Faphinae's Fanfare

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 22:07, 27 June 2024 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Memorial Gardens District, afternoon. It's an oddly gray day in Alexandria. Daeus is hidden from the world by the auspice of silver-shrouding clouds, which means it's not quite so hot and perilous compared to other days in an Alexandrian summer. That being said, the Memorial Gardens are a refreshing green at all times of the year, so people seem to be here more today compared to the shores of the Tornmawr. "What a nice day for a picnic," Corey says with excitement...")
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The Memorial Gardens District, afternoon.

It's an oddly gray day in Alexandria. Daeus is hidden from the world by the auspice of silver-shrouding clouds, which means it's not quite so hot and perilous compared to other days in an Alexandrian summer. That being said, the Memorial Gardens are a refreshing green at all times of the year, so people seem to be here more today compared to the shores of the Tornmawr.

"What a nice day for a picnic," Corey says with excitement as he sets out a large blanket onto the grass. "I mean, it's not too hot at all. Shame about the lack of sun, but, well, I'm just a fan of cloudy days as much as I am sunny days."

He peers at the lovely xian man by his side. "You like this spot, right? You and Wuya? We can go somewhere else if you don't like it."

An amused noise slips from the xian man at Corey's side. "It is just fine." Karasu doesn't seem terribly amused in spite of the sound he makes, but then emotions rarely show on the man's face and he settles down on the blanket once its spread out properly. Even helping a little in making sure that it is set. "The weather is nice. Not too hot."

Wuya chirps happily, bouncing with excitement on Karasu's shoulder and then landing on the blanket once Karasu himself sits down. He glances around and then chirps again, a noise that draws a look of interest from Karasu. "That is true. Wuya says that you seem a bit nervous Cor'ethil. Is there something on your mind?"

A click-clacking sound is heard as the Goblin walks along, wooden sandals smacking against the cobblestones and the heels of her feet. With the mists obscuring the sun, Simony goes without a hood or hat, leaving her fuzzy-haired head bare to the elements. The cranes and cherry-blossom petals on her embroidered kimono seem to move of their own accord, flying in a pleasing geometric pattern. (pleasing to the Goblin anyways)

She pauses near the two men on the grass, laying out a blanket. Simony smiles then, and begins to move along, pausing a short distance to sniff at red flowers blooming nearby.

It certainly was a boon that the gardens of Alexandria remained a pleasant spot no matter the weather. It was why Reithak so often was so often found wandering the various paths of the town. Not up to anything in particular, save for stopping to smell the flowers and appreciate the atmosphere.

And who knows what you might find? "Oh, that fabric is absolutely stunning dear! My compliments to the tailor behind it." She calls over to the gobber. The two at the picnic spot get an energetic wave, though perhaps unsubtly she pauses to glance at the plant growth around them, just long enough to be a bit odd.

As often Aelwyn does - though not as frequently as in the winter - the ruddy sith-makar was once again taking his route through the Gardens. A small box was carelessly thrown over his shoulder, despite its intricately carved nature and what looks like rather expensive hinging.

"Canvas," The draconian greets with a flash of his teeth. Then he spots Corey, and then he flashes his teeth even wider. "Mouthful," He greets with a bow of his head.

"Nervous?" Corey scrubs at his hair as he sits down on the blanket. "I mean, I guess I'm just nervous because I haven't heard anything back from Mother yet. Normally, when I send off a message back home, she's very quick to respond. But it's been a couple of days." He frowns deeply. "I hope nothing bad is happening."

Off in the distance, however, there's the sound of... shouting? "Make way! Make way!" someone calls out in lightly-accented Tradespeak, accompanied by the sound of hooves walking gently along the road. An elaborate carriage comes into view, drawn by two horses the color of night, and Corey's silver eyes go wide as dinner plates for seeing it, not even having the wherewithal to respond to Aelwyn's greeting. "Oh," he says.

