Vagrant Tower - Void Engine 1

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Log Info

  • Title: Vagrant Tower - Void Engine 1
  • GM: Culix
  • Characters: Rune, Harkashan, Aelwyn, Iskandar
  • Location: Vagrant Tower
  • Summary: A meeting is called with experts from the Society of Progressive Arcanists, Guild of Explorers, and University of Rune to discuss the dangerous security measures and plan of action for the Vagrant Tower. Seasoned adventurers are requested to attend to weigh in on their thoughts.

The gateway leading from this plane to the haphazard collection of pocket dimensions that is the Vagrant Tower has been the subject of significant research and investigation by scholars and adventurers alike. Little by little they have pieced together the method by which the portal is operated and the spells which maintain it- it siphons energy directly from the elemental planes in order to fuel the powerful spells that cast it adrift amongst the planes. But the last foray did not go as well. The adventurers were dispatched to investigate the control mechanism at the heart of its tower, that they might lay bare its mysteries. But the mechanism was secured by powerful artifice, and worse, seems to function as a lure and trap for astral beings. It is unclear if this was the designers intent, or a side effect of the magics harnessed.

Regardless, an impasse has been reached and there are conflicting schools of thought on how to proceed. The Society of Progressive Arcanists advocate for continued exploration of the ruins, the University of Rune believes that all efforts must be spent on gaining access to its controls. The guild of explorers, however, contains many elements that fear it is too dangerous, not only to the prime material, but to the realms with which it interconnects and must be destroyed to prevent further damage to the fabric between the planes.

And these negotiations, too, have reached an Impasse. The party have been requested on behalf of the Guild of Explorers to come and testify as to their own experiences with the dangers, and to weigh in on the practicality of proposed solutions. Currently, a red faced representative of Rune is arguing furiously with a gnomish Arcanist, and the guild representative has his head in his hands. Things are not going well.

It had been some time since Eztli had set foot near the camp of scholars and researchers, let alone the tower the place was linked to. It seemed whatever they did to make the portal not disappear had worked, perhaps. So, Eztli wasn't entirely expecting to be one of the people summoned to the place.

"Dunno why they want our input on what to do now." She shrugs to no one in particular. "Weren't we just doing this to help them figure it out?"

The negotiations are taking place in a large Marquee on the edge of the research campsite, around a long table.

Harkashan had been there, when they first encountered the mechanism at the center of it all. Within the first few moments, one of their party-members had been cast to another plane immediately. And in that moment, it had become more of a rescue-mission, trying to find the missing member, than any desire to further investigate.

Since then, Harkashan and the rest have grown more capable to deal with such matters. But this is still a risky endevour.

As the group steps in, Harkashan notices the tensions already raised and in order to disrupt any thoughts and discussions on the matter, he steps forward with certain intent. Heavy footsteps bringing him forward, until he slams his hand onto the table around which they have gathered.

He then rears up, and adjusts his posture, showing off the markings of a Speaker of his people. Though he's uncertain if these people would recognize it.

Then, in a very /firm/, but calm voice, he notes; "I believe expertise was asked for. Your expertise has arrived. How may we be of assistance?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy+2: (13)+22+2: 37

It has been quite some time since the aptly named rogue has spent much time in the research camp. From time to time, she had been contracted to help with investigations into the tower, especially when they went awry. However, she is no researcher and her knowledge of the magics that fuel the tower are limited at best. She enters a few steps behind Harkashan, fidgeting with her necklace in a way that suggests the whole argument is making her more than a little uncomfortable.

And there goes Harkashan making it worse. Rune nearly jumps out of her skin at the slamming of the table and she looks over to Eztli, raising her shoulders in a helpless sort of shrug. Like: What can you do when there's a giant lizard who wants attention /right now/.

So, the smaller rogue just stands there awkwardly, as if this were the last place she wanted to be.

Aelwyn has no experience. Especially related to the matters of _this_ tower. He may have been confused - but hey, more than willing to tag along with the rest of the group. His glaive was leant against his shoulder in a casual manner as he lazily strolls along, rolling his hips with his step.

Hearing the discussion, the ruddy sith-makar pauses for a moment, twists his lips, then clicks his teeth. Then Aelwyn leans close towards the rest of the group behind Harkashan, and quietly asks, "Which group is advocating for burning down this tower?"

Iskandar glances at the other heroes present. He's not been to the tower himself although he's heard the tales. Often over a mug of wine, it's true. But still. He certainly won't let lack of experience prevent him from weighing in with his opinion. But there's a time and a place. And for now he holds his tongue and watches, and listens.

