Heir to the Throne: Trouble in Unbundun Part 2

From Tenebrae
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It's getting to be the afternoon in Unbundun. Arrangements have been made to rest in the Hotel in the Northwestern wing of the City later today, for their single-day visa stay. After all, there's a curfew at nightfall.

Warrick is investigating to the South of the town near the Guild District at the moment. At the same time, Zofija and Carver are checking up the altar in the Open Market District to the Deity of Trade.

Crik is still in the Social District, lagging a bit behind. And Bryn has just been invited to enter the Church of Kor.

As Carver leans in towards the Cleric of Rada, they turn towards them. "Wish to trade for shinies?" The man asks bemusedly towards the woman.

He then turns towards Zofija as she inquires about them, and answers; "In truth, these necklaces are made by the younger artisans, as they are just learning how to work with the Gems of this region." He answers her. "We use them to celebrate Rada in return for peoples' tithes and offerings."

Warrick was just leaving the Guild district, having found nothing out of the ordinary from the training young adventurers as well as the blacksmiths. But the absence of something is also an answer too.

His thoughts continued to churn, even as he began to meander his way to the Market District, looking to see what was the common trades here.

GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (6)+6: 12

Entering the Market, Warrick might spot Carver and Zofija around the Cleric of Rada - at the Deity's statue. Taking a casual look around the place, he might notice that trade here is quite varied. After all, things are coming from all around the world to this central place. It's the common, and slightly more exotic, goods one would expect in a global marketplace like this. Sith-makar selling some of their wares, such as spices. There's some cute magical trinkets being sold by Goblins and Gnomes. But for the most part, it's a lot of Clothing, worked materials, skins and cloths, and of course - foodstuffs.

"Well, glad to see there's still work for Radan priests in the area. It's good experience, and I suppose gemstones are plentiful enough here for people to be able to train more readily." The arvek-nar grunts. "Sure, why not though? What kind of payment'd you like for them?"

"That's what you're all about, innit?" Carver asks. "Like for Like. Handshakes that smell like fish. I read up on your church once. When I was a lil' bit." Now she's a big bit. She crosses arms across her chest, "H'much?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls 10: (19)+10: 29

"Rada demands a fair trade." The Radan Cleric answers Zofija and Carver both. "One silver is all that is demanded for one of these." They note, before tilting his head. Looking at the two. "And another silver to get a true answer to any question you wish to ask, and I can answer." They add with a playful smirk.

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (16)+13: 29

The masked robed figure was taking his time, flowing in and out of the crowd. At one point, he'd walk with the crowd as with one - the others quickly running along a cart or horse - and finally, sometimes he engaged in casual conversation with someone.

This was all to get him closer towards to this mythical 'contract' signing, to spy and observe what it was all about. Though, something makes the corvid rogue stop. "... Warrick?" He calls out into the crowd, looking around. Where did the man go? Doesn't he know the city is big and you get easily lost?

Crik, Warrick is in the Market."

Warrick idly looks about the stalls, stopping to get something eat at one of them before ending up behind Zofija and Carver with a wrapped thlaco in hand. It all seemed rather on the par here. Nothing of note. But that also meant they had a heavy influence outside of the province to have a dash of exotic wares.

He takes a bite. Sneezes randomly.

Crik will find that Warrick isn't to be found in the Administrative District, where he'd last gone. So at his calls out into the Crowd, the bird largely just gets a few looks cast his way, before being dismissed with disinterest.

The matter of the Social Contract ritual however, is still going on. Though the crowds have notably thinned out. Just one or two children still in line, as the Cleric appears to be finishing up with a rather diminutive Khazad youngster.

GAME: Zofija rolls knowledge/local: (9)+8: 17

"Sure, why not. Feels like a fair price to me." The arvek-nar grunts again, fishing about for a coin pouch she takes a moment to rifle through, pulling out a trio of silver coins. "Course, fair is rough when you're trying to make sure the needs of your fellow clerics're met. Consider it a donation, though I'd be interested in a question, as well."

