He Says (Part 4)

From Tenebrae
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Thoth understands this feeling. Frustration. How powerful must a mage be, to have taken hold of a Genie? How powerful must his hold be on her? Its wings twitter in irritation as it steps further away from the housing. "This one suggests we prepare. At night, when the common-folk are asleep. When we do not risk accidental hurt. Yes?" The bird chirps to its allies.

When did it take the lead on this? Since when could or should anyone trust Thoth to take the lead on anything, or to think strategically while considering others? Yet, here it is...

"We wait until night. Then, together... we will do what we must - and speak the words." It does not finish that sentence, not wishing to make any magics trigger.

For the 'ownership', and soon, hopefully freedom of Shahama al-Abdelnour.

Sabina listens and nods to Thoth. "I have no issues with this plan. I suspect that some of them would try to interfere for their own gain if they knew what we planned."

The priestess does not seem bothered by this change of lead, rolling with the plan without hesitation, and it's leader.

"We should not give this enslaver much time to speak. Or to 'desire strongly verbally' if you understand what I mean. That would be bad for us in the long run."

Tlanexhuani feels that Thoth took the lead rather well when it was able to gain the attention, or even respect of, the genie. The bluescale still needs much more work on his 'what to do when meeting extraplanar beings.' Starting with important lessons like 'Is that one?' 'What is it?' What do I do?'

"This one does not know how well this one stand against binder, but stand with you, still." He does not have many thoughts on preparation, but sleep will not be one of them.

Thus, you move to the center of the village and wait for nightfall. It's a bit of a wait given that you only recently woke, but time passes as it will. Once the night falls, you make your challenge, together. (The bards don't tell if you actually held hands or night, or at least the retellings are varied enough that no one in the future can be certain.) Either way you summon the mage.

Adnaan el-Sharif is a gaunt man with wiry limbs that seem unnaturally attached to his body. Too long and at odd angles. His eyes are vividly hazel. Shifting from blue to green in a moment. His hair is dark and lanky like he himself is, thick and unkempt. His wizard robes are red, gold and black and he holds a staff in his left hand with the image of three serpents climbing over one another for dominance on it.

"Well. Shall we begin then?" His eyes narrow.

GAME: Thoth casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Sabina rolls will: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Sabina rolls spellcraft: (13)+14: 27

The mage wastes no time, immediately launching into a spell which he targets Sabina with, perceiving her as the greatest threat and it laches onto her and freezes her in place. She can still breathe, still perceive the world around her, but moving is not a thing which she is capable of for the moment.

GAME: Sabina rolls will: (11)+12: 23
GAME: Tlanexhuani activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Tlanexhuani casts Haste. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15

Sabina feels the spell take hold even as she realizes what spell it is. She fights panic as her muscles turn rock solid, remembering to breathe and then focus on the spells weakness. Her own inner will.

She flexes that will and breaks free of the spell a moment later, still breaking out in a cold sweat at the close call.

GAME: Thoth casts Black Tentacles. Caster Level: 7 DC: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls 7+4+1: (16)+7+4+1: 28

Tlanexhuani had hoped they could share words with this binder, maybe convince him to free the genie without bloodshed. That hope fades when he uses magic on Sabina, even if she does manage to shake it off. The bluescale accepts this with a snort and diverts a spark to his armor, causing it to writhe and wriggle and reinforce him. A second spark is channeled into his spear tip where it is amplified before arcing out to himself and the others, invigorating them.

"We wait. Until night." Thoth chirps. "If you are unable to see at night, this one will give you light." Before it turns towards the town square.

As night falls, and the challenge is made, Thoth stares with its gleaming small avian and broken body. Watching as the gaunt man appears. So bold. So... sure of himself. Having been fed so much life by the villagers of this town. The amount of power this man must have.

"We shall begin." Thoth answers the man, noticing they've already started casting spells! Thoth tries to reply by quickly drawing a series of black goop underneath the man. Hoping to stop him from casting and further spells and has a series of black tendrils reach up from it. For a moment, it looks like they're about to grab but...

"Our foes has prepared well." It chirps in frustration.

GAME: Thoth rolls Fortitude: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Thoth rolls Fortitude: (10)+5: 15

Not at all hampered by the offensive, the mage works up another spell, weaving his hands as he moves a bit away from the tendrils reaching for him and this one is aimed at Thoth; rendering the poor bird golem blind. "You were fools to challenge me!"

GAME: Sabina rolls spellcraft: (12)+14: 26
GAME: Sabina rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Sabina casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 10 DC: 16
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon1: (12)+14: 26
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage1: aliased to 2d6+8: (5)+8: 13

As 'foolish' as the challenge may be it's begun. Three against one for now and Sabina tries to keep it that way.

When the second spell is cast she is already reaching for magic to counter it, Arcane words falling from her lips and energies washing over Thoth, ripping away the magic forced blindness.

She smiles, delighted as it seems to work but shifts a good thirty feet to the side to ensure not larger spells the mage may have are effective against them all.

GAME: Thoth casts Greater Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18
GAME: Thoth rolls Wizard+Intelligence: (1)+7+5: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Thoth rolls Wizard+Intelligence: (18)+7+5: 30

Tlanexhuani is surprised by the appearance of Thoth's tentacles, then please when they grab at the binder. Then much less so when the binder is not bound. "Ssa, maybe is fool..." he admits before moving (now very quickly) around the magic tentacles and up to the challenged man. Along the way, Tlanexhuani's hammer is taken up in claws. "But fool for freedom is worthy. Releasse her!" He accentuates his demand with a swing of his hammer that hits the man. Bonks the binder, as it were.