The clamor dies down as Harkashan makes his entrance, a few of those assembled start at the desk slam, but they all give him their attention. "We are." the beleaguered guild representative tells Aelwyn. "We can't take the risk of planar incursion lightly, we've seen how THAT goes too many times already. But these wizards and scholars care more about whether they can than whether they should." he complains. "I'm hoping the guild sent people who've had first hand experience with how nasty critters from other planes can be, to try and convince this lot to come to SOME kind of agreement on how to shut this gate down." he explains the summary of the Guild of Explorers' position for the adventurers present.

The red faced University wizard regards Harkashan warily, but he seems at least to be calming down. "Surely, you adventurers know more than anyone the wealth that comes from exploration. By seizing control of the tower, we could research not only its construction, but use it as a means to traverse the planes to which it connects. Is that not worth any risk?" he asks.

The gnomish Arcanist is next to speak up, "And we don't disagree on that point, but your methods are reckless!" he insists, his tone exasperated more than angry. "We should plot out every inch that we can, to gain a better understanding of the magics at play, before charging headfirst back into the maw of that entity they found in the control room." he insists.

Then they fall quiet once more, and turn their attentions back towards the Adventurers, to see what they have to say.

Iskandar rubs his beard as he often does when thinking. "Yes, it's true that denizens from other planes are dangerous. Ask any citizen of Alexandria!" he barks a sudden laugh before growing serious once more. "I've been to pocket dimensions, and I've gone through magic doorways and mystic circles and the like to get there. I say we should hear more of these plans before deciding if they are well thought, or foolhardy. Let's start!" He skewers the wizard with a stern look. "How do you mean to sieze control?"

'Hmm, they quieted down faster than I expected'. Harkashan thinks to himself, as he considers the assembled people. Then, he bows his head. He doesn't address Aelwyn's comment, though he bears similar concerns of course.

"All of you bear very fair points, and they are difficult to weigh against one-another." Harkashan notes, and then finds a stool he draws to the table - not fitting on most typical chairs - and settles upon it.

"I agree that there is a wealth of information here. And that travel to other planes can be rather priceless for some -- considering that it takes those of the Arcane and Divine many a year to learn the spells of Planar Travel. And it's hardly as convenient as this." He notes - addressing Rune's point.

He then turns to the Gnomish Arcanist. "And taking your time learning every corner can allow for a better understanding. But both underestimate the danger. As you no doubt all remember, the only reason the Phase Spiders do not bother anyone at the moment within the Tower, is because of an agreement to punt out a different extra-planar entity group from the tower. And while I believe they will keep that agreement as long as their current Broodmother is alive, there is no guarantee it will continue, if those beings return -- or the Broodmother expires. Though their experience of time is... difficult to grasp at best to begin with."

He then turns to the guild. "And yes. A planar invasion would be highly risky. Giving an easy entrance into our plane is trouble. But if they really wanted to get through, this is just 'one of the ways to enter'. I'm certain you are well aware that there are many more subversive and out-of-the-way points extra-planar entities can enter the material realm."

Harkashan pauses for a moment, as Iskandar presses for a more accusatory tactic. Harkashan lets the Wizard answer, before he'll continue.

At first, the rogue simply listens, one ear twitching as she rubs her thumb along the outer edge of her locket. The press of her lips together suggests she is giving time to consider each of the viewpoints, though it seems that few gain her complete buy-in. "There are very few things in this world that I would define as 'worth any risk'." She looks to the University wizard. "How many have died in the Tower already? How many families have had to lay to rest loved ones who thought they were being careful, but found themselves unexpectedly set upon by one of the creatures that dwell within?" Her blue eyes look to the Arcanist.

Lastly, she looks over towards the guild representative, "Playing it safe may seem like the best option on the surface, but I've found that few things of this power tend to stay closed for long. It may not be so simple a task as it seems, and may not be the 'safe bet' in the long run."

Despite this, her voice is quiet, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug as she moves to join the others closer to the table.

Eztli wasn't the happiest about all the talk, but at least no one was shouting for the time being. Eztli was left rubbing between her eyes for some time. "First off, I know we're adventurers and that has some expected connotations, but an appeal to riches is a good way to get on my bad side." The small makari grumbles. "Too many stupid things have happened due to people ignoring risks in a search for riches, knowledge or otherwise. I get it, this is a big discovery, but it sounds like well, do you know any more about this place from last time yet?"