Two coins clatter to the Rada's tray. Carver pays for what is own, without a hint of empathy for a streetwise's priest's plight. Her eyes gleam like embers as she takes up one of the necklace, admiring it against her own dark skin.

GAME: Crik rolls perception: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Crik rolls knowledge/arcana: (12)+3: 15

"Fair is fair. Ask your question." The Cleric answers, while handing over a necklace to the Arvek-nar, and then Carver. He does note to Carver; "And quite the wonderful look on you. The blue contrasts well against the darker skin." He notes.

Crik was eyeing up the cleric from all angles. Where are the contracts? Such an odd display. Continuing to stake out the happening from all angles, the corvid devises a plan.

... a minute later, a large blossoming robed figure rushes in closer. "Oh no, oh no!" A high pitched voice says. "Has anyone seen Harald?!" There's a bit of stumbling as definitely-not-Crik-in-disguise rushes forward towards the front of the line. "Please, did you see young Harald?" The figure asks from the cleric, trying to get touch closer.

GAME: Crik rolls bluff: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (10)+12: 22

Social Contracts are often made by word, or understanding, not by paper. Crik is witness to the Cleric performing the same ritual to the next child, much like Warrick bore witness to. Touching a Crystal Ball with one hand, and touching the head of the child with the other. After a few moments, declaring their Job and Hobby, before shaking the child's hand.

As Crik moves forward, mentioning something about a young Harald, the Cleric looks confused. "There is no Harald scheduled here. And no other youngers have..." He starts, as Crik gets closer. "Hey, step back please. We're in the middle of an important matter here. You cannot just burst in here like that." He remarks, trying to shoo Crik away.

Nearby Korite Squires take note of the sudden commotion. After all, Unbundun is usually pretty quiet around here in the Administrative District. Aside from the occassional crying or happy parents.

Oh no, panic, panic, abort mission, pull out the secret operatives. Crik attempts to not look up when he gets shuffled about, so his egalrin-ness is not that obvious. "Oh, oh, sorry, I really thought... Harald..." He backs away, mumbling, holding up his hands. He did take a closer look at the sphere, but not much more than that.

Then after that - he turns around and starts running, shouting 'Harald' once, just for good show. He starts looking for the others in this very peculiar town.

GAME: Crik rolls bluff: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Crik rolls perception: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (17)+12: 29

After oggling the Temple of Kor (and possibly those within), Bryn makes her way back south for ..wherever that was she last saw the others. This takes her into the central market district which might make it a bit harder to locate her companions. Not only are there more people gathered than pedestrians passing on their way, but there are so many new and interesting things to look at. She could be a kid at a candy store... or maybe that's a bull in a china shoppe?

Wait, are they mutually-exclusive?

"My skin's pretty dark, sort of. S'pose it clashes too much with my hair though." The arvek-nar half grumbles, taking the amulet and trying it on. "And I reckon it's not the most pleasant question, but what happened to make Kor so much more relevant around here? Seems a bit odd for a town of commerce, really."

The Cleric takes note of the odd and suspicious behavior from Crik. A few Korites approach the Cleric, as Crik is seen retreating. There's some conversations that quickly occur between them, but they occur out of Crik's earshot. But it's certain that people are soon to be on the lookout for someone matching Crik's current disguise.

"Ah, a troublesome question indeed. But one that isn't too hard to answer. They helped unite this region with the former Von Stein area with as few victims as possible. It's in honor of them." The Cleric remarks. "It helps that a lot of people are 'Chosen' to become Clerics or Paladins under Kor, during the Social Contract ritual." He adds. "I'm sure you've seen how many Squires - lower ranking members - of the Kor Church there are."

Carver preeeeeens, her ego appeased by the discerning eye of a tradesman priest. Susceptible to common flattery. She leans in, a need to resolve a burning question about the mystery of this town. Why it resolves to steal the freedom of its people, or to try to better understand the corruption at the head of the throne.