Then the carriage comes to a stop. The driver of the horses hops down from his seat, walking over to the door. "I present! Faphinae Cari'thana, Noble Lady of House Cari'thana of the most fair Kingdom of Llyranost!" he bellows, before opening the door to permit one tall sildanyari woman. She is utterly graceful as she walks on high-heeled shoes, her dark dress billowing about her underneath a capelet of raven feathers. Her silver eyes, while like Corey's in color, glow with a fierce magical power, and her skin is fair, a little more of the color of life to it than Corey's. Her lips are stained a pale dark red, and they pull into an unsettling smile as she rests her sight on Corey.

"My baby boy!" she coos in a dark tone. "And our beloved Karasu. Hello again. My, it has been _years_ since I visited Alexandria." She briefly touches the hilt of the immaculate rapier that's dangling off a weapon belt on her hip before she walks--in heels, on grass, not missing a beat--closer to the group.

GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/nobility: (15)+7: 22

For a moment, Karasu is looking at Aelwyn with an odd expression that suggests that he is not particularly happy with the sith-makar but he doesn't have a chance to say anything before the cart comes rumbling in and he rises to his feet quickly. Even Wuya stands a little straighter for all he's merely a bird. Karasu offers a formal bow to the beautiful woman and his own greeting. "Hello again Faphinae. It is a pleasure to see you." His eyes flicker to her weapon and then back to her silver eyes. "Is it a visit with Cor'ethil that brings you all this way?"

The Goblin gives a bit of a start at being complimented on her kimono, and her cheeks mottle a deep red. "Oh, thank you! It's uhm.. it's magical. Made in the Jade Isles, if I am not mistaken, and shipped here at some expense. It's purpose is to boost one's magical oomph.", she replies to Reithak. Another glance is spared for the two settling on the blanket, another smile coming to her expression. Her eyes widen, and she offers Aelwyn a grin. "Hello Aelwyn!" She lifts a hand to wave at the ruddy-scale Sith.

The arrival of the elegant carriage, complete with a page to announce the arrival of the carriage's owner, has her gawking much like others when pomp and circumstance comes a calling. Though her staring is not without purpose, sharp eyes noting the discrete markings on the horses, the carriage, and the rapier bouncing on the woman's hip.

Simony approaches Lady Cari'thana, and the two men on the picnic blanket, remaining at a polite distance.

"Well, it is quite well that they did not sacrifice style for function. I imagine it was worth the price!" The large egalrin laughs. "What, am I not worth a greeting, now that you're an esteemed and aloof knight of the cockatrice?" Reithak adds, sticking her tongue out in the cavalier's direction, long enough before being spooked and hopping to one side of the path. "Oh, goodness! I do hope I'm not in your way, and that you are finding Alexandria well in your visit." She offers before stepping off more to the side.

Aelwyn turns towards Reithak, and then makes an exaggerated bow. "Ah, this apologizes, Fashion. And certainly not - this one's pin shall only be served to elevate, not to de-elevate." Then the cart starts rolling their way and Aelwyn stops, tilting his head.

He keeps staring for quite a while, before he subtly moves towards Reithak and Simony, quietly whispering. "... are all the nobles so obsessed with making an explosive entrance?"

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20+26: (16)+26: 42

Faphinae continues to smile in that all-too-unsettling way. Maybe it's the way that her eyes are glowing like lamplights. Maybe it's the way that her smile pulls up at the corners of her mouth just a bit too high. "I am here for a social visit with _both_ of you. After all, you're both going to be wedded, and you need someone who can help, mmm?" She rests the crook of her arm a little on her rapier's hilt, seeming to suggest a wariness of the area around her.

Then Faphinae gestures to the group all around with long painted nails, carefully shaped and colored to fine points. "Are these all your friends, Cor'ethil? I didn't realize that the styles of Karasu's lands were popular in Alexandria these days. Do introduce me." Here she turns her head in the direction of Aelwyn, adding, "_I_ like to make an entrance, yes. I spent an awful number of years skulking about in shadows, so I rather like to be loud and boisterous when it comes to my beloved family."

Corey smiles brightly, laughing a little. "I do know most of these people," he says. He introduces Reithak and Aelwyn to his mother, but he pauses at Simony. "I don't know yours, however; my dearest apologies."

Karasu lowers his gaze somewhat, ducking his head to Cor'ethil's mother and murmuring to the other man. "At least we know what was keeping her from responding to your letter." It seems that she had been on her way. No time to write on the road.