Aelwyn flashes his teeth at the one addressing him. "Ah, but for all purposes, is that not the only reasonable conclusion?" He makes a grandiose bow. "If there is knowledge to be gained beyond, this one is certain it is not knowledge any of us would truly desire. And-" He pauses for effect. Glances around.

"... those who come from beyond, at least beyond the sea, are only more than willing to extract a price one does not truly wish to pay for such meager compensation than passing knowledge and few coins for the trouble of losing their mortal soul."

The Dragoon then looks at the others, clicks his teeth, before he address Eztli. "... besides, this one believes any tower is worth burning down, by now."

At the demand for further explanation from Iskandar, the Runish wizard stands up straighter- looking a little indignant that he's having to explain himself to the giant, more accustomed to discussions with his academic peers. "From the reports given last time, we have determined that the defensive countermeasures closely resemble the effects of a Prismatic Wall spell. It is a formidable defense, to be certain, but not impenetrable. With correct application of magic to the mirrors we believe the cores defenses could be stripped one by one, exposing it to be shut down." he explains then, and pushes a stack of parchments across the table towards Iskandar.

The Arcanist pipes up, "Even if that's true- and we're not completely certain it is- OUR research suggests the defenses are drawing on raw elemental energy from the planes. There's no way of knowing if typical magic will be enough to shut them down." he says. It sounds like this is an argument they have had before.

The Guild representative replies to Harkashan- "Be that as it may, there is a world of difference between a crack in the walls letting the odd rat sneak through, and the city gates being laid open for an encroaching army."

Harkashan nods to the Guild representative. "I am in agreement. Unless this is a gate we can shut ourselves, it is a non-starter. I am uncertain this tower needs to be shut down in its entirety. But we must at least have a way to un-anchor it from the Material Plane - at minimum."

He then looks to the others. "Preferably from any and all. After all, while we tend to just think of invasions into the Material Plane. It is important to consider that a place like this requires a certain level of Responsibility. Which mean that if this place were to be kept around long-term, it becomes /our responsibility/ to ensure /all/ of the planes are safeguarded from untoward action from other planes.

He then looks to the man from Rune. "I assume you have enough Wizards and Knowledge on the subject matter to ensure this?" Feeling like the answer to this is fairly obviously a 'no'.

In that moment, it becomes obvious who has seized the attention of the representatives of the various powers, so Rune quiets for a time, folding her arms across her chest. She looks to Eztli, giving a nod in agreement. "I agree that riches and curiousity are a poor reason for risking so many lives. If it were information that could help people, maybe that would be a point in favor, but..." That wasn't what was presented.

As for Aelwyn's views, she laughs slightly, though her attitude at least attempts to remain polite to the representatives. "Not every tower. But I've had my fair share of experiences in this one. Harkashan is right that the spiders are only temporarily contained, and they have already proven a very real threat."

"I don't know if we can shut it down based on what everyone is saying, though." Eztli sighs, finding a place to rest against the table. "But it sounds dangerous to have a tower accessing so many planes with a direct connection to Alecandria. We're already dealing with fiends in Alexandria, there's probably still fey bullshit going on, and I don't think Heth is done after last time, and that nearly broke Alexandria." The sorceress offers, visibly shuddering mentioning the name of that undead wyrm.

"I don't think that we should burn down every tower Aelwyn, I think we should treat what we find with the minimum of care." She adds to Aelwyn. "But if this tower is stealing energy from multiple elemental planes, how long until one of them gets pissed off, and thinks we're behind this?"

Aelwyn lowers his glaive and leans against it, tilting his head and listens in on the conversation then. Though at Harkashan's statement about the tower being their responsibility, he makes a face. "This one is not certain..." He quietly mutters by himself, sibilant words barely audible.

The moment of concern soon is replaced with a shrug of his shoulders and he leans towards the other side, apparently just accepting that as a given. "Ah, but every tower this one seems to visit seems to be nothing but things that this one is not being paid enough coin to deal with." He flickers his tongue at the others.

Yet he rolls his shoulders and quiets down again. "It is this one's professional opinion."

Iskandar blanches at the stack of papers. He steps closer to the table, then reaches out a hand and attempts to pull the papers towards himself. At first just the top of the stack slides towards him. He picks up the remainder with his other hand, then starts to put them on the top of the rest, before he reconsiders and holds them beneath, as they were originally. And then finally Iskandar tries to read the top-most paper in each hand, looking back and forth in concentration.