"Where can I get my gamblin' on?"

At Carver's inquiring of the Gambling, after payment, the Radan Cleric answers her pretty quickly; "Gambling is Illegal in this town. You will not find it here in Unbundun. Between the Noble folk and the Kor Church, that's been made sure of."

Carver throws hands to the sky in disgust.

Carver says, “Come on!”

Warrick eyes the amulets the two ladies get. But his attention is drawn back to the Radan priest as they give their answer. His brows knit briefly, as he unfastens a clip on his armor. Kor Paladins. Kor doesn't /have/ paladins. Many squires means impressionable squires.

The gears in his head turn, but are ground briefly to a halt from Carver's outburst. Which gets him to just burst out laughing.

The Radan priest smiles at Warrick, taking note of him watching with such intensity. "If you're interested in the Korites, you should visit their church. I'm sure they'll tell you all you want to know. This sect is certainly a bit different from others. Since they're not quite as quick to thirst for battle. But I suppose that was inevitable to happen." He remarks bemusedly - while holding out a hand for a silver.

Crik wears all his cloaks for a reason - so this time around he ducks into a nearest empty alleyway and quickly folds and unfolds the cloaks inside out, before pulling out one last one and reaffirms his mask over his head. Then - excessively casually - he walks out and starts heading into the center of town, in hopes of finding the others.

"Sorry lass, I'm afraid you bought that drink, but you aren't getting lucky that way." Zofija chuckles. "Might be lucky, but I think it has it's limits, and I'd avoid doing anything to piss off the guards. Given the day passes, I imagine the guards are extra tough on non citizens. I could've probably helped you cheat at cards for cheaper than a hundred gold anyways, just not here."

"Do I have to cough up some more silver for more questions?" The arvek-nar wonders. "Please tell me that didn't count."

GAME: Crik rolls disguise: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

It could be the concentration of Korites, or Carver's outcry, or maybe Warrick laughing (that seems a bit unusual)? Whatever the reason, Bryn heads thataways. Just in time to hear talk about Korites. "Hey, how's th-ooh, ye!" She jabs a thumb back behind her towards the north. "We should go talk to 'em! They're 'viting people in ta the Temple! Was going to, but thought you alloughtta know about the sleepin' sitiation."

Warrick calms down enough to listen to the Radan, a sigh escaping him as he fishes out a silver coin and hands it over. "Valid. I'll go check it out. But that's probably it for the day."

He chuckles lightly at Zofija goodhearted jab, but gives an up-nod towards Bryn. "Ah. Yes, thank you for that. Can fill us in and walk at the same time," he suggests, turning to make way towards the Church of Kor. Maybe they'll run into Crik on the way there. Surely that bird is doing just fine.

Carver turns to the laughter, giving a helpless shrug at Zofija. "This city is... nice." What loaded language that. Oh, the crew is getting all back together. "That is interestin'. Goes along with what the fella what made me put my friend up to the post was saying. Somethin' about wanting to enjoy a nice quiet farm life in the country but assigned to the cathedral as a squire."

GAME: Warrick rolls sense motive: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Zofija rolls sense motive: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Carver rolls sense motive: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Crik rolls sense motive: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Bryn rolls perform/sing: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

"Fair trades only. I am no Fae." The Radan Clerc answers Zofija with a smirk, in the markets.

In the meantime, Crik manages to elude the guards, and puts on a new disguise in the form of a cloak, and goes unnoticed for the time being through the city. Meeting up with the group in the market.

At Warrick giving the silver, the man adds; "The Von Steins heavily favored Serriel. And while there are no more Churches to Serriel in this area, people still worshipped her. So to avoid heavy conflict, I believe this particular sect of Kor has tried to... adjust its image a bit to not cause a big uproar. In as far as Korites can do so."

At Carver's comment though, the Radan goes more quiet. And he does not speak on the matter of the desire to have a different job. But there's a concern in his look there that Crik, Warrick and Zofija catch. Though it goes beyond Bryn and Carver's notice.