"Fools, perhaps. Yet, right to do so." Thoth answers the man, as its glowing oculars start to blink... flicker... and then die. The Familiar on its shoulder letting out a frustrated chirp in addition to Thoth's scared one...

Darkness. Darkness seeks to overcome it again!

Then, a 'breath'. The War Golem doesn't truly breathe. Yet, it lets out a squawk. Its body lurching. Relief overcoming its body as Sabina saves it from that darkness. "This one thanks thee."

It still feels it. That dread of darkness overcoming it. Like it is trying to assault its core. It maneuvers around the caster, moving with Tlanexhuani, and then with its tiny little clawed feet, it stomps on the ground.

It would look almost adorable, if it wasn't for the fact that the earth suddenly cracks beneath its clawed foot, and it ripples forward towards the mage, forcing him to falter.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+5+1: (13)+5+1: 19
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon1: (5)+14: 19

The mage weaves back to his feet, narrowly avoiding a swing from Tlanexhuani as he does so, but at least he's unable to fire off another spell as he tries to find a more advantageous place to cast his spells from.

GAME: Sabina casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 10 DC: 15
GAME: Sabina rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Sabina rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Sabina moves forwards beside the wizard, trying to remain on his side compared to the others. At twenty feet away she casts another spell, bright rays of fire shooting from her fingers and ..hitting the ground near her own feet one after the other.

Stunned she stares at the dying flames of dirt and grass, hoping no one else saw that.

GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon1+2+1: (11)+14+2+1: 28
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage1+2: aliased to 2d6+8+2: (9)+8+2: 19
GAME: Thoth casts Scorching Ray/Empower. Caster Level: 7 DC: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls Ranged+1: (11)+8+1: 20
GAME: Thoth rolls Ranged+1: (10)+8+1: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls (4d6+3+4d6+3)*1.5: ((16)+3+(15)+3)*1.5: 34

Tlanexhuani wasn't expecting the binder to hop up like that, so maybe that's why is reactive swing is a moment too late. The man moving so quickly is less surprising; even more, the bluescale's old knees are invigorated still and allow him to run and bound after him. "Stop. Release." He is still trying to negotiate, sort of? Aggressively, if nothing else, as he follows the demand with another encouraging swing of his hammer.

"Adjusting tactics." Thoth notes, as the man manages to get back up and away from Tlanexhuani. "Calculating firing pattern." As its wings shift out a bit, and its feathers suddenly start to glow red. It crosses its arms as more of its body begins to glow red.

"Firing solution found. Please stand back." Before spreading its hands outwards, and its fingertips open as it casts forth a blazing spell. Two flaring flaming rays launching with a bit more potency than usual from the evocation wizard War Golem!

"This one demands, fall!"

Don't worry Sabina, Thoth totally didn't see you cast the very same spell it's casting and took your lead.

The mage laughs at the attempts to stop him, the fire singes his clothes but he seems remarkably unharmed for the moment. Then... reaching up from the ground... Are those chains? Pulling him down?

He howls as his next spell is cut short by the jerk of golden chains. "No! This is not what was agreed! I am still cap-" His words are cut short too as he is swallowed into the earth and all that remains of him is... An earthen mug... jar? (It looks like a mason jar.)

The dijinni from before reappears and smiles at you, bowing low. "You have defeated my master. Now you must decide. You can request my freedom by the wishing, or you may take hold my will as did he, and use me to your own gain." She picks up the jar. "The choice is yours."

Golden chains rush up, and draw him down.

"Thine estimations are incorrect. You are unable to defeat us." Thoth answers the man in the midst of his speech. Though it doubts that he can hear most of it as he's swallowed up into the earthen jar.

"A price to be paid." It chirps, almost like a warning to the others. Its gaze then turns, as the Djinni appears before them. It moves quick to kneel onto one leg, hastened by a spell of Haste. "Apologies for making thee wait, oh graceful Daughter of the Western Moon. This one's memories of thine visage shame it, now that you thy art here before it in person once more." It chirps.

There isn't even a moment of hesitation here.

"This one Wishes for thine freedom, Shahama al-Abdelnour. This one has no desire to chain thee."

Sabina watches the wizard fall pray to his own wish and smiles grimly. She is quick to bow after Thoth speaks. Bow low. This is a being that can alter reality as well as other powers. She wants nothing to do with trying to restrain her. And she wisely stays silent.

This time, Tlanexhuani knows to kneel in respect and he is quickly reminded by the others doing just that. He does have a concern or curiosity, though he asks it very generally and maybe to his peers rather than the Daught of the Western Moon. "This one wonders, what happen to village, those that paid price for power?"

"I will take him back with me to the Cloud City." Shahama says with a smile. "But my blessings upon you all. May you live long lives and find the truth you seek in life. Have you ever need of me, come to Cloud City and surely I will offer it." She bows again, and disappears into nothingness.

It turns out that she took her wishes with her. The pie is just pie. The inn just an inn. Ages are rendered back to their usual, and everything is back to its boring normal. The only proof of your efforts are your blessed memories.