"The truth is-" The Wizard from RUne begins, but is suddenly interrupted by a loud thundercrack that ruffles the papers on the table and causes him to jolt and take a half step back.

Floating about three feet above the table is... something. It does not look like a living thing, but doesn't entirely look like a construct, either. It's lower body, from the waist down, is composed of numerous spinning rings that intersect one another impossibly. Its upper body is an androgynous nude form carved from marble, with six arms. Four of them hold weapons. It has four faces, each facing in a cardinal direction, and a pair of wings composed of thousands of tiny metalic blades sprout from its back. Whirling elemental energies are contained in the two of its hands not holding weapons.

"ENOUGH." its voice echoes, none of its mouths moving, but the sound reverberating through body and soul. "DISCUSSION IS OVER. THE VOID ENGINE WILL BE DESTROYED." it states.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/The Planes+2: (17)+25+2: 44

GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/the planes+2: (19)+8+2: 29

GAME: Eztli rolls knowledge/the planes: Trained Use Only: 0

A thundercrack. Harkashan too stumbles back for a moment, not having sensed any presence before this moment. And as the being before them. There's a moment of concern in his expression at first...

Before he calms down and smiles.

He bows his head warmly to the being that has appeared before them. "It would appear the decision has been made for us. Welcome. By what name may we refer to you?" Harkashan inquires, motioning his hand in a welcoming manner.

"I do not believe we currently have a good enough reason to deny this being before us. Though I am curious - why the Void Engine does not already lay still - and you have come to us." Harkashan then adds.

The thundercrack is enough to have Rune's ears tucking slightly, the half-sil suddenly looking alarmed as her hands drop to her sides, hesitating over the blades that are sheathed there. She steps back, wary of the multiple arms and weapons that the construct is wielding.

There is a flicker in her eyes, as if something irredescent had passed over them. "An Inevitable..." She looks to the others. "Constracts from outside of our plane... they maintain universal law. Except this one seems awefully well armed and not in the mood for pleasantries."

She keeps her hands near her weapons, waiting to see if Harkashan's method of communication helps. "What the heck is a 'Void Engine'?" She asks, for clarification.

At the sudden sound and appearance, Iskandar drops the stack of papers and takes a step back from the table as well. He glances at the wizard and arcanist and then even at the Explorers' Guild representative in turn, quickly gauging their reactions. Then he turns his attention fully back to the figure. "The plot thickens," he murmurs under his breath.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (1)+22: 23 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (19)+22: 41

Eztli is too caught off guard by the noise to do much, and the small makari is stuck like a bat peeking out from over one of their wings until they relax, and others talk. "Nice to see that this place is made safe from potential planar incursions." They grumble loudly. She glances to Harkashan, who seems less bothered, and Rune, who she nods to. "So, they're not happy about this void engine thing? Guess you might just get your wish, Aelwyn."

Aelwyn has absolutely no idea what just happened - but he lowers his glaive down regardless, starting to move onwards in more protective stance. His jaw was moving as he tilted his head towards Rune. "Law or not - but this one shan't let..." He attempts to parse the creature. "... law strike down this one's party."

There's a bit of a rumble from him at Eztli's words. "There seems to be a universal law on how to deal with trouble from beyond, this one feels."

"AN ABOMINATION." the Inevitable responds to Rune's question. Not very useful information. Harkashan gets a response as well- its heads not turning, but regardless one can feel its gaze upon them when it speaks. "NO NAME IS REQUIRED. ONLY ACTION. MORTALS CREATED THIS ABOMINATION. JUDGEMENT WAS PASSED. MORTALS UNEARTH IT ONCE MORE. MORTALS WILL DESTROY IT."

The Wizard from Rune suddenly takes a step back, face ashen, as he feels the creature's attention on him. "MORTAL GREED WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO DISRUPT THE PLANES." and this time it's the Gnome's turn for judgement, "NOR WANTON LUST FOR KNOWLEDGE." and finally the Guild representative, "NOR FAILURE TO ACT."

It addresses the collected adventurers once more. "YOU WILL GO NOW, AND RIGHT THIS AEONS OLD CRIME." the rings in its lower half begin to spin more rapidly, and the hands holding orbs of raw elemental power begin to move, coming together.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Spellcraft: (10)+23: 33

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (7)+22: 29

Harkashan, the moment it begins to wind up that spell, senses what is coming. "I request, please halt!" Raising his hand. "I agree with your assessment. But we are not prepared. And unprepared mortals are more prone to failure. Additionally, some of those here are not prepared to enter into combat, or do not have the correct supplies readied. Give us 12 hours to make preparations, and we will return here to this exact same place, and you are invited to shift us to the Void Engine."