Crik slowly makes his way over towards the market, peering nervously around. He didn't instantly approach the others, just in case he was being followed - but eventually he half walks and hops over. "I couldn't find Harald." The masked corvid tells the others. "... please do not ask questions about Harald."

A piece of long cloak was trailing after him.

The Radan gets curious look from him, but he doesn't question it, since he is missing bit of the context of the conversation that has been going on.

Bryn is already turning to head with Warrick, back whence she came. She catches most of the Radan's words, but doesn't notice the look. "Changed it up, huh? That's good. Can't be the same forever." It's said as much to herself and those around her as the Radan, specifically, before she nods to Warrick. "Ye, they're settin up rooms on the west side. Ran outta rooms on the east. Temple's onna way there. Easy-peasy."

Warrick gives Carver a side eye at their comment, only to nod towards the priest. "I see. I'll still go check it out, thank you again for the information. Have a fruitful day."

The once-guard gives Crik a blink, but slooowly nods and turns back away to start heading in the same direction as Bryn. "Right. Let's go and not get caught out after curfew."

Also to go over what they've learned.

Carver watches everyone go ahead of her, then leans over and places one more silver coin in the collection plate. She takes another amulet with a wide smile. "I'll catch up wit' everyone at the temp."

"Hmm." Is all the arvek-nar offers for the time being. "Thanks for your time and the amulets. We'll be on our way, hope the winds'r kind to you."

The arvek-nar joins the others, and continues on her way. "How much you want to bet that the job choosing doesn't decide a whole lotta folks should be priests of Rada?" They ask the other quietly. "Carver, you're banned from betting. It's unfair."

Warrick whispers to the group, "Can you all keep shut about our ponderings, please?"

Crik looks up at Warrick. "What are we pondering?" He asks, with his tail suddenly bopping up and down. "... should I take notes?" The notepad was already in his hands.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d2: (1): 1

"Wonder how big their fightin circle-" Bryn muses aloud as they walk, but stops short at Warrick's whisper. "Oh, right. We're bein quiet?"

GAME: Crik rolls perception: (16)+11: 27
GAME: Bryn rolls perception: (18)+7: 25
GAME: Zofija rolls perception: (12)+4: 16

"No," Warrick states firmly at Crik, an eyebrow twitching.

GAME: Warrick rolls percpetion: (3)+6: 9

"May the wind remain in your sails, and bring you great tidings." The Cleric of Rada answers the group as they begin to step away, and watches them wander off with a smile. Eventually casting a spell outside of their sightlines and communicating with someone.

As the group begins their way towards the Church of Kor, things seem pretty quiet for a bit. But everyone but Warrick soon notice that something is amiss. Squires pointing the way of the traveling group. Eventually a twosome of them start approaching, with their attention pointed at Crik in particular.

Oh no. Crik looks around the group, considers for a moment, then another moment - who was the shortest - oh the gods why are they all so tall-

"HARALD!" Crik exclaims - and then slaps Carver on the shoulders. "I am _so_ glad to find you!" He looks around, leans around, then says in a fussy tone. "Are you hurt? Where did you run? Did you get lost? Did a bad person touch you?"

... Crik leans around to quickly see if the squires were paying attention.

GAME: Crik rolls bluff: (11)+11: 22

Warrick is a bit too frustrated at his coworkers seemingly forgetting they're in hostile territory and that they're on a /mission/ presently to notice what was going on with the squires.

It is isn't until they're approaching within earshot that he notes them far too late. Two things. One, he mentally chides himself for dropping his guard. Two, a blank stare is turned towards Crik. He is going to have some words once they get back to the hideout.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 8: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (17)+12: 29

Bryn already has Kor on her mind. Even if she didn't, there's no lack of reminders with all the squires about. Some part of her thinks it must be dull for them being stuck as city guards (from what little she's heard of the job), but she supposes they have to learn somehow and its something that needs doing. There can't always be a war going on. Allegedly.