"I personally do not know any of them well." Karasu says of those that are nearby, his dark eyes falling on Aelwyn in particular. "Nor why any would refer to my kokoro as... 'Mouthful'."

Simony offers Faphinae a deep bow from the waist, the kimono's style and fastenings preventing a proper curtsey. She then turns to face Karasu and Corey, and offers a slightly less deep of a bow. She gestures lightly to Corey, deflecting his apology gently. "No need to apologize. I am called Simony Smithsdottir, a Temperance in the service of Navos, the White Raven. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Faphinae. Your reputation and skill with the blade on your hip precedes you. May I inquire as to how the fledglings are fairing this year? Your House's ravens stand out almost as much as you do." She glances to Corey, her expression thoughtful. "Ahem, youngest son... that makes you Cor'ethil Cari'thana. Likewise a pleasure."

A quick glance is had to Reithak and Aelwyn. She nods in the affirmative to both of their questions, before glancing to Karasu. "Aelwyn tends to find... shortened nicknames for people. As we may have issues pronouncing Sith names, they sometimes have issues with pronouncing ours. Uhm... mouthful is probably a tongue in cheek reference to Cor'ethil's lengthy full name."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm just teasing you, is all." The egalrin laughs again, finding a moment to doff her hat and offer a low bow. "It's nice to meet you ma'am." She greets. "I don't know Cor'ethil the best, but from the meetings I have had with them, they are a wonderful person."

Aelwyn lets out a click of 'ah', and then he makes a bow towards Faphinae. "Aelwyn, a Dragoon." And the ruddy sith-makar was about to pause at that, but then he continues, "... of the Order of the Cockatrice." He seemed a little uncertain about that still.

Then his lips twist and he gives Karasu a conspiring look. Which in Makari, translates to much wide eyed staring, and a tilt of his head. "Ah, there is a reason, but this one also simply enjoys the reaction." He flickers his tongue. Yet, there were boxes to be delivered, so he hoists it over his shoulder and makes a bow. "May the skies find the blessings to all in this garden." He wishes, and then starts heading along with his lazy rolling gait. Never in a hurry to deliver a package.

"Ah, excellent, the family name _has_ spread," Faphinae exclaims with delight as she looks at Simony. "The hatchlings are fine this year, although my darling husband has had his hands full since Cor'ethil left home. It is an awful lot of work to train and raise animals, you know."

Faphinae then turns her glowing silver gaze onto Cor'ethil as Aelwyn departs, and the mirth that was on her face is gone. The fact that her smile has disappeared so quickly is just as unsettling as the intensely disappointed look on her face. "Cor'ethil Cari'thana," she says. "I thought I raised you better than to betray your partner."

Corey is quick to shake his head, raising his hands in the universal 'I'm innocent' gesture. "No, no, no betrayal! It's like the Temperance said; when I introduced myself as Cor'ethil Cari'thana to Aelwyn, I also added 'that's a mouthful, so you can call me Corey' and... Well, it's a nickname now, I guess." He sighs deeply.

That puts the smile right back onto Faphinae's face, like it'd never fallen off. "Excellent, then no disinheriting has to happen today and no bodies have to be buried," she states, before looking to Reithak. "My son _is_ a wonderful person, and I am lucky every single day to have had the joy of having him and his sisters with my beloved husband. I am exceedingly overjoyed to have Karasu join our family at long last." Here she looks at Karasu. "I would like for him and Corey to start thinking about how he would like his union-mark in the Cari'thana curuchuil grove to look, too."

Karasu seems somewhat amused by Cor'ethil's mother, a slight twist to his lips offering a smile as she speaks to the others. Even her 'threat' to Corey seems to go without remark since Karasu doesn't seem to take it seriously. Wuya jumps to hi shoulder and he pets the bird reassuringly while the raven warbles quietly. "I had not assumed that you would want for any part of myself to leave a mark upon your honored curuchuil."

Indeed, he had proposed to Corey with the full expectation that he would not be a part of such a tradition. After all, in the long life of an elf, his relationship with Corey is at best transitory, and at worse... the blink of an eye. Karasu looks at Corey for support then.