Iskandar eyes the Inevitable. Iskandar's gaze follows it to the Wizard, then the other. As each are judged, Iskandar's expression changes slightly as he considers. He gives the Guild representative the longest look - turns out he may have been on the right course all along, he just wasn't able to start off. The Inevitable seems to have no such failings, and Iskandar checks his gear quickly in case the request is denied and this is all the time he's going to be given for preparations.

The sound of a spell being cast has Rune looking over her equipment, almost echoing the movements of Iskandar. "This thing doesn't seem as if it's going to be patient." She knows that Harkashan can usually use his silver tongue to convince most anyone, but in this case, the construct seems intent on getting this done, and done now.

"What the hell kind of bullshit have you three gotten us into?" Because, there has to be someone to blame, and it is clearly those who sought out this Tower in the first place.

Eztli blinks, the commotion getting the small makari to move a bit quicker, at least to not be caught completely off guard. "Hang on, he's right there, we're trying to figure out what to do! If you actually want it dealt with then we need to be ready to actually do this." The small makari huffs loudly. "We need some time to be prepared, and not have three people tossed in we need to make sure aren't hurt."

Aelwyn did not have much armor, he did not carry large packs, and neither did he have a mount - so he was more than well prepared to for dimensional jaunts. Except he was _had not_ planned to leave like this. "Tch, here's to a leisurely stroll and chat with this one's companions." He makes a sweeping gesture with his glaive, then waits to see what shall happen.

The spellcasting pauses, but the energies being summoned do not recede. The Inevitable hangs there in the air for several long moments, the clockwork of its mind considering Harkashan's proposal. Suddenly there are several more loud pops, none as loud as when the Inevitable itself appeared, and brassy orbs, each with brass wings and a single crystaline eye appear. "VERY WELL. THE OATH IS WITNESSED AND ACCEPTED. TWELVE HOURS." it says. And then with a series of pops, each of them disappears once again leaving behind the stunned representatives and the adventurers in sudden silence.

Harkashan bows deeply. "I will keep this Oath. May the Deathsinging Dragon be my Witness." He answers the being of Law, before turning to the others. "I appears a decision has been made. I expect the Adventurers to remain here and help with preparations, while non-combattants leave. I will be making a Heroes' feast to bolster ourselves, and go over what to expect." He notes, as he begins to clear off the table.

"I will also starts preparing a few different spells - so that we can prevent what happened last time." As he continues to work at clearing up the place.

"If memory serves, the Void Engine is within the Astral plane. Those of you who have not been will be very disoriented, as 'down' is... well... wherever you want Down to be from moment to moment." He removes a map from the table, and looks at the member of the Rune kingdom. "Sorry bud. I figured that something that existed this long, might have had a long-standing agreement with the Lhaksharuts. But it seems I was incorrect in that assumption."

He then turns back to the others. "The Artifice that protects the Void Engine indeed is a Prismatic Wall of sorts. Which is highly lethal, and can banish people... or worse. So I recommend people stick near me as close as they can, so I can help ward you. Additionally, there are two greater astral beings close to the Void Engine. They were not aggressive, but they are imprisoned in the region. It is hard to say if they were imprisoned for a reason, or as a consequence of something. Be on alert."

He then looks back to the Inevitable Lhaksharut.

"I do not recall if you require sustenance. But since you are going to likely remain here for the next twelve hours in order to ensure the Oath is kept, I invite you as well to partake in the divine feast if you so wish."

When the contructs depart, leaving the ticking timer for their return, there is only a slight ease of Rune's shoulders. Harkashan had tied them to this task, but it is better to be prepared than to be thrust into a situation without any foreknowledge.

"It might serve us well to find out just what happened last time." Rune suggests, quirking an eyebrow. "Not all of us were there." At least, she wasn't.

When Harkashan begins to explain, she folds her arms in a distinctly disgruntled look, "Great, this sounds like a whole lot of magic bullshit." One hand lifts to rub at the bridge of her nose. "Doesn't sound like there's a whole lot for me to stab, unless those imprisoned beings start taking a swing at us. But... not expecting this is something we can get out of." She mutters.

"You might be surprised. As it's artifice, your knowledge around mechanical devices and magic infusions into them may be critical to our success." Harkashan answers Rune. "But also, the defensive machine is something that can be broken down. So either way..."

