shit out of the boys if they show up," she offers. "Especially if its the mayor-to-be prick." <Handspeech/Tongues>

Rune blinks. By her expression, it's obvious her mind is playing out a few mental images. Her mouth opens, then closes again and she eventually just laughs, "I suppose that's true enough."

Some of what is playing out feels a little close to home for the rogue. Not only the vision of a woman, a mother, who very well should be dead but seems not to be... but also the voice of a child living in a place they are not accepted. It takes a moment, but Leirune finds her voice and adds, "We may understand some of what you're going through, better than you think. And if not... I can promise you're among friends."

She doesn't try to crowd any closer to the door, though, lingering back and leaving it to 'Nala' to decide what comes next.

Zeke glances at Nadina, finding it disconcerting that she seems to know about them and to remember that she is supposed to be dead. Worse though is the fact that she wants them so badly to meet her daughter, but... From what he can remember of what he has learned recently of other planes... It should not harm them to come to know this Nala. Even if she is some alternate version of Cor'lana.

As Telamon advances on the door he himself sits down so that when and if the child opens the door he will be a less imposing presence (he sits on the floor for comfort and to further aid this).

"We are not even from thisss village." He offers in aid to Telamon's words. Which is true of course. They are not. Zeke himself is from quite a bit further away. He looks at Rune for a moment and nods. "Thissss one too, hasss sssuffered at the handsss of thossse that found thisss one different."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/The Planes+2+2: (18)+27+2+2: 49

The Goblin looks indignant, and her arms cross. "I would certainly not be distracted. How rude." Her gaze goes to the indicated door, but with Telamon in the lead, she relaxes. Things are odd but not out of controll.

Her fingers flick in response to Aryia's signs. "It'd be anticlimactic. One punch and he's done. But maybe you coukd scare him into letting someone else be mayor?" <Handspeech>

Aryia raises a brow at Simony. "I'm just going to scare him. I'm a bitch, but I'm not going to hit a kid. I have /some/ standards," she retorts at the goblin. <Handspeech/Tongues>

"You are right. A very similar situation." Harkashan answers Rune, keeping his arms crossed. Wondering, what could have made these people reach out to them. Specifically... them. Is it because of their connection to Cor'lana herself? Or is there something more to this.

He's keeping his thoughts to himself, but the Sith-makar and those familiar with their expressions would undoubtedly be able to tell by the sway of his tail that Harkashan is made uncomfortable by something.

He looks towards the Raven on Simony, and rumbles; "We have stepped off of our original Path. How does this affect the Gods? Do they also get intertwined as the Paths, or are they seperated by each Path?"

There's a moment of pause after everyone speaks their peace. The crying continues for just a few seconds, but then there's the sound of footsteps up to the door, and...

It opens. What stands on the other side is a sight very similar to what Aryia and Telamon have seen before. A small, almost concerningly-skinny half-sil woman, maybe eighteen or seventeen years old. She wears a blue dress that isn't necessarily tailored well to her slender figure; she swims in it a bit. Maybe she's lost some weight, or maybe it was bought with the hopes she might fill it out. Her hair is braided into two long braids on both sides, but it's a stark-white hair that's nearly the color of snow.

Most odd of all, her eyes are bright gold-orange. It's like someone swapped the colors to be the opposite of some of Cor'lana's most distinctive colors. She searches Telamon first, but then her eyes look around, and then she spots...

"Zenny?" Her face lights up in sheer joy as she looks at Zenith. "It's you! You came back!"

The bird stares at Nala for a long moment, and then the tears leak from his eyes. "No," he says. "It can't be you."

He murmurs the words, but they are loud enough for everyone to hear, emotion pouring from him in a way that everyone has only seen before once: in the dream that brought them here to begin with.

"I killed you, and everyone else, when my mission was completed," Zenith says. "When I became an Observer."