"Guessin they know we're a-comin," she points out when she notices that two of the squires are headed their way. "Maybe we get special invites, eh?" She grins tuskily. Then blinks as Crik is unexpectedly(?) the opposite of quiet. And Harald?! Bryn thought that... well, maybe she got things confused. It happens.

GAME: Carver rolls bluff+1: (1)+0+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)

"Just trying to understand how this place works." The arvek-nar mumbles, accompanied by a shrug. "Don't think I've done anything to piss off the guards anyways. Though, what's up?"

"Company," Carver says, sniffing as more squires are coming their way. "Guess they seen me amulets, probably a stupid-arsed law about wearing jewelry in public knowin' this town."

She is, and remains, completely unaware that things are getting progressively worse. She nearly shrieks when a hand is put on her shoulder, eyes wide and panicked. "What? Huh? WHAT." The increasing lack of calm that worms through her tone shifts it from a question to almost a shriek.

You could've picked anyone you did this to yourself. Her eyes quickly shift to the squires and all the proverbial gears squeal to kick the hamster wheel of her brain into activity. Oh, this is a ploy. A STRATAGEM even. She winks at Crik. It's so obvious that her entire face nearly seizes up. "I'M HARALD. THAT'S ME. Oh, it was awful! ESPECIALLY the touching."

Harald? The squires look amongst eachother as they consider Crik for a moment. Then look at Carver. Who, let's be fair, /does not look like a Harald/. But it's enough to give them initial pause. Before they finally step in front of the group and ask; "Is this robed person with you? We caught them harassing people earlier. If they're not..."

But Carver is already making a big deal about recognizing the cloaked person. And making for quite the hammy performance at that. "Alright. You two come with us. We just need to ask you a few questions about what was going on in the Administrative District." The squires offer to Crik and Carver. "The rest of you can keep moving.

Crik stares blankly at Carver. He should have picked Warrick. Or Bryn. Definitely should have gone with Bryn. "Those _monsters_-" And then they are interrupted and he spreads his arms. "Oh, what now?" He starts, already trying to summon up huffed up anger, with accompanying high pitched voice. "Is this about that 'important matter' in the District?" He steps closer. "I thought clerics were supposed to be helpful!" He flails.

"And... Harald here gets excited easily. And lost." Another blank look is levelled at Carver. Did he wish to risk them speaking up- "Nevermind them. I was concerned! _Concerned of their well being_!""

Warrick glances to Zofija briefly before flat out staring at the acting duo. Commotion in the Administration District? His nostrils flare before he makes a very quick snap judgement. The mission takes priority. "Thank you," he inclines his head to the squires, before continuing walking on from the widening hole being dug.

"Oh," Carver says, as the 'plan' does not survive contact with the enemy. She does not even blame everyone for seperating themselves from her tortured existance, other than a pitifully sighed confession before Kor and Men. "I really don't feel that lucky."

Zofija doesn't really know what to do. She doesn't even know who the person in all the cloaks is, anyways. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Sorry for the trouble, sirs." The arvek-nar grunts before she too is on her way, trying not to worry too much for the time being. Making a scene in the middle of the street more than already happened probably wouldn't help.

GAME: Harkashan rolls 11-2: (15)+11+-2: 24
GAME: Harkashan rolls 12: (13)+12: 25
GAME: Crik rolls bluff-2: (17)+11+-2: 26

The Squires approach Carver and Crik, and soon motion for the two motion their hands as Carver no longer goes along with the play. And while Crik makes for a great dramatic play, which might have worked had Carver gone along with it, unfortunately makes him look suspicious. There's however obvious uncertainty and confusion with the Squires. "Alright you two, come along." Aiming to lead the two of them to a nearby holding facility to ask them some questions... and keep them in holding for a few hours. Carver unfortunately getting dragged into that mess.

This leaves Zofija, Bryn and Warrick to visit the Church for the time being, where they can spend some time to get to understand the role of the Korites within this city.

-To Be Continued-