"Thank you, it will be much easier if we're prepared going in to this." Eztli sighs, relaxing again, but with everything that happened, it's hard to be completely at ease.

"Seems we have a course of action whether we want it or not, so we should make the best use of the twelve hours we've got." The sorceress muses. I'll make sure I'm ready to go in time. You're in for a treat Aelwyn, Hark's food is the best. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy it."

Aelwyn tilts his head, listening to the oath being forged; his expression falling more grave. At a certain location though, his lips quirk upwards. "This one shan't any trouble sticking close to one, Lava." He flickers his tongue, before turning towards the rest of the party.

The Dragoon gestures at Rune, "At the very least, that much as is true - for this one, this one shall trust in this one's blade and may the rest be as it lay."

Turning towards Eztli, he walks over towards her and flashes his teeth. "This one has always enjoyed a feast before the end. Ah, Lava is certainly a package full of surprise, is he not?"

GAME: Harkashan refreshes spells.

GAME: Harkashan casts Heroes' Feast. Caster Level: 15 DC: 24

GAME: Eztli refreshes spells.

Iskandar nods silently to Harkashan as he listens. "Prismatic wall," he mutters. "Astral plane." He grimaces, then shrugs. "I suppose we'll have to rely on your guidance," he finally says to Harkashan. He stares balefully at the stack of papers on the table and then turns his gaze on the wizard from before. "I can't make heads nor tails of that, but you said you had a plan to cast spells to bring down the 'wall'? How were those spells to be cast?"

Iskandar's direct question breaks the mage out of his stunned silence and he shakes his head, "Well, we had intended to dispatch a mage, under escort of course, with the appropriate spells prepared." he tells the man then, and looks between them. "I- You don't mean for me to accompany you, do you?" he asks then, blanching a shade further. "While it's true I know the appropriate magic, I'm- I'm a theorist. I will be of no use in a fight." he insists then.

Harkashan rumbles, "I should be able to break a spell through a Greater Dispel. But it's not as powerful as Disjointing something - if you have someone in mind." Harkashan offers to the theorist mage.

"Well, our blades usually work well enough together to take down nearly anything." Rune replies to Aelwyn, offering him a quirk of a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. Matters of magic always have her feeling a bit anxious, as there tends to be more to it than something that can be handled through simple brute force.

At the mage's hesitance, Rune bites at her lower lip. "Depending on how complex the spells are, if there's scrolls, I might be able to help." She pauses, thoughtful. "But I'm not nearly so skilled as an actual practitioner. I'm just... decent at faking it from time to time."

"A lot easier to send people into dangerous situations when you're not the one being sent in, isn't it?" Eztli notes, rather coldly even for a makari. "If you had someone in mind to help, you better get in contact with them now then and make sure they'll be ready to help in time."

"If it's a matter of just dispelling it, I could take a crack at it, but I imagine there's no way it's that simple, is there?" She asks of Harkashan. "We'll need a good plan to actually deal with this, I just hope we have enough time to get one sorted."

Iskandar eyes the wizard and then shakes his head. "No, not you. But if scrolls or something we could take. Or even a more...ah, adventurous associate, and we could escort him. As long as it's clear the end goal is to destroy this 'Void Engine'," He gestures with one hand towards where the Inevitable had been floating above the table.

The Inevitable that first appeared simply hangs in the air- it's unlikely that it needs to rest, but it makes no indication that it is listening to their conversation. Its cold mechanical mind tells it it must wait, and so it waits, until the appointed hour. It makes no indication or acknowledgement of Harkashan's offer of food.

The mage explains to Eztli, "There is a sequence of spells that must be cast in order, only when the penultimate layer of defense has been stripped away can the wall be fully dispelled. It's- it's in my notes."

The Arcanist who has been quiet all this time finally speaks up, "If it's drawing from the elemental planes for its energy, then cutting off or redirecting that supply might work." he pipes up. "It- it's a matter of elemental juxtaposition. Applying the right elemental power to the wrong receiver on the machine?" he suggests then. "It could lead to catastrophic failure. I'm certain of it."

Aelwyn turns towards Rune. "Ah, that is true. Perhaps in these few hours, we should practice our dance together." Then his grin spreads into a macabre. "And then enjoy some blood red wine, this one hopes." He flicks his tail, before giving the rest of the mage and their theoretical theories a customary dismissal.

"This one shall return for the feast." He holds up his hand and gives the party a wave, apparently planning to leave those with actual _books_ and _diagrams_ to their deciphering.