She gestures lightly with her hands, turning her palms up momentarily. "I have begun to rise up in the ranks of my humble monastery, and so I have had to brush up on the nobility. And Alexandria herself uses your family's ravens, so indeed, your name is familiar to many. But I assure you, tales of your daring do are popular." Simony tries to hide a smile with a hand. "If you'll forgive my indulgence, but the Crimson Pen, a local... gossip... publication has at least a three novel series of your exploits, replacing the names of the protagonist and antagonists of course."

But well, I actually have an interest in your family, namely Ansir. Her blending of the arcane arts with the divine powers is of great interest to me."

The Goblin looks to Aelwyn, offering him a wave. "Be well, Aelwyn!" The Egalrin gets a nod of agreement, "Indeed, they both seem to be wonderful people."

"Oh, don't worry about that, truly. Aelwyn is just a bit well, he can be crude, but he means well." Reithak notes. "I don't imagine he means much by any nicknames, and if it is a problem, then I'll go make sure that it isn't used again later."

"Well, I feel like I am woefully unaware of your standing, if you'll accept my apology, but it seems you are well known among many circles here." She adds. "Although, I feel like it is not as important as other matters today."

Corey chokes a little at the mention of the Crimson Pen. "I suggest not seeking it out, Mother," he says. "It's an anthology of smut novels. Adventurers, both retired and currently active, are often the fixation of the Crimson Pen."

Faphinae gives a small dismissive wave. "If it doesn't have a beautiful man worshiping me as he ought, then I am not interested and I do not care," she says. (This causes Corey to look like he might turn another color, but he gets over it quickly.) "And do not be so concerned, Reithak. It is a misunderstanding that is cleared up... And I do not expect everyone everywhere to have heard of me. That is why I have the manservant to announce my arrival." A smile twists on her lips again that's still rather unsettling. "If you are interested in my daughter's work, Temperance, then I shall have to encourage Ansir to leave the library she's holed herself up in. I brought along the whole family--they're off exploring the city at the moment. Except for my husband. He's at the house we are staying in, in the Noble District."

Corey puts his arm on Karasu's arm gently. "There's no reason why you wouldn't be in the curuchuil, my love," he says. "You have touched my heart. You are welcomed by my family for doing so."

To this, Faphinae nods gently. "The flower may bloom for a short time, but it is as fondly remembered as the trees," she states. "Which is rather why I came here to begin with. Humans have the rather irritating tendency to dismiss themselves compared to sildanyari when it comes to their contributions. Do you know how many sildanyari I have met that have done the equivalent of rotting into couches, doing fuck-all with their lifespans and longevity? Far too many." She shakes her head.

Karasu bows his head politely to Faphinae, looking confused but not displeased by her affirmation. He steps a bit closer to Corey, an unconscious movement that betrays his desire for connection to the other man. "I am honored by your words. If I have done anything of benefit to this world in my life, then it has been a worthy time spent."

He seems to truly believe these words, in fact they seem to hold great weight to him. "It has always been one of the goals of my life, to make this world - if slightly - a better place. Even if I myself must be seen as unpleasant for this to happen." Indeed, he has put forward an identity as someone who is 'unpleasant' on many an occasion.

Simony does actually change colours, again, her cheeks mottling a deep red colour. "Well, yes, they are often full of smut. But, well, there is some measure of hero worship in these novels. It is meant to be fun, and somewhat titillating. If you're even modestly famous, chances are there is a Crimson Pen novel about your adventures." She fans at herself lightly, and then blinks. "Why would I do something so terrible as drag someone out of a library? Erm. Now, if you were to name which library she's ensconced in, I could go and introduce myself."

The Goblin flashes her best beatific smile. “It is the downside to longer-lived races, you don't generally feel the need to rush everything. Where as the shorter-lived folks are often burning the candles at both ends.”

"Well, my thanks, then. I just thought it was interesting how Simony seemed to know of your works so well. It seems I am not very well versed with the nobility in this area, truly." Reithak responds with a shake of her head. "I'm glad that what was important is being cleared up however, that was my main concern." 

The large egalrin takes another step back, chuckling. "As an inquisitor of Ceinara, it pains me to see people failing to meet their potential after all. And Karasu here seemed to be suffering from a textbook case of selling himself short."

Faphinae wrinkles her nose. "I simply cannot abide any sildanyar living so leisurely and even going so far as to claim supremacy in any aspect when there are those who live and push themselves to excel at every moment. Why let ourselves grow fat and gluttonous off the self-granted permission to fester in stagnant growth when there are people doing more work--and better work, at that--and who are _killing_ themselves for it?"

She gestures to Karasu, nodding firmly with Reithak's words. "Here is a man who knows what he wants in life and is willing to die for it. There are sildanyari who perhaps have the slightest _whiff_ of a purpose and a principle, let alone a _backbone_ to achieve it, in the time it takes for a human man to be born, live, and die. I am utterly honored to have such a man join my family and to be enshrined in the curuchuil grove." She then allows her fingers to shift to the hilt of her rapier, albeit briefly. "I will utterly destroy anyone who might call you unpleasant either, Karasu."

Corey smiles brightly. "An's here?" he asks, silver eyes gleaming in sheer boyish glee. "Maybe we ought to go visit her, too, Karasu."

Faphinae gives a little dismissive wave again. "I don't recall which one," she says. "I think it was... something to do with a Society? Oh, Arcanist's Society. She is there, and might well be there until plans are formalized for the wedding and curuchuil planting. You know how she is."

Karasu has a bit of color on his cheeks. Faphinae isn't wrong of course, but it can be rather embarrassing to hear one's finer qualities extolled when you are not used to it. His eyes flicker to Reithak but he says nothing to them. After all, it is not as though they know one another well - or really at all. "We should visit her, but for now... Would you care to join us for our picnic Faphinae? We should have enough food to accommodate your presence as well." Wuya rustles his feathers and croaks hopefully.

"I agree with your assessment, Lady Faphinae. Though I would add, not only are they killing themselves for it, willing to die to see something through to the end... there are those willing to kill for it, too. Those are the ones getting the most things done." The Goblin grins toothily, and looks to Karasu. "It seems that you have made a deeper impression than you estimated. It seems they will be proud to have your mark in their curuchuil plot, and that many years from now, their descendants will know your name. You may perish, but you will be immortal."

A glance to Reithak is had and she grins. "The Dancer is an inspiration, after all. I am sure they look upon you with pride."

Her eyes widen, and she takes a few small steps towards Corey. "may I ask you for an introduction?" A pause. "Oh, the Arcanist's Society? She might have met Lord Lupecyl-Atlon there. He's a great influence for arcane spellcasters."

"I suppose I've been lucky in that regard, yes. Took me too long to find more purpose in life." The egalrin chuckles, running a hand through their face feathers. "That being said, it's not always the fault of the people not acting. Sometimes it's the fact they never got the chance or push they needed, and that's something I'm working on. Dumb optimism but hey, I got a lot of time to work on it."

"Aw, thanks Simony, I'm glad when I can at least try to live up to what might make 'em happy." Reithak laughs back to Simony. "I'll leave you to your picnic then you you can all catch up. Again, pleasure to meet you!" She finishes, bowing once more before heading on her way.

Corey blinks in surprise at the mention of a certain someone. "Do you mean Archmage Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon?" he asks. "He's great! An would probably love to meet him. Maybe I'll have to have a little get-together at some point with everyone who wants to meet her." He laughs a little. "My twin sister really likes structure, so she does best with appointments and meetings, rather than a spontaneous 'hey, I heard from so-and-so you were here and I'm a fan', but... She does have her moments, sometimes, where that's not the case."

"That she does. I would love to dine with you at your picnic," Lady Faphinae responds to Karasu's words, giving a little wave in parting to the departing Reithak. "It is, after all, too fine of a day to not let such an opportunity slip by."

She smiles another one of those unsettling smiles at Simony. "Believe me, Temperance, I know all about the will to kill for it. It is what carried me here to this very moment: where I have three lovely children, a lovely husband, and a new addition in the form of Karasu to add to our family chronicle."

With that, the picnic basket gets opened, and an enjoyable repast is